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Answer the following questions in your SS Notebook

for each bulletin board.

1. What is this place?

2. Why might this place be important to California history?
Read Ch. 5 Lesson 2--Then Answer Questions 1, 3
& 4 in your SS Notebook
**Answer in Complete Sentences!!!**

Caleb and Jaeli Asa and Ella

Reese and Henry Hamish and Zadie

Selah and Olivia Sohan and Leila

Omar and Dom Sabrina and Bella

Nathan and Angus

Newspaper Reading: Read your paper and take
notes using the graphic organizer--we will be sharing
new information at the end of the day!

Week 19--Bear Flag Revolt: Asa, Ella, Hamish, Zadie, Sohan, Leila,
Sabrina, and Bella

Week 20--The Mexican-American War: Caleb, Jaeli, Reese, Henry,

Selah, Olivia, Omar, and Dom
Mexican American War
Mexico Wants United States Wants

List of compromises:
Treaty of Cahuenga


Know ye that, in consequence of propositions of peace, or cessation of hostilities, being submitted

to me, as commandant of the California Battalion of United States forces, which have so far been
acceded to by me as to cause me to appoint a board of commissioners to confer with a similar
board appointed by the Californians, and it requiring a little time to close the negotiation; it is
agreed upon and ordered by me that entire cessation of hostilities shall take place until tomorrow afternoon
(January 13th), and that the said Californians be permitted to bring in their wounded to the mission of San
Fernando, where, also, If they choose, they can remove their camp, to facilitate said negotiations.

Articles of Capitulation made and entered into at the Rancbo of Cahuenga, this thirteenth day of January, Anno
Domini, eighteen hundred and forty-seven between P. B. Reading, Major; Louis McLane,.Ir .....
Article 1. The Commissioners on the part of the Californians agree that their entire force shall, on
presentation of themselves to Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont, deliver up their artillery and public arms, and they
shall return peaceably to their homes, conforming to tile laws and regulations of tile United States, and not
again take up arms during the war between the United State's and Mexico, but will assist and aid In placing
the country in a state of peace and tranquillity.

Art. 2. The Commissioners on the part of Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont will agree and bind themselves on the
fulfillment of the first article by the Californians, that they shall be guaranteed protection of life and property
whether on parole or otherwise.

Given under my hand and seal this twelfth day of January, 1847.
Location where document was signed
Population of California 1840’s
Who was in California at this time?

Who was coming to California at this time?

4X Character Choices
Native Americans: 2 Men, 1 Woman

Californio’s: 4 Men, 2 Women

Pioneers: 4 Men, 2 Women

Immigrants: 5 Men
4Y Character Choices
Native Americans: 2 Men, 1 Woman
Men: Jaeli & Zadie Woman: Ella

Californios: 4 Men, 2 Women Men: Caleb, Angus, Asa,

Henry Women: Olivia & Bella
Pioneers: 4 Men, 2 Women
Men: Sohan, Hamish, Reese, Nathan Women: Leila & Selah
Immigrants: 3 Men
Dom: Europe, Sabrina: China, Omar: Russia
Gold Rush Maker Challenge
Create either a gold rush related tool or a new product to sell to miners and
pioneers. (You must be able to actually build this item)

● First draw or sketch your idea

● Write out a list of materials that you will need
● Write a brief description of your item
Gold Rush Maker Challenge
Create a placard description of the tool you built


Create an advertisement/poster for the product you are selling

● Title & Name

● Purpose or Function
● Neat
● Spelling/Grammar
● Visually appealing
What was your perspective on statehood?

Native Americans Californios

Pioneers Immigrants
California Statehood Treaties
Let’s turn back the hands of time to have more representatives present as
delegates during the Constitutional Convention for California’s Statehood.

As a mixed group of Native Americans, Californios, Pioneers, and Immigrants you

will draft a treaty for California’s admission to the United States as the 31st state.

This is your chance to help all voices be heard. Think of some compromises that
you would have liked to be incorporated for your character’s perspective.
4Y Groups
Group 1: Jaeli, Caleb, Leila, Dom, Olivia

Group 2: Zadie, Angus, Selah, Sohan

Group 3: Ella, Henry, Reese, Sabrina, Nathan

Group 4: Asa, Bella, Hamish, Omar

4X Groups
Group 1: Greer, Ethan, Henry, Zai, Clare

Group 2: Cole, Caleb, Sam, Sebastian

Group 3: Noah, Lily, King, Zoe, Drew

Group 4: Nathanial, Cat, Nala, Ruthie, Hannah

Law and Order
1. With your treaty group draft 5-7 laws you think all people in California should
follow. Also give a brief rationale or explanation of the law.
a. Draft in your SS notebooks
b. Publish on construction paper in large print for all to see clearly
2. Select one delegate from your group to present your ideas to the rest of the
3. All delegates will vote on the top ten laws. All delegates will sign in
State Seal
Design a new state flag!
California Flag
Artifact Creation
What might your character have left behind?

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