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4 Review

Student A Student B
Find out who … Find out who …
1 can name three charities which campaign 1 knows someone who has signed a petition.
on environmental issues. 2 thinks he/she should do well in the next
2 thinks the current president will English exam.
be re-elected. 3 may get a tattoo in the future.
3 thinks he/she is bound to live at home until 4 can name two countries currently
getting married. experiencing civil unrest.
4 knows the difference between mainstream 5 will have set up a business by the time he/
and single-issue politics. she is 30.
5 will have taken up another language by the 6 will be buying a present for the teacher at
end of next year. the end of the year.
6 will be sleeping at ten o’clock on 7 is meeting someone after school today.
Sunday morning.
8 can think of three expressions for objecting
7 is going to the dentist or doctor in the next to suggestions.
few weeks.
8 can think of three expressions for
making suggestions.

Student C Student D
Find out who … Find out who …
1 thinks that the electoral system 1 thinks taking part in a demonstration is a
needs reforming. waste of time.
2 is likely to have a day off sick in the 2 might give up a hobby in the near future.
next month. 3 thinks the chances are that he/she will be
3 certainly won’t work as a teacher in told off today.
the future. 4 can name four nouns with the suffix -ism.
4 knows the nouns of the verbs riot, 5 will have made a fortune by the age of 40.
demonstrate and protest.
6 will still be studying English at the age
5 will have bickered with someone by the end of 25.
of the day.
7 isn’t going to vote in the future.
6 will be hanging out with the same friends
8 can name four key features of formal letters.
this time next year.
7 is going to take a gap year after
finishing school.
8 can think of three ways to begin a letter
of protest.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable
4 Review

Aims  To review the vocabulary and grammar from Unit 4

Time  15 minutes
Materials  1 handout for every four students, cut up into A / B /
C / D sections
• Divide the class into four groups. Give everybody in one
group a copy of the Student A section of the handout, and
similarly Student B, C, and D sections to the other groups.
• Allow the class time to work with other students in their
group to decide on the questions they need to ask. Make it
clear that at this point they are not answering the questions.
• Organise students into groups of four, so that each group
has a Student A, B, C and D. Students take turns within
their group to ask their questions and try to find someone
who answers, ‘yes’. When they do, they should gather more
information about the situations or get answers in the case of
the vocabulary/expressions questions.
• When the activity is finished, elicit answers to the questions
about lexis and ask each group to briefly feed back a couple
of things they found out about the students in their group. At
this stage, focus on linguistic accuracy.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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