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“Buenas cristiana y honestas ciudadanas”

Docente: Jerson Avendaño Área: Ingles Grado: 11°s

Núcleo Temático: Verbos Fecha de Inicio: Mayo 4 Fecha de entrega: Mayo 8


● Horas de desarrollo: En los días y horas que corresponde en la semana (3

horas de clase).
● Horas de explicaciones y dudas: De lunes a viernes – desde las 9:20 AM
hasta las 12:20 PM – vía correo o por Hangouts. (

Verbos - Ejercicios
Ejercico 1

Verbos irregulares en pasado simple inglés.

Elegir entre los verbos de la lista aquí debajo y escribirlos en el pasado simple en los espacios de
cada frase y traducir. Usar cada verbo una vez.


I left my umbrella on the bus yesterday. It was still there the next morning.


learn / leave / leave / make / lose / make / mean / know / meet / sell / see / know


1) I _______________ my wallet in the supermarket this morning. There was a lot of money inside.

2) We ______________ some new verbs in the English class today.

3) I ________________ all the answers in the test. I got a ten.

4) We ________________ home at seven o'clock in the morning. We wanted to get to Madrid

before lunch.

5) We ________________ some interesting animals in the zoo last Saturday. I really liked the
white tiger.

6) I ________________ my grandfather very well. He was a kind and happy man.

“Buenas cristiana y honestas ciudadanas”
7) My mother _______________ some delicious cakes last Sunday. We ate them all.

8) My father _______________ his old car last week. It had a lot of engine problems.

9) My husband made the dinner and ______________ it in the oven for me. I didn't have to cook
when I got home.

10) I think the language was German. I didn't know what the word ______________ .

11) I _________________ the meeting just on time. I was lucky because the traffic was very bad
that morning.

12) I _________________ John in the street last weekend. It was good to see him again after all
these years.

Ejercico 2

Verbos irregulares en pasado simple inglés.

Elegir entre los verbos de la lista aquí debajo y escribirlos en el pasado simple en los espacios de
cada frase y traducir. Usar cada verbo una vez.


I spoke a lot of English on holiday this year. It was good practice.


speak / stand / spend / understand / steal / tell / take / sleep / sit / think / take / spend


1) I ______________ too much money yesterday. I haven't got enough now to pay the bills.

2) We ______________ two weeks in Mayorca last summer. It was a great holiday.

3) I ________________ badly last night. The baby woke me up five times.

4) We ______________ in the seats at the front of the theatre. We had a good view of the stage.

5) We _______________ on the bus because there were no seats free.

6) I _______________ a lot about what you said yesterday. I think you were right.

7) My wife _________________ to our son's teacher yesterday. He has to do more homework.

8) The thieves ________________ all our furniture. We don't know how they got into the house.

9) I __________________ my coat to work today. It was very cold at 8 o'clock in the morning.
“Buenas cristiana y honestas ciudadanas”
10) There was a lot of traffic this morning. It ________________ me two hours to get to work.

11) I ________________ the lesson very well. I think my English is getting better.

12) I ________________ Mary to meet me at 6.00pm but she completely forgot.

Ejercico 3

Completar las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre
paréntesis, en pasado y traducir.

1. Alberto ________________ (drive) to school bus everyday.

2. Sandy ________________ (forget) her homework very often.

3. Our friends sometimes ________________ (go) to the supermarket.

4. Jenny never ________________ (go) there. But she________________ (go) yesterday because
her mother________________ (be) ill.

5. When they ________________ (arrive), the boy________________ (play) in his room.

6. By next year, they ________________ (win) the prize.

7. They ________________ (argue) yesterday afternoon.

8. We ________________ (plan) a trip for this weekend.

9. When they ________________ (see) the car, they (start) ________________ to dance.

10. She hates to ________________ (get) the bus everyday.

11.I ________________ (tell) you ________________ (smoke) is bad for your health.

12. At this time next year, they ________________ (work) in South Africa.

13. I________________ (arrive), and I (miss) ________________ my family.

14. How often ________________ (you/go) to the cinema?

15. How long ________________ (they/smoke) here?

16. What you say ________________ (be) terrible.

17. They ________________ (meet) tonight at 10 o'clock.

18. Peter ________________ (live) since 2008 in this house.

“Buenas cristiana y honestas ciudadanas”
19. Who ________________ (be) your favourite pop stars?

20. They ________________ (already/go) when the police arrived.

21. ________________ (you/see) him last night?

22. While I________________ (study) my boyfriend________________ (fall) asleep.

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