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Ishigami Yuu Wants To Get Over It

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: かぐや様は告らせたい | Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai | Kaguya Wants
to be Confessed To (Manga)
Relationship: Ishigami Yuu/Hayasaka Ai, Shirogane Miyuki/Shinomiya Kaguya
Character: Fujiwara Chika, Ishigami Yuu, Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya,
Hayasaka Ai
Additional Tags: Ballroom Dancing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Stats: Published: 2019-12-24 Updated: 2020-03-30 Chapters: 4/? Words:

Ishigami Yuu Wants To Get Over It

by Plug01


After being functionally rejected by Tsubame Koyasu, Ishigami finally decides to move on
(Thanks to a lot of motivation from Shirogane and Shinomiya) and search for someone else,
or do something by himself
Yuu Ishigami discovers it

Ishigami was sitting in the council room alone, was the first one to arrive in the last few days, he
stated that he stopped playing games all night long but instead he just didn't sleep in the first place,
he looked more depressed then ever, for him the worst part wasn't that Koyasu rejected him, but
instead that he was turned into a subject of pity of the older girl, he was just waiting for an
opportunity to come up, but he was left with nothing, just sitting there, pretending to be working on
something just in case someone arrived in the room, He did right, because Kaguya appeared
through the door in such a silence that if he wasn't pretending all along He would be caught
procrastinating and just thinking about the lingering question of "what next?" he sat at the far end
of the couch closest to the door, careless eyes wouldn't notice him

- Ishigami-kun, I need to inform you that President's Stanford application was postponed to the end
of next year, when our graduation happens, so he will remain here for the rest of this year and next,
He was indeed very disappointed, and the reason was that more students with better aplications got
in front of him in grades of the test they need to make to pass and start studying in the university,
so I would suggest that you would not mention this, or else He might as well get bad tempered, and
that would hinder his work

- I understand Shinomiya-senpai, I won't mention that subject, but I might as well cheer him up
with games or announcements of such

- Good, now I'll go back to work, and I suggest you do the same

- Kaguya-sama - A beautiful blonde girl entered the room - Sorry for my delay, I was stuck in a
bad situation. - She said not noticing Ishigami in the room, but He noticed Her

- Sama?

The girls froze, Hayasaka had never commited such mistake, she wasn't like this, why was she
being so careless, It would be just normal that Shirogane would discover her identity eventually,
but Ishigami wasn't in the plans!

- It's just a manner of showing respect, what you should do too

- A manner of respect by calling Her by the first name, and Shinomiya-senpai stated that thanks to
her bloodline she never had any friends before the student council, plus that She never mentioned
you - The mistery solving genius of Ishigami came out, he watched enough anime and read enough
mangas to know something was fishy - So, there's something Shinomiya-senpai doesn't want to
inform the council about, and I discovered the secret.

- What is the big reveal then? - Hayasaka replied in a equally sarcastic tone

- I said I discovered the secret, so you should be more respectfull with me- He knew the dangerous
game He was playing, messing with the affairs of the Shinomiyas of all families, but by playing a
card as big as this, could make both of them fragile

- I highly doubt you have enough capability to discover what the secret truly is, after all, you're just
a useless otaku

This hit him real hard, after all that time, insults from anyone outside from Iino and Fujiwara still
- Please be more gentle, Ishigami-kun might be trying to bluff, but He's still my friend

- I am terribly sorry Kaguya-sama, for being agressive towards him

- Well, Ishigami-kun, where are the others?

He checked his phone

- President is sick, and no messages from Fugiwara or Iino, it's just that we came here early


- Yeah, he just send it on the student council's Whosdown group

- I guess It's my responsibility to check on him during the day and helping him in his activities as a
president while He's away - Kaguya was trembling, there were instances where visiting the
president was important, but she knew where he lives even before such instances occured

- Stop making excuses, I know you like him already, just go, I can do your work for you - he did
not stop looking at the screen of the computer he was typing on - Go before Fujiwara arrives and
makes a dumb game about who should go, I'm not pulling up with that bullcrap again

- How did you...

- It's painfully obvious, both of you can't seem to hide anything at all

"Did he mean that President likes him back, no, I don't think so, he was probably just saying in a
general manner, of course"

"So this Ishigami guy is not as dumb as I expected, or maybe my standarts are too low, Fujiwara
low, I think the second option, but something truly fascinates me about him"

"I hope Vice President got it, what I said has no other interpretation"

- So I guess I'll be leaving, Hayasaka, please stay, this will be a private moment, - He would be
home alone by now, his father at work, and sister at school, there was nothing so pleasing as being
able to show the president all my sweetness and caring, he won't be able to resist me!

- So, Ishigami-kun, what exactly do you do in your life? - Hayasaka asked taking a seat

- For someone agressive a few moments ago, you seem pretty interested on me

- Please do not mistake this for nothing else then research and etiquette

- As you asked - He jumped to answering the question - I normally play videogames, in any type of
console, but lately I've been starting to work out a bit

She laughed

- You, working out?

- You were all about etiquette a few moments ago, are you always that bipolar?

- My laugh was nothing exageratted, you just see things as more then they are - Hayasaka lied as
she breathed, she though the idea of Ishigami doing something of his life so ridiculous that she
couldn't help herself

- You might lie well, but I know the truth, you think that the idea of me doing something with my
life is so ridiculous and impossible that you couldn't help yourself, you can lie to anyone Hayasaka,
but not to me

- How do you know my name? - She tried to remain calm

- Well, how the turntables, are you always this innocent - This was impossible, how did this Neet
wannabe not only saw through her lies, but also knew more about her then she though!

- I asked you a question - She continued using her patient persona that she so long trained to master

- Hayasaka, I know you're a servant at the Shinomiya household! I asked Fujiwara and Iino, of
course, in a nonchalant way, about you, I recognised your face in every single disguise! And stop
to pretend that your calm, let it all out, Haysaka A. Smithee


Up to now, only Shirogane knew that Haysaka and Hayasaka were the same person, Hayasaka's
acting is flawless, but Ishigami's observation skills are stronger then anything else, he was at an
unreachable advantage!

- What are you trying to imply - Hayasaka was starting to lose her cool

- That I know your alter-ego, and that if I "slip' it to "subject F" You're screwed

He was right, he himself wasn't much of a threat, but Fujiwara was a channel of secrets waiting to
be opened and release it's contents to the whole world

- Please don't! - She really got out of herself, how could he, how can he be so observing, he noticed
everything, he did the research, proofs, exact results, he knew everything, Ishigami Yuu knew her
whole secret all along, when it was so flawless, how could he

He smirked, He won, got everything he didn't need, and now thinking, he did the research first out
of curiosity, but it developed into fun, he did it because he was enjoying solving that case ad
discovering those lies, he really had a talent for it, but he had nothing to actually win, what would
he demand, the point was the search and the win, not what he would gain with it

- I won't ask you anything for now, but you owe me,

- Please don't tell anyone

- I'm very good with secrets, no worries

Ai Hayasaka needs to calm down

Shinomiya Family's Mansion

Hayasaka was shouting in a pillow while shaking her legs violently

- Hayasaka, please be quiet, I'm trying to think of ways to go to Stanford in secret but at the same
time not making a worldwide police investigation about my disappearence

- Kaguya-sama, my life is done! Ishigami is going to reveal it to everyone!

- They wouldn't believe him, they hate him so passionately that they wouldn't believe him if he
said the world is round, they might agree, but making him feel stupid is what they enjoy

- But what if he tells it to Fujiwara, they would believe her!

- That's true, she is terrible at keeping secrets, so it's worthless to try ordering her to do such

Another muffled scream

- but what if he uses this to have my body!

- Ishigami is not that type of guy, He is depressed because his old crush offered that to him because
she rejected his confession, he refused, and he told Iino that to do that it needs to _NOT_ be a one
sided thing, he wants to earn it, no problem on that part, you are lucky it is Ishigami of all students,
one of the very few that wouldn't ask you that

She muffled a sigh

- But then what will he ask?

- I also don't know, but I'm going to invite him to study here


- The president was allowed inside

- But another one?

- Yes, I'm sure he doesn't do the homework I give him, neither the ones the teachers give him

- But I don't want to see him

- I also want you to be strong, if you show weakness, his power will just grow
Yuu Ishigami wants to die

Ishigami Household

- I wanna die - Ishigami said in the bathroom wailing his sufferings away - I made yet another
person hate me, I do have a talent for that - He actually though the girl he investigated (stalked, but
he wasn't ready to admit it) was kind of cute actually (he isn't ready to admit that either) so he hated
saying those words to her, he threw all his cards right on the table, but what he had to loose, being
hated more, what difference does it make by now, would they beat him, knowing that he is under
protection of the student council, and Shinomiya Kaguya herself, literally everyone in the world
fears her, in one way or another

- Hey little bro, came to see you!

- Oh, hey bro - he said not moving his eyesight from the ground

- You seem worried

- Isn't life worrying just by itself

- You got worse didn't you - he said already leaning on the wall - I though that Shirogane would
give you that indirect lesson about confidence

- Not about confidence this time, I just made another girl hate me, again

- And she didn't hate you before?

- No

- Is it the one that's from my year?

- No, I'll try to forget about this one

- Another girl, your feelings move fast

- Just because she rejected me and showed pity afterwards, rejecting me is one thing, I'm fine wit...

- Ok, I already heard the story, tell me about the new one

- She is a servant at the Vice-president's mansion, her personal maid

- Holy shit, Shinomiya right?

- Yep, and of course she kept it secret, but when I recalled that everytime I go somewhere the same
person is there, conveniently at a spot that I am visible

- Hmmm, carry on

- So I started investigating, and after some questioning and thinking, I came to that conclusion, but
the peak was when she didn't notice me at the room, and called vice president as "Kaguya-sama"

- So...
- That was the final proof, I lied about the president being sick when he was actually at work, and
needed to cover some hours that he missed, not by his own choice, but left only me and her in the

- So you spilled everything

- Correct

- Hmmm, First, why was she stalking you

- She was stalking everyone from the student council, I presume a protocol made to make sure the
friends of Shinomiya-senpai aren't involved in bad stuff or are bad influences

- And why are you sad, did you threaten her

- Kinda, I said that she did owe me, since I could reveal it to Fujiwara and she would reveal it to
the whole school

- Fujiwara, the hot one in the council?



- By the way never bring her again, she scares me

- Momo's like that to everyone, you just have to find her good intentions

- But going back, I'm sad because I think she's pretty cute and didn't quite deserve such

- Apologize

- And lose my power?

- Please be more reasonable, apologizing can be done in many different ways

- I guess I'll try, Shinomiya-senpai said for me to go to the mansion after school to study

- Then go for it!

"He didn't"
Shinomiya wants them to make peace
Chapter Summary

Hey guys, fixed the keyboard! faster then expected but, here as you wish!

Shinomiya Manor

Ishigami was shocked by the entrance of the main house, he already expected something large but
god, his expectations seemed like they were thrown out of a window and then got repeatedly ran
over by a line of limos

- Ishigami kun - Hayasaka called from inside the gate, unlocking it for him, she didn't bother
cosplaying as someone else, he already knew everything he could possibly know by now

- Oh, you're already here - He tried to keep it cool, failing miserably, but he tried

- Kaguya Sama is waiting in the study room

"The study room? Who has a room just for studying? Is Shinomiya senpai trying to flex on me
after all? Like that entrance isn't enough"

They walked, and walked, and walked in the front yard in silence, he was too timid to say
something, and she was following protocol, but the yard just didn't end, eternity just passed by, and
he thought his grandparents's house had a huge walkway to get there, but he was too scared to
complain, he knew a single spark would ignite her wrath, and he wasn't one that liked getting
involved in fights, not even verbal ones

They continued walking, WHEN WILL THIS END! He thought to himself, is this some sort of
test, a probation, if you were worthy of entering the mansion? Shirogane didn't mention the miles
you had to go through to get to the house, and today the sun was shining, heat was on the path,
every tree shadow was heaven, till they walked a bit more, and hell came back, how in the world is
she able to stay with that maid outfit? It's absurd! Ishigami questioned, he felt thirsty, god that path
was truly a trial of sorts

- And here we are - Her face was red as hell from the heat, but she remained with a deadpan
expression, she was barely sweating, and both her hair and outfit remained intact, while he looked
like he just took a shower, he hoped she was the only one present at the manor, and also that they
would have an AC

As he walked inside, he saw that the place was huge, the ceiling was taller then his house, and this
was just the first floor! So many ancient japanese art remained on pedestals and walls, he wouldn't
dare touch one, they are probably worth more then his entire family

- Follow me - She led him with the same expression, god, they seemed alone enough, emotions
were alright

Through the maze of corridors and rooms that appeared to be there for no reason whatsoever, they
made it to the study room
- Kaguya Sama? - Hayasaka knocked and warned her presence

- Come in - Shinomiya answered with her voice calm as ever

- Ishigami kun has arrived - She refused to make eye contact with him, while he only grew to think
that he disgusted yet another girl - May I dismiss myself, you can call me when you need - She was
already leaving when Shinomiya pronounced herself

- Hayasaka, you stay, I didn't call Ishigami here to study, you both sit down on those chairs - She
pointed at two wooden chairs in the front of a desk, which had another chair on the other side

They both obeyed, and Kaguya sat on the last chair, they looked like kids playing doctor, but there
was a goal to all of this

- I want you to sort your differeces here and now, two of my friends can't remain fighting - She
undermined her relation with Hayasaka in that statement, but the blonde understood what she
meant - Now, Ishigami, tell her what you want from her, so you are finally even

Only now he realised from the gate, he didn't mutter a word, but now was time

- To be honest, I really didn't have anything in mind, my investigation was solely out of curiosity,
but when the situation to use my card came, I didn't waste it, but I guess that if I had to want
anything, was a favor when I need it, don't know what, when or how, just a favor in general, so
when I get my self into a pickle "funniest shit I've ever seen" I have someone to give me a hand

- But don't we all from the student council do that already? I think that you are a very good person,
but don't tell me you're gonna do anything innapropriate to her


- It's predictable and common that someone would ask something like a blow or handjob if they
were i your position, don't see that as a personal offence - Hayasaka said with no shame, and
Shinomiya was as red as she could be

- Going back to our original conversation, Hayasaka, will you be willing to do a single big favor for
him in the prospect that he will never reveal, to anyone, about your work here, as long as his favor
is appropriate and doesn't hurt your integrity as a human being, all the while treating him with

- In those terms, I can accept this

- And you accept them Ishigami?

- Well, not like I would do any of the prohibited things in the first place so, why not?

- Saying that makes you sound even more suspicious then before

- Leave me be! I just wanna reassure my innocence

- Now you may do a handshake to settle this deal and then may leave, I want to study alone for the
next class

They do a respectable handshake, firming their contract

- I will still tutor you at school Ishigami, and Hayasaka is free of her duty today

- I will show you the exit

- Thanks

"Not the walkway to hell again"

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