Communication Idioms: Solutions 2nd Edition Upper-Intermediate

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7C Communication idioms

A Read the mini-dialogues and match the idioms in bold with their meanings (a–i) below.
1 A There’s no point asking him to turn the TV off again.
B I know. It’s like talking to a brick wall. 
2 A Did you hear the Prime Minister’s resigned?
B Yes, of course. News like that spreads like wildfire. 
3 A How come you’re so late, Finlay? I’ve been here since three o’clock.
B Three? We must have got our wires crossed. I’m sure we agreed to meet at four. 
4 A How was your evening out with Katie? Did she tell you about her new boyfriend?
B Yes! She went on and on about him. I couldn’t get a word in edgeways the entire night.
5 A It drives me mad when politicians beat about the bush. 
B I agree! I wish they’d just get straight to the point. It would save a lot of time. 
6 A This movie is so boring!
B You took the words right out of my mouth! Shall we watch something else instead? 
7 A Can you keep me posted on what happens while I’m away?
B Sure. I’ll text you whenever I get any new information. 
8 A I don’t know how to tell Chloe that her goldfish has died.
B Well, you’ve got to break the news to her sometime. The sooner, the better I reckon. 

a have a different understanding of the same situation

b keep someone informed of things that are happening
c talk about the most important thing directly
d talking to someone who isn’t listening
e you said exactly what I wanted to say before I had a chance to say it
f give someone bad news which will have an effect on them
g not be able to say anything as someone else is talking all the time
h quickly becomes known by more and more people
i intentionally avoid talking about what is important

B Complete the following with one word. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 When were you last in a situation where you couldn’t get a in edgeways?
2 When was the last time you got your crossed with someone?
3 In what kind of situations might someone about the bush?
4 When was the last time you felt like you were talking to a brick  ?
5 Can you think of any recent news which has spread like  ?
6 When did you last ask someone to you posted?

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

7C Communication idioms

Aims  To introduce and practise idioms related to communication

Time  10 minutes
Materials  1 handout for each student
• Give each student a handout and tell them to complete task
A. Check answers as a class, ensuring that the meanings of all
the idioms are clear. You could ask students if they have any
similar idioms in their language.
Answer Key
1  D  2  H  3  A  4  G  5  I, C   6  E  7  B  8  F
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to read the mini-
dialogues aloud together. Circulate and correct any
pronunciation or intonation errors as necessary. Select
different pairs to present a dialogue each to the class.
• Tell students to cover task A and complete the gap-fill in task
B. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 word 3 beat 5 wildfire
2 wires 4 wall 6 keep
• Tell students to discuss the questions in pairs, providing
details and examples as appropriate. Get feedback on what
pairs discussed.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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