Marketingn Plan - 001

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L Erccutirc Summary

Fim's Brrbcquc is a small urcrprisc owncd rnd managc{ by Mr- and Mrl SEdr- I[
r&nrtl on Novcmbct 28. 2006- Fina's Batbtquc hs a sclliag arur of lO Square Mctcrs. Ir
is lxa:cd along thc nsirr rd of Juana-f,oe*rio Coeuplcr rlhkh is insidc thc vicinity of
B*raagey San Fraacisco of thc lor d Biflut, [-oguna-

Fim's is a fast growfurg b@ hr*irrcss ir thc gcogr*phical art* of Juana ad Lomrio

Complcx. Thougb it wrs in lhc markct for not mo.c than lhrEc ycars now, its ycarly salcs
rcycauc and pro{it contifluc$ to gow maling thc busin*s' ,rrma imftt diately known in
tlrc atc$ wh.rc it is Locatcd-

Sincc por'k bortquc is thc bcst-*ctlcr of all barbcque ptr:ducts, rhis martcring plan *ill
locus mainly on Sira's po* bar@rc-

This oarkcring plau will thoroughly stdy by obscwation and intcrvicrv $c historical
rupply rud dcmand of the bataluc msrtct in Juana aad Rrxario Complcx. Thir papcr
$ill ahd study thr diffrrut cnvirunm(sts prcsdot aroud thc mrrtcr r}f brbcqw
busi*sscs. Thc competitor nsd customcr will bc amlyzcrl by a Ooru.rgfi obecrvation of
thc prE$t siruarion in tht rurt t ed ffi)m lhcE. ctratigic plaadng will bc dooc to hclp
Fina's achicvc its mukering misricn snd objecrives,

A plrn ofl distributitm. pnrduct positionirg, pncing. promotion ud ma*aing rcscarch

will bc c-arcfully rnrd wisrly implcmeatcd to ecompli$ tlE go.l* rnd objtctivcr of
Fine's Earbc{ur- The Fine's Bartc+rc is r smsll businrss pr*potcd to cnlcr i to i Flonc
of succcs*cs tluough x wisa crd cuBtoecr-oricatcd nrrrkaing thal will bG dnEoughly*incd in this papcr.

ILq pocilioning *lratepy for disribution u.ill help Fina's achicvc ils thrcc-ycar goal for its
rffE tcd salc! r.vsnuc- Asidt frrm disttiburion. lhc ptodua poritioning stratcgy of$ina's

Barbcquc will elso allow Fiaa's achicvc its rission to achicve thcir desircd rnrrtd shffr-
The prieing and promotion will at*o hclp Fina'f gtt itc IrrE r fiH*ct shsrc, ftvcrure qod
prolitability. Thc martering rcscerrh pmgram will also help Firu's artah thc knowlcdgc
it rccds to eomc up $,ilh ltc riglt po3itfutainE Ird a coariagemy plm-

lxsdy, Fim's positioniog srategy leill elways bc scnsitivr to thr rnsrkct b Juana and

Roeario Complcr. Thc nrrrtcting plan will bc boscd on thc ncds a*d uerdr in thc
matta so lhat Orc cu*loffsr* will bc fully scrvcd snd srtisficd- lf thc arrarcgb plemifig
wan't accomplieh thc objecrivcs of thc businc*s, Fiaa's will immcdiar*ly implcmr its
crr$riogEncy pl{n to bc ablc to echicv. its misskrn {ed ot*}ctiver.

ll. Situationsl An$lvsis

Thc nul*dt prcscnt in thc butapc furlustry around thc arca of Juana and Ro*ario
Complcx is show$ in thc Situation Analysi: of Fina's Barbcqur. The romp*titors.
compefiy ard customcr anslysis will help thc managemcnt eorm up whh tht bcst

stratcgic plflraing lc€dsl for tbc busincis.

2.1 Comprtitor Analysis

Gc**ally. Fim's Bfftquc eompctcs in rlc srms of contcd food scllcrs.

Comp.ritors in the s$mc gcncric p/rsdufi-msrtct src Atoy.s Porkchop, Doffis
Mac'r Lcchon Manot- Nrmia's Barbeque. J.E.E- l-apid's Chieharon, Kytc's
Biulot, Iloilo's Lapaz Brtchoy, MYK fo6d housc. Don Robrrt's Rcstaulant,
M.nk's Inasd Bscolo{ Mumsie's Dinc-in, Miftistop. R&rtspipap B{r snd Grill.
l?e St. Bar $nd Grilt. Sinorgrg fi.cpublis, Count] C-hbk n.d oth., rBidcnt
bmtcquc scllcrs. Tbcsc rcsleranls se, food scllcr* rrc fourl rrurd thc *ru of
Juana-nossrio Complex- where Fina's Bubequc is located-

A *pccific product typc in vhich Fioa's sould compac is grila, frlods.

Compcritr:rs undcr rhis Foducr rypc would bc Donna Mae's Lcchon Marok.
Ncmia's Barbequc. Dot Rohcn's, Mcnk's Inasal Bacolod, Rastapipap Bar ard
Gritl. srd othcr rcsfulmr bstcquc sclk?s. All Orcsc cnftrpris.* sr[ grilhd foods.

Affordrble and cxotic outdoor fmds such as chickcn. fli*h. pork m.fl ind olbcr
c.hickcn and pork parts art sold by Fiu's Bubcquc- Undcr ttis prtdutt citcgory,
compaitryt ;tft N*lrir's Barbequc flnd thftr oahr rcsidcar barbcquc *cllcrs.
Ncvcrthclcss, along the main rosd of X.o*ario and Juana Complcx, Ncmia's
Bartcquc is thc kcy cr:rnpcritor of Fire's Bsrtcquc.

Nemia's Earbequr offers thr *ame produst vtriant. wirh same priecs, lt suncd on
the par 2fi)l thar's why Nemis's Barbsquc hss bccn in 0u marta for morc thsn
sev6 ycrrs- Nania's Bubcguc has achicud widc brrnd e*dcncss and
positionirg among consuficrs of Juans-Rossrio Complcx bccausc of its long
ycar*. of rtey and cxpcricrcc in $c marta.

Tabla I
Corapctitor's Martct Sharc (f,O07 to 200ql

Ncmia's I Fing's
Ycar Brrbquc B.utcqtrc Beficquc
:007 73.r,0r, 21.115 54_?50 r55.r25
f,(XJ8 t 09.5fi) 61.875 J4.?50 ) ZZg.tZS

109 r 82.5(X)
-t r(a.3?5 54.750 3l?_625
I 365. **-_I
Markel x) I l9l.62J r6{J5o T 720.*75
kicc I:
P J.475.ff{)
P t5
i P 2.874.375 l P

P 1.97r.0{x) P l r.955.375

Compctiton' pcrfomancc will afto bc lccn by thcir totrl ldca Aorn thc yczr 2OO1

ro XX)g. Wc can scc Ncmia'g mrrtcr rhffc as thc lrgcsr in thc mrrtct for thc
pan 2fl)7 to 2fi)9. Tablc bclow sho*s favorably high salcs of Ncmia'i Barbcquc
comparcd with otlrcr compcriog bsrtcquc huiocss. Ncoia's Barbcqr, Fina's
Butcquc and ottcr bartcqgc *clbn havc thc folluring siks for 20(}7 to 2q)9.

lnfonnation from thc rtscarcf,.r's inacfvic* with thc compctitorr shows ttat for
thc pi3t rtrcc ycars Fina's had 28 pcrccot of ltc total mrrtct sslcs- Oo thc othcr
hand, othcr barbcquc scllcrs show thrt thcy hr.l 19 pcrccrr of rhc total sslcs of lhc

filartct tlhilc Nanir's sslcr art 53 pcrceot of ttc totrl bartc+.r marta sharc in
thc arca of Juana-Rosario Complcx for thc thrcc consccutivc ycars 2007 to 2fi)9.

tr 1,97L(m,

EirliL'r BQ
I lh.'r axl
trOrl.r ra'q h[.rr

Figurc I
Cornpctitor'r Martcr Shdr (2(x)7 to 2009)

Though Ncoir'. Barbcqx hes uta ovcr a hrgcr numbcr of fifltcl sharc,

Ncmia's havc r big coct fc allorrarrccs and rc(urns bccrusc thcy usually ovcr

Btock thcL bartcqucs. nrx considcriog thc gnrwing markct of butcquc scllsrs in
Juana-Ro*srio Complcr, Up until now Ncmia's Barbcquc is srill thc markct

lcrdcr in thc bartcquc matct of Jurna-Rosario Conrplcx.

2.2 Compony Analysis

Fina's Barbcquc is ouncd and managcd by the Scda couplc: Ms. Joscfina and Mr.
Roocl Scde. l-ocrlcd dotrg thc mein rod of Juar ad Rcario Complcx with a

sclling rca of lO squsE mctcrs. Fina's Brtb€qrc belongs to thc irdustry of small
barb€4uc busincsses- Fina's Barbcquc startcd lasr Novcmbcr 28.2U}6; thcrefotc.

ir h.s bccn ir tlts fmd ms,l r for alfioir 3 yctrs trow- Ar imagt of Fine'e
Barbcquc stalt ftuln s fraut vicw is showr in tlr frgurc bclow.

rrrlrrrrtrtr]-ir;rrrl- -

osffa[rg4st 0sa8 9539t{t

Figurc 2
lnagc of Fina's Batcquc Srll

Fina's barbcquc is krrorrn for its flavorfirl. juicy snd alfordablc ba@ucs. Asirtc
flom thc trBtc of thcir barbcque$. sanitetion is al*ays obacrvcd in thc sclling arts,
which is l0 squ:w ffctcrs. Also, thc cnrploycc: mainlain good rapport with tbcir
custom€{s- Fim'r has athicved lfi) pcrccot crrsro E brmr, rstrrcncss 7 moths
rftcr thc bmtrc*s stinrd bccausc many customcrs ihrlrrcd fayrSlc rcsPonsc ald

litclihood 10 its brbcquc rssrc efi, pricc allowirg Fina's ro incrasc irs supply to
lfi) pcrctnr at *lc mid of )rcar 2(D7- Fina's marka shart for thc lrst threc ycers is
28 pcrccnt of thc lotal martct srlca as shown in Figurc I of thc compctitor's
rnsl,rsir. AIso. Fira's BstcSrc orfcrs vricry of bstcquc pmdrcts un&r thc
Foduct mtrtcr of affcrd$lc oudmr gdllcd f,roducrs lri$ orhcr outdoor food s$d
drink as shown in thc tablc bclow.

Tablc 2
Products of Fino's Battcquc

Products Price

ChisLcn (ii;zzard P

Pork Skin P J.U}
Pork Inteltinc P 5.0{)

Purk Uvcr P 5.00

Gulaman Drink P s.Ul

Porh Ear P 6,IX)

Chickcn Skin P 1o.fiJ

Pork Bs*cquc P
Hotdog P 18.(X)

Quarrcr Chirkcn Barbcqu P 15.00

Grillcd Pork Liempo P 3J.U)

6rillcd Tilapia P 50.U)

Grillcd Pusit P 5J.U)

fhc bcsr-scllcr in Fina's Bartcquc products is port barbcqtr which is currtntly

p,riccd rl P 15.00 pcr stick. Asidc from bsIbcqucs, Mr. and Ms. Scda usc purilitd
drinling watcr for thcir gulaman and bertcqut sauccs-

2-3 Custtrmcr Analysis

Sincc Fina's Baftcquc is locatcd bctwccn thc subdivisiom of Juana I, Juena 3,

md Roaario Complcx. thc currrrt crrtomcrs of Fina's Batbcquc rc rcsidants of

Jusns l. rusna 3 ard Rosrio Complcr. Fira's Barbquc scrvcs thc c(msumcrs
who lovc cating grillcd foods. Consumcrs who lovc tasty battcqucs pltfcrc to buy
fttm Fhra'e Aarhquc bccausc of Mr. Scda's good dationship with thcir
custmrrrs. Thcsc coasuncrs src rcsi&nts. rndcnts {rrd pofcssioals who
commutc and travcl cvcry &y- Sincc Fina's is locatcd in thc main rood of
Rosrrio-Iuem Conplcr. it is miblc for tiosc vho lrdvcl via thc Soutbwoods
cxit md Pacita Comphx Road.

Custamcrs patrorizc Fino'r Bsrtcquc for thcir exquisitcly dclicious port

bartcque- Cuslorrets d*o rcfrchasc Fina'r brtcquc bccausc of thcir rasty

baftcquc sauccs- Fina'r Barbequc's brand awsrcncs.s improvcd a ycar allcr thc
businc*s startcd bccausc Fim's f,arbcquc consistcnlly offer tasty brbcques *nd
barbc4uc srucc in an affordablc pricc.

lll. Targct Markcr Dcs{:ridior

Finr's Berbcque lsrgds corsumcfs in thc arca ofJusna and Rosario Complcx. Targcr
coosumers may bc stud. " Fofcrsionals rnd olr rcsidcurs in 6c srca. Thc t rgct
marta will bc dcscribcd fudhcr in ihc l$gct mxta scgfircfl.tioo-

3- l Scgrflcdt$tion

Thc targct martct rrill bc scgmcntcd gcographically. dcmographically, psycho

graphically alrrt bchaviorally. Tbis rcgmcourion will hclp Fina's Brrbcqut eharly
idcntify its t{rget sdgrrlcot aod thc opportunitics il c-an grab frur thc unscrvcd
nccd of thc msrtcr firwd in thc markct scgmctrtation.

3.1.1 Geographic Segrncntation

Consumrs rcsiding in ,uaoa I and Juana I SuMivisions of San

Francisco, Biirn utd R.ororiro Subdivision in Sen Pcdro. Laguna arr
tll. ffain trrgrcl m^6*ct 6f Fi'|a's Butcquc, Fina's BBQ is locarcd in
fronr of r bus rnd jccp stop along Juana and Rosario Msin Rosd, thfl's
why crrmmutcrs r{ho rcsidc io this et. et,lso Facfiial ood*umcrs.

3.1.2 Dcmogrophic Scgmcnutioa

Mdc std fcmalc minimum wigc carrcrs. pn:tcssioruls. high school

*.urdcnts erd colkgc strdcnts frrm uppa to lo*cr ctlss B farnilics arc
th6 immsdiatc markct of Fina's Batbcquc- Sincc rhc own* end

crpl*pcs ol this rmall brBirc*s a'E all Filipioo rxivcs. lit rot
r6cy is
a m&tt6r. Evcry vcrtally litcratc rtsidcnt arc ablc ro buy ftsm Fini'*
BBQ. Agca of rhis msrkfl 6rc l3-40 yrars old-

3.1 .3 P*yclogtaphie Scgmen tation

Barbcque from Fina's BBQ is a fast f.x)d bLcincss rblc to cslcr

coffirhutcrs rrkiEg tic mut. of SrHlh Lurqr Erprasstlay via
Southwoods Exit. Thcxc c{nunut fs.rc nrsidcots of Jut f, I. Jusna 3
and Rcsario who msy b. sludcnts or r+trkers thar arc busy. This
mrrt.r sE$ncnt hrs hcctie Echedrlcs ,lmosr cvcry diy asd with thcir
takc honr wort* md sudy loode, fa.$r &d rcrdily cecssiblc aad
availablc food rvill hclp thcm lighrcn rcsponsibilitics at homc- Also,
tirgrt rur*ir of Fina's BBQ arc pcoplc who haw rsst fr grillal rlcat
of frsh. chickcn ard por* *hich i* commcnly hclo* thc a6c of 4l
bccausc pcople abovc this egc arc mostly conscious about thc dangcr

br@ucs cao clrsc to hutnrn hcefth. Cacinogcns pmrnorc *tc

dcvclopmant of cmccr (N. Madison. 2fl)9) whik cholcst ml, hc{rt
attrcks (Frsnk Msngano, 2(x)5).

3.1 .4 Bchavioral Scgmantation

Residcnts who look fm convcnicnt food which can bc bonght in an

*ccssiblc md availablc arca arc onc of thc bchavics of thc trrgcr
mtta Fina's Ba6cquc tergcls- Sincc Fina's BAQ is locrtcd in front
of tlrc bus and jccp srop, which isjust ouBidc l1r cnlfaoa. of Juana 3,
lurns I rrd x,6rrb. it is r.r:c*siblc sd coovrnicnt Ttcrcforc,
&cision ro buy wootd bc cosy for ttc trgct m.rtct.

1.2 Murkct Iticcds

Sincc porlt barbcquc is Fina's bcst-sclling prcducr. it will bc thc subjoct for
stretcgic plansing. Thc marlct nccds will idcntify thc histsiical rupply and
&mard ofFina's Bartcquc ind thc m.rtct. FLra's projcct d rupply and projcctcd
dcmand comprtcd thn:ugh a forccasting mrxlcl will hclp thc managcnrcnt comc
up $ilh its ttrgct mrrkct sharc. Thc &tails of thc mrttct rlEds will bc discusscrl
in thc hi! )rical rufly ond dcmand.

3.2.1 HistoricalSupply

Fina's supply for thc lasl tlrcc ycars wes b.srd or tbcir drily supply of
pott beftcquc sticls multiplicd by thc 365 deys erd ttc unir pricc of
pott bortcqucs. Fina's Barbcquc ahncd with 5{l prrt barbcquc sticks
for fic first Bir months of thc ycar 2007 rnd lfi) sticls for thc sccond
half of thc ycar. Thc manrgqncnt gavc tllc ligurcs shown in thc teblc
bclow ag Fine's historical rupply for thc pqsr thrcc ycars. Thc

historical $upply shows ttc oumbcr of p:rt. bstcquc thar cm bc sdd

by Fifto's Babcquc ytarly ad th. totd salcs Fine's Bartcqur is ablc
to rcach cvcry ycar from thc ycar 2007 to 2fi)9.

Tablc 3
Historical Sup,ply for Port Bubcquc

Yc.r I e-u Cty. I uoa ni.t Trrel S*lcs

l(x)7 27.375 Pl5 P 4t0.625

1(Xl8 61.875 Pr5 P958.125

luB 1fiJ.375 Pl5

P r.505.625
Thc pmjcctcd supply for thc ycu 20O9, 2010 and 201I wss fffiffaEtcd
using rhc timc rcrics fortcestiog modcl. Thc pojc*tcd supply of Fim's
Bartcqrrc aficr thc corpuorim of iu tinrc scrics rcgrcssicr is showr
in E tablc bclow. Thc pmjcctcd sumly is thcn multiplicd with thc
unit pricc of pork barbcqucs to comc up with thc told yc&dy salcs.

Tablc 4

kolxtcd Supply

Ycar Unir Pricc Torsl Sxlas
2010 136.87J PI5 P 2.051.r25

201 I l?3.37S Pl5 P 2_6fi)-625

20t2 209.875 Pl5 P 3-r 48.125


-1.2-2 HisrorirslDcflind

Thc historical dcmand of thc bubcquc martct is bascd on thc ovcrall

srler capmity of tht mrtct or thc foral nur6er of @rrc* thrf can
bc *old in *rc msrtcr yt*rly.

A tbortHrgh obrciruioo rad pctsodrl itrtarvicw lrith tbc corupcrit{rs

was dofic by thc ruscatclxrs for rk io idcfrtify thc
mrrkcf * total dcmard. Historical m.a,lct dcmrnd shows a 47.06
p{iccrit incrcrsc upon crtry of lhd lcar 20(8. This morkct dcmand
rx)vcment indieatcs thc frsr gmwing marltct of bartc{uc scllcrs in
Jurna-Rosario Compler.. Historical data is shown in dx rablc Lclow,

Tablc 5
Histotic$l Dcmand for Po* Bel@rc

Ycur Total Dsaand Aw- Unit hiec Totnl Sr es

?(n't ls5.l25 P l;l P 2. r? t.750

2rI)n 228-r25 Pl4 P 3.193.?50

2(Xr!) 33?.125 Pt4 P 4.? r9.?50

h compting for tlrc pojcctcd dcmr.otl for the ycan 2m9. 2llt0 fid
201t, th. tifirc scrics rcgression tcchniqff wss usEd. Aficr computing
lor lhe rcgrcssion timc sctics of thc historical dcmafil for rhc ycar 2010.
rhctc is a projectcd 42L,1?S p{st b#tclllJcs rhrr c{n bc demfifcd by
the msrtct. f6r thc ycsr 201I a 5l3.lX barbqucs and for thc ytar
20t2. 604.1 25 po{t b{rt+qirc*-

The tlhtc bclow *hoils thd posriblc msrtct dcmand fu pork battques
bgscd nn the rr:mputcd tin* rcrks rrgrcssion r,ralysi* for thr yeas
2010, ?01I *d 2012. The m&rkct dcmand is rhe rotal dcmand from thc
uc{s Jusnr l. luans 3 aod Rosario Colupler or tbc oumbcf, rrf po*
b*tqocr c merka is willing to buy evcry 1car. Projccrcd danand
chows totdl m lct sales of P fnr l0l0. P 7,183.?50 for
201I and F 8.457,?50 for l)12.

Trblc 5
Pmix.rcd Dcmand

Qty. of Pork
Avc. Unit Pticc Total Salcs

20tu 42:.125 I Pl4 P 5.909.?50

2rlt I 5r 1.125 !
Pt{ P 7_183.?50

20 t:, 604. !25 Plil P 8.457.?50

f.l lr{athct Trcdtls

?bc m&rkel ucnd in lhc indusq, of bfft quc scll*s arc flavorful arxl juicy
bdrtcquc* \gith a rigtr blcod of bsrtaquc sruces, Thcsc fd{totB rrc Urc t'trds in
dld rnErtdl- Aiid. fum ir. sinct bubequr srllcr's tarEcl trLt is tlE class B
populatioa, thc fistler wants bartcqucs thst atr stlordablc-

Bartcqucs arc fssr foods. A$dc from hcirg flav,rful md juicy" ttc raaatct olso

wsrits crnvaticfce and a*cc*sitrility *hcn boying a food. Thcrcfixt. convcnicncc.

acec*sibiliry, flavor and wcll-blendal swca and spicy sauecs rrt thc neccssary
focton frn thc usrlccr coosidcn ia buyitg barbcquc*.
3.4 S1TVOT Analysir

The analysis of Fina's Ba6rquc business' strcngrhs, werkncsscs. oppoflunities

end thJc$ts *ill hclp thc m6mEctri.rt q)uE up *itt smrcgk r|rtcting
a dght
plaa. Also- this onrlysi* will allow Firs'* io clcrrly rcc the rrcr oppoflurilics il
can tsrgct and focus its slratdgy itrto.

On thc dhtf, hsftl, thc ucstn s$c* thst will bc discrsftd will bc frrrrhcr inpnrwd
on thc meir sratcgic positiodng plan of Fina's Battcquc- fhis parr of thc papcr
i* bascd or its furtllt tlrcngth arrd werknasscs sccn in its cavinmmcnt- The
oppotunitics ard thrrsls arc bascd on the analysis of thc compctitors or thc
mortet's pcrformancc.

1.4.1 Src gths

Thc marlct sccs Fina's Bubequc as s businc$s uith rompctirivc

pricifg, tarti ad *rvicing- A:idc from p,ricc aad tart . thc owncr
togcthcr with thcir cmplopes. has buih good rapport l}ith thtir daily
customcrs- From Novcmbcr 3006, Fina's Barbequc wes ablc to gain
loyal $rstfircrs thar hrvc d*ir 1lrfcrcrrcs dift*rcd E$ards
Fina's Brrtcquc pMucts- Sunffrsry of ils strc.lgths is sbo*,n btlow.

o Affordablc Priccs
o T*:ty Ba@uc koducts
r 3*t Swca ard Spicy Ba*cquc Sauccs
r Frirdly anployccs
r Owncr dircc,rly nranagc* tlc rtolt
r Loyal custorncrs
o Accc*sihlc

3,4.2 Wcikncsscs

Thc wcekresscs Fina's Barbcquc currcntly have a* its mcdiocrc

marta pcrformencc, limitcd Drrk l offcr. lowcr brrnd prclcrcmr itr
thc uca comparal ro othcr co&pctitors ard en urrccognizrblc &livcry
numbcr. Sunfirfy of ir wcakncssrs is slrown bclow-

. Targrt m$rkct limitcd only to class B cusiomcrs

r Accornrnodatcs only tatcout ordcrs
o Brad prcfcrtlcc is lo* in ncighb<ring Towrs md Barsngays
o Unrccognizrblc halinc nurbcr

3.4.3 Opporrunities

Thc opponunitics Fim's Barbcquc sccs in Oc martct is stnnnarizcd in

lc dara bclow. Thcac oppofiunirics will hclp Fins's comc up wirh irs
*rrercgirr mu*ering plan fot thc nert thrcc ycan.

. Catcrin8 dinc-in cusom<*s by cxtcnding storc arcs

o Pmduct innovatioo. Ricc
. Big m6rtc{ for futurr possiblc r:anrunrrs
o lncrcascd bmnd prcfcrcncc by pruduct innovstion

3.4.4 Thrcats

Finr's Barbcquc sccs its compctilors. most cspccially thcir kcy

compctitor as a nrajor thrcat in thc ma*ct. eompetitas offcr
plrcducr a$d scrvbcs thr csr.trot bc offcrcd by Finr's Eaficquc thc
srmc way olhcr compctiton docs fo rcir cuslomcrs.

Thc *ummary of thrcors Fina's Barbcquc sccs in ttc r viroum is

rho{.n bclo{,-

r Otlrcr compctiltrs in Sc bebcquc itrdusrry

. HiEh class ftstio$trtr for sophisticatd custotrcrs thar may
also catcr wlplc sclling for spccial cvcnts
r Fa* food ,csmlnflnls wit$ r*ognizcd hnrlir aumbcn for
iffirant dclivcry

IY. Mfflcting Slnildgy

Thc mt*eting strat€gy ofFini'r bsrbcquc is ior'u*ed on incrcasing customtr's htand

awaruc*s, prrfcrcncc, end loyalty rowards Fius'* birbcquas. Tk nurkctirg missian
ond objcctivc of Fina's Bubcquc shows its gosls th would allorv rlc Esmgrmenr ro
conrc up wirh irs str{trgic planning.

Thc rnrlcting snatcgy of Fina's Bubrquc is also focuscd on *atisling currcnt

cuFtontcl$ snd prosparlt markct by givitrg the bcst barbcqud prrduct in lhc m{ltcr-
The urga rnarket shat. brscd on thc projectcd *upply snd dcmalrd is also shown in

thc martcting srareg]r. Thr t rgct rtarta is $c portior of thc mattct tn *hich Fina's
Bsrbcquc will focus its stratcgic posirioning plan on to,

4.1 Mrrkrring Mission

Fina's Barhquc is commiucd o providing affordablc. tasty ard quality-*isc

borbcquc pioducts ro its J in Juma ud Rosario Colrpkr- Fhn's
gaftcCuc is algr ammittcd in accoamodadng rll crrsonrrrs with i fricdly $nd
warm scrvhc. Fina's Bubequc will sl$o cooliduc to mrintrifl clcurlincss in its
sclling arca and dining uca fm its cusorncri' hcihh and sefcty.

4.2 Markct Objcctircs

Thc managcnrart's objcctivc is for Fina's Barttque to bc thc mut fricndly md

erornmodaring barbcquc scll(r thx providcs thc rrstbst blrbcquc end bartcquc
sf,ucc in thc ncighb.rirg Barangays of Juan ard Rosario Co4bx- Throogh thc
mortctirg srratcgy, ftrnagcmctrt dcsircs ro gcncraL rcpear purchasc snd as rnuch
Abo, msrr+cmc dcsircs to irrrtlsc thc
as po*siblc. dtlr,Nat ncr! crlstomcts-
lngcr rcBnrcnt's lcvel of bfind pdcrcrrcc to Fiffi's Birt quc p,loducls by 135
Frccnt by thc ycar 2Ol2 through imptcmcoting cffccrive advcrrising and
Fonotior. Fina's Brrtcquc aLo dcsircs to incrtasc it$ fiart r shrrc to 60 pcreat
and rhicvc salcs rtvcnuc of P 4,2579N by thc ycar 2012. Gcncrarioo of ?,1.25
pcrccol gross matgin iE dro cxpocrcd ro bc isphtrEntcd oo Finr's Barbcquc
sclling pricc on 2012 to aciicvc a profiubility aalgio of 33.?0 pcrocrt it cnd of
thc busincss ycar 2412,

4.3 Trrga Marlct

Thc lablc bclow rhows thc total numbu of mi'lcl shsrc Fina's Barbcquc will
foa'ur iB srraEgic markcting plan into for thc years 2Ol0 ro ml2. 6O pcrccnt will
bc trgctcd by Fina's by thc ycar 2012 for it to bc drc mertcl lcsdcr by that timc.

Trblc ?

Targct Matta

YcJr Supply Demand Gap Ttrgcr Ma:tet

Markct Sharr
lo lo 136,875 422.125 :8J.2J0 .t(x+ l14.rfi)

:01 r 173.375 5ll.l25 119.750 15c+ 152.88tt

2012 209.875 604.125 194-2J0 60c 216.i50


Thc tirglr mertcr of Fins's Brrbcquc is th€ €snsumffs who arc ehh otd willing
lo buy port butcques turd livitrg in tlrc rca of Juana-R.osarkr Conrplcx far thc
ycars 2010 to 2012. Thc cxccss or gBp of lbc pmjecrcd supply ard prq.cEd
dcmand for tbc par trBfl mertct rharc
2OlO to 2012 is than multiplirld with lbc

of Fina's Barbcqut which is t() pcr$mt for 2010. 45 pcrcqrr for 20lt etd 60
pcrccnl for 20 I 2.

V" Ma*cting ko8ram Positidnitg Srsrcty

Thc martaing positioning stfetcgy will help Fina's Batrquc achicvc its marleiing
mission ald objcctivcs fa thc ncrt rhrcc budncss ycrs- Thc prodrcl posilioning,
valrrc dreio or disrributim. piciog, sod proffitkrn will bc cacfully and wiscly
planncd and implcmcntcd for Fina's lo achicvr its miseion and goals for its markct
slrarc, salas rwcnuc and Fofirsbilily in thc ncxt tircc-ycar pcriod.

5.1 Pfixluc/ Brand SEslGgy

Today, thc sizc of Fim's Brrbcquc atrll is just arugtr for thcir crtployccs to

r€ommodrtc Irkro$r 6d{rs. Fina's sclling arca i* uormd lO squrc mctcrs.

Msnagcmenl's positioning objcctivc is Lo crcalc a biggcr arcs to sccommodatt

lalcout odcrs srd dirrc-ins et thc salrr timc. Top vicw of rlrc srac is shwn.

oooo SelllhS Area I

oooo Olnin8 Area

o o
Wahlng A?ea

Figurt 3
Top vicw of Fiu's Bstcquc Storc

?o fulfill rhis, m{rl8ge*lctx will poovidc reblc*. much lile thosc found in
coovcnicrcc storEs. Thc high tiblc can acccmrncdatc rn sdditiotrsl of cighr
customcrB aride from thc round table Fina's Barbcquc alrcady havc is a $riting
arca ftr trtroul c srom"rs, Ttis crpansion will dlow Finr's Barbcquc to cf,tcr x
largcr numbcr of customar. st thc sarnc timc stlowiog it to incrcasc in its martct
*hare- Thc additionel thairc aad t*lr* will hclp Fiat's to s*rve thcir rirgct rmr*d
sharc. Thc stoit cxpan*ion will alfi) bc lrctpful for the piodrrct po*irioaing of
Fina'r pork badcque as a visnd for ricc nrsls.

Iu thic crpa$sion, onc sdditioml pcrsonacl is rccdcd io flidiotain thc rcw diniug
*ith 2 othff peffo$rcl imidc thc salling scr. Addiricrrd flasth chaix
erca *[ong

would bc *onh 800 pcso* coch and trbles for 5{n pecos cach. Details of thc
budgct fix storc expamior at sho*rr bcb*-

Tablc I
Storr Expansion Budgct

Dcscription Qty. Cost Total Crr*r

Chair It P 3{X} P 2..100

Tablt 2 5(X) l.fiI)

CotrslructioD I 6.{XX) 6 {XX}

AddiliorEl pcrsond.l + 50..1{t0 201.6{x)

I'otal Cost P 2rr.000

The managemcnt will build Fina's Barbcqur kand cquity by gaining customcr
loyalry, pctccpticn of quality, &rvlrcn ss erld incre{sc firr{tct purchascs- Asidc
fnrm this. mrnagcnrnt will position ils bsftcq&c pmdllrts rs e dclicioos visnd for
rice mra.l. Maragcmelt will prcridc ricc n*etri in bmana leavcs on netiv€ plrtes

for diuc-in ctrirolrreri ind Styrofoarn contairrcrs for tslcouts. Thmugh this, Fina.s
Bartcquc will br ablc to srtvc both dinc-in *nd takcout cuBtoncr*,. As ptrn of
product brund namd positioni g. brand logo will br pri lcd in Fina'r Barbcquc
paskagrtrg. A fecogniz-able dclivcry hottioc numbcr will bc advcnis.d rogrrhcr
wirh Fina's brand logo on plasrir bags and Styn:foam contsinc?s.

i Barbeque
09 1 7-333-FINA/ 09 1 9-444-FINA
Jnrlr I lll*la Ros+ Brgy. S.s frr*cko, Blftn, L.sgma

Figurt 4
Fina's Ncw l-ogo

This logo eill bc thc tralemark of th. busincss xnd will bc rcgistcrcd and paid for
is th6 busincsi' uain hgo- This will rlways imludc Fina's hotlinc nrmbcr. which
by its digits will hclp customcrs rcrncmbcr Fina's B*@nc lrand el*ays. Tht
hotline numbcr will also be u stratrgic plan to pmmote for Fina's disrributiou and
deliverits of*holcsalc oadcrs. Budgu for packsging and platc$ se sho*n b.low-

Table 9
Prc&agirg Burlgct


Styrotbam and Prinling 20-uI) Pc P r.50 P 28.5fi]

Pla*tic and Printing Pc' 1.50 :i-5u!
Nr*i!c Platcs
JO Pc- 20.ut l.ux)
ITOTAL I P ss.txlt) !
Sryrofosm unils will bc 20.0fi) cvcry ycsr end phsric hgg* will bc 51.(BO cvcry
ytrr for Fina's to aecomfirodetc aU its tergct fiartct fc{ the ncxt )rc{ri.

Moct irnporrsnrly, man$g.nrcat will maiatsi$ friandly *nl wrrm iarvicc wilh
traincd ernploycar io build and maintain pod custofl'tcr rElationship. Clcanlincss
will alsd be rnaintaincd iasidt thc vi*ioity of thc storc for both diffi-in and lokcoul

Thmugh thcsc product positioni$g Frogf&ms, Ffua's Barbequc will b+ ablc to gein
bcucr hrmd cquity that will al*o all,orr Fioa's Barbcqor to rcr:ciw r pcrctpion of
6rality. awaeuc*s and incrcascd msrkct pdrcfiasc from its targcr mrtct-

5.2 Distribution Stratcgy

Fina's Barbcquc will usc cxclusivc and dircct distribution to thc colrsunrcrs of
Juana and Rosario Complcr,. But sitrcc thc storc is locrtcd ncarer Iuana I arxl 3, a
*mallcr tctail kiosk *ill bc placd ar thc end of, R66srfu Crvrplcx mair med rnd
will bc opcrarcd by two prrt-tintc pcrsonncl for 4 wccLc ffi oo€ monlh d[ring
Christrnas and Ncw Ycsr scssons-

For physical distribution, a motoruyclc fl]r lrmsF)flf,lion of wholcsalc ordcts will

bc Fovidcd fot dclivtry" Thcrt will bc trtro additioml pcrsoml to do thc
dclivcric* trho will bc *agcd thc rarlrc ts ttc uhcr pc*mrcl. If without &livcry,
tht driverc uill hclp md a*$ist in thc dining alta. Payocrt fu wholcsalc ordc*
may hc dorc in parti*l or during dclivcry.

Thc crpansioo, rctail and motor vchictr fir delivcry uc ncc*sary in

eccornplishing tbc lrrgct m.srt6r sdcs fftd profit though Fina's Bartrqur hivc ts

illot budgrt cost for this pmgram. ?hc ruotor vchiclc wifl {ssist Fiaa's Barbequ*

in c{tcring wholc*a}c odrrs to cxtcrd i$ mffttt shrrc. Dctrils of thc scrxonal

r.ttril kiosk {nd motor vchiclc disributioa budga arc sho*n in dre rab}c bclow.

Tabtc l0
Distibution Budgat

Dcs*ipion Rctsil Kiosk liotarlrlc Totel Co:tl

(P t2,0m) (P 56.m0)
Cost (Dcprcciation) F 6(X) P r r.200 P I r.800
No. of Pcrsonnel 2 pafl-dfic 2 rtgulrr
S*ltrv 8.400 t 00_8tx) t{R.:(n
Advertising !_6tx) l.tfi) 1.600

Toral C:ost P ll,ri{x) P I l3.r l0 P 12{,600

5-3 Pricing Strategy

Fina'r pricing strstegy will br based on a cost-oricnrd pricing. Tk vsriablc costs

of a pork bubcquc comprirc of podt, soy ralcir sugui othcr condimcnts aod
stick, Thc total v*riablc cost of prodocing caclr producr wouH bc P 10.31
multiplicd with drc pmfrt margin to comc up wirh thc ufiit sillirg prie c.
Colnstltariou of unit scllirg price is shown in thc tablc bclo*.

Tablc I I
Unir Co*r-Bascd Prir:c

Dcscriptir:n 2{.,10 201r 2012

V$ri$ble Cdsts P 10.31 P 10.13 P t 0.31
Prolit Mugin 45.21 E, 54.89 + 74.25 *
Selling Price P 15.00 P 16.00 P 18.00

Thc prfit 6{rgfu for thc mit sclling pric€ will incrc$sr ro ?4-25 pcri=nt by r}E
yt,r A)12 to hclp drc manrgtucrnt rtrch its rtrgci rcvcnuc of P 6.228.900 by that
year. Hcvcnhclcrs, thc pmfit margin will still be cnosgh ro accommodate rll tht
n€cessff}, busimar cxpcnsds aad futuc vtrirblc costs inltruion. but oot pofing
aside thc nceds urd crFcctatiotts of thc msrkct"

5-4 Ffinotiorv Intd#rled M*rketing C{)rtltnllni!:&tiorr St$tegy

Four tarpaulins of rt lc&$l t'our xluarc mctas rryill bc bought by thc malagcmcnt
to givc brmd awa$cncss ro a biggcr poprlatior Juflu rod Ros&rio Conrpkx. On
will bc plar'cd st thc plaza of Rossrio. snothcr er thc intffscction of Juana I and J.

md anothcr atong thc main road of Juant 6. Tarpaulin dcsi€n i$ shorrtr bclow.

091 ft9I9-,t{4-rHA

I Pork Barbeque
Chirkm Brrbcque
Chicken Gizzsrd
Port Skir
Pork Ear
f.. Por{r htestilc
Port Liver
tr (irilkd Pork
Critlcd Tihpia
(;rilled Pusit


Are accepl€d

FigurE 5

Filra's Tatpruliu

Dfuccr advcrtisiag of Fina's Brrtcquc logo sticttrr prinlcd wirh Fina's dcliYcry
lrorlinc rumbcr sill bc disributcd to pubtic vchich* thrt pass by rlrc m*l of Iuana
and Rosario Complex. Stickcrs will he sl lcart a qu&tcr of a squarc mclcr in sizc.

Pmrocioo obixtivc is to itrcrcrsc rusl$$ers bffind prcfcrtacc. sslcs aad nrsrkcr

sharc of Fina's Ba$cquc. Promotion rnix will al*o hr$ Fina's gcrlcrsrc rcpear
purchasc and eltract n6$ customcts. Thc promotion stratcgy will allow Fina's
mw ricc mcrl grin p{diti{rnif,g in thc mrrfd and Fina's bar}cquc will oow bc
rs.*r:cistcd as a viand to ricc mcgls.

Through this* dirr-in cusronrcrs will iacrc-asc lcding al*o iD sa ifcrisc itr ils
mattct rhrrc. Als6, *holc6sk ordcr will havc queotity dircounl. Dclivcrkx will
also be no-chargc dclivcry so cu*tomcrs' lcvcl of brand prcfcrcnce towq(ds Fim's
whohsaling will ioccasc and custonxr will bc cncouragcd to continuc in
wholtsalc ordering for cvcry spccial cvcnr.

To sum rp tlrc advcnising rrrarcgy. pronmticnal c rdvcnising tools th:{ will bc

usod by Fira's for thc ytar 2OI0 arc stickas and tspaulirrs. Thcsc pr6m$tio nl
lools arc for awarcncss and resErnst fmm prospect crlosumcrs- Ptomorioorl
hudgct is *hown in dctail on rhc ablc bclow.

Teblc I ?
Promorion Budgct.

Dcscription Urit Atnount Totsl Cost

Trrpautins 4 Sq-m. P 25.00 P 4rx)

Stiekers lu) Pc 22,-sO 2.250

TOTAL P 2.650

5,5 Msrkcting Rcscarch

Bcforc thc implcmcntation of stort cxpansion, r dcscriptivc rcscrrch on thc

pcrccprion of rcgular oon$rmcrs rcgrding tbc raid pl'r will bc rcscrchcd
dtoogh inlcrvicss by Fine's Bsbcquc's pctsomcl- A raptrdc cxFrhxnlal
rcsc{rch &ring lhc opar&tios of lbc ato{r crpsnsioo dinc-in arca will olso bc donc
by rhc pcrsonncl for 3 nooths io mnsurc thc consrnncrs' lcvcl of prcfcrare to
thc pork baitc{|uc ricc rncd.

Thesc rcscrrchcs will allaw Fina's to dctcrninc if the said statcgic plenning for
dE product poeitioring and distribution is feasiblc or will bc succcssful in thc
rnartct Thc rcscorch will bc &nc by Fina's pcrsoontl and durirg uormal
opcatiog hours to oridmizc €€613. Srupb rcspo{d.nls thrr *ill bc uscd etc thc
rcgular crntomctr of Fina's Bartcquc.

Vl- Faecast arxl Budgct

Thc budgc.t for thc strttcgic implcmcntrtion of Fina's Barbcquc martcting plan is
shown in dctail oo thir prr of thc papcr- Also. thc fGrcrsrcd srlcs snd profrt txill bc
uplrircd in thc followirg pagc*.

Thc prolirability will bc aulyzcd by dividiog thc faccrsrcd ircrxnc vith thc
forccastcd salcs. This will ddcnniuc lhc succcas of lhc srf,rcgic plrn prcpccd for
Fire's Barbcque.

Th. cosr and othcr ftartcting lools to bc implcmcntod will slro bc amlyzcd a* ro
whcttxr it willsill yicld pnrfit for thc busincss. lnformatirx of thc FE:cLd budgci"
fona:rstcd srlcs. forccestcd i.Eo6c rtata.rcot and pnf:ctal p(ofirabiliry will bc
p*scrtcd in tebhs.

6.1 Prujcctcd Budgct

Product positionirg includes slotr cxpatxiofr stld Fim's Barbcquc peck&glng

whilc riistributioa imlud.s. Jetail ard dclivry- Prornotior atrd othcr gaeral
dcuils of thc budgct 8rc Sowtr itr th teblc bclotr,.

T$blc 13

Prtjcctcd Budgct

D.s.Tiption 20lo 201r 2012 Total Amount

Storc Expansion P f I l.uxr P :0l.6ix) P :01_600 P 6r {.:{n

--+ 55.UX' 55-(IX) r65-000

Disciburion t 24,6U) I? t.uxl l2r "U00 166.f{X)

Proftali0h 2.650 t) t) f.650
Total Cost P 393350 P 3?7.6{m P 3??,600 I,l,l8J50

6-2 Sdes F'orccast

Pcrccnragc of arga mart t r).r rh€ troj.rcrcd srply aud &lrrerd gap showcd
Fina'* Blrtqu. tar*a m{dcct slratcs & I l4,lm. 152.888 end !365JO fo{ th.
yrars 2010. ml I and ml2.
Trbk 14

Salcs Fsccrst

20lo 201r 2012

Units Produced l l4.. r0t) r52-81J8 236.550

Sclling ltice pc, unit PI: P t6 P l8
Totd Srrli:s P t.? I t.5tx) P 2-.146-208 p 4,257.gfi'

Thc selcs camc fmm OlG trrgct mrd(.t *harc of thc projcctcd suply and dcmand
gap, multiplicd with rhc stret gic *clling pricc of Fina's Batcquc for thr ycars

20t0, 201 t snd 2012. A cban of rhc forccesrcd salcs (sc. on Figurc 6) of Fina's
Ba@uc shows ttu thcre will bc ao irrusing anornt of sJcs which Fina's will
havc on rhc ncrt thrcc ytrr. Thc salcs fsccast fm 2OlO will incrcanc by rt4-10

Frcrnt upon cnrry of thc ycar 201l. and satcs on ycar 201 I will incrcacc by 74.80

pcrccnr upon rhc cnty $ ycat 2fi12.


r, E seles
to10 2011 201?

Figure 6
Salcr Fmccut

6.3 hcronr lbrccrrst

Thc incomc forccarr will allow Fina's Barbcquc to B,ce its targcr pmlit and cosls
bascd on tltc srrareEics irdicatcd on thr poritioning pm6ram of Fina's barbcquc.
Fina'* Barbcquc has r peojectcd pmlit rncr t.r of P t.434,738.50 by thc ycar
2012. This pnufit is crpcctcd to bc rchicv.d aftcr a strllcgic implamntarion of thc

F)siriofting $lrrtc€y of Fim's Eutoquc mertaing plrn.


Forerstcd S8lca lcsi cosf of goods rold r variablc cost shows 6c lross profil
Fina'* Butcquc is abh to rchicvc in thc ncxt thrrr ytars. Thc groes proFrr is thcn
subtractcd wirh rhc pmjcctcd expcnscs fmm thc po,sitioning program madc by thc

menagcffiut to corlrc up with thc projecrd ftt prolit rllcr tlr. Thc Incomc
Btrtclncnt ffrrcrst is sho$,n in thc rrbh bclo*.

Trblc 15

Forccastcd lncomc StatcflEnt

20r r mt2

Sales P r.7l r.5u) P 2.1145,208 P 4.257,qn

Lcss: C0GS t. r 78.653.m r.5?9.133-04 2.4,.3.561.50

Gross kofit 532-847_00 866.874.% r,$14,338.50

(Groas Marginl 3 r.13% 35.44q. 12.6r*

Busincss Expcnscs:
Srac Erpansioo 9.400 o 0
P*kaging 55,000 55.(m 55.(m
Disrriburion Expcnsc 15.4m l r.800 u.8(m
Promorion Etpamc 2.6y) o 0
6 regulrr 302.4{X) 302-400 302.4{m
2 part timc B.4U) 8.4{n 8..1{x}

Toul Expenscs 3et-250 377 .6/).J 177.6{X)

Nct Pr0lit I19.597 41t9.275 1.436.739

[-css: Busincss and 1.0u) 2.0ut 2"U)0

Liccnsc fccs

Nct Profit aftcr Trx P 137.597.u) P 487.247.96 P 1.434.?38.50


lmpruvcnrcnt on Fim's satcs ,rrd ocr profir will bc obrcrvcd as thc ycar pnrgrc*e.
As Fine's Barbcquc rffih its thfud yar of rpcr*ior ftcr implcl$cctatidr 6f its
strategic positioning plan. wc will find an incrcasc in sslcs. msrgio and profit. A
chen shosing rhc foccrsicd sdcs, gro*s ptofir rnd rcl pmlit rist Fina's Barbcsrt
wilt rchicvc by thc yc.s 20t0. ml I and a)t2 is sho$n in thc figure bclour.

E S.Lt
rrooroo 1610r. ,ollt
1JO0,60 O r.t troft
,0ro mtl 20lr

Figure 7
Folccsstcd lrrcornc Statcn:tt

6.4 k0fitability Analysis

fhc profit margin was computcd by dctcrmining thc profitr' fracrion rowerds rhc
ycarly salcs. Dcreilr of Fine'r pmlitability for tht ycar ?OlO. 2Ol I Brd 20f2 arr
shown in thc tablc gircn bclow-

Tablc 16

Profrtability Margin

20lo I
20t I 20t2

Nct Prcfit P} P .r87.274.96 P 1.434.738.5r)

Sdes t.7l1.500 1.446.208 4

Profirrbiliry 8.04(n. r9.92r+ 33.70S


Anrlysis of Fina"s Barbcquc profiubility for thc ycas 2010, 20ll and 2012
shorrs rn incrtast to 8,04 Fcrcc,lt by rhc par mlo. 19.92 Frcfit by lc ycar
201! snd 33.?0 pcrccnt by rhc ycsr 2012. Thc pmfitabilily analysis shows th*t
Fina's Brrtcquc strrcgy ovcr its pq*tcd ycrly salcs i* ircrashgly protirrbh
for the bucirEi.s.

VlI. Contingucy Ptan

?.1 Firstly, if variable cost incr.ases drasticolly, Fina's Bsrbequc rlill put r dcliv&y
chqgc on *halcsalc dclivcrics to accommodarc thc cost iffuffid by thc busiacs*-

7.2 But if variablc cost d.drc{sc$. rrn allowancc for salcs disc{xnrB will bc sllottcd for

fyholcsale ordcrs ard ricc nr-als. This is to continrally supporr and pmhioa Fina's

wholcsaliog aod nc*ly cffcrcd rhc uctls-

7.3 Secondly. if mfikcr sharc a*d profir veill dcctmse by &c first half of rhc $trarcgic

tltcc-ycar op€rition, Fina's *ill srop thc ofcr.tioo of dine-in arra srd focur on

takc{)ut frdcrs orrly to dcrrasc totrl cosr from cmploycc's ,ilat-v- At$,
dclivcries $ill still br trtcftd by &t currrtrt employecs of Fina'* b5rbcquc but
rdditional pa'sonml i+ill rx:t bc ifiyuotr eonsidarcd.

7.4 hstly, if thc stfitegic plan lbr producl po$itionifig rx the ricc meal rnd dining
rre,a operation i* succeg*ful in rctufiing prorils to tha bucinc{s. fu*hcr cxpanrion
s reirovadons will bc donc to catcr a grutct uumbcr of dioa-io custdEcrs-


Thc computation of Prcjccta, Supply using Timc Scrics ncgrrssion Mrxlcl is shou,n in
&c trble bclsw-

Qty. of I,roj.ct d
Year a b v
Port BBQ, I Supply (a+by)
:ol0 27.175 -9r 25 _16500 4 l16875

20r l 63.875 -9115 3650(, 5 ,77175

2011 roo-175 -91 25 165(n 6 2091i75

thc compuradot of Projcctcd Dcmmd usirg Tirnc Scric* Rcgrcssion Modcl is showtr ir
lhc tsbl,E bclow.


1010 155.125

11.625 r

201 I 16.r.6!5 21.625 t2?.50(l ] 659.1:5

1{Jl2 4 r0.125 2t.625 tl7,5i{t 6 ?86.615

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