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Symbol No.....................

SEE 2074 (2018)
P] l R5s låtLo vfBlj1fg
lbOPsf lgb]{zgsf cfwf/df cfkm\g} z}nLdf l;h{gfTds pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .
;do M ! 3G6f #) ldg]6 k"0ff{ª\s M %)
tnsf dWo] s'g} bz k|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ . !) x% =%)
Attempt any ten of the following questions.
!= vfB ld;fj6sf sf/0fx¿ s] x'g\ < xfdLn] s;/L vfB ld;fj6sf] af/]df ;dfhnfO{ ;r]tg
ug{ ;lsG5 < %
What are the reasons for food adulteration and how can we create
awareness about food adulteration in the society?
@= /QmcNktf eg]sf] s] xf] < o; /f]usf sf/0fx¿ / aRg] pkfox¿sf af/]df n]Vg'xf];\ .
What is Anaemia? Write about its causes and prevention.
#= ;'sg] f; /f]u nfUgaf6 aRrfnfO{ s;/L arfpg ;lsG5 < of] /f]u nfu]df aRrfnfO{ s:tf]
vfgf v'jfpg'k5{ < @=%+@=%=%
How can you prevent a child from marasmus? What kind of food should
be given to a child suffering from the diseases?
$= efG;fsf] cfsf/ eGgfn] s] a'‰g'xG' 5 < Pp6f Jojl:yt tl/sfn] vfgf agfpgsf nflu
efG;fsf] cfsf/ s:tf] x'gk' 5{ < %
What do you mean by shape of kitchen? What type of kitchen is suitable
for organized cooking?
%= efG5fsf] sfdnfO{ slt ;d"xdf ljefhg ug{ ;lsG5 < 5f]6s/Ldf n]Vg'xf];\ . #+@=%
How can you group the different work in the kitchen? Write in brief.
^= vfgf ak\mofpg' eGgfn] s] a'‰g'xG' 5 < o; tl/sfaf6 s:tf] k|sf/sf vfgfx¿ ksfpg ;lsG5 <
What do you mean by steaming food? Which types of foods are cooked
by this method?
&= xfdL vfgf lsg ksfp“5f} < vfgf ksfpgfsf] sf/0fx¿ s]–s] x'g\ < @+#=%
Why do we cook food? What are the reasons for cooking?

RE-720 (2)
*= 5fqfjf;df a:g] dfWolds ljBfnosf ljBfyL{x¿sf nflu d]; ;~rfng ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{
s'/fx¿ s]–s] x'g\ < %
What are the points to be considered while conducting a mess for a hostel
of a Secondary School?
(= Sof6]l/ª ;]jf eGgfn] s] a'‰g'xG' 5 < o; ;]jfaf6 s]–s] kmfObf x'G5g\ < @=%+@=%=%
What do you understand by catering service? What are the advantages of
this service?
!)= tkfO{s + f] ;d'bfodf hf8f] / udL{ df};ddf vfg] / v'jfpg] vfB kl/sf/x¿sf] ;"rL tof/
ug'x{ f];\ . @+#=%
Make a list of various foods to be consumed during cold and warm weathers
in your local community.
!!= lgDg af/] 5f]6f] l6Kk0fL n]Vg'xf];\ . @=%+@=%=%
Write in short notes on the following :
-s_ kf}li6s u'0f:t/df ;'wf/ (Nutrition Enrichment)
-v_ kf}li6s tŒj yk ug]{ (Food fortification)
!@= vfg] g'g / jg:klt l3pdf kf}li6s tŒj yk ug]{ sfo{bnaf/] 5f]6f] l6Kk0fL ug'x{ f];\ .
Write in brief about the fortification of common salt and vegetable ghee.
!#= akm] ef]hgsf] cfof]hgf s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 < akm] ef]hgsf nflu 6]an ldnfp“bf Wofg lbg'kg]{
s'/fx¿ s]–s] x'g\ < %
How do you organize a buffet party? What points are to be considered
while arranging a table for buffet party?

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