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Synthesis Essay

Read through your peer’s paper looking for the following. When you are finished,
write down your feedback for the writer using the rubric. Then discuss where the
writer can make improvements.

1. Format
 Times New Roman, 12 Font? Is the header in the correct MLA order? Correct
 Does your essay have an original title, centered over the essay?
2. Introduction
 Does the essay offer enough background information?
 Does the essay clearly explain the issue?
 Does the introduction include a well-crafted, clear claim? Is there a counter
claim, problem and solution stated?
3. Body Paragraphs
Does the writer begin paragraph two examining the problem of the issue for the
Does the writer offer solutions to this problem in paragraph three and four?
Dies the writer introduce a counter claim and then respond to this counter claim
with a clear rebuttal in paragraph four?
 Does the essay begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence?
Does the writer use effective and varied signal phrases?
 Is there sufficient evidence to support the claim? Are there at least two citations
per paragraph?
Does the writer provide direct evidence from sources? Do they cite the evidence
correctly? Did the writer check the parenthetical citations?
 Commentary: Does the writer sufficiently provide context and explain and
analyze the topic and the quoted material used in each body paragraph?
4. Conclusion
 Does the writer wrap up the essay effectively?
 Does the writer restate the thesis statement?
 Does the writer include a final statement re: personal insight, lessons?
learned, call to action from the topic?

5. Works Cited page

 Is the Works Cited page formatted correctly using MLA format?
Are there at least five different sources?
Did the writer cite each of these sources at least one time?
 Go back through the essay several times and look for the parenthetical
citations. Do these match up with the citations on the Works Cited page?

5. Make sure
No plagiarism
A clear claim
5 sources used and cited and they show up cited correctly in the works cited page

6. Editing
After your peer has provided you feedback, revise and edit your draft

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