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Amanda Omori 1

"When Henry comes back from war, three years had passed since he left and there was a

sharp contrast though Lyman’s perspective, a distinct before and after. He notes that Henry is

jumpy, mean and that seemingly normal things agitate him. For example, a colored television

that Lyman bought for their mother sets him off, forcing him to relive the horrors of war in his

mind. Lyman adding "For him, it would keep on going" (Erdrich 122), giving a brief insight as to

how the war has affected him. The bond between the brothers has dramatically shifted, before

they seemed to be attached by the hip, but now Henry has drifted far from Lyman's reach. In an

attempt to patch up their relationship, Lyman ruins the very thing representative of it, their red

convertible. Once Henry notices, he works religiously to fix the car, Erdrich using this as a

symbol of Henry trying to fix himself. Once he finishes, he realizes that innocence lost can not

be restored and that a child is only ever a child once. Henry realizes this and goes on to admit, “I

know it… I know it. I can’t help it. It’s no use.”(Erdrich 125), he knows how he has changed, he

can’t change back, no matter how hard he tries. In another futile attempt to put himself back

together, Henry invites his younger brother to go to highwater river, Lyman jumps at this

possible bonding opportunity. Whilst there, the pair reminisce on older times and are carefree for

a fleeting moment, once again, Henry sobers, and decides to cool off by jumping into the river.

At this very moment was when it became clear to him that he didn't want to live in this world

anymore. After he poured everything he has into fixing the red convertible, a symbol of his lost

innocence and free reigning spirit and failed, he loses his will to live. He did not seem to

consciously know that he was committing suicide until he says"My boots are filling" (Erdrich

126). This realization was his epiphany and he let himself drift away, carried by the strong

current, Lyman following close behind him. Once Lyman had searched the river and surrounding
Amanda Omori 2

banks, he accepted the situation. He turned on the car and slowly pushed it into the river, a

symbol of letting go, and closure for himself. The night sky has taken over that once green

pasture, unrelenting as it is, it has not managed to silence the blinking lights of the fireflies, and

the creeping light of dawn."

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