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8B Talking about ability

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could or be able to. Use can and could where possible.
1 Luckily, the police arrest the poachers last night.
2 you recommend a company to install solar panels?
3 We decided not to buy the house because we hear too much traffic noise from
the motorway.
4 After the closure of the coal mine, many miners get another job for several months.
5 The local residents hated stop the development of the wind farm.
6 I’m afraid I help with the tree-planting this afternoon because I’m too busy.
7 The zoo hopes release the chicks back into the wild very soon.

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Include the word in brackets.
1 We can probably reduce our carbon footprint next year. (SHOULD)
We our carbon footprint next year.
2 Were they able to repair the wind turbines after the storm? (MANAGE)
the wind turbines after the storm?
3 The power station is visible from the town centre. (CAN)
The power station from the town centre.
4 We can’t rely on fossil fuels for much longer. (WILL)
We on fossil fuels for much longer.
5 The eco-protesters weren’t able to stop the forest being destroyed. (COULD)
The eco-protesters the forest being destroyed.
6 The factory has been unable to cut its carbon emissions. (SUCCEEDED)
The factory its carbon emissions.
7 I find it disgusting that I can smell exhaust fumes in the classroom. (ABLE)
I dislike exhaust fumes in the classroom.

C Complete the sentences so they’re true about you. In pairs, read your answers to each other.
Are any of your ideas the same?
1 I’d like to be able to but I can’t.
2 When I was five, I couldn’t but I can now.
3 I can but my best friend can’t.
4 I made my parents proud when I succeeded in  .
5 I remember not being able to when I was younger.
6 I hope I manage to in the future.
7 The first time I tried  , I couldn’t do it.
8 Nobody in my family is able to  .

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

8B Talking about ability

Aims  To review and practise language to talk about ability

Time  10–15 minutes
Materials  1 handout for each student
• Give each student a handout and tell them to complete task A.
Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 were able to 5 not being able to
2 Can/Could 6 can’t
3 could 7 to be able to
4 couldn’t
• Tell students to complete task B. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 should be able to reduce 5 couldn’t stop
2 Did they manage to repair 6 hasn’t succeeded in cutting
3 can be seen 7 being able to smell
4 will not be able to rely
• Give students time to complete the sentences in task C so
that the statements are true for them. Divide the class into
pairs and tell them to read their sentences to each other.
Get feedback from pairs on any similar answers they had,
ensuring they are using the target grammar accurately.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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