UNIDO-GGGI Projects & Programs + GGGI Industrial Zone Portfolio

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08 Mai 2019

Some of GGGI work with UNIDO and on green / smart industrial zones development:
Country Partner(s) Project title Description Source
“Global Green
This report introduces a study which shows clear net-gains in employment generation
Growth: Clean
by making investments in the clean energy industry rather than in the conventional
fossil fuel industry. The second volume of the report examines policy environments to Full report
UNIDO reduce CO2 emissions without inhibiting the opportunities for economies to grow available on
Investments and
while drawing valuable lessons from green growth policy experiences from the five GGGI website
Expanding Job
selected countries of Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, and South
- Cooperation on capacity building and community education, the design and
implementation of a large-scale trial for household waste segregation and transport.
Existing recycling facilities will be upgraded and general recommendations to
improve recycling in the city will be developed and subsequently implemented . 
- The agreement is based on 2 organization’s complementary projects to tackle waste
management: Technical
GGGI’s project aims to establish a business model for a sustainable supply chain cooperation
Improve waste for recyclable waste in Battambang, with a focus on plastic and organic waste. As
UNIDO, agreement
Cambodia NCSD
recycling in such, GGGI and the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) support signed on April
Battambang the city in developing costed options to establish segregation, collection, and 2019.
transport of recyclable waste; and on-sell of products.
UNIDO, in partnership with the Department of Hazardous Substances Management
of the Ministry of Environment, works towards reducing the emissions of Persistent
Organic Pollutants (POPs) from the open burning of waste in Battambang by
improving the equipment and technical capacity of the existing plastic recycling and
organic waste composting facilities as well as by supporting the municipality with
door to door collection of recyclables. 
08 Mai 2019

In Ethiopia, there is currently a big push for the rollout of industrial parks across the
country (16 parks by 2025, with 5 already completed and operational). Accordingly,
GGGI has been asked to work on greening strategies for the parks. Our industrial
parks program for 2019 has three main workstreams:

1. Design a road map for greening industrial parks (to be applied to all parks) –
GGGI Ethiopia Industrial Zone 2. Design a business case for the use of industrial sludge and salt (in two GGGI Online
Development industrial parks) – bankable project

3. Design a business case for the use of solar PV (in one industrial park) –
bankable project

For projects #2 and #3, we are in the relatively early stages of project development,
confirming the technical aspects to determine the viability and scope of the business
Official request
Climate The development of Climate Resilient Green Economic (CRGE) implementation from the FDRE
FDRE Ministry
of Industry
Resilient Green capacity of the sector by assigning a technical advisor to assist the sector in planning Ministry of
Economic and implementing CRGE related activities. Industry (25
May 2015)
Objective: To identify potential growth areas and outline specific focal areas for the
Study on
government’s evolving industrial and private sector strategies. This can then form the
Estimating TORs GGGI
GGGI Ethiopia basis for ongoing dialogue and support to the Government of Ethiopia on industrial
global value Ethiopia (2014)
growth and private sector investment. 
chain potential
IPDC Scaling up renewable energy use in the industrial sector
Ministry of GGGI to develop a feasibility study in utilizing renewable energy resources for the
Water (WoWIE) Solar PV
industrial sector.
Ministry of Investment at Brochure PV
Industry (MoI)
Project objectives:
Adama project GGGI
Ministry of 1) Develop a business case – demonstrate scalability and bankability - of solar
Industrial Park
Finance PV power supply for the industrial sector in Ethiopia
(MoFEC) 2) Draft a PPP law
Rwanda ISCA Sustainable - Objective: Support Rwanda’s development with new green infrastructure solutions GGGI website
(Infrastructure infrastructure
08 Mai 2019

by transferring and sharing knowledge and connecting Rwandan infrastructure asset

owners and planners with international technical experts and support capacity
Sustainability development to operate and maintain new infrastructure solutions.
Council of
- Organization of a webinar on Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) International rating
GGGI and scheme for government officials and private sector infrastructure players in Rwanda
MININFRA - GGGI’s partnership with ISCA will explore potential interest from infrastructure
asset owners in Rwanda to pilot IS International rating scheme in their new or
existing projects.
08 Mai 2019

La PVDS : un mécanisme consultatif sur la conception et la mise en œuvre des

politiques urbaines durables. 
GGGI  La Plateforme développe 3 types d’interventions : 
UNIDO  PLATEFORM 1. Conception et mise en œuvre de politiques   
E DES 2. Renforcement des capacités et développement du leadership des décideurs  
MONDIALE en Note conceptuelle
Senegal tant qu’OI
VILLES Capitalisation et diffusion des connaissances  du projet
membres de la DURABLES 4. Recherche et développement de programme 
plateforme  DU SENEGAL  Le Programme de développement des villes secondaires vertes porté par GGGI fait
partie des initiatives d’envergure citées par le Gouvernement du Sénégal dans le but
de soutenir les efforts du gouvernement pour un développement urbain durable,
inclusif et résilient.
Thailand This project aims to pioneer the urban development focusing particularly on the
industrial areas. GGGI is working with two consulting teams: a blended team of
landscape architecture and transportation experts, the other is an experienced
professional on net zero carbon precinct.
Examples of recommended green projects are:
Green and - Canal Restoration & Linear Parks to improve the ecological quality of water
No partnership GGGI Thailand
smart inside canals and in surrounding areas, as well as provide green public spaces.
on this project summary by
for the moment industrial - Complete Streets to reprioritize streets within the estate to support a variety of email
development different transportation modes and users.
- Industrial Symbiosis to encourage utilization of wastes and by-products between
facilities to reduce costs and environmental impacts.
In addition, the “Net Zero Carbon” vision has been incorporated. Two recommended
projects to strengthen the “Net Zero Carbon” vision is renewable energy; and research
and international collaboration on net zero carbon.
Industry GHG This project aimed to assist the implementation of Thailand Climate Change Master
Reduction to Plan by developing a clear roadmap for reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Support the in 3 industrial subsectors of the Thai economy: palm oil industry, automotive parts
Implementatio industry and frozen seafood industry.
GGGI Thailand
n of Thailand’s The achievement of the Roadmap can result in approximately 3-5 MtCO2e reduction country program
Climate in these three industrial subsectors, leading to around USD 123 million of savings.
Change Master The implementation of similar activities across the manufacturing sector can lead to
Plan (2014- the reduction of 23-37 MtCO2e, or 4-7% of the country’s emission. This could
2016) potentially save approximately USD 1,000 million for the Thai economy.
Thai Accelerating Provide assistance to the Thai Government in steering the industrial sector towards GGGI Thailand
Government Implementatio renewable energy and energy efficiency implementation, as well as to strengthen the country program
08 Mai 2019

n of Thailand’s
Government’s and relevant stakeholders’ capacity in order to achieve the NDC
commitments. Thus, it comprises three components: (i) development of NDC Action
Plan for Industrial Sector (completed), (ii) NDC implementation through bankable
projects (ongoing), and (iii) capacity building (needs assessment completed)
Thailand GGGI will take a holistic approach to steer energy efficiency improvement in the Thai
Industrial industrial sector. The foreseen investment stimulations can be categorized into 3
Energy groups: developing projects on balance sheet, seeking debt support and needing third GGGI Thailand
Efficiency party support (e.g. ESCO). GGGI aims to develop replicable business model with country program
Program local champion(s) through facilitations of contractual matters between stakeholders
(2016-ongoing) and development of high-quality, investment-ready projects.
Objective to pioneer a green city-industry development model.
Transitioning Impacts of this project will lead to a simultaneous growth of both Thailand’s economy
to Green and living standard of the communities in and surrounding areas.
AMATA Industrial The entire program comprised 2 phases and 4 outputs: GGGI Thailand
Thailand Corporation Town: Case Phase 1: Started in early 2018, is focusing on green industrial town transitioning country program
Study of model and potential project pipeline.
AMATA Phase2: Bankable project(s) development and sharing the knowledge acquired from
the project.
Objective: To establish the systematic e-waste management system and facility
E-waste Collection and Material
backed by a scalable material recycling center.
Recycling Project in
The project will involve three outputs: GGGI Thailand
Thailand/Udon Thani
a) technical advice on sustainable e-waste management system; country program
b) a business model for a scalable material recycling center; and
c) support in mobilizing funding for the e-waste recycling facility.
- The objective of the SLFF (Solar Leasing Facility) is to provide a financial
CEIA (Clean Distributed mechanism with an efficient structure and a scalable solution for companies and
Energy solar leasing industrial parks to access renewable energy.
Vietnam Investment
facility (2018- - Investment size: USD 20 million, aim to 100 m; introduction
Accelerator) ongoing) - Currently, GGGI is performing a legal assessment on the regulatory framework to
identify the most suitable legal structure for the finance facility.

More facts about

collaboration, from
country teams -
emails :
08 Mai 2019

GGGI Rwanda:

 In October 2018, GGGI participated in the 5 th Green Industry Conference organized by UNIDO and UNESCAP and also organized a side even
on “Greening Industry through Green Growth Programs”

 GGGI also participated in UNIDO’s previous Green Industry Conference, most notably the one held in Ulsan, Korea in 2016.

 UNIDO recently became the 5 th Steering Committee member of the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) together with GGGI, World
Bank, OECD and UN Environment, and UNIDO’s green industry related knowledge is being transferred to GGKP’s Green Industry Platform.
I met with UNIDO’s Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production team back in May 2017 (in Vienna), and in Rwanda we are currently working
with one of their national centers to see whether we can work on engaging the industrial sector more in our program.   The national centers used to
be called National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC) and then changed their name to Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Center (RECP)
and recently further rebranded their name to Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation Center (CPCIC) in Rwanda.  My understanding is that
UNIDO has “spun off” their green industry related activities to GGKP and other platforms, and is concentrating on eco-industrial parks.  
Previously, I have had limited interaction with Stephan Sicars and Nilgun Tas at UNIDO.

GGGI India
India team has held discussions with UNIDO for collaborating on industrial energy efficiency. We are also exploring the possibilities of working
on Tea sector mitigation interventions where GGGI has conducted a study.  

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