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8C Meat Free Mondays

A Complete the text by adding one word to each gap.

In 2009, ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney launched a campaign to encourage

people to consume less meat to help tackle global warming. He established
his ‘Meat Free Monday’ initiative after reading a UN study which
highlighted the link 1 meat and climate change. The study
showed that the livestock industry was responsible
a staggering 18% or more of man's global greenhouse gas
emissions, partly because of deforestation in 3 Amazon.

Although McCartney has been a committed vegetarian for over thirty

years, his aim was 4 to convert people into non-meat eaters.
Instead, he wanted to show people how 5 could make a
meaningful contribution to a more sustainable, healthier world just by
having one designated meat free day 6 week. He stressed
that the benefits of making a small change like this should not
be underestimated.

The eco-campaign has proved very successful, with many individuals, families 7
celebrities adopting ‘Meat Free Monday’. Some schools have also taken up the initiative and McCartney has
recently reiterated his message in a YouTube video in a bid 8 persuade more schools to get on board.

B Discuss the questions in pairs. Give reasons and examples to support your answers.
1 What do you think of the idea of ‘Meat Free Monday’?
2 Do you think your family/your school would be keen to take up the initiative?
3 Why do you think Monday was chosen instead of another day in the week?
4 Can you think of other celebrities who are involved in eco-projects?

C Look at the prefixes in the box. Find words with five of the prefixes in the text in A. What do the prefixes mean?

de- ex- mis- multi- non- post- re- under-

D Complete the questions using the prefixes in C. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Give reasons and examples.
1 Has anyone in your family done a graduate degree at university?
2 Do you know anyone who still gets on well with an boyfriend/girlfriend?
3 Have you ever read a novel?
4 Which English words do you often spell?
5 What are some examples of verbal communication?
6 Have you ever felt hydrated?
7 Do you think teachers sometimes estimate students’ abilities?
8 What are the advantages of being lingual?

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press • Photocopiable

8C Meat Free Mondays

Aims  To give students practice in completing an open cloze

task. To encourage students to share views on an eco-campaign.
To extend and practise use of prefixes.
Time  15 minutes
Materials  1 handout for each student
• Give each student a handout and tell them to complete task A.
Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 between 4 not 7 and
2 for 5 they 8 to
3 the 6 a
• Divide the class into pairs and tell them to discuss the
questions in task B. Get feedback on ideas and opinions.
• Tell students to complete task C. Check answers as a class
and elicit any other examples of words with these prefixes
that students can think of.
Answer Key
ex-Beatle (ex- former) deforestation (de- opposite/remove)
non-meat eaters (non- not) underestimated
reiterate (re- again) (post- after)
(mis- badly/wrongly) (multi- many)
(under- not enough)
• Tell students to complete task D. Check answers as a class.
Answer Key
1 post 4 mis 7 under
2 ex- 5 non- 8 multi
3 re 6 de
• Give students time to discuss the questions in pairs and then
conduct some class feedback.

Solutions 2nd edition  Upper-Intermediate © Oxford University Press

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