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Native teacher deliver perfect

material with culture
1 Opponents – rebuttal understanding - Non-native teacher
gives appropriate strategy with
understanding students’ difficulty
Native teacher can more natural
when they use their English.
2 Opponents – rebuttal
Non-native teacher can become a
perfect model for student.
3 Opponents – rebuttal

English as International language must be learnt by many people in the world. Many

people do their best to be able to communicate as foreigners do or at least they can

communicate with many people by using English as foreign language. Conquering English

also needed for our children. Parents choose the best school with international standartd

curricullum to get best education for their children. Due to the competition of being the best

school with International standard, many school hired native teachers to build up the new

enviroment for students. Having fluency as a native does nowadays, becomes a role model

for parents. Here writer would like to convey some influeced aspect that make students can

not learn English perfectly as native, they are culture, background knowledge and purpose.

Opponents of teaching English with native teacher claim that students will have a

better understanding about English if they are taught by native speaker because in learning

English students do not only discuss about speaking, listening, reading and writing but they

also should have a good comprehension about the culture. This aspect can help them to

understand other components of English. For example in learning speaking students are

expected to know why the utterance is produced and it can be seen from several aspects such

as language function and the condition. All of these reasons will be easier to understand if the
learners fully understand about the culture and the native speaker will deliver this material

perfectly because they understand it well. However, the writers find opposite fact refer to this

case that non-native teachers will be better guide to learn English for non-native students

because both of them have the same culture that will influence their difficulties in learning

English therefore the teacher will be more understand about students’ need and what they

have to do in learning process. Based on this reason the teacher will be able to choose an

appropriate method that will help the students to learn English easily.

Other aspect which influence in teaching English with native is about background

knowledge. Much of Indonesian people believe that native teacher can teach students well,

because they very understand about English, they also more natural when they use their

English in teaching without care about accuracy and formal pattern. Because of background

knowledge itself students who learn English with native will believe that whatever the native

says or do in teaching process is right. But in many ways a non-native English teacher is

more helpful model for students who leaning English, especially if they have same

background language with students. In addition, non-native teacher that have been through

the process of learning English have a natural feel for what work and what doesn’t when it

comes to learning English. This can really particularly important for beginner students who

require more direction in their studies. Taking a non-native English teacher as role model for

students perhaps is the best way to assure themselves that they can also achieve fluency if

they just work at it. In the long term, a local / non-native teacher may be the best role model

since they represent the fluency that English learners want to achieve. In the way to

communicate to parents the non-native English teacher is better than native English, the non-

native English teacher can communicate with parents use Indonesian because most of parents

cannot communicate using English. In addition to being a handle language appropriately,

non-native English teacher also demonstrate a genuine passion and desire for teaching.
Nowadays, so many national or international school which provide native English

teacher. It helps us as a non-native to learn more from the origin people especially about how

to pronounce well and also many common schools are adapting the international curriculum

and even employing foreign teachers so students can be as fluent as native (pro) while not all

students have the desire to deepen English as their goal. Eventough this now era English is an

important language, but the other side English also the language that is difficult to learn.

They might study English only for test activities or understand the text book presented in

English. So, we cannot force anyone to be like native speaker that can speak English fluently.

As long as they can follow the learning process well without having to talk like a native.


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