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DRAJA MICKAHARIC ha, Ses sie More than 100 Caria Renee ae ree A Century of Spells Draja Mickaharic @MESERBOOKS San Faneien,CA/Newbunpong MA Fin pled in 1950 by Red Whee Weise, 1c ‘With fie at 500"Third Src, Suite 230 San Fanci, CA 94107 ‘eemtraterrcon Copyright © 1988 Daj Mickahaic All igh seseved. No put ofthis publication may be reproduced ot teamed in any form or by any mets, earonic or mechanic inclding photocopying reoning or by any information storage ad rere sytem, without perminon in writing fom Red Wheel Weise Reviwers may quot bie page Library of Congres Catsloging-in-Publcion Da ISBN 978.0-67728.6479 Mian Do ‘esa of pt | Di Mic Inceion 2 Magi Tie, Brissaai3 1968 Teds 19 18 17 16 15 14 The paper wed in his publication meets the minimurn requirements of ‘he American Natonl Standard fo Information Sciences Permanence (of Paper for Pinte Library Materials 239 48-1992(R1997), CONTENTS Introduction Publisher's Note Protection Spells Reversing Spells, ‘Water Spells Tneense Spells Spalls Using Oils Spells Using Herbs Spells of Obesh and Wanga ‘Spoken Spells 3. Written Spelis Miscellaneous Spells Reading List Index Beenesterr aioe be Omnisciently ‘humanity requires so simple a task as to fulfill desires Man is created to praise, everunce and serve God our Lord, ‘and by this means to save his soul. Allother things on the face ‘of the earth are created for man to help im fulfl the end for ‘which he is crested. From this it follows that man is to use these things to the exctent that they will help him to attain his fend. Likevrse he mut rid imelf of thom as so far as they ‘prevent him from attaining it. St. Ignatius Loyola ‘The Spiritual Bxercises* Gado Cy, NY: Doabodey. 196.47 ‘Therefore I say to you, Anything you pray for and ask, Believe that you will receive it, ‘And it will be done for you ‘And when you stand up to pray, Forgive what you have against any man, ‘So that your Father in heaven will forgive you your trespasses, ‘But if you will not forgive, ‘Even your Father in heaven will not forgive ‘you your trespasces. Mark 11: 24-96 For you God subjected all that is in the heavens ‘And on earth all from Him. ‘Beboldt In that are signs for people Who reflec, Koran 45:18 A Caution tthe inexperienced inthis ART, anda Word of, Advice t9 those who would be Adepts. Brother, 1t is neoossary for me to inform thee, Uhat whatever thy desire are in the pursuit of this at, which we call Magic, #0 ‘wilt thy connection and answer be. If in the pursuit of revenge, {tis but proper thou shouldest know that thou wilt, in any of these experiments here lid dow, draw to thyself « evengeful ‘demon, or an infernal furious apr, serving in the principe of the wrath of God: if worldly riches and aggrandizement, then thou shalt have an earthial or flery spirit, which will delude ‘thee withthe riches of the contral world: if fame, or the ble of slory, then the sprit of pride wil be allotted to thee, who wil {ratify thy inordinate desire of vain glory; for al Unee offices ‘te there oprits alloted and will be eagar to mix with thy ‘spirit wil attract thee to is own nature, and serve all thy ‘Purposes secording to the extent of God's permission; and as thy desires are and from what principal they proceed, so shalt thou be answered: but f chou desirest to know nothing but for the honor and glory of God, and the help of thy neighbor, and, in great humility chy heart with the love of God, thou shalt then have pure spirit which will grant (by the Lord's permis: sion) they desires. Thorefore sook for that which is good; avoid tllevl either in thought word or action: pray to Goa to fill thee with wisdom, and chou shalt reap an abundant bnarvest. There fre two ways magically set before thee; chuse which thou wit, thou shalt be sure of thy reward. Farewel. London 1800 rancis Barrett From The Magu 14-18, Avaale rom Cadel ro, Secaeat, NJ- INTRODUCTION ‘This book is practical introduction to natural magic. It may ‘be considered a textbook, or, better, a workbook. You can learn ‘natural magic from working through this book as much ait is possible to learn magic from any text. The book is also Intended to be useful es « reference work for the practicing ‘magician "This book contains examples of many different types of spells, slong with examples of spells from a numberof differ tent magical practices, It will give you an overview of the field fof natural magic so you can decide whether or not you wish to pursue the study of magic. Atall times, my intent has been to Clearly explain the advantages and limitations of the magical a ‘The development of magical abilities is the result of the ‘pirtualization of the buman soul. The closer we grow to our Creator, the greater are our ablities and perceptions of the ‘divine reality, Te inthis divine reality that is the true reality our physical universe imporfecty reflects ‘Those who have refined their senses by harmonizing them ‘with the divine reality can see interconnections between other ‘wise unrelated things. The ability to sense ths interconnection forms the bass forall magical operations. Those who are true ‘depts have doveloped thoir moral and ethical senses slong ‘with thei magical powers. They do not display their abilities ‘randomly or in a negative manner ‘ACENTURY OF SPELLS Judalam, Christianity and Islam all recognize that human- Ikind has beon granted dominion over the things ofthe earth by ‘our creator. Poulm 8, verss 4 through 6, isan excllot testi ‘mony for this concept. This isa real dominion, freely given by God to all who are abie to take advantage of it. It Is another {foundation of natural magic ‘Because true priests or priestesses have achieved a har mony with the divine reality of the creator, they are able to ‘demonstrate their dominion over creation, Being able to dem ‘enstrate this dominion is what separates the true priest or priestess from the false ‘True magic always has a physical result on the earth. It does not end in dreams, delusions, and selfdeception. True ‘magic is a natural ability that i developed asa raul of spie- tual growth. It is never the product of a search for power or privilege. Ts wise to keep this in mind as you read this book Draja Mickaharic PUBLISHER'S NOTE [Nothing in this book wil heal « physical condition, or in any wey replace the skill and experience of a medical practitioner. Consult your physician for physical llnesses, This work is con- corned only with spiritual conditions. ‘Devialing from the instructions given i this book may be Iharmful and could even cause serious damage to the spiritual ‘nature ofthe experimenter. The baths mentioned herein are for ‘external use only and could cause physical harm if taken inter. pally Because some ofthe following spells may sound “simple fd interesting, dont get the idea to "do a variation.” When You try to work magic using only your own enthusiasm you {tre treading in dangerous waters Follow the directions as they {te presented here, The publisher and author assume no lish ity for personal harm that may result from any deviation from ‘he instructions. Protection Spells {In our normal everyday lives we are influenced ~ ‘mentally and emotionally by many things. We absorb and shed these influences, giving them no thought. As we enter {nto the study of magic and the occult we lose the protection ‘that our ignorance provides. We may also begin to expose our selves to people who may not be particularly well disposed toward us. We need (o learn to protect ourselves as our aware: reas ofthe divine reality gradually increases. "There area numberof ways by which we are influenced by others. The most obvious way is through conversation. And we fre all aware of advertising and that i influences us. But how Imany of us are really conscious of the effects of advertising tnd persuasion in ovr dally lives? When we are not aware of how we are influenced by something that isso apparent in oar lives is it any surprise to find that we completely ignore the ‘more subile influences which dally impinge upon ust “4 | AceNTuny oF sretis Prtaction Spa 3 Human beings exist mentally and emotionally as well as “The magicians primary instrument i him- or herslt. Tae physically. When we ae influenced, either by anther person development of your own natural abilities isthe first step in forby an advertising eampaign, we ae responding to conscious fny form of magical training. Ths « process that begins with ‘ental influence. When we are influenced by another person the repetitive practice of certain exercises, It also involves (orby a group of other people to behave in an uncharacteristic understanding certain things through selfobservation. The ‘way, we are usually responding to subconscious mental infla- information T am giving you here isthe same information 1 ‘ences, For example, how many times have you “gone with the ‘was given by my first teacher many years ago. While it ay ‘group to another bar when yu really just wanted to go home? (teem very introductory, even chidiahly simple, it must be fol ‘Cheering wildly at a sporting event is an obvious case of lowed through to obtain success, conscious emational response. But feeling sad or lonely with “Throughout the course ofeach day you ae surrounded by ‘out apparent cause isan example of subconscious emotional the forces ofthe divine creation. Some ofthese forces ar vis ‘esponsein this case we ar feling and displaying an emo- bie, in that they impact upon your sensee. We see the bright- tion, bat we are not consciously aware of rk. ‘eos ofthe sin, or he hae of an overcast day. We can ear and ‘Once we become consciously aware ofthe various parts of foal the wind in either gentle gusts or gals. We can fel end cour being, we are able to understand how we are being intl tne the rain andthe earth. Other forees of the divine creation ‘enced, and whether wear being influenced by another person fre invisible in that hey do not impact upon our senses. We While working toward the goal of conscious awareness, we fannot physically sense the motions and interelationships of should follow a regular program of self-protection and spiritual the planets in the heavens or the energies radiated by thise ‘deanaing. This wil serve to assist usin our development while round us, but we are influenced by them nonetheless. [oping the influences of our daly lives away from a. “The sum total ofthe forces of the divine eration manifest "You should familiarize yourself with two books that pro ‘themselves in each of us individually. ‘They manifest then. vide information regarding the process of spiritual cleansing felvesin th thax of our emotions or changes in our meal tnd payehie protection, Spirituel Cleansing and Psychic Self Staves. The fact that our emotions fluctuste inexplicably, or Defensa Follow the program for spiritual cleansing given on that our mental staves change from moment to momen, is an ‘page 81 of Spiritual Ceansing. This will protect you ss you fndication that neither relates to our real personality. ‘open yourself to a greater awareness ofthe divine reality ‘Ove of the first principles to understand in any occult ‘There are two basic kinds of protection you ean learn. The study is that you are not juat mind or emotion. Tis Is basic ‘most important is « passive type, and involves protcting ene of any religious practice, whether you study Christianity, ‘ourself aguinst the influences that come fom fein general ‘Todainm, Hinduism, Tolan, Buddhism, or whatever. tis also & ‘The second typeis the reversal of pels or “work,” consciously ‘ery dificult concept for most people to accept. sent to you from someone ele. In this chapter we wil discuss “Once we are able to observe ourselves, we can sense those the more pasive forms of protection. Tn the next chapter we ‘onscious influences muchas we sense the physical presence of ‘will discuss reversing opel and negative magic, Wind, rain and ounlight. The attempts of others to sway us ently are brought out clearly and we see them for what they fre Subconscious inflate we can seo emotional. We can =a evan it~and know that thas a quality that diferentes ‘so Pliting Crop ara ah UB oe Soma aa, Se ee ened {Sa Spal Cag by Dena eae Nar Hash, MIE Sana ‘Once we are able to sense these influences upon us, we will ‘et i008 two important things: fret, they cannot harm Ov ue AcENTURY OF SPELLS fesenee; and second. our accepting these influences into the selfs our own conscious choice. We can deny others any inf ‘This is obviously not something that we can doinitaly. It tea uae that we mst develop, We develop tis tate trough Tt is necessary that you develop a base within yourself—a ‘base that isnot affected by your changing surface emotions or ‘your changing mental states. This base must become a point of ‘contact for your real personality, the essence of the divine whichis within you and within everyone els. From this base ‘you can reach Out to know your emotions or to quiet your mind. This base, once established, gradually becomes apace of ‘stability, allowing you to develop an internal awareness that cannot be disturbed by influences from any external source. ‘The development of this internal base takes a great deal of time years, actually. Once this base is developed it will pay reat dividends in terms of personal development. Obviously, Some of you will find your internal base more quickly than others. This development cannot be lft to chance, nor can you ‘sume that it is naturally present. This base Ia brought into boeing only through concerted effort. ‘The easieat way 0 ‘develop your base is through the daily practice ofthe following ‘exercise: For half an hour every day relax your body. Relax by letting all ofthe tension out of your muscles. Allow your mind torun free, without paying theleast attention to any thoughts that may enter it. Do this us part of your daly routine until it ‘becomes second nature to you By using this exercise you will eventually begin to under: stand that there is more to you then just your bedy, emotions sand mind, This may star as an intellectual understanding, but it will become a deep inexpreesble truth, When you contact this par of yourself, focus your attention on it when you aren relaxed state. Gradually you wil find it possible to contact it ‘in your normal waking state. Gradually allow this part of your self to enter your dally Ife, Direct your attention to it when lever you are able todo so during the day and you wil discover that it ean guide you. Ifyou follow the guidance it gives, you will discover that it can become an active participant in your Prustin Spee 8 ie, and it can malce your ifs easier in many ways. This part of Yous the true eternal you. You may commune with that part Zryourel on a daly basis, casting offal the influences which ‘may come to you during the day. After you practice this for Some time you will find that you no longer accapt external influences and you have actually begun acting in harmony twth your true personaly. If you have any religious practic, regardless of what ta, you should make «daily routine of praying. Every religious Dractie has its regular prayers, and these should be made Dart of your daily routine ts well If you have no religious practice you should return to the religious practice of your Thldhoed and enter into with new perception that tis acta- Sly valuable and worthwhile. Ifyou grew upin home wth no religious practice you should look around and find one that is ‘Comfortable for you. Enter into the practice and use the pray- fre from that practice. Ifthe practice uses prayers ina foreign Iimguage, you should learn the language, atleast well enough to understand the prayers. ‘Popular opinion to the contrary, it realy doesn't matter which prayers you use or what form they take. What matters Te whether or not you pray regularly. Prayer (and the attempt at praying) acta to stabilize and keep you protected from vari- Sone xl i ani ‘True prayers the most magical act chere i, andif you are in communion with the divine, you live your lf ina state of Continual prayer. Prayer ina real force in th universe, and the process of leering how to pray is one of the most important Ieeeons you can lar “Tt you want to tae a more active part in protecting your sit from conscious influence, you can learn to close your aura ‘You can clove off your surs deliberately and wilful to pro- hibit external influence from impinging oni. Men who regu larly wear belte may do this by using the buckling of the belt ts 2 Jaliberate action that seals them off from any extern {iluences, People who do not regularly wear bets may close themeelves off by obtaining a length of small cotton cord stbout «fot longer than thet wait measurement. Te the cord round your waist ax you dress n the morning. This becomes & Aaliborate actor ritual) to protect yourself fom external infl- fences and the ritual wil seal you off. The cord should be tied found the waist and worn under your clothes, "You may alao seal your aura through the proces of a regu: Jar morning and evening prayer. Any number of prayers have’ the effec of limiting the kinds of influences which you accept ‘during the course ofthe day. Any prayer may be used for this ‘purpose, including a prayer of your own devising. The follow- {ng prayer is typical of those which may be employed for this purpose: ‘The Lord surrounds me with light, love and protec toa. Tam safe within this sphere of love fom all which ‘ay seek to harm me. Your own balief that you are protected is one of the most {important factors in any form of protection. The stronger and sore cartain your bale, the more you are protected from external influence ‘The effect (either intentionally or as a secondary effect) of, many spiritual exercises given to students is the removal of imany external influences which have affected them. Theae fnfluences are both conscious and subconscious, and they ‘must be removed in order for the students to progress on their of St Ignatius find thay are no longer subject to the typos of influence which formery afflicted them. Eventually, as the students develop, they are no longer subject to any external influence whatso- ‘over. This isa rare achievement, fr it means that they are no longer suggeetible in any way. To limit suggestibility is one of the goals of our evalution. Like everything else inthe develop: ‘meat of the soul, itis reached by one person sta time. HHeegs Bonk, Douay & Ca, Garden Cy. NY, 1964, Reversing Spells Almost all the popular spell books, books about candle burning or praying for magical purposes have the pr- ‘mary goal of influencing another person. Fortanately most people who are initiated into the practico of magic have a Highly developed sense of morality and are not intarested in controling others. However, this chapter is devoted to keeping yourself free ofthe magicians who don't fel that way. When you try to influence another person, for good or for 4, you are in some sense practicing a form of black magi. The black magician attempts to influence the subconscious of another person by changing his or her behavior, action, or mo- tional response. So all the curses, love spells, and spells to” rake debtors pay are forme of black magic. Biack magie ean induce feelings of hate or guilt, and high-pressure ‘emotionally oriented advertising is considered a form Obviously there are many varieties and degrees of #1 Acenruny or speiis eweine Ss | 9 ‘magic some forms are more negative than others yet all re But you may be cris to understand how sme could sttempte to influence 1 decison of some sor. rail end ot be evare of what happened, Well “Any form of black magi invaves harma Tes known as rman mind i wonderful mechanism! The rational mind form “moral malpractice and wl be pid back sara a fenplin any sitaon finds in and event young {state existence The concopt that we need to understand ie child can provide reasonable explanation as to why he or simple eventually th sal wl learn not vo atampe to infis ‘Gid something. The rocees of elf Jusifiation-which enc other. At the present stage af human development, how. uncontrolled in almost everyone-rationdlzes any ‘ever, many people decide that magic might nc well be uae co in behavior very nally, and can even convince us that ‘attain the ends they deste. This chapter is devoted to revere. the change is desirable ‘ing the spells that may be sent your way by a stunt Some peopl may think they have been cursed, and it’s a cian, of individual who has studied magic to gnin poner good idea ¢o tok if they have been to «stredront payee ot oo fortune teller, Storefront psychics make money by telling Tena relativly simple matter to bret a curse, and 1 wil {Beir cents that they are cursed. Then the client pays the show you bow todo this with ease. But before we go into the torefront psychic t take the cure away. Innocent people reversing procedures, iti important to understand a te of fometimes really believe tis, and may come to you to have a what you may need to look for aside tom knowing ow to arse removed. Before removing I, make sre its there. The sa ‘chances are that the person has no curse at all. Making money Many people who thnk they have beon cursed are suf ty fing sbout being cured or under w spell brings is share Ing not from a curse, but from a lack of se importance. People of karma to the practitioner who are mentally unbslanced. people who want to be power “The most common cure tht might have to be broken is tue important, sometines think they have ben crsed. And the potty eure set up by amateur magician. Hore, the st the curs ital gives them a feeling of importance, So you a Gent learns rita! and te succesful, and this one success do areversing spl for someone who has convinced youth fy fomvinces hit (or hr hate has great magia ability. Thi 4 the fs under some tere aflaence, and when yo have uses two kinds of problems. Piet, the stunt coters the done he eere work nothing changes Which means tat the Fea of sty snd think ho hsbc otra over is ras‘ under any spell excope the opel of self delusion. Ife and theives of others through acta of magic. He ration That conden nis ® ce, ton and i900 ee aed fen every alr nd com stually Hock sanery aaron ‘ractitoner, you wil earn to redirect the individual dine the phyla world deen correepood to Uh word of fantany Kom Sellar] be more beat hate ie in Magicians or woul magician of hi alt you continue to st jc your senses. ‘ber enter into a world of delusion and self-deception. ‘may nein myo ea i ne ie aad en a ‘tain conditions in people that you may not have noticed {Sr tendency to exer influence upon themselves which further ‘before. For example, you may see someone that you know who. ‘encourages self-deception and delusion. Obviously this is an ls obviously under some kind of «spel, but the individuel “unproductive way to liv r oes now i When you try to say something to tis person, ‘Tho student who has auddenly gained great magical ‘oor ahe makes it lar tht the change i one that hes as powers may exer lave spall, or other power spel on ‘ade ona voluntary basin. Ta this stution, you can donate fe knows. If you attend class, or go toa place wher 10 | ACENTURY OF SPELLS clans meet, you may ran into someone who will try to place a spell on you to test his or her power. This is idiotic, but done. And that is why you need to know how to reverse a spell s0 you dont waste time in your own development by being de” ¢omrgued by amateur power eka ‘curses are rare. There are not thal many magicians ‘who are powerful enough to relly perform black magic. In order to develop magical power, the animl instinctual nature has to be placed under control. Few people interested in the concept of black magic are wiling to put the necessary work into preparation for study. When the instinctual nature is ‘ncontrlled, it tends to accept credit for any successful per formance of any magical act, and that acceptance ects as & block so that further magial operations are brought to a halt Serious students of magic—who have really developed the magical ability to the point where they could really infla- cence others—don't waste their time on negative spell-casting. ‘The study of magic i really a course in selt- development of a particular nature. When you start considering the evolution of the soul who cares bout whether er not you ean make Mary” we yout [Now that weve discussed all the reasons why someone is ‘probably not cursed in the frst piace, lets move on to revers- ing negative spells. The whole process of trying to determine ‘whohas cast a spell or curse is awaste of time. It really doesn't ‘make any difference who did the work, the only important ‘thing is that it is removed. Replying tou curse with acurse will, ‘only be an escalating factor ina war, and students who do this {get caught in « magicalcurse syndrome that may end up mak: ‘ng them paranoid. "Tur from the curse and bresk it, and let it 4. Thank God it's gone, and don't look for negative efects| ‘round the one who you think has cast it ‘The following spells are excellent cursebreakers, They act to return curses nd influence to their source. Ino curse has been sent, the cursebreakers do not return to you or to the one who has used it. oversing Spas 11 REVERSING A SPELL WITH WATER "The water method of reversing a spells particularly effective for spells which were originally cast with water, or spells [geared to affect the emotions. This method is an excellent way fo vid yourself of love spell in any of their many forms. You Should perform the spell yourself if you have been the victim. {you want to belp others to reverse a spol remember thatthe spell should be reversed by the actual vieti. Filla small bottle with water. You can use a baby food jar, for ajar of similar size, Place atleast a dozen straight pins in the bottle, Cap the bottle tightly and place it over a fire. The bottle may be placed on the kitchen stove. The bole is heated tuntil it explodes, which caste the pins all over the room. The pins and the broken glass should be cleaned up and placed in the garbage, Remove the garbage from the house immediatly. "The cleanup must be done as s00n as possible after the bottle explodes, ‘The purpose ofthis spells to disturb the negative infl- ‘ences ofthe water element that are present in the home of the Victim. This spell reverses any negative work, and attempts to estore balance tothe “water element” presence in the victim's home, This isa very effective spell, and has been taught by proctitioners of three diferent practices, I have used it with ‘success several ties. "The bottle used may be of any size, although s baby food jar or & small jam jar Is probably best suited for the spell because this type of Jar only holds a few ounces of liquid. ‘Ordinary tap water is ned inthe opel, and the stel pins used by dressmakers are fine. They should be placed loose in the Dott, efter the water has been added to the bottle. You ean tse as many pins as you lke, but you should use at last a dozen. Heat the bottle when no ane sin the room. It's ery impar- tant that no one should be in the room when the bots ‘explodes, for one may be hurt by flying glass or pins. The 221 ACENTURY OF SPELLS smaller the bottle, the faster it will heat, another reason for using small jar. When the bottle fs hot enough it will explode, ‘strewing the pins and broken glass, as well as water all over the room. The purpose of immediately cleaning up the mess is to remove the influence of the spell immediately. Once the influence is out of the house it is very difficult for the person ‘ho did the work to reestablish the conneetion to the house REVERSING A SPELL WITH FIRE ‘This method of reversing a spell is particulsly effective for ‘magical work that has boon done with fire. This covers the entire range of candle magic, aswell as any magic intended to {influence your thoughts. Some people may want to use this spell on « regular basis at the fall moon, for it will provide protection against all of the usual negative influences from ‘others which accumulate in the course of @ month, You will need a coffee cup fll of dirt and « candle to use this spell City dwellers who do not heve access to dirt in their backyards may ‘use potting soil. You can use any kind of candle. ‘Take a smal candle(such as a birthday candle) and light it Place it in ditt (in the coffee cup) while i i it and allow the flame to stabilize. With a sudden motion, take the candle from the dirt and reverse it, extinguishing the lit end in the drt Bite the burned end off the candle and light it again, saying: ‘As the candle flame is reversed, s let all that opposes ‘me be reversed. As the flame has perish in the dir, let those who oppose me come to nothing in their work. ‘The candle is now left to burn out. When it burns out, put the candle and the dirt inthe garbage and remove it frm your home, ‘This apa comes from Bran, where it has been used success: fully for may years It has been considered an effective curse. ‘breaker If curses actually present, this spl often produce an ‘immediately feeling of rie as soon asthe prayer has been said ‘In some cases the reli can be impresive, atthe spall may be ‘done by one person for another. However, when this Spel is Jone Reversing Sale| 13, 44 magician for another person, it should be fllowed by a ‘eanaing and a blessing, REVERSING A SPELL WITH EARTH ‘The following spall ia capacially effective aguinst those spell ‘which have been placed with earth. Tt should be used against nes wc have bam ct to prevent you rom owing fomicaly or prevent you from stabilising your income. tomes from the Pennsylvania Hex practice, and the Hexenmei- ter who gave it to me swears by it “Take small white cup (ike the teacups used in Chinese restaurant) and fil it about half fll with earth or potting sol Pace the cup in the comer of your bedroom and pray over it as follows: ‘Thou art earth of which this whole world is made. Be ‘thou my earth, and take unto thyself ll that is sent ‘nguinat me. Bear thot that which s sent against me as, ‘Teous Christ bore the sin ofthe whole world Leeve the dri the corer of your baron fora week, and thon eas ou the back door ef your house. Ifyou dwt havea ‘ck doo ee the font door Wait one might and then wash thay wilder You may ri cp with and repeat the opal if you wil "You can pace the cup in any corner you wish—te comer smarts the bed for exemple REVERSING A SPELL WITH AIR ‘This method of reversing spell is particularly effective teinst spells which have been placed through the air element. ‘The air element includes gossip, slander and all fom of keen spells. This spell has been used to halt slanderous. ‘mony in a lawsuit. You may use this ape for yourself, 14) ACENTURY OF sPELIS ‘someone else. It fres you from slander: When done on a windy day, thi spell has particularly strong effect in returning the spell to the one who cast it. ‘Take about a tenspoon of finely ground sugar, add about a ‘quarter teaspoon of white flour and a pinch of finely ground Salt. Mix these in the palm of your hand while concentrating on "your desire to be free of curses. Blow the powder out ofan open ‘window and immediately sey Here I stand in innocence; protect me ob Lord! REVERSING A SPELL WITH IRON In certain cases spells are cast using iron. These splls aro particularly malignant, for they often involve the use of iron to ‘eause accidents 10 the person who has been cursed. A person ‘who is under the influence ofthis type of apell may suddenly bogin to have accidents with knives, have progressively worse ‘automobile accident, and generally run afoul of sharp object ‘machinery and so fords lace three iron rings (the kind used for key rings) in an 8 ‘ounce glass ful of driaking water. Then cover the water glass with a clean white handkerchief, and let it stand overnight in the light of the moan At sunrise the following day the victim of the cures must rink the water, which Instantly breaks the curse. The curse usually returns tothe one who sent, but it may also dissipate Inte the universe. REVERSING A SPELL WITH ‘THE LOW JOHN METHOD. ‘This is a favorite method of reversing « spell in the Gulta practice of “root working.” It is used extensively among the black population ‘of the southern United States. ‘The root Reversing Spas) 19 ‘as “Low John’ for southerawood root, Carina acaulis, iground thistle) is gathered and dried. Ifyou feel you have ‘the recipient of a curse or spel, you take small plece the root and chew ft thoroughly while concentrating on the feurse (or spall and its effects on you. Once the piece of root has bon reduced toa pulp, it should be vigorously spat out on the 3. Tha wie ha care ac oh ender, The fom returning, you should carry a piece ofthe root in your pocket for seven days. At tho end of seven days the piece of root should be vigorously east on the ground. Water Spells ‘tie said Uhat human beings were ereated from the spiritual force of water. This physical manifestation of water relates to the spiritual manifestation ofthe primordial Water element. ‘The water element relates to our emotional {orce or emotional power~the most powerful force we have. ‘One of the distinguishing characteristics of the human being is « strong emotional nature, and the desire to search for stimulation of this emotional nature. The drive for emotional fulfillment has always been prime motivating fore, ‘Because of the connection between our emotional natures and the water element, its no wonder that water is one ofthe fmost common instruments for the transmission of magical tifects I acts directly on our emotional natures. The religious ‘use of water~by Roman Catholics with their holy water, oF the ‘Jewish mikveh purification baths—is well known. 18) ACENTURY OF SPELLS the magical uses of water are not so well known, and in many casos they have been misunderstood to a remarkable degree. “The great Austrian scholar Franz Bardon mentions that ater is able to accumulate more energy when itis very cold. Hie does not discuss the variations in types of water in any depth, nor does he indicate the physical changes in water that take place during the course of a year, but he does say that water can aecommodate more energy at 39°F and less energy when hested to temperatures over 99°F, Seasons] changes ‘lating to water were researched by the alchemists of the Paracalous Research Society of Salt Lake City, Utah Tis important to understand what happons inthe astral realms as a result of the application of teas, washes, tc, $0 the first thing to understand in magical practice in how to work with water, Teas and washes are mede from it. As you know, ‘ater is influenced by two major and obvious variations itis ‘ther fresh or salty. Water from the ocean contains salt and ‘other mineral, and itis not drinkable. Lake water is usually ‘rosh, as are rain water and melted anow. And fresh water is drinkable. Magicoreligous traditions understand these two distinctions because salt water was ruled by one deity and {resh water by another. This dates back to ancient Babylonia. ‘The second thing to consider isthe astrological influence present when you draw or prepare water. Water isan excsllent Scumulator ofthe force Franz Bardon referred to as “magnet= ism,” and it will acopt the magnetiam ofthe magicians prayer, ts well as the universal life force of the magician’s desire Water wil uncritically accept the magnetism present in the universe when itis prayed over, which means that the astral nature of the time of the prayer is added to the force of the Drayer. If the astral force at the time ofthe prayer conflicts ‘ith the prayer ite limitations will be placed on the effect of the spell Your prayer wil fx a moment in time, so you should be careful when you use water ‘In many magical practices distinction is made between the various sources of the water and their effects. Spintuat ‘Fran Bardon, tation ne Hermes Agung, NM: Brthrhad | te To War Spe 19 Cleansing provides some basic information sbout this. When. outlet rin nsf wre is “Teng” or vibration, os they ae often called, you re ‘Tell on the way to understanding some of the principe of Ig You can overs sung range of wok th brelnary tap water or botled spring water a grocery store ee usually nat necessary to complicate things Son this bs simple ap water will do aa well in most splla Ao the mre dificult to obtain products. | Coldwater lo poferred in ont magical work, ait seme to ol te hang of he magicians payer otter than warm Aroter Generally bot dependent upon the requirements of the Speci practice water i simply prayed over and then wed aa {Tare When you a hee ol olor, or perfumes to water SJou coo to eahance the ability ofthe prayer to do the wor Thich isbn requested: The waters uoually the accumulator i the magia prayer or charg. ADDING INFLUENCES TO WATER ‘There are a varity of simple mothods for adding specific influ. ‘ences to water, This has been highly developed inthe healing rts and e varity of methods are in use In India, the Ayurve- Gic healers developed a system of healing which uses water to capture the vital erence of gemstones. Metal pices are placed In eter which is then used forthe treatment of specific condi tions. Flower petals, placed on the surface of x bow! of water land expooed to sunlight, are the besis for the preparation of the Boch Flower Essences discovered by Dr. Edward Bach i England. The*vital essence,” or what scaled “akasha,” of the material passes into the wate, which accumulates it. In the ‘cece ofthe Bach Flower Essences, and in some ofthe Ayurve: tic gemstone healing solutions the vital essence of the flower for gem is placed into the wator by the vital essence ofthe ‘The water isthe passive accumulator ofthis force. Solarized water is simply water which has been the sunlight, The vital essence of the sun enters into th 20) AceNTURY OF spELLS in this way. The astrological aspects or the placoment of the sun and moon may also be considered to determine the best ‘time to prepare particular solarized water. It is sometimes | specitiod that a particular spall be made with ‘water which has ‘ever seen the light of the sun” Moon water, a5 the name suggests, is water which has ‘been exposed to the light of the fll moon. Again, it may be ‘ecessary to inquire into the linar aspects and other atrologh cal factors to determine just what kind of water is being pro. «duced, For example, the sun and moon are joined at the new ‘moon, and it is dificut-if not impossible to prepare “new ‘moon water” whichis not alo “solarzed water" From the above it is easy to soe thet it is quite possible to ractice a full ange of magical operations using only water as ‘the medium forthe magical charge. Some magicians have large collections of every conceivable type of magical water, This ‘becomes bulky process however, a5 the average, person doesnt have the storage space for such an extensive cullection ‘of waters. And you don't really need them SOLARIZED HEALING WATERS Healing water may be prepared by placing tap water into & ‘lean bottle, exposing it to sunlight, and then praying over it for the healing of « specific person or condition, The same ‘water may be prepared over the course of a ear by filing ¢ seen bottle with tap water and exposing the bottle to sunlight ‘on the day after the new moon. If this is done with the new ‘moon in each ofthe astrological signs over the course of a year, a cmp vt ofr ling wars wl oie. You an use this water for healing by placing a few drops of the healing water ina small glass with a teaspoonful of tap water Pray over the glass for reli of the condition with which the Individual is afflicted. The dose shouldbe repeated four or five times a day until remission occurs. As with any natural bealing method, healing with waters a very slow process, 3 tf best ‘oconsult a physician and place yourself under his or her test. Sr a ce ea eno per zee em a ee eee es Og re eer ae ar gat Soper open se oe a Le i oe a aoe cel | oerelrenpe tected eee Bee a pas tise wo es a ee eo a ae pope! ere light. Place the bottle on a windowsill, The water will accumu: od eee Se eT con panera ceric Pe eae tty su mt BEE ere re Lee ee ee ee eae erate oy ois Cee ee aaa Sed eta nne Seamer eee cents tae ree eer eS err ae Feel errors Fal peek here ratrep eens ee Te ere ee ae Te a Se 22 | ACENTURY OF SPELLS ‘You cannot set yourself as a“wator healer" without a degree to practice medicine ‘You will discover there are times when solarized water is not of a healing nature. For example, you should not make solarized water during solar eclipse, These “spoiled” waters should either be discarded oF used for work which is more attuned to their nature. You can solarize perfectly acceptable water on the second day following the new moon ifthe water ‘made onthe fist day dows not moet the healing quality neces sary. Preparing a set of solarized waters can be an interesting ‘exorcise. At best it will teach you to notice the changes ofthe asons and the way the quality of the water changes in ‘accordance with the vibrations or influences of the astral uni verso atthe time. Ifthe exerels is approsched as an exercise in selfdisipline and development, it will pay dividends which ‘able 1. Parts of tho Body Ruled by Moon Sign? ‘Sign Part of Body Ruled “Aries | Head, Face, Brain ‘Taurus | Nock, Throat, Cerebellum, Ears Gemini | Arms, Hands, Shoulders, Lungs, Blood Cancer | Breast, Stomach, Chest, Digestive Organs Leo Heart, Back, Spine Virgo | Bowels, Intestine, Abdomen Libra | Skin, Kidneys Scorpio | Urino-Genital System, Nose, Bladder, ‘Appendix ‘Sagittarius | Hips, Thighs, Arteries Capricorn | Knees, Bones, Joints, Teeth Aquarius | Legs, Ankles, Blood Circulation Pisces __| Feet and Toes ‘The nfornton wan extract trons A Pasir Gul Prasad {prateyrVra Rabo Pin Sara ar, Yr ech Water Spats 29 ‘will be of more value than any possible medical use, for it will tssist you to attune yourself with the world around you. Having looked at water in its relatively pure state, we shall now look at its more complicated uses, For the most part this relates to ming cas from herbs, but you can also eda ‘other things to enbance the qualities of wate. There is no real fifference betmoen the water of an herb and an herbal tea used fn herbal medicine. Magical tas are frequently diluted or col fred with food color to make a specific water. In some cases perfumes are added for various purposes. Magic waters thet fre sold in magic stores often have many othor ingredients ‘ted to them, In most cases, additions are made to increase Sales appeal. You NEVER use magical water or tea internally. MAKING WATER FOR MAGICAL USE ‘There is one rule you must commit to memory if you wish to make any kind of water into a herbal tea 1 applies to healing ts wel as to magic with herb, and is one of the few rules which tpplies to both art. The rule is that leaves and flowers must be steeped, while roots and barks should be boiled. Until you Reve at least several years experience working) with herbs there re no exceptions to this rule, There are afew exceptions ‘which relate to epecfic advanced spalis, Meanwhile, do not ‘experiment! "Most ofthe herbs used in magical work are not the same as those you use for healing, Not only are different parts ofthe herb used, but some magical herbs have no place in the wildest land most eclectic herbal pharmacopoeia. "The universal life force ofthe herb is extracted when you use herbs for healing oF for magic, but that isthe only similarity. If you use herbs for Iheaing as well as for magi it might be noted that when your healing herbs lose their virtue fam age or poor storage they tay still be strong enough to use magically. The opposite ition does not hold true a ll. Some magical herbs are members of a general fanily of herbs, and any member of family will do, Others must be taken from very specific under vory specific conditions to obtain the virtue desired ‘Agaln—NEVER DRINK magical herbal teas. They are not ‘meant for internal use! ‘There are two general methods for preparing magical herbal toas. They give different effects, depending on the prayer made over thom atthe time they are “brought to fe” ‘The two methods depend upon the temperature of the water used in malding the tan. The cold method, using room temper: lature or cooler water i preferred for fresh picked herbs and flowers. The cold method allows the water to absorb the astral ‘magnetic influence of the herb as well as same ofthe “akashic”™ inflence ~ the influance of the universal life force of the herb. Inthe hot method you use some form of boiling water, and only the akashic influence or its universal life force content trans- fers to the water. Any magnetic influence in the herb tea must bbe added by the prayer ofthe magician when the herb is used. Tt ia quite possible to have clients make teas by the cold ‘method for their own use. However, teas made by the hot pro- cess should be prepared by the magician. Or the magiian could give a few ounces of water (which the magician has Drayed over tothe clint to be added to the hot toe once it has reached room temperature. Another way of dealing with Us is to purchase small (single service) bottles of vodka, which the ‘magician prays over, and these could be added by the client to the completed herbal tea. In this way herbal baths, cleansers cor other herbally based spells used by faraway clients will be as effective as the ones actually made by the magician. Vodka will ake good magical charge, especially if it is « higher proof. Vodka alo has the ability of preserving herbel teas that ‘are not rorigerated, The Cold Herbal Tea Method In order to make a col herbal tea you nood a clean jar with a fairly wide mouth, such as a mason jar. Fill the jar with the fresh herbs or flowers, but don't pack them down tightly. Once the jar is filled with herbs, add sufficient tap or spring water to fill the jar within an inch or so of its top. All the herb should War Spela 28 be under the water. Place the filed bottle in the refrigerator or ome other cool place for a week. If the mixture was made for ‘now ready, Ifyou want to store the herb tes, you can either strain oUt the herbs or leave them in. You Should add a few ounces of vodka in any event, ast assist in retarding spoilage. you have made the herbal mixture by the cold process forabath, you should use the bath as soon a8 possible after the tans reedy, but do not add vodka. Alcohol of ny kind hasan fffect ofits own ins bath, and is best kept away from any beth ‘You might take. Using any alcoholic beverage in « bath will ‘encourage many people to drink aleobol. ‘The Hot Herbal Tea Method Bring about ten or twelve ounces of water toa boil in an iron or stainless stel pot. A coramie pot ean be used, but aluminum pots should be avoided. Add tho pieces of root bark or seeds, nd allow the mixture to simmer fr ton to fifteen minutes at {ow bol Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to coal to ‘oom temperature, You can strain oat the pieces of rot bark or fowds by, passing the liquid through cheesecloth or a tea ‘strainer, If the liquid is going to be stored for any length of time, two or three ounces of vodka should be added to retard spoilage "To make a tea of flowers or dred herbs you would bring the tenor twelve ounces of water o belli the same way. Use a roa, Stainlos stl, or ceramic pot to bol the wate, as you di forthe foot end bork When you use flowers or dred eaves, you pour the Boling water over about a teaspoon of the dried or ground her in bowl Allow the mixture to stand and steep unt it reaches room temperature. The solids may be stained out with chee: ‘doth or a teu strainer, snd the finished tea can be bottled for Storage if desired, Add about two ounces of vod to each eight ‘ounces (r cup of the finished herbal tea. Tn most cases itis advisable to make up only as the tea as you will need within the next few months, these preparations donot store well, even with the vodka (or other alcohol) as preservative. When you open @ bottle of herbal toa and are assailed by an odor of decay itis ‘est to close it up again end diseard the entire mixture, bottle and al It may not seem obvious, but the essential quality of a predict will usually pass to its most negative form through {the action of bacteria In short, this moans that if the tea ha ‘spoiled, dont use it, for you may make harmful situation rather than a cure. "The reason for using iron or ceramic pots is not obvious ‘until you recall that aluminum is not a natural metal. Iron and ‘stainlows steel occur in nature. Passing energy through them in| the form of heat tranemite the virtue of Mars, the planetary ‘ler of iron, to the material being boiled or to the water being. Iheated. Ceramics are also naturally occurring materials, and pyrex-type praducta ere the modern cousins of the clay pots| fade by our ancestors. Heat energy isnot distorted when it passes through these materials “Treat herbs with respect and they will give you the same ‘consideration. You are working with their non-physical proper tes when you work with herbs magically. Your ability to work with them at al isa gauge of your ability to fel their essence lat work, for you recognize that they are part of the sume ‘divine ereation which you inhabit. WAR WATER War Water (or iron water) was used to treat anomia by fol Iealers many years ago. Ie is not 1 particularly effective ‘method for treating anemia, and there are far better ways to ‘correct iron deficiencies today. It is almost never usod medi cally by folk healers any more, but it has retained its value in ‘magical practice, ‘Magtcally, iron water is used to gain protection or to launch magical attacks. It is called War Water because iti one ‘of the most useful weapons for engaging in psychic warfare. Tt ‘has this reputation because of the superiority of iron weapons | ‘over the older weapons of bronze and stone. Ironis the metal of Wate Sete 2 planet Mars the planet astrologers credit with ruling war- ‘and combat, an well as sex. Used for either defense or ‘war water is strong carrer ofthe negative emotional ‘sed in magical battles. Iron is found in many urban water supplios. Naturally ‘ron water is not really any better than the home- product. Tn some casee the homemade product fs far for. as natural iron water may also include undesirable es. The following formula for War Water wil predes material that has «very strong and workable quality to it. lace about 34 pound of cu iron nails into alarge(2 quart) “Cut nals" af the old fashioned nails that have a ree- tangular cross-section. They are still available from hardware ‘ores as they are used ap masonary nails. We use cut nals Decause they have a rough finish, and wil rust easy. Add a Iualf pint of drinkable tap water. Allow this to stand for eight or {tan days until dhe nals bogin to rust. Once the rusting process Dopins, add a quart of tap water. You can store thobotte in the refrigerator, or leave it in «cool place in your home. The bottle Iust be opened occasionally to allow enough air to entar to ‘ontine the rusting process Once the water has definite tinge of rust, usually about a ‘weck to ton days aftar you have added the quart of water, itis Fedy (o.use. Should you find any trace of mould or bacteria on the water, you should discard the water, the bote and the nal. T Ihave nover hed this happen, but I have hear that it can “Touse the water, remove about two ounces of the rusty water from the bottle at a time. Add fresh tap water as water is removed and you will have an almest continuous supply of the ‘water, As Uh water isnot often Used, even in the midst of a ‘eyehi war, itis not necessary to concern yourself about running ‘ut once you have made some, A ile war water goes «long way. Using War (or Iron) Water ‘There are 8 numberof ways that you can use ron water. tis ‘generally used for protection, and you can take « bath to pro- ‘tect yourself, or you can use tin your home to protect yourself a8 1 ACENTURY OF SPELLS ‘agninst specific spells. This water is especially beneficial when You want to protect yourself against acta of Violence of any ort Protection Bath: Take two ounces of War Water and add it to a tub of water. Pray over the tu for general protection in life, as well as for protection against the specific influence you wish to hhave removed from your life. This could be as specific as “The thoughts of N.N,” “The evil work of N.N." of 90 forth. You ‘could alo pray for general protection, but this should be done ‘nly rarely. Once a year is tufficient for a general protection bath, and it should be taken after you have protected your home with the war water as given below. Soak inthe tb for at least eight minutes, immersing yourself completely at least four times. You should air dry after this bath to msintain the protection around you. Iti best if you avoid taking any other ‘ath, even for cleansing, for twenty-four hours. ‘his bath should not be taken more often than once a ‘week. Usually, taken twice # yea, this bath will protect you From the effects of any magician of better than average ability. Protection Agsinst Specific Spells: To protect your home or fpartment aguinst the type of pel that is cast by placing Something in the doorway or on the steps of house, add two ‘ounces of War Water to a mop bucket af water. Pray over the Water to remove all negative influences from your doorway, {Your steps, and whatever ese you intend to mop. Then mop the [Turfaces, wringing out the mop into another bucket. When you Ihave finished, pour the mop water and the wringings into a street ora roadway. If you are going to declare psychic war on someone you should mop your stairs, porch, doorway, and any outside sur faces of your home on which anything can be cast or thrown before you begin the war. This ensures that you will be pro- tected when the other persons inevitable counterattack comes. Tm most cases War Water wil cause any spell which is placed ‘on your doorstep to rebound instantly to the sender. Wate Spala | 20 Protection of a Home: This spell i especially sulted to protec- ‘home from acts of violence, whether the violence fa pay ‘or physical. This spell may be done ansually if desired. best day todo this in a Christan home ison the feat day ‘St.John the Baptist, on June 24th. In pagan or non: ligous home, the beat day isthe day ofthe summer solatien, ‘wringings from the back door of the house if you have a ‘door. Rinse out the bucket and mop and pour the rinse down the toilet. If you don't have a back door, fash the ddown the tollet and rinse out the bucket and mop and sh that water, too. R WATER was onc a commen houbold cleaner. It ie no ‘valable, however, as many people feel that creosote fancer, Tar Water has been used in the past for the kinds of cleansing as creosote was used for. Tt is alimoat lective ws ereosote, and much easier to obtain. To make Water you wil need access toa wood burning fireplace. Tar {s occasionally made using roofing tar. This is not the product, for roofing tar has a mineral origin is made petroleum. Roofing tar and coal tar are not te samme a3 tar, and cannt be used for the removal of thoughtforms. "To make Tar Water you will need about a quart of wood the sticky stuff that comes from the chimney of wood- fireplaces. Place the tar ina large bucket, You should a bucket you are not particularly attached to, e# you will that i is not going to be very good for cleaning any more. about a gallon of water with the tar, stirring brisly with a stick for ten or fifteen minutes. Allow the tar to ettle a0 / ACENTURY OF SPELLS for two or threo hours, and pour the water off ito a cean ‘container, Lat the wter etl again and once win pour it of fltaring it thvough cheesecloth into eller ole you can clove. “far Water usually dows not goad soit isnot necessary to ad vo toit ne a proservativ. 1 wil ste out farther in time fring a der oly ring round the bot Tei neceoary {ha to bottle be shaken vigorously before any water i taken fmt. Anathe appeeh eo dal ant of ik drshing soap—a few drops per quart of tar water. This Tolve the on the tar water 0 I doesnot stain the btie. Using Tar Water ‘Tar Water, like creosote, is used to remove heavy thought forms from a person, place, or thing Iti used to remove the ikind of heavy and obsessive thoughts that come from the deep motions of grief, pain, and loss. It can also be used as floorwash or mopping compound to remove heavy negative tmotions lft by quarrels, fights, or anguments if you recently moved into new Living quarters and find ‘yourself quarreling ore often with thoae with whom you lve, ‘You may be being influenced by the thoughtforms ofthe pre- ‘ious residents. Nogative thoughtforms can remain in the {ame location for many year, influencing everyone who comes in contact with them. Using Tar Water floorwash throughout the living space will estray these thoughtforms, or atleast ‘weaken them enough to reduce their effect on your fail. ‘Tar Water Bath: For a tub bath, use a cup of tar water toa tub fall of bath water. Pray over the bath forthe release of the thoughtforms, or for cleansing and protection. The person ‘being cleansed should soak in the tub for about ten minutes, laying to let go ofall inner turbulence, ‘Tar Water Floorwash: Fora floorwash, use about a cup of tar ‘water in bucket of water. Clean the floors first, and then use the flocrwash as final coating. In some cases it may seem 08 War Spe at room has been redecorated: it can become much brighter the ald thoughtforms have been cleaned out, (DIGO WATER in made from plant. I sed to be oe ofthe praca in blue dyes and inlundry blueng. Asie was a are and expensive commodity i quickly Erne agh reputation, Pieces of inlgy were crc. ood Tick a Indigo Dogan tobe used forall sorts of things Tigo does have etain oof proprio, a it wes tha af these properties which geve the tari ty nil ty to he etal tre of anything to whic i apa, al indigo forthe colorido from naturel sources wl astern thin rnpect than an line dye of tho are fla. is because of the gear hrmany ofthe matral de with fatal flow ofthe univers! Toca. Mhe astral world is fed by thowe things which aot the senses. Thus, color, san, flavor nd textarea, oF be regarded. us foods tthe ara alm This one of he ‘why physical fferings are mao to the fore of the and thos forces are known a god tothe worship. indigo water is made from ordinary household blusing, dissolved or diluted with tap water. The powdered blue settle on standing, no the bottle must be shaken before use. If simpossible to find blueing, which i fast going ‘style in this age of wash-and-wear, blue food coloring te used. An intense blue color ie wht is required in the of Indigo Blue Water. Using Indigo Blue Water Blue Water is used to strengthen and add power to ofall sorts. A few drops of the water are placed on the ‘and spread over it before the charm is prayed over. The 4 | AceNTuny oF serits water is sllowed to evaporate trom the charm, or to be abeorbed by it. This treatment will trengthen the satel field fof the charm, and allow it to accept a greater charge of emo tional energy from the magician when itis charged by prayer. Tndigo Blue Water Baths: Indigo Blue Water is very useful in| baths for it strengthens the aura and, thus, the astral body ‘When itis used for this purpose itis used in a soaking bath ‘The individual taking the bath should relax in the tub for bout twenty minutes, About one to three tablespoons of Indigo Blue Water is addod to the tub for this bath. For the best effect, the person taking the bath should submerge com: pletely in the bath several times, Other Uses for Indigo Blue Water: Indigo Blue Water is fre: quently used in conjunction with sea water to balance the energy flow. To balance your energy, itis applied to your spinal column following « thorough spiritual cleansing. ‘A mixture of Indigo Water and sea water is frequently found on the altar of practitioners of « number of magico: raligious practices. Those who keep this eymbel do so as an obligation oraduty, it is not done a a casual act. The fact that Yyou'see someone doit does nck mean that you should follow their example, FLOWER AND FRUIT WATERS Flower and fruit waters may be made from flower petals and fruit peoings by the cold method. The flowers of fruit are placed in water and lef in tho refrigerator fora week or so. If ‘You wish to keep those waters you should add vodka to retard Spollage. Water will accept the vibrations of most flowers and fruits, but not much of the scent will pass into the water. Usually there is enough of the quality present to allow the Water tobe used magically, but there is Insufficient scant to Allow its use as perfume. Once the flower petals or fruit peel Water Spe J 30 hhave served their purpose in making the water they be strained out and discarded. ‘There are thre favorite waters in Indian and Middle Kast cooking which may be used directly as flower waters, They ' better quality than the homemade product, and are ly more effective when they are used as sprays. Thege are water, orange water, and orris water. In some case lennon lime waters can also be purchased, but these are considera- more difficult to locate. ‘Once you can identify the effects of fruit and flower ‘You can make up your own. These essences make & ‘pray in the home, sprayed from an ordinary “spritaee” ay bottle, Until you can identify the effects of a spray by ‘Vibration, you are better off using only the sprays men here Water: Wil act to purify any place wher itis sprayed or 18. floorwash. It wil act to remove some thoughtforms heavy vibrations. It can make a home a lighter place to live Tt isnot a cureail, however, and will neither remove heavy forms nor break curses. Water: This water smells bit like orange blossoms— ‘tadtional wedding flower. It acts to encourage the dis ‘of emotions — which is useful if the emotions displayed are ive! It is good to use if you are expecting company Tor & ‘or a party. Water: Used to promote communication between people. Is best eprayed into the air bore » gathering takes place. effect a x floorwash is not very lasting. It seems to act to encourage people to speak their minds on any subject, and can be useful for preparing conference rooms and meeting halls Water: Brings a refreshing and stimulating feling to place whore it is sprayed. It ean also suppreas thovo who tall too much Lime Water: Lime water calms places where an excess of ‘energy is present. It is useful in a children's playroom as a spray ora floorwash It has only a temporary effect, but it can fast you in getting children to bed on time if you spray the ‘oom while they are having dinner. There is a commercial lime water which is available which isnot made from the lime, and ie wil not have the same effect. Be sure you make your own ‘water from the fruit ofthe lime For parties and social oceasions a spray made from rose tnd orris water will make the occasion a bit more festive. It lightens the vibrations and makes people bit more communi cative, There are further suggestions for sprays in the section fon herbs. They ae ll made from herbal teas. We will now look at the predecessors of spraysthe herbal sprinkles. WATER SPRINKLES. ‘Sprinkles and sprays serve a similar purpose They change the feeling of «place, They aro usually made from a her tea with a Dit of vodka added to retard spoilage. In most cases the herb teas one which is made by the cold process in the refrigerator. ‘The sprinkle is placed inthe room by sprinkling from abowlby hand, while che sprey is placed in the room using a spritear sprayer. ‘Many occult and curio shops sell acrosol pressurized ‘sprays. The water basod sprinkles and sprays made from herbs ‘and spices are much less expensive. The homemade product ‘actually works better, es the store items are usually made of perfume and do not have much of the herb or spices in them (One of the nice things about sprinkles and sprays is that che clfects are not long lasting as those found with incnses oF ‘other work: Thus it becomes possible to change the effects ina 00m several times during the course of « day. “To make up a sprinkle, use the herb tea directly from the bottle in the refrigerator. Pour about two ounces in a bow! and sprinkle it around the room frely. Be sure to get some into the Wate Spat | 96 ‘of the room, but unless you like to wash walls try to flicking tho sprinkle onto the wall ai wil waterspot. the section on berbs there are a number of herbs man- ‘as sprinkles, along with the purpose for their use. As everything else used vith magieal intent, it i important ‘over the sprinkle forthe effect you desire before yout ‘licking it around the room. KING BATHS. section on herbs several herbs are mentioned that can be ‘sa bath. Those baths are made by using an herb toa. ‘eight ounces of the tea are required for a tab bath Tn the case ofa blended tes, made from two or more herbs, Detter to make the teas separately and then blend the ‘eas together. In cortain cases this is not done, the herbs being mixed together and only one tea made. It it to read the instructions in each case. For the most probably better to stick with the baths listed as this section or the single herb baths inthe section Pherbs. Experimenting wil often cause more trouble than it ‘All these baths are intended to work on the spiritual body, they should be taken as soaking baths. This also means that ial bath should usually precede the spiritual bath~no ‘or bath oil should be ed in a eral bath. As the bath to work on the speitual body, itis better to air dry ‘an herbal bath, Tn taking an herbal bath, the entire body should be to the herb. This requires thet the person soak in the or six to eight minutes, immersing the whole body com ly several times. This procedure wil allow the herbal ath have its best effect on you. Using herbal baths occasionally is an excellent way of ‘yourself on top of the world around you, It is not all, bu itis an improvement over the usual state of epi neglect which most people practice. A few of the cleansing 98 | ACENTURY OF SPELLS ‘and protective baths may convince you Lo make them a regular part of your lite A Bath for Protection Against Negativity ‘This bath will release negative influences and maintain you in| ta protected state for ten to twelve hours Its good bath to take if you have to visit negative or hostile people. The bath provider a sort of “armor” that protects you throughout the Course of your visit, Place in a two quart bow: 1 fresh gate cloves 1 pinch dried thyme 1/4 teaspoon dried basil 1 pinch dried sage Pour a quart of boiling water over the mixture and allow tho ‘srt ol while the intr step. Sra ot te ples Tid pour the mature nto «tb fll bath water Bathe in the {ub forseven minute, praying for the release of nogtivity and protection from negativity. Immerse your body atleast three {nee In thio bath ito the interaction of the herbal mixtre that permeates the bath giving tits special character. A Bath for Increased Business I you work for yourself or if your income depends on tips, you ‘ean increase your earnings by taking this bath. [tis designed specifically to provide a temporary increase in the money sup: ply Itshould be taken shortly ater a new moon for the longest Iating results. However, it should not be taken more tre- ‘quently than once every three or four months. Too frequent use ‘allifes its effects, Place in a two quart bowl: 1 teaspoons dried parsley 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon brown sugar Water Spates a ‘one quart of boiling water over the mixture and allow it to to room temperature. Then strain the liquid into a half tub bath water. Batho for seven minutes and pray for an in finances while you are inthe tub. Do not wonder or ‘The Bridal Bath Spell purpose of this bath is to remove sexual fears and blocks ‘woman whois about to be married. Tt may also be used other cizeumstances, but my source specified that the ‘is for women and is to be taken three days before the ‘A friend who used it said that it made her more freely smic. It certainly canit hurt in any case Combine 3 heaping teaspoons of dried oregano, and 1 heap- teaspoon of died basil Place in a bowl and pour a quart of ig water over the mixed herbs, When the mixture cools to ‘temperature strain out the herbs and add the tea tou tub bath water. You should remain inthe tub for at least eight ‘and immerse yourself a total of eight times. Air dry ‘is very much preferred ina bath of this kind, and you not take another bath for atleast twenty-four hours, A Bath to Release Emotional Energy ved conflicts are very damaging in daily life. As these al conflicts and stresses are usualy deeply buried ‘you donot usually examine them consciously. The trick onlin ith conic isto reeuce tees than oldie tunately, this usually requires that you deal with con wsing your rational mentality, something Which few poo ‘are equipped to do. The folowing bath will assist in the of conflicts and associated emotional eneray, whether ‘the conflict has presented itself to your conscious mind. Draw a tub of bath water and add 1 cup of sifted rye flour stirring the flour in well. You should soak in the tub for twenty minutes, immersing yourself a least four or ive times. You should consciously relaxin the tub, rleasing any ‘tension which you might fel A General Astral Cleansing Bath Paychiatrists who follow the philosophy of Dr, Wilbelm Reich coften prescribe this bath for thelr patients. They use it to felease astral ditt and thoughtforms, also known as DOR. A fiend of mine claims this bath rebalances the cloctromagnetic field of the person taking it. It has a strong effect on many people, and fe shouldbe taken only when you are able to go to Sep afterwards "have recommended this bath successfully for those who ‘suffer from overexcitable natures. It gives them a last some ‘degree of calm. I usually accompany thie bath with a recom ‘mandation to see a professional therapist. ‘Draw atub of col water end add 1 pound of bicarbonate of soda and 1 pound of sea salt. Mix the water thoroughly to be certain thatthe salts are dissolved. Enter the tub and immed ttely immerse yourself Remain inthe tub for at least twenty ‘minutes, immersing yourself frequently and relaxing between {inmersions. When you leave the tub you should dry thor ‘oughly and go to bed and sleep until you awaken. If you are greatly disturbed after this bath you should consult» professional therapist, as it means you need vo dis ‘cuss your problems with someane, A Skin Tonic Bath for Negativity ‘This bath may be taken either to release negative influences oF ‘to essat you in toning your skin. The bath has been used as & ‘cosmetic aid for many years, but because It also has some Denefit in eloasing negative influences iis included here. This bath can be used as a regular bathwith soap, bath ol, and ‘whatever. The usual tie you spend inthe tub is usualy suff ‘ent for this bath for the bath wil allow the release of minor ‘negative influences while you bethe. Add thefllowing toa tub ‘of bath water: 1 cup apple cider vinegar 3 teaspoon salt the release of any negative energy around you. A Bath for Self-Discipline ‘tangled mess ‘of therapy. Taking this bath in the initis wil usally fean deal with what remains, ive life. It is at best an ai, not a remedy. tance by ition to tobacco. Her Water Spala 38 wish touse this bath strictly co release negativity, bathe five minutes with a minimum of three full immersions, Pray you have difficulty in dealing with the everyday situa: of life. you are probably experiencing two very similar ma. First, you may have a problem with self esteem, and ‘you probably lack self-discipline. These two difficulties to feed on each other, and the end result is that your life ‘The usual solution to these difficulties is to seek some tages of ther sist you to gather enough self-diacipline to Jat least part of your problem dissipate to the extent that ‘The bath has en action whieh firms up willpower sndit will ly remove anything which is ecting es an imped: to your wil You need some form of therapy to overcome Aificalties, and this bath is not a substitute for pey= rapy or any other form of therapy. Ie is merely an ais in the early stages of your attompt to break out of & ‘The bath is also useful if you wish to brele a habit pattern which you have become consciously identified. An exam is giving up the habit of emoking. The bath wil give ame rengthening your willpower to overeome the ‘again, the bath is an aid, not a ‘The difficulty with relying on magical aids to drive off ive influences or change characteris that there is always within that calls the negative influence to you fa first place. This “something” is not removed by the bath It. ‘be removed through the exertion of personal effort. I you cannot make the effort, or will not make the effort to remove the “something,” the difficulty will return. Any magi cal spell, charm, beth, or whatever ean only allow your astral ‘ature to ee just what it would bo ke if this “something” were to be permanently gone. tis then up to your astral, mental, and animal nature to get rid of i Ifyou have tried to work with people over any length of Lume, you are probably aware that most people donot wish to change, they wish to become comfortable. Thus they are not likely to wish to divest themselves of any ingrained habit oF nogaivity. What they want isto learn how to be comfortable with the ingrained habit or nogativity thet they have. ‘With these caveats in mind, the Cherry Blossom Bath for seisipline is stil a very useful bath. I for no other reason, {You might wish to take one to assist yourself in working some if the ather spells in the book! ‘Tomake this bath, take a handful of fresh cherry blossoms ‘and place thom in a two quart bowl. Pour a quart of boiling ‘water over them and let them steep until the water cools to ‘oom temperature, Strain the blossoms out and pour the quid into a tub of bath water, Sal inthe tub for twenty minutes to ‘half hour, immersing yoursl! four or five times. Air dry after this bath to keep the vibration or feeling round you as long at possible A Bath for Ending Relationships When relationships between people are ended, either through mutual agreement or divorce, thee is till an astral eonnsctian between them, The astral connection is caused by ther sexual contect, which energizes this connection. This estral connec: ton may eause a great deal of discomfort unt it finaly weak ‘ens over time. Ther ia simple way'to end this astral connee- ton once and for all. This is through the use ofa ritual bath made with walnuts. The bath males it easier for both parties toend tho relationship. Dont use this ritual bath if you are not sure if you really want to break the ti. Water Ste 41 six unshelled walnuts in an irom pot fll of water. ‘walnuts should simmer about three hours, with water ‘ded as required. Allow th last quart or 90 of water to oom temperature, remove the walnuts and add the ta tub of bath water. When in the tub you should make = prayer to end the relationship. On no account should relations with the other party be resumed after aking, A Bath for Spiritual Growth tual power is associated with spiritual growth. If you ‘spiritual power you need to look more to spiritual ‘as a way to gain that which you seek There is no road to tru spiritual growth, asthe procoss of growth be undertaken yourself and you will probably need the ‘of a spritual teacher. in cleaning away the detritus jgroveth I also has the side it of making it somewhat easier for the teacher to draw ear, A student who is ready is never too far away from a you may only be ignorant thatthe teacher exists. ‘Take 1 tablespoon of ground white eggshells and 1 table- ‘of ground lotus rook powder, Stir into the bath by hand, and pray over the bath before ‘enter it. Once in the tub, immerse yourself immediatly ‘ath for twenty-four hours, A Mate Tea Bath 2a, made from Ilex paraguanienss eaves, isa very com taain South America. In addition toits use as abeverege, also used as a cleansing bath in spiritual practices from ico to Braz ei 2 | ACENTURY OF SPELIS ‘effective in removing the effects of malochia as well as break Jing minor curses ‘Mate tea is availabe in teabags from health food stores. Use 2 cups of strong mate tes and stay in the tub for six to ight minutes. Immerse yourself at least three times while in the tab. This Ls can also be used as «sponge bath. Sponge the solution over yourself ater taking a shower or otherwise wash- Ing yourself. Air dry ater sponging. A Broom Herb Bath Broom herb (Cytisus scoparius) is used in baths as an astral “broom,” clearing out che influences of the lower astral realms. ‘Tho tops ofthe broom plant are placed ina pot and about two cpa of boiling water are poured over them. Once the mixture hhas reached room temperature the broom herb is strained out and the liguid added to a tub of bath water. In this bath, water should be continuously poured over your head while you sit in the tub full of water. After six or fight bowls of water are poured over your head, you should leave the bath and towel dry your hair. Air drying completes the bathing process. Broom herb tops, like many other herbs, can also be used to make an alcohol. The procedures to simply soak the herb in ethyl rubbing alcobol fora week or so. The alcohol can be used for cleansing the aura by wiping the body down, or by placing about 3 ounces ofthe alcohol inthe bathtub, and talking «bath as above, A Clove Bath for Protection Ground Cloves (Eugenia aromatica) may be used as u protec tion bath. They act to protect you from any negative influ fences sent either consciously or subconsciously by others. Before you atvend meeting or interact with people with ‘whom you are likely to heve verbal or payehle confit, a clove bath is recommended Water Spats 8 Pour 2 cups of boiling water over is teaspoon of ground ‘Allow the mixture to steep until it reaches room tem- and add it to s tub of bath water. Stay in the tub ‘oF eight minutes, Immerse seven times. Pray for protec: from all nogative influences. Air dry yourself to maintain protective influence ofthe bath Incense Spells ‘The magical influences of water operate most ively on the astralmotional nature. We will find that ‘also has its special effect. Incense has its greatest ‘on the mentalintellectual nature. When we burn incense are activating the mental plane and manifesting the fore of air olomentals. The activation of the mental intelectual by the use of incense also has an effect on the astral: nature as well. When we stimulate the mental rnature by burning an incense, we stimulate the of communication withthe fores of the universe. Burning ‘also enhances the flow of communication between peo ‘The interested reader may want to read Incense and The ‘of Perfume for additional information." Vin, Icene Wainghorugh, Eagan: Tare Pubating Group ent Mani, The agi of Prune Torsone Pubshng Groep. 19 chow out eprint bt math rain fy ca fin ey. 48 AcENTURY OF SPELLS 4 br tor lthont marin fru te az cient nt nt doe ‘To make a censer, place charcoal (A) on a bed of sand (B) in an ‘empty can (O. Poke three holes inthe rim ofthe con and use tee or chains (D) to suspend the censer. Figure 1. Two methods of burning incense. Top: using an upide down can with charcoal and incense ontop; and bottom: ‘making a censer out of an empty can. techniques of magic this duel function of incense plays & part in gaining the etfocta desired will find that burning incense Is not an elaborate pro- ‘The spices and gum resins which are mentioned here are le in many health food, herb, and occult supply stores ‘the couniry. Self-lighting charcoals may be purchased of these stores, or a religious supply stores in alinoat City. Many of the Incense mixtures that follow ean be from spices found in your kitchen. ‘You can make an incense burner from an old catfood or fish can and a saucer. Pace the can on the saucer and pat Hlighting charcoal on top. Light the edge of the se ‘charcoal with a match and allow the flame to travel ‘the surface ofthe charcoal This is accomplished with a popping and sparking. Once the charcoal is it all across top surface the sparking will stop. You may now add to the hot charcoal about a quarter teaspean at time, wish to do 30 you can always add more incense to the afer the first batch has gone out Once you have experimented with burning incense you Want to ty using a conser. A censer Is simply an incense which is swung by hand. Using a eanser wil allow you to incense throughout your entire ving quarters using only charcoal, for you can carry the incense with you as you it throughout your home. You can make censer from catfood can and three small pices of chain. Place some inthe bottom ofthe can and aselflighting charcoal ontop. the charcoal, and once the sparking has stopped you can some incense on i. Then pick up the eense by the chain end swing it gently us you slowly walk through your homo. Twill give you some idea of how this is done. Once you ried this method you willbe surprised how easy itis to do. ‘When you burn incense in your home you wil find that the last from four to twelve houre afterward. If you fre 42 1 AceNTURY OF SPELLS ‘quently burn similar incenses you will find that the place ‘her they are burned has a tendency to maintain the vib ton of the incense blend permanently. If you are comfortab ‘withthe incenses you are using this isa ight, Ifthe incenses {You are using ae all calls for help, however, you wil find that hey become se-defeating. Ifyou burn only incenses which fare requests tothe univers fr help, protection, or money, you wil ind thet their results drop off quickly. The forces of the Universe have a tendency to look on this a8 a case of overkill, 20 they wil respond to the burning ofthese inconses less and Tess and eventually not at all This is why many of te incenses ‘mentioned in this chapter are marked with a request fr infre ‘Guent burning, The number of times a year you can safely burn ‘them and sil have them work for you is noted i'you wish to use a number of incentes in your work, or if you wish to burn incense frequently, you should select those ‘which are calming and of a spiritual nature. Te area where ‘You willbe working will then tke oa this ealming and spiritual “bration, When you have set up the spiritual vibration, other ‘more specific Incenses will have the desired effect because the {forces of the universe will alweys respond to « spiritual call 1s only calls based on human greed which are ignored. Spe- cific incenses should only be used for spacifie tasks, and only ‘when you really need them. ‘Some people like to bum incense simply to maintain a mystic aura to their living quarters. When this is the only reason for burning incense you should question your motive. I hhave never meta real magician or occultist who burned incense simply because he or she liked the smell. On the other hand incense is burned by people who would lke you to think they fre “into” the occult. You must remember that incenses are ‘powerful tool in magic. Those who misuse powerful tools lose {the right to se them constructively br yu keep incense in mall sealed containers you ‘that it will lst almoet indefinitely. 1 have used ‘that I have hed stored over ten yeara with good In some eases, when certain incenses need to blend long term storage enhances the effect. The incenses lose their virtue, but they may lose most of thelr scent ‘are left exposed to the alt. Spices are said to loge thelr qualities after six months in kitchen. This is not for their effect as incenses in my experience. You may to adopt my own rule of thumb —use the incense unless it ‘bad. If it looks bad, throw it away and make up some Thave found that the best way to mix incense is by using & ‘and pestle. Ihave a good ceramic mortar and pestle ‘to me by a friend who is chemist. They may also be In houseware stores ina variety of sizes. If you have a ‘which will hold sbost a cup of liquid you will hve one isthe correct size for almott any practical use. ‘Gum resin inconses, suchas frankincense, myrrh and ber- fare easier to work with and last longer if they are pur in large lumps and stored in closed containers. This makes them difficult to break up and grind in the however. If the pigces to be ground are placed in the ator overnight before they are ground or broken up in mortar they willbe easier to work with. I they are ground fa powder, the excess can be stored in a glass or plastic ‘and used when next required, saving having to grind bateh| When inconses are made entirely from spices itis often to mix them on a piece of paper. The paper may be tnd used as funnel to place the finished incense i & ‘ottl, which you can shake to complete the mixing. Tncense is one of our oldest offerings to God, and you ‘enjoy working with it. Please remember to label and MIXING AND STORING INCENSE ‘You will find that the incense formulas presented here will male more incense than you might wish to uso at onetime. © | Acenruny oF sreiis dato all the incense you make and keep it out of the reach of| tildren and adults who do not understand its use INCENSE FROM THE KITCHEN Kitchen spices and blends are useful as incenses. Tho effects they have are indicated on the following lst. These simple {ncenses may become your favorites, Allspice: Good for soci gatherings: increases the flow of con: versation and the rapport between people Cinnamon: Calming: has « protective vibration. It stimulates the mind to some extent, and it ean also bring money into the home, I is good to burn inthe nursery, aait hes a alming and ‘quieting effect on young children Cloves: aychically protective it Keeps negative thoughtforms ‘out ofthe place itis burned. Cotter: Good for provetion from negativity; it can put an end to nightmares when itis burned in the bedroom. Better for teonage children than cinnamon. Mace: Good for self-discipline; aids concentration and strengthens the mental body" Its «spice ruled by Mars and affects the mental plane. "Nutmeg: Makes people feel expansive or jovial. I ads to sel confidence, opens people to being joyous. It is not a sexual ‘Incense, but it does promote congenalty ‘The following spice blonds are used as incensee, about a quar- ter teaspoon ata time. Their names are indicative of their use Blessing of Concord: Cinnaznon and allspice combined in equal parts. This places a smooth and witty feling into the place ‘where t is burned. It encourages social ffsirs and discourages Jealousy between people. A bit of frankincense can be added to raise the vibration, Mental Ease and Peace: This resulted from a friend's making ‘up an incense from the recipe in the folksong called "Parsley, Incr Spabs 81 ary and Thyme."Taken in equal parts it yields an hich seems to smooth out the vibrations in the place it is burned. It makes meditation abit elmer and easier, ‘the home st bedtime. It also seems to relieve mental jand help those who worry alot. Stimulation and Wit: Ths incense is an example ofthe tuse of mace~the incense of Mars. It has « mentally 3 effect and is good for increasing the alertness of who do mental work. It isnot « bad incense for the office store in that i sems to perk things up abit. Its bad to ‘whore tempers flare, however. Take two teaspoons of and mix with # teaspoon of ground cloves and a teaspoon ‘cinnamon, Burn a quarier teaspoon at atime on @ a for best results. The remainder can be placed in a bottle snd stored for future use. I improves abit with « of ageing. Tacense: This incense is used to effect a blessing on & place, oF thing. It is particularly good for blessing & possession or articio of clothing. Pray for what is desired incense is burning. Make the incense by mixing a tae: ‘of ground bay leaf with « teaspoon of ground cum ‘a pinch of salt and mix well. Burn a quarter teaspoon at & on hot charcoal and let the fumes ofthe incense rach the ‘or item being blessed. UAL INCENSE most important incense isthe ritual incense sed to conse ‘area usod for ritual purposes. The following Is my own I, which servos well or most work. Specific rituals call for ‘Incenses, and in some cases this incense will not do at However, you will find that fe will serve for most simple work. The incense will not only cleanse an ares, but it ‘also bring in the vibrations required for most wor ‘Mix the following gum resins either by weight or by vol ‘A tablespoonful may be erushed in the mortar for use as 2 / AcENTURY OF SPELLS sure to label the container and dato it so you you prepared it frankincense myrrh benzain opal! ‘The incense may either be sed on the altar or in a censer. It is also useful for fumigations and for ceasing in spiritual cleans ings. PROTECTIVE INCENSE, “This incense sed to protect those occupying the place where itisburnd. It was orgally devised by Jonop Antoine Boul line wltinoyn oz ofthe ther. Test of i prepering i for the use of). Ke Huyemans i ld in Ep Tetrand the French Occult Reval? Te incense was made td bleed nthe name of Se John the Baptist. The ncn io nade sf gum, formed ino sal ball ax pls the seo pe. These canbe atene nto wafer i eRe Tes tobe burned on charcoal with prayer or protec tion whenever protections dened. The incense improves Slightly with ago ao lng av iis kept in closed container ‘rich dove nt low the camphor gu 0 evaporate Mix in 8 mortar: teaspoon finely ground myrrh powder teaspoon frankincense powder teaspoon ground cloves teaspoon camphor gum (either synthetic from ‘your local drugstore or natural from a store telling nian foods and spices ‘fo can wy fin opine ply tors I ony wd at» at SCotopher Melntnh, Etphas Lew! and she Prech Oct Reveal ork each, ME Sama Weer 4p. 190. Now ot pit. Incense Spall 1 3 ature doesnot form a gum add abit more camphor 19 i. The finished pelts may berllad or dusted with mye to make the los sky if denned, fou use this incense by pacing a pelt oma hot charcoal the fren are rising you should pay forthe preecion TI you are prajing fom » Christian perspective, make your prayer to St. Jon the Baptat. From a perepective yo shold adress your prayer to th mar Mare elated deity inthe patton you te, cleanse yourself or another person from negative if 708 may’ ue this incense ins frngnion, Fer informe “on fungating yourself or another fern seo page &8 fumigation with incense is dacs st length sH SPIRIT INCENSE name “High Spirit Incense” is frequently found on sold in occult or curio shops. It is an incense which ts highor spirituel foros, and has the effect of protec Dlessing, nd generally clearing up the spiritual environ- ‘The incense given below is not what you will ind in the store, but is actually the incense used by spiritual prac Tt is made from gum resins, and while i is more it ia also much more effective. Ifyou are only going to work with one or two incenses this ‘which you wil want to keep on hand. ‘The incense Js in the mortar and sealed in small bottles. You may burn ‘a quarter teaspoon ata time on charcoal, 8 veaspoons frankincense 2 veaspoons benzoin gum 2 teaspoon myreh may use this incense either in a fixed burner or ins conser. may also use this incense in «fumigation, especially fo ‘cleansing beth, 64 1 ACENTURY OF SELLS Incense Spas | 88 MEDITATION INCENSE 'Y- DRAWING INCENSE incense is useful for opening to door to money. Tt has ‘2 very good reputation in money-drawing, aa fe seams ‘when iis used. Having sed it myself when in finan: can testify to its effectiveness. am aureit will work Yor you. although there are no guarenteos in the opera: ‘magic. Burning this incense seems to announce to the ‘that more income is needed. a teaspoon of enon gum powder and two teaspoons n in a mortar. Burn about a qusrter Veaspoon at & on hot charcoal. Conse all the rooms of the house with the ‘hen you want a lift in your money supply. incense must not be overused, as overuse isa signal yyou are unhappy with the divine supply that is being "you. The universe seems to interpret overuse aa a sign of ‘and reduces rathor than increases the supply. Using this three or four times a year is best. You should Use i you are at low point financially aa this seems to have results. It wil bring money into you~ dont be impa- Tis important not to wonder where the money wil come for doing vo may act to lait the amount available to ‘This incense is sometimes known as High Church Incense, or Church Incense. The formula we will use contains gum resin, ‘hile the occult store product is usually made from perfume fils and’ wood flour. You will find that our version of the incense has a very spiritual and qui meditation or for calming a nervous vibration. ‘This incense is made in the mortar and stored in small losed bottles. You can burn it on charcoal about # quarter teaspoon at atime. 2s teaspoons of frankincense 1 teaspoon of myrch 1 teaspoon of copa ‘You may burn this incense either in a fixed burner oF in a conser. You wil find that itis best in meditatin if you use a fixed burner that remains about six fet away when you are meditating INCENSE FOR SWEETENING THE HOME, "This incense originated with black Americans in the South. It was a favorite incense in the pre-Civil War South, when resin [pums were not available to the black slaves, This incense ‘cheers up the home, settling socalled “troubled conditions. Tt is also good to use around old people, especialy those who fel that they have nothing to live for. Unlike the other ineenses made from gums, this incense doesnot store for more than # week or so. Therefore you should ‘ake only the amount you will need for onetime. ‘Mix two or three drops of honey in s quarter teaspoon of bbrown sugar. Place the resulting paste on « hot charcoal and 8 teaspoons cinnamon allow the fumes to fil the house. The odor can be rather strong. 1h teaspoons mace ifit is burned in aroom fl of people, consaquenty itis usually ‘i teaspoon powdered alum* Detter to burn this when you are slone. The vibrations will remain when the rest ofthe faily arrives ea be parca in your eal rage been used for many years to encourage con ‘when meditating. You may find it valuable when iy. This incense may be burned in your bedroom to aid mind in directing itself to certain thoughts while you tis an aid to concentration in general. Mix together well 6 | ACENTURY oF SPELLS fa quurer tnspoon at atime on « bot. charcoal. Tis fncnss sores welll sept nana bot Ie soul be Turned alternately with one of the situa incense, or the Wibraton ofthe room where i inbred may become « i oo heavy. “Fis incense should not be wed to cense peopl, ait has too heavy a vibration. For the same reason ft should nat be ‘te for fuigations HOUSE BLESSING INCENSE ‘When you move into a new house you often want it to get a “homey” feling quickly. Thie incense will assist in making. your house into» home, It was devised by an expert in eeremo Iial magic? and has been used by a number of people with success, including mysel. ‘The incense improves with age, butt should be stored in a ‘covered bottle, Mix this incense in the mortar and form into pila about the size ofa pen. 1 teaspoon powdered camphor gun 1 teaspoon powdered nutmeg | teaspoon powdered driod myrtle leaves ‘This incense may be burned in a conser, but the best way to use| {it to puta strong vibration in a new home is to arrange several {incense burners throughout the house. You can use cad fans and saucers for this, with a charcoal on each one. Place two persized lumps or about an eighth teaspoon af incense on feech charcoul. Lat the fares rise and permeate the whole hhouse until there are no more fumes rising. This takes about an hour Ae the scent fsa it strong, you may wish to air out the house afterwards, but the vibration will remain in the house "A single application of this incenso is sufficient. It will ‘establish a good vibration throughout the entice house, and nls there is «traumatic upset, it will remain. ‘David Gonna, Moi: An Occ Primer: Dutton 1972. ncn Spe NSE FOR ABUNDANCE AND SPERITY IN THE HOME. you have established good homey vibration in your ‘you might wish to refresh this vibration from time to Regularly used, say every month or so, che following will assist you in that effort. 1t has the quality of ‘abundance into your home, and when it is used as & incense throughout the house with = prayer of jvingit will maintain the beneficial vibrations of the tnd keep prosperity flowing in. This incense has other qualities as wel, in that it has aspirituaizing effect place wher itis burned. This assist in removing nega: thoughtforms and keeping the home elevated, the mortar mix the following: 2 parts ground cinnamon 1 part nutmeg. 1 part benzoin 1 part ground dried myrtle leaves bout an eighth ofa teaspoon a atime on aot charcoal feensr. Carry the censor with you ts you move throughout hhouse, allowing the fumes to reach through the entire ‘The remaining incense may be stored away in e closed IMIGATION WITH INCENSE tion is the process of using incense on person, place, to change the vibration of whatever is fumigated. The ‘of the fumigation is to permanently change the vibra: for the better. In the case of the fumigation of people, the change inthe vibration is rarely lasting. Buld and furniture will have a permanent change in vibration if fare thoroughly fumigated. ‘You might compare the concept of fumigation with the use cof perfume. When you use any kind of scent you have a change in your vibration, but the change is not lasting because the fcent wears off. You will experince a similar change as a result (Of using & fumigation. In the case of & fumigation, however, ‘You wil find thet the change inthe vibration is more subtle. Wrill take a fow days or a week for your natural vibration to ‘completely supersede the vibration placed on you by the fun sgution. ‘The primary object of «fumigation, whether of a person, place, or thing, is to eliminate negative influences which may be present, This is the reason why knowing landlords have houses and apartments fumigated after a tenant leaves. The fumigation completely removes the vibration of the previous tenants and places a new vibration into the living space. The fumigation of a person has the same effect first it cleansos them of negative Influences, and second, It raises his or her ‘bration to higher level ‘When you fumigate # building it is necessary to use & ‘numberof incense burners. You may want to place one in every ‘oom ofthe house, A cleansing incense placed onthe coals of tthe incense burners and lft for an hour or so. Once the cleans ing is accomplished, the new vibration is placed in the building by burning a spiritual incense. You might want to use Coffee Tense to clean out the negativity inthe place and then fllow ‘with House Blesing Incense to place a good vibration in the place. When a erime of violence ar murder has taken place io & house or apartment, it is frequently necessary to use incenses ‘as well as other things Lo clean out the living quarters, Some of ‘the materials used can be dangerous, so this type of cleansing is best left o those who have been trained todo it. One incense ‘commonly used for this typeof cleansing actually destroys the fstral fabric in an apartment or house. With this type of Cleansing the most ev vibrations can be removed and replaced ‘with a feeling of swovtness and light. ‘Fumigating & person isa very simple thing, and one which will be found to be beneficial under all circumstances. You Should gut into the habit of using a fumigation on yourself fr you ail fal “grungy” after taking a cleansing bath* incense will remove astral forms which the bath will not, is not because the incense is more effective than the bath, simply thatthe incense removes one thing while the bath something else. When you are fumigating yourself, you should avoid jenting with incenses other than those given below, are working with your personal vibration when you do a ‘and you may create a change that you will not ke, ‘any fumigation, the effect will tay with you for at least four hours! "To fumigate yourself (or another person) you will need a irbacked chair, a white sheet, your incense bummer and jincense you have selected, Place the incense burner under jchair and light the charcoal, Placo the incense on the hot and sit on the char (either nude or in your underwear). gently wrap thesheat around you, covering the chair, and hing but Your head Be earefal not to let the sect hit the ‘burner or the hot charcoal! Sit Like this for ten orf minutes and you will fumigate yourself very wel indeed, Will assist you in being more harmonious with oth Te is a good fumigation when you have difficulties in a lage or nt work rl uit in omovng locket your owt. or ‘sistance, i should be secompanied by sincere to Ged for help. ” 10: Will assist you in gaining protetion fom outside ‘and from malicious or negative people, It can be teed 18 prayer for a jab or a business opportunity. ‘This isthe best protective incense for fumigation. It [protect you from those who are delibertely malicious as ‘as from the sub-conscious negative thoughts of others. A Toes infrmation om thi, 6 Sprtua Cleaning, page 320 98 | ACENTURY OF SPELLS clove fumigation is about the strongest protection fumigation there is. CCotfee:A good fumigation against negative entities, including the spzits of the dead. It is also « good fumigation for those ‘who are sick or who have been sick for a period of time. It will Temove heavy thoughtforme fot people. It also puts an end to nightmares induced by heavy thoughts of yourself or oth rs, Use regular ground coffee, not instant or decaffenated cole. Frankincense: A goneral fumigation for deansing and spiritual growth. Te will assist you to get off on the right foot in any form of spiritual growth or exercise. It is probably the best ‘general fumigation to start with Garlle Skins: The outer covering ofthe garlic is pooled off and discarded when you cook with garlic. The skins are good for the removal of negative thoughtform or obsessive thoughts ‘You should fumigate yourself with garlic skins if you feel di couraged about something, or if ape thought preys on your ‘mind After brosking off an affair, tea goed idea to furmigate {yourself with garlic skins every week forthe first month or 0. ‘This keeps thought of loss from becoming Lo strong. ‘Tobacco: Tobacco is an herb of Mars, and is often used in Incense in emall quantities to add the Mars vibration. It is good for physical protection and for frcing. yourself from {influences sent to You. It may also be used with a sincere rayer to free yourself ofthe ability to send the evil eye to thers. There is enough tobacco in a cigarette to fumigate yoursalt Spells Using Oils Oils are similar to water in that they have more on our emotianel nature. Oils contain some of the earth nt 90 they effect the physical nature us well. Oils ean be ‘of animal, mineral, or plant origin. Mineral ofls heve ofthe earth quality in them, and are moro suited to spells fulfil earthly desires and negative magic. Plant cls ‘with them the “feeling” or vibration of the plant from h thay came. Animal als also carry the vibration of their in, but they are rarely found exespt in lard from the pig, tallow from the sheep. Because animal oils affect the ank nature directly, they have developed a reputation in nega: magi. ‘When you make up an ol you must remember that you are 3g the influence ofthe oil and the herb (or other material) add toi. This requires a subtle ability to blend the vibra ‘correctly, and this only comes with experience. You are 2 | ACENTURY OF SPELLS better off beginning with ols where the formula specifies the particular oil to be used. As with other magical spells, it does hot pay to experiment until you can tll what you will ha before yot mix I "There are a number of plant oils which can be used as a basis for magical ols, The folowing list gives some of the more ‘commonly found oils and their uses. These oils can be pur- ‘chased in health food stores or some of the larger grocery Stores. For the most part, they are the als most commonly ‘sed in magical work, primarily because they are easily aval able, Almond Ol: This ois sid to correspond to the Sun in Leo ‘This kind of correspondence is found in a numberof oils, nd seems tobe based on the fact that cil ofall sorts were used in Tope in ancient times, The primary indicator of light is the ‘San in Leo, so this atribution was given to many ofthese lls. T'was orginally taught that the almond was preeminently & plant of Venus, and that the vitue or power) of Venus perme- ‘ted all parts ofthe tree, including the ol. This coincides with the dea prevalent in mont Western magi thatthe almond and the oil ofthe almond are the mut and oll of fiat choice for love spall or amatory magic. Almond ols also useful forthe resto: ation of health and mental stability. Te isan excellent base for Draling and massage cil In the East, among the Hindus, almond ol is used to pro- rote chastity. ‘The esting of almonds is undertaken for the fame reason, This is an example of the difference in the beliefs fof two cultures, and the way in which what you belive affects ‘the reults you obtain from the same ingredient. Obviously, if the oil can be used in love and sex spell it can also be used in chastity spells, The tame force of the universe is present, and in this ease the polarity ofthe force is chosen by the beliefs of the person using the oi Otive Oi: Also corresponds to the Sun in Leo. You will find that olive oll forme the base for moat of the oll which orig nate in the Mediterranean area. This is simply because itis the most common cooking and lamp ol found there. Olive oil Spas Using ts 6s base ol forall poniive work It ud fo pai bling to love end eerything in betwee. Ie pare on pal rag os an amagcal charge with ile itil, hes aaataraly ibrtion, which inact subject to decay. Por hl feaan ils fel to sein nogaive work tin aying curse. lis the base ll lor mast ofthe Christan “anaang it: This oll is used in Chinese magical work, but 1 never heard of it being specifically used as a magie ol, 5 some more knowledgeable reader will enlighten it: Also corresponds to the Sun in Leo. As the takes even its name from the Sun, it has a better of filling the correspondence than most of the other JSunflower oil is used for much the same things as is olive is particularly good as « healing i, and it works well as or anointing oi. Sunflower oil ha the ability to add to the body when used as & massage oi. This isnot the of the menthol-based lniments, bat the more subtle heat ‘warmth ofthe sun and the Ife ere, Oil This oil has a strong earth vibration. It is useful in ‘as a healing ol for money, emplayment, or for any form magic. Peanut oll may be prayed over forthe restore [energy and vitality, and used aa either a massage ol or anointing oil for this purpose. This a useful bath ol for people: a teaspoon toa tub of water ie sufficient. There bath oils available commercially, however. 4 i: The icon so in supermaets and rug isn petrsoum product It contane the vite f the be ti nd on of ph eh 7 or even gasoline), it is used ms for vibration. aa

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