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Records of 250 Station Drive

North American Missoula, MT 59801 Entering Your Boone

Big Game (406) 542-1888
and Crockett Trophy

Minimum Scores MOOSE kind of moose (check one) ■ Original score chart signed and dated by the Official Measurer.
Awards All-time Canada ■ Clearly focused photographs of trophy front, right side and left side of
Canada 185 195
Alaska-Yukon horns or rack. For skulls, include photographs of front, top, left side and
Alaska-Yukon 210 224
Shiras right side. Slides are not acceptable.
Shiras 140 155
■ Entry affidavit either witnessed by an Official Measurer or notarized.
(Hunter-taken trophies only)
B ■ Completed Hunter, Guide and Hunt Information Form. (Hunter-taken
trophies only)
■ Copy of hunting license/big-game tags used to take the trophy. (Hunter-
taken trophies only)
Detail of Point ■ $40.00 non-refundable registration fee per trophy entry.
B ■ If available, please send a field photograph of you and your trophy.

address information

first middle initial last

E Abnormal Points
a Right Antler Left Antler
Mailing Address
number of
City State Zip
■ home ■ office
SEE OTHER SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Telephone

A. Greatest Spread Right Antler Left Antler Difference

e-mail address
B. Number of Abnormal Points on Both Antlers

C. Number of Normal Points payment information

Category Score Fee $ total
D. Width of Palm
Trophy Entry 1: $40.00
E. Length of Palm Including Brow Palm
Trophy Entry 2: $40.00
F. Circumference of Beam at Smallest Place
Trophy Entry 3: $40.00
Column 1 Exact Locality Where Killed:
YES, I’d like to join the Boone and Crockett Club’s Associates Program.
Please sign me up for: ■ 1 year - $35 ■ 2 years - $62.50 ■ 5 years - $140
ADD Column 2 Date Killed: Hunter: (Canada/Mexico add $5 per year - All other countries add $10 per year) ■ new ■ renewal

Column 3 Trophy Owner: Telephone #: I’d like to become a Lifetime Associate of the Boone and Crockett Club.
■ 1 payment of $1,000 ■ 4 payments of $250 ■ 12 payments of $83.34
Subject to approval. Payment plan options (4 or 12 payments) are available for credit card orders only.
Subtotal Trophy Owner’s Address:

SUBTRACT Column 4 Trophy Owner’s E-mail: Guide’s Name: ASSOCIATES PROGRAM SUBTOTAL

Remarks: (Mention Any Abnormalities or Unique Qualities) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE

Check/Money Order CREDIT CARD (fill out information below)

I, , certify that I have measured this trophy on

print name MM/DD/yyyy
CREDIT CARD NUMBER Mastercard, Visa, American Express or Discover EXP. DATE
street address city state/province
C O N T A C t information
and that these measurements and data are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, made in accordance with the instructions given.
Submit completed score chart and check list items along with payment
information to:
Witness: Signature: I.D. Number BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB
B&C Official measurer

Copyright © 2008 by Boone and Crockett Club®

Show the Hunting World Measurements must be made with a 1/4‑inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one‑eighth of an inch. Enter fractional figures in eighths,
You Support Ethical, without reduction. Official measurements cannot be taken until antlers have air dried for at least 60 days after animal was killed.

Fair Chase Hunting A. Greatest Spread is measured between perpendiculars in a straight line at a right angle to the center line of the skull.

and Conservation of
B. Number of Abnormal Points on Both Antlers: Abnormal points are those projections originating from normal points or from the
upper or lower palm surface, or from the inner edge of palm (see illustration). Abnormal points must be at least one inch long, with length

Wildlife and Habitat...

exceeding width at one inch or more of length.
C. Number of Normal Points: Normal points originate from the outer edge of palm. To be counted a point, a projection must be at least one
inch long, with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length. Be sure to verify whether or not each projection qualifies as a point.


D. Width of Palm is taken in contact with the undersurface of the palm, at a right angle to the inner edge of the palm. The line of
measurement should be taken from the inside edge of the palm to a dip between bumps or points at the widest outside edge of the palm. If

PROGRAM TODAY! there are no bumps or points, the width measurement is taken at the widest part of the palm. The line of measurement should begin at the
midpoint of the inner edge of the palm and end at the midpoint of the edge of the palm between points or bumps, which gives credit for the
desirable characteristic of palm thickness.
As an Associate you will receive several benefits including: E. Length of Palm, including brow palm, is taken in contact with the undersurface of the palm, parallel to the inner edge, from dips between
■ FAIR CHASE MAGAZINE: Published quarter- bumps or points at the top edge of the palm to dips between qualifying points (if present) on the brow palm. If a bay is present, measure
ly and dedicated to hunting and conservation across the open bay if the proper line of measurement is parallel to the inner edge and follows this path. The line of measurement should
of North American big game animals. Fair begin and end at the midpoint of the palm edges, which gives credit for the desirable characteristic of palm thickness.
Chase is available to current Associates; it is F. Circumference of Beam at Smallest Place is taken as illustrated.
not available on the newsstand.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN EACH ISSUE OF I certify by my signature that the information I have provided on this form is accurate and correct. I also understand that all my entry materials, including photographs,
FAIR CHASE... as well as any additional photographs taken by Boone and Crockett (our representatives or agents) during Awards Programs or Judges Panels, or likenesses rendered
from these photographs become the property of the Boone and Crockett Club and may be used to promote the Club, and its records-keeping activities.
■ A dedicated section listing trophies
recently accepted in the Club’s current
Date: Signature of Trophy Owner:
Awards Program – a great reference
guide, which can be used as a supple-
ment to the last published records book
by the Club.
■ Several pages of outstanding field For the purpose of entry into the Boone and Crockett Club’s® records, North American big game harvested by the use of the following
photos of trophy big game animals that methods or under the following conditions are ineligible:
have been accepted in the Club’s current I. Spotting or herding game from the air, followed by landing in its vicinity for the purpose of pursuit and shooting;
Awards Program.
II. Herding or chasing with the aid of any motorized equipment;
■ Feature articles about current topics III. Use of electronic communication devices to guide hunters to game, artificial lighting, electronic light intensifying devices (night
of interest to today’s hunter written by vision optics), sights with built-in electronic range-finding capabilities, thermal imaging equipment, electronic game calls or
well-known outdoor journalists such as cameras/timers/motion tracking devices that transmit images and other information to the hunter;
Craig Boddington, Bob Robb, and Wayne IV. Confined by artificial barriers, including escape‑proof fenced enclosures;
van Zwoll.
V. Transplanted for the purpose of commercial shooting;
■ Interested in rare outdoor books, VI. By the use of traps or pharmaceuticals;
political events surrounding our hunt- VII. While swimming, helpless in deep snow, or helpless in any other natural or artificial medium;
ing heritage and conservation policy, or VIII. On another hunter’s license;
scoring big game. Fair Chase has regular IX. Not in full compliance with the game laws or regulations of the federal government or of any state, province, territory, or tribal
columns covering all of these topics.
council on reservations or tribal lands;
■ you will also receive DISCOUNTS AND OTHER BENEFITS: Associates I certify that the trophy scored on this chart was not taken in violation of the conditions listed above. In signing this statement, I understand that if the
receive a 20% discount on the Club’s books and select merchandise, wallet information provided on this entry is found to be misrepresented or fraudulent in any respect, it will not be accepted into the Awards Program and
i.d. card, and Boone and Crockett Club window decal. 1) all of my prior entries are subject to deletion from future editions of Records of North American Big Game 2) future entries may not be
accepted. I also certify by my signature that the information I have provided on this form is accurate and correct. I also understand that all my entry

IT’S EASY... Sign up with

materials, including photographs, as well as any additional photographs taken by Boone and Crockett (our representatives or agents) during Awards
Programs or Judges Panels, or likenesses rendered from these photographs become the property of the Boone and Crockett Club and may be used

your trophy entry! to promote the Club, and its records-keeping activities.
FAIR CHASE, as defined by the Boone and Crockett Club®, is the ethical, sportsmanlike and lawful pursuit and taking of any free‑ranging
To join the Club’s Associates program and wild, native North American big game animal in a manner that does not give the hunter an improper advantage over such game animals.
receive Fair Chase magazine quarterly, check the The Boone and Crockett Club® may exclude the entry of any animal that it deems to have been taken in an unethical manner or under
appropriate box on the reverse side of this form conditions deemed inappropriate by the Club.
when you send in your trophy entry OR call toll-free
(888)840-HUNT to sign up with a credit card. Date: Signature of Hunter:
(Signature must be witnessed by an Official Measurer or a Notary Public.)
1 YEAR - $35 2 YEARS - $62.50 5 YEARS - $140
LIFETIME ASSOCIATE - $1,000 Date: Signature of Notary or Official Measurer:

Canada/Mexico add $5 per year for shipping and handling. All other countries add $10 per year.
* Prices subject to change.

For more information about the Club’s Awards Program, downloadable

score charts, weekly field photos, conservation projects and much more,
check out the official B&C web site at:

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