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4A Politics and protest

A Read the information about the UKYP and then discuss the questions in pairs.

The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) is a youth organisation, consisting

of democratically elected members aged between eleven and
eighteen. Formed in 2000, the parliament now consists of around 600
members, who are elected to represent the views of young people in
their area to government and service providers. Over half a million
young people vote in the elections each year, which are held in at
least 90% of constituencies. Members meet regularly to hold debates
and plan campaigns. Recent campaigns have included:
• A greener future for Britain
• Combating youth unemployment • Transport
• Making youth activities affordable • Tuition fees
• Political education and voting age • Zero tolerance towards bullying

1 Is there a similar organisation to the UKYP in your country?

2 Would you be interested in joining such an organisation? Give reasons.
3 Which of the campaigns listed do you consider the most important? Explain your choice.
4 What other political or social issues do you think are currently important for young people?

B Complete the blog, using the verbs from the box in the correct form. Which issue from A is being discussed?

call for  change  gauge  join  sign  take  take part

Don’t let them get away with it!

As you are no doubt aware, the government has recently 1 the law to allow universities to charge
extortionate fees of £9,000 a year. The effect of this fee increase can already
be seen in the drop in numbers of students applying to universities for courses starting this autumn.
This is hardly surprising. What young person would wish to start their working life with such huge debts, accumulated over
three or four years of hard study?
I encourage you to join me in 2 change. The action I would like the government
is to set tuition fees back to the pre-rise limit of £3,000 a year. Show your support by getting online
and 4 an e-petition or go one step further and 5 in one of the demonstrations being
held around the country next month. Make it easy for the decision-makers 6 public opinion by getting
behind this issue and 7
the protest.

Aimee, 17, Birmingham

C Choose another issue from the list in A or think of your own idea. Write a blog saying what the issue is, why it’s a
problem and what action you want the government and readers to take.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

4A Politics and protest

Aims  To raise students’ awareness of a UK youth organisation.

To give students the opportunity to put forward their views on
current issues. To review and practise vocabulary from the lesson.
Time  10−15 minutes + extra time for writing task C
Materials  1 handout for each student
• Give each student a handout. Tell them to read the text in A
and then discuss the questions in pairs. Get feedback from
the class, ensuring they are able to support their views.
• Tell students to complete task B. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
Issue: Tuition fees 4 signing
1 changed 5 take part
2 calling for 6 to gauge
3 to take 7 joining
• Tell students to complete task C. When they have finished,
they should exchange handouts with another student and
read each other’s blog. They should then give one another
feedback on how important they consider the issue to be
and say whether they would be encouraged to take action

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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