Poster Making Rubric

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Levels of Performance
Criteria Level 4: Level 3: Level 2: Level 1:
Exemplary (10) Accomplished (7) Developing (5) Beginning (1)
Student’s ideas
Student’s ideas
show inspiration
are highly Student’s idea is
from sources
innovative, both traditional
borrowed from
unusual and Student’s ideas are and predictable;
others, yet
novel; ideas unique, although mostly mimics
Originality extend beyond
display somewhat ideas borrowed
such work,
inventiveness, traditional. from others and
merging some
often with reflects minimal
original thinking
unexpected or original thought.
with borrowed
surprise twists.
All graphics are All graphics and
Graphics do not
related to the content are
Most graphics directly relate to
topic and make related to the
Relevance relate to the the topic OR
it easier to topic and most
topic. detract from the
understand the make it easier to
presentation. understand.
The work is The work is
The work is The work appears
presented in a presented in an
presented in a sloppy and
neat, clear, organized
neat and unorganized. It is
Presentation organized fashion but may
organized fashion hard to know
fashion that is be hard to
that is usually easy what information
easy to understand at
to understand. goes together.
understand. times.

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