PHP Jeremy Djakoure BEDJE

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Personal History Profile


PHP For BEDJE Djakouré Jérémie

P r i nt P HP C l os e

General Details
1. Family Name First Name Middle Name Maiden Name, if any
BEDJE Djakouré Jérémie Guillaume

2. Date of Birth 3. City of Birth Country of Birth

20 Dec 1978 Alepe / Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire

4. Country of Nationality at Second Nationality (if 5. Country of Present Second Nationality (if
Birth any) Nationality any)
Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire

6. Gender 7. Height [cm] 8. Weight [kg] 9. Marital Status

Male 167 70 Married

10. Entry into United Nations service might require assignment to any area of the world in which the United
Nations might have responsibilities.
Are there any limitations on your ability to engage in all travel?

Are there any limitations on your ability to perform in your prospective field of work?

11. Have you taken up legal permanent residence status in any country other than that of your nationality?

12. If you have taken any legal steps towards changing your present nationality, explain the circumstances:

13. What is your preferred field of work?

Computer information systems specialists

14. Would you accept employment for less than six months?

15. If you have previously submitted an application for employment and/or undergone any tests with the
United Nations, indicate when:

16. Have you ever been arrested, indicted, or summoned into court as a defendant in a criminal proceeding,
or convicted, fined or imprisoned for the violation of any law (excluding minor traffic violations)?
Give explanation of each case:

17. State any other relevant facts, include information regarding any residence outside the country of your

18. Email Address

Contact Address and Telephone

Permanent Office
Cocody riviera 4 Synacass-ci UN Mission in Sudan
Cote d'Ivoire Sudan

Telephone Number Telephone Number

+249 926780356 +249 911907411
+225 02037042 +249 0926780356

Are any of your relatives employed by a public international organization?
If you answered Yes to #1, list any relatives employed by the United Nations or its Specialized Agencies

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Personal History Profile


Relative Name Relationship Organization or Agency

If you have any dependants, list them below.

Dependant Relationship Date of Birth Gender City , Country of Nationalities

Name Birth
Djakoure Faith Daughter 10 May 2010 Female ABIDJAN, Cote Cote d'Ivoire
Janice BEDJE d'Ivoire
Ndri Marie Spouse 14 Apr 1982 Female Marcory / Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
Paule YOUZAN Cote d'Ivoire
epse BEDJE
Djak Christ Son 21 Oct 2008 Male ABIDJAN, Cote Cote d'Ivoire
Nathan BEDJE d'Ivoire

List all university degrees or equivalent qualifications obtained.

University Name City, Country Attended From - To


Apr 2004

Main Course of Study Field of Study

Computing Networks

Degree or Equivalent Exact Title of Degree (Do Not Equate)


University Name City, Country Attended From - To

AGITEL FORMATION Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire Dec 1999 -

Jul 2002

Main Course of Study Field of Study

Computing Networks

Degree or Equivalent Exact Title of Degree (Do Not Equate)

Advanced university degree Ingenieur en informatique

University Name City, Country Attended From - To


Jul 1999

Main Course of Study Field of Study

Mathematics & Statistics Mathematics

Degree or Equivalent Exact Title of Degree (Do Not Equate)

Undergraduate degree mathematiques superieure et speciale

List schools or other formal training or education from age 14 (e.g. high school, technical school or

School City, Country Attended From - To

LYCEE MODERNE DALOA, Cote d'Ivoire Oct 1992 -

Jul 1996

Main Course of Study Certificates or Diplomas obtained


School City, Country Attended From - To

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Personal History Profile

College Protestant DALOA, Cote d'Ivoire Oct 1989 -

Jul 1992

Main Course of Study Certificates or Diplomas obtained

basic education BEPC

List any significant publications you have written.

Journal/Publisher Title of Publication Date

List professional societies and activities in civil, public or international affairs.

pianist player. part of music gospel band player

26. Starting with your present post, list in reverse order every employment you have had:

Job Title Type of Business From - To

Video Conference Technician United Nations Peace Oct 2008 - Present
keeping Operation

Name of Employer Name of Supervisor Is this a Civil Servant Is this a position

UNMIS - Khartoum Denfern SIMPSON Position of your within the UN
Government? Common System?
No N/A

Salaries per Annum: Starting Final Currency Paid

29148 29148 United States of America Dollar

Telephone Number Fax Number Email Address

Address of Employer

Field of Work Specialty

Electronic communications specialists

Number of Employees Supervised by You Kind of Employees Supervised by You

5 IT Technicians

Description of Duties
Provide support for all VTC (Video Telecoms Conference). Test and maintain all Videoconference
equipment. Test equipment and set-up the necessary LAN/WAN (Local and Wide Area Network)
links before VTC and maintain VTC room(s) condition. Operate the relevant room equipment
during the VTC and oversee the entire VTC to ensure that equipment functions properly. Provide
support and maintenance for all audio and video conferencing activities originating or transiting
HQ and field offices. Setup, operation, maintenance of special equipment (Audio Conference
Equipment [Polycom], PA sound systems, Danish Interpretation System, BGAN / RBGAN [Hughes,
Inmarsat, NERA], FAX [Standard, Crypto], Sat phones [Thuraya, IRIDIUM], Cell Phones . Conduct
the operation and maintenance of LAN/WAN infrastructure [VSAT Modem, Router, network links]
that supports VTC . Setup and maintenance of power backup plans using redundant UPS for VTC
rooms . Assist with the distribution and return of CITS special equipment with inventory
management functions such as receipt, inspection, issue, return-to-stock, write-off, shipment and
stock checks. Assist with the maintenance and operation of the LAN/WAN in terms of monitoring,
tracking, and logging events to provide input for the network engineers and seek solutions for
problems. Serve as the main interface between the end users and the technical support elements.
Serves as a focal point for all technical and administrative issues concerning videoconferencing
and related activities. Provide recommendations on equipment and technology to improve on the
delivery of the services. Manage crypto fax and crypto phone for secures phone calls .Manage the
unit and project team, oversee, review and edit the work of others. Acting as standby technician,
protocol officer and focal point during VIP's visit. Act as OIC in the absence of the Unit Chief.

Summarize Any Of Your Achievements.

- Successful coordination of all communications and IT (Information Technology) issues during
the VIP's visit in Sudan. Set up a mobile Comcen (communication centre) during the visit of USG's
in Sudan - Programmed new router and modem for a new VTC line ¬Setup wireless network for
secure communication during the movements of VIP's - Organize Training for new UNV's (more
than 150 people) about Sudan elections and referenda - I acted as protocol officer during the
USG's and VIP's visit in Sudan - Smooth Management of the unit Warehouse - Install a new VTC

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Personal History Profile

room in the mission, which facilitated communications during elections and referenda - Member of
support team to the High Level Monitoring Team for the elections and referenda - I improved
service to clients by providing guidance and recommendations for news technologies

Reason for Leaving

steel on the job

Job Title Type of Business From - To

IT Networking and system Banking Mar 2005 - Sep 2008

Name of Employer Name of Supervisor Is this a Civil Servant Is this a position

La Caisse d epargne Proper OKOU Position of your within the UN
Government? Common System?
Yes N/A

Salaries per Annum: Starting Final Currency Paid

7200000 7200000 Cote d'Ivoire Franc

Telephone Number Fax Number Email Address

Address of Employer
Abidjan Plateau
rue de banque
abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Field of Work Specialty

Electronic communications related Telephone service

Number of Employees Supervised by You Kind of Employees Supervised by You

5 IT Technicians

Description of Duties
- LAN (Local Area Network) Manager - Supervise LAN/WAN engineers in the maintenance and
operation of network links to ensure high levels of system availability - Check and update the
security of all the systems ¬ensure of the integrity of the database - Plan the maintenance
schedule for year - provide a quality of service to the clients - manage all the telecom systems and
ensuring the permanent connectivity - Supervise the Local area network unit - Supervise all the
communications issues and requirements

Summarize Any Of Your Achievements.

- I was Member of cash machine setup project - I elaborated of global policy of IT security - I
contributed to CNCE Integration into SWIFT networking - Worked with central bank about check
treatment system - I use to manage the WAN IP for the bank - I Setup and managed and
maintained a Cisco callmanager server for IP telephony. This system use the CISCO IP phone - I
improved the bank network by Setting up a new VSAT network, which contributed to reduce
considerably the communication budget - I acquired Knowledge and understanding of
methodologies for information collection, collation and analysis

Reason for Leaving

opportunity in UNMIS Khartoum

Job Title Type of Business From - To

Information technology E-learning and training using Sep 2001 - Feb 2005
officer VTC

Name of Employer Name of Supervisor Is this a Civil Servant Is this a position

Distance Learning Center KOUASSI Yao, PhD Position of your within the UN
Government? Common System?
Yes N/A

Salaries per Annum: Starting Final Currency Paid

1800000 1800000 Cote d'Ivoire Franc

Telephone Number Fax Number Email Address

+225 22527200

Address of Employer
Abidjan 2 plateau
blvd des martyr
abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Field of Work Specialty

Electronic communications related Telephone service

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Personal History Profile

Number of Employees Supervised by You Kind of Employees Supervised by You

2 IT technicians

Description of Duties
Provide support for all VTC, test and maintain all equipment . set-up the necessary WAN links
before VTC and check VTC room(s) condition, operating the relevant room equipment during the
VTC and oversee the entire VTC . maintenance of LAN/WAN infrastructure [VSAT Modem, Router,
network links] that supports VTC. . Setup and maintenance of power backup plans using
redundant UPS for VTC rooms. Provides recommendations on equipment and technology to
improve on the delivery of the services

Summarize Any Of Your Achievements.

- I contributed to conduct the company to become member of GDLN (Global development learning
network) - I elaborated a global policy of security for the LAN - Setup and management of
videoconference set and VSAT - Management of data savings and restoring - CISCO Instructor
certified for teaching CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) Curriculum - I assisted in
contribute to create and manage the CISCO local academy for CCNA and security certification - I
setup a clear policy for the processing clients' requests and needs

Reason for Leaving

New opportunity, going for CECP

Have you any objections to our making inquiries of your present employer?

Other Agencies of the United Nations System may be interested in our applicants. Do you have any
objection to your Personal History Profile being made available to them?

For clerical grades only:

Indicate typing speed in words per minute:

List any office machines or equipment you can use:

List any of the Official Languages of the United Nations you know.

Language Mother Tongue Read Write Speak Understand Have you

passed the UN
Exam for this

English No Easily Easily Easily Easily Yes

French Yes Easily Easily Easily Easily N/A
Arabic No Not easily Not easily Not easily Not easily No

In addition to the six Official United Nations Languages, list any other languages you know.

Language Mother Tongue Read Write Speak Understand

German No Easily Not easily Not easily Not easily

30. List three persons, not related to you, and who are not current United Nations Staff Members, who are
familiar with your character and qualifications. Do not repeat the names of supervisors listed under

Reference Name Business or Occupation Telephone Number Address

Prosper ARMATTOE IT Officer WORLD BANK +225 05 061145 cocody , bureau de la banque
regional office - Abidjan Extension 436 mondiale
Country Abidjan
Cote d'Ivoire Email Address

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Personal History Profile

Reference Name Business or Occupation Telephone Number Address

Sabine KONE Docteur Ingenieur +225 01001260 Boulevard des martyr
DOSSONGUI, PhD Agronome Country Abidjan
Cote d'Ivoire Email Address
Reference Name Business or Occupation Telephone Number Address
Eric YAO, PhD responsable technique +225 2025 01 bp 6889 abidjan
Extension 4317 Abidjan
Country Email Address
Cote d'Ivoire

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