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Connection Between Religiousity Level and Mental Health of

Science 6 Class in Baleendah SHS Year 2019/2020

Asked to qualify for graduation SMAN 1 Baleendah

Arranged by
Name : Irsyad AN
NIS : 1718.10.221
Class : XII 6

SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah

JL. RAA. Wiranatakusumah Baleendah


Religiosity Level and Mental Health Connection Level of Class XII IPA 6
SMAN 1 Baleendah In the Academic Year 2019/2020

Submitted to meet practice Exam English Language School

Written by :
Name : Irsyad AN
NIS : 1718.10.221
Class : XII 6

Baleendah, January 2020

Teacher Supervisor 2

Teacher Supervisor 1

Umi Rodhiati, S.Pd

NIP.19660122 198903 2004
Ghina Amalia, S.Pd

Approved by :
Principal of SMAN 1 Baleendah
ii | P a g e

Drs. Dayat Hidayat, MMPd

NIP. 196404171987031 008


Abdulfatah Nashrulloh, Irsyad (1718.10.221) 2020. Against Religiosity

Relationship of Mental Health Level Class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1 Baleendah In the
Academic Year 2019/2020,

This research is motivated by curiosity of the author about, is there a link between
the level of religiosity in SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah to the mental health that began
as he finished reading a book about the spiritual and psychological.
The aim of this research is Finding out about whether there any connection
between mental health with the level of religiosity in SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah.
This study uses qualitative descriptive method which provides an overview based
on the fact that occur in daily life.
Results from the study showed that the connection between the level of mental
health religiosity with students at SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah class XII IPA 6
hardly noticeable at all or transparent.

It can be concluded that there is no relationship between the level of religiosity

with mental health SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah class XII Science 6.
Therefore, in this study, the authors hope that readers know that the level of
religiosity do not contribute fully to the mental health development of a students.
iii | P a g e


Praise and thanks always we prayed to Allah SWT. Because the mercy and
grace of his I can finish this research proposal. Writing is made to fulfill one of
the tasks of the subjects in English Required.

Authors interested in doing research with the title "Religiosity Level and Mental
Health Connection of Class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1 Baleendah In the Academic Year

To find out, whether or not the student's level of religiosity effect on one's
mental health, especially students.

Of course there are a lot of mistakes and shortcomings in the writing of this paper
is, particularly in terms of completeness of the materials or content, also in terms
of technique penulisanannya. This happens because the author is still in the
learning phase and need to look for an appropriate reference in order to create a
work of a true and complete

Authors hope that this paper can be useful, especially welcome for writers and
generally for the other readers.

Bandung, January 2020

iv | P a g e


Thanks profusely to the authors say:

1. Allah SWT has mercy and guidance to the author.
2. The appointment, Drs. Dayat Hidayat, MMPd as Principal in SMAN 1
3. Designation. Ghina Mrs. Amalia S. Pd, as supervisor 1, who has briefed
the author in writing this scientific paper.
4. Designation. Mrs. Umi Rodhiati, S.Pd as second counselor, who has
briefed the author in writing this scientific paper.
5. My parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hani Bondan Muzakir Hamida. He always
relentless hetinya gave me the spirit of this writing scientific papers.
6. Teachers SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah, who has been guiding and directing
the author
7. All friends XII - 6 IPA 2019-2020 academic year on the spirit that has
been given.
8. All students and residents of SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah which has
provided support to the author so that I can finish this scientific paper.
9. And the people who helped me in making this paper, which can not be
mentioned here.
1. My friend, Rizal F., Zidan K., and others who have given passion and
drive to the author.

2. My twin brother Ihsan AN who have remind me to continue this task

when I'm lazy.


VALIDITY SHEET..................................................................................................i
THANK-YOU NOTE.............................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................v
Chapter I....................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background...............................................................................................1
1.2. Formulation of the problem.......................................................................2
1.3. Research purposes.....................................................................................2
1.4. Benefits of Research..................................................................................2
1.5. hypothesis..................................................................................................2
chapter II..................................................................................................................3
2.1. Definition of Religiosity............................................................................3
2.2. Understanding Mental Health...................................................................3
2.3. Religiosity relationship with Mental Health.............................................4
chapter III.................................................................................................................5
3.1. Research methodology..............................................................................5
3.2. Population and Sample..............................................................................6
3.2.1. Population..........................................................................................6
3.2.2. samples...............................................................................................6
3.3. Data Collection Instrument.......................................................................7
3.4. Time and Place of Research......................................................................7
3.5. Data collection technique..........................................................................7
Chapter IV................................................................................................................8
4.1. Research result..........................................................................................8
vi | P a g e

4.2. Pembasan Problems.................................................................................19

CHAPTER V.........................................................................................................20
5.1. Conclusion...............................................................................................20
5.2. Suggestion...............................................................................................20

Chapter I
1.1. Background
Mental health is an issue of concern to society today. This phenomenon is
related to the modernization of science and technology that give rise to
psychological within school and family.

Epidemiology research in the United States shows children 1-10 shows

sympyom depression before the age of 14 years, and 20% of children aged 16-17
years experiencing anxiety disorders, mood, behavior disorders and the use of
addictive substances.

Most mental disorders begin in adolescence and early adulthood.

According to Dr. Jalaluddin in his book "Psychology of Religion" that:

"Mental health is a state of mind that is always in a state of calm, safe and secure,
and efforts to find peace of mind can be achieved by adapting themselves in
resignation (total surrender to God)" ,

According to Dr. Jalaluddin mental health have a relationship with someone

religiosity. Religiosity refers to the religious aspect that has been in biodiversity
by someone in the liver. Religiosity refers to the level of individual attachment to
their religion. This indicates that the individual has to live and internalize the
teachings of his religion so influential in all actions and outlook on life.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

a. How do mental health of students in class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1 Baleendah?


b. What is the level of religiosity students of class XII IPA 1 Baleendah 6 in

high school?
c. What is the relationship of religiosity to the mental health level of class
XII IPA 6 SMAN 1 Baleendah?

1.3. Research purposes

a. To determine the mental health of students of class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1

b. To determine the level of religiosity of students of class XII IPA 6 SMAN

1 Baleendah.

c. To determine whether there is a relationship between the level of

religiosity with mental health in students of class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1

1.4. Benefits of Research

a. Give general information about the correlation between religiosity and
mental health.

b. Understanding the quality of mental health and level of religiosity of

students of class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1 Baleendah.

1.5. hypothesis
There is a relationship between religiosity and mental health in students of
class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1 Baleendah. If the student's level of religiosity is high
then the student's mental health will be good and stable. But the students who
have a low level of religiosity will be more likely to have a higher propensity to
experience mental health problems.

chapter II
Theoritical review

2.1. Definition of Religiosity

Religiosity is derived from the Latin root religio which is religure which
means binding. This implies that in religion or religion in general have rules and
obligations that must be complied with and implemented by adherents and all that
serves to bind a person or group of persons in relation to God, fellow human
beings and the natural surroundings. Mangunwijaya distinguish between religion
or religious terms with religiosity. If religion refers to the formal aspects relating
to the rules and obligations, then religiosity refers to the religious aspect that has
been lived by someone in the liver. The opinion was in line with Dister who
interpret religious religiosity as the religion for their internalization into oneself.
Of the various opinions on the above it can be concluded that religiosity refers to
the level of individual attachment to their religion. This indicates that the
individual has to live and internalize the teachings of his religion so influential in
all actions and outlook on life.

2.2. Understanding Mental Health

Translation of mental health or mental Health Mental Hygiene. The
definitions proposed experts characterized by their expertise. According to the
World Health Organization in Winkel (1991) states: Health is a state in the form
of physical, mental and social in full and not solely in the form of absenteeism
particular disease or a weakened state. This Dedinisi provide a broad overview in
a healthy state, covers various aspects that are expected to realize welfare. can
utilize all the existing potential and talent as much as possible and bring the
happiness together and achieve mental harmony in life.

Mental derived from the Latin word mens and mentis meaning soul, life,
soul, spirit, and the spirit, sedangkanhygiene hygiene comes from the Greek word
meaning science of health. So the science of mental health is the science of human
kehidupanmental discuss with regards human beings as psychophysical complex

According Darajat (in Bastaman, 2001) Mental health is the realization of

harmony in earnest between the functions of psychiatric and creation of
adjustment between the man with himself and his environment, based on faith and
devotion, and aims to achieve a meaningful life and happy in the world and in the
hereafter. This definition incorporates elements of religion are very important and
should be pursued its application in life, in line with the application of the
principles 9 mental health and development of good relations with fellow human

2.3. Religiosity relationship with Mental Health

According to Ustadz Ucu Najmudin C. HT a spiritual motivator therapist
thought asserts in his book Spiritual Quantum Therapy a person with a strong
spiritual sense will find it easy to live his life. Free from stress and feelings of
anxiety and have a good quality of life. While the weak, the spiritual power will
have difficulty in solving the problems of his life, did not find serenity and
happiness which can result in stress, depression, and more.

chapter III
Metodelogy Research

3.1. Research methodology

In this paper, the research method used is quantitative research methods
korelational. Quantitative research is a process of finding data in the form of
knowledge which uses numbers as a tool to analyze information about what you

want to be known. (Kasiram (2008: 149) in his book Quantitative and Qualitative
Research Methodology).

 Quantitative research is based on the following assumptions (Nana

Sudjana and Ibrahim, 2001; Del Siegle, 2005, and Johnson, 2005).

a. That reality was subjected to one-dimensional research, fragmentary, and tend

to be fixed so that it can be predicted.

b. Variables can be identified and measured by means of an objective and


 Characteristics of quantitative research is as follows (Nana Sudjana and

Ibrahim, 2001: 6-7; Suharsimi Arikunto, 2002: 11; Johnson, 2005; and
Kasiram 2008: 149-150):

a. Using the pattern of deductive reasoning (rational - empirical or top-down),

which seeks to understand a phenomenon by using concepts that are common to
explain the phenomena of a special nature.

b. The logic used is logical positivistic and menghundari things that are

c. The research process followed the procedures that had been planned.

d. The objective of quantitative research is to menyususun nomotetik science is

the science that seeks to create a law-the law of generalization.

e. Subjects in the study, collected data, and the data sources are needed, as well as
a data collection tool that is used in accordance with what has been planned in

f. Data collected through the use you-right measurement tool that objectively and

g. Involves counting numbers or quantification data.

h. Researchers put themselves separately with the object of research, in the sense
that he does not get emotionally involved with the research subjects.

i. Data analysis was performed after all data was collected.

j. In the analysis of the data, researchers are required to understand the statistical

k. The results of research in the form of generalizations and predictions, separated

from the context of the time and situation.

l. The study also called quantitative types of scientific research

3.2. Population and Sample

3.2.1. Population
The population of this research is student of Class X, XI, XI in SMA Negeri 1

3.2.2. samples
Due to time constraints, I as an author only took a class XII student IPA 6 SMAN
1 Baleendah

3.3. Data Collection Instrument

Data collection techniques in this study are:

1. Literature review

A method in which authors seek information and collect data by reading and
summarizing readings from various books related to materials research
2. browsing

A method in which authors seek information and data collected by opening the
site associated with the title previously been established writers. And look for the
facts on the ground. So I get a broader assessment.
3. Questionnaire / questioner

The research was done by making a few questions in the form of a

questionnaire and then distributed to the population to be studied. Questionnaire
or questionnaires to respondents conducted to gather data. This technique is used
so that the respondent can deliver answers in accordance with the perception. The
questionnaire was structured in the form of a Likert scale that uses statements
enclosed to avoid bias towards the response or responses. The questionnaire
includes statements related to the benefits of Social Research for Development

3.4. Time and Place of Research

This study took place in SMAN 1 Baleendah on January 29, 2020.

3.5. Data collection technique

Data were collected manually from the survey results that have been
previously distributed to be filled by students of class XII IPA 6 SMAN 1
Baleendah. The data obtained are then collected to be investigated quantitatively.

Chapter IV
Results and Discussion

4.1. Research result


Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 47.5%

dimension 3 84.25%

dimension 4 87.5%

Mental health 53%


Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 50%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 50%


Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 42%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 75%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 85%

10 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 42%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 100%
11 | P a g e

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 35%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 57%

Criteria Percentage
12 | P a g e

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 64%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 75%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 57%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%
13 | P a g e

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 78%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 57%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 75%
14 | P a g e

Mental health 50%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 75%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 64%

Criteria Percentage
15 | P a g e

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 100 &

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 57%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 100%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 57%

16 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 71%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 64%

17 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 21%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 64%

18 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 75%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 71%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 50%

Mental health 57%

19 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 50%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 25%
20 | P a g e

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 35%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 75%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 57%

Criteria Percentage
21 | P a g e

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 64%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 28%

22 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 42%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 78%

23 | P a g e

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 100%

dimension 3 100%

dimension 4 100%

Mental health 78%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 25%

dimension 3 75%
24 | P a g e

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 28%

Criteria Percentage

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 50%

Mental health 21%

Criteria Percentage
25 | P a g e

dimension 1 100%

dimension 2 50%

dimension 3 75%

dimension 4 75%

Mental health 64%

4.2. Problems Review

Based on the data obtained from the research. Connection between religiosity
level and mental health of SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah class XII Science 6 turns out
to be transparent or can be said there are not any relationship at all. This is
contrary to the hypothesis in which individuals with a good religiosity will have
good mental health as well.
26 | P a g e

5.1. Conclusion
No connection between religiosity and mental health of students in class XII IPA
6 SMAN 1 Baleendah.

5.2. Suggestion
 In the questionnaire there were four dimensions of religiosity in which
there should be five dimensions of religiosity. Due to time constraints and
the difficulty of describing the fifth dimension in this questionnaire is only
used four dimensions of religiosity. For further research should be
prepared for a long time to be able to explain and use all five dimensions
of religiosity.

 Since at least the time samples are taken only one class only so that the
data is not too varied. For further research is recommended to take
samples from a variety of classes, not just one.
27 | P a g e




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