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Jandayan, Claire M.

June 28, 2016
FLD 01
Reflection/Reaction paper on Special Education.

One of the current trends in education in all over the world including the Philippines is
the move toward full inclusion of students with disabilities. There has been a rapid rise in the
number of students with disabilities who are spending their school day in a general education
classroom under the guise of full inclusion. The history of Special Education has faced many
changes during the last century. During this time there have been many opinions on the way
students with differences should be taught and treated.

Special Education is of great lift to the teachers who are handling general education
courses and to the students with disabilities. Imagine a classroom in a typical high school; a
teacher is explaining a lesson in English. All of a sudden, there is an ear-splitting screech from
the back of the classroom and a book goes hurling towards the chalkboard. One’s first instinct
would be to whip around and see what the commotion was about; however, it is just Mark, the
special needs child. This class encounters outbursts like this from Mark nearly everyday.
Incidents like this one might happen to a classroom with a special child, everyday. This not only
disturbed the teacher who is having a class but also the students might be bothered by this. But
the worst case scenario is if the other students bully the special child. We couldn’t deprive any
child from learning even with disabilities. So the Special Education is the key to educating and
giving extra attention to these students/children. As a would-be teacher, it would be a great
challenge to teach children with disabilities and impairments but it would also be a joy to be part
of the learning of these children who needs extra love and care. They aren’t normal as the
ordinary students but they could also learn as normal students/children do.

Roses can be compared to special education in several ways. Learning how to teach
special education students is just as hard at learning how to grow roses and may take years to
figure it all out They both need the right environment to grow. Special education is very similar
when you think about it. Special education teachers have to learn and research the best way to
teach special education students. The rewards of watching a special education student bloom and
the rose bloom does not compare though.

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