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Year 34 No.

04 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green | Fil-Mission Sunday July 26, 2020

R eason alone can be a despot;
Faith alone can run into
superstition. But when Faith and
as he ponders what to do) and
Faith (selling all in exchange for
have we kept the balance — the
way of prudence and wisdom?
The liturgical calendar of this
Reason walk hand in hand... they the treasure). The man who had the month — July, is filled with the
enrich each other. Faith gives Pearl of Great Price used greatly memory in honor of Saints whose
Reason a wider horizon and his reason and intelligence (as he life-path illustrate the need to
perspective than what meets the deliberately went about looking walk with the “Two Together” of
senses; Reason gives Faith balance for the finest pearl)... and when he Faith and Reason. Last July 3, we
and discernment. The liturgical found it, he put his faith forward celebrated the life and martyrdom
r e a d i n g s w e h av e t o g e t h e r (as he sells all his possessions to of the Apostle Thomas: strong
illustrate all these. get the pearl that for him matters). in reason, and one who had to
In the First Reading, the newly The fishermen courageously going confront the need for more Faith
crowned King Solomon enters into into deep waters with their dragnet in the Risen Jesus. Then on July 11,
worship surely guided by a deep began everything with Faith, but we commemorated St Benedict of
sense of Faith that he inherited in the end they had to sort with Nursia whose great motto is “Ora
from his great father King David. Reason which among their catch (Prayer/Faith) et Labora (Work/
Given the opportunity by God, he of various fishes would be best Human effort).” We also celebrate
asked for an increase in reason to to keep. within the month — the Franciscan
be able to judge and lead among The problem of our times is St Bonaventure (July 15); St
his people. And he goes on to be that we often see Faith and Reason Laurence of Brindisi (July 21); and
the king known for wisdom the as opposites. Persons of Faith St Peter Chrysologus (July 30) —
world over. In the Second Reading, recklessly do everything... putting all “Doctors of the Church” who
the Apostle Paul, a person trained all their trust in ceaseless prayer... employed their intelligence and
in the ways of the great Pharisee failing to see that intelligence and learnings to deepen and illumine
teacher Gamaliel, intimates that all common sense are also God-given the Church’s Faith. There is the
things work best and well — “for natural capacities for us to see feast of St Martha of Bethany (July
those who love God” (those with the way of truth and goodness. 29), sister of Mary and Lazarus,
Faith), and at the same time “work In like manner, but on the other whose practicality and reason...
according to his purpose” (those end: Persons of Great Reason and Jesus himself had to balance with
with reason and discernment). thought flaunt their intelligence a call to faith and abandonment.
The three Gospel parables of and learning... proudly Then, there is the great intelligent
Jesus all underscore the need to proclaiming their autonomy from and calculating St Inigo de Loyola
combine these two God-given God and heaven... and they go (July 31) whom God needed to
capacities of Faith and Reason. about their human ways to the break ... that he may find the way
The case of the man who discovers detriment of self, and those around of Faith and surrender.
a hidden treasure in the field used them. It might therefore be good
Reason (hiding the treasure again for us to pause this day and ask: — Fr. Dominador Guzman, SSP
Promoting Dialogue and Service dialogue with the believers of all religions, so that
mutual understanding and collaboration may grow; so
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM that moral values may be strengthened; so that God may
During his 1981 Philippine visit, Pope John Paul be praised in all creation. Ways must be developed to
II highlighted the Church’s engagement with Asia’s make this dialogue become a reality everywhere, but
religions. On February 21, he noted: “The Church especially in Asia, the continent that is the cradle of
of Jesus Christ in this age experiences a profound ancient cultures and religions.”
need to enter into contact and dialogue with all “Christians will, moreover, join hands with all men
these religions. She pays homage to the many moral and women of good will who share a belief in the
values contained in these religions, as well as to the inestimable dignity of each human person. They will
potential for spiritual living which so deeply marks work together in order to bring about a more just and
the traditions and the cultures of whole societies.” peaceful society in which the poor will be the first to
“All Christians must therefore be committed to be served.”
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria Solomon answered: “O Lord,
my God, you have made me,
Entrance Antiphon All — Glory to God in the your servant, king to succeed
highest, and on earth peace to my father David, but I am a
(Cf. Ps 68[67]:6–7, 36)
(Recited when there is no opening song) people of good will. We praise mere youth, not knowing at all
you, we bless you, we adore how to act. I serve you in the
God is in his holy place, God you, we glorify you, we give midst of the people whom you
who unites those who dwell you thanks for your great glory, have chosen, a people so vast
in his house; he himself gives Lord God, heavenly King, O that it cannot be numbered or
might and strength to his God, almighty Father. Lord counted. Give your servant,
people. Jesus Christ, Only Begotten therefore, an understanding
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, heart to judge your people
Greeting Son of the Father, you take and to distinguish right from
(The sign of the cross is made here.) away the sins of the world, wrong. For who is able to
have mercy on us; you take govern this vast people of
P — The Lord be with you. away the sins of the world, yours?”
All — And with your spirit. receive our prayer; you are The Lord was pleased that
seated at the right hand of Solomon made this request.
Introduction the Father, have mercy on us. So God said to him: “Because
(These [or similar words] may be used For you alone are the Holy you have asked for this—not
to address the assembly.) One, you alone are the Lord, for a long life for yourself,
you alone are the Most High, nor for riches, nor for the
P — As Jesus taught us, we Jesus Christ, with the Holy life of your enemies, but for
pray, “Thy will be done on Spirit, in the glory of God the understanding so that you
earth as in heaven.” We want Father. Amen. may know what is right—I
God to reign in our hearts and do as you requested. I give
in the hearts of all men and Collect you a heart so wise and
women. Peace, love, joy, and understanding that there has
justice are the values of God’s P — Let us pray. (Pause)
O God, protector of those never been anyone like you
kingdom. God wants us to up to now, and after you there
live and share these values. who hope in you, without
wh o m n o t h i n g h a s f i r m will come no one to equal
Today, as we celebrate you.”
Fil-Mission Sunday, let us foundation, nothing is holy,
pray for the intentions of bestow in abundance your
mercy upon us and grant that, — The word of the Lord.
the Mission Society of the All — Thanks be to God.
Philippines (MSP) and all with you as our ruler and guide,
Filipino missionaries sent all we may use the good things Responsorial Psalm (Ps 119)
over the world, that they may that pass in such a way as to
preach the Kingdom of God hold fast even now to those R — Lord, I love your commands.
to every people. that ever endure.
Through our Lord Jesus Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP
Penitential Rite Christ, your Son, who lives and F Am C7 F
reigns with you in the unity of         
P — Brethren (brothers and the Holy Spirit, one God, for
Lord, I love your com mands.
sisters), let us acknowledge ever and ever.
our sins, and so prepare All — Amen.
ourselves to celebrate the 1. I have said, O Lord,/ that
sacred mysteries. (Pause) THE LITURGY my part is to keep your words./
P — You were sent to heal OF THE WORD The law of your mouth is to me
the contrite of heart: Lord, more precious/ than thousands
First Reading (1 Kgs 3:5, 7–12) of gold and silver pieces. (R)
have mercy. (Sit)
All — Lord, have mercy. 2. Let your kindness comfort
Solomon asks God for wisdom to me/ according to your promise
P — You came to call sinners:
govern his people well because to your servants./ Let your
Christ, have mercy.
he seeks the good of the people compassion come to me/ that
All — Christ, have mercy. as the true treasure. The Lord I may live, for your law is my
P — You are seated at the right grants his request and other delight. (R)
hand of the Father to intercede things besides. 3. For I love your commands/
for us: Lord, have mercy. more than gold, however fine./
A reading from the Book of
All — Lord, have mercy. Kings For in all your precepts I go
P — May almighty God have forward;/ every false way I
mercy on us, forgive us our THE LORD APPEARED TO hate.(R)
sins, and bring us to everlasting Solomon in a dream at night. 4. Wonderful are your decrees;/
life. God said, “Ask something of therefore I observe them./ The
All — Amen. me and I will give it to you.” revelation of your words sheds
light,/ giving understanding to into buckets. What is bad they and glorified, who has spoken
the simple.(R) throw away. Thus it will be at through the prophets.
the end of the age. The angels I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y,
Second Reading (Rom 8:28–30) will go out and separate the catholic and apostolic Church.
wicked from the righteous I confess one Baptism for the
God ordains ever ything, and throw them into the fiery
including painful and difficult forgiveness of sins and I look
furnace, where there will be forward to the resurrection
moments, for the good of those wailing and grinding of teeth.
who love him. This love should of the dead and the life of the
“Do you understand all world to come. Amen.
inspire us to be open and obedient these things?” They answered,
to the will of the Father for us. “Yes.” And he replied, “Then Prayer of the Faithful
A reading from the Letter of every scribe who has been
instructed in the kingdom of P — God our Father has given
Saint Paul to the Romans heaven is like the head of a us the gift of faith as a treasure
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: household who brings from and a pearl of great price. Let
We know that all things his storeroom both the new us continue to cherish this gift
work for good for those who and the old.” and share it with people around
love God, who are called — The Gospel of the Lord. us by living up to the demands
according to his purpose. All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus of our faith. Let us pray:
Fo r t h o s e h e f o r e k n e w Christ.
he also predestined to be R — Lord, hear your people.
conformed to the image of Homily (Sit) C — That Francis, our Pope and
his Son, so that he might be all Church leaders may work
the firstborn among many Profession of Faith (Stand)
tirelessly toward making the
brothers and sisters. And those kingdom of heaven permeate
he predestined he also called; All — I believe in one God,
the Father almighty, maker of fully the life of humanity, we
and those he called he also pray: (R)
justified; and those he justified heaven and earth, of all things
he also glorified. visible and invisible. C — That God’s people may
I believe in one Lord Jesus hold on to their faith and
— The word of the Lord. Christian values as true and
All — Thanks be to God. Christ, the Only Begotten Son
of God, born of the Father lasting treasures, and not be
Alleluia (Cf. Mt 11:25) (Stand) before all ages. God from God, seduced by the passing joys of
Light from Light, true God power, prestige, and pleasure,
All — Alleluia, alleluia. from true God, begotten, not we pray: (R)
Blessed are you, Father, Lord made, consubstantial with the C — That the leaders of nations
of heaven and earth; for you Father; through him all things may work for prosperity and
have revealed to little ones were made. For us men and for progress without forgetting their
the mysteries of the kingdom. our salvation he came down people and the deepest human
Alleluia, alleluia. from heaven, values, we pray: (R)
Gospel (Mt 13:44–52) C — That all missionaries
(At the words that follow up to
and including and became man, around the world may
P — A reading from the holy joyfully share their talents and
Gospel according to Matthew. all bow.)
possessions at the service of
All — Glory to you, O Lord. and by the Holy Spirit was people, especially the poor,
incarnate of the Virgin Mary, the sick, and the needy, we
JESUS SAID TO HIS DISCIPLES: and became man. pray: (R)
“The kingdom of heaven
is like a treasure buried in a Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s C — That those who have died,
field, which a person finds crucified under Pontius Pilate, especially missionaries, may at
and hides again, and out of he suffered death and was last find their “pearl of great
joy goes and sells all that he buried, and rose again on the price” in the heavenly kingdom
has and buys that field. Again, third day in accordance with and attain eternal peace with
the kingdom of heaven is the Scriptures. He ascended God, we pray: (R)
like a merchant searching for into heaven and is seated at
the right hand of the Father. C — Let us pray for the urgent
fine pearls. When he finds a concerns of our community
pearl of great price, he goes He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the and our personal intentions
and sells all that he has and (pause). We pray: (R)
buys it. dead and his kingdom will
“Again, the kingdom of have no end. P — Most loving Father, hear
heaven is like a net thrown I believe in the Holy Spirit, the prayers of your people. Let
into the sea, which collects the Lord, the giver of life, your kingdom come to us, and
fish of every kind. When it is who proceeds from the Father open our hearts to our brothers
full they haul it ashore and and the Son, who with the and sisters who hunger and
sit down to put what is good Father and the Son is adored thirst for your Word.
Grant this through Christ
our Lord.
All — Amen.
Presentation of the Gifts
P — Pray, brethren…
All — May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good, and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P — Accept, O Lord, we pray,
the offerings which we bring
from the abundance of your
gifts, that through the powerful
working of your grace these
most sacred mysteries may
sanctify our present way of life
and lead us to eternal gladness.
Through Christ our Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Prayer after Communion
All — Amen. Blessed is he who comes in (Stand)
the name of the Lord. Hosanna
Preface VI: The pledge of the in the highest. (Kneel) P — Let us pray. (Pause)
eternal Passover We have consumed, O
Acclamation (Stand) Lord, this divine Sacrament,
the perpetual memorial of
P — The Lord be with you. All — When we eat this the Passion of your Son; grant,
All — And with your spirit. Bread and drink this Cup, we we pray, that this gift, which
P — Lift up your hearts. proclaim your Death, O Lord, he himself gave us with love
All — We lift them up to the until you come again. beyond all telling, may profit
Lord. us for salvation.
P — Let us give thanks to the THE COMMUNION RITE Through Christ our Lord.
Lord our God. All — Amen.
All — It is right and just. The Lord’s Prayer
P — It is truly right and just, All — Our Father… THE CONCLUDING RITES
our duty and our salvation, P — Deliver us, Lord… P — The Lord be with you.
always and everywhere to give All — For the kingdom, the All — And with your spirit.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, power, and the glory are yours,
almighty and eternal God. now and for ever. Prayer over the People
For in you we live and Invitation to Peace P — Bow down for the blessing.
move and have our being, (Pause)
and while in this body we Invitation to Communion Grant, O Lord, we pray,
not only experience the daily (Kneel) that the Christian people
effects of your care, but even may understand the truths
now possess the pledge of life P — Behold the Lamb of God, they profess and love the
eternal. behold him who takes away heavenly liturgy in which they
For, having received the the sins of the world. Blessed participate.
first fruits of the Spirit, through are those called to the supper All — Amen.
whom you raised up Jesus of the Lamb.
All — Lord, I am not worthy P — And may the blessing
from the dead, we hope for an of almighty God, the Father,
everlasting share in the Paschal that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the and the Son, (†) and the Holy
Mystery. Spirit, come down on you and
word and my soul shall be
And so, with all the Angels, healed. remain with you for ever.
we praise you, as in joyful All — Amen.
celebration we acclaim: Communion Antiphon
(Ps 103 [102]:2) Dismissal
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
God of hosts. Heaven and Bless the Lord, O my soul, and P — Go forth, the Mass is ended.
earth are full of your glory. never forget all his benefits. All — Thanks be to God.

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