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jungle321 : lets make sure

jungle321 : irelia
jungle321 : never queues up ever again
jungle321 : please dox her
jungle321 : i will pay you
Smurfsen : graves
Smurfsen : u are typical
jungle321 : do not
jungle321 : dare
jungle321 : to
jungle321 : type
jungle321 : to me
Smurfsen : permabanned psychopath
jungle321 : random dog
Smurfsen : u are mental af
jungle321 : you inted
jungle321 : the whole game
jungle321 : and you are
jungle321 : trying
jungle321 : to blame me
jungle321 : little cock dog
Smurfsen : man tell me ur real name
lGwKiGuy : Nice smurf
lGwKiGuy : Stay silver
jungle321 : nice damage yas
jungle321 : you are cringe
jungle321 : lol
lGwKiGuy : ty
Smurfsen : oh no
Smurfsen : I did no dmgh
Smurfsen : sad :(
jungle321 : yo link main yas
jungle321 : show me your diamond 3 account
jungle321 : XD
jungle321 : let me
jungle321 : do
jungle321 : a twitter post
jungle321 : on you
jungle321 : so you can
jungle321 : get
jungle321 : doxed
jungle321 : u do not
Smurfsen : oh no
jungle321 : deserve
jungle321 : to plat this game
jungle321 : to play
Smurfsen : oh no
jungle321 : cringe random
Smurfsen : what I'm gonna do
jungle321 : i mean
Smurfsen : u are mental
jungle321 : league if your whole life
jungle321 : so i dont know what you are gonna do
Smurfsen : xd
Smurfsen : lol
Smurfsen : u are delusional
Smurfsen : and toxic
jungle321 : im delusional?
jungle321 : that you inted
jungle321 : oh yeah
jungle321 : of course
jungle321 : XD
Smurfsen : so what?
jungle321 : so what
jungle321 : ?
jungle321 : u
jungle321 : literally
jungle321 : inted
Smurfsen : bad games happens
Smurfsen : and ur mental
jungle321 : ?
jungle321 : no
Smurfsen : is weak af
jungle321 : inting
jungle321 : you admitted
jungle321 : you admitted inting
jungle321 : what are you even saying
jungle321 : lol
Smurfsen : whole team
Smurfsen : can admit
jungle321 : do you have
jungle321 : a knife
Smurfsen : that u're toxic
jungle321 : close your room
jungle321 : make me a favor
jungle321 : slide it under your nec
jungle321 : neck
Smurfsen : I can slide yours
Smurfsen : easy af
Smurfsen : come
jungle321 : HAHAHAHAHAHA
jungle321 : typical euw random
Smurfsen : lol
jungle321 : u wont slit shit
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : I would knock u out
jungle321 : u are an overweight neckbeard
jungle321 : do not type more
Smurfsen : ok
Smurfsen : lol
jungle321 : actually no
jungle321 : i want you to type
jungle321 : you will lose some weight
Smurfsen : xd
Smurfsen : delusional
jungle321 : do you even know
jungle321 : what delusional means
Smurfsen : man trust me
Smurfsen : u are the weak one
Smurfsen : I would clap u
Smurfsen : u can only
jungle321 : XD
Smurfsen : boost your ego in game
jungle321 : u play
jungle321 : this
jungle321 : game
jungle321 : whole game
jungle321 : whole day
jungle321 : and you are trying to tell me
jungle321 : that you would clap me irl
Smurfsen : lol
Smurfsen : delusional af
jungle321 : do you
jungle321 : even know
jungle321 : what means
jungle321 : delusional
jungle321 : euw brain
jungle321 : is so low
Smurfsen : u are
Smurfsen : typical permabanned
Smurfsen : kid
Smurfsen : typical
jungle321 : you are the one
jungle321 : that said
jungle321 : that would slit my throat
jungle321 : and im the typical permabanned one
Smurfsen : man trust me
jungle321 : hm
jungle321 : makes sense
Smurfsen : I can climb if I want
Smurfsen : but u can't
jungle321 : XDDD
Smurfsen : coz of weak mental
jungle321 : AHGHAHAHAHA
Smurfsen : u are getting banned
jungle321 : HAHAHAHAHA
Smurfsen : before u even try to climb
Smurfsen : xd
jungle321 : u are right
jungle321 : but you cant get out of plat
jungle321 : that's doesnt make sense
Smurfsen : ez
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : I can
Smurfsen : but bad games
jungle321 : no u cant
jungle321 : lol
Smurfsen : :)
Smurfsen : wanna bet?
jungle321 : ?
jungle321 : you dont even have
jungle321 : money to bet
Smurfsen : let's bet 100$
jungle321 : LOL!
Smurfsen : paypal
jungle321 : u dont
jungle321 : even
jungle321 : have
jungle321 : 100$
Smurfsen : lol
Smurfsen : k
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : u talk
Smurfsen : and then back out
jungle321 : what
Smurfsen : u are so delusional
Smurfsen : like
Smurfsen : u think
jungle321 : ??????
Smurfsen : u are the best
jungle321 : HAHAHAHA
jungle321 : EUW IS SO FUNNY
Smurfsen : and u're not from euw?
jungle321 : i smurf in your piss region
jungle321 : with 110 ms
jungle321 : while you are hardstuck plat
jungle321 : i speedrun your shitty elo
Smurfsen : so
Smurfsen : you must be better than me
Smurfsen : in this game
Smurfsen : gj
jungle321 : i mean
jungle321 : atleast you know the truth
Smurfsen : I'm not delusional
Smurfsen : as u
Smurfsen : are
Smurfsen : xd
jungle321 : im delusional about what
jungle321 : tell me about it
Smurfsen : that
Smurfsen : I play league all day
Smurfsen : can't get out of plat
Smurfsen : fat irl
Smurfsen : delusional af
jungle321 : that's called projections
Smurfsen : nah
jungle321 : this is not being delusional
Smurfsen : it is
Smurfsen : lol
jungle321 : ?
Smurfsen : u have wrong picture
Smurfsen : and u beleive in it
jungle321 : delusional means i can't accept the truth
Smurfsen : so
Smurfsen : u can;'t
jungle321 : i did projections about you
jungle321 : not being delusional
Smurfsen : u are
Smurfsen : doing wrong projections and beleiving in them
Smurfsen : the same u do in game
Smurfsen : so kinda
Smurfsen : delusional
jungle321 : ?XD
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : have u ever played in plat?
jungle321 : ?
Smurfsen : if you can't beat them
jungle321 : wtf is this question
Smurfsen : join them
Smurfsen : and feed
jungle321 : ?XD
jungle321 : XD
jungle321 : XD
jungle321 : XD
Smurfsen : stop tilting
Smurfsen : liek makes 0 sense
Smurfsen : u tryhard
Smurfsen : when everyone doesn't give a sht about this game
Smurfsen : u just waste your mental
Smurfsen : instead of giving up the game
Smurfsen : which was lost
Smurfsen : long time ago
Smurfsen : imagine having a conversation
Smurfsen : coz u're tilted of 1 game in plat
Smurfsen : lol
jungle321 : this untilts me
jungle321 : for next game
Smurfsen : how many accs banned?
jungle321 : you are my clown
jungle321 : make me laugh
Smurfsen : u are the one for me xDDDD
jungle321 : you type xD
jungle321 : and telling me in the clown
jungle321 : cringe
Smurfsen : lol
Smurfsen : u're such clown
jungle321 : a yes u're such clown
jungle321 : that's some nice english
jungle321 : where are you from
Smurfsen : sweden
Smurfsen : u?
jungle321 : canada
jungle321 : master jungler superstar
Smurfsen : so it's ur mothertongue
Smurfsen : and I type in slang
jungle321 : ?
Smurfsen : ofc u find every mistake
ungle321 : my main language is french
Smurfsen : coz ur so smart
Smurfsen : and so good
Smurfsen : I feel
jungle321 : ?
Smurfsen : that u're tarzaned
Smurfsen : kinda same mentality
Smurfsen : he has
Smurfsen : as u
jungle321 : do you know
jungle321 : that theres
jungle321 : french people
jungle321 : in canada
jungle321 : or your brain is low
Smurfsen : lol
jungle321 : u didnt know
jungle321 : so your brain is inferior
jungle321 : :/
Smurfsen : there are indians in canada too
jungle321 : they are immigrants
Smurfsen : u're not that smart
jungle321 : are you o
jungle321 : ok
jungle321 : ??????????????
Smurfsen : to be honest
Smurfsen : ))
jungle321 : dude
jungle321 : what are you
jungle321 : even saying
Smurfsen : tarzan chill ur ego
jungle321 : if i work with the same thought process you have
Smurfsen : too big for EUW plat
jungle321 : every races of the world
jungle321 : would be in every countries
Smurfsen : still
jungle321 : you saying
jungle321 : theres indians in canada
jungle321 : makes not a single sense
Smurfsen : u talk about english
jungle321 : english
Smurfsen : when u live in canada
jungle321 : isnt
jungle321 : my main language
Smurfsen : and I use slang
jungle321 : ?????
Smurfsen : it's so cringe
Smurfsen : tbh
jungle321 : i speak french
jungle321 : every day
jungle321 : i talk to my friends
jungle321 : in french
jungle321 : to my family
jungle321 : in french
jungle321 : to the people in my country
jungle321 : in fnrech
jungle321 : and i still can speak english correctly
jungle321 : because i am not uneducated
Smurfsen : and tell me
Smurfsen : where u live?
jungle321 : Quebec
Smurfsen : not France right?
Smurfsen : so
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : are u high?
Smurfsen : or u just don't get the point?
jungle321 : you literally
jungle321 : asked if i was in france
Smurfsen : have u heard
Smurfsen : of sarcasm?
Smurfsen : or u new?
Smurfsen : to this world
jungle321 : sarcasm more like your have an iq of 55
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : actually
Smurfsen : I have 172
Smurfsen : IQ
Smurfsen : xd
jungle321 : ye i bet
Smurfsen : 55 may be ur level
jungle321 : im sure you do
jungle321 : ok ok
jungle321 : if i have 55 iq
Smurfsen : I'm Mensa member
Smurfsen : check
jungle321 : why do i have better english thn you?
jungle321 : and why am i better thn you in a video game?
Smurfsen : xd
jungle321 : and why do i make more money thn you in a year?
Smurfsen : lol
jungle321 : if i have 55 iq
Smurfsen : u spam 1 role
jungle321 : how can i be more succesfull thn you
Smurfsen : I play everything on this acc
Smurfsen : including new champs
jungle321 : XD
Smurfsen : and I trolled some games
Smurfsen : u play tryhard
Smurfsen : and complain about 1 game
jungle321 : oh yeah for sure
jungle321 : i tryhard with 100 ms
jungle321 : wp
jungle321 : i boost people
Smurfsen : why do u tilt so much
jungle321 : on this account
Smurfsen : about 1 lost game
Smurfsen : isn't it tryhard?
jungle321 : im getting this account
Smurfsen : u boost and flame
jungle321 : plat/gold for an order
Smurfsen : their acc gets banned
jungle321 : ?
Smurfsen : not worth
jungle321 : i do not flame on people's account
jungle321 : you should go on
jungle321 : and ask for Norco
jungle321 : maybe you will get out of plat
Smurfsen : man
Smurfsen : why should I?
Smurfsen : boost
Smurfsen : I can get out myself
Smurfsen : out of plat
Smurfsen : ez
jungle321 : u cant XD
jungle321 : thats
jungle321 : the point
jungle321 : ask for me
jungle321 : i will get you out!!

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