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4C Conflict

A Match the sentences halves. Write a−j in the boxes.

1 In Spain, the civil

2 The country is currently experiencing a period of political

3 Amnesty International is an organisation which campaigns for human

4 Despite the firepower of government troops, rebel

5 Peace

6 Seven people have been killed and many more injured following a suicide

7 The Prime Minister has announced that military

8 The group has decided to give up its armed

9 The organisation has failed to acknowledge dozens of civilian

10 A further fourteen people have been killed in the attacks, bringing the death

a talks are now underway between the two countries.

b conflict and aims to resolve the matter peacefully.
c toll to over a hundred.
d action on the country cannot be ruled out.
e instability following the recent elections.
f war lasted from 1936 to 1939.
g casualties from air strikes during the campaign.
h forces appear to be holding their ground.
i bombing in the capital this morning.
j rights and freedom of speech.

B You are going to find out about a conflict, either past or current. Use the questions below to help guide your research.
Make notes as you go and then use the information gathered to produce a factual text.
1 Where is/was the conflict?
2 Who is/was it between?
3 When and why did it begin (and end)?
4 What are/were the aims of each side?
5 Have/Did any other countries become involved in the conflict?
6 What have been/were the effects of the conflict?

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

4C Conflict

Aims  To extend vocabulary related to conflict. To engage

students in a group project to research a conflict and produce an
informative text.
Time  5−10 minutes + extra time for research and writing
Materials  1 handout for each group of three students;
students need access to the Internet to complete the project
• Divide the class into groups of three, give each group a
handout and tell them to complete task A. Check answers as
a class, ensuring comprehension of all the vocabulary.
Answer Key
1  f  2  e  3  j  4  h  5  a  6  i  7  d  8  b  9  g  10  c
• Elicit from the class any other relevant collocations they can
think of with the target words, e.g. civil unrest, political leaders,
human suffering, rebel fighters.
• Read through task B as a class. Give students time in their
group to discuss which conflict they would like to look into.
For interest, encourage each group to choose a different one.
Students conduct their research, using the Internet or other
available media, and then create an informative text. The
texts can then be displayed in the classroom so that students
may read each other’s work.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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