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Republic of the Philippines court rendered judgment reiterating the

SUPREME COURT same penalty imposed upon the accused by

Manila the inferior court. Hence, this appeal.

EN BANC The only issue to be determined is whether

the lower court erred in not dismissing the
G.R. No. L-6407             July 29, 1954 information on the ground that the offense
charged had already prescribed.
PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, It appears that the incident which gave rise
vs. to the injuries now complained of occurred
PASCUAL CASTRO, defendant-appellant. on January 19, 1952 while the
corresponding criminal complaint was filed
Office of the Solicitor General Juan R. before the justice of the peace court on April
Liwag and Solicitor Isidro C. Borromeo for 14, 1952, or after the period of two months
appellee. had elapsed. And considering that a light
Alfredo Reyes for appellant. offense prescribes in two months (article 90,
Revised Penal Code), it is now contended
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: that the crime had already prescribed and
as such it cannot serve as basis of criminal
Apolonio Bustos, the complainant, was the prosecution.
head teacher of the barrio school of San
Jose Macabebe, Pampanga, and Pascual The Solicitor General does not agree with
Castro, the accused, a teacher in said this contention. He claims that, since the
school. In the morning of January 19, 1952, accused failed to move to quash before
while the complainant was on his way to the pleading, he must be deemed to have
barrio chapel to hear mass he met a group waived this defense under rule 113, section
of persons including the accused. The 10, of the Rules of Court.
complainant invited the accused to hear
mass but instead of accepting his invitation The rule thus invoked in effect provides that
a discussion ensued in the course of which if the accused does not move to quash the
the accused gave the complainant a fist information before he pleads thereto, "he
blow on the face causing him injuries which shall be taken to have waived all objections
required medical attendance for a period of which are ground for a motion to quash
five days. except when the complaint or information
does not charge an offense, or the court is
On April 14, 1952, a complaint for slight without jurisdiction of the same." And one of
physical injuries was lodged by the the grounds on which a motion to quash
complainant against the accused in the may be predicated is that the criminal action
Justice of the Peace Court of Macabebe, or liability has been extinguished. (Section
Pampanga. After trial, the accused was 2, paragraph f, rule 113.) On the other hand,
found guilty as charged and sentenced to the law provides that the criminal liability
suffer fifteen days of arresto menor and to may be extinguished by prescription of the
pay the costs. From this decision, the crime. (Article 89, Revised Penal Code).
accused appealed to the Court of First
Instance where he pleased not guilty. The question that now arises is: Does the
Before trial on the merits, but after the failure of the accused to move to quash
charge on the ground that the crime had before pleading constitute a waiver to raise
already prescribed. This plea was ignored, the question of prescription at a later stage
and after the presentation of evidence, the of the case?
A case in point is People vs. Moran, 44 suspense, pending the resolution of
Phil., 387. In that case, the accused was a motion for a reconsideration and
charged with a violation of the election law. new trial, and this is the more so
He was found guilty and convicted and the since in such a case there is not yet
judgment was affirmed, with slight any final and irrevocable judgment.
modification, by the Supreme Court.
Pending reconsideration of the decision, the The ruling above adverted to squarely
accused moved to dismiss the case setting applies to the present case. Hence, the rule
up the plea of prescription. After the provides that the plea of prescription should
Attorney General was given an opportunity be set up before arraignment, or before the
to answer the motion, and the parties had accused pleads to the charge, as otherwise
submitted memoranda in support of their the defense would be deemed waived; but,
respective contentions, the court ruled that as was well said in the Moran case, this rule
the crime had already prescribed holding is not of absolute application, especially
that this defense can not de deemed waived when it conflicts with a substantive
even if the case had been decided by the provisions of the law, such as that which
lower court and was pending appeal in the refers to prescription of crimes. Since, under
Supreme Court. The philosophy behind this the Constitution the Supreme Court has
ruling was aptly stated as follows: "Although only the power to promulgate rules
the general rule is that the defense of concerning pleadings, practice and
prescription is not available unless procedure, and the admission to the
expressly set up in the lower court, as in practice of law, and cannot cover
that case it is premused to have been substantive rights (section 13, article VII, of
waived and cannot be taken advantage of the Constitution), the rule we are
thereafter, yet this rule is not always of considering cannot be interpreted or given
absolute application in criminal cases, such such scope or extent that would come into
as that in which prescription of the crime is conflict or defeat an express provision of our
expressly provided by law, for the State not substantive law. One of such provisions is
having then the right to prosecute, or article 89 of the Revised Penal Code which
continue prosecuting, nor to punish, or provides that the prescription of crime has
continue punishing, the offense, or to the effect of totally extinguishing the criminal
continue holding the defendant subject to its liability. And so we hold that the ruling laid
action through the imposition of the penalty, down in the Moran case still holds good
the court must so declare." And elaborating even if it were laid down before the adoption
on this proposition, the Court went on to of the present Rules of Court.
state as follows:
The learned dissenter opines that the Moran
As prescription of the crime is the case has already lost its validity because at
loss by the State of the right to the time it was decided there was no rule
prosecute and punish the same, it is prescribing waiver of prescription and,
absolutely indisputable that from the besides, this question was not raised and
moment the State has lost or waived could not have been raised because the law
such right, the defendant may, at was enacted only when the case was
any stage of the proceeding, already pending in the Supreme Court. In
demand and ask that the same be other words, the learned dissenter is of the
finally dismissed and he be acquitted opinion that the Moran case cannot be
from the complaint, and such petition invoked as authority because the question
is proper and effective even if the of waiver was not specially raised therein
court taking cognizance of the case unlike the present case.
has already rendered judgment and
said judgment is merely in
We cannot agree to this apprisal of the failure of the Government to furnish us
Moran case for precisely the ruling laid sufficient data prevents us from concluding
down therein was predicated upon the that the prescription period has not yet
theory that the defense of prescription, even elapsed since the charge for attempted
if not set up in its proper time, is not homicide may have been filed after March
deemed waived it being an exception to the 20, 1952 and dismissed on March 27.
general rule. Thus, it was there said that, Under the facts presently obtaining the only
"Although the general rule is that the alternative is to dismiss the case as prayed
defense of prescription is not available for by the defense.
unless expressly set up in the lower court,
as in that case it is presumed to have been Wherefore, the judgment appealed from is
waived and cannot be taken advantage of reversed, and the case is dismissed, with
thereafter, yet this rule is not always of cost de oficio.
absolute application in criminal cases ... ."
Paras, C.J., Pablo, Padilla, Jugo, Labrador
It is true that the doctrine in the Moran case and Concepcion, JJ., concur.
was not adhered to in the case of Santos Reyes, A., J., concurs in the result.
vs. Supt. of the Phil. Training School for
Girls, 55 Phil., 345, but that was because
the plea of prescription was raised in a
petition for a writ of habeas corpus. It has
been held that such plea is not available "on
an application for a writ of habeas
corpus (16 C. J. 416), for the reason that
"All questions which may arise in the orderly
course of a criminal prosecution are to be
determined by the court to whose
jurisdiction the defendant has been
subjected by the law, and the fact that a
defendant has a good and sufficient
defense to a criminal charge on which he is
held will not entitle him to his discharge on
habeas corpus."(12 R. C. L.
1206.)1 (Emphasis supplied). The Santos
case did not nullify our ruling in the Moran

An attempt was made to maintain the case

by showing that as a result of the incident in
question a criminal complaint for attempted
homicide was filed against the accused prior
to the charge of slight physical injuries
which was dismissed without prejudice and
must have had the effect of interrupting the
period of prescription; but this attempt
cannot be given serious consideration it
appearing that the date when the criminal
complaint for attempted homicide was filed,
does not appear in the record. The only
data we have on hand is that the complaint
was dismissed on March 27, 1952. The
On 16 November 1995, PETITIONER filed
with the respondent an application for Waiver
or Suspension of Fund Coverage because of
its superior retirement plan.  In support of said

application, PETITIONER submitted to the

HDMF a letter explaining that the 1995
Amendments to the Rules are invalid.  5

In a letter dated 18 March 1996, the President

FIRST DIVISION and Chief Executive Officer of HDMF
disapproved PETITIONER's application on the
G.R. No. 131082               June 19, 2000 ground that the requirement that there should
be both a provident retirement fund and a
ROMULO, MABANTA, BUENAVENTURA, housing plan is clear in the use of the phrase
SAYOC & DE LOS ANGELES, petitioner, "and/or," and that the Rules Implementing
vs. R.A. No. 7742 did not amend nor repeal
HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL Section 19 of P.D. No. 1752 but merely
FUND, respondent. implement the law.  6

DAVIDE, JR., C.J.: PETITIONER's appeal  with the HDMF Board

of Trustees was denied for having been

Once again, this Court is confronted with the rendered moot and academic by Board
issue of the validity of the Amendments to the Resolution No. 1208, Series of 1996,
Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic removing the availment of waiver of the
Act No. 7742, which require the existence of a mandatory coverage of the Pag-IBIG Fund,
plan providing for both provident/retirement except for distressed employers.  8

and housing benefits for exemption from the

Pag-IBIG Fund coverage under Presidential On 31 March 1997, PETITIONER filed a
Decree No. 1752, as amended. petition for review  before the Court of

Appeals. On motion by HDMF, the Court of

Pursuant to Section 19  of P.D. No. 1752, as
1  Appeals dismissed  the petition on the ground

amended by R.A. No. 7742, petitioner that the coverage of employers and
Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc and employees under the Home Development
De Los Angeles (hereafter PETITIONER), a Mutual Fund is mandatory in character as
law firm, was exempted for the period 1 clearly worded in Section 4 of P.D. No. 1752,
January to 31 December 1995 from the Pag- as amended by R.A. No. 7742. There is no
IBIG Fund coverage by respondent Home allegation that petitioner is a distressed
Development Mutual Fund (hereafter HDMF) employer to warrant its exemption from the
because of a superior retirement plan.  2 Fund coverage. As to the amendments to the
Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. No.
On 1 September 1995, the HDMF Board of 7742, the same are valid. Under P.D. No.
Trustees, pursuant to Section 5 of Republic 1752 and R.A. No. 7742 the Board of
Act No. 7742, issued Board Resolution No. Trustees of the HDMF is authorized to
1011, Series of 1995, amending and promulgate rules and regulations, as well as
modifying the Rules and Regulations amendments thereto, concerning the
Implementing R.A. No. 7742. As amended, extension, waiver or suspension of coverage
Section 1 of Rule VII provides that for a under the Pag-IBIG Fund. And the publication
company to be entitled to a waiver or requirement was amply met, since the
suspension of Fund coverage,  it must have a
3  questioned amendments were published in
plan providing for both provident/retirement the 21 October 1995 issue of the Philippine
and housing benefits superior to those Star, which is a newspaper of general
provided under the Pag-IBIG Fund. circulation.
PETITIONER's motion for provides that "[e]very agency shall file with the
reconsideration  was denied.  Hence, on 6
11  12 
University of the Philippines Law Center three
November 1997, PETITIONER filed a petition (3) certified copies of every rule adopted by
before this Court assailing the 1995 and the it."
1996 Amendments to the Rules and
Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. On the other hand, the HDMF contends that in
7742 for being contrary to law. In support promulgating the amendments to the rules
thereof, PETITIONER contends that the and regulations which require the existence of
subject 1995 Amendments issued by HDMF a plan providing for both
are inconsistent with the enabling law, P.D. provident and housing benefits for exemption
No. 1752, as amended by R.A. No. 7742, from the Fund Coverage, the respondent
which merely requires as a pre-condition for Board was merely exercising its rule-making
exemption from coverage the existence of power under Section 13 of P.D. No. 1752. It
either a superior provident/retirement plan or had the option to use "and" only instead of
a superior housing plan, and not the "or" in the rules on waiver in order to
concurrence of both plans. Hence, effectively implement the Pag-IBIG Fund Law.
considering that PETITIONER has a provident By choosing "and," the Board has clarified the
plan superior to that offered by the HDMF, it is confusion brought about by the use of "and/or"
entitled to exemption from the coverage in in Section 19 of P.D. No. 1752, as amended.
accordance with Section 19 of P.D. No. 1752.
The 1996 Amendment are also void insofar as As to the public hearing, HDMF maintains that
they abolished the exemption granted by as can be clearly deduced from Section 9(1),
Section 19 of P.D. 1752, as amended. The Chapter 2, Book VII of the Revised
repeal of such exemption involves the Administrative Code of 1987, public hearing is
exercise of legislative power, which cannot be required only when the law so provides, and if
delegated to HMDF. not, only if the same is practicable. It follows
that public hearing is only optional or
PETITIONER also cites Section 9 (1), Chapter discretionary on the part of the agency
2, Book VII of the Administrative Code of concerned, except when the same is required
1987, which provides: by law. P.D. No. 1752 does not require that
pubic hearing be first conducted before the
Sec. 9. Public Participation — (1) If rules and regulations implementing it would
not otherwise required by law, an become valid and effective. What it requires is
agency shall, as far as practicable, the publication of said rules and regulations at
publish or circulate notices of least once in a newspaper of general
proposed rules and afford interested circulation. Having published said 1995 and
parties the opportunity to submit their 1996 Amendments through the Philippine Star
views prior to the adoption of any rule. on 21 October 1995 1 and 15 November
1996,  respectively, HDMF has complied with

Since the Amendments to the Rules and the publication requirement.

Regulations Implementing Republic Act No.
7742 involve an imposition of an additional Finally, HDMF claims that as early as 18
burden, a public hearing should have first October 1996, it had already filed certified true
been conducted to give chance to the copies of the Amendments to the Rules and
employers, like PETITIONER, to be heard Regulations with the University of the
before the HDMF adopted the said Philippines Law Center. This fact is evidenced
Amendments. Absent such public hearing, the by certified true copies of the Certification
amendments should be voided. from the Office of the National Administrative
Register of the U.P. Law Center.  15

Finally, PETITIONER contends that HDMF did

not comply with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book We find for the PETITIONER.
VII of the Administrative Code of 1987, which
The issue of the validity of the 1995 It is accordingly ordinarily held that the
Amendments to the Rules and Regulations intention of the legislature in using the
Implementing R.A. No. 7742, specifically term "and/or" is that the word "and"
Section I, Rule VII on Waiver and Suspension, and the word "or" are to be used
has been squarely resolved in the relatively interchangeably.
recent case of China Banking Corp. v. The
Members of the Board of Trustees of the It . . . seems to us clear from the
HDMF.  We held in that case that Section 1 of
language of the enabling law that
Rule VII of the Amendments to the Rules and Section 19 of P.D. No. 1752 intended
Regulations Implementing R.A. No. 7742, and that an employer with a provident
HDMF Circular No. 124-B prescribing the plan or an employee housing plan
Revised Guidelines and Procedure for Filing superior to that of the fund may obtain
Application for Waiver or Suspension of Fund exemption from coverage. If the law
Coverage under P.D. No. 1752, as amended had intended that the employee [sic]
by R.A. No. 7742, are null and void insofar as should have both a superior provident
they require that an employer should have plan and a housing plan in order to
both a provident/retirement plan and a qualify for exemption, it would have
housing plan superior to the benefits offered used the words "and" instead of
by the Fund in order to qualify for waiver or "and/or." Notably, paragraph (a) of
suspension of the Fund coverage. In arriving Section 19 requires for annual
at said conclusion, we ruled: certification of waiver or suspension,
that the features of the plan or
The controversy lies in the legal plans are superior to the fund or
signification of the words "and/or." continue to be so. The law obviously
contemplates that the existence of
In the instant case, the legal meaning either plan is considered as sufficient
of the words "and/or" should be taken basis for the grant of an exemption;
in its ordinary signification, i.e., "either needless to state, the concurrence of
and or; e.g. butter and/or eggs means both plans is more than sufficient. To
butter and eggs or butter or eggs. require the existence of both plans
would radically impose a more
The term "and/or" means that stringent condition for waiver which
the effect shall be given to was not clearly envisioned by the
both the conjunctive "and" and basic law. By removing the disjunctive
the disjunctive "or"; or that one word "or" in the implementing rules the
word or the other may be respondent Board has exceeded its
taken accordingly as one or authority.
the other will best effectuate
the purpose intended by the It is without doubt that the HDMF Board has
legislature as gathered from rule-making power as provided in Section
the whole statute. The term is 51  of R.A. No. 7742 and Section 13  of P.D.
17  18 

used to avoid a construction No. 1752. However, it is well-settled that rules

which by the use of the and regulations, which are the product of a
disjunctive "or" alone will delegated power to create new and additional
exclude the combination of legal provisions that have the effect of law,
several of the alternatives or should be within the scope of the statutory
by the use of the conjunctive authority granted by the legislature to the
"and" will exclude the efficacy administrative agency.  It is required that the

of any one of the alternatives regulation be germane to the objects and

standing alone. 1avvphi1
purposes of the law, and be not in
contradiction to, but in conformity with, the
standards prescribed by law.  20
In the present case, when the Board of SO ORDERED.
Trustees of the HDMF required in Section 1,
Rule VII of the 1995 Amendments to the
Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. No.
7742 that employers should have both
provident/retirement and housing benefits for
all its employees in order to qualify for
exemption from the Fund, it effectively
amended Section 19 of P.D. No. 1752. And
when the Board subsequently abolished that
exemption through the 1996 Amendments, it
repealed Section 19 of P.D. No. 1752. Such
amendment and subsequent repeal of Section
19 are both invalid, as they are not within the
delegated power of the Board. The HDMF
cannot, in the exercise of its rule-making
power, issue a regulation not consistent with
the law it seeks to apply. Indeed,
administrative issuances must not override,
supplant or modify the law, but must remain
consistent with the law they intend to carry
out.  Only Congress can repeal or amend the


While it may be conceded that the

requirement of having both plans to qualify for
an exemption, as well as the abolition of the
exemption, would enhance the interest of the
working group and further strengthen the
Home Development Mutual Fund in its pursuit
of promoting public welfare through ample
social services as mandated by the
Constitution, we are of the opinion that the
basic law should prevail. A department zeal
may not be permitted to outrun the authority
conferred by the statute. 

Considering the foregoing conclusions, it is

unnecessary to dwell on the other issues

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The

assailed decision of 31 July 1997 of the Court
of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. SP-43668 and its
Resolution of 15 October 1997 are hereby
disapproval by the Home Development Mutual
Fund of the application of the petitioner for
waiver or suspension of Fund coverage is
SET ASIDE, and the Home Development
Mutual Fund is hereby directed to refund to
petitioner all sums of money it collected from
the latter.
colonel. He began his career in 1934 as
patrolman and gradually rose to his present
epublic of the Philippines position. Upon the resignation of Brig. Gen.
SUPREME COURT Ricardo G. Papa on March 14, 1968, the
Manila petitioner was designated acting chief of
police of Manila and, at the same time, given
a provisional appointment to the same
EN BANC position by the mayor of Manila.

G.R. No. L-29658      November 29, 1968 On September 24, 1968 the respondent
Commissioner of Civil Service Abelardo
ENRIQUE V. MORALES, petitioner, Subido approved the designation of the
vs. petitioner but rejected his appointment for
ABELARDO SUBIDO, as Commissioner of "failure to meet the minimum educational and
Civil Service, respondent. civil service eligibility requirements for the said
position." Instead, the respondent certified
Vicente Rodriguez, for appellant. other persons as qualified for the post and
Office of the Solicitor-General Araneta, for called the attention of the mayor to section 4
appellee. of the Decentralization Act of 1967 which
requires the filling of a vacancy within 30 days
CASTRO, J.: after its coming into existence. Earlier, on
September 5, he announced in the
The question for resolution in this case is metropolitan newspapers that the position of
whether a person who has served as captain chief of police of Manila was vacant and listed
in the police department of a city for at least the qualifications which applicants should
three years but does not possess a bachelor's possess.
degree, is qualified for appointment as chief of
police. The question calls for an interpretation The petitioner's reaction to the announcement
of the following provisions of section 10 of the was a demand that the respondent include
Police Act of 1966 (Republic Act 4864): him in a list of eligible and qualified applicants
from which the mayor might appoint one as
Minimum qualification for appointment chief of police of the city. He contended that
as Chief of Police Agency. — No his service alone as captain for more than
person may be appointed chief of a three years in the Manila Police Department
city police agency unless he holds a qualified him for appointment. The demand
bachelor's degree from a recognized was contained in a letter which he wrote to the
institution of learning and has served respondent on October 8, 1968. The mayor
either in the Armed Forces of the endorsed the letter favorably, but the
Philippines or the National Bureau of respondent refused to reconsider his stand.
Investigation, or has served as chief of Hence this petition for mandamus to compel
police with exemplary record, or has the respondent to include the petitioner in a
served in the police department of any list of "five next ranking eligible and qualified
city with the rank of captain or its persons."
equivalent therein for at least three
years; or any high school graduate The petitioner's reading of section 10 of the
who has served as officer in the Police Act of 1966 is, per his own phrasing, as
Armed Forces for at least eight years follows:
with the rank of captain and/or higher.
NO PERSON may be appointed chief
The petitioner Enrique V. Morales is the chief of a city police agency unless HE
of the detective bureau of the Manila Police
Department and holds the rank of lieutenant
(1) holds a bachelor's degree from a qualification as shown by the possession of a
recognized institution of learning AND bachelor's degree.
has served in the Armed Forces of the
Philippines OR the National Bureau of The petitioner invokes the last paragraph of
Investigation, OR section 9 of the Act which provides:

(2) has served as chief of police with Persons who at the time of the
exemplary record, OR approval of this Act have rendered at
least five years of satisfactory service
(3) has served in the police in a provincial, city or municipal police
department of any city with the rank of agency although they have not
captain or its equivalent therein for at qualified in an appropriate civil service
least three years; OR examination are considered as civil
service eligibles for the purpose of this
(4) any high school graduate who has Act.
served as officer in the Armed Forces
for at least eight years with the rank of In effect, he contends that if a person who has
captain and/or higher. rendered at least five years of satisfactory
service in a police agency is considered a civil
As he has served successively as captain, service eligible, so must a person be
major and lieutenant colonel in the MPD since considered qualified even though he does not
1954, the petitioner's insistence is that he falls possess a bachelor's degree.
under the third class of persons qualified for
appointment as chief of a city police The petitioner's argument is fallacious in two
department. respects. First, it fails to distinguish between
eligibility and qualification. For the statute may
In support of this proposition, he adverts to allow the compensation of service for a
the policy of the Act "to place the local police person's lack of eligibility but not necessarily
service on a professional level," 1 and for his lack of educational
contends that a bachelor's degree does not qualification. Second, section 9 governs the
guarantee that one who possesses it will appointment of members of a police agency
make a good policeman, but that, on the other only. On the other hand, the appointment of
hand, one who, like the petitioner, has risen chiefs of police is the precise gravamen of
from patrolman to lieutenant colonel "meets section 10, the last paragraph of which states:
the test of professionalism."
Where no civil service eligible is
Even if we concede the correctness of the available, provisional appointment
petitioner's view still we do not see how the may be made in accordance with Civil
requirement of a college degree as additional Service Law and rules: Provided, that
qualification can run counter to the avowed the appointee possesses the above
policy of the Act. On the contrary, we should educational qualification: Provided,
think that the requirement of such additional further, That in no case shall such
qualification will best carry out that policy. The appointment extend beyond six
fallacy of petitioner's argument lies in its months, except for a valid cause, and
assumption that the choice is between one with the approval of the Civil Service
who has served long and loyally in a city Commission.
police agency and another who, not having so
served, has only a bachelor's degree. But that Thus, while the Act gives credit for service
is not the issue in this case. The issue rather and allows it to compensate for the lack of civil
is whether, within the meaning and service eligibility in the case of a member of a
intendment of the law, in addition to service police agency, it gives no such credit for lack
qualification, one should have educational of civil service eligibility in the case of a chief
of police. On the contrary, by providing that a That the purpose is to require both
person, who is not a civil service eligible, may educational and service qualifications of those
be provisionally appointed2 chief of police seeking appointment as chief of police is
"[ p]rovided, [t]hat the appointee possesses evidence from a reading of the original
the above educational qualification," the Act provision of House Bill 6951 and the
makes it unequivocal that the possession of a successive revision it underwent. Thus,
college degree or a high school diploma (in section 12 of House Bill 6951 (now section 10
addition to service) is an indispensable of the Police Act of 1966) read:
Minimum Qualification for
It is next contended that to read section 10 as Appointment as Chief of a Police
requiring a bachelor's degree, in addition to Agency. — No chief of a police
service either in the Armed Forces of the agency of a province or chartered city
Philippines or in the National Bureau of shall be appointed unless he is a
Investigation or as chief of police with an member of the Philippine Bar, or a
exemplary record or as a captain in a city holder of a bachelor's degree in police
police department for at least three years, administration. Any holder of a
would be to create an "absurd situation" in bachelor's degree who served either
which a person who has served for only one in the Philippine Constabulary or the
month in the AFP or the NBI is in law police department of any city from the
considered the equal of another who has rank of captain or inspector, second
been a chief of police or has been a captain in class, or its equivalent for at least
a city police agency for at least three years. three years shall be eligible for
From this it is concluded that "the only logical appointment to the position of chief of
equivalence of these two groups (Chief of the police agency.
Police with exemplary record and Police
Captain for at least 3 years in a City Police No chief of a municipal police force
Agency) is the bachelor's degree." shall be appointed unless he is a
holder of a four-year college degree
Section 10, it must be admitted, does not course or a holder of a Bachelor's
specify in what capacity service in the AFP or degree in Police Administration or
in the NBI must have been rendered, but an Criminology.
admission of the existence of the ambiguity in
the statute does not necessarily compel Where no civil service eligible is
acquiescence in the conclusion that it is only available provisional appointment may
in cases where the appointee's service has be made in accordance with Civil
been in the AFP or in the NBI that he must be Service Law and rules, provided the
required to have a bachelor's degree. The appointee possesses the above
logical implication of the petitioner's argument educational qualification but in no
that a person who has served as captain in a case shall such appointment exceed
city police department for at least three years beyond six months.
need not have a bachelor's degree to qualify,
is that such person need not even be a high It was precisely because the bill was clearly
school graduate. If such be the case would understood as requiring both educational and
there still be need for a person to be at least a service qualifications that the following
high school graduate provided he has had at exchanges of view were made on the floor of
least eight years of service as captain in the the house of Representatives:
MR. VELOSO (F.). Section 12,
The truth is that, except for the ambiguity Minimum Qualification for
referred to (the meaning of which is not in Appointment of Chief of a Police
issue in this case), section 10 of the Act needs Agency, provides that the chief of a
no interpretation because its meaning is clear.
police agency of a province or a should just limit ourselves to the
chartered city should be at least a sponsorship this evening.3
member of the Philippine Bar or a
holder of a bachelor's degree in Police Thus it appears that it was because of the
Administration; and the chief of police educational requirement contained in the bill
of a municipality should be at least a that objections were expressed, but while it
holder of a four years' college degree was agreed to delete this requirement during
or holder of a bachelor's degree in the period of amendment, no motion was ever
Police Administration or Criminology. presented to effect the change.4

At first blush, there is no reason why I In the Senate, the Committee on Government
should object to these minimum Reorganization, to which House Bill 6951 was
requirements; but I find such referred, reported a substitute measure. 5 It is
requirement very rigid because it to this substitute bill that section 10 of the Act
would not allow a man to rise from the owes its present form and substance.
ranks. Take a policeman who rose
from the ranks. He became a corporal, Parenthetically, the substitute measure gives
a sergeant, a police lieutenant. light on the meaning of the ambiguous phrase
Shouldn't he be allowed to go higher? "and who has served either in the Armed
If he merited it, he should also be Forces of the Philippines or the National
appointed chief of police of a city or Bureau of Investigation." The provision of the
municipality. substitute bill reads:

MR. AMANTE. During our committee No person may be appointed chief of

discussions, I objected to this a city police agency unless he holds a
provision of the bill because it is a very bachelor's degree and has served
high qualification. However, somebody either in the Armed Forces of the
insisted that in order to professionalize Philippines or the National Bureau of
our police system and also to attain a Investigation or police department of
high standard of police efficiency, we any city and has held the rank of
must have a chief of police who has a captain or its equivalent therein for at
college degree. The point which the least three years or any high school
gentleman is now raising was brought graduate who has served the police
up by one Member in the sense that a department of a city for at least 8
policeman who rose from the ranks years with the rank of captain and/or
through serious hard work, even after higher.
serving for fifteen or twenty years in
the police force, cannot become chief
Thus, service in the AFP or the NBI was
of police for lack of a college degree.
intended to be in the capacity of captain for at
least three years.
The gentleman's objection is a very
good and reasonable one. I assure
At the behest of Senator Francisco Rodrigo,
him that if he brings it up during the
the phrase "has served as officer in the Armed
period of amendments, I will consider
Forces" was inserted so as to make the
provision read:
MR. VELOSO (F.). I am glad that the
No person may be appointed chief of
Committee will accept my
a city police agency unless he holds a
amendment. My only regret, however,
bachelor's degree and has served
is that because I made a number of
either in the Armed Forces of the
proposed amendments, I will not be
Philippines or the National Bureau of
ready to submit them immediately. We
Investigation or police department of
any city and has held the rank of officers, to the President that a bill,
captain or its equivalent therein for at thus attested, has received in the
least three years or any high school form, the sanction of the legislative
graduate who has served the police branch of the government, and that it
department of a city or who has is delivered to him in obedience to the
served as officer in the Armed Forces constitutional requirement that all bill
for at least 8 years with the rank of which pass Congress shall be
captain and/or higher.6 presented to him. And when a bill,
thus attested, receives his approval,
It is to be noted that the Rodrigo amendment its authentication as a bill that has
was in the nature of an addition to the phrase, passed Congress should be deemed
"who has served the police department of a complete and unimpeachable. As the
city for at least 8 years with the rank of captain President has no authority to approve
and/or higher," under which the petitioner a bill not passed by Congress, an
herein, who is at least a high school graduate enrolled Act in the custody of the
(both parties agree that the petitioner finished Secretary of State, and having the
the second year of the law course) could official attestations of the Speaker of
possibly qualify. However, somewhere in the the house of Representatives, of the
legislative process the phrase was dropped President of the Senate, and of the
and only the Rodrigo amendment was President of the United States, carries,
retained. on its face, a solemn assurance by the
legislative and executive departments
Because of the suggested possibility that the of the government, charged,
deletion was made by mistake, the writer of respectively, with the duty of enacting
this opinion personally and painstakingly read and executing the laws, that it was
and examined the enrolled bill in the passed by Congress. The respect due
possession of the legislative secretary of the to co-equal and independent
Office of the President and found that the text department requires the judicial
of section 10 of the Act is as set forth in the department to act upon that
beginning of this opinion. The text of the Act assurance, and to accept, as having
bears on page 15 thereof the signatures of passed Congress, all bills
President of the Senate Arturo M. Tolentino authenticated in the manner stated;
and Speaker of the House of Representatives leaving the courts to determine, when
Cornelio T. Villareal, and on page 16 thereof the question properly arises, whether
those of Eliseo M. Tenza, Secretary of the the Act, so authenticated, is in
Senate, and Inocencio B. Pareja, Secretary of conformity with the Constitution. 10
the House of Representatives, and of
President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Under the To proceed with the history of the statute, it
enrolled bill theory, announced in Mabanag v. appears that, when the two chambers of the
Lopez Vito8 this text of the Act must be legislature met in conference committee, the
deemed as importing absolute verity and as phrase "has served as chief of police with
binding on the courts. As the Supreme Court exemplary record" was added, thereby
of the United States said in Marshall Field & accounting for its presence in section 10 of
Co. v. Clark:9 the Act.11

The signing by the Speaker of the What, then, is the significance of this? It
House of Representatives and, by the logically means that — except for that vagrant
President of the Senate, in open phrase "who has served the police
session, of an enrolled bill, is an department of a city for at least 8 years with
official attestation by the two houses the rank of captain and/or higher" — a high
of such bill as one that has passed school graduate, no matter how long he has
Congress. It is a declaration by the served in a city police department, is not
two houses, through their presiding qualified for appointment as chief of police.
Still it is insisted that "if a high school graduate
who has served as captain in the Armed
Forces of the Philippines for eight years
irrespective of the branch of service where he
served can be Chief of Police of Manila, why
not one who holds an A.A. degree, completed
two years in Law School, and served as Chief
of the Detective Bureau for 14 years, holding
the successive ranks of Captain, Major and Lt.
Colonel? Not to mention the fact that he was
awarded three Presidential Awards, and was
given the Congressional Commendation —
the highest award ever conferred in the
history of the Manila Police Department."

The trouble with such argument is that even if

we were to concede its soundness, still we
would be hard put reading it in the law
because it is not there. The inclusion of
desirable enlargements in the statute is
addressed to the judgment of Congress and
unless such enlargements are by it accepted
courts are without power to make them. As
Mr. Justice Frankfurter put the matter with

An omission at the time of enactment,

whether careless or calculated, cannot
be judicially supplied however much
later wisdom may recomment the

The vital difference between initiating

policy, often involving a decided break
with the past, and merely carrying out
a formulated policy, indicates the
relatively narrow limits within which
choice is fairly open to courts and the
extent to which interpreting law is
inescapably making law.12

In conclusion, we hold that, under the present

state of the law, the petitioner is neither
qualified nor eligible for appointment as chief
of police of the city of Manila. Consequently,
the respondent has no corresponding legal
duty — and therefore may not be compelled
by mandamus to certify the petitioner as
qualified and eligible.

ACCORDINGLY, the petition for mandamus is

denied. No pronouncements as to costs.
Furnish the Local Civil Registrar of San Juan
as well as the National Statistics Office (NSO)
epublic of the Philippines copy of this decision.

SECOND DIVISION A copy of said decision was received by

Danilo on August 25, 2006. He timely filed the
G.R. No. 186400               October 20, 2010 Notice of Appeal on September 11, 2006.

CYNTHIA S. BOLOS, Petitioner, In an order dated September 19, 2006, the

vs. RTC denied due course to the appeal for
DANILO T. BOLOS, Respondent. Danilo’s failure to file the required motion for
reconsideration or new trial, in violation of
Section 20 of the Rule on Declaration of
DECISION Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and
Annulment of Voidable Marriages.
On November 23, 2006, a motion to
This is a petition for review on certiorari under reconsider the denial of Danilo’s appeal was
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court seeking a likewise denied.
review of the December 10, 2008 Decision1 of
the Court of Appeals (CA) in an original action On January 16, 2007, the RTC issued the
for certiorari under Rule 65 entitled "Danilo T. order declaring its August 2, 2006 decision
Bolos v. Hon. Lorifel Lacap Pahimna and final and executory and granting the Motion
Cynthia S. Bolos," docketed as CA-G.R. SP. for Entry of Judgment filed by Cynthia.
No. 97872, reversing the January 16, 2007
Order of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig
City, Branch 69 (RTC), declaring its decision Not in conformity, Danilo filed with the CA a
pronouncing the nullity of marriage between petition for certiorari under Rule 65 seeking to
petitioner and respondent final and executory. annul the orders of the RTC as they were
rendered with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction,
On July 10, 2003, petitioner Cynthia to wit: 1) the September 19, 2006 Order which
Bolos (Cynthia) filed a petition for the denied due course to Danilo’s appeal; 2) the
declaration of nullity of her marriage to November 23, 2006 Order which denied the
respondent Danilo Bolos (Danilo) under motion to reconsider the September 19, 2006
Article 36 of the Family Code, docketed as Order; and 3) the January 16, 2007 Order
JDRC No. 6211. which declared the August 2, 2006 decision
as final and executory. Danilo also prayed that
After trial on the merits, the RTC granted the he be declared psychologically capacitated to
petition for annulment in a Decision, dated render the essential marital obligations to
August 2, 2006, with the following disposition: Cynthia, who should be declared guilty of
abandoning him, the family home and their
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered children.
declaring the marriage between petitioner
CYNTHIA S. BOLOS and respondent DANILO As earlier stated, the CA granted the petition
T. BOLOS celebrated on February 14, 1980 and reversed and set aside the assailed
as null and void ab initio on the ground of orders of the RTC. The appellate court stated
psychological incapacity on the part of both that the requirement of a motion for
petitioner and respondent under Article 36 of reconsideration as a prerequisite to appeal
the Family Code with all the legal under A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC did not apply in
consequences provided by law. this case as the marriage between Cynthia
and Danilo was solemnized on February 14, SPS. MEDINACELI IS PATENTLY
1980 before the Family Code took effect. It ERRONEOUS BECAUSE THE
relied on the ruling of this Court in Enrico v. PHRASE "UNDER THE FAMILY
Heirs of Sps. Medinaceli3 to the effect that the CODE" IN A.M. NO. 02-11-10-SC
"coverage [of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC] extends PERTAINS TO THE WORD
only to those marriages entered into during "PETITIONS" RATHER THAN TO
the effectivity of the Family Code which took THE WORD "MARRIAGES."
effect on August 3, 1988."
Cynthia sought reconsideration of the ruling NO. 02-11-10-SC ENTITLED "RULE
by filing her Manifestation with Motion for ON DECLARATION OF ABSOLUTE
Extension of Time to File Motion for NULLITY OF VOID MARRIAGES
Reconsideration and Motion for Partial AND ANNULMENT OF VOIDABLE
Reconsideration [of the Honorable Court’s MARRIAGES" IS APPLICABLE TO
Decision dated December 10, 2008]. The CA, MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED
however, in its February 11, 2009 BEFORE THE EFFECTIVITY OF THE
Resolution,4 denied the motion for extension FAMILY CODE. HENCE, A MOTION
of time considering that the 15-day FOR RECONSIDERATION IS A
reglementary period to file a motion for PRECONDITION FOR AN APPEAL
reconsideration is non-extendible, pursuant to BY HEREIN RESPONDENT.
Section 2, Rule 40, 1997 Rules on Civil
Procedure citing Habaluyas v. Japson, 142 D. CONSIDERING THAT HEREIN
SCRA 208. The motion for partial RESPONDENT REFUSED TO
reconsideration was likewise denied. COMPLY WITH A PRECONDITION
Hence, Cynthia interposes the present petition THE RULES ON APPEAL IS NOT
via Rule 45 of the Rules of Court raising the PROPER IN HIS CASE.
HONORABLE COURT IS From the arguments advanced by Cynthia, the
APLLICABLE TO THE INSTANT principal question to be resolved is whether or
CASE, ITS RULING IN ENRICO V. not A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC entitled "Rule on
Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void 2003, is explicit in its scope. Section 1 of the
Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Rule, in fact, reads:
Marriages," is applicable to the case at bench.
Section 1. Scope – This Rule shall govern
Petitioner argues that A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC petitions for declaration of absolute nullity of
is also applicable to marriages solemnized void marriages and annulment of voidable
before the effectivity of the Family Code. marriages under the Family Code of the
According to Cynthia, the CA erroneously Philippines.
anchored its decision to an obiter dictum in
the aforecited Enrico case, which did not even The Rules of Court shall apply suppletorily.
involve a marriage solemnized before the
effectivity of the Family Code. The categorical language of A.M. No. 02-11-
10-SC leaves no room for doubt. The
She added that, even assuming arguendo that coverage extends only to those marriages
the pronouncement in the said case entered into during the effectivity of the Family
constituted a decision on its merits, still the Code which took effect on August 3,
same cannot be applied because of the 1988.7 The rule sets a demarcation line
substantial disparity in the factual milieu of the between marriages covered by the Family
Enrico case from this case. In the said case, Code and those solemnized under the Civil
both the marriages sought to be declared null Code.8
were solemnized, and the action for
declaration of nullity was filed, after the The Court finds Itself unable to subscribe to
effectivity of both the Family Code in 1988 and petitioner’s interpretation that the phrase
of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC in 2003. In this case, "under the Family Code" in A.M. No. 02-11-
the marriage was solemnized before the 10-SC refers to the word "petitions" rather
effectivity of the Family Code and A.M. No. than to the word "marriages."
02-11-10-SC while the action was filed and
decided after the effectivity of both.
A cardinal rule in statutory construction is that
when the law is clear and free from any doubt
Danilo, in his Comment,6 counters that A.M. or ambiguity, there is no room for construction
No. 02-11-10-SC is not applicable because or interpretation. There is only room for
his marriage with Cynthia was solemnized on application.9 As the statute is clear, plain, and
February 14, 1980, years before its effectivity. free from ambiguity, it must be given its literal
He further stresses the meritorious nature of meaning and applied without attempted
his appeal from the decision of the RTC interpretation. This is what is known as the
declaring their marriage as null and void due plain-meaning rule or verba legis. It is
to his purported psychological incapacity and expressed in the maxim, index animi sermo,
citing the mere "failure" of the parties who or "speech is the index of intention."
were supposedly "remiss," but not Furthermore, there is the maxim verba legis
"incapacitated," to render marital obligations non est recedendum, or "from the words of a
as required under Article 36 of the Family statute there should be no departure."10
There is no basis for petitioner’s assertion
The Court finds the petition devoid of merit. either that the tenets of substantial justice, the
novelty and importance of the issue and the
Petitioner insists that A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC meritorious nature of this case warrant a
governs this case. Her stance is unavailing. relaxation of the Rules in her favor. Time and
The Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of again the Court has stressed that the rules of
Void Marriages and Annulment of Voidable procedure must be faithfully complied with and
Marriages as contained in A.M. No. 02-11-10- should not be discarded with the mere
SC which the Court promulgated on March 15, expediency of claiming substantial merit. 11 As
a corollary, rules prescribing the time for doing
specific acts or for taking certain proceedings party of the right to appeal, but rather, ensure
are considered absolutely indispensable to that every party-litigant has the amplest
prevent needless delays and to orderly and opportunity for the proper and just disposition
promptly discharge judicial business. By their of his cause, free from the constraints of
very nature, these rules are regarded as technicalities.
In the case at bench, the respondent should
The appellate court was correct in denying be given the fullest opportunity to establish
petitioner’s motion for extension of time to file the merits of his appeal considering that what
a motion for reconsideration considering that is at stake is the sacrosanct institution of
the reglementary period for filing the said marriage.
motion for reconsideration is non-extendible.
As pronounced in Apex Mining Co., Inc. v. No less than the 1987 Constitution recognizes
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 13 marriage as an inviolable social institution.
This constitutional policy is echoed in our
The rule is and has been that the period for Family Code. Article 1 thereof emphasizes its
filing a motion for reconsideration is non- permanence and inviolability, thus:
extendible. The Court has made this clear as
early as 1986 in Habaluyas Enterprises vs. Article 1. Marriage is a special contract of
Japzon. Since then, the Court has consistently permanent union between a man and a
and strictly adhered thereto. 1avvphil
woman entered into in accordance with law for
the establishment of conjugal and family life. It
Given the above, we rule without hesitation is the foundation of the family and an
that the appellate court’s denial of petitioner’s inviolable social institution whose nature,
motion for reconsideration is justified, consequences, and incidents are governed by
precisely because petitioner’s earlier motion law and not subject to stipulation, except that
for extension of time did not suspend/toll the marriage settlements may fix the property
running of the 15-day reglementary period for relations during the marriage within the limits
filing a motion for reconsideration. Under the provided by this Code.
circumstances, the CA decision has already
attained finality when petitioner filed its motion This Court is not unmindful of the
for reconsideration. It follows that the same constitutional policy to protect and strengthen
decision was already beyond the review the family as the basic autonomous social
jurisdiction of this Court. institution and marriage as the foundation of
the family.16
In fine, the CA committed no reversible error
in setting aside the RTC decision which Our family law is based on the policy that
denied due course to respondent’s appeal marriage is not a mere contract, but a social
and denying petitioner’s motion for extension institution in which the State is vitally
of time to file a motion for reconsideration. interested. The State finds no stronger anchor
than on good, solid and happy families. The
Appeal is an essential part of our judicial break up of families weakens our social and
system. Its purpose is to bring up for review a moral fabric and, hence, their preservation is
final judgment of the lower court. The courts not the concern alone of the family members.17
should, thus, proceed with caution so as not
to deprive a party of his right to appeal. 14 In WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.
the recent case of Almelor v. RTC of Las
Pinas City, Br. 254,15 the Court reiterated: SO ORDERED.
While the right to appeal is a statutory, not a
natural right, nonetheless it is an essential
part of our judicial system and courts should
proceed with caution so as not to deprive a
one another, did then and there
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
detain her and deprive her of her
freedom and liberty up to and until
about 4:30 o’clock in the afternoon of
the following day.

"That accused JOEL ISIDERA, having

learned of the kidnapping and without
EN BANC having participated therein either as
principal or accomplice, take part
G.R. No. 123779            April 17, 2002 subsequent to its commission by
assisting the principal accused,
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- CRUZ, to profit by the effects of the
appellee, crime by accompanying and driving for
vs. accused RUBEN SURIAGA to the
RUBEN SURIAGA y CHAVEZ, accused- place where the pay-off was made
appellant. and receiving the ransom money in
the amount of P100,000.00, to the
PER CURIAM: damage and prejudice of the parents
of NICOLE RAMOS, spouses Johnny
It is always a distressing task to impose the and Mercedita Ramos in the said
death penalty on an accused. However, it is amount and such other amounts as
the bounden duty of this Court to apply the may be awarded to them under the
law imposing such penalty when provisions of the Civil Code.
justified. Dura lex, sed lex.
On February 22, 1995, an Information was
filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) No bail was recommended for Ruben Suriaga.
Branch 78, Quezon City, charging Ruben
Suriaga, Rosita Dela Cruz and Joel Isidera During the scheduled arraignment and pre-
with kidnapping for ransom and serious illegal trial conference on March 8, 1995, accused
detention committed as follows: Suriaga, through his counsel de
parte manifested that he was willing to enter a
"That on or about 5:00 o’clock in the plea of guilty to the offense charged provided
afternoon of January 22, 1995, in that the penalty to be imposed is reclusion
Quezon City, Philippines, and within perpetua.
the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Court, accused RUBEN SURIAGA Upon arraignment, however, Suriaga and his
and ROSITA DELA CRUZ, being co-accused entered a plea of "Not guilty."
private individuals, conspiring
together, confederating and mutually
helping one another, did then and The relevant facts established by the
there, willfully, unlawfully and prosecution are:
feloniously kidnap and take away
NICOLE RAMOS, a 2-year old female On January 22, 1995, at around 5:00 o’clock
child, without the consent of her in the afternoon, Edwin Ramos, a prosecution
parents, for the purpose of extorting witness, was cleaning the car of his older
ransom from the latter, and brother, Johnny Ramos at Sangangdaan,
immediately thereafter, the said Caloocan City. The latter was taking care of
accused still conspiring together, his 2-year old daughter, Nicole, who was then
confederating and mutually helping playing inside the car.
Suriaga, a cousin of the Ramos brothers, Thereafter, the Task Force Habagat gave
arrived. He was accompanied by his live-in- Mercedita instructions on the delivery of the
partner and co-accused Rosita dela ransom money. The pay-off site would be in
Cruz. Suriaga requested Edwin if he could

front of the Fairview General Hospital, Quezon
drive the car, but the latter declined, saying he City on that same day, January 23, 1995.
did not have the keys. Meanwhile, Johnny

returned to his house because a visitor Meantime, surveillance teams from PACC
arrived. At this instance, Rosita held Nicole were being organized to rescue Nicole and to
and cajoled her. Rosita asked Edwin if she apprehend the suspects. 10

could take Nicole with her to buy barbeque at

Monumento, Caloocan City. Having been At 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, also of that
acquainted with Rosita for a long time and same day, Mercedita, with the cash money,
because he trusted her, Edwin acceded. and while being tailed by the PACC agents,
When Rosita and the child left, Suriaga joined proceeded in a jeepney to the Fairview
them. 4
General Hospital. She reached the place at
around 4:35 o’clock in the afternoon and
But after the lapse of more than one hour, waited for Suriaga. At around 5:00, Suriaga,
they failed to return. Worried, Edwin rushed accompanied by Joel Isidera, arrived. Then
inside the house and after being told by the three of them boarded a jeepney and
Johnny that Nicole has not yet arrived, he disembarked on Regalado Street. It was then
(Edwin) searched for her at the Sangangdaan that Suriaga asked Mercedita for the money.
Market, Caloocan City, but there was no trace Since Joel Isidera was beside her, Mercedita
of the child, nor of her companions. 5
gave him the money. Subsequently, they
boarded a tricycle. After travelling a short
At the same time, Johnny and his wife, distance, the PACC agents suddenly
Mercedita, began their search in the entire appeared and arrested Suriaga and Isidera.
vicinity of their barangay. Then they

proceeded to Ever Gotesco along Prior thereto, Inspector Jose Duenas’ Team
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, but was able to rescue Nicole in a shanty where
they could not find their daughter and Rosita. 1âwphi1.nêt
Rosita’s sister lived located at the NAWASA
Squatters Area, Ideal Subdivision, Quezon
At the Ramos’ residence, Nicole’s grandfather City. Upon being informed thereof, Mercedita

received a phone call asking for ransom in the and the PACC agents proceeded to that
amount of ₱100,000.00. He recognized that place.
the caller was Suriaga.
Forthwith, the ransom money was properly
When Johnny came to know of such recovered and returned to spouses Johnny
telephone call, he immediately reported it to and Mercedita Ramos. It was photocopied for
the PACC Task Force Habagat in Camp identification purposes. At the same time,

Crame, Quezon City. It was 11:30 in the accused Suriaga, Rosita dela Cruz and Joel
evening of January 22, 1995. 7
Isidera were investigated at the PACC
Headquarters, Camp Crame, Quezon City.
The next day, January 23, at around 7:00
o’clock in the morning, Suriaga called On February 15, 1995, an Information for
Mercedita, introduced himself and asked her if kidnapping for ransom and serious illegal
she and her husband would give the amount. detention was filed against Ruben Suriaga
She gave a positive answer and said, "kahit and Rosita dela Cruz, as principal, and Joel
ipangutang namin." Suriaga warned her that if

Isidera, as accessory.
she will not deliver the money, her daughter
would be placed in a plastic bag or thrown in a In his defense, accused Suriaga denied the
garbage can. 9
charges. He claimed that on January 22,
1995, he only "borrowed" Nicole for a stroll
with Rosita Dela Cruz along Monumento. After Republic of the Philippines
thirty minutes, Suriaga decided to go to SUPREME COURT
Rosita’s house to get something. Since the Manila
traffic was heavy, he did not return the child
but instead called her grandfather. They slept
at Rosita’s house, the accused being
convinced that Nicole’s parents would not G.R. No. 84850 June 29, 1989
worry because he always took care of the
RICARDO A. LLAMADO, petitioner,
The next day, at around 3:00 o’clock in the HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and
morning, before Suriaga left for B.F. Quezon LEON GAW, respondents.
City to butcher a pig, he instructed Rosita to
call Nicole’s parents and inform them that the
Ambrosio Padilla, Mempin & Reyes Law
child would be returned in the afternoon.
Offices for petitioner.
When he came back the following day,
January 24, at 10:00 in the morning, Rosita
informed him that they have been charged FELICIANO, J.:
with the police headquarters for kidnapping
Nicole. Forthwith, he immediately called his Petitioner Ricardo A. Llamado was Treasurer
uncle (the child’s grandfather) denying the of Pan Asia Finance Corporation. Together
imputation, promising he would return her with Jacinto N. Pascual, Sr., President of the
immediately. His uncle told him that since same corporation, petitioner Llamado was
Mercedita would go to Fairview General prosecuted for violation of Batas Pambansa
Hospital that afternoon, it would be best if they Blg. 22 in Criminal Case No. 85-38653,
would just meet there. But he was not able to Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 49.
bring Nicole to the place because the child The two (2) had co-signed a postdated check
was then sleeping. payable to private respondent Leon Gaw in
the amount of P186,500.00, which check was
After trial, the lower court rendered judgment dishonored for lack of sufficient funds.
finding Suriaga guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of kidnapping for ransom as charged, In a decision dated 10 March 1987, the trial
while acquitting the other accused, thus: court convicted the petitioner alone, since
jurisdiction over the person of Pascual, who
"WHEREFORE, the Court finds had thoughtfully fled the country, had not
accused Ruben Suriaga GUILTY been obtained. Petitioner was sentenced to
beyond reasonable doubt for the crime imprisonment for a period of one (1) year
of Kidnapping for Ransom defined and of prision correccional and to pay a fine of P
penalized under Art. 267 of the 200,000.00 with subsidiary imprisonment in
Revised Penal Code, as amended by case of insolvency. Petitioner was also
Republic Act No. 7659, and is hereby required to reimburse respondent Gaw the
sentenced to suffer the penalty of amount of P186,500.00 plus the cost of suit.
DEATH. For failure of the prosecution
to prove the guilt of accused Rosita On 20 March 1987, after the decision of the
Dela Cruz and Joel Isidera beyond trial court was read to him, petitioner through
reasonable doubt, they are hereby counsel orally manifested that he was taking
ACQUITTED. Accused Rosita Dela an appeal. Having been so notified, the trial
Cruz may now be released from court on the same day ordered the forwarding
detention unless she is being held for of the records of the case to the Court of
some other legal cause. Appeals. On 9 July 1987, petitioner through
his counsel received from the Court of
"SO ORDERED." Appeals a notice to file his Appellant's Brief
within thirty (30) days. Petitioner managed to
secure several extensions of time within which In a Resolution dated 17 June 1988, the Court
to file his brief, the last extension expiring on of Appeals, through Mr. Justice Magsino,
18 November 1987.  1
denied the Petition for Probation. A dissenting
opinion was filed by Mr. Justice Bellosillo
Petitioner Llamado, even while his Appellant's while Mr. Justice Santiago submitted a
Brief was being finalized by his then counsel concurring opinion. Petitioner moved for
of record, sought advice from another reconsideration which Motion was denied by
counselor. On 30 November 1987, petitioner, the Court of Appeals on 23 August 1988, with
with the assistance of his new counsel, filed in another, briefer, dissenting opinion from Mr.
the Regional Trial Court a Petition for Justice Bellosillo.
Probation invoking Presidential Decree No.
968, as amended. The Petition was not, Petitioner now asks this Court to review and
however, accepted by the lower court, since reverse the opinion of the majority in the Court
the records of the case had already been of Appeals and, in effect, to accept and adopt
forwarded to the Court of Appeals. the dissenting opinion as its own.

Petitioner then filed with the Court of Appeals The issue to be resolved here is whether or
Manifestation and Petition for Probation" not petitioner's application for probation which
dated 16 November 1987, enclosing a copy of was filed after a notice of appeal had been
the Petition for Probation that he had filed with the trial court, after the records of the
submitted to the trial court. Petitioner asked case had been forwarded to the Court of
the Court of Appeals to grant his Petition for Appeals and the Court of Appeals had issued
Probation or, in the alternative, to remand the the notice to file Appellant's Brief, after several
Petition back to the trial court, together with extensions of time to file Appellant's Brief had
the records of the criminal case, for been sought from and granted by the Court of
consideration and approval under P.D. No. Appeals but before actual filing of such brief,
968, as amended. At the same time, petitioner is barred under P.D. No. 968, as amended.
prayed that the running of the period for the
filing of his Appellant's Brief be held in P.D. No. 968, known as the Probation Law of
abeyance until after the Court of Appeals shall 1976, was promulgated on 24 July 1976.
have acted on his Petition for Probation. Section 4 of this statute provided as follows:

In a "Manifestation and Motion" dated 3 March Sec. 4. Grant of

1988 and filed with the Court of Appeals, Probation. Subject to the
petitioner formally withdrew his appeal provisions of this Decree, the
conditioned, however, on the approval of his court may, after it shall have
Petition for Probation.  2
convicted and sentenced a
defendant and upon
Complying with a Resolution of the Court of application at any time of said
Appeals, the Office of the Solicitor General defendant, suspend the
filed a Comment stating that it had no execution of said sentence
objection to petitioner Llamado's application and place the defendant on
for probation. Private respondent- probation for such period and
complainant, upon the other hand, sought and upon such terms and
obtained leave to file a Comment on petitioner conditions as it may deem
Llamado's application for probation, to which best.
Comment, petitioner filed a Reply. Private
respondent then filed his "Comment" on the Probation may be granted
Office of the Solicitor General's Comment of whether the sentence imposes
18 March 1988. a term of imprisonment or a
fine only. An application for
probation shall be filed with
the trial court, with notice to Probation may be granted
the appellate court if an whether the sentence imposes
appeal has been taken from a term of imprisonment or a
the sentence of conviction. fine with subsidiary
The filing of the application imprisonment in case of
shall be deemed a waiver of insolvency. An application for
the right to appeal, or the probation shall be filed with
automatic withdrawal of a the trial court, with notice to
pending appeal. the appellate court if an
appeal has been taken from
An order granting or denying the sentence of conviction.
probation shall not be The filing of the application
appealable. (Emphasis shall be deemed a waiver of
supplied) the right to appeal, or
the automatic withdrawal of a
It will be noted that under Section 4 of P.D. pending appeal. In the latter
No. 968, the trial court could grant an case, however, if the
application for probation "at any time" "after it application is filed on or after
shall have convicted and sentenced a the date of the judgment of the
defendant" and certainly after "an appeal has appellate court, said
been taken from the sentence of conviction." application shall be acted
Thus, the filing of the application for probation upon by the trial court on the
was "deemed [to constitute] automatic basis of the judgment of the
withdrawal of a pending appeal." appellate court. (Emphasis
On 1 December 1977, Section 4 of P.D. No.
968 was amended by P.D. No. 1257 so as to Examination of Section 4, after its amendment
read as follows: by P.D. No. 1257, reveals that it had
established a prolonged but definite period
during which an application for probation may
Sec. 4. Grant of
be granted by the trial court. That period was:
Probation. Subject to the
'After [the trial court] shall have convicted and
provisions of this Decree, the
sentenced a defendant but before he begins
court may, senteafter it shall
to serve his sentence." Clearly, the cut-off
have convicted and sentenced
time-commencement of service of sentence-
a defendant but before he
takes place not only after an appeal has
begins to serve his
been taken from the sentence of conviction,
sentence and upon his
but even after judgement has been rendered
application, suspend the
by the appellate court and after judgment has
execution of said sentence
become final. Indeed, in this last situation,
and place the defendant on
Section 4, as amended by P.D. No. 1257
probation for such period and
provides that "the application [for probation]
upon such terms and
shall be acted upon by the trial court on the
conditions as it may deem
basis of the judgment of the appellate court";
for the appellate court might have increased
or reduced the original penalty imposed by the
The prosecuting officer concerned shall be trial court. It would seem beyond dispute then
notified by the court of the filing of the that had the present case arisen while Section
application for probation and he may submit 4 of the statute as amended by P.D. No. 1257
his comment on such application within ten was still in effect, petitioner Llamado's
days from receipt of the notification. application for probation would have had to be
granted. Mr. Llamado's application for
probation was filed well before the cut-off time
established by Section 4 as then amended by emphasis, a new proviso was appended to
P.D. No. 1257. the first paragraph of Section 4 that
expressly prohibits the grant of an application
On 5 October 1985, however, Section 4 of the for probation "if the defendant has perfected
Probation Law of 1976 was once again an appeal from the judgment of conviction." It
amended. This time by P.D. No. 1990. As so is worthy of note too that Section 4 in its
amended and in its present form, Section 4 present form has dropped the phrase which
reads as follows: said that the filing of an application for
probation means "the automatic withdrawal of
Sec. 4. Grant of a pending appeal". The deletion is quite
Probation. Subject to the logical since an application for probation can
provisions of this Decree, the no longer be filed once an appeal is perfected;
trial court may, after it shall there can, therefore, be no pending appeal
have convicted and that would have to be withdrawn.
sentenced a defendant,
and upon application by said In applying Section 4 in the form it exists
defendant within the period for today (and at the time petitioner Llamado was
perfecting an appeal, suspend convicted by the trial court), to the instant
the execution of the sentence case, we must then inquire whether petitioner
and place the defendant on Llamado had submitted his application for
probation for such period and probation "within the period for perfecting an
upon such terms and appeal." Put a little differently, the question is
conditions as it may deem whether by the time petitioner Llamado's
best; Provided, That no application was filed, he had already
application for probation shall "perfected an appeal" from the judgment of
be entertained or granted if conviction of the Regional Trial Court of
the defendant has perfected Manila.
an appeal from the judgment
of conviction. The period for perfecting an appeal from a
judgment rendered by the Regional Trial
Probation may be granted Court, under Section 39 of Batas Pambansa
whether the sentence imposes Blg. 129, Section 19 of the Interim Rules and
a term of imprisonment or a Guidelines for the Implementation of B.P. Blg.
fine only An application for 129 and under the 1985 Rules on Criminal
probation shall be filed with Procedure, as amended, or more specifically
the trial court. The filing of the Section 5 of Rule 122 of the Revised Rules of
application shall be deemed a Court, is fifteen (15) days from the
waiver of the right to appeal. promulgation or notice of the judgment
appealed from. It is also clear from Section 3
An order granting or denying (a) of Rule 122 that such appeal is taken or
probation shall not be perfected by simply filing a notice of appeal
appealable. (Emphasis with the Regional Trial Court which rendered
supplied) the judgment appealed from and by serving a
copy thereof upon the People of the
Philippines. As noted earlier, petitioner
In sharp contrast with Section 4 as amended
Llamado had manifested orally and in open
by PD No. 1257, in its present form, Section 4
court his intention to appeal at the time of
establishes a much narrower period during
promulgation of the judgment of conviction, a
which an application for probation may be
manifestation at least equivalent to a written
filed with the trial court: "after [the trial court]
notice of appeal and treated as such by the
shall have convicted and sentenced a
Regional Trial Court.
defendant and — within the period for
perfecting an appeal — ." As if to provide
Petitioner urges, however, that the phrase to the fifteen-day period. There was absolutely
"period for perfecting an appeal" and the no reason why they should have so referred
clause "if the defendant has perfected an to that period for the operative words of
appeal from the judgment of conviction" found Section 4 already do refer, in our view, to such
in Section 4 in its current form, should not be fifteen-day period. Whereas clauses do not
interpreted to refer to Rule 122 of the Revised form part of a statute, strictly speaking; they
Rules of Court; and that the "whereas" or are not part of the operative language of the
preambulatory clauses of P.D. No. 1990 did statute.   Nonetheless, whereas clauses may

not specify a period of fifteen (15) days for be helpful to the extent they articulate
perfecting an appeal.   It is also urged that
the general purpose or reason underlying a
"the true legislative intent of the amendment new enactment, in the present case, an
(P.D. No. 1990) should not apply to petitioner enactment which drastically but clearly
who filed his Petition for probation at the changed the substantive content of Section 4
earliest opportunity then prevailing and existing before the promulgation of P.D. No.
withdrew his appeal."  4
1990. Whereas clauses, however, cannot
control the specific terms of the statute; in the
Petitioner invokes the dissenting opinion instant case, the whereas clauses of P.D. No.
rendered by Mr. Justice Bellosillo in the Court 1990 do not purport to control or modify the
of Appeals. Petitioner then asks us to have terms of Section 4 as amended. Upon the
recourse to "the cardinal rule in statutory other hand, the term "period for perfecting an
construction" that "penal laws [should] appeal" used in Section 4 may be seen to
be liberally construed in favor of the accused," furnish specification for the loose language
and to avoid "a too literal and strict "first opportunity" employed in the fourth
application of the proviso in P.D. No. 1990" whereas clause. "Perfection of an appeal" is,
which would "defeat the manifest purpose or of course, a term of art but it is a term of art
policy for which the [probation law] was widely understood by lawyers and judges and
enacted-." Section 4 of the Probation Law addresses
itself essentially to judges and lawyers.
We find ourselves unable to accept the "Perfecting an appeal" has no sensible
eloquently stated arguments of petitioner's meaning apart from the meaning given to
counsel and the dissenting opinion. We are those words in our procedural law and so the
unable to persuade ourselves that Section 4 law-making agency could only have intended
as it now stands, in authorizing the trial court to refer to the meaning of those words in the
to grant probation "upon application by [the] context of procedural law.
defendant within the period for perfecting an
appeal" and in reiterating in the proviso that Turning to petitioner's invocation of "liberal
interpretation" of penal statutes, we note at
no application for the outset that the Probation Law is not a
probation shall be entertained penal statute. We, however, understand
or granted if the defendant petitioner's argument to be really that any
has perfected an appeal from statutory language that appears to favor the
the judgment of conviction. accused in a criminal case should be given a
"liberal interpretation." Courts, however, have
no authority to invoke "liberal interpretation' or
did not really mean to refer to the fifteen-day
"the spirit of the law" where the words of the
period established, as indicated above, by
statute themselves, and as illuminated by the
B.P. Blg. 129, the Interim Rules and
history of that statute, leave no room for doubt
Guidelines Implementing B.P. Blg. 129 and
or interpretation. We do not believe that "the
the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure, but
spirit of law" may legitimately be invoked to
rather to some vague and undefined time, i.e.,
set at naught words which have a clear and
"the earliest opportunity" to withdraw the
definite meaning imparted to them by our
defendant's appeal. The whereas clauses
procedural law. The "true legislative intent"
invoked by petitioner did not, of course, refer
must obviously be given effect by judges and
all others who are charged with the tribunals with the English
application and implementation of a statute. It language as found in
is absolutely essential to bear in mind, statutes and contracts, cutting
however, that the spirit of the law and the the words here and inserting
intent that is to be given effect are to be them there, making them fit
derived from the words actually used by the personal ideas of what the
law-maker, and not from some external, legislature ought to have
mystical or metajuridical source independent done or what parties should
of and transcending the words of the have agreed upon, giving
legislature. them meanings which they do
not ordinarily have cutting,
The Court is not here to be understood as trimming, fitting, changing and
giving a "strict interpretation rather than a coloring until lawyers
"liberal" one to Section 4 of the Probation Law themselves are unable to
of 1976 as amended by P.D. No. 1990. "Strict" advise their clients as to the
and "liberal" are adjectives which too meaning of a given statute or
frequently impede a disciplined and principled contract until it has been
search for the meaning which the law-making submitted to some court for its
authority projected when it promulgated the interpretation and
language which we must apply. That meaning construction. 6

is clearly visible in the text of Section 4, as

plain and unmistakable as the nose on a The point in this warning may be expected to
man's face. The Court is simply reading become sharper as our people's grasp of
Section 4 as it is in fact written. There is no English is steadily attenuated.
need for the involved process of construction
that petitioner invites us to engage in, a There is another and more fundamental
process made necessary only because reason why a judge must read a statute as the
petitioner rejects the conclusion or meaning legislative authority wrote it, not as he would
which shines through the words of the statute. prefer it to have been written. The words to be
The first duty of a judge is to take and apply a given meaning whether they be found in the
statute as he finds it, not as he would like it to Constitution or in a statute, define and
be. Otherwise, as this Court in Yangco v. therefore limit the authority and discretion of
Court of First Instance of Manila warned, the judges who must apply those words. If
confusion and uncertainty in application will judges may, under cover of seeking the "true
surely follow, making, we might add, stability spirit" and "real intent" of the law, disregard
and continuity in the law much more difficult to the words in fact used by the law-giver, the
achieve: judges will effectively escape the
constitutional and statutory limitations on their
. . . [w]here language is plain, authority and discretion. Once a judge goes
subtle refinements which tinge beyond the clear and ordinary import of the
words so as to give them the words of the legislative authority, he is
color of a particular judicial essentially on uncharted seas. In a polity like
theory are not only ours which enshrines the fundamental notion
unnecessary but decidedly of limiting power through the separation and
harmful. That which has distribution of powers, judges have to be
caused so much confusion in particularly careful lest they substitute their
the law, which has made it so conceptions or preferences of policy for that
difficult for the public to actually projected by the legislative agency.
understand and know what the Where a judge believes passionately that he
law is with respect to a given knows what the legislative agency should
matter, is in considerable have said on the particular matter dealt with
measure the unwarranted by a statute, it is easy enough for him to reach
interference by judicial the conclusion that therefore that was what
the law-making authority was really saying or invoked the jurisdiction of the Court of
trying to say, if somewhat ineptly As Mr. Appeals, petitioner is not at liberty casually to
Justice Frankfurter explained: attack that jurisdiction when exercised
adversely to him. In any case, the argument is
Even within their area of mooted by the conclusion that we have
choice the courts are not at reached, that is, that petitioner's right to apply
large. They are confined by for probation was lost when he perfected his
the nature and scope of the appeal from the judgment of conviction.
judicial function in its particular
exercise in the field of WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of
interpretation. They are under Appeals in CAGR No. 04678 is hereby
the constraints imposed by the AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs.
judicial function in our
democratic society. As a SO ORDERED.
matter of verbal recognition
certainly, no one will gainsay
that the function in construing
a statute is to ascertain the
meaning of words used by the
legislature. To go beyond it is
to usurp a power which our
democracy has lodged in its
elected legislature. The great
judges have constantly
admonished their brethren of
the need for discipline in
observing the limitations A
judge must not rewrite a
statute, neither to enlarge nor
to contract it. Whatever
temptations the statesmanship
of policy-making might wisely
suggest, construction must
eschew interpolation and
evisceration He must not read
in by way of creation. He must
not read out except to avoid
patent nonsense of internal
contradictions. ... 7

Petitioner finally argues that since under

Section 4 of Probation Law as amended has
vested in the trial court the authority to grant
the application for probation, the Court of
Appeals had no jurisdiction to entertain the
same and should have (as he had prayed in
the alternative) remanded instead the records
to the lower court. Once more, we are not
persuaded. The trial court lost jurisdiction over
the case when petitioner perfected his appeal.
The Court of Appeals was not, therefore, in a
position to remand the case except for
execution of judgment. Moreover, having

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