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An onion can make people cry but there's never
been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

State and Temple


Court findings in Padmanabhaswamy case turn on
specific facts. But there are wider ramifications

POTATO TEARS Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Price rise underlines need to not just invest in cold stores, but IN THE SRI Marthanda Varma vs State of templebythestateofTamilNadu.Thisis,iron- Padmanabhaswamy temple, lower castes
Kerala, a two-judge Supreme Court bench ically, at the same moment when BJP govern- were not allowed in on important occasions
also crop area planning, for more informed planting decisions overturned a Kerala High Court finding that mentsinstateslikeUttarakhandwantthestate tillthemid-twentiethcentury.Andtheman-

the Travancore royal family had no role in to take over more temples. agement of temples is the source of patron-
SPURT IN vegetable prices, especially of tomatoes and potatoes, raises ques- controlling or managing the Sri The spectre of a secular state managing age. So thecontest is,who controls,asDevraj
tionsnotonlyontheReserveBankof India’s(RBI)headroomforfurtherinter- Padmanabhaswamy Temple. In 1949, the thousands of temples through properly or- Urs once put it, endowment, hereditary and
est rate cuts, but even for continuing with its accommodative monetary pol- princely state of Travancore had signed a ganised government departments is an patronagerights.ItisnotaboutHindusbeing
icystancetorevivegrowthandinvestmentintheeconomy.Thisisevenmore covenant with the Union of India that the anomaly. The future chief justice, Patanjali victimised. The systematisation of temple
sowithconsumerpriceinflation,at6.09percentinJune,alreadycrossingthecentralbank’s rulers of Travancore, Balarama Varma and Sastri,hadarguedinthedebateovertheHindu management challenged these nodes of
his legitimate successors, could control the Religious and Charitable Endowments Act power. A lot of the exaggerated angst about
6 per cent lakshman rekha and the pass-through effects of the Rs 11-12/litre increase in
managementof thetemple. In1971,the26th that “rigid departmental control over the re- thestatemanagingtemplescomesfromade-
diesel prices since last month still to be felt. Vegetables turning dearer can significantly in- Amendment to the Constitution had abol- ligious institutions and management was sire to wrest control over these nodes of
fluence household inflation expectations that are also a key metric factored in by the RBI’s ished all royal titles. So the conundrum: If against the secular nature of the Indian power; it is the ressentiment of privilege as-
monetarypolicycommittee.InitslastMay22meeting,thecommitteehadtakennoteofthe there were no royal titles, could there be a Constitution”. The distinction that the state serting itself against democratisation. There
“unusual spike in food inflation in April”, which it expected to “moderate” on the back of a royal family? If there was no royal family, managesthesecularaspectsofthetempleand isalegitimatequestion:Whoshouldallocate
normal monsoon. how could it control the temple? The not its religious aspects can be hard to main- the vast resources that temples command?
Supreme Court held that the 26th tain. The line between what is a private de- Neitherprivatetrustsnorthegovernmenthas
Amendmentdidnotimpugntherightsof the nominational temple, and what is a public used them for the enlightened public good.
shouldn’tsurprise.Themainrabicrop,whichfarmersharvestinJanuary-Marchandmainly royal family in the case of the temple, has always been deeply politicised. But this question is not well served by dis-
keepincoldstoresformakingstaggeredsalestillOctober-November,hasbeenanestimated Padmanabhaswamy temple. The Right is partially correct that liberals counting the serious moral imperatives that
25 per cent lower this time. The reason: Poor price realisations for the last three seasons The Supreme Court’s finding turned on sometimes worry too little about the statism led to state oversight of temples. No wonder
(2016-17 to 2018-19), leading farmers to sow less in 2019-20. Given the production short- two claims. A vast number of temples in implicit in the state running temples. State the BJP in power understands some of this
fall,thecurrentpricesareactuallyreasonable.Thepotatostoryissimilartoonionslastyear. Kerala had been handed over to state trusts managementofthesetemplesneedsscrutiny. logic,evenasitsadherentslaunchcampaigns
in 1949. That there was a specific covenant ButtheHindutvanarrative,thatthisphe- to rescue allegedly colonised temples.
Then, too, it was the price crash from a bumper 2017-18 crop that made farmers reduce
concerning the Padmanabhaswamy temple Many have been arguing that nomenonisanotherinstanceof thestatevic- There is also an irony here. It is actually
plantings the following year. Aloo prices would have gone the pyaaz way, but for the lock- made it an exception. It also turned on the timising Hindus, is exaggerated myth mak- the state’s systematisation of temple man-
down-inducedshutdownof eateriesanddipinconsumptionof potato-basedsnacksfrom metaphysically interesting claim that the
thousands of temples need to ing. No Hindu religious worship has been agement the created a singular legal identity
samosasto french fries. More than potatoes, therise in tomato prices— from Rs20 toRs50 royalfamilywasnotroyalbyvirtueof itspar- be liberated from the state, impeded. The histories of the management for Hindu temples in the first place; Tamil
perkgwithinhardlytwomonths—isstriking.ThefactthatgrowersweregettingRs3-5/kg ticular title, but because it was a particular particularly in South India. of specifictemplesandstateendowmentacts Nadu, for example, treats collections from
for their produce in May, while even dumping them on roads, should not be lost on con- family.Theroyalfamilyhadplayedakeyrole They see the political climate vary. But broadly speaking, there was a gen- Hindu temples as a common pool that can
sumers. Nor the fact that onions are retailing today at around Rs 20, as against Rs 90-100 at inmanagingthetemple;butthatrolederived uine conundrum over who has sovereign be shared by other struggling temples. It is
fromthecentralityof kingshipinthemanag- as ripe for it. And they see the rights over the administration of historically actuallytheverystate,whomthetempleres-
the year’s start. evolving jurisprudence in the
ingof thetemple.Itwasthekingwho,afterall, significanttemples.Templeswereritualscaf- cue brigade reviles, that created a national
Therealtakeaway onvegetablesis theneedfor notjustinvesting incoldstores.Neither offered his realm to Padmanabhaswamy as Supreme Court, driven by a foldings for maintaining kingship; the king, Hindu legal identity, and perhaps unwit-
these nor in-field kanda chawl storage structures have reduced price volatility in potatoes the sovereign. So in this sense the case was while leaving theological matters to priests, tingly abetted Hindutva in its political form.
constellation of ‘conservative’
andonions.Whatisnecessary—especiallywhenIndiahasmovedfrombeingastructurally not about a title to property. It was about was responsible for management oversight. In the Padmanabhaswamy case also, the
deficit to surplus producer — is crop area planning. Farmers should have access to credible whether kingship could have a role when judges, as setting a new Askingshipdissolved,thequestionwas:Who court has tried a fine line. While it invokes
forecasts of opening stocks, domestic consumption and export demand for all crops to en- therewerenokings.TheSupremeCourtheld precedent for wresting control wouldstepinforthatmanagementrole?The the hereditary principle to secure the royal
thatitwasthefamilylineage,notthetitle,that of temples away from the answer was, other Hindus, but now through family’s rights, it still retains the mechanism
made this family royal. thedemocraticmechanismsof thestate.This of anAdministrativeCommitteewherestate
for Agricultural Costs and Prices should be entrusted with. Wild price and acreage swings state. This was most recently
The findings in the Padmanabhaswamy is not an instance of the state exercising sov- functionaries have a role. Given its specific
ultimately benefit no one — whether farmers, consumers, processors or policymakers. case turn on facts specific to the case. But the seen in the Chidambaram ereigntyoverHindus;itisHinduscollectively features, it is not clear that the
case has wider political ramifications. Many temple case, which limited the governingtheirtemplesthroughnewmech- Padmanabhaswamycasesets,inlegalterms,
have been arguing that thousands of temples duration of management of anisms.Sothecampaigntorescuetemplesis a precedent for radically reconstituting the
needtobeliberatedfromthestate,particularly not about rescuing Hindus from the state. governanceof templesastheRightsupposes.

UNLOCKING THE CLASSROOM inSouthIndia.Theyseethepoliticalclimateas

the temple by the state of Hindu temples are run by Hindus. It is about But then temples, as we know, are never
ripe for it. And they see the evolving jurispru- Tamil Nadu. This is, displacing one mechanism controlled by about the law. The idols in the temple are
dence in the Supreme Court, driven by a con- ironically, at the same Hindus, with another set of Hindus. meant to be pathways to a luminous con-
stellationof“conservative”judges,assettinga moment when BJP Temples were not just at the centre of sciousness; the management of temples is
Decision must be taken with caution, after wide consultations newprecedentforwrestingcontroloftemples kingship. They controlled land; and vast re- always a pathway to murky politics.
with local governments, schools, parents away from the state. This was most recently
governments in states like sources. They were often mechanisms of ex-

seenintheChidambaramtemplecase,which Uttarakhand want the state to clusion,inthereligioushierarchiesandnorms The writer is contributing editor,
HE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC has led to a crisis in education, amplifying and limited the duration of management of the take over more temples. of entry they instituted. Even in the The Indian Express
deepening the many fault lines that existed in an already unequal schooling
system.Inthepushtomoveeducationonline,millionsof children,whodonot
have the privilege of geography, income and broadband speeds, are being left
disadvantaged. In this context, the Union Ministry for Human Resource Development’s
three-day deadline to states and Union territories, asking them to come back with par-


ents’ views on when they would want schools to reopen — August, September or October
— might seem like another pragmatic step that will allow us “to live with the virus”.
But with cases in India crossing one million and showing no signs of slowing down,
opening schools remains rife with risk — and should be approached with immense cau-
tion. Convincing the adult population to follow social distancing and wear masks is still Art that is relayed digitally misses the warmth and context of human contact
work in progress, as is amply evident in public places. To expect children to be better at
it, when put together in enclosed spaces, is a wholly unrealistic assessment in the mid-
dle of a pandemic. How, then, do governments and societies come up with a solution that Yashodhara Dalmia
compensates for the absence of this vital social space in the lives of children? One way
would be to stop panicking about children “falling behind” in some imaginary academic IT WAS ONLY a year after it was discovered is the raw immediacy of these paintings that through digital means. There are virtual
that photography came to India in 1840. stays in memory. shows, webinars and zoom discussions. The
race. The closure of schools is a setback in many other ways — for the millions of children
Unlike painted likenesses of individuals or The last works done by Mughal artists, as vastexpansionof knowledgethishasbought
whose nutrition is supplemented by mid-day meals, for example, it has grim implica- groups, photographs captured the moment wellastheMughalruleitself,becameathing about could only be possible through these
tions for their future health. For others, it is a loss of solidarity and social life that has con- paralleling the functions of memory. But in of the past in the disastrous aftermath of the brilliant and innovative means. It is as if the
sequences for mental health. For teachers who have not been paid salaries, it underlines doing so, it deprived the image of the warm, 1857 uprising. The accurate depiction of re- horizon has expanded endlessly, like those
how societies have undervalued their skills. human context in which the felt experience ality as well as a concern with ordinary peo- of the medieval miniatures where there was
But like Kerala and other states have shown, it is possible for states and local commu- was embedded. In a painted work of the ple in these brilliant workswas overtaken by no border between sea and sky.
nities to set priorities — deliver mid-day meal rations to children’s homes, or mobilise YellowBoys —soldierswhodressedincanary photography. Yet photography shorn of its Yet, if one looks at the participants in
yellow and belonged to Colonel James emotionalcontextcreatedananaestheticat- these virtual discussions, the profiles are
funds from the community to buy mobile phones, smart televisions and smartphones —
Skinner’s irregular troops — for instance, the mosphere, which would irreversibly change mostly punctuated by darkness or related in
so that children grow as well as keep learning. The pandemic has revealed, again and groupwithitshighlyindividualisedfeatures, the nature of the narrative. As the critic John shadows and light. Could this be the dark-
again, that negligible investments in public goods — such as health and education — hob- standing in a row, also reveals an emotional Berger points out: “It had been freed from ness of death? For the isolation of the space
ble societies. And that top-down diktats are not enforceable in an exploding crisis. It is lo- andpsychologicalunity.ItisbelievedMughal the limitations of fine art, and it had become is filled by shades of black. The drama
cal governments that, for better or worse, have the responsibility of containment and artist Ghulam Ali Khan, who most likely a public medium which could be used dem- matches the 16th century Italian artist
mitigation. Similarly, in the absence of a vaccine, communities, panchayats, schools and painted these, was taken by Skinner on his ocratically. Yet the moment was brief. The Caravaggio’s brilliant effects in black. His
travels to make sketches. Where in these virtual very ‘truthfulness’ of the new medium en- darkening shadows and transfixing subjects
parents shouldbeencouraged and empowered todecideif and whentoreopen the class- discussions or these zoom
Skinner, born of a Rajput woman and a couraged its deliberate use as a means of in bright shafts of light created a virtual
room, and how to teach in a way that no child is left behind. Scottish officer in the late 18th century, shows is the drama of being propaganda. The Nazis were among the first drama of life and death. But where in these
would not be admitted to the East India with like-minded people, of tousesystematicphotographicpropaganda.” virtual discussions or these zoom shows is
Company because he was considered a half By the early 20th century, we had works the drama of being with like-minded peo-
the warmth of contact and

breed. Hence he raised his own irregular of art being reproduced mechanically. But ple,thewarmthof contactandtheoccasional
troops, which stood out because of their yel- the occasional snort? Surely while art could be shared by the ordinary snort? Surely art relayed digitally can never
lowuniformandthemarkeddisplayof brav- art relayed digitally can never folk, there was a lack of the very aura which createthestirof excitementatabrushstroke
ery and skill. These painted portraits of him a specific context created for it. In the words or a wisp of flying colour or an unfaltering
create the stir of excitement
In a crisis, sports federations, other stakeholders must rally and his troops are a vivid testimony of those
at a brush stroke or a wisp of
of the cultural theorist Walter Benjamin, line. Nor can the discussion lead to a shared
feverishtimeswhentheMughalempirewas “…that which withersin the age of mechan- laughter or a disgruntled shake. When the
around young and vulnerable players who have yet to take off declining and there was a chaos of struggles flying colour or an ical reproduction is the aura of the work of COVIDparticleitself glitterslikeabejewelled

between rival powers to assume the throne. unfaltering line. Nor can the art. …By making many reproductions it sub- gem, it replaces an artcreated for individuals
MONGST THE LOSSES most unaccounted for during the COVID-19 pan-
These depictions by the artist Ghulam Ali, stitutes a plurality of copies for a unique ex- whichcomesintoitsownbyhumancontact.
demic is the breaking of sporting dreams. In what was supposed to be an who also painted the last Mughal emperor
discussion lead to a shared istence.”
Olympic year where India's fittest athletes would inspire the nation, there Bahadur Shah II in all his tragic glory, are a laughter or a disgruntled In these COVID times, we are experienc- The writer is an art historian and an
are heartbreaking tales of athletes at the start of their journeys having to reminder of these times. Pauper or prince, it shake. ing for the first time art being relayed only independent curator
give up on sport completely. Asian youth medallists in track and field are staring at a fu-
ture where the drudgery of desperation — selling bananas on handcarts or loading crates
of milk or ferrying commuters in a rickshaw — will replace their ambitions of taking off
This was the grass roots base of the pyramid that would eventually enable India to be JULY 21, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
seen as a country with a robust sporting culture. While the government can't be faulted
for first securing training budgets for the Tokyo-bound elite athletes, other stakeholders DETENTE IN ASSAM ciprocalannouncementwithdrawingrepres- leadership. In support, he quoted some of his
now need to step in. Nurturing the base shouldn't be a difficult goal for sports federations THE SPONSORS OF the Assam agitation an- sivemeasuresandactionagainstgovernment statementsintheAndhralegislature.
nouncedapartialandconditionalsuspension employees and release of detenus.
— in this case, the Athletics Federation of India — which must now rally around its run-
oftheir10-month-oldagitationforafortnight DENG ON INDIA
ners and jumpers and throwers at the smallest district levels.
Funds must be raised and devoted to those who fall outside the safety net of govern-
asatokenoftheirwillingnesstoresumenego- REDDY STILL CM THE CHINESE SENIOR Vice-Premier Deng
tiations on a solution to the foreigners’ issue. ANDHRAPRADESHCHIEFMinisterMChenna Xiaoping has said that the Chinese leaders
ment or corporate financial backing for sport. Indian sport has always drawn from the A joint statement, issued by the Assam Reddy is not being disturbed for the present. have the same “serious, positive and active”
burning aspirations and ambitions of talented children from lower income groups, who Students Union (AASU) and the All Assam Thisindicationwasavailableafteranhour-long attitude towards improving bilateral rela-
see the playing field as a great leveller. They are vulnerable in crisis. Legends like Milkha GanaSangramParishad(AAGSP),saidthesus- meetingbetweenthechiefministerandPrime tions as Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. “I
Singh, PT Usha and Anju Bobby George as well as the current superstars like Hima Das, pension of the agitation — barring the block- Minister Indira Gandhi in Delhi. During the think you can pass this message to Mrs
ade on oil, jute, bamboo and plywood export talks,itislearnt,MrsGandhigaveapatienthear- Gandhi,” he said in an interview to the edi-
Dutee Chand and Neeraj Chopra could lend their names to fundraisers for India's grass
— till August 3 was being announced in def- ing to the point of view expressed by Reddy, tor of Delhi's defence journal Vikrant. There
roots athletes. It's also the time for federation officials — from national to state and dis- erencetothewishesofthegovernmenttocre- without indicating her opinion. Reddy is un- have been points of difference between the
trict level — to own this responsibility and display leadership. After all, fastest, highest, ate an atmosphere to resume discussions. derstoodtohavetakenpainstotellMrsGandhi two countries in the past. But these were
strongest winners emerge from a wide base. No one wins gold running in a solitary lane. They expected the government to make re- thathehadnevertalkedorworkedagainsther now narrowing.

New Delhi



“Other countries should indeed make a choice, not between the US and China,
but between confrontation and cooperation.”

Reforms that miss the point Iran fantasy,

Agriculture sector reforms, such as amending APMC Act, can be counterproductive. State
Arab neglect
intervention is needed to make farming economically and ecologically viable The costs for India of neglecting new possibilities
for wide-ranging Arabian business are far higher
than a lost railway contract in Iran
nuclear confrontation with the non-prolif-
eration treaty (NPT), they warned, would
mean killing support in the US Congress for
the historic civil nuclear initiative signed by
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and
Christophe Jaffrelot President George W Bush in July 2005.
Delhi’s vote against Iran in the
and Hemal Thakker RAJA MANDALA
International Atomic Energy Agency drew
huge fire from PM Singh’s critics. The prag-
by C Raja Mohan matists were vindicated when Iran con-
cludedanucleardealof itsownwiththeUS
IN RURAL INDIA, the COVID-related eco- andmajorpowers,adecadelater.Iransurely
nomic crisis should be addressed as a prior- FEWOFINDIA’Sexternalpartnershipsdraw can take care of its own interests, and there
ity, not only because of its social dimension the kind of passion that Iran does in Delhi. is little reason why Delhi must back Tehran
butalsobecauseof theneedforstructuralre- India’s Iran romance endures despite the in every one of its fights with Washington.
formsthiscrisisisrevealing.However,there- huge gap between the hype and reality in This does not mean Iran is unimportant
formsannouncedbytheNarendraModigov- ties. The persistent enthusiasm for Iran in forIndia’sforeignpolicy.Geographicandde-
ernment are not necessarily the right ones. Delhi also stands in stark contrast to the mographic size, the geopolitical location
FarminginIndiahasbeenmadeeconom- perennial under-appreciation of India’s nextdoor,naturalresourcesandtheextraor-
ically unviable due to the post-1991 policies. much deeper and wider relationship with dinarytalentsof itspeoplemakeIranoneof
The priority, since then, has been given to in- Iran’s Arab neighbours. the most important nations of the world.
dustry as well as services. Middle-class con- Thetheoryof thecaseinDelhiforanex- Mostofthosefabulousassetshavebeen,un-
C R Sasikumar
sumers have been pampered by successive tra-special relationship with Iran rests on a fortunately,neutralisedbyIran’sprolonged
governmentsattheexpenseof farmers,who count for entrepreneurial costs. It helped to whosemarketpricesareconsequentlymore number of claims — historical connections, confrontation with the US.
could not sell their crops at a fair price any- containtheurban/ruraldivide.Suchpractices attractiveandcompetitive.Thishasledtoen- civilisationalbonds,energysuppliesandre- The tendency to view Iran through the
more.Thisunprecedentedneglectof theagri- have been gradually eroded post-1991. The vironmental degradation like the depletion gional security. All these factors are of far lens of its confrontation with the US leads
cultural sector has resulted in an equally un- problem, therefore, is not state intervention of groundwater levels and monocultures greater import in India’s engagement with manyinDelhitoignoretheideologicalchar-
precedented gap between the standard of butthewaythegovernmentdealswithagri- which are a threat to biodiversity. It has also theArabianpeninsula.MillionsofIndianim- acterof theIranianRevolutionandthefears
livingintheruralandurbanpartsof thecoun- culture. ledtotheindustrialisationof agriculture,that migrants in the Arab nations, massive hard generatedbyTehran’spromisetoexportitto
try.WhileunderUPA2,theurban/ruralratio, Second, the APMC Act helped India to results in the strengthening of a handful of currency remittances from them, and the the Arab world. Meanwhile, Iran’s four
intermsof monthlypercapitaexpenditures, buildupfoodstocks—partof which,inciden- multinational companies, which supply densityofcommercialengagementwiththe decades-oldIslamicorderfacesfrequentdo-
was reduced for the first time since 1974, it tally, should be distributed today. As of June, chemical inputs. Liberalisation would only Arab Gulf outweigh the relationship with mestic rebellions. Iran’s clerical regime has
has jumped from 1.84 to 2.42 between 2012 theFoodCorporationofIndia(FCI)had832.69 strengthen the role of large companies — in- Iran. The UAE and Saudi Arabia have, in re- cleavagesofitsownthatcomplicateTehran’s
and2018.Thismeansthatanaverageurban- lakh tonnes of rice and wheat in stock, the cluding those in the agri-food sector. cent years, extended invaluable support in global engagement. Tehran’s moment un-
dwellertodaycanconsumealmost2.5times most since 2005. India managed to weather Structurally, farming needs to be made counteringterrorismandblockedattempts derthesunwillcomeoneday.Butthatmo-
more than an average person in a village. the2008globalfoodcrisisonlybecauseithad economicallyandecologicallyviableinIndia. to condemn India in the Muslim world. ment is not at hand.
Inthiscontext,theModigovernmenthas enoughfoodstocksasIndianagriculturewas Insteadoffurtherliberalisationof agriculture, The sources of this curious inversion in For both internal and external reasons,
decided to liberalise India’s agriculture by not linked to the international futures mar- state intervention for better pricing, invest- India’s intellectual imagination are many. Iran will remain a difficult place to do busi-
amending the Agricultural Produce ket.Thiswaspossibleduetotheprocurement mentsinwaterharvestingandanagroecolog- But first to the latest anxiety in Delhi about ness. Delhi must advance ties with it within
Marketing Committee (APMC) Act and the done through the APMC Act. ical transition could ensure a more resilient the loss of a railway contract in Iran. Large theconfinesofthatunfortunatebutrealcon-
EssentialCommoditiesActtoderegulatetrad- Third, the APMC Act has already been re- systemtoweathershockslikethecurrentone. countries with major foreign investments straint. Meanwhile, the Arab world has had
ing practices in agricultural markets (man- formed to a great extent. Since agriculture is After all, the present migrant workers’ crisis and projects win some and lose some. That its doors open for political, economic and
dis). Peasants will be allowed to sell their a state subject, the Act has been modified in has shown that peasants could not/did not is part of doing business in other countries. technologicalcooperationwithIndia.Three
productswhereveritisvaluableforthemand 17 states. Some of the initiatives include want to stay in rural India. The magnitude of Then there is no escaping the political risk moderateArabnations—Egypt,SaudiArabia
barrierstointer-statetradeinagriculturewill Uzhavar Sandhai in Tamil Nadu, the Rythu the problem may worsen if these workers associated with foreign projects. And poli- andtheUAE—areconfrontingradicalforces
be lifted. Contract farming will also be intro- BazaarinAndhraPradeshandTelangana,the have to continue living in their villages. tics — both domestic and international — is in the region and are valuable partners for
ducedinsuchawaythatthebuyercanassure Apni Mandi in Punjab, the Raitha Santhe in To make India’s agriculture sustainable, all-consuming in Iran. India incounteringforces of destabilisation.
a price to the farmer at the time of sowing. KarnatakaandtheKrushakBazaarinOdisha. The APMC Act is not the thegovernmentcoulddrawinspirationfrom ThesanctionsregimeimposedbytheUS Those who are worried about India los-
This has been touted as the “1991 moment” Therefore,itisincorrecttodescribetheAPMC main problem. On the the Andhra Pradesh Community Managed hascrippledtheIranianeconomy.Italsotar- ing to China in Iran should see the scale of
for the agriculture sector. Actasanimpedimentinalleviatingruraldis- contrary, it has historically Farmingmodel,whichpromotesagroecolog- gets third countries that do business with Beijing’s economic advances in the Arab
ThemainargumentagainsttheAPMCAct tress. On the contrary, the condition of peas- ical principles with the use of locally-pro- certain Iranian entities. India is careful not world.Thetalkofaspectaculardealbetween
been part of the solution —
is that it does not allow the free market to antshasoftenbeenaffectedwhentheAPMC duced,ecologically-sustainableinputsfocus- toattracttheUSsanctions.Indiadidgainan ChinaandIranisjusttalk fornow.Butthere
function due to government intervention, Act has been diluted. Bihar is a case in point: like state intervention in ing on soil health, instead of depending on exemptionfromtheUSsanctionsregimefor is real Chinese economic action in the Arab
thereby denying farmers the opportunity to The APMC Act was revoked in 2006 with the general. Farm pricing is a chemical fertilisers. Since the agro-ecologi- itsparticipationintheChabaharportproject world as the region embraces China's Belt
determine the prices of crops in the market- samerationalethatfurtherderegulationwill case in point. The cal system of farming is more biodiverse in in Iran. But they don’t apply to some of the andRoadInitiative.China’sDigitalSilkRoad
place. In theory, this is a valid argument. But attract private investment in infrastructure. nature,itwillmakethesystemmoreresilient partners suggested by Iran in the railway too is gaining ground in the Arab world.
as the High-Level Committee headed by Notonlyhasthatnotmaterialised,buttheex-
Agricultural Prices overallandprovideasafetynetforfarmersin project.IranwouldlikeIndiatobreaktheUS India is no minor economic force in the
Shanta Kumar observed in 2015, only 6 per isting APMC market infrastructure was also Commission (APC) that case of crop damage due to various factors sanctions regime. A prudent Delhi is resist- Arab world, having had a much longer en-
cent of farmers get the Minimum Support dismantled. As the economist Himanshu was established in 1965 such as climate change or droughts. ingthattemptation.Itwouldratherlosethe gagement with the region than China.
Price (MSP) — 94 per cent already face the pointed out, reforms have “led to prolifera- gradually included the living By investing again in agriculture and fol- railway contract than get into the raging Instead of defining an unrealistic competi-
whims of the market. This is because of bar- tion of private unregulated markets which lowing,atlast,therecommendationsoftheM crossfire between the US and Iran. tion with Beijing, Delhi must up its own
rierstoaccessforfarmersasonly22cropsare charge a market fee from traders as well as
costs of farmers to assess the SSwaminathanCommittee,theGovernment Sectionsof theforeignpolicyelite,how- commercialgameintheArabworld.Oneof
procuredunderMSP.Infrastructureisalsoin- farmers, and without any infrastructure for terms of trade between of Indiawouldalsohelpbridgethedrasticur- ever, see India’s Iran policy as a continuous thenewpossibilitiesforIndialiesinthedo-
adequate, there are only an estimated 7,000 weighing, sorting, grading and storage”. agriculture and industry — ban-ruraldivide—somethingtheMGNREGA puritytestforDelhi’s“strategicautonomy”. main of new technologies.
APMCmandisacrossIndia,andprocurement While the reforms announced by the while determining had contributed to under UPA 1 and 2. These They expect Delhi to conduct its relation- On Monday, the UAE launched the first
depends on the stocks required by the state. Modi government are not the right ones, structuralreformswouldrepresentforfarm- ship with Iran without a reference to either home-grown Arab space mission from a
The APMC Act is not the main problem. Indian agriculture does need real reforms. agricultural pricing. The ers what the MGNREGA has been for land- acost-benefitcalculusorIran’stroubledre- Japanese rocket. The UAE’s space pro-
On the contrary, it has historically been part First,itisstilltooheavilysubsidisedinfavour Commission for less peasants — who would most probably lationshipwithotherswithwhomIndiahas grammeisonlyareflectionof theemerging
of the solution — like state intervention in of the big players. In the Union Budget 2019- Agricultural Costs and benefit from these reforms as well. important partnerships. For the romantics, sentiment among the Gulf Arabs to reduce
general. Farm pricing is a case in point. The 20, the allocation for the Ministry of Prices (CACP) that replaced it is about proving Delhi’s friendship with theover-dependenceonoil,promotealter-
Agricultural Prices Commission (APC) that AgriculturewasRs1,30,485croreandthefer- Jaffrelot is senior research fellow at CERI- Tehran by defying the US. nativeenergysources,investinhigheredu-
was established in 1965 gradually included tiliser subsidy alone was estimated at Rs the APC in 1985 added a 10 Sciences Po/CNRS, Paris and professor of NogovernmentinDelhicanbuyintothat cation, and develop technology hubs. This
thelivingcostsof farmerstoassesstheterms 79,996 crore. However, these subsidies are per cent mark-up over the Indian Politics and Sociology at King’s India proposition. The criticism of the NDA gov- provides a solid basis for elevating India’s
of trade between agriculture and industry concentrated on a few crops. As the agricul- MSP to account for Institute; Thakker is food and agriculture ernment today is similar to that directed at economic partnership with the Arab world
while determining agricultural pricing. The tureeconomistBrunoDorinhasshown,only policy analyst and student of environment theUPAgovernmentin2005overitsstance to the next level. For India, the costs of ne-
entrepreneurial costs. It
CommissionforAgriculturalCostsandPrices three crops receive more than 60 per cent of policy with specialisations in agriculture on Iran’s covert nuclear programme. As the glectingthenewpossibilitiesforwide-rang-
(CACP) that replaced the APC in 1985 added theso-called“non-product-specific”support helped to contain the policy and African affairs at the Paris School USmountedpressureonIrantocomeclean ing Arabian business are far higher than a
a 10 per cent mark-up over the MSP to ac- to agriculture — rice, wheat and sugarcane, urban/rural divide. of International Affairs, SciencesPo 15yearsago,therewasastrongviewinDelhi lost railway contract in Iran.
pragmatistspointedtooneof theprecondi- The writer is director, Institute of South
tionsfortheIndia-US nucleardeal—Delhi’s Asian Studies, National University of

The slipped fisc

strongcommitmenttopreventtheprolifer- Singapore and contributing editor on
ationof nuclearweapons.BackingIraninits international affairs for The Indian Express

Amidtheuncertainty,thisyearwillseeasoberingexpansioninfiscaldeficit LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

Aditi Nayar TWO FRONTS
THESPREADOFtheCOVID-19pandemic,and actions have improved with the easing of re- tothestates,ICRAexpectsnettaxrevenuesof caldeficitwouldrisefurthertoRs14.2trillion. THIS REFERS to the article, 'A pincer in
variousfiscalandothermeasuresannounced strictions. Reports have also pegged the de- the Centre to fall short of the budgeted level It is also clear that the compensation that Ladakh', (IE, July 20). The timing of the
bythegovernmenttocontainitsimpact,have cline in direct tax collections at about 25 per by Rs 3.9 trillion. Further, the current market istobeprovidedtostategovernmentswillsig- Chinese ingression into Indian terri-
structurally altered the arithmetic for its fi- centasonJune17—inlinewithourGDPfore- conditions also indicate a shortfall of non-tax nificantlyovershootthefundsthatwillaccrue tory, multiple unprovoked ceasefire vi- ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
nances for the current fiscal year. While the cast for the first quarter. revenues from the telecom sector as well as through the compensation cess. We project olations along the LOC by Pakistan and
fiscal outlook is evolving along with the pan- On the indirect tax side, GST collections disinvestmentproceeds.WepegthisgapatRs the gap between the available past and cur- incidences of militant attacks in the ● A PACT IN
demic and its economic fallout, the range of have recovered sharply, from 28 per cent in 2.2-2.3 trillion. rentcesscollections,andtherequirementfor Kashmir valley cannot be ignored as JEOPARDY:
options suggests that the government’s fiscal April(ascomparedtocollectionsoverthesame The fiscal support announced by the gov- compensation (for 2020-21 and what was mere coincidences. Since August last S SAMUEL C RAJIV
deficit for 2020-21 could surge to anywhere periodlastyear)to91percentinJune.However, ernment under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat pendingfor2019-20attheendof March),ata year, there has been an overt diplo-
between Rs 13-16.1 trillion, well above the the inflows in June include late payments for AbhiyanisestimatedataroundRs2trillion.At staggeringRs3.9trillion.IftheCentreprovides matic and strategic understanding be- ● LOCKINGHORNS
budgeted level of Rs 8 trillion. the previous three months as well and are thesametime,theexpendituremanagement onlyhalfofthesefunds,itsfiscaldeficitwould tween China and Pakistan to system- ATTHE BORDER:
Thedatawehaveforthefirsttwomonths therefore unlikely to be a goodrepresentation measures that had been put in place for the surge further by around Rs 2 trillion to nearly atically undermine India's global
of the current year is sobering. With a sharp of the level of collections we should expect in first quarter have now been extended to the Rs16.1trillion.However,iftheGSTCouncilde- image. The closeness of the Pakistani
squeezeinrevenuereceipts,amidstamarginal the subsequent months. Data on e-way bills secondquarter.However,assessingtheextent cides to, and is procedurally able to, borrow armed forces with the fanatic elements
contractionintotalspending,theCentre’sfis- paints a similar picture. GST e-way bills, as a of savings that can be generated by such fundstocompensatethestates—backedbya and its dependence on the irregular
cal deficit has widened to Rs 4.7 trillion in percentageofthelevelsobservedlastyearhave spending restrictions is challenging at this guarantee from the Centre — its fiscal deficit militia is an open secret. But the
April-May,stretchingalreadyto59percentof alsorisen,fromamuted16percentinAprilto juncture.Ifwearetoassumeamoderatecom- andmarketborrowingswouldnotbeaffected. Chinese regime could be digging its
the budget estimate (BE) — this is 27 per cent 87percentinJune.However,anoteof caution pressioninexpenditure,ourbaselineestimate Moreover,if thegovernmentdecidestoramp own grave by joining forces with a be a priority in wooing back Tehran.
higher than the same period last year. —pentupdemand,especiallyforitemsthatare is that the Centre’s fiscal deficit will surge to upitscapitalspendinglaterintheyeartostim- rogue army that can exploit the fault Anjali Bhavana, Thiruvananthapuram
The government’s revenue and capital nowconsideredtobeessentialunderthework- Rs 13 trillion this year. ulatetheeconomy,itcouldgenerateadditional lines in Xinjiang to appease the hard-
spending recorded a mixed trend during the
from-home scenario, could have led to a tem-
fiscal pressures.
liners back home.
Sudip Kumar Dey, Kolkata
24 per cent in April, partly reflecting up- sumerdurablesintheinitial“unlocking”period. provisionoffreefoodgrainsunderthePradhan eveninourbasecasescenario,exceedstheex- THISREFERStothereport,“Ramtemple
frontingof somespending,revenueexpendi-
ture contracted by 26percentin May.Incon-
While this would boost both e-way bills and
Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana has been ex-
TEHRAN MATTERS Trust fixed Aug 3 or 5 for start of work,
requests PM to join” (IE, July 19).
trast,capitaloutlay,whichhadshrunkby8per Withthesemixedtrends,howdowefore- 1.5 trillion. Our understanding is that only Rs alltheseconcerns,yieldsongovernmentsecu- THIS REFERS to the editorial 'Iran and FocussingontheRamTemplewouldbe
centinthefirstmonthofthelockdown,roseby see government finances unfolding over the 0.3trilliontowardssuchcostswasincludedin rityappearremarkablysanguine,asiftheyare China',(IE, July 20). While there are po- imprudent at a time India has become
a substantial 57 per cent as the lockdown re- year?Buildingintheexpectedimpactof con- thefiscalsupportannouncedearlier.Ifthebal- patiently waiting for the central bank to ab- liticalrisksforIndiaintheproposedSino- the third most affected COVID-affected
strictions were partly eased. tinuing economic uncertainty on individual anceamountisentirelyfundedthroughbudg- sorbtheextrasovereignborrowingsinthepri- Iranian deal, New Delhi needs to exer- country in the world. The need of the
Encouragingly, the extent of contraction and corporate income levels and non-discre- etaryresources,asopposedtothepossibilityof mary or secondary market. cise caution. Improving its track record hour is to keep the virus in check.
in the Centre’s gross tax revenues has nar- tionary spending, the windfall related to the being partly funded through loans from the on project implementation should also S S Paul, Nadia
rowed down to 37 per cent in May, from 44 hikesinexcisedutyleviedonpetrolanddiesel, National Small Savings Fund to the Food The writer is principal economist, ICRA.
percentinApril,ledbyindirecttaxes,astrans- and adjusting for lower taxes to be devolved CorporationofIndia,thenthegovernment’sfis- Views are personal

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to



United Kingdom
How close or far is vaccine
Oxford researchers have published promising trial results of vaccine candidate against Covid, days after
Moderna published its own results. What are the findings, and how is the global vaccine hunt placed now?
Mexico human trials. The frontrunners include:
353,590 NEWDELHI,JULY20 Inactivated
Peru Thesearevaccinesmadebyusingparticles
RESULTS PUBLISHED on Monday of early hu- of theCovid-19virusthatwerekilled,making
2,098,389 11,18,206 mantrialsof aCovid-19vaccinedevelopedby them unable to infect or replicate. Injecting
India the University of Oxford and drugmaker particular doses of these particles serves to
330,930 364,328 AstraZenecahaveshownpromise.Theresults buildimmunitybyhelpingthebodycreatean-
Chile South Africa
come around a week after US biotech firm tibodies against the dead virus.
Moderna had released its own early trial data FRONTRUNNERS: Sinovac, Wuhan
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 14,538,115 DEATH COUNT: 606,922 and at a time when several firms are racing to Institute of Biological Products-Sinopharm,
find an effective vaccine against the coron- Beijing Institute of Biological Products-
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11 pm on July 20 . JHU’s India tally and Health avirus that has killed over 600,000 globally. Sinopharm,BharatBiotech,InstituteofMedical
Ministry’s tally (below) may not match if these are accounted at different times. Biology(ChineseAcademyofMedicalSciences)
vaccinecandidatework? Non-replicating viral vector
WhensomeoneisinfectedwiththeCovid- This is the category the Oxford-
What is ‘inflammageing’? Does 19virus(SARS-CoV-2),thereasonitspreadsin
the body easily is because of the spikes on its
ened, genetically modified version of a differ-

it have a role in severe Covid? surface.Thesespikes,knownasthe‘spikepro-

tein', allow the virus to penetrate cells and,
thereafter, multiply.
ent virus to carry the Covid-19 spike protein.
FRONTRUNNERS: Oxford-AstroZeneca,
CanSino Biological Inc-Beijing Institute of
The vaccine developed by Oxford and Biotechnology, Gamaleya Research Institute
AS ONE ages, inflamma- American Association for AstraZeneca, which belongs to a category Inside Oxford Vaccine Group lab, samples from trials. John Cairns, University of Oxford via AP
tionthroughoutthebody the Advancement of called non-replicating viral vector vaccines, Protein subunit
reaches higher levels. Scienceexplainshowour triestobuildthebody’simmunityagainstthis Thisvaccineusesapartofthevirustobuild
Known as ‘inflammage- immunesystemweakens spikeprotein.Theideaistocreateantibodiesto antibody responses were detected in 32 of 35 phaseIIItrialsinIndiabeforethevaccinecanbe an immune response in a targeted fashion. In
ing’, this can inhibit im- withage.Asthishappens, fight this spiked surface so that the virus does participantsstudiedafterasingledose,andin launched.Sofar,thefirmhasreceivedpermis- this case, the part of the virus being targeted
munity.Becausethemost our bodily defence sys- notevenhavethechancetopenetratethecells. all nine participants assessed after they were sion to manufacture certain doses for testing would be the spike protein.
severe Covid-19 cases PAPER tems respond more The vaccine uses a different virus — in this administered a second, booster dose. purposes, said a senior government official. FRONTRUNNERS: AnhuiZhifeiLongcom

have occurred mostly in slowlytobacterialandvi- case, a weakened version of a common cold Thevaccineshowedmildtomoderatead- “Wewillbeapplyingforthelicensuretrialsto Biopharmaceutical-Institute of Microbiology
olderpeople,researchers ral infections, leaving the virus(adenovirus)thatinfectschimpanzees— verse reactions, including pain, feverish feel- the Indian regulator in a week’s time. As soon (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Novavax,
areinvestigatingwhether elderly more vulnerable. tocarryjustthecodetomakethespikeprotein, ings, chills, muscle aches, headaches and astheygrantuspermission,wewillbeginwith CloverBiopharmaceuticalsInc-GSK-Dynavax,
inflammageinghasarole. In addition to the de- likeaTrojanhorse.Theadenovirus,genetically malaise. The effects were reduced using pro- the trials for the vaccine in India,” said Adar Vaccine Pty Ltd-Medytox, University of
NEW RESEARCH terioration of immunity, modifiedsothatitcannotreplicateinhumans, phylacticparacetamol,accordingtothestudy. Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute. Queensland-CSL-Seqirus
extreme inflammatory another common condi- willenterthecellandreleasethecodetomake
responses, which are common in the tion of ageing is inflammageing. This onlythespikeprotein.Thebody’simmunesys- Howsignificantisthis? HowdoesthiscomparewithModerna’s RNA
lungs of severe Covid-19 patients? is characterised by chronic low-grade tem is expected to recognise the spike protein Whiletheresultsseempromising,itisim- vaccineresults? Such vaccines use the messenger RNA
In a Perspective published in the inflammation, which occurs without asapotentiallyharmfulforeignsubstance,and portant to remember this data is from early- Moderna,thefirstfirmtobeginhumantri- (mRNA)moleculesthattellcellswhatproteins
journal Science, researchers Arne an infection. While inflammation is startsbuildingantibodiesagainstit. stage clinical trials. This data cannot give clar- als for a Covid-19 vaccine candidate in collab- tobuild.ThemRNA,inthiscase,iscodedtotell
Akbar and Derek Gilroy of University essentialtotheimmune response,in- Onceimmunityisbuilt,theantibodieswill ity on questions like how long the antibodies orationwiththeUSNationalInstituteofAllergy thecellstorecreatethespikeprotein.Onceitis
College London discuss the impact of flammageing is not. Research has attacktherealvirusifittriestoinfectthebody. willlastinthebody,animportantfactorinde- and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), published injected,thecellswillusethemRNA’sinstruc-
inflammageing on immunity in age- shown that this state of elevated in- termining how effective the vaccine will be. early stage results last week for its vaccine, tions, creating copies of the spike protein,
ing individuals. They suggest that re- flammationcanworsenmanyage-re- Whatdothelatestresultsmean? Thiswill requiredatafromlarger,phase IIItri- whichusesadifferenttechnology(mRNA).The which in turn is expected to prompt the im-
ducing inflammation using anti-in- lated diseases, and further inhibit the ThepreliminaryresultsfromphaseI/IItri- als, which are currently under way. data it released in the New England Journal of mune cells to create antibodies to fight it.
flammatory drugs may provide a response from an already declining als of the vaccine, published in The Lancet, of- MedicineonJuly14showedsimilarabilitiesto FRONTRUNNERS: Moderna-NIAID,
therapeutic strategy, not only for en- immune system. In the case of Covid, fered some promise by showing the vaccine Whathappensnext? induceantibodyandneutralisingantibodies,as BioNTech-Fosun Pharma-Pfizer, Imperial
hancingimmunitybutalsofor poten- the Perspective suggests it could be was notonly safe, but also seemed tobuild an Globally, Oxford and AstraZeneca have al- well as some T-cell response. Moderna is ex- College London, Curevac, PLA Academy of
tially improving Covid-19 outcomes the initial trigger that kicks off the ex- immuneresponseintheparticipants.Forone, ready begunphaseIII trials inBrazil,targeting pected to begin its phase III trials on July 27. Military Sciences-Walvax Biotech
in older patients. treme inflammatory responses seen it was found that being injected with the vac- 5,000volunteers.AsimilartrialinSouthAfrica Given the differences in the way the data
In an article introducing the in the most severely ill patients. cine led to participants building neutralising is also expected to be under way. has been presented by Moderna and the DNA
Perspective, Science publisher EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE antibodies.Anotherpotentialpositivewasthat Meanwhile,SerumInstituteofIndia,which University of Oxford/AstraZeneca, some ex- These vaccines use genetically engi-
it increased the number of T cells — a type of hastiedupwithOxfordandAstraZeneca,plans pertssayitisdifficulttoprovideapropercom- neeredDNA moleculesthat,again,arecoded
white blood cell that protects the body from tomake“millionsofdoses”ofthevaccineover parison of the two at this stage. with the antigen against which the immune
pathogens and cancer cells and works to ac- thenextthreemonths,afteritreceivesaman- response is to be built.
INDIA COUNT: 11,18,043 (27,497 DEATHS) tively destroy infected cells.
A single dose of the vaccine elicited an in-
ufacturing licence. The firm is expected to
Pharmaceuticals-International Vaccine

crease in antibodies specifically against the income countries. iedglobally,with23ofthemrecognisedbythe Institute,OsakaUniversity-AnGeS-TakaraBio,

ArunachalPradesh 740
spikeproteinbythefirst28days.Neutralising However, Serum will have to conduct World Health Organization as candidates in Zydus Cadila, Genexine Consortium.

Assam 23999

Series of missions to Mars: why, when

49,247 UP Chandigarh 717
Chhattisgarh 5407
1,22,793 26,569 DadraandNagarHaveli 605
Delhi Biahr Goa 3657
Haryana 26164
HimachalPradesh 1483
JammuandKashmir 13899
Jharkhand 5535 habitableconditionsandmicrobiallifeinMars’ first interplanetary one. The previous three
Kerala 12480 MEHRGILL ancient past. Over its mission of one Martian were all Earth-observation satellites.
42,487 Ladakh 1178
West Bengal MadhyaPradesh 22600 NEWDELHI,JULY20 year (687 Earth days), it will collect Martian Hope is scheduled to reach Mars’s orbit in
48,355 Manipur 1911 rock and sediment samples for analysis. February 2021 and then start orbiting the
Gujarat 45,076 Meghalaya 450 ON SUNDAY, the UAE launched the Arab The rover is equipped with specialised planet. Its mission life is one Martian year.
Telangana Mizoram 284
world’sfirstmissiontoMars.Thelaunchofthe equipment to collect data, analyse weather
3,10,455 49,650
17437 spacecraft Amal (Hope) took place from the conditionsthatcanhelpplanforfuturehuman Tianwen-1: Soil study
Andhra Pradesh Puducherry 1999 Tanegashima Space Center, Japan, aboard missions, and produce oxygen from the car- China’s first Mars probe will be launched
Punjab 10100
63,772 Rajasthan 29434
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ H-II A rocket. bon-dioxide-rich atmosphere. on a Long March 5 Y-4 booster from Xichang,
1,70,693 Karnataka Sikkim 283 The UAE launch marks the first of three Perseverance is expected to land on China.Theprobeconsistsofanorbiter,alander
Tamil Nadu Tripura 2878 missions being planned to Mars in the end of February 18, 2021. NASA’s Curiosity rover has and a rover and aims to study Martian topog-
Uttarakhand 4515 July.ChinaplansitsfirstMarsprobe,Tianwen- been exploring Mars since 2012. raphyandgeologyanddeterminethecompo-
1(formerlyHuoxing1),inthecomingfewdays. sition of the surface material, climate and en-
UnionHealthMinistryupdateasof 11pm,July20.Somestatesmayhave The US, the only country that has sent previ- Hope: Atmospheric data vironment.
reportedhighernumbers.Onlystates/UTswithatleastonecaselistedabove. ous missions to Mars, plans its Perseverance Hope was developed by UAE scientists in Tianwen-1 is expected to reach the Red
7,00,087 PATIENTS DISCHARGED IN 35 STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES mission on July 30. the US, and its launch is the 45th for H-II A. Planet by early 2021 and will use high-reso-
The end of July 2020 offers a launch win- Carryingthreeinstrumentsincludingacamera lution cameras to search for a suitable land-
dowwithEarthandMarsalignedattheirclos- andaspectrometer,thespacecraftisonanor- ing site somewhere in the Utopia Planitia re-
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? est in two years, which means using less fuel. bitalmissiontocollectdataonMartianclimate gion. The spacecraft weighs around 240 kg
Write to Japan’s H-IIA rocket takes off with dynamicsandhelpscientistsunderstandwhy and will carry cameras, a subsurface radar, a
Perseverance: Hunt or life UAE’s Hope orbiter in Japan. AP Mars’s atmosphere is decaying into space. spectrometer, a magnetometer, and atmos-
NASA’s Perseverance will look for signs of HopeistheUAE’sfourthspacemissionand pheric sensors.

The legacy of C S Seshadri, mathematician, researcher, educator

anofferfromthenewlyformedSPICScience raphy,computationalbiologyandmathemat- theory,integerprogrammingandtheoretical Henri Poincaré.
KABIRFIRAQUE Foundation to set up a School of ical economics, Thiagarajan said. physics.TheNarasimhan-Seshadritheorem, TheNarasimhan-Seshadritheoremsetup
NEWDELHI,JULY20 Mathematics. Seshadri was then at the “Without a doubt, CMI with its present developed in 1965 with his friend M S acorrespondencebetweentwobasicclasses
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, where stature and potential would not exist with- Narasimhan,playsacentralroleinconformal of objects, Balaji said. “Setting up such corre-
INLIFE,themathematicianCSSeshadriwas he had launched a doctoral programme but out the vision, leadership and monumen- field theory and string theory. spondences was somewhat like the process
recognised with awards ranging from the waskeenonaprogrammethatwouldcom- taleffortsof Seshadri,”Thiagarajansaid.“His Born in 1932 in Kanchipuram and edu- ofidentifyingaRosettastoneforthedecipher-
Padma Bhushan and the Shanti Swarup bine high-level research with undergradu- personality, a delightful mix of simplicity, cated in Chengleput (Tamil Nadu), Chennai ing of hieroglyphics. The two classes in the
Bhatnagar Award in India to fellowships ate teaching. lack of malice, love of life and uncompro- and Mumbai (he got his PhD from Bombay Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem were analo-
withRoyalSocietyfellowshipandAmerican “Since it seemed to offer a more realistic mising standards of excellence, attracted University),Seshadri made hismajor contri- gous to two of the lines in the Rosetta stone,”
Mathematical Society abroad. In death, he path towards launching an undergraduate the goodwill and support of all those who butionsafterhewenttoParisin1957.“Atthe hesaid.“Athirdlinecameupmuchlaterfrom
has received tributes from the Prime teachingprogramme,Seshadrimadetherad- came into contact with him. This has con- time that he finished his doctoral work, the theworkofSimonDonaldsonduringthemid-
Minister, the President and leaders in sci- ical decision to move to this private setting,” tributedimmeasurablytothefoundingand subjectitself wasundergoingauniquerevo- 1980s. Once this was provided, many subtle
ence and mathematics. his long-time friend P S Thiagarajan told The C S Seshadri (1932-2020) development of CMI.” lution,”saidCMI’sProfessorBalaji,oneof the and beautiful aspects of differential geome-
From the huge body of his contributions Indian Express by email from California. PhDstudentswhohadjoinedSeshadriinhis try,topology,mathematicalphysicsandnum-
to mathematical research and teaching, two Thiagarajanisatheoreticalcomputerscientist His research move from the Institute of Mathematical bertheorygotunravelledmiraculously.”
stand out. He founded the Chennai whomSeshadrihadrecruitedattheInstitute onmathematicsbutincludedcorecomputer Senior school students are familiar with Sciences in the 1980s. From Seshadri’s work with Narasimhan
MathematicalInstitute,whichattractstalent ofMathematicalSciences,andwhomhetook science courses. In 1998, the School of graphs that plot straight lines from linear “Seshadri went to Paris in 1957 and very arose the concept of “Seshadri constants”.
from around the world with its courses on alongtobuildthenewschool.“Iwasdelighted MathematicswasreorganisedastheChennai equations in two variables; science stream quicklyenteredthesanctumofthisnewtem-
mathematics,computerscienceandtheoret- tojoinhimonthisadventure,”hesaid.Others MathematicalInstitute(CMI),whichwenton students go on to work with higher-order pleofalgebraicgeometry.Thisprovidedadis- After Paris
icalphysics.Theotherstandoutcontribution who joined them were then PhD students to be recognised as a deemed university by equations that describe two-dimensional tinctively unifying perspective which con- Seshadri returned to India in 1960 and
is his breakthrough research in algebraic Vikraman Balaji (mathematics) and the UGC in 2006. shapes such as a circle or 3D shapes such as nected it to all branches of mathematics at joined Tata Institute of Fundamental
geometry; there is a theorem and a type of MadhavanMukund(computerscience),both Today, CMI offers undergraduate educa- cube. Seshadri’s field of study was algebraic some level,” Balaji said. Research,wherehehelpedestablishaschool
constant named after him. now senior faculty members at the Chennai tion in mathematics and computer science, geometry,acoredisciplineinmodernmath- Itwasinthissettingthatoneshouldview of algebraic geometry. In 1984, he moved to
Seshadri died on Friday, aged 88. Mathematical Institute. a research programme in these subjects as ematicsthatinvestigatesthegeometryofso- Seshadri's collaboration with Narasimhan, theInstituteofMathematicalSciences,where
It began as a teaching programme with well as theoretical physics, and an MSc pro- lution-sets of such equations. Balaji said. Their theorem’s roots lay in the he recruited Thiagarajan who was then
The Institute initialrecognitionfromBhojOpenUniversity gramme that includes data science. It plans Applications of algebraic geometry arise work of the French mathematician André abroad.FromtherewouldfollowtheChennai
InChennaiinthemid-1980s,Seshadrigot (Madhya Pradesh). The curriculum centred toexpandintoquantumcomputing,cryptog- in statistics, control theory, robotics, coding Weil and were closely linked to the work of Mathematical Institute.

New Delhi
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UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa

ndia’s boycott of China’s Belt and

of Jammu & Kashmir and, hence, belongs
connectivity project by both land and sea and
a bulk of the world’s crude oil moves.
tionship based on mutual hostility to
ership. It will take great skill (and manage-
Gilgit-Baltistan against Islamabad’s mis- ture and grab the region before route to Pakistan was conceived mendable. However, even after
SXUSRVHOHVV PDNLQJVXUHKLVRQHWLPHGHSXW\LVWRUPHQWHGE\LQVXOWVHQRXJK treatment and more recently against the the arrival of winter in November. and partially executed by Maj Gen KS Thimayya modified
DQGHQGVKLVLQQLQJVZLWKWKH&RQJUHVVVRRQ6XFKLVWKHXJOLQHVVWKDWWKHUHLV CPEC. According to an intelligence report It was a serious lapse on the part Chairman Mao; President Xi and led tanks up the Zoji-la in
QRSRLQWRIUHWXUQ$QGQRZWKDW3LORWWRRKDVEHFRPHLPSDWLHQWKDYLQJJLYHQ accessed by Paul D Shinkman, national secu- of our foreign policy and nation- Jinping is trying to complete this 1947, India never invested in
rity analyst, US News and World Report mag- al security mandarins not to agenda. The salami-slicing tech- light tanks for mountain warfare.
azine, New Delhi views the current imbroglio
in Ladakh as evidence of “Beijing’s sweep-
anticipate these moves.
The June 15 killing of 20
278=08BD=70??H nique is not ad hoc needling of
India but a grand design of
Worse, former Defence Minister
Manohar Parrikar’s suggestion
DQG8WWDU3UDGHVK³KDVGHFLGHGWRUDOO\EHKLQGKLPMXVWOLNHLWGLGIRUKLVIDWKHU ing imperialist designs.” China covets (large Indian Army personnel in hand- 0C?D1;82 strategists of the Communist for a Mountain Strike Corps was
Pakistan and enhanced stability for the
to-hand combat at Patrolling
Point 14 of Galwan, Western ?A>C4BCB8= Party of China. The increased
terrorist infiltration on the west-
simply struck down.
New Delhi and Washington
WKH%-3HYHQLIKHFKRRVHVQRWWRMRLQLW+HFRXOGHYHQXVHLWDVDEDUJDLQLQJ CPEC; resentful local populations would be Sector of Ladakh border, was a 68;68C10;C8BC0= ern front clearly enjoys Beijing’s believe that Beijing exploited the
0608=BC support. Henceforth, India’s mil- Coronavirus pandemic to assert
)RUGHVSLWHLQWHUFHVVLRQE\WKH\RXQJHU*DQGKLVZKRKDYHQRWEHHQDEOHWR New Delhi believes that Beijing wants its military in this strategic loca- itary planning should view the territorial claims along its bor-
to expel Indian troops from areas it wants tion. But the valiant response 8B;0<0103³B northern frontier as a single enti- ders, in the South China Sea,

to occupy and eventually link Thang
Chhenmo (wild, big desert) that China calls
from Col B Santosh Babu and
his men, who took down 35 to <8BCA40C<4=C ty. The loss of Tehran must be
acknowledged as a diplomatic
and Hong Kong. The Trump
administration issued retaliato-
KDYHEHHQORVLQJWKHPFRQVLVWHQWO\$QGZKLOHG\QDVWLFOLQHDJHPD\VHHWKHP Aksai Chin (white stone desert pass) after 53 Chinese soldiers (casualties 0=3<>A4 blunder. ry sanctions against Beijing after
intruding into the region in mid-1950s. The
aim is to link Thang Chhenmo (India must
not acknowledged to this day)
before making the supreme sac- A424=C;H0608=BC In January 2020, China con-
ducted military exercises in
it imposed sanctions on US
lawmakers for passing a legisla-
WKDWDGKRFLVPFRQWLQXHVDQGWKHROGJXDUGLVMXVWDVEHOOLJHUHQWDERXWLWVDEVR start calling the area by its original Ladakhi rifice, has strengthened the C742?42278=0 Tibet, showcasing the PLA’s tion against China for repression
OXWLVWZD\VLQUHWXUQIRUUHJLVWHULQJWKHSDUW\·VSUHVHQFHLQWKHFRXQWU\·VHOHF name) with the Shaksgam Valley region, gift- national resolve to defend the
ability to fight a mountain war, in Hong Kong. US Secretary of
ed illegally by Pakistan in 1963, and even- borders at any cost, a message with the Type 15 light battle State Mike Pompeo promised
tually join Pakistan. Every move has been
methodically planned.
reinforced by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and Defence
?>AC8>=B>5 tank, the new 155-MM vehicle-
mounted howitzer, helicopters,
increased support to allies in the
South China Sea.
WLHVLQWKH6WDWHVKDVDOUHDG\UHGXFHGWKH&RQJUHVVWREHLQJRSWLRQ&DVLQ In April 2013, a Chinese platoon entered Minister Rajnath Singh during ;030:75>A40BH heavy artillery and anti-aircraft Observers, however,
the Daulat Beg Oldi area with the same
objective in mind, though it withdrew a
recent visits to Ladakh. However,
as the stakes are much higher
0224BBC> missiles. The increasing number
of military exercises in Tibet
expressed surprise at the deter-
mination with which Beijing
LVODWRUVZDQWHGWREHRQWKHULJKWVLGHRISRZHUWKDQVTXDQGHULQJDSROOSHUIRU month later. Occupation of Daulat Beg Oldi this time, Beijing’s retreat is ?0:8BC0=0=3 over the past three years has moved on so many fronts simul-
with Siachen glacier (currently held by India)
grudging and slow.
The modus operandi at 4=70=243 acclimatised the PLA to high-
altitude conditions and India
taneously, from denting Hong
Kong’s autonomy and trying to
WUDWHG5DKXO*DQGKLUHVLJQHGODVW$XJXVWDVSDUW\·VLQWHULPSUHVLGHQWXQDEOHWR and Karakorum Pass, where it has built an Doklam in 2017 bears examina- BC018;8CH5>AC74 cannot afford to be complacent. impose its authority on the
all-weather road. A cursory look at the map
shows that Pangong-Tso and Galwan Valley,
tion. The People’s Liberation
Army (PLA) was engaged in a 2?42*A4B4=C5D; Interestingly, the exercises
were held from Lhasa up to the
archipelago; to upping the ante
against India in Ladakh and
EHFDXVHWKHROGJXDUGGRHVQ·WZDQWWREHEODPHGIRUGULYLQJWKHSDUW\RQWKH where the current stand-off is taking place, joint military exercise on the ;>20; border — a message to Tibetans wooing Tehran against India; to
could enable China to seal the border of the
Union Territory of Ladakh from Thang
Tibetan plateau to test its com-
bat efficiency when it suddenly ?>?D;0C8>=B in Tibet and India. One wonders
why does India host a Tibetan
challenging Washington and
reiterating its claims in the
KLPZRQ·WVWD\EDFNDVWKH\JHWDFKDQFHWRUHDOLVHWKHLUFDUHHUREMHFWLYHVHOVH Chhenmo side and fully absorb this large ter- crossed into Indian territory. The F>D;314340;C Government-in-exile if it sees South China Sea vis-à-vis its
This would make it difficult to defend
Doklam intrusion was resolved
diplomatically but showed that F8C7BC4A=;H Tibet as part of China? We must
fix our foreign policy goals and
South East Asian neighbours
and Taiwan. This could prove a
WKHJURXQGDQGDSSHDUWRKDYHEHHQXVHGUDWKHUWKDQUHVSHFWHG<HVWKH%-3LV Ladakh in the event of more serious hostili- Beijing has built all-weather engage Sikyong, Lobsang classic overreach but
DYDULFLRXVDQGZDLWLQJWRGHIDQJWKH2SSRVLWLRQLQJHQHUDODQGPDNH,QGLD´&RQJUHVV ties. India cannot allow China to entrench roads along its borders for swift Sangay, who desire an indepen- Washington should help by
PXNWµDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH%XWLVQ·WWKH&RQJUHVVLWVHOISUHVHQWLQJLWVULYDOWKDW itself along the Thang Chhenmo border. As military mobilisation. dent Tibet. turning neutral on Iran.
this deadly terrain can be visited only in sum- In hindsight, it appears that India’s move to augment its (The author is a senior jour-
WHPSWDWLRQ"6FLQGLDDQG3LORWQHYHUZDQWHGWROHDYHDQGPD\QHYHUEHKDSS\ mer months, China had to build infrastruc- China’s quest for a direct land border infrastructure is com- nalist. Views are personal)
P]SfPb^][hcWTaTc^ X]bTRdaXcXTbPaTTPbX[hR^]RTP[TS bPUTCWPc\TP]bbcP]SX]Vd_ AT[Pd]RW³c^SPh

X]SdRTUXVWcP\^]V_T^_[T QTWX]SP\PbZ^UUX[cTab^]T PVPX]bcRa^bbQ^aSTacTaa^aXb\ /APWd[6P]SWXYX fPbPb
8P\]^cWTaTc^bT[[eTV cWPcfT³eTQTT]fTPaX]VbX]RT fWT]^da]TXVWQ^dabPccT\_cc^ dbdP[fTPZ^]UPRcbP]S
TcPQ[Tb8P\cWT2< cX\TX\\T\^aXP[ RWP]VTbcPcdb`d^ bca^]V^]\dSb[X]VX]V

APYPbcWP]2< 0Rc^a 5^a\Ta0\TaXRP]SX_[^\Pc 19?RWXTU


Improving water laws will go
3_\\QR_bQdYfUUVV_bdc^UUTUTd_VYWXd3?F94!) a long way in addressing this
issue. The need of the hour is for

Sir — By putting greater faith on the State Government to show the
the virtues of martinet gover- P\X[[X^]0RR^aSX]Vc^cWT8]SXP]<TSXRP[0bb^RXPcX^] willingness to handle the floods
OLWHODXQFKE\WKH8$(6HYHUDORIWKHVHYHQ nance, we expected the pandem- 8<0cWTb_XZTX]cWT]d\QTa^U2>E83 (RPbTb with an open mind.
(PLUDWHVWKDWPDNHXSWKDWQDWLRQKDYHSLQQHG ic travails to end by mid-May and X]8]SXPWPbaTbd[cTSX]cWTR^\\d]Xchb_aTPS^UcWTSXb Bal Govind
trains. Within months, however, cWP]Pa^d]S"CWXbXbX]SXRPcX^]T]^dVWcWPccWT
VSDFHSRUWV IRU FRPPHUFLDO VSDFH WUDYHO we have touched over a million eXadbWPbb_aTPSX]adaP[PaTPbFXcW\^aTcWP]!$
UHVHDUFKRUURFNHWU\QDWLRQVOLNHWKH8$(PLJKW passes 36 million. Both nations ^eTa!$\X[[X^]_T^_[TfX[[R^]caPRccWTSXbTPbTQh0dVdbc
now wonder what went wrong. $1TbXSTb<PWPaPbWcaPP]SCP\X[=PSdBcPcTbbdRWPb Sir — Government-run hospitals
FRPSDQLHVHQWHULQJWKHVSDFHVHFWRU7KLVSUREHWKHUHIRUHLVDVWDWHPHQWRI own hesitant approach has con- WPeTbcPacTSbW^fX]VPf^abT]X]VcaT]S Infrastructure and other facilities
tributed to this serious predica- 8c Xb f^aaXb^\T cWPc cWT D]X^] 6^eTa]\T]c WPb _PaPS^g6XeT]cWPc8]SXPWPbP_^_d[PcX^]^U "%QX[ remain poor in our country.
LQWHQWPRUHWKDQDQ\WKLQJHOVH%\QRZZHKDYHDJUHDWHUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKH ment as much as our ceding the bWd]]TScWTaTb_^]bXQX[Xch^UR^\QPcX]VcWTeXadbP]S [X^]RPbTbPaTQ^d]Sc^bTTPUdacWTab_XZTFT]TTS Further, the cost of the medicine
0DUWLDQVXUIDFHWKDQZHGRRIWKHERWWRPRIRXURZQRFHDQ onus of national medical care to [TUcXcc^aTb_TRcXeTBcPcT6^eTa]\T]cbCWTU^a\TaWPb c^ UXVWc cWT eXadb P]S ]^c \P]PVT SPcP CWT D]X^] and devices as mentioned, varies
:KHWKHUWKH8$(LVVXFFHVVIXORUQRWLQDWWUDFWLQJWDOHQWDQGFRPSDQLHVWR private set-ups and the near- ]^cbW^f]P]hbTaX^db]Tbb^cWTacWP]dbX]VSPcPc^R[PX\ 6^eTa]\T]c\dbc_d[[d_Xcbb^RZbP]SWT[_cWTBcPcT from 10 to 90 per cent. State
absent centralised health system. cWPcfTPaTbXccX]VX]PR^\U^acPQ[T_^bXcX^]<TP]fWX[T 6^eTa]\T]cbR^\QPccWTeXadb8c\dbcR^\Td_fXcW Governments have put a cap on
LWVVKRUHVUHPDLQVWREHVHHQ6SDFHDIWHUDOOLVD*RYHUQPHQWGRPLQDWHGDQG In a pandemic, this seminal skew PRhR[T^U[^RZS^f]bP]SaT[PgPcX^]bWPbSXbad_cTS[XUT P]PcX^]P[_[P]c^R^\QPccWTSXbTPbTP]SPccWTbP\T the cost of treatment. It is clear that
KLJKO\QDWLRQDOLVWLFVHFWRU(YHQSULYDWHYHQWXUHVOLNH(ORQ0XVN·V6SDFH;DUHJUHDW in the public health architecture PRa^bbcWTR^d]cahCWT6^eTa]\T]cWPbU^RdbbTS^] cX\TPSSaTbbcWT_a^Q[T\^UPU[PVVX]VTR^]^\h private hospitals and laboratories
O\IXQGHGE\WKH86*RYHUQPHQW0XVNLVFOHDUWKDWKHZDQWVWROHDGWKHZD\ is proving to be an exponential Xcb°V^^S]Tfb±\TbbPVX]VQhQ^PbcX]VcWPc^daSTPcW ET]d6B have been charging unreasonable
IRUWKH86WRUHFRORQLVHVSDFH7KDWVDLGLQWKHVHWURXEOHGWLPHVZKHQFRXQ disaster. The US, for all its $3 tril- aPcTXbeTah[^f;^fTaSTPcWaPcTbPaTX]cWT\bT[eTbP :^[[P\ bills. Governments should take
lion (17 per cent of GDP) spend strict measures to save citizens
WULHVDUHVFURXQJLQJDURXQGIRUHYHU\SHQQ\PD\EHLWLVWLPHWKDWDQLQWHUQD on healthcare, has several thou- from unethical business-minded
BUSebbY^WSQ\Q]Ydi now become outdated. severity has only increased with medical experts. We must focus on
LVIRUPDOO\HVWDEOLVKHG:KLOHPRVWVSDFHDJHQFLHVOLNH,QGLD·V,652DQGWKH86· of the GDP on healthcare, the Embanking rivers has been a con- the increase in the number of providing the most effective treat-
poor state of Government hospi- troversial technology and has dams and embankments. The ment to the largest number of peo-
1$6$GRFROODERUDWHDQGVKDUHUHVHDUFKZLWKHDFKRWKHUWKRVHDUHPDLQO\DURXQG tals and misplaced accountabili- Sir — This refers to the editori- not been successful as such. State Government has not learnt ple at an affordable cost.
LQIRUPDOOLQHV$IRUPDODJUHHPHQWWRFROODERUDWHPLJKWOHDYHVRPHQDWLRQVGLV ty between States and the Centre, al, “Flood fury in Assam” (July While they suffice during normal its lessons due to which both Richa Garg
SOHDVHGEXWLWZRXOGPHDQEHWWHUXWLOLVDWLRQRIUHVRXUFHVIRUDOOLQYROYHG7KHH[SOR we can but hope that COVID-19 20). It is astonishing and beyond conditions, they do not provide humans and animals are put at Via email
does not cause excessive damage. comprehension that India still protection during the largest the mercy of god every year.
UDWLRQRIWKHSODQHWVDQGRXWHUVSDFHLVLQWKHHQGDSURMHFWIRUDOOKXPDQLW\DQG R Narayanan relies on the use of embankments events. In Assam itself, floods are India’s flood control policy must BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
QRWIRUWKHJORU\RIRQHQDWLRQVWDWHRYHUDQRWKHU Navi Mumbai to control floods which have a recurrent feature. And their go beyond embankments. [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D;H ! !!

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] &
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India, too, has banned Chinese telecom equip-
ment and apps. The US is shutting off access
to its capital markets to the Chinese. The can-
cellation of the Hong Kong treaty will kill the
USD supply route to China. The Chinese bal-
ance of payments is negative for the last few
months and they still need to buy food, oil and
commodities. Scams like fake gold collateral
@B1C81>D C1>:9D@1E< have shaken China’s $5 trillion shadow bank-
C4F0A8 B8=67 ing industry and put a question mark on how
much of its national reserve is gold-plated cop-
efore COVID-19 struck the world, “emperor” per. This has damaged China’s plans of having

B Xi Jinping decided that 2020 was the year to

establish the Chinese century. American
think-tanks had predicted in 2019 that the Chinese
a partial gold-backed alternate currency to
replace the dollar.
The world now sits on a powder keg in the
GDP was more than the US’ and by 2030 it could midst of the pandemic. President Trump and
be up to 70 per cent larger. China’s share of global Emperor Xi now have gone too far for either
output would grow to 32 per cent from 20 per cent of them to back down without losing their
currently, as opposed to the US’ share declining from crowns. For Trump it’s just an election, but the
16 per cent to 10 per cent. In terms of global mar- world knows what happens to deposed Chinese
ket capitalisation, the Chinese would grow to 25 per dictators. The South Asian countries all want
cent from five per cent in 2019, while the US would Tibet to regain its independence after being
fall from 40 per cent to 18 per cent. China’s share annexed by the Chinese in 1950 so that they
of global exports would rise to 18 per cent from 12 can get their freshwater security back.
per cent while the US would be static at eight per Meanwhile, the domestic market collapse
cent. The above forecasts were supported by mas- will force Xi to take a few more hasty decisions.
sive Chinese investments in education in the fields China’s banking regulator has advised its
of mathematics, science, technology and medicine. banks to be prepared for sharp rises in bad loans
Starting with the 1980s, the Chinese had suc- once the Corona moratorium period is over.
cessfully got the world’s manufacturing supply chain Three Chinese banks have collapsed in the last
to relocate to their nation and became the “facto- three years and 15 per cent of the financial sec-
ry of the world.” From a pure labour arbitrage offer- tor is supposedly past a high risk stage. Tax rev-
ing, they created world-class infrastructure (cities, enues have grown under five per cent and bud-
roads, ports and airports) to support it. The top 2,500 get deficits exceed 11 per cent. The season of
global corporates had a business presence in 278=0B7>D;314 discontent for 1.4 billion Chinese has arrived.
China. This aggressive export-led growth model CA40C430B0 China created the BRI to use the surplus capac-
allowed the Chinese to radically improve per capi- ?4A<0=4=C ity in its construction materials and equipment
ta income and in the process create a massive domes- 03E4AB0AH4E4= sector and keep Chinese labour occupied.
tic consumption engine. A 40 per cent domestic sav- F74=C74C8<4B0A4 Experts estimate that this project needs anoth-
ings rate supported the huge developments that hap- 6>>38=3800=3C74 er $5 trillion over the next five years. The money
pened on their eastern seaboard. Till 2012, the F>A;3<DBC their Dollar engine (Foreign Direct Investment, marines. This limits China’s ability to protect per cent of its mining exports were bought by given to 150 countries cannot be recalled.
Chinese Government was sitting on foreign 4B20;0C4C74 Foreign Portfolio Investment and Foreign its interests spanning 150 countries. A whop- it. Singularly, none of the Asian countries could China’s $10 trillion foreign debt is realistically
exchange reserves of close to $5 trillion. China now 8=5>A<0C8>= Currency Loans) to keep firing quickly to ping 75 per cent of Chinese oil still moves in take on China but many could exact a heavy supported by $2 trillion of reserves. With the
imported/consumed 45-50 per cent of every com- recoup their position, or fast-track their long- tankers through the Malacca Strait. To reach the toll if it came to conflict. The Chinese flirted balance of trade going negative, Chinese sup-
modity in the world. F0A50A4C>4G?>B4 term vision to get global trade out of the Dollar Arabian Sea by land, China invested in a bank- with conflict among all their neighbours using porters are nervous. If China’s trading partners
Chinese leaders till 2012 kept a low profile, hid- C743A02>=80=2?2 and into the RMB. rupt Pakistan by constructing the China- “wearing down” tactics. The success of this gam- do not agree to settlements denominated in the
ing their strengths while they relentlessly gained 0=38CB>??A4BB8E4 Unluckily for the Chinese, two things Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which bit hinged on the continuity of their trade with RMB, a run on the currency is highly possible.
market share from the world. The Chinese acquired A468<4F>A:8=6 changed the landscape in 2017. Donald Trump links Xinjiang to Gwadar Port. It also engaged the US, heavily skewed in their favour. Trump Meanwhile, Xi is attacking China’s neigh-
the world’s Intellectual Property Rights by any 0608=BCC748=C4A4BC won the US presidential election and was a wild east European and European countries to con- not getting an early trade war win upped the bours to distract the world’s attention from the
means. The Communist Party of China’s (CPC’s) >5=0C8E4278=4B4 card that they read wrongly. Second, the world struct the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for cre- ante, imposing a $250 billion annual hit on pandemic. Now India must return the favour.
command and control structure had also silently G8³B38;4<<08BF70C economy started topping out and growth ating dedicated freight corridors to 50 cities. China. It perhaps felt that US corporations The Coronavirus offers a tremendous long-term
expanded its Foreign Ministry with requisite C>C4;;C743><4BC82 began stalling. The Chinese engine was not In the process, it has protected trade supply would not listen to their Government and con- strategic advantage for policy makers to deal
resources to create a public relations repository in 0D384=248=C74064 designed to handle economic contraction. routes but the oil buy routes lie exposed. The tinue business as usual. It floated a trial balloon with the Chinese threat of dominance perma-
every major country and to manage the national dis- >5C748=C4A=4CH>D Faultlines in the domestic economy were led by nightmare for China achieving dominance is by abrogating the agreement with Hong Kong nently.
course on any prickly subject in its favour. This huge non-performing loans in State-owned that Indian land illegally occupied by Pakistan which would have lapsed in 2047 and suppress- New Delhi must immediately recognise
three-decade old policy profile started changing with 20=24=B>A1DC=>C enterprises. Ghost cities started appearing as is being used by the CPEC and India re-acquir- ing protests with force. Then it ostensibly Tibet and Taiwan as sovereign countries and
Xi’s ascension in 2012. 7834=4FB3>C74 demand stalled while real estate started going ing Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) could manipulated the World Health Organisation allow them to run official embassies in India
Chinese strategists now started believing that 278=4B4=443C>140C belly-up. The country was overbuilt and no render its $66 billion investment useless, (WHO) and the COVID-19 pandemic was and vice versa. Many countries will follow suit
the Middle Kingdom deserved to rule the world and C74F0A3AD<B8= more infrastructure spending was needed. blocking oil supply. The Chinese realised that unleashed upon the world. This hit world and shake up Chinese hegemony globally.
post-2008, global financial institutions were weak- >A34AC>CA0=B54A Trump started the trade war and insisted economic sanctions against Iran had crippled economies and created a very strong anti-China Second, India must supply subsidised arms and
ened, substantially dysfunctional and lacking lead- C741;0<45>AC748A that the Chinese reduce trade surpluses. Xi erred the proud country with 15 per cent of the world’s sentiment. military technology to Vietnam and the
ership. They unleashed a project of achieving com- <8B20;2D;0C8>=B. massively in not giving Trump a cheap victo- oil. It needed investments and so China decid- It resulted in fast-tracking the opera- Philippines to create multiple fronts for China
plete Chinese dominance in the manpower of every C74F>A;3B24=0A8> ry and riling up the Americans. US strategists ed to bust sanctions on Iran imposed by the UN tionalistion of the Quad (US, Japan, Australia and the PLA, just like Beijing is arming
multilateral agency and United Nations (UN) 8B4E>;E8=64E4AH had clearly war-gamed that the days of the USD (which Beijing was a party to imposing, too). and India alliance) to take on the Chinese. UK, Pakistan. Third, India should take a lead in the
body in the world. Chinese students were encour- F44:0=3!! hegemony were numbered and if their politi- China and Iran signed a 25-year trade and mil- France and Israel are openly in support of the Indo-Pacific command with the US, Japan and
aged to study overseas and many persuaded to join cal dominance was to be extended, a war with itary alliance in June 2020. China has bet on the Quad while Vietnam, Myanmar, the Philippines, Australia to choke the Chinese trade route. It
these organisations, and as so many Federal Bureau C7A40C4=B China was not an option, the only question was US exiting Afghanistan in 2020 and by using Indonesia, Taiwan and South Korea have put will hurt China and its ambition to be a glob-
of Investigation investigations are now showing, C>140E4AH timing. By a strange coincidence, the two tech- the Pakistanis to install a puppet regime in their armed forces on alert. In the Chinese camp al economic leader. Lastly, we must restrict
made instruments of Government policy. ;>=6H40A8=3443 nology hardware giants, the US and China, were Afghanistan, it could take a pipeline from Iran are North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey import of non-essential Chinese goods by
The collapse of the USSR in the 1990s and the tangibly dependent on Taiwan for their semi- to Xinjiang. In return, the Chinese have to pump while anti-India squeaks may emerge from imposing tariffs and focus our attention on
profligacy of the US financial sector in 2008 had left conductor underbelly. The US had formed a in the equivalent of $400 billion into Iran’s devel- Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. building a formidable self-reliant economy with
a leadership vacuum in many areas. Xi moved rapid- joint venture (JV) with the Taiwanese that would opment, which they can crank their RMB With China designated as “world enemy a target of $10 trillion by 2030 to face a hostile
ly to occupy the vacancies. China needed to secure go operational in Arizona in 2023. Till then any economy to deliver. What will happen to Number 1”, even Joe Biden has ratcheted up the Beijing.
its supply chain as it neither produced adequate food military threat to Taiwan would be an attack on Pakistan? anti-China rhetoric, lest Trump steal the thun- China should be treated as a permanent
for its population, nor was it endowed with man- the US’ technology dominance, an intolerable In the interim, Xi got the CPC to appoint der and a potentially-lost presidential election adversary even when the times are good. India
ufacturing or energy raw materials. The Chinese thought for them. Democrat Presidents had him as leader for life and emerged as an emper- through a war with China. The Indian and and the world must escalate the information
leaders wanted to avoid supply side shocks and cre- soft-pedalled the “One China” policy and the or. The CPC decided that by its 100th anniver- Chinese armies are facing off across the 3,400 warfare to expose the draconian CPC and its
ated strategies to acquire assets surreptitiously. They Chinese had got their way. The Americans had sary in 2021, it would stamp itself as numero km border and uneasy peace prevails for now. oppressive regime working against the interest
moved rapidly to fund every country and project celebrated access to a large consumption mar- uno in the world. A few pinpricks remained: The Middle East has stayed quiet but will have of native Chinese. Xi’s dilemma is what to tell
that the World Bank or the rest of the world would ket but landed up creating a rival. Taiwan and Hong Kong as independent democ- to choose sides as a Shia Iran and a Sunni the domestic audience. In the age of the inter-
not find viable. The Chinese wanted to eventually The Chinese People’s Liberation Army racies were an eyesore. They had to be acquired Pakistan and Turkey side with the Chinese. It net, you can censor but not hide news. Do the
acquire the underlying asset and default was hence (PLA) in manpower terms is the largest stand- by coercion at the earliest. The South China Sea is an uneasy time for the Saudis and the UAE. Chinese need to beat the war drums in order
a preferred option for them. This juggernaut cov- ing armed force on the globe. The PLA and (SCS) had a $5 trillion supply chain transiting The Koreans, however, have been quick to to transfer the blame for their miscalculations?
ered 150 countries and nearly $5 trillion in CPC moved fast to upgrade weapon systems, the route. China laid claims to territories/islands act and Samsung moved a $18 billion annual The world scenario is evolving every week and
loans/investments. Xi had successfully over-invest- stealing blueprints and buying where they could of all its neighbours and started constructing capacity out of China to Vietnam. Japan has 2020 threatens to be a very long year indeed.
ed the Chinese US Dollar reserves and left his coun- not. However, the Navy is their Achilles’ heel artificial islands as missile bases. Beijing start- incentivised its corporations to exit China. The (Tewari is Editor-in-Chief, Opinion Express
trymen very vulnerable. They desperately needed and they lack in class aircraft carriers and sub- ed bullying and humiliating Australia since 70 US and UK have banned Huawei telecom and and Singh is Managing Partner, S&S Associates)

demic. As the sector is left scrambling a daily basis or even several times a day. tomers expect a basic level of customi- ier than perceived. However, customi- in the world. Personalisation is without
for money, more financial institutions Such interactions, as opposed to infre- sation, hyper-personalised experiences sation leads us to a larger question of a doubt a promising area that might be
are embracing technology to achieve quent sales communications, form the in personal finance can lead to ampli- whether technological advancement able to answer some of the questions
their objective of survival, growth, crux of the customer’s banking experi- fied satisfaction and engagement, fraud- and privacy can be allies? that internet banking must deal with
expansion or otherwise. ence. Yet many banks still tend to focus prevention, better decision-making At present, the Information today and in future. The possibilities of
Personalised banking: Tech giants their personalisation efforts on the coupled with a sense of humanised Technology Act, 2000 and Information personalisation are not yet fully utilised,
like Amazon, Facebook and Google sales arena. understanding from their bank. This Technology Rules, 2011 govern India’s nor is there sufficient hands-on expe- 27>>B4C>DA8B<
have spurred a desire for more cus- Today, machine learning and data humanised understanding by banks can data protection regime. However, they rience or research-based knowledge >E4A34540C8B<
C?>1=270=3F0=8 tomised interactions and fostered a will- analytics can be harnessed to deliver an be demonstrated in many ways. fail to protect individual interest. Geo- about the most advanced ideas of how
ingness to trade data for a better expe- omni-channel digital experience to Behavioural personalisation: This location tracking, biometric data and to personalise internet banking services. BaX;P]ZPRP]³c^UUTac^daXbcb
he banking sector, a bulwark rience. As a result, the concept of “per- customers. For banks and FIs with a attempts to determine the visitors’ facial recognition apps could invariably The importance of hitting the right tar- P]hcWX]V\^aTcWP]cWTh
T against the breakdown of other
industries, is left to nibble away
the remnants in the wake of the virus-
sonalised banking” becomes more
important now. Targeting customer
micro-segments and tailoring offers for
wealth of data available, hyper-person-
alisation represents a window of oppor-
tunity to stay ahead of the curve with
interest based on their actions, which
include visit count, search phrase, con-
tent viewed, functions performed and
violate the right to privacy, but there is
no legal framework that regulates or
enables the use of such technologies
get in both selecting the things to be per-
sonalised and the way of presenting
them visually are delicate matters. If not
induced global economic slowdown. them will enable banks to differentiate a value proposition that makes cus- referrers’ websites. without violating the Fundamental done right, they might compromise the
Banks wrote off over C80,000 crore of themselves, build customer engagement tomers feel understood. It also promis- IP-based personalisation: This Right to Privacy. Even the Personal Data most important customer values: Speed, S^cWT\Pf^a[S^UV^^S
loans in the first half of the financial year and gain competitive advantage. es significant gains, with Boston can gain information about the anony- Protection Bill, 2019, likely to be efficiency and trust. Thus as the impact X]bcTPS^UBaX;P]ZPQTX]VP
2020. But major Indian banks have The first step would be to identify Consulting Group estimating that suc- mous visitor from the IP address and approved soon, fails to take into account of the contagion relies upon the grav- [P\TSdRZc^PSTUTPcXbc°8c³b
demonstrated resilience through unin- what personalisation is. Thereafter, cessful personalisation at scale could DNS record. This type of personalisa- all stakeholders involved in data breach- ity, degree and dissemination of the cat- 2>E83)=^c^daXb\±Rah^U
terrupted services, offering EMI mora- banks and FIs can leverage on the large represent an increase of 10 per cent in tion makes use of geo-location tracking es. For instance, the Bill imposes heavy aclysm, which remains uncertain even
toriums or fee waivers to borrowers. repository of customer data, customer a bank’s annual revenue. and company attributes to customise the fines for violations but exempts the “con- today, the banks must leverage person- P]VdXbWCWXbXb]^PccXcdSTc^
Unfortunately, historic trends allude to touch-points and digital platforms to The biggest takeaway for a bank is experience. sent” requirement in certain circum- alised online banking to boost revenues cda]X]VcWTTR^]^\hPa^d]S
a grim scenario where financial insti- deliver meaningful and powerful per- staying ahead of the curve as you get to Online banking, CRM and loan or stances, where data is required by the in a cash-strapped economy and pos- cWTeXRXbbXcdSTb^UcWTeXadb
tutions (FIs) were resigned to overlook sonalised experiences. To be sure, per- know your customer better and lever- deposit applications: These use data State, for legal proceedings, or to sibly help the banking sector rise from FTRP]WTbXcPcTP]SR^[[P_bT
defaults, thereby leading to grave prof- sonalised banking is not primarily age those insights and trends to create from other banking platforms to drive respond to a medical emergency. These the ashes.
itability concerns and credit risks asso- about selling. It’s about providing ser- tailored digital experiences that boost personalisation. While it may seem regulatory changes are necessary con- (The writer is Managing Partner, KS ^abRaX_cTR^]^\XRaTeXeP[
ciated with them in the wake of the pan- vice, information and advice, often on revenues. On the other hand, as cus- complex, implementation is often eas- sidering India’s growing digital footprint Legal and Associates) 2Th[^]C^SPhTSXc^aXP[
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12 TUESDAY, 21 JULY 2020




India should give up the fear of

inflation and monetize its deficit
A failure to do so right now might result in long-term damage to the country’s private capital stock

have sustained since 1980. These defi- of sustained inflation. The relationship
cits arguably helped propel an economy among deficits, money supply and
that was demand-constrained towards inflation is not straightforward, and is
one that was growing closer to its full contingent upon the broader macro-
potential. As a result, India was one of economic context. In 2010-11, oil prices
the few countries to sustain a 7% aver- were surging, global food prices were
age annual growth for 25 years. While soaring, the current account deficit was
the 2008-09 global crisis and India’s alarming, the rupee was overvalued,
subsequent banking problems dealt the and short-term external debt was rising
V. ANANTHA NAGESWARAN & country a major blow, the importance sharply. Today, oil is about a third of its
SRINIVAS THIRUVADANTHAI of the quasi-MMT framework is more peak in July 2008, food prices domesti-
are, respectively, member of the Economic relevant now than ever before. cally and globally are subdued, and
Advisory Council to the Prime Minister and Even before covid-19, India’s econ- India’s monsoon seems normal. The
director of research at Jerome Levy omy was struggling with sluggish current account is in surplus, in contrast

Put India’s robotic new

Forecasting Center. demand and falling inflation. Covid-19 to the yawning deficit earlier in the dec-
has exacerbated the problems. While ade. The real exchange rate of the rupee

early 50 years ago, Richard the initial impact of this is a shutdown in has declined over the past year and is
Nixon said, “We are all Keyne- supply, the destruction of income and largely trendless. The danger of a sud-
sians now.” The next decade wit- an increase in indebtedness means that den devaluation of the rupee, which

taxman to a stress test nessed the downfall of Keynesian ideas

amid soaring inflation. At present, the
flavour of the day is Modern Monetary
Theory (MMT), which essentially
private demand will be impaired well
after covid is behind us. Thus, the
relevant constraint on growth now is
demand rather than supply. Paradoxi-
could stoke inflation, is low.
The question then is whether deficit
monetization will compromise the cen-
tral bank’s long-term ability to manage
argues that a fixation with government cally, persistent weak demand and eco- inflation. Its concern might be that,
deficits is misguided and that in the nomic growth will worsen India’s deficit once a line is crossed, there is no return
If the income tax department’s new data-enabled approach is necessary for evasion to be absence of rising inflation and real and debt problem, leading to the feared to the status quo ante. Pronab Sen has
resource constraints, the government inflationary consequences. They will argued forcefully (‘The Covid-19 Shock:
kept in check, then we must also have foolproof software and effective redressal mechanisms should just print money, if necessary, to eventually attenuate supply by destroy- Learnings from the Past, Addressing the
revive the economy. Governments the ing capacity. Also, because of weak Present’, June 2020) that excess money
world over are paying scant regard to growth, debt and deficit ratios would be supply growth (over economic growth)
their fiscal deficits and central banks are higher, setting up a temptation to might be higher under India’s current

f you carried out a high-value transaction The country has grown data-rich and algo- playing handmaiden by buying up gov- inflate them away. policy setting than if deficit monetiza-
in fiscal 2018-19 that did not square with rithms now exist that can—in theory—scan ernment and private paper. Just as in Given the inevitability of large defi- tion were to facilitate higher govern-
1970, many analysts worry that the utter cits, should India be monetizing part ment spending and spur private con-
your income tax return statement for that vast datasets to detect anomalies. The deploy- disregard for the purported inflationary of its deficit and would this release the sumption and investment. In the latter,
year, as assessed by a formula, do not be ment of such software, however, is likely to consequences of deficits will come to genie of inflation? The answer is yes to excess money supply growth will
surprised if you receive a letter or email turn the tax system almost entirely automated. haunt us sooner or later. Indian policy- the first question, and no to the second. decline, lowering the risk of an acceler-
from the income tax department one of Given global trends in technology, such meth- makers seem to hew toward the latter India used to routinely monetize a part ation in inflation.
these days. If you did not file a return at all, ods of tax enforcement seem inevitable. On the camp because the inflationary episode of its deficit prior to 1997. In fact, what The more important risk is that
earlier in the past decade is still fresh in used to be called the budget deficit was India’s private capital stock would suf-
be prepared for even more explanations face of it, digitization offers an assurance of their minds. Yet, the time has come for the monetized portion of the overall fis- fer long-term damage in the absence of
demanded. Starting this week, the depart- accuracy. Our instinct has been to trust digital Indian policymakers to throw off the cal deficit. That monetization reflected deficit monetization and outright fiscal
ment has begun shooting off such missives to computation. Also, it promises to thwart rogue shackles imposed by misguided fears the limitations of bond financing, where support. That in itself puts India at the
errant individuals. This is part of a big data- officers who may misuse their authority to line of high inflation. investor demand for bonds was narrow. risk of a multi-year loss in output, and
gathering exercise aimed at ensuring that tax- their pockets. But the wonders of it should not Long before “MMT” was coined, one Today, limitations on bond financing the government at risk of losing tax rev-
of us had argued that since the 1980s, are once again a constraint—both low enues. It is possible to design a limited,
payers file returns regularly and disclose be exaggerated. Once a machine makes an India has effectively adopted the MMT investor demand and the threat of coordinated fiscal-monetary interven-
incomes correctly. The taxman is watching, error, which can happen for reasons that range framework with Indian characteristics. downgrades by rating agencies con- tion, with defined end-uses for the fiscal
and this will be made amply clear. Indians are from poor programming to slipshod data While much of the discussion on India’s strain the extent of bond issuance—and resources/money created, and a clear
to be acquainted with details of their high- entry, fixing it could be extremely difficult. growth take-off since 1980 has been argue for deficit monetization. exit for the central bank. It can and
value transactions, be it a purchase of assets While the complexity of Indian taxation about supply-side reforms, equally The domestic and global conditions should be done.
important were the bigger deficits we today strongly argue against any danger These are the authors’ personal views.
like property or shares, or a big holiday makes the filing of taxes very hard, we must
booked via a credit card. Electronic process- admit that it also complicates the creation of
ing allows all manner of information to be digital tools that can deal with every financial
captured, and our tax authorities would like circumstance that may arise. If the country’s
everyone to know it has access to data from tax bureaucracy is opaque to citizens, so are
sources like banks, property registrars and the innards of its computers. This makes it all
credit card companies. Earlier, these figures the more important to put effective redressal New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Vol.4 No.172 Rs. 3.00 32 PAGES

were trawled only for cases of special scrutiny. mechanisms in place. If grievances arise, TELECOM: Nokia looks to
replace CEO Kallasvuo >32
CORPORATE: As five get bail, is Satyam
case losing steam? >3

Now, these will show up on your 26AS form, people should not be left at the mercy of auto- EXCLUSIVE PARTNER
HEALTH: Microbicidal gel found to
lower HIV infection >5
RETAIL: Wal-Mart in trouble over
Best Price brand name >6

which is your annual tax credit statement. mated responses, inaccurate website screens, SENSEX 17,878.14 æ 50.28

Biyani makes
bid for Vishal,
NIFTY 5,368 æ 18.45

DOLLAR Rs47.35 Æ Re0.23

EURO Rs60.89 æ Re0.12


Green India Mission

GOLD Rs18,220 æ Rs70 OIL $75.03 æ $1.93


At a broader level, this use of information and pre-recorded voices. This prospect raises may queer
TPG pitch
may exceed estimate
The GHG removal by India’s
forests in 2020 is projected at
4.87% of total emissions then,
without the Green Mission.
T amil Nadu is in the
grip of a particular
class of con job.
Enterprising criminals
have unleashed a wave of
This [tax return]
technology is necessary if we are to widen the spectre of a robot taxman, one that has I
························· ndia’s mammoth afforesta- “The government’s estimate “fake” scams where copies
tion scheme, the Green In- does not include soil carbon, of original goods are sold

K ishore Biyani’s Future dia Mission, may have more which implies the lower esti- to unsuspecting victims.

is too difficult for a

Group has made an offer for greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- mate. There are two ways for- First there was a fake
distressed Vishal Retail Ltd that sion reduction potential than ests store carbon, one as wood drugs scam in March.
could derail a bid by TPG Capital At loggerheads: MCX-SX non-executive vice-chairman Jignesh Shah previously estimated, accord- and biomass (above ground This was followed by
Lp to acquire the troubled com- (left) and Securities and Exchange Board of India chairman C.B. Bhave. ing to a yet-to-be published and root biomass) carbon and fears of a fake food scam.
pany, according to a person fa- study in Current Science. the other as soil carbon. The Then last week the
miliar with the bid. SEEKING RELIEF The mission could offset official estimate includes only government unearthed

India’s tax base. Barely 5% of Indians pay bits and bytes of data pooled from everywhere
TPG had obtained the approv- about 10.5% of projected na- above ground biomass,” said a fake marksheet scam

al of lenders to purchase Vishal tional GHG emissions com- the paper’s author, who did during admission
in March. The Indian retailer’s pared with the ministry of en- not want to be identified be- processes for engineering
board had last month approved vironment and forests’ earlier fore its publication. colleges. Around 50
a non-binding, non-exclusive estimate of 6.4%, according to Environment minister students were caught

mathematician. It takes
memorandum of understanding Greening India Mission: A criti- Jairam Ramesh, who had an- submitting fakes, some

moves court
for talks with TPG. cal review by the Indian Insti- nounced the mission, did not of which may even have
Mint couldn’t independently tute of Science, Bangalore. The respond to calls or text mes- been photoshopped.
confirm whether such an offer study has been submitted for sages. But the latest one takes

income tax, though sundry indicators suggest at its digital fingertips, so to speak, but is
had been made by Biyani and if review. According to the study, the the cake. Chennai police
so whether it would result in a If the new estimates are true, official number is estimated by have apprehended two
deal. The person in the know of it will make easier India’s task simply multiplying global de- members of a large gang

against Sebi
the Biyani offer spoke on condi- of reducing carbon intensity— fault biomass growth rate val- that ran a fake police
tion of anonymity. effectively the amount of GHG ues by area, whereas the study station and a fake court
Biyani declined to confirm or emitted per unit of energy con- uses the internationally accept- in the city. Complete
deny the move. “I am not saying sumed—by 20-25% by 2020 ed comprehensive mitigation with a fake judge and a

a philosopher.
anything on that (topic). I am not (with 2005 as the base year). assessment process model. fake inspector. The fake
commenting,” he said. India made the commitment The author said both the es- offices were used to

many more ought to. If India is to overcome its largely deaf to genuine complaints. Faceless
Amol Jain, director of TPG, de- Exchange files suit ulations. This was later extended ahead of a UN climate confer- timations have one limitation. run an extortion ring.
clined to comment while Vishal’s
managing director Ram Chandra
over delay in permission to 15 September 2010.
A finance industry executive,
ence in Copenhagen in De-
cember 2009.
“Neither of the numbers in-
clude extraction of fuelwood or
The chief minister has
promised an inquiry,
Agarwal denied that there was for equity trading who helped set up an exchange The 10.5% estimate includes timber from these forests over leaving one wondering
any proposal from the Future amid its campaign with which MCX-SX would have the total mitigation potential the years, which could reduce whether the spectacles
Group. competed had it received per- of ongoing afforestation it a bit. There is no way to esti- in Tamil Nadu are
Business Standard reported on against regulator, rivals mission to operate in the equi- schemes in India (around getting a little too dark.
Tuesday that Chennai-based ties segment, said Sebi’s inaction 1.2-1.3 million ha annually). TURN TO PAGE 2®
Shriram Group would acquire B Y N . S UNDARESHA may have been prompted by the

challenges of social and economic develop- interaction was meant to stop the harassment
Vishal’s retail business and TPG S UBRAMANIAN & way MCX met regulatory norms.
its wholesale division. Vishal told A NIRUDH L ASKAR “Compliance means both in
the Bombay Stock Exchange that ························· terms of letter and spirit. If an ex-
it wasn’t in talks with the Shr- MUMBAI change cannot comply with the
iram Group.
Vishal’s bankers, including
State Bank of India, HDFC Bank
Ltd and ING Vysya Bank Ltd
among others, are currently en-
A fter waiting for three
months for the stock mar-
ket regulator to clear its
application seeking permission
to serve as a platform for trading
norms completely, it should not
get a licence—simple,” added
this person, who did not want to
be identified.
A Sebi official confirmed this

ment, the proportion of Indians paying taxes of taxpayers by corrupt officials, but unless
gaged in the restructuring of in equities and with time run- last week and said the regulator
debt amounting to Rs730 crore. ning out, MCX Stock Exchange isn’t “comfortable” with the way

Some of the banks that are not Ltd (MCX-SX) has moved the the company restructured its eq-
part of the debt recast, including Bombay high court for relief. uity through warrants and that it
Singapore’s DBS Bank Ltd, Lon- Spokesmen for MCX-SX and had conveyed its reservations to
don-based Barclays Bank Plc the Securities and Exchange MCX-SX, although it hadn’t writ-
and Deutsche Bank AG, have Board of India (Sebi) declined to ten the exchange a letter to this
filed separate winding-up peti- comment. effect. The official, who asked

must rise. The key to this would be a sharp the systems in use are perfect, we may be
tions against Vishal in the Delhi A person familiar with the not to be identified, said MCX-
high court. happenings at MCX-SX said the SX had followed the norms in exchange, currently permitted to “letter”, not “spirit”.
operate in the currency deriva- MCX-SX’s move comes in the
WWW.LIVEMINT.COM tives segment, had been writing
to Sebi for a year, but that the
wake of a high-intensity public
campaign launched by the com-
To read our previous stories regulator had not responded de- pany last week lashing out at
on Vishal Retail, go to spite the exchange complying Sebi and unnamed rivals. with MIMPS (Manner of Increas- The person familiar with hap-

increase in tax compliance. For decades, the exposed to new risks. We could end up in a
vishalretail.htm ing and Maintaining Public penings at MCX-SX said the
Shareholding in Recognized company’s stand was that the
Stock Exchanges) regulations. regulator’s inaction was affecting
“Therefore, the company has the marketability of the ex-
moved the Bombay high court change. He said MCX-SX was
under the writ jurisdiction seek- like “a taxi operator who can op-
ing that the regulator must be erate only route in which there is
mandated to dispose of the case a bus operator running free serv-
(approval for new products),” ices”. He added the taxi operator

government was technologically ill-equipped Kafkaesque loop because of a misread deal

added this person, who spoke on could not stay in business unless
condition of anonymity. MIMPS it got new routes. Legal firm J Sa-
specifies the mandated and pre- gar Associates represents the ex-
ferred shareholding pattern in change in the case.
stock exchanges. Mint reported on 21 April that
MCX-SX had effected a capital MCX-SX had undertaken a capi-
restructuring in April to meet the tal reduction exercise to comply
norms and communicated this with mandated shareholding
to Sebi. norms. Under this, the two pro-

to enforce its taxation code properly. But that struck online, for example. Let’s put our new
Sebi had granted MCX-SX a li- moters of MCX-SX reduced their
cence till 15 September 2009 on
condition that it met MIMPS reg- TURN TO PAGE 2®

Mint is also available for Rs5.50 with Hindustan Times under a combo offer

has changed in the span of just half a decade. tax robot to a stress test before it gets too far.


How more policing could reduce extra-judicial killings

then expected costs might be relatively low, low, so their tendency is to increase the pun- In any civilised society, there would be citi- This brings us to the encounter killing of
SHRUTI RAJAGOPALAN compared to the benefits of breaking the ishment in order to achieve the same level of zen pushback against such police excess. Vikas Dubey, a case which seems to have all
rule. Because of weak capacity of the police, deterrence while also appeasing citizens. The police are unlikely to engage in encoun- these aspects. A politically-connected per-
courts and the prison system in India, the Citizens, activists and legislators routinely ter killings unless they have some popular son with at least 60 criminal charges, he was
probability of facing punishment is very low, demand the death penalty for rapists in support, or at the very least, no widespread infamous for the killing of Santosh Shukla, a
even though the punishment for crimes like India. The hope is that the severity of the opposition. The weaker the criminal justice Bharatiya Janata Party minister, inside a

oth globally and in India, police bru- murder, kidnapping and extortion is fairly punishment would make up for weak system, the greater the demand for immedi- police station, with a dozen odd policemen
tality is currently a topic of discussion. high. This is one reason for the country’s enforcement caused by ate justice from the public, as witnesses who turned hostile in court,
In India, it takes many forms, includ- increasing crime rate. capacity constraints. especially for gruesome leading to his acquittal of the charge. A few
ing custodial violence, arbitrary enforce- As total crime increases, the resources of But increasing the sever- A shortage of crimes. When the police days before his capture, he reportedly killed
ment of rules, and, most notably, encounter the criminal justice system get further ity of punishments has not caught four suspects who eight policemen during a raid to arrest him,
killings. Usually glamourized in movies, strained, and fewer criminals are caught. reduced crime in India. state capacity allegedly gang-raped a and made an escape. He appears to have usu-
these “encounters” are under scrutiny after The total number of crimes can increase if Punishments like the death doctor in Hyderabad, they ally got away with these actions in the past,
the police shooting of Vikas Dubey, the 119th too many activities are criminalized. This is penalty further clog the
for criminal read the very angry public with his political links and a corruptible

is a senior research fellow with

accused killed in a so-claimed police
encounter in Uttar Pradesh since its Aditya-
especially true of India, where everything
from unauthorized chain pulling and tree
criminal justice system
because of the high burden
justice results in mood, and were largely
praised for the custodial
police. But being on the wrong side of the
political fence, caste politics and police rela-
the Mercatus Center at George
Mason University, US
nath-led government took charge in 2017.
While it is a form of police excess, a cul-
cutting to a cheque bouncing has a criminal
penalty. But the total number of crimes also
of proof. Only interna-
tional terrorists, or the
illegal responses “encounter” killing of the
suspects, instead of facing
tionships appear to have made Dubey a per-
fect encounter candidate. It is unlikely that
ture of encounter killing is actually a conse- increases when criminals go unpunished in poor, seem to face capital to our problem any backlash. the public will mourn Dubey’s death—the
quence of a dearth of policing. Counterintui- a weak criminal justice system, and they feel punishment in the coun- Ordinarily, legislators perfect shield for a police force to engage in
tively, a lack of state capacity to operate a they can act with impunity. Diminished try. Higher penalties on of rising crime and the executive, i.e. the such excesses.
functional criminal justice system has led to deterrence because of weak state capacity law books usually only bosses of the policemen, The only way out of this bad equilibrium
a new equilibrium of police encounters. tends to generate more criminal activity, serve to increase the are also unlikely to tolerate that seems to legitimize police killings is,
Thanks to Nobel Laureate Gary Becker, it further reducing punishment per crime, and amount of bribes paid by violators to escape policemen going rogue unless they benefit counter-intuitively, more policing. India
is well established that criminals also weigh so on. Mark Kleiman called this phenome- punishment. in some way. This occurs when the general needs a tenfold increase in police forces,
the expected costs and benefits of breaking non “enforcement swamping”. In such an The second response to enforcement mood in society supports swift justice, as in judges and prisons, ideally coupled with a
a rule. The expected cost is the punishment/ environment, criminals do not fear the law. swamping is that in the face of public out- the Hyderabad case. But police excesses will significant reduction in the violations that
fine multiplied by the probability of getting When confronted with weak state capac- rage over crime, the police act as investiga- also be tolerated when these actions get rid carry a criminal penalty. Only then may we
caught. If either the punishment or the ity and rising crime, state actors know that tor, judge and executioner all wrapped in of pesky civil or political opposition, or pre- see criminal justice with a semblance of the
probability of facing punishment is too low, the probability of securing convictions is one—through extra-legal custodial killings. vious allies who may have switched loyalties. rule of law.
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China’s poorly timed aggression

could prove counterproductive
Chinese aggression might push New Delhi to rework its foreign policy aim of being a swing power and closer to Washington


Red Kite numbers have grown from 13 in 1990 to nearly 2,000 now ISTOCK

A conservation effort that’s had soaring results

I n July 1990, 13 red kites had to be flown by British Airways jet from Spain before
they could grace the skies of the Chilterns. Thirty years on, nearly 2,000 breeding
pairs of red kites display their distinctive forked tails as they soar over virtually every
English county, in what has been hailed as one of the most successful reintroduc-
NARAYAN RAMACHANDRAN tion projects in the world. As conservationists celebrated the anniversary of the
is chairman, InKlude Labs. Read Narayan’s Mint once persecuted bird of prey’s revival, Tony Juniper, chair of Natural England, the
columns at government’s conservation watchdog, said there was “pretty strong momentum”
for other reintroductions. Last year, Natural England issued licences to allow five
white-tailed eagles to be placed on the Isle of Wight as part of a long-term project
to bring breeding pairs of this large raptor back to England.
The Guardian

he popular perception of China today An early warning system for volcanic eruptions
is that of a newly muscular nation,
toned on four decades of Deng Xiao
Ping’s prescription for the country’s
“four modernizations”. In this view,
N ew Zealand scientists have invented a new volcano alert system that they say
could have provided warning ahead of last year’s White Island disaster. Twen-
ty-one people died when the country’s most active volcano, also called Whakaari,
China has risen from the status of a erupted last December with tourists on it. The new system uses machine learning
poor country to that of a rich one. It’s now an Asian algorithms to analyse real-time data to predict future eruptions. The research was
hegemon that seeks to challenge the sole super- published in the journal Nature Communications last week. Shane Cronin from the
power status of the United States. Its urban citizens University of Auckland, told the BBC the current system had been “too slow to pro-
are upwardly mobile, technology savvy and seek vide warnings for people [on] the island.” “The current [alert system] collects data
entertainment and luxury consumption. in real-time but what tends to happen is that this information gets assessed by a
Many elements of this view hold true. China has panel and they have an expert process... this all takes a while,” he said.
indeed emancipated over 800 million citizens from BBC
poverty over the last 40 years. It has modernized its
highways and its cities. Gross domestic product per
capita has risen from about $200 to over $8,200 (in Congo sees a corona-caused spike in poaching
constant 2010 dollars). Income per capita for China
crossed India’s at about $450 in 1983, and is now
more than four times that of India. The Chinese
poverty rate, using the common United Nations
W hen rangers in Congo’s Virunga National Park discovered three-year-old
baby gorilla Theodore tangled in a poacher’s snare this month, they knew
they had to act fast...Procedures like this are common in Democratic Republic of
definition, has dropped from 88% in 1981 to 0.7% Congo’s Virunga park, a vast wonderland with species of birds, reptiles, and mam-
now. Having focused its early attention on primary mals... But they are under threat.The economic impact of covid-19 has caused a
schooling, it has turned now to higher education, spike in poaching, threatening the habitat of more than half the world’s mountain
particularly in science and technology. It now leads gorillas, park authorities said, just as rangers are forced to reduce their presence
the world in the number of annual national patents, to shield from the virus.Higher food prices, fewer job opportunities, and a collapse
with 1.5 million applications per year, against about of tourism revenues mean people living in and around the park have had to turn
600,000 for the US. China also leads the world in to the forest to survive, finding alternatives such as hunting for bush meat.
trademark filings. Just last year, China’s Chang’e-4 Reuters
became the first ever vehicle to land in the Aitken
Basin on the dark side of the moon. In military
terms, budget and hardware, China is roughly 40% cifically with authoritarians in power from Paki- Scholars suggest that the root cause of China’s Amateur sleuths sniff out covid cases at work
of the US, but is closing the gap. stan to Turkey and Argentina, China has rural-urban divide lies in the strategy of a centrally
Using a Confucian term, Deng described the
desirable outcome as xiaokang, or a “moderately
prosperous” China. In Deng’s planning book, this
demanded international validation in return for
showering its largesse. Its belligerence in the
South China Sea and its aggressive claim over sev-
planned system that favoured heavy industry
development and extracted an agricultural surplus
largely for urban capital accumulation and urban
J ana Jumpp spends eight hours a day updating a spreadsheet—not for work, but
a recent hobby: figuring out how many of Amazon’s 400,000 warehouse work-
ers have fallen sick with the coronavirus. Amazon won’t give a number, so Jumpp
was to be achieved by the year 2000, which was eral islands in the Spratly Islands archipelago (mul- subsidies. Intense control of information, Orwel- tracks it on her own and shares what she finds with others. She relies on Amazon
then adjusted to 2020. The Communist Party of ti-country) and Natuna (Indonesia) has put it in lian repression and surveillance and centralization employees at more than 250 facilities who call, text or send her Facebook messages
China (CPC) has set a goal of becoming a “modern direct confrontation with Vietnam, Malaysia, Tai- of power in one individual are early warning signs. with possible cases. She asks for proof, like messages or voicemails from Amazon,
socialist” country by 2035 and a “rich” country by wan, Philippines Brunei and Indonesia. In pursuit To this, one can now add international oppro- and tries to make sure she doesn’t count the same case twice. It’s time consuming,
2050. China has bucked the Western view that to of Mao Zedong’s five fingers strategy, which says brium. but Jumpp says workers should know if there’s an outbreak and just how risky it
become more prosperous, it will inevitably have to that Tibet is the palm and that Ladakh, Nepal, Sik- For India, Chinese muscle-flexing comes at a is to head to work. Major companies are keeping their employees in the dark on just
combine free markets, open global access and a kim, Bhutan and Andhra Pradesh are an integral bad time. India would have preferred a period how prevalent the virus is in their warehouses, stores and meat-packing plants.
plural political system. To the surprise of many part of China, Beijing began aggressive incursions when it has an opportunity to increase its interna- AP
observers, China has sharply exploited the open along the Line of Actual Control in India’s Pangong tional commerce, improve the balance of trade
global access it received with World Trade Organi- Tso Lake area and Galwan Valley. Elsewhere, with China, and generally focus more on its econ-
zation accession, combining it with a managed free China has used the distraction of the pandemic to omy than its military. With huge costs arising from Japan’s ‘no kissing’ rule for post-covid nightlife
market system to achieve its current status. The impose draconian anti-freedom laws in Hong the covid-19 pandemic, India will need to focus
strength of centralized political control has
reached a peak under President Xi Xinping.
Under Xi, China has eliminated political opposi-
Kong. The United Kingdom’s response of offering
citizenship to Hong Kong residents has added a
new dimension to China’s global war against
resources and attention on keeping its borders safe
and its maritime influence in the Indian Ocean
unaltered. India’s foreign policy strategy would
C ampaigners for Japan’s nightlife workers say they need realistic guidelines for
how to stay safe and remain in business amid the novel coronavirus, which has
seen the government zero in on host and hostess bars as centres of contagion. Bar
tion (within the 90-million strong CPC), cleared democracies. The US’s response of banning certain ideally be that of a swing power, but with China’s staff need practical rules on how to interact with customers, said Shinya Iwamuro,
the path to single-man control of the Chinese mili- CPC apparatchiks from obtaining a US visa (for aggressive action, New Delhi may have no option a urologist and public health advocate... That means no kissing, no sharing plates
tary, and embarked on an openly muscular policy human rights violations against Uighurs) has led to but to cozy up to the US. China is beginning to play and conversation should be at right angles to avoid droplet contamination.“As
towards the outside world. Xi has demanded fealty a reciprocal ban against US Senators. Xenophobia a strong hand badly. much as possible, kiss only with your partner, and avoid deep kissing,” Iwamuro
for the way he has dealt with the pandemic. There and nationalism now reign in Chinese cities. P.S: “China is a sleeping lion, warned Napolean told a news conference, outlining what he described as “kiss etiquette”. Strategic
is no real hope of an independent inquiry to deter- China is a deeply unequal country with alarming Bonaparte, let her sleep, for when she wakes, she testing in the nightlife districts of Tokyo has revealed rising daily cases of coronavi-
mine if he deserves any praise. Xi has transformed rural poverty. Ethnic minorities like Naxis in will shake the world.” And, “Power is the ability to rus, predominantly among people in their 20s and 30s.
Chinese policy, famed for its long-term orienta- Yunan and Uighurs in Xinxiang have been perse- influence others to get the outcome one wants,” Reuters
tion, to make it far more transactional. Dealing spe- cuted for centuries and the tradition continues. said Joseph Nye.


Data nationalism could hobble the world’s progress

European data to the US will have their Big Tech is catching up with US Big Tech. deal with. The Indian business process out- rules, even allowing for a fairy-tale scenario
SIDDHARTH PAI activities in disarray. They will have to struc- Indian digital data is very valuable to both sourcing (BPO) industry, which should by that they could actually create a coordinated
ture a new arrangement for such data to con- US and Chinese Big Tech—and, of course, now have been automated out of existence, set of data tenets to live by.
tinue to flow. It is worthwhile to note that to home-grown data giants such as Reli- is still alive due to this. In fact, BPO still It is more likely that we will see a greater
Privacy Shield was itself put together after ance’s Jio Platforms. thrives because it has used the automation wave of nationalism over each country’s
the earlier arrangement called Safe Harbor Speaking of data generation and collec- of lesser tasks to pivot into tasks that are less data “throw-off” from its citizens. Data is

n my last column, I wrote that the Euro- was struck down by the same court for the tion, the fact that many builders of data algo- repetitive and therefore less amenable to now synonymous with national interest,
pean Union (EU) has been leading the way same reasons in 2015. rithms are still very automation. and we will see a protectionist environment
in data privacy, China in censoring and As long as computing “clouds” were small, dependent on manual Countries such as those in the short to medium term. This does not
surveilling citizens, and America in having such free data transfers by companies labour is not something The rise of data of the European bloc, the bode well for global trade. The 5,000-plus
legislative hearings to determine how much between nation states they operated in did that Big Tech likes to US, Russia, China, India firms that are dependent on the shipping of
US Big Tech can get away with. not pose a threat. No one noticed until leaks admit. I have written protectionism and several others are all data from the EU to the United States might
Last week, Mint reported that the Euro- by Edward Snowden revealed widespread before of the tribulations likely to respond with find a workable solution to the problem that
pean Union’s top court struck down a key cyber spying by America’s spooks. It was faced by human beings
could call for an uncoordinated national the EU court’s 16 July decision has created

is founder of Siana Capital, a

method called Privacy Shield, used by Face-
book Inc. and other companies to transfer
only after those 2013 leaks did individual
governments start to understand the rele-
who act as filters and have
to pore over horrific videos
information age moves around data protec-
tion. This has not escaped
for them. But there is nothing to stop the
same court from dismantling the new
venture fund management
company focused on deep
data across the Atlantic, amid fears over
potential surveillance by the United States.
vance of such data infrastructure to their
security and data economies. The original
to keep them off social
media sites such as Face-
equivalent of the attention of interna-
tional associations. For
agreement in future.
Meanwhile, China began censoring what
science and tech in India With impeccable comedic timing, news Safe Harbor for trade in EU-US data was book. the World Trade instance, last July, the its citizens can read, see and hear on the web
simultaneously leaked out that US President itself a result of increased EU activism after But manual labour in “Osaka track” was formed and shut down data flows from that country
Donald Trump has secretly given the Cen- Snowden’s revelations. the digital space does not Organization after the G-20 met in long before Snowden’s 2013 expose. In hind-
tral Intelligence Agency more powers to Enough has been written and said about stop with real-time cen- Osaka, Japan, to thrash out sight, China’s censors now look like expert
launch cyberattacks against countries like India’s decision to ban 59 Chinese apps that sors. All sorts of artificial global rules that could long-range economic planners. After some
China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. This were collecting data from Indians to train intelligence algorithms, such as those govern data traffic in a way that would allow years of protracted negotiations between
could include other nations as well, at least Chinese Big Tech’s algorithms. People have needed for self-driving cars, need to be “the free flow of data with trust”—whatever data trading blocs and nations, we might see
according to a former US government offi- poked fun at this decision on social media trained by humans who can exercise judge- that means. the equivalent of the World Trade Organiza-
cial quoted in the news report here (https:// platforms. Yet, the truth is that the Indian ment to label pictures. Manual processes are In my opinion, it is unlikely that in the tion, which was set up for the trade of goods, government’s decision is brilliant. If the also needed for, say, exceptional cases of post-covid scenario, nations will arrive at a come into being for the information age.
The scrapping of Privacy Shield means ban stands, it will have a significant nega- mundane matters such as invoices that coordinated plan on how to handle data. It is Until then, we may have to live with the low-
that over 5,000 businesses that ship useful tive impact on the speed at which Chinese automation vendors’ offerings are unable to even less likely that they would follow the est common denominator of tit for tat.
8 COMMENT Mail Today, New
MailDelhi / Chandigarh,
Today, New Delhi, Tuesday, July 21, 2020

There won't be any extension

of lockdown in Bengaluru
Urban and Rural districts.
There would be a minute to
minute monitoring at ward
level in Bengaluru.
in official statement

I remember she was great The Rajasthan chief minister
for the part. I can’t on Monday described his
former deputy Sachin Pilot
remember how many as a ‘worthless’ person,
came in to audition, who did nothing, but said
but I remember he had raised no question
Brittany being over it in the party's
interest. No demand was
adorable. raised to change the PCC
— ALICIA SILVERSTONE, president, a post which
‘Clueless’ star, on
late co-star Pilot held for the last seven
Brittany Murphy years in Rajasthan, Gehlot
added in a statement.

The quicker we do it for me

personally the better because
[Aubameyang] will be more
focused, more determined
and more calm.
— MIKEL ARTETA, Arsenal head coach,
on wanting captain Pierre-Emerick
Aubameyang’s future at club to be

Take charge of
resolved on an urgent basis


3.18 L `50 cr

your life’s course

new enrollments in humanitarian aid
Employees' provided by the EU
Provident Fund Commission in
Organisation South Africa for
in May Covid relief

AROUND THE WORLD To begin to get educated is to start dis-

HE announcement of covering this inner drumbeat and to start
THE GUARDIAN school leaving exami- marching in the real world in harmony
ON THE WHITE SUPERIORITY MYTH nation results-by certi-
fying bodies such as by Dinesh with this drumbeat. That is when the stu-
dent begins to get truly educated. The
real world is replete with examples of

We need to do
the Central Board of
Secondary Education
Singh individuals who have become successful
in every sense of the word by discovering
(CBSE)-has always garnered a this inner drumbeat. Amongst the many
great deal of attention. This is in examples that I can think of are Sachin
more than tear spite of the fact that the Covid-
19 crisis has been upon us. This
register from the comfort of their homes.
This means that through a simple online
form they register their subject-wise
Tendulkar who discovered his drumbeat
to be cricket, Ramanujan the genius who
discovered his drumbeat to be mathe-

down statues sort of focus is a measure of the

value that society attaches to
the issue of education.
examination scores and their details.

The inner drumbeat

matics and Faraday who discovered his
drumbeat in physics. Hence, a university
must provide every student with expo-
ONE of the consequences of I can gauge-through social media plat- sure to many drumbeats and the student
colonialism, in its imposition of one forms and several other sources-that Once they have registered successfully then should choose that subject which
they shall have access-in due course-to resonates with his heart. The role of a col-
mode of thought, attempting to parents and their wards are beginning
lege is not so important here.
destroy all others, is that it shallows to succumb somewhat to the frenzy that an online dashboard that shall keep them
accompanies the announcements of abreast of the so-called ‘cutoffs’ that are
our imaginations.
It doesn’t help that Europeans
examination results. Perhaps the time is
right to put things into perspective so
likely to be announced anywhere during
the period from the end of August to the
Beyond the obvious
continue, in their recordings of a as to ease somewhat the psychosocial third week of September. They can also If a student has to choose between a
history of ideas, to persist in the pressure that descends on parents and check for these ‘cutoffs’ on the University subject that he is happy about in a not
belief of their mightiness. Through wards at this time of the year. of Delhi’s website. Thereafter the student so well known college and a fancy college
wilful acts of myth-making, and shall be required to choose a college from with a subject that is not close to his or
despite the evidence of our labour, in
the minds of many Europeans, the
Cut-off conundrum amongst those where he or she is eligible
for admission to a degree programme.
her heart, the student must choose the
subject as by pursuing the subject of his
This means the student can choose that choice he shall become truly educated
current socioeconomic development My suggestions, though largely written college and that subject within the col-
with the University of Delhi in mind, are and thus successful. What the student
of African countries is due to our lege where his or her aggregate score is must keep in mind is that peer pressure
also applicable to parents and students above the ‘cutoffs’ for that subject in that or herd mentality should never be a fac-
across the nation. The reason why I have
We need to question kept to a significant extent the University
particular college. This aggregate is to be tor in his or her decision making process.
computed as per the instructions pro- I must add that I have noticed during
communal understanding of Delhi in mind is that it admits more vided by the University of Delhi. A stu- the past several years that university top-
than 55,000 undergraduates into its col- dent is generally given a 3-day time period pers in several different subjects at Delhi
leges each year. These students apply in which to visit the college where he or University have begun to sprout from so
supposed lack of intellectual from every corner of India. Also, this year she is eligible for admission for the com- many of the so called ‘lesser known’ col-
originality. We are, in Nigeria, things may appear a bit difficult or even pletion of all formalities. The other major leges as opposed to the fancier ones.
beginning to unmask this. They are vague for obvious reasons and this col- advantage such a procedure has ensured Also, there are numerous colleges now in
not just the colonials but those, also, umn may clear things up a bit. is in terms of transparency and fairness. Delhi University that are truly shining for
among our historical elite who aided Here are the reasons why applicants- So much for the procedures of admission, the past many years such as Ramanujan
seeking admission to the University of which have made life much easier for the College, the ARSD College and the
and abetted colonialism. Delhi-need not be too concerned as far as student since 2014. Aryabhat College. They are offering very
It is not enough to reveal lies and understanding the process is concerned. The real and very important issue is the good academic experiences-comparable
tear down statues. We have, also, to In 2014, the University of Delhi switched mad rush for the so-called elite colleges. to any college in India-along with an
build things in their places. over to a completely online application My first and very strong advice to any stu- excellent all round exposure. Of course,
If Black Consciousness, and the and admission process. This has elimi- dent is to give preference to the subject all colleges of the University of Delhi are
recovery of true freedom starts with nated the unending runaround from col- over the college. There are several rea- in the same league. So once again, go for
correcting colonisation, it is not lege to college for the admission seekers. sons why I offer such advice. First and the subject and not the college.
It has also eliminated the needless and foremost, a student should realise that The writer is former Vice-Chancellor,
completed until we have questioned extended visit to Delhi for those from out- education is all about discovering one’s Delhi University and currently Adjunct
every communal understanding we side the city who wish to gain admission true inner self. Each one of us is born with Professor of Mathematics, University of
take for granted. Our real heroes into the University of Delhi. Thus stu- an inner drumbeat, which I call the drum- Houston, USA. The views expressed are
cannot be left unscathed. dents, since the last 7 years, are able to beat of the soul or antardhwani. personal.

DAILY “ Isn’t it unnerving that

doctors call what they do
SO FUNNY “canYou’re young once.But you
always be immature.
HUMOUR ‘practice’?
” — George Calin
Forget the Joneses... I
can’t keep up with the

— Dave Barry
Delhi /Tuesday,
Mail Today, New Delhi, Chandigarh, Saturday,
July 21, 2020 February 2, 2019 SPOTLIGHT 9


set to hold
iconic rally,
virtually HIS is the first
File photo of West Bengal

BJP president Dilip Ghosh
time in its his- (centre)
tory of 22 years
that the Tri-
observe the July 21 mar-
will Ghosh’s antidote MINISTER
tyr’s day rally, virtually.
The day entails a ritual of pay-
ing tribute to the 13 Youth Con-
gress leaders, who got killed in
for Coronavirus PLANS A
police firing in Kolkata in 1993.
It also has four-hour long pro-
gramme so it is usually a cul-
tural jamboree.
STATE BJP president Dilip
Ghosh (pictured) is once
again milking the cow
have once again created
ripples with people ques-
tioning his IQ and educa-
The party’s leaders will be
metaphorically to uphold tional qualifications. A MINISTER of Chief
CM Mamata Banerjee how significant the contri- This time there's a divide Minister Mamata
present, joining CM Mamata
Banerjee in raising slogans.As ical mood. In the last five bution of the creature is in within the party over Banerjee’s cabinet had
the show-stopper of the event, months, because of Covid 19 all human life. Talking about bringing up cows in Bengal been missing from the
Mamata was always the last to political rallies got cancelled the medicinal properties of politics. It doesn't go down news until he emerged
deliver the speech. She also rep- and took the virtual route. in a new avatar.
resents the most crucial one, This is Trinamool Congress’s
cow urine, he said it helps well in a state which has a
which the party workers and first attempt to connect 7 to 10 to boost immunity against secular foundation. Leave With a towel covering
supporters soak in like words lakh people. “The reach could Covid 19. He said that peo- aside urban Bengal, there his head and a gamchha
from the holy book of politics. be even wider, if a minimum of ple can stay healthy by are no takers for such the- around his mouth as a
For 22 years, Mamata’s Mar- 50 party workers and support- drinking it. ories in rural areas and mask he was seen knee-
tyr’s Day speech came to repre- ers from each of the 79,000
booths attend,” said a Tri-
even hinterlands.
sent a set of guidelines she
wanted her party and support- namool Congress leader. But as This suggestion has According to some senior The politician was
ers to follow. As for Mamata, the far as reading the public mind created ripples BJP leaders such off-the-
Martyr’s Day rally, which or the psyche of the voters is cuff, irrelevant talks are unrecognisable
inevitably turned out to be concerned, virtual viewer- having a detrimental effect
huge with massive pres- ship might be a poor At an event in Durgapur,
on the party, which takes
ence of seven to 10
Ghosh said: "if I speak about pride in being different and deep in mud and slush
million people, it was Mamata’s After the 2019 Lok ploughing fields.
a tryst that con- Martyrs’ Day Sabha results cows, many feel uneasy. having well-read members.
vinced all that the where Trinamool Donkeys will never under- "What is acceptable in Hindi No one would have
speech represents recognised him if the
Mamata magic still
a set of guidelines
Congress faced stand the value of cows. heartland might not work
worked. considerable drub- This is the land of Lord here. Don't know why Dilip photo caption had not
she wants her bing, this Martyr’s
Krishna and we worship pointed it out.
Day rally could da is giving scope to the
supporters cows like our mother. political rivals to debunk The minister is

have been a big reported to have called
to follow opportunity for Those who consume alco- him as a joker, when party
OW- up a few journalists to
EVER, Mamata to under- hol, how will they under- has bigger plans," said a
stand if the damage make sure they had not
a lot of stand the worth of cows?" BJP leader, requesting missed the piece of
speculation could be controlled, but Ghosh's recent comments
that was not to be. In fact the
anonymity. news.
and anxiety is in
the air as to how municipality election and civic
the virtual rally would be played body elections, scheduled in
out; whether the 55 inch TV May- June had to be stalled
screen would be able to capture
and recreate the magic of a
throbbing and pulsating reality
of a political rally, comprising
because of the Coronavirus.
Though there would be many
political rallies in the run-up to
the 2021 elections, provided
Police chase unmasked offenders
variety of human faces, forms normalcy returns, it wouldn’t be THE Kolkata Police Commis- In one instance of a cat-and-
and multiplicity of human emo- any time this year. sioner Anuj Sharma and his mouse chase when the police
tions. With a mightier BJP nibbling team have been paying close managed to intercept some boys
Mamata is as tensed as the at the heels and challenging to attention to all those who are moving on a bike without masks
party supporters and workers of overthrow the Trinamool Con- moving around without wearing and helmets, the latter were
79,000 booths, who will be on the gress, Mamata indeed needs a masks. fooled when the boys shouted
virtual seat of audience to listen significant political rally to However, the police are not in they had all tested positive for
to her. If things were normal, pump up her muscles and give favour of imposing fines or Covid and were going to a quar-
and there was no pandemic in the required push for taking on arresting such people. antine centre.
the world, this Martyr’s Day the opponents head-on. The lathi-wielding police have The police did not venture any
rally would have been big, con- The writer is Associate The city police are focused on been seen running after the vio- further after the boys started
Editor, India Today lators with a bunch of masks. sneezing and coughing.
sidering this year being crucial those who break Covid rules
before the state Assembly elec-
tion, scheduled early next year.
The Martyr’s Day rally, to
Banerjee, had always been a
barometer to read the pulse of
THE STATE BJP chief of the
women ‘swing, Agnimitra Paul
and her mahila brigade
the people, the political direction
in which public opinion was
staged a dharna at Gariahat
This step was taken after the
A rally with a record presence
of people meant a rush of adren- police denied them permis- threatened to arrest them risk of a spread from a pro-
aline for the leaders, an assur- sion to stage a rally in protest and take them to the police cession of mask-wearing and
ance that people were with the against the alleged rape and headquarters in Lal Bazar. social-distance abiding
party and that the latter still had murder of a tribal woman in Paul had been highly women,” Paul added.
the capacity to mobilise a gather- North Bengal.
ing. The rally, which symbolised a amused. She said, “Aren’t you The police stepped back at
show of strength, was a kind of The reason given for with- scared of transmission in the logic and allowed the
muscle flexing to keep rivals holding the procession was bundling us off into a BJP women to crowd
under control. fear of Covid 19 transmission. packed police van to The the busy thorough-
Besides poll results, political President of BJP Mahila When Paul and her team of Lal Bazar? It seems women fare and protest.
rallies over the years also came Morcha West Bengal BJP members were ready to you are only con- weren’t allowed Never mind
to represent the prevailing polit- Agnimitra Paul violate rules, the police cerned about the social distancing!
to stage a rally
8 EDIT THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Some people see the glass half full. Others see it
half empty. I see a glass that's twice as big as it needs to be.

Pilot's flight of ambition

— George Carlin

grounded by Congress?
SINCE 1928


No end in sight from

coronavirus disruption
ndia crossed the one-million mark of coronavirus move to disqualify them in the Ra- tlement to position of power is their
cases in over three months, but it took it just three
days to log another one lakh cases. On Monday, a sin-
gle-day record high of 40,425 new cases was registered.
Comment jasthan High Court, which has barred
the speaker from taking any action
birthright. It is true that he worked
hard to bring the Congress back in pow-
against the rebels MLAs till Tuesday. At er in Rajasthan after the party’s deci-
With 681 fatalities on Monday, the total death toll now A L I Chougule the time of writing this article, the mation in the 2013 assembly election.
stands at 27,497. The trajectory of the virus is uneven and

court’s verdict on the disqualification But he is not the only reason why the
uncertain, with new hot spots emerging while old ones notices was awaited. Pilot has said that Congress won Rajasthan in 2018.
claim relief. On Monday, the West Bengal Government he was not joining the BJP and the ru- Rajasthan is a bipolar state where vot-
decided on a complete lockdown in the containment seasoned politician, Sachin Pi- nent threat to the survival of Gehlot mours were ‘spread to malign him with ers flip between Congress and the BJP
zones in some areas while State Health Minister Alapan lot is not a pilot by training. His government diminished. Pilot’s rebel- For all his the Gandhis’. The Congress has said every five years. Anti-incumbency sen-
Bandyopadhyay claimed that community transmission
good work,
attempt to fly with 19 MLAs was lion thus turned out to be less impres- that its doors are open to the rebels and timent against Vasundhara Raje
was noticed in some parts. Both Mumbai and Delhi clearly aimed at grounding the Ashok sive than expected. It is true that he had it is reported that Rahul Gandhi is also Scindia’s government was quite strong
seemed to have slowed down the spread of the virus but
the situation was still far from returning to normal. In
Gehlot government in Rajasthan. But enough grievances against Gehlot. But the Congress ‘keen on keeping the doors open for and Congress had a fair chance to de-

he lost his way and was grounded by did he have to make a public spectacle Sachin Pilot’. This means both sides feat the BJP. Opinion polls had predict-
Maharashtra’s Aurangabad district total coronavirus the Congress. It’s hard to say where he of his revolt? Pilot’s rebellion has ex- have kept their options open. Whether ed a decisive mandate for Congress.
cases rose to nearly 11,000, with the number of deaths
recorded touching 400. There were nearly 4,500 active cas-
was headed to or what his intended des- posed his unbridled hunger for power Pilot by Pilot will return to the Congress or join However, BJP fared better than expect-

making him
tination was. But before he could reach and immaturity in handling his adver- BJP, or else float his own regional outfit ed and the Congress under Sachin Pi-
es in Aurangabad alone while over 6,000 had recovered. his destination, Pilot ran out of fuel sary. remains to be seen. But what’s certain lot’s leadership struggled to get 99 of
Pune too was experiencing a fresh spurt. So was Ben-
galuru which has now been put under a stringent lock-
and has landed, at least for now, in no-
man’s land. While his flight of ambi-
For quite some time, there were re-
ports and widespread speculation in
deputy chief for now is that Pilot tried to punch
above his weight. Hence his gamble to
200 seats. Still he wanted to be the chief
minister. For all his good work, the Con-
down. Though the growth rate of infections was tapering tion crash-landed and two of his crew political circles that Pilot was longing minister with copy Scindia’s playbook seems to have gress rewarded Pilot by making him
five key
in Delhi but the capital is still not free from the virus. members lost their jobs, the pilot him- to rebel. He was expected to follow in failed. deputy chief minister with five key
In Kerala, there is a renewed spurt in certain parts, self was ejected from power, both as the footsteps of his former colleague Scindia had a well-negotiated deal portfolios. This was in stark contrast to
with the State reporting 821 fresh cases on Sunday, the deputy chief minister and Rajasthan Jyotiraditya Scindia. Unconfirmed re- portfolios. with the BJP which he executed with- Scindia who was sidelined by the Ka-
highest single day rise so far. Fearing a second surge next
This was in
Congress president. Though Pilot’s ports have it that he was in talks with out any ideological compunction. He mal Nath-Digvijay Singh duo and was
month, the State is making arrangements for treating flight did succeed in triggering turbu- the BJP for some time. The story begins had no issues joining the BJP and could even denied a Rajya Sabha seat.
50,000 cases. Notably, Kerala was feted in the national me-
dia for having handled the pandemic the best of all other
lence in Gehlot’s government, his un- with the Rajya Sabha election last stark contrast bring down the Kamal Nath govern- After the fall of Congress government

to Scindia
reasonable demands for his return to month when poaching of MLAs was ex- ment in MP because the gap between in MP, whether Pilot took some inspira-
States, with its Health Minister K K Shailaja showered the Congress camp have forced him to pected to happen for ‘enabling’ the BJP the number of MLAs of Congress and tion from Scindia is a matter of conjec-
fulsome praise. Even in the case of Bengaluru, the State
government had claimed success until the virus again
take the legal course to save himself to win an extra seat to the Upper House who was BJP was too small. Pilot doesn’t have ture, but Pilot knows he lacks numbers

sidelined by
and his MLAs from being disqualified of parliament from Rajasthan. Howev- that luxury: he has the support of only to execute a Madhya Pradesh-style re-
surfaced to torment the city. On Monday, Delhi recorded as members of Rajasthan legislative as- er, the Congress high command’s inter- 19 MLAs and the BJP is way behind volt. Therefore, joining BJP is not an
954 fresh cases, taking the total to nearly 1.25 lakhs, with
the death toll over 3,600. After the alarming inadequacy
Ambition is not a bad word. There is
vention is said to have salvaged the sit-
uation. Pilot postponed his revolt but
the Kamal Congress with 73 MLAs. This could be
one of the reasons why Pilot seems dis-
easy option for him because his MLAs
would not want to face the risk of re-
of the Arvind Kejriwal Government to cope with the pan- nothing wrong in being ambitious, but the simmering rivalry between the Nath-Digvijay inclined to join the BJP and has not election. Besides, with barely 19 MLAs,
Singh duo
demic, the central government steeped in to partner to ambition has to be realistic. Pilot was chief minister and his deputy contin- ruled out his return to the Congress. Pilot is unlikely to get a better deal for
fight the virus collectively. In recent days, the effort seems unreasonably ambitious and too de- ued. It exploded when Pilot received His failed coup against Gehlot has himself and his supporters from BJP.
to have borne fruit with the number of daily cases falling manding. When he took off from summons from Rajasthan police’s Spe- and was proved the Congress right in its belief In all this, the Congress seems to have
from the high four figures to three figures in the last cou-
even denied
Jaipur for Delhi, he claimed to have cial Operation Group to answer ques- that Gehlot would be able to command done a good job in trying to save the
ple of days. Delhi now felt emboldened to open up further had the support of 30 MLAs. That was tions on the alleged conspiracy to a larger group of MLAs during the cri- Gehlot government from an expansion-
but the markets and eating places generally bear a de-
serted look. Also, testing has improved in recent days, but
enough to bring down the Gehlot gov- destabilise the state government. Pilot a Rajya sis. It is why he was installed as chief ist BJP. This is not to absolve the ‘lead-

Sabha seat.
ernment. Hence, there was reason for responded on expected lines: he re- minister and Pilot only his deputy. erless’ Congress for the mess it is in
overall it is not enough. The number of actual cases the Congress and Chief Minister belled in an attempt to bring down the Like many politicians in the past and since its emphatic defeat in 2019 gener-
might be far in excess of the official figures since the lack Gehlot to be worried and the BJP to feel government, refused to attend Con- Scindia very recently, Pilot has once al election. The grand old party is a
of testing and non-availability of basic healthcare facili- elated. It seemed that a repeat of what gress legislature meetings and moved again demonstrated that loyalty with- drifting ship without a captain. It needs
ties in large parts of the country is a huge constraint. had happened in Madhya Pradesh (MP) to BJP-ruled Haryana with his loyal out reward can be fickle. His over- a decisive leader to navigate the ship
Meanwhile, given the continuing spread of the virus, and in March end was about to happen in MLAs. whelming desire to be the chief minis- from BJP’s expansionist tide.
the official measures taken to prevent it, economic Rajasthan. But when it became clear Then came the disqualification no- ter without enjoying support of major-
growth is bound to suffer in the current financial. An in- that Pilot didn’t have support of more tices to rebels MLAs from Rajasthan as- ity of Congress MLAs does not help dif- The writer is a former Senior Associate
dependent ratings agency estimates that the GDP loss than 20 MLAs, things began to fall in sembly speaker C P Joshi. Sachin Pilot ferentiate him from other dynasts Editor of Hindustan Times and Political
could be over nine percent. Despite the staggered open- place for the Congress and the immi- and his flock challenged the speaker’s across political spectrum who feel enti- Editor of Deccan Herald, New Delhi
ing of the economy, the disruption caused by several lo-
calised lockdowns impacts the supply chains. For in-
stance, air and rail travel is either suspended or subject
to periodic shutdowns due to the coronavirus. The West ONE FLEW OVER THE NEST #oxfordvaccine LETTERS
Bengal Government, for instance, had stopped air travel TUESDAY’S SWIPE TO THE
earlier in the month. Ditto for a few other States.
Meanwhile, the race for a sure-fire vaccine to kill the
The phase 1/2 Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trial is now published. The vaccine is safe, well-tolerated, and immunogenic. Congratulations to
Pedro Folegatti and colleagues. These results are extremely encouraging.
Bad business
virus continues apace. India has a special interest in the Richard Horton
vaccine now being developed and tested by the Oxford
University since it will be mass-produced by a famous Hearing preliminary findings that the Oxford Vaccine Trial Study is safe and trains the immune system is very promising Dizzy symbolCrossed The COVID count has
Pune-based company. More than a hundred government fingers I'm so pleased to be a trial participant, contributing to this invaluable research! touched an alarming
laboratories and pharmaceutical companies across the Ben Annear, NGS Assist. Psychologist in High-risk Eating Disorders Service
increase of 40 K per day. No
world, including those in China, are engaged in develop- beds in govt hospitals and
Waiting for more updates...but I guess for now - 'cautiously optimistic' is one way to characterize this update? Note, this University of Oxford
ing the vaccine. Whoever succeeds in hitting the market rising oxygen-starved
vaccine will be distributed by Astra Zeneca, and one the primary global manufacturers is Pune-based Serum Instititute India.
first is bound to reap a windfall, though given the havoc Amit Paranjape casualties, even as
caused by the virus to the human race it is moot whether concerned authorities
its commercial exploitation is morally appropriate. The The #OxfordVaccine has shown some very promising results Microscope with scientists at University of Oxford along with Astra Zeneca enthusiastically announce
other alternative is for the WHO to intervene and under- leading the way. Good to hear from Matt Hancock that we have secured access to 90m vaccine doses should it succeed. the imminence of an
take supply of the winner vaccine at affordable prices "Indian" vaccine by August
globally. Of course, we cannot expect China to bear the Christopher Pincher, Member of Parliament for Tamworth & Minister of State for Housing 15, but not toiling on
costs for the global supply of such a vaccine even if the ensuring what is
virus had its origins in Wuhan. Humanitarianism does rudimentary and

Don’t let social media hijack the narrative

not concern the Communist czars.
Come to grips with the challenges thrown up by digitalisation
paramount at this moment.
With no central
TAILPIECE assistance/guidance or the
political will for a serious
HOME LEARNING AND REOPENING and systematic reopening

of economy, it is finally left
to Municipal
essons via radio or TV. Math problems in newspapers. Classes on Commissioners to clamp
Zoom or WhatsApp. The options for African students to keep study- lockdowns, in cavalier
ing while schools remain closed because of the coronavirus pan- baked TV news report. In the first place, they failed manner works against them as people then tend to abdication. As links to the
demic seem varied, but the reality for many is that they will fall behind to spot the dodgy report on a sensitive topic. The disbelieve every official version. chains of supply and of
and possibly drop out of school forever — worsening inequality on an same story played out at the national level when the It is not as if social media is full of negatives. Vi- demand keep breaking,
already unequal continent. migrant exodus was a trickle. ral videos rather than mainstream media reports there is not a modicum of
"I think education now is more of an emergency than the health
issue," said Dr Mary Goretti Nakabugo, a literacy expert who runs a It may come as a surprise to the Twitter genera- have forced change during the pandemic; patients certainty or continuity for
Uganda-based education non-profit called Uwezo, noting that there tion that once it was the ‘Letters to the editor’ that posting photos of COVID corpses lying in corri- much of anything to be
have been no reported virus deaths and just over 1,000 cases in this alerted authorities to issues left unaddressed. Any- dors, exposing black-marketing in vital drugs, over- open to business. Yet, our
East African country, though, as elsewhere, limited testing means those one from scholars to activists to the common man billing by private hospitals, interns revealing the Sensex is relentlessly seen
figures are likely undercounts.
Although the pandemic has disrupted education across the globe, the
Wrap-up could get his facts/argument, narrative/demand or
complaint/compliment in print. An assistant edi-
dire shortage of doctors in public hospitals, neti-
zens recording police high-handedness, the posts
adding to the market cap in
proportion to the climbing
Anil Singh
schooling crisis is more acute in Africa, where up to 80% of students

tor sifted through hundreds of letters a day, of showing hordes flouting social distancing norms COVID count. Welcome to
don't have access to the internet and even electricity can be unreliable, which a maximum of seven made it to the presti- the moment lockdown was eased. the virtual world of COVID.
making distance learning difficult, if not impossible. Even newspapers
into which learning materials are inserted are not affordable for many gious editorial page, some in as many as 500 words. The reaction, or rather lack of it, of the public R Narayanan
in the region. t first glance, there is nothing in common It used to be said that a hundred words in a reputed health system to the viral videos is a case study.

Right initiative
Sub-Saharan Africa already has the highest rates of children out of between the two recent news items —an in- newspaper were more effective than a thousand- With most print and TV journalists eating out of
school anywhere in the world, with nearly one-fifth of children between quiry committee’s finding that the lynching strong protest rally, much like a Tweet today. their hands, medical mandarins were able to hide
the ages of 6 and 11 and over one-third of youth between 12 and 14 this April of two Hindu priests in Palghar, some 100 In the dumbing down process, the editorial page the shortcomings of the system. When the viral Ref: Grads can now sign up
not attending, according to the UN culture and education agency. But km north of Mumbai, was not a planned affair but in several newspapers has been downgraded and videos shook the system, no one knew how to rebut for a disaster management
getting students back to school also comes with special challenges in a spontaneous incident fuelled by rumours of the space for letters has shrunk. In any case, the them. This undid even the good work done by pub- diploma, July 20, 2020. A
Africa, where children in some countries may cram into tiny classrooms child-lifting and, that Surat cop Sunita Yadav (of print medium’s credibility and circulation are de- lic hospitals. one-year post-graduate
by the dozens. The charity Save the Children identified 12 countries in
which children "are at extremely high risk of dropping out forever." Nine the viral video fame) was not backed They should have rebutted such dam- diploma in Disaster
of them are in sub-Saharan Africa. by senior officers despite her stand- aging viral videos by sincerely admit- management offered by the
In Uganda, for instance, annual per capita income was less than $800 ing up to the state health minister’s ting to the shortcomings of the system, Directorate of Civil
in 2019, according to World Bank data. Uganda's government has son caught violating the COVID cur- outlining their limitations, stating the Defence is a welcome step
pledged to distribute 10 million radios and over 130,000 solar-powered few. corrective action taken and highlight- and comes at an
TV sets, but authorities have failed to honour past promises, including On closer examination, the underly- ing their genuine success stories. appropriate time. This
giving a free mask to everyone. ing factor is the inability of the au- There is no shame in conceding that gives a wider scope to
In neighbouring Kenya, pupils will repeat an academic year, a phe- thorities to come to grips with the you are overwhelmed but have not giv- graduates and is great
nomenon commonly described as a "dead year." Schools also provide
havens for children from work and exploitation. Girls may especially challenges thrown up by social me- en up the fight. thinking by authorities.
suffer, according to the literacy expert Nakabugo, who cited anecdotal dia. To their credit the cops were able to Melville X. D'Souza
reports of a growing number of teenage pregnancies — as the The Palghar police ignored What- use the social media to their advantage

Back on track
Norway-based institute's report noted happened during West Africa's sApp rumours that men masquerad- although in a limited way; the message
Ebola epidemic. ing as Hindu monks were going in a song, delivering birthday cakes,
Some students in Senegal returned to classrooms in June. In around kidnapping children during distributing food, donating plasma… Every sphere of life needs
Zimbabwe, where in many schools up to 70 students may be crammed the countrywide lockdown. They had However, this is no substitute for a to adapt to the shifting
into a small room, the government is postponing a phased reopening simply not learnt from the lynchings proper policy. In the digital era where dynamics. Field sports took
that had been scheduled to begin this month. Teachers unions had
warned that such a plan is dangerous in schools lacking face masks, across the country because of fake your image depends on the digital im- its baby steps when the
hand sanitiser, and even running water. news about child-lifters, roving ban- age, every wing of the government much awaited England-
Even in South Africa, the continent's most prosperous economy, the dits, cow killers, organ harvesting must have its own cyber cell to monitor West Indies series.
government has faced criticism from teachers unions for its decision to gangs, etc. news pertaining to it. The cops do have Elsewhere, beautiful
reopen schools despite a growing number of cases. Since schools there In the second incident, Gujarat’s IPS officers cut clining. With mainstream media shying away from a cybercrime cell but it is more of a joke: letting contact games of basketball
reopened in June, at least 650 students and teachers have tested posi- a sorry figure by opting not to react to social media playing a watchdog role and TV news channels those spreading hate messages go but arresting and football make a
tive in the province of Gauteng, the country's economic hub, forcing 71 even if the viral video had turned their own con- seen as lapdogs, people are willing to believe all those who have ‘liked’ a message deemed derogato- reappearance. All credit
schools to close again. stable into an overnight celebrity. kinds of rumours and conspiracy theories that are ry just because some jingoists have taken offence at should go to novel and
The prolonged shutdown could also mean many schools close for
good and many teachers quit, exacerbating what is already the world's Public health authorities in Mumbai showed the rife on social media. it. energetic sports bodies that
worst teacher shortage. "It is the poorest schools that will continue to same ostrich-like mentality during the ongoing The authorities are in a quandary as they have no Not only must these cyber cells spot fake news, foresaw, planned and
suffer and remain closed, while affluent schools reopen, only deepening pandemic when faced with viral videos showing mechanism to verify the truth in an ecosystem half-truths or absolute truths early but they must executed to perfection.
inequality in both access to and quality of education," said Dipolelo uncomfortable truths such as overcrowding, lack of where fake news factories abound. Even if they oc- also formulate an immediate and effective response Sports is an endless series
Moime, spokesman for One SA Movement, a group of South African cleanliness, shortage of staff and piling up of casionally catch fake news or spot a viral video that will quell any misgivings, conspiracy theories of adjustments and players
activists. corpses. that’s genuine, officials don’t know how to react to and consequent panic. The ‘Letters to the editors’ shape their own destinies.
"I can't even afford to buy bread. Where will I get the money for these Likewise, authorities monitoring the lockdown in it in the absence of a laid-down policy. Most sit tight column must have a digital avatar. The adrenaline rush to
private lessons?" said Maud Chirwa, a mother in the Kuwadzana sub- Mumbai were unable to gauge the restlessness of unless pushed. dominate will keep them
urb of Zimbabwe's capital, Harare. "They are better off at school where
there are some controls." migrant labour until they stormed Bandra Railway The inability of the authorities to counter fake or The writer is an independent journalist going, despite no crowds.
Terminus expecting trains home based on a half- even genuine news on social media in a systematic based in Mumbai. Ganapathi Bhat
- AP
Letters to the editor should be sent to: The Free Press Journal, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215 Nariman Point, Mumbai. 400021; Fax: 22874688, e-mail:; Type letter, leave space, write your views and name. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
t h e da ily gua r dia n
2 1 j u ly 2 0 2 0
n ew de l h i comment & analysis 5

Geopolitics in the

Time for honest and

innovative lockdown
time of Covid-19
The pandemic has made us realise that we are but a global village that is connected not only
Is this the time to go back to strict lockdown again? The argu-
ment may sound absurd and unwarranted for many raising
the bogey of livelihoods, migrant misery and economic slump.
But, this is a harsh reality staring us and for those who are not
ready to see the reality, which we have ignored so far under the
cover of lowest mortality and highest recovery rates, must wake
up and see that the predictions made by top global experts are
by trade and commerce but also shared health policies and common socio-cultural behaviour. coming true. We were just under 100 cases a day around 15
April. Three months later, we’re reporting over 38,500 corona-
tensions, blame game, pressure from demand- required counterbalance opposed to unilateralism? positive cases daily. Do we need the figures to get any higher to
and finger pointing espe- drops in the US, Europe to unilateralism and au- There is certainly hope for jolt us and accept that if global predictions also come true for In-

opinion cially between the United

States and China. The US
squarely blames China
and world markets on
account of the pandemic.
Covid-19 has exposed the
thoritarianism. The same
could be expected of a ris-
ing and strong India. To be
that. After all what this vi-
rus has achieved, probably
for the first time in human
dia’s worst-case scenario, then we will be even higher than the
United States’ current Covid-19 figures?
Given the country’s healthcare infrastructure and the current
probably as a geopolitical need for Beijing’s decision- a counterpoise along with history, is a unified hu- spate of natural calamities aggravating the pressure on available
Alwyn Didar Singh strategy using coronavirus makers to focus on domes- a united Europe to these man consciousness that human resources, can India afford a situation like the US and
as an alibi to hinder the tic development and China emerging trends. To stand looks at each one of us as Brazil? Do we have any magic wand than shutting ourselves to
emergence of a new global will have to reconcile its not as in the past as part global citizens and not just at least incur lesser damage to human lives? The shutting down
contender. thrust overseas with lo- of a ‘non-aligned’ faction that of any one country. has to be innovative and restrictive, yet productive in a way
Experts argue that the cal resources. Whether in but one that pushes for The online networks and that those who matter in moving the country’s growth engines
was V-shaped, but some factors that currently lead Asia or Africa, project fail- co-existence in this multi- common strategies for -- politics, business, investors and the corporate -- must maxi-
argue that it led eventu- to dissonance are US uni- ures, cases of insolvency, polar world. pandemic handling have mise the online meeting medium and social distancing norms
ally to the rise of Hitler. lateralism versus China’s and bankruptcies are ex- Post-corona economic brought on this realisation. to keep the business as usual. In fact, the super-spreaders have
It also showed that the authoritarianism. How pected to grow exponen- consequences match the We are but a global village been those on roads and outside our homes with little or no real
world is not really pre- does the world address tially along BRI routes in three scenarios of a V- that is connected not only contribution in boosting the economy. Can we deliver maximum
pared to handle epidem- these issues? Can the the months, if not years to Curve; a U-Curve; or an by trade and commerce but with the minimum interface -- if needed, work from home -- to
ics and therefore needed UN play a role? Probably come, leading to BRI loans L-Curve. V-Curve or the shared health policies and make it a habit as in routine office days?
better coordination and not since both are part of remaining unpaid and dis- best-case scenario envis- common socio-cultural We have crossed the dangerous one million mark. Most na-
cooperation. Similarly, the Security Council and rupting the entire Chinese ages a moderate economic behaviour. tions worldwide are switching back in lockdown mode, fearing
more recent epidemics and have veto rights. Neither strategy. BRI will not stop disturbance, which can As business models be- corona resurgence. The “out-of-hand” situation in India is a pic-
pandemics caused by HIV would allow global gov- but it will change as will hopefully be dealt with by come virtual, maybe geo- ture of paradox. At one stage, the country was an example for
(AIDS), SARS, H1N1 or the ernance to interfere with the geo-politics around it. the existing world order politics too will. We shall many global nations. Today, we ourselves do not know how to
Ebola virus, support the their strategies. The US economy is where economies bounce witness a digitisation of handle and what best to do as a nation. Every state is now on its
view that the world needs Globalisation has had its badly impacted, and the back post the virus. A geopolitics brought on by own, issuing respective lockdown restriction guidelines, which

t would appear that enhancement of interna- benefits. The prosperity administration appears to much more likely scenar- corona and advances in are assessed on the basis of daily corona-positive cases and not
coronavirus is here to tional cooperation and witnessed post WW-II was have gone into a domestic io is probably the U-Curve technology. The distinc- determined by the actual threat of the pandemic, which is mul-
stay. It may be tackled preparedness. Obviously, largely through technology huddle. Infected numbers which may be rather bad tion between biological, tiplying manifolds like a TB infection or cancer in its last stage.
as a pandemic one day, the lessons were never re- breakthrough, free trade, and deaths across the US for the world as it foresees digital and virtual would Many states like Maharashtra, Delhi and Tamil Nadu are fac-
but certainly it will cre- ally absorbed by nations spread of education and continue to rise and the severe economic damage blur further and geopoli- ing the worst and these are the country’s business, political and
ate a “new normal” for as we see clearly now with absence of a huge conflict. economy is deteriorating. necessitating a massive tics may no more be the corporate hubs. Many who still argue that India is still better
the world. Some earlier Covid-19. The impact is This last factor was crucial. Unemployment at 14% is demand for reconstruc- preserve of the state but with over 62% recovery and mortality rate lower than the US,
pandemics had a similar certainly both geopolitical The world cannot afford the highest since the Great tion. Economies would have multiple stakehold- Spain and Italy must not forget if today, we go for voluntary co-
impact. As we look back and geo-economic. any one power seeking Depression. Work-from- have a protracted bottom ers at play including large rona testing, we will cross the US current numbers by millions.
in history, the Antonine Today politics and gover- hegemony as the new form home and tele-working of the U-Curve where technology platforms, The 75 cases in the BJP office in Patna, a “super-spreader” mar-
Plague of 165-180 AD nance are not as we knew for colonisation. have grown exponentially available resources and a sub-state actors, non-state riage party in Bihar, the dozens of positive cases in Raj Bhavans
(which may have been them in the past. Modern We need to assess the but the lower strata of so- shaky global institutional actors, digitally mobilised of Bihar and Maharashtra are a stark reality we have been ignor-
smallpox or measles) killed statecraft is multifaceted possible impact of the ciety and the less educated architecture cannot cope communities and even in- ing that we have “underestimated” the pandemic and defied the
approximately 5 million and complex (issues for ex- virus on these leading have been hurt the most. with the downturn for a fluential or vocal individu- outcome without logic or any definite health remedy to counter
people, hastening the end ample are social, political, economies. China will With the required greater relatively longish period. als. Add to this the Fourth it. The situation calls for policymakers to rethink if restricting
of the Roman Empire. economic, environmen- not only bear the brunt of domestic focus, the US has The worst-case or L-Curve Industrial Revolution and public movement outside homes and allowing only essential
After World War I, the tal, military and security- all the negative publicity been compelled to reduce scenario could be really geopolitics becomes com- mobility of those “urgently” needed to keep the governance and
Spanish Flu claimed at related) which leads us to that has come from being its international policing ugly: it includes a devas- pulsorily multi-stake- business in the country moving.
least 50 million lives (with appreciate this to navigate blamed as the originator role. tating economic collapse holder-oriented where It’s time to learn the lessons from corona. Had we ever thought
about 500 million people, the ongoing crisis and fore- of the virus, that it osten- Europe is also in a bind. of potentially historic pro- co-existence becomes the about working from home, doing online business transactions,
or one-third of the world’s cast its implications for sibly tried initially to hide, Different European coun- portions, leading to social norm. That is not just the and countless meetings on social media apps to keep us moving?
population, infected) and the global order. There is but will feel the heat on its tries followed different and political turmoil in a expectation and hope but We have done well and have done it honestly. We also learnt that
triggered significant steps a transition in the history signature programme of strategies for handling the number of countries, lost something we would ex- prevention holds key to our health as we understood the sig-
in global health gover- of international relations BRI (Belt and Road Initia- virus but overall, the eco- benefits of globalisation pect geopolitics to absorb nificance of sanitation now. The same way, the bureaucracy and
nance such as the creation with this corona pandem- tive). In a bleak economic nomic impact has touched and connectivity resulting and address. political leadership realised that ignoring “Make in India” was
of the World Health Orga- ic. International diplo- situation BRI is likely to all economies and reduced in massive global changes a major miss. Had we realised the true potential of “Make in In-
nization (WHO) and also macy, central to statecraft, hit a funding shortfall. As the EU’s international that wreck the world order The writer is a former civil dia” in the last six years, India would have been Aatmanirbhar
led to economic distress is strongly influenced by would the whole export- clout. And yet, the world for years to come. servant and presently Dis- already and the country wouldn’t have created a fuss on a longer
in Asia, Europe and the this. Global politics stands oriented Chinese econo- expects Europe to stand up So, will the post-Covid tinguished Fellow at CUTS and an honest lockdown to keep the pandemic at bay.
US. Recovery thankfully threatened by increased my that would face severe and be counted. To be that world see co-existence as International. Maneesh Pandeya


The contradiction called communist China state. After founding the represented by the CCP and major breakthrough of tra- in China, it is Marxism of dominantly the CCP, decides make up the “BAT”, appears
People’s Republic, it focused it would dominate China in ditional Marxist economic contemporary China and it the direction of the Chinese in the People’s Daily list of

on its socialist transforma- the foreseeable future. theories and a fundamen- is the crystallised, collective economy. Commenting on 100 peoples whom the Cen-
tion, “completing the transi- The Chinese Commu- tal shift from other com- wisdom of the Communist China, economist Nicholas tral Committee of the CCP
tion from New Democracy nist Party derives its pow- munist societies. It was an Party of China. It is guid- Lardy, author of The State decided to honour for their
to socialism, establishing ers and character from its unprecedented move for ing the socialist modernisa- Strikes Back, said that the pri- contributions to the reform
the basic system of socialism constitution. According to primarily two reasons: pub- tion of China from victory vate firms in China currently and opening up. The mem-
Hari K. Sharma and developing socialism the constitution of the CCP, lic ownership and market to victory”. In leading the account for roughly 70% of bership of the party rose to
economically, politically and amended and adopted at the economic mechanism is cause of socialism, the Com- the country’s output (gross 92 million and every 15th
culturally”. It was argued 16th CPC National Congress contrary to the thesis of clas- munist Party of China must domestic product). How- person in China is its mem-
that only a strong, unified on 14 November 2002, “The sical economics and Western persist in taking economic ever, Lardy has also argued ber. Some of the richest men
China could prevent a rep- Communist Party of China orthodox economics that be- development as the central that a reversal in economic in China including Jack Ma,
and socialism are very much etition of that period of na- is the vanguard both of the lieves that only capitalist pri- task, making all other work liberalisation by favoring Wang Jianlin and Xu Jiayin
there, kicking and challeng- tional humiliation. Chinese working class and vate ownership could sus- subordinated to and serve the state-owned firms began are party members.
ing the Western hegemony The formal structure of of the Chinese people and tain with market economic this central task.China had after Xi Jinping took over the Modern China boasts of
of global capitalism. China’s government in the the Chinese nation.” The mechanism. And secondly, lifted the official ban on pri- leadership of the communist the ideological legacy of
China is a “civilisation early years of the PRC close- realisation of communism it was against the traditional vate farming in 1982 and party in 2012. Interestingly, Marx, Mao and Deng, but
state” with an imperial his- ly resembles the model of the is the highest ideal and ul- Marxist theory that believes by 1983 almost completed contrary to most liberal as- simultaneously presents
tory of around 2,000 years. Soviet Union which was a timate goal of the Party. that public ownership of any the de-collectivising of the sertions that the market contrasting images of state
Not all of the dynasties that one party state. The Chinese The party takes inspiration form can’t coexist with a free agricultural sector. Deng fa- economy paves the way for capitalism and political au-
ruled China were Chinese, Communist Party not only from Marxism-Leninism, market economy, and pri- mously said that to open the opening up of the political thoritarianism; economic
in the sense that they were solely represents the work- Mao Zedong Thought and vate ownership of all types economy, the party would system, China became more marvels and the debt trap,
not all of ethnic Han Chi- ing class or the people, but Deng Xiaoping theory and should be eliminated. By have to “let some people get rigid and ruthless after the also refers to as new eco-
To many, modern China nese in origin. The historical also the state, its institutions the combined three is its combining the public own- rich first”. His most famous Tiananmen Square mas- nomic colonialism; mega
epitomises the “communist legacy continues to influ- and overall policymaking. It guiding force to action.The ership and market mecha- catchphrase — “It doesn’t sacre. Chinese economist SEZs, multinational com-
dream” of an egalitarian so- ence attitudes in contempo- wielded unparalleled pow- highest ideal of communism nism the Chinese economic matter if a cat is black or Zhang Weiying even argued panies and large concentra-
ciety along with a thriving rary China that includes the ers and China was practi- pursued by the Chinese model negated both the white; as long as it catches that China’s success in re- tion camps; the policy of
market economy — some- Opium War and the impact cally governed under a dual Communists can be realised Western orthodox econom- mice, it is a good cat” — be- cent years has “not been be- peaceful rise of China and
thing that was never imag- of the West in the 19th cen- party-state system in which only when the socialist so- ics and Marxist economics. came immensely popular cause of the state, but in spite the Chinese bullying, ag-
ined by their ideological tury, peasant rebellions, organs of the government ciety is fully developed and Deng Xiaoping had played among policymakers. His of the state”. gressive military posturing
forefathers. Socialist lead- cultural nationalism as part are shadowed by the CCP very advanced, which is a a pivotal role in China’s passionate endorsement of The membership of the in the South China sea, Asia
ers, Marxist scholars, politi- of response to the challenges monitoring bodies. There long historical process. transformation. “Deng market economics laid the Chinese Communist Party Pacific, Ladakh and Central
cal parties and their affiliate posed by the West, military was considerable overlap The primary objective Xiaoping Theory was the foundation of modern China that was originally open Asia; the claim of being a
groups and institutions occupation by Japan, the between personnel in the of post-Mao economic outcome of the integra- whose trade and business only to workers, peasants, People’s Democracy and the
around the world celebrate civil war between commu- government, the People’s planning was how to initi- tion of the basic tenets of model swamped the world. and intellectuals, was made muzzling of people’s demo-
this grand success of their nists and nationalists, the Liberation Army and par- ate reforms to revive the Marxism-Leninism with Officially PRC called itself a flexible to accommodate cratic voices in Xinxiang, Ti-
ideological peers. It also rise of Mao Zedong and the ty hierarchy. China’s first economy without reducing the practice of contempo- “Socialist Market Economy” professionals, government bet and Hong Kong; and its
proved the futility of Francis radical experiments of the proper constitution adopted political control. The es- rary China and the features that allows a considerable servants and entrepreneurs. anti-terrorism policy while
Fukuyama’s “End of His- Great Leap Forward and on 20 September 1954 also sence of socialist economic of the times, a continuation degree of capitalism and glo- It created a storm when the supporting the rogue states
tory” thesis that proclaimed the Cultural Revolution. drew heavily on the Soviet reform with,“Chinese char- and development of Mao balisation; but the bureau- names of the founders of and globally-designated ter-
the decisive win of capital- The Chinese leadership was constitution of 1936. It en- acteristics” was to create Zedong Thought under cracy still holds significant the three Chinese Internet rorists for political reasons.
ism and democracy over committed to wash away the shrined the principle that a unique blend of social- new historical conditions; influence and control over giants — Baidu’s Robin Li, The author teaches Political Sci-
communism after the fall stains of “century of humilia- PRC would be led by the ist public ownership with it represents a new period the forces of production and Jack Ma of Alibaba and Ten- ence at the Lady Shri Ram Col-
of the USSR. Communism tion” and emerge as a strong working class effectively market economy. It was a of development of Marxism distribution in the state, pre- cent’s Pony Ma — together lege for Women, DU.
6 legally speaking the daily guardian
21 july 2020
new delhi

Consumers & Law

The Consumer Protection Act,

2019: An overview  The key features of the new
Act are as follows:
to be assured of access to goods,
products and services at com-
pensation under a ‘product
liability’ action for a ‘harm’
Adjudication  & 
Power to nullify
of review to the District &
State Commission of its own
introduced, if the question of
admissibility is not decided
the ‘Unfair
petitive prices; Right to be heard or ‘injury’ caused to him due order. Under the old Act  only within the specified period
Enhanced Pecuniary at appropriate forums; Right to deficiency in a product or Contract’ the National Commission of 21 days.
Jurisdiction  to seek redressal against un- service. The Act comes with an added was empowered to review  The insertion of ‘Product
The key change under the fair trade practices that are definition of ‘Unfair Contract’ its order for factual errors. Liability’ as a new ground
new Act is that the jurisdic- involved in exploitation of Introduction of which includes contracts for filing a complaint has
Vaibhav Choudhary & tion will now be determined customers; and Right to con- ‘Mediation’ between a manufacturer or Mandatory deposit been one of the significant
Shruti Shrestha on the basis of ‘value of goods sumer awareness. Under the Act the provi- trader or service provider on of Amount before additions to the Act. The
or services paid as consider- sion of mediation, where, one hand, and a consumer Appeal Act  allows consumers to file
ation’ by the consumer not Establishment of settlement of disputes on the other, having such The Act has introduced a complaints in the district
as per the relief claimed. Central Consumer is  possible  either  at the terms which cause signifi- mandatory provision for commission where they re-
The threshold for pecuni- Protection stage of admission of a cant change in the rights of the Appellant Party to de- side or work for gain, which
ary jurisdiction under the Authority (CCPA) complaint or at any later consumers. It includes any posit 50% of the amount or- comes as a relief as earlier
new Act of the commissions The Act establishes a regu- stage,  subject to consent of contractual terms which dered by the District, State they were required to file a
stand revised i.e. District latory authority, namely, both the parties has been specify excessive security or National forum before fil- complaint in the area where
Commission: Upto Rs 1 crore the Central Consumer Pro- introduced.  A mediation deposits(i.e. tenancy agree- ing an appeal. Under the old the seller or service provider
from Rs 20 lacs; State Com- tection Authority (CCPA), cell is now attached to each ments), provide for unilateral Act the ceiling was of maxi- was located. 
mission: Rs 1 crore to Upto Rs with wide powers of en- District, State and National termination (i.e. employment mum of Rs. 25,000/- [for The Act has widened the
10 crore and National Com- forcement, having an inves- Commission and its contracts) or assignment appeal to State Forum],  Rs. definition of ‘Unfair Trade
mission: Above Rs 10 crore. tigation wing, headed by a regional Benches for quick without consent of the other 35,000/. [For NCDRC] and Practices’ as compared to
The increase in the pecuni- Director-General, which resolution. There will be no party etc.  The 1986 Act did Rs. 50,000/-. [Before the Su- the 1986 Act which now in-
ary jurisdiction will reduce may conduct an inquiry or appeal against settlement not provide consumers with preme Court] which stands cludes within its ambit online
the backlog  of the Appellate investigation into consumer through mediation. a single forum against such removed. misleading advertisements;

he key provisions of tire chapter of the Act deal- forum and will prevent  frivo- law violations.  The Author- contracts. All cases relat- the practice of not issuing
the Consumer Pro- ing  with a separate Consumer lous complaints filed before ity has been granted wide Penalties for ing to unfair contracts will Conclusion bills/memo for the goods
tection Act, 2019, Protection Authority for ad- the NCDRC directly bypass- powers to take suo-moto ac- Misleading be heard by the State and The Act keeps in mind the and services; failing to take
have come into force on July vertisements, e-commerce ing  State and District forums. tions, recall products, order Advertisement & National Commission only. protection to buyers not back defective goods or de-
20, 2020. The Act received rules for websites, and mak- reimbursement of the price Endorsement The Act empowered the only from traditional sell- activate defective services
the assent of the President of ing celebrity endorsers liable Defined statutory of goods/services, cancel li- The CCPA may impose State and National Commis- ers but also from the new etc. The Act will also enable
India and was published in yet to be notified. rights of the censes and file class action a penalty of up to INR sion to declare any terms of e-commerce platforms. The the consumers to drag the
the official gazette on August Further, the corresponding Consumer suits, if a consumer com- 1,000,000 on a manufac- the contract, which is unfair Act emphasises on speedier manufacturers, sellers or
09, 2019, which replaced the rules relating to qualification The definition of “consumer” plaint affects more than one turer or an endorser, for a to any consumer, to be null adjudication of complaints distributors who are found
three decade old Consumer for appointment, method of has been expanded to include individual. However, the false or misleading adver- and void.   by allowing electronic filings in dealing with adulterated
Protection Act, 1986.  recruitment, procedure of persons who engage in of- provisions relating to it is yet tisement. The CCPA may and notices by an aggrieved and spurious products and
The Act introduces various appointment, term of office, fline or online transactions to be notified.  also sentence them to im- E- Commerce consumer. There was no claim compensation. How-
provisons keeping in mind resignation and removal of through electronic means prisonment for up to 2 (two) The Act defines e-commerce provision for e-filing under ever, the Act fails to prescribe
the new challenges faced by the president and members or by tele-shopping or direct Concept of years for the same.  In case as buying or selling of goods the 1986 Act.  The New Act any time limit to decide the
the consumer in the digital of the State and District Com- selling or multi-level market- ‘Product Liability’ of a subsequent offence, or services including digital also contains enabling pro- complaint and appeal, the de-
era. The Act aims to provide mission, Salary, allowances ing. Under the Act,  the rights Under the Act the concept the fine may extend to INR products over digital or elec- visions for consumers for lay in deciding the consumer
the timely and effective ad- and conditions of service of of the Consumer are defined of ‘Product liability’ has 5,000,000 (Indian Rupees tronic networks.  The earlier hearing and/or examining complaint is one of the major
ministration and settlement president and members of for the first time, and given been introduced for the first Five Million) and imprison- Act did not specifically in- parties through video-con- concerns by the Consumers,
of consumer disputes. The the State and District Com- statutory protection which time, wherein, the product ment of up to 5 (five) years. clude e-commerce transac- ferencing, which is aimed which is ignored under the
key provisions as notified mission, mediation procedure includes: Right to be protected manufacturer, product ser- The CCPA can also prohibit tions in its ambit. The Cen- to provide procedural ease Act.
pertains to consumer pro- and rules governing Central against the marketing of vice provider and product the endorser of a misleading tral Government has been and reduce inconvenience The Consumer Protection
tection councils, consumer Consumer Protection Coun- goods, products or services seller, will be liable for any advertisement from endors- authorized to take measures and harassment for the Act, 2019 will prove a signif-
disputes commission,  me- cils are also been notified.  which can be hazardous to claim for compensation. It ing that particular product and make rules to prevent consumers. However, the icant tool in protecting con-
diation, liability of services The Act will strengthen the life and property; Right to will deter manufacturers or service for a period of up unfair trade practices in e- procedure of the same is not sumer rights in the country.
or products, the penalty for consumer rights, the scope be informed about the qual- and service providers from to 1 (one) year. For every sub- commerce. yet notified by the Central Vaibhav Choudhary, Founder &
manufacturing, selling, dis- of consumer grievances and ity, quantity, potency, purity, delivering defective products sequent offence, the period Government.  Under the Act Managing Partner, YHprum Le-
tributing, spurious goods or provide ease in the process of standard and price of goods, or deficient services. A con- of prohibition may extend to Power to Review: concept of deemed admis- gal & Shruti Shrestha, Partner,
products.  However, an en- filing complaints. products and services; Right sumer can now claim com- 3 (three) years.  The Act conferred the power sibility of complaints is also YHprum Legal .

GST, Law & Business

Capturing the Volatilities of Goods & Services Tax

of revenue to both Central which gives a blow to com- nies and its employees in a AARs gave different rulings faulted in filing statements down that registered persons the Act was brough in force
Aparna Tripathi
and State Governments on mon man. Amidst the pan- disadvantageous position be- on the issue, CBITC issued a and GSTR (GST Return) be allowed the claim as time are defeated on a daily basis.
the basis of the place of sup- demic, sanitizer is viewed cause the companies would clarification on 10.06.2020 prior to appointment of RP/ period given under Rule 117 If we derive from the above
GST is a new legislation how- ply. The structure of GST is as a life saver and imposing incur additional costs during regarding levying of GST IRP has to get new GST Reg- is directory and not manda- summarisation, it can be
ever, its development has torn into Integrated Goods GST on such an essential transportation which won’t on Director’s remuneration istration within 30 days of tory and the Court applied easily viewed that there is
spanned over two decades and Services tax (IGST), commodity, as it is declared be recovered by them. The paid to them by the Compa- Appointment of RP/IRP or the rule of 3 years’ limitation plenteous confrontation.
which steals its novelty. De- Central Goods and Services by the Ministry of Consum- AAR disregarded the fact ny. As per the clarification, by 30.06.2020, whichever period as given under the The various conflicts which
spite years of planning and Tax (CGST) and State/Union er Affairs, Food and Public that employees with disabili- remuneration of a director, is later. Limitation Act. The Court can be ascertained from the
designing, the Act is still Territory Goods and Ser- Distribution vide notifica- ties and female employees at addressed by whichsoever These frequently modify- repeated itself in the case of recent legislative and judicial
evolving and improvising. vices Tax (SGST/UTGST). tion CG-DL- E13032020- odd hours need conveyance name, will not attract GST ing rules caused confusion Mangla Hoist Pvt. Ltd. v. Union developments over GST are
The new challenges which While IGST is leviable on 218645 under the Essential which assures their safety when such director is an em- amongst IRP/RPs as they of India (W.P.(C) 3572/2020 worrisome. The commodity
are staring in the eye of the inter-state supply, CGST and Commodities Act, seems to and well-being. ployee of the Company and cannot obtain more than one and CM APPL. 12707/2020) which is declared to be an es-
system concerning GST and SGST are applicable on intra- be a less thought-out step. GST on sale of plot: In an- his remuneration is booked GST registration at a time. which was pronounced on sential one by the Ministry
its day-to-day implementa- state supply. This ruling can be identi- other ruling, Gujarat AAR as salary under the Income The much awaited judge- 17th June, 2020. Similar itself is not exempted from
tion are being resolved on This Act has brought in fied as an added misery for adjudged that sale of plots Tax Act, 1961. However, GST ment on CENVAT claim: In ruling was also given by the GST levy under the judicial
an orderly basis. various changes with it the sellers and consumers as which are developed, i.e., is charged on Reverse Charge the past two months, a tussle Punjab and Haryana High pronouncement, creating
alongwith carrying a few fea- earlier alcohol-based sanitiz- plots which have facilities Basis when any remunera- broke out amongst the tax Court. An appeal was filed in excessive uncertainty. CBITC
Introduction to GST tures of the previous indirect ers were charged under 12% such as provision of water tion paid to a director is not payers and GST Authorities the case of Brand Equity Trea- is itself in a dilemma when it
The Goods and Services Tax taxation legislations. slab. Previously, it was clas- supply, supply of electricity booked as salary or renu- over CENVAT claims. CEN- ties Limited v. Union of India comes to GST application
Act came in force on 1st July, sified as antihypertensive and other basic amenities are meration is paid to a director VAT is the Central Value before the Hon’ble Supreme over companies undergoing
2017. This Act was enforced the Recent drug but now, it has been subject to GST. The bench who is not an employee to the Added Tax which was levied Court and the judgement on CIRP, which is leading to a
with a view to unify the in- Developments categorized under the head made a distinction between company. by the Central Government this is eagerly awaited by the state of dubiety. The distinc-
direct taxes levied in India. in GST of ‘insecticides, rodenti- sale of land and sale of devel- GST Compliance for prior to the introduction of registered dealers. tion of developed land from
Despite GST, VAT and other As mentioned earlier, this cides, fungicides, herbicides, oped plots, thereby subject- companies under CIRP: GST. TRAN-1 is a Form un- These were few notable land is still an evolving dif-
indirect taxes are still appli- law is still making headway anti-sprouting products and ing sale of developed plots to Previously, a circular dated der GST which allows the developments in GST apart ferentiation which is reck-
cable on liquor and petro- in our country. Its every day plant-growth regulators, dis- GST under ‘construction of 21.03.2020 was issued by registered person having from various others. ing havoc on the already
leum products. Actionable developments can be traced infectants and similar prod- a complex intended for sale CBITC stating that any Cor- ITC on closing stock and dilapidated condition of the
claims are also kept outside by the clarifications issued ucts’ by AAR, Goa. to a buyer’. It is imperative porate Debtor which is un- who migrated to GST from Analysing the real estate market. All these
the purview of this novel regularly by CBITC (Central As far as the declaration to mention here that sale of dergoing CIRP (Corporate VAT, Service Tax, or Central Effect of Every Day instances show that the in-
system. Board of Indirect Taxes and of hand sanitizers as an es- land is not subject to GST as Insolvency Resolution Pro- Excise to claim it. Accord- Changes troduction of GST is more or
GST is a destination-based Customs) and the decisions sential commodity is con- it is treated neither as supply cess) has to obtain a fresh ing to Rule 117 of the CGST The efforts made by the de- less a haphazard initiation.
consumption tax wherein pronounced by AAR (Au- cerned, the bench was of the of a good nor as supply of a GST registration within 30 Rules, the time limit speci- partment, authorities and Viewing the matter from a
the taxable event is ‘supply’. thority of Advance Ruling). view that, “exempted goods are service. days from the appointment fied to file form TRAN-1 is judicial bodies for smooth pragmatic approach, we can
Under prior regime, taxable Court rulings are also pav- covered by notification number GST on online gaming: of RP/IRP (Resolution Pro- 30 days. According to Rule implementation of GST are deduce that even after so
event used to be sale, manu- ing way for smooth transi- 2/2017/ Central Tax (Rate) Recently, the Supreme fessional/ Interim Resolu- 117 read with Section 140 commendable, however many years of enforcement
facture or, provision of ser- tion from earlier taxes and dated 28.06.2017. Merely clas- Court of India in Gurdeep tion Professional). Later on, of the GST Act, a registered regular and repeated upda- of Income Tax Act, new rules
vice. The term ‘destination- implementation of the new sifying any goods as essential Singh Sachar v. Union of India a clarification was issued on person who migrated from tions are a matter of concern. follow in every financial year.
based tax’ implies that the tax regime. Apart from the commodity will not be the cri- ruled that Dream11, which 06.05.2020 stating that only prior regime to GST Regime This clearly shows that there Thereby it can be said that
tax is leviable in the State announcements made re- teria for exempting such Goods is an online cricket game, those companies under liqui- and who was entitled to tax is a serious lapse in the GST taxation is that branch of law
wherein the supply takes garding the various reliefs from GST.” is a game of skill and not a dation have to seek new GST credit in such regime may regime and the Indian juris- which is the most capricious
place. Here, the term supply imparted to the tax payer in Input Tax Credit (ITC) game of chance, and hence Registration which had de- claim it as ITC through fill- diction was not ready to in- one. It ought to be changed
does not merely denote a sale view of the pandemic, there status on hiring vehicles attracts a GST of 18%. There faulted in filing of statements ing Form TRAN-1 within corporate the same. Keeping with time, no matter how
but also includes stock trans- are several circulars clarify- for employee transporta- is a distinction created under in FORM GSTR-1 under Sec- 90 days of such transition. up with the unstable nature small that time period is,
fers, branch transfers, barter, ing the issues arising out of tion: In a recent ruling pro- the GST regime to levy tax tion 37 and returns in FORM Many registered persons did of GST becomes cumber- to ensure pertinence. The
exchange, license, rental and, the administration of GST. nounced by AAR, it was on online games, viz-a-viz, GSTR-3B under Section 39 of not file the form on time and some for registered dealers changes made to the freshly
disposal as given under Sec- A few noteworthy clari- said that companies which games of skills and games of the CGST Act before the ap- the litigation on this point and for GST practitioners. introduced regime are a
tion 7 of the Central Goods fications on GST are sum- hire vehicles for transporta- chance. Games of chance at- pointment of IPR/RP. came after more than 2 years The everyday flowing GST necessary evil to ensure that
and Services Tax Act (CGST marised hereunder: tion of its employees cannot tract 28% GST while games Also, due to COVID-19 of implementation of the Act. clarifications causes confu- equity is brought in the taxa-
Act). 18% GST on Alcohol Sa- claim ITC as transportation of skill attract GST at a rate crisis, the date of Regis- The High Court of Delhi sion and chaos. Thereby, tion system and the legisla-
In revenue consideration, nitisers: Goa AAR for GST of employees is not manda- of 18%. tration was extended till in the case of Brand Equity the goals of comprehensive tion does not lose its materi-
the mechanism put in place ruled that alcohol-based tory under any law. This GST on Director’s Re- 30.06.2020. Thereby, a Treaties Limited v. Union of In- taxation system and ease of ality with the contemporary
for GST provides a fair share sanitizers attract 18% GST verdict places the compa- muneration: After the two Corporate Debtor which de- dia (W.P.(C) 11040/2018) laid doing business with which disputes.
the daily guardian
2 1 july 2 02 0
new delhi defence 7

Dealing with Dragon’s Trojan Horses

Huawei and other Trojan Horses are being deployed by China deliberately into India. It is a
multi-domain war being unleashed in the slickest and most skillful manner.
tioned choice. If we choose governance, health care and put a bid for 5G. I am sure
to remain ignorant, we are education tremendously. 5G that Galwan has opened our
choosing to be entrapped in and IOT will enable data eyes. While keeping China
a web. Hence it is important handling and analysis by out must be a major part of
for laypersons like you and businesses and industry to the India growth story here-
I, to understand what 5G is streamline operations. It after, serious civil-military
about and then take it for- will revolutionise industrial fusion through 5G must be
ward from there. This arti- processes and applications the other part of the story.
cle is about basics of 5G and including agriculture, man- Huawei and other Trojan
Lt Gen P.R. Shankar
issues involved. ufacturing, and business Horses are being deployed

hese days 5G and 5G is the fifth generation of communications. Data driv- by China very deliberately
Huawei are in news. mobile networks. It will be en key business decisions into India. It is multi-domain
Most people ask: largely wireless. 5G can sup- will lead to innovation, pave war being unleashed in the
Why is it such a big affair? port up to a million devices way for cost savings, better slickest and most skillful
In most conversations about per square kilometre, while customer experience and manner. The designs and
‘5G’ it seems it is wiser to 4G supports only about long-term growth. 5G com- plans are ominous. Some
say ‘Haan Ji’ and let it pass. 1,000 devices per square munication capacities will more banning of ‘Chinese’
However, what is happen- kilometre. It is the differ- boost use of AR/VR and get is as good for Indian health
ing about Huawei and Chi- ence between driving on the AI into our homes faster. It as deworming and detoxifi-
nese electronic surveillance Delhi-Mathura Highway additional spectrum and will revolutionise our bank- cation is for an infected per-
and data theft is insidiously and a Chawri bazaar lane. It greater capacity will enable ing and financial systems. son. Between China and the
significant. It is part of the is based on Millimetric Wave more users, more data, and However such huge capa- Virus, I will take my chances
multi-domain war which is and Fiber optic carriageways faster connections. Another bility of data handling and with the latter. As a nation
being waged by China. of enormous bandwidth. It is important advantage of 5G analysis has its tremendous we need to realize that there
The Chinese government all set to disrupt normal and is the increased latency. La- drawbacks. A 5G without is no hurry to usher in 5G.
uses unconventional levers military communication. 5G tency is the response time due cyber security and con- When we have not been able
of influence which are dis- caters for large data transfers for a device to react to an- trol is sheer suicide. There to exploit 4G fully why jump
guised and hidden. Hence, which take place when mul- other. The response time in are health related issues with into 5G which is still an un-
they are often denied, ne- tiple and complex systems 3G networks was around using millimetre waves and known? This is also the op-
glected or unappreciated by operate. Large data must 100 milliseconds. In 4G it being surrounded and con- portunity to weaponise and
us. Chinese three-warfare flow up and down commu- is about 30 milliseconds. In stantly bombarded by Extra leverage our market. Let
strategy uses innocuous nications channels in real 5G it will dip to 1 millisecond. High Frequencies. That is a us develop 5G technology
communication devices as time as and when Internet It will be near instantaneous huge unknown which needs indigenously or through a
surveillance platforms. It of Things (IOT) comes into communication which will clarification. strategic joint government-
tracks and suppresses po- play. Billions of connected be especially important in Communications are the to-government collabora-
litical opponents while spin- devices are required to op- connected applications, es- lifeblood of armed forces tion on a mission mode as
ning positive coverage and erate together in the IOT pecially in defense. The es- in the battlefield. From a part of the Aatmanirbhar
information regarding weak scheme of things. 5G net- sential difference between military perspective, 5G Bharat Abhiyan. 5G must be
and corrupt governments works will initially operate 4G and 5G has been tabu- will promote Digitalization a harbinger of an era of civil-
especially in BRI countries. in conjunction with existing lated above. where users require connec- cloud-based services. Even- port networks. They will of Defence. The multiplica- military fusion if India has to
Of course, the China story is 4G networks. As and when A 5G network will have tion which will complement tually they will be linked to also come in handy in future tive effect of 5G communi- a global power in future.
also glorified. Chinese infra- 5G rolls out fully, standalone two layers. The ‘Radio Ac- the macro network that pro- satellite systems for seamless where remote medical care, cations on robotics, cyber Finally, this article is all
structure, communications networks will come into play. cess Network’ and the ‘Core vides wide-area coverage. global coverage. procedures and treatment war, militarization of space, about 5G and civil military
and surveillance systems 5G is characterized by Network’. The Radio Access The ‘Core’ or ‘Macro Cell’ 5G enables massive ma- are all possible. Especially unmanned systems, surveil- fusion on one side versus ig-
cause over dependence on higher capacity, speed, and Network consists of Small or ‘Backbone’ Network is chine to machine commu- important in remote areas. lance, info, control, and data norantly saying ‘Haan Ji’ and
China, which becomes in- latency. Initially 5G might Cells in, towers, masts, the mobile exchange and nications. That is the fun- The normal user gets en- networks for net centric letting the ‘Chinese Trojan
dispensable and expensive to start with frequency bands light poles in streets and data network that manages damental precept of IOT, hanced mobile broadband. warfare is immense. In my Horse’ in on the other. India
replace. Chinese communi- below 6 GHz (in many cases dedicated in-building and all the mobile voice, data, where devices get connected That means significantly opinion, 5G has the poten- must say ‘Na Ji’ in the true
cation devices and software in the 3.3-3.8 GHz bands). home systems. It provides and internet connections. without human interven- faster data speeds and tial to promote lethality in ‘Hindi Chini Bye Bye’ mode.
are part of a surveillance These are similar frequen- various facilities to connect For 5G, the ‘Core Network’ tion. Hence any 5G network greater capacity. It provides a multidimensional battle- Show me a second opinion
and intelligence collection cies to existing 4G mobile mobile users and their wire- would be initially based on will have sophisticated high- about 100mbps for a mobile field where simultaneous on this and I will show you
system for data manipula- and Wi-Fi networks. In due less devices to the main core existing 4G Towers or high end switches and servers. user and about 1 Gbps when and nonlinear application the traitor.
tion and opinion molding to course 5G networks will network. The small cells will Capacity Fiber Optic path- That is where all the front- he is static. New applications of optimum force to achieve Lt Gen P.R. Shankar was In-
cause inalienable economic migrate to the millimetric be numerous and ubiquitous ways. As millimetric wave end semiconductor tech- will include fixed wireless out of proportion outcomes dia’s DG Artillery. He is highly
and political dependence. wave spectrum in the 26- and will replace all cables. frequencies become the nology kicks in. This is also internet access for homes, will increasingly be the or- decorated and qualified with
China has been constantly 28 GHz bands and beyond. Small cells will be a major norm, the 4G towers will be where data can be siphoned outdoor broadcast applica- der of the day -- in peace and vast operational experience. He
undermining our sover- Millimetric waves have short feature of 5G networks. It is replaced by MIMO (multi- off from. The exceptionally tions without the need for war times. In my perspective contributed significantly to the
eignty and surreptitiously wavelengths that range from fundamental to understand ple input, multiple output) stable and low latency 5G broadcast vans, and greater 5G leads to something far modernisation and indigeni-
affecting our lifestyles. All 1to 10 millimeters. A thumb that the millimetric wave antennas. 5G Macro Cells communications will be of connectivity for people on more important. It can kick sation of Artillery. He is now a
this affects the freedoms we rule -- greater the frequency, with its high frequency will will use MIMO antennas value in time and mission the move. 5G usage will ex- start Civil Military Fusion Professor in the Aerospace Dept
enjoy. It robs us of privacy greater the bandwidth and have noticeably short con- that have multiple elements critical requirements. These plode with time. in India. India was in the of IIT Madras and is involved
systematically. Most of the greater the capacity. Hence nection ranges. To provide or connections to send and include control devices, 5G will be a huge enabler Dhritarashtra mode from 1G in applied research for defence
time we do not even know the EHF range in which a continuous connection, receive more data simulta- robotics, vehicle to vehicle for smart concepts -- cities, to 4G. Till recently the gov- technology. His other articles
that we have been made 5G will operate has enor- small cells will be distribut- neously. These will be inte- communications, safety schools, homes, and safer ernment was blind when it can be read on his blog www.
the prisoners of our condi- mous bandwidths. The ed in clusters depending on grated with the internet and systems, and safer trans- vehicles. It will enhance entertained Huawei to even

New ideas

Innovations: Narrowing down to focus areas

It’s time to switch gears, in line with the vision of seeking transformational change, well beyond a modest incremental pace. Identification of specific focus areas is the key.
Minister Manmohan Singh. on 80 indicators covering by encouraging manpower patents claimed by an insti- ral choices for any startup. be utilised to integrate the
This was carried forward such factors as education intensive manufacturing tution. All the laboratories However, currently, share of corporates in the national in-
by including the innovation spending, scientific & techni- industry. Selection of a nar- and technical institutions food processing industry in novations campaign. Selec-
in Science and Technol- cal publications, intellectual row bandwidth of focus ar- will have to be exhorted for employment is limited to a tion of areas for innovation
ogy policy in 2013, with an property claims and mobile eas, culled out of the broad focus on claiming patents modest 12%. Dairy industry along with the seed funding
aim to broadly link science, application creation. India themes already spelt out by as never before. A generous should be of particular inter- could be the share of govern-
technology and innovation has been steadily improving NITI Aayog, will pave the incentivisation scheme may est, since it is under threat ment and remaining fund-
to socio-economic priori- its position since 2015 when way for achieving specific also help motivate all the from market invasion from ing, driving the R&D and
ties. Subsequently, the Atal it was ranked 81st. The cur- targets in a finite time. Impe- stakeholders. The endeav- countries like New Zealand. ownerships including IPR
Innovation Mission (AIM) rent ranking marks an im- tus to innovative startups, to Israeli’s were also quick to ors of agencies excelling be The encouraging upsurge of the product may remain
Air Marshal J.K. Singh (Retd.) was set up in 2016, under provement of five positions establish technological lead realize the future of 3D tech- suitably acknowledged. The in export of dairy products with the participant cor-
the aegis of NITI Aayog by over the previous year. in specific sectors and pro- nology and today at least shortlisting of technologies in FY19 with an increase porate. This, in a way, may
Innovative ideas have always the present government. Be- The competition is inevi- moting manufacture, would two of their 3D industries for critical attention may of 126% as compared to the also offset the long overdue
been in demand. These test- sides promoting the innova- tably going to get stiffer, as also be in sync with the stra- feature amongst the top ten commence with the AI, previous FY is only indica- funding support of R&D by
ing times may have just tions and entrepreneurship, India jostles to get into the tegic national objective of in the world. Similarly, Swit- where India has made sub- tive of the untapped poten- corporates.
about provided an oppor- the AIM was envisaged as league of most innovative na- self-reliance. zerland is another leading stantial progress and is in the tial. India is ranked 36th by As a country, we have giv-
tunity to examine new path- the umbrella organisation tions. Revisiting the strategy There are lessons from country in innovations, con- reckoning to be amongst the value of dairy product ex- en a candid account of our
ways. Pathways -- that may to ensure the alignment of to negotiate the steep climb countries, which have suc- sistently scoring high on in- leading nations. This may port and is way too far from intentions so far by encour-
lead to transformational policies between Centre, ahead will help in consoli- cessfully combined their novation scale. Switzerland have to be supplemented leading exporting countries aging innovations and en-
change in innovations and state and sectoral innovation dating the advantages ac- strengths with innovative has less than one quarter of with few more core tech- like Germany, New Zealand trepreneurships. However,
entrepreneurships, as envi- schemes. crued so far. Besides draw- approach to get enviable the Indian R&D budget but nologies for all out national and Netherland. Apparel it is time to switch gears, in
sioned by the current lead- A very sincere approach, ing appropriate lessons from outcome. Israel is one of the files nearly fifty times more focus. is another area with huge line with the vision of seek-
ership. with several initiatives at all success stories elsewhere, fine examples of a country, patents than India annually. As for manufacturing market and an extremely fa- ing transformational change,
There have been greater ef- the conceivable levels, has country specific strengths which very cleverly identi- The challenges in this area centric innovative startups, vorable ratio of job to invest- well beyond a modest incre-
forts to inculcate the culture resulted in innovative cul- will have to be exploited to fied a handful of sectors a for India are obvious with these may include man- ment. Several countries in mental pace. Identification
of innovations and entrepre- ture gaining traction. The the hilt. few decades back, with a an unfavorable population power intensive industries our region like Bangladesh, of specific focus areas is the
neurships lately. Introducing annual assessment of the One of the effective ways clear objective of establish- figure, since the assessment like food processing, textile Vietnam and Myanmar are key, to convert the push into
suitable policies, establish- Global Innovation Index, be- to accelerate the ongoing ef- ing a globally commanding is based on the patents per and apparels. As per rough exploiting the apparel in- shove, to maximise the out-
ing central coordinating ing jointly evaluated by the forts would be through aug- position. The objective was million. Competition has estimates, only about 1/8th dustry very gainfully. come of initiatives.
agency and mobilising re- Cornell University, French mented focus in carefully achieved emphatically and already been recognised of the employed population A dedicated institute for Air Marshal J.K. Singh (Retd.)
sources, are all part of such Business School INSEAD shortlisted areas. Concerted consequently Israel’s domi- by NITI Aayog, as a pro- in India is working in manu- honing the innovation, as was the head of Engineering and
efforts. The process was and World Intellectual Prop- effort in select areas will nation in Unmanned Aerial active tool to encourage facturing sector. India being a separate skill set, may Logistics of the IAF, as the Air
initiated earlier when the erty Organization (WIPO), place India in a lead position Vehicles, communication widespread participation the second largest producer help cultivate right kind of Officer In charge Maintenance
decade commencing 2010 ranked India 52nd in 2019, globally in specific technolo- and Electronic Warfare in the innovations drive. of food grains, fruits and human resources. In addi- at Air Headquarters. The data
was declared, the “Decade out of a total of 129 coun- gies or products and create Equipment cannot be chal- The scope of competition vegetables; food processing tion, the concept of Public used in the article is from open
of Innovation” by then Prime tries. The ranking is based employment opportunities lenged easily, in near future. may also include number of should be one of the natu- Private Partnership (PPP) sources.

4 THINK BusinessLine
TUESDAY • JULY 21 • 2020


tuesday, july 21, 2020

Leveraging reverse migration
Putting to use the skills and knowledge of migrant workers can boost livelihoods and quality of life in India’s villages
The rise of FPOs
DHIRENDRA KUMAR tion,  but  also  for  the  economy,  as
The goal of leveraging farm incomes through FPOs is the money in the hands of farmers

ost the Covid­19 outbreak in after two successful crops will give
laudable, but previous mistakes should be avoided India, rural areas and rural the much needed push to demand.
lives  —  especially  of  ‘mi­ This is also the time to think and

F ollowing  up  on  the  2019­20  Budget  an­ grant  workers’  —  have  at­ work strategically so that the resili­
tracted  unprecedented  attention. ence  shown  by  the  agriculture  sec­
nouncement  to  set  up  10,000  new  FPOs
Visuals  of  people,  including  chil­ tor, with contribution from migrant
(farmer­producer  organisations)  over  five dren,  walking  hungry  and  bare­ workers, is not only made more sus­
years — there are over 7,000 of them already in ex­ footed  with  blank  expressions tainable but is also leveraged to im­
istence  —  the  Centre  has  come  up  with  sensible shook the conscience of the nation. prove  the  lives  and  livelihoods  of
guidelines to hand­hold these entities. The push The  lockdown  brought  various the rural people. The basic aim is op­
activities  to  a  standstill  and  these timum utilisation of the skills of mi­
for  FPOs,  as  the  latest  policy  paper  observes,  is workers were suddenly jobless with grant  workers,  especially  their
meant to enhance the bargaining ability of small neither money nor hope. Faced with knowledge  of  the  Internet  and  so­
and  marginal  farmers  (who  account  for  86  per no other choice, they started going cial media, to work on challenges in
cent of all farmers) in both input and output mar­ back  home,  however  they  could, agriculture and rural areas.
and thus began the phenomenon so The  idea  is  to  reposition  the
kets,  while  the  Centre  and  States  move  towards unceremoniously  called  reverse much­talked­about  migrant  work­
contract farming and creation of alternative mar­ migration. ers  as  the  change  agents.  For  this,
kets  to  APMCs.  The  political  economy  implica­ Almost  at  the  same  time,  when three aspects come into play:
tions of a shift to FPO­driven farming, at least in re­ the  media  was  abuzz  with  horror Change agents Migrant workers, armed with the knowledge of Internet and social media, can revamp rural livelihoods
stories of migrant workers, rural In­ Migrant workers’ experience
gions  where  small  farmers  are  a  significant
dia  was  experiencing  something One  of  the  major  challenges  of  In­ Central/State  agriculture  universit­ porations at the State level will have incomes of rural households. 
presence (it is not so, for instance, in Punjab), are unbelievable.  The  wheat  harvest dian  agriculture  is  ineffective  out­ ies/krishi  vigyan  kendras  may  take to work in a coordinated manner to Work  on  all  the activities  de­
immense in a sector where intermediaries control had  begun.  A  large  number  of  mi­ reach  of  extension  efforts.  Techno­ the lead in this direction. connect  the  dots  and  realise  the scribed above need masons, plumb­
prices and credit. It can lead to better realisation grant workers returned to their vil­ logy  can  play  a  role  here.  If huge potential for agro processing, ers,  electricians,  painters,  workers
of  output  prices  and  control  over  input  costs, lages  during  the  harvest time  (one messages/technical  details  on  im­ Promotion of agro processing for the benefit of both farmers and with experience in fabrication work
of  the  reasons  for  workers  fleeing proved agriculture practices and in­ Agro­processing,  even  at  a  small migrant workers. and  so  on.  Many  migrant  workers
provided the institution shapes up as envisaged. the cities in droves during the lock­ formation  related  to  the  weather level, can contribute in a large way will fit the bill. This would not only
The FPOs are being visualised as an improvement down). Few, who had come to celeb­ and markets could be passed on to in  enhancing  farm  income.  Small Improving quality of life give them work but also serve as an
over  cooperatives,  which  are rate Holi at their villages but could the  villages  in  local  languages  via processing plants can be installed at The  quality  of  life  in  rural  areas incentive  for  a  good  number  of
riddled  by  misuse  of  funds not  return  due  to  the  lockdown, the  migrant  workers,  using  social the  village  level  (for  a  cluster  of needs  improvement,  and  many  a them to stay back in villages as their
Scan & Share
joined  hands  with  the  others  and media,  the  results  may  turn  out  to around  10­12  villages).  Migrant times, it is one of the reasons for mi­ living  conditions  could  improve.
and concentration of power in soon the harvesting of wheat was in be just unbelievable. It may lead to workers, many of whom have tech­ gration  to  cities  in  the  first  place. Rural  development  departments
the  hands  of  a  few  members. full  swing.  Wheat  procurement  by enhanced or diversified production, nical  skills,  can  be  groomed  as  en­ Implementation  of  the  Swachh and Gram  panchayats  can explore
In  fact,  the  FPO  push  began the Food Corporation of India (FCI) fewer  losses  due  to  the  vagaries  of trepreneurs/operators.  Bharat  Mission  is  still work  in  pro­ this opportunity.
with an amendment to the law as  on  June  23 reached  38.5  million weather,  and  better  price  realisa­ The  Ministry  of  Food  Processing gress.  Piped  water  supply  is  avail­ Migration  by  choice  is  under­
tonnes,  surpassing  last  year’s  pro­ tion.  Industries  recently  launched  the able to only 40 per cent of the rural standable, but may have serious re­
nearly  two  decades  back  that
curement  of  34.13  million  tonnes. The waning interest of the youth Scheme  for  Formalisation  of  Micro population.  The  government, percussions  if  it  is  forced,  as  is  the
allowed  for  cooperatives  to Soon after harvesting, due in agriculture has been a Food  Processing  Enterprises  under through its ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’, and case with  a  large  number  of  mi­
turn  into  producer  companies.  Not  surprisingly, to the early onset of mon­ major challenge in recent the  Atmanirbhar  Bharat  package. the  various  State  governments are grant  workers.  The  avenues  de­
Maharashtra, as a leader in cooperatives, is an FPO soon, the sowing of kharif Scan & Share times.  Leveraging  the Operationalisation  of  this  scheme working  in  this  direction.  Installa­ scribed above are aimed at turning
leader as well. crops commenced.  skills  and  knowledge  of will  not  be  possible  without  tech­ tion of small waste disposal plants the crisis of reverse migration into
By the Ministry of Agri­ the  migrant  workers,  be­ nical manpower, and migrant work­ at the village level is a huge poten­ an opportunity for not only enhan­
The  guidelines  are  notable  for  their  emphasis culture  and  Farmer  Wel­ sides  improving  the  pro­ ers with a little bit of skill upgrada­ tial opportunity. The sale of manure cing the income of rural areas, but
on  creating  ‘cluster­based  business  organisa­ fare  estimates,  a  39  per ductivity  of  agriculture, tion  and  orientation  can  come  in produced  by  these  plants  can  be  a also to improve the quality of life in
tions’, or a pool of managerial expertise for FPOs. cent  increase  in  the  area may  also  address  the  is­ handy.  source  of  livelihood,  besides  mak­ villages  and,  thus,  arrest  the  trend
The Centre has earmarked a credit requirement of sown has already been re­ sue of migration to some This would be a source of sustain­ ing the villages filth­free.  of migration. This is the need of the
corded vis-à-vis the corres­ extent.  If  this  eventually able livelihood for them, and at the Similarly, the greater use of solar hour, literally, as work on these op­
₹18 lakh and an equity grant of ₹15 lakh for each ponding  period  in  last  year.  Thus, leads  to  even  10­20  per  cent  of  mi­ same  time,  the  availability  of  agro power domestically or in irrigation portunities needs to be initiated im­
genuine FPO (with a membership of at least 300 agriculture has emerged as a bright grant  workers  staying  back  with  a processing  right  in  the  neighbour­ offers huge livelihood potential for mediately,  that  is,  before  the  mi­
farmers, with at least half comprising small and spot  even  during  the  pandemic, new means of livelihood, that is, ag­ hood  would  help  realise  better many who could be engaged in in­ grants start returning to cities. 
marginal farmers). By allowing for a manager and when  all  other  sectors  are  gasping riculture and marketing of agricul­ prices for farmers as well, post pro­ stallation and maintenance of solar
for  breath.  This  is  good  news  not ture produce, it would have a large cessing.  Banks,  MSMEs,  agriculture plants/panels,  while  the  activity  it­ The writer is a General Manger in
an accountant with a reasonable salary, FPOs can
only for the food security of the na­ socio­economic  impact.  Various departments and agro industry cor­ self  would  contribute  to  enhanced NABARD. Views are personal
draw up proposals that banks and formal entities
require — a facility that will boost their negotiat­

Why has India been silent on US visa ban?

ing power, save them from red­tapism and allow
them access to bank credit. Now, FPOs are entirely
dependent  on  NBFCs,  with  their  higher  cost  of
capital. Banks should offer short­term loans with
roll­over provisions, particularly in a time of eco­
nomic downturn. Going forward, it is also import­ The suspension of the US’ work visas will hit workers and the IT sector hard. The government and companies’ inaction is baffling
ant to create a trained pool of local talent to man­ generalised  system  of  preference ates  who  are  affected,  as  compan­ American  multinationals from
age these FPOs on professional lines. trade  privilege,  which  had  been ies have already reduced their de­ the  Silicon  Valley  thrived  in  the

The growth of FPOs so far has been uneven in S  President  Donald granted to India in 1976. It has also pendence on  H­1B  visas  over  the 1980s, the 1990s and later years. Big
terms of size and regional concentration. Fifty per Trump’s  order  suspend­ imposed  restrictions  on  charter years  and  taken  recourse  to  em­ Indian  IT  firms  also  prospered  at
ing  H­1B,  H­2B,  L­1A,  L­1B flights  from  India,  accusing  India ploy more employees from the US. Electronic  City.  It  is  unfortunate
cent of the FPOs are located in just four States, in­
and  J­1  visas  has  largely of  discriminatory  practices.  The They seem to be more interested in that they do not look back at their
cluding Maharashtra, a study by Azim Premji Uni­ affected  Indian  immigrants.  Indi­ discriminatory  orders  issued  by furthering  their  business  oppor­ past with gratitude!
versity points out. Besides, only 14 per cent of the ans  get  70  per  cent  of  the  85,000 the  Trump  administration  came tunities in the US than in providing With the suspension of the H­1B
FPOs have a paid­up capital of ₹10 lakh or more, H­1B visas every year, a majority of despite  the  growing  Modi­Trump employment  to  the  Indian  youth. visa, Bengaluru has been badly af­
while 49 per cent of them have a paid­up capital of them  in  the  IT  sector.  No  sooner friendship,  seen  during  ‘Howdy The lukewarm attitude of the Gov­ fected, as many IT graduates from
was this decision announced than Modi’ in Houston last year and the ernment of India and the ministers Karnataka  flocked  to  the  Silicon
₹1 lakh or less, the study says. There is huge scope Google CEO Sundar Pichai tweeted: ‘Namaste  Trump’  rally  in Dashed hopes Future looks bleak concerned  is  also  shocking  and Valley  and  also  created  a  gateway
for reaching capital and skills to the bottom of the “Immigration has contributed im­ Ahmedabad in February. discouraging. for  establishing  their  firm’s  bases
FPO  pyramid.  Funds  should  not  be  usurped  by mensely  to  America’s  economic Also, it is inhuman of Trump to In the last five years, the number at Bengaluru and other major cit­
those in positions of advantage. success,  making  it  a  global  leader include H­4 (spouses of H­1B work­ of H­1B visas issued to top Indian IT Time to act ies  in  India.  Even  though  the  IT
in  tech,  and  also  Google  the  com­ ers),  H­2B  (low­skilled  workers),  J services providers has gone down Karnataka was a pioneer of the IT/ companies in India were well pre­
pany  it  is  today.  Disappointed  by (cultural  and  education  workers) drastically, and it is estimated that ITeS  industries  during  the  1970s. pared  for  Trump’s  suspension  of
today’s  proclamation­  we’ll  con­ and  L­1  (intra­company  transfers) it has declined to more than 60 per The  State  government  had  estab­ H­1B  visas,  they  will  face  trouble
tinue  to  stand  with  immigrants in the ban.  cent. The national consciousnesses lished the Electronic City in Anekal given  the  present  Covid­19  pan­
and  work  to  expand  opportunity of our rulers in Delhi has not been Taluka, which attracted the biggest demic and the travel restrictions.
OTHER VOICES for all”. It is said that the basic mod­ Diplomatic failure shaken  despite  the  massive  blow IT  companies  from  the  US  Silicon Indian IT companies should step
els of IT companies would undergo Indian  diplomacy  in  recent  times delivered to the youth of this coun­ Valley  to  India  and  also  nurtured up  and  fight  for  the  cause  of  IT
a change and cost mapping would has been falling off a precipice, par­ try. There is an urgent need for In­ indigenous  IT  companies  like graduates  in  India.  Even  the
be hit. Trump’s order will not only ticularly  with  its  major  allies  and dia, which has grossly underestim­ Wipro,  Infosys,  and  HCL.  Interna­ present  Chief  Minister  of
hit the IT sector in the US but also in trade  partners  like  the  US,  Russia ated  both  friends  and  foes,  to tional  Technology  Park  Limited Karnataka has failed to rescue the
India. India’s business in the IT/ITES and  Israel,  apart  from  known ad­ overhaul its diplomatic policy. (ITPL),  which  was  established  in IT  graduates  who  are  deprived  of
USpressure on EU will only estrange it from the bloc industries, which is to the tune of versaries  like  Pakistan  and  China. It is also quite surprising that big collaboration  with  Singapore,  fur­ employment  opportunities  in  the
As the world, hopefully, moves toward a post­pandemic era, the $190  billion,  will  be  largely  af­ We  are  also  failing  in  our  dip­ players  like  Wipro,  HCL,  Infosys ther  strengthened  the  IT/ITeS  in­ US  by  taking  up  the  matter  with
importance of trade and cooperation will be magnified, as will the fected. Of the 3,88,403 H­1B visas is­ lomacy  with  neighbours  Nepal, and  Tech  Mahindra  have  not dustry.  Bengaluru came  to  be the Prime Minister.
need for coordination to prepare for future global risks and the sued during 2019, 71 per cent were Bangladesh  and  Sri  Lanka.  India’s spoken out against the move, both known  as  the  Silicon  Valley  of  In­
accelerating effects of climate change. In contrast to Washington's given to Indian workers. diplomatic  relationship  is  now  at here and in the US. dia, and also created a cradle for in­ The writer is the former Union Minister
"America first" message that every country should serve it, and its The US in June 2019 withdrew the the lowest ebb.  It is ultimately our own IT gradu­ digenous Indian IT industries. of Law and Justice
offerings of crumbs to those that do its bidding, Beijing has
repeatedly urged countries to forge a community of unity and
trust, a community with a shared and better future based on
working together for mutual benefits.  BEIJING, JULY 20

LET TERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

New normal confused about the implications varying  relationship  with  Iran, or  local  administration  should Trust to go ahead with construc­
The Covid count has touched an of  the  US  sanctions  on  Iran,  it which  has  mostly  been  positive take  this  pandemic  lightly,  des­ tion of the Ram temple in Ayod­
Concerted response needed for China, Russia threats alarming  rate  of  40,000  cases could  have  clarified  with the  US on  the  trade  and  geopolitical pite  the  good recovery  rate re­ hya  amid  the  pandemic  is  inap­
For a country like Britain to be embroiled in one serious per  day. Oxygen­starved  casual­ rather than dragging its feet. Its front.  India  imports  a  major ported.  There  have  been  cases propriate.  Since  the  Supreme
diplomatic stand­off is manageable. To be involved in three at once ties are rising even as authorities approach  of  running  with  the share  of  its  crude  oil  from  Iran. where  patients  have,  even  after Court  has  already  given  its  final
is problematic because they consume so much of a government’s are  busy  preparing  an  Indian hare  and  hunting  with  the But  Donald  Trump’s  moves  to recovery,  been  re­infected.  Also, decision on the issue, there is no
time and energy. But to have a health emergency and an economic vaccine,  ignoring  the  funda­ hound  is  not  paying  dividends. curb Iran’s nuclear development with  many  asymptomatic  cases, need to be hasty. Postponing the
crisis happening at the same time is potentially debilitating. This mental needs of the moment.  Further,  with  President  Donald spoiled  the  soup  and  the  con­ we  need  to  be  more  careful  and project for another one year or so
is the parlous position in which the UK finds itself, as a sharp With  no  Central  assistance/ Trumpyet to be re­elected, quick sequent  trade  sanctions  forced follow all the prescribed norms. in  view  of  the  national  health
deterioration in relations with China and Russia coincides with guidance  and  a  lack  of  political action  was  needed  so  as  not  to India to drop oil trade with Iran. Without  a  doubt,  communica­ emergency is called for. Soil test­
difficult discussions about to resumewith the EU over the final will for a serious and systematic rock  the  boat  with  Iran.  The An  irked  Iran  now  may  join tion and messaging become cru­ ing  and  other  preliminary
stages of Brexit.  LONDON, JULY 20 reopening of the economy, it is fi­ Chinese  are  doing  serious  busi­ hands with China for infrastruc­ cial  and  it  is  only  advisable  that works,  including  seeking  dona­
nally  left  to  Municipal  Comm­ ness while India still seems to be ture  development  instead  of  In­ all  the  stakeholders  are  on  the tions, can wait. 
missioners to clamp lockdowns. lost.  China  cannot  be  reined  in dia.This  does  not  augur  well  for same  page.  Every  now  and  then Hopefully after a year or so we
As  links  to  the  demand­supply just  by  blocking  a  handful  of usChina,  irritated  by  India’s we  keep  hearing  about  some will  be  better  able  to  fight  the
chains  keep  breaking,  there  is apps.  Too  much  pliability  to­ move  to  ban  Chinese  invest­ country that has come out with a virus with the right vaccines and
Coronavirus spreads as global connections weaken not an ounce of certainty.  wards the US is not serving India ments  and  apps,  will  use  Iran’s vaccine,  but  there  is  no  solid medications.  There  cannot  be  a
Yet,  the  Sensex  seems  to  be well, and  the  relations  with  old dissatisfaction  to  its  advantage. cure. Until there is a proper vac­ better  time  to  start  auspicious
Tracking Covid­19 and containing the for more than six months is rising  along  with  the  Covid allies  must  be  kept  on  an  even Amid  the  pandemic,  animosity cine  in  the  market,  we  need  to work  than  when  people  are
like catching your tail. In fact, the virus is good at throwing people count.  Is  this  the  post­Covid keel. with  a  friendly,  oil­resourced take  this  virus  with  utmost  seri­ equipped to fight the virus. 
off guard just when they think they have controlled it. A sobering world? Deepak Singhal neighbour will hurt. ousness.  Not only this,  people will also
thought, one that exposes human frailties. Often, people wonder if R Narayanan Chennai NR Nagarajan Bal Govind be accustomed to the new living
they have become their own enemies. Technology didn't see this Mumbai Sivakasi Noida conditions  where  fighting  the
coming, digital presence has proven useless. The inability to grasp India-Iran ties virus  and  normal  life  go
the seriousness of the situation and act responsibly is leading to a Time to wake up This is with reference to the edit­ Stay alert Ram temple construction hand­in­hand
rise in infections and death rates, particularly in the United States, This  refers  to  ‘Widening  gulf’ orial  ‘Widening  gulf’  (July  20). Apropos  ‘Don’t  downplay  the The  decision  of  the  Shree  Ram Katuru Durga prasad Rao
Brazil, and India.  DUBAI, JULY 20 (July 20). If the government was Right from 1950, India has had a risk  of  Covid’  (July  20).  No State Janmabhoomi  Teerth  Kshetra Hyderabad

Published by N. Ravi at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002 on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., and Printed by D. Rajkumar at Plot B-6 & B-7, CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar, Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin: 603209. Editor: Raghavan Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 - 7528

CM . ..... .... ...


TUESDAY • JULY 21 • 2020 THINK 5

GST data unleashed

GSTN’s statistical report has interesting info
M&A can boost India’s energy security
MOHAN R LAVI well have touched 50 crore.  In the next one year, India Inc has the opportunity to buy assets at reduced prices to diversify and find replacement reserves
Not  all  registered  taxpayers

ourtesy  Covid,  there have filed their monthly GSTR 3B
were no major celebra­ returns  —  on  an  average  75­80 ANIRBAN MUKHERJEE/REBECCA FITZ wards  doubling  down  on  the
tions  on  GST  complet­ per cent do this on time. The stat­ core  value­accretive  portfolio,

ing  three  years  in  In­ istics  on  the  contribution  from cross  the  world,  eco­ and  most  IOCs  have  set  up  di­
dia.  However,  the  GST  Network different  constitutions  of  busi­ nomic  downturns  are vestiture  programmes  to  meet
issued  a  40­page  statistical  re­ ness  reveals  a  startling  fact  — often  followed  by  big debt­reduction targets. Such pro­
port  on  an  assortment  of  areas 80.18  per  cent  of  taxpayers  are deals  and  transformat­ grammes  are  not  just  good  to
under the GST. Since this is only a proprietors and not listed or lim­ ive  market  moves.  The  2008­09 have, but in the current scenario
statistical report, and not a Noti­ ited  companies.  Partnership downturn,  for  instance,  was  fol­ are lifelines to manage the deep
fication,  it  makes  for  easy forms  contribute  around  10.78 lowed by a spate of deals such as liquidity  crunch.  As  a  result,
reading. per cent.  Pfizer­Wyeth,  Lufthansa­Aus­ there are O&G assets worth over
The report states that the total This  could  be  because  large trian,  and  Kraft­Cadbury,  albeit $300 billion that are currently in
number of active taxpayers as on companies  tend  to  be  exporters with a lag of two to four quarters. the market seeking a buyer. 
June 2020 was 1.23 crore — an in­ who  don’t  have  to  charge  GST. The  energy  sector,  too,  is  no  dif­ On the corporate side, the E&P
crease of around 14 per cent from The  above  should  be  a  cause  of ferent.  (exploration  and  production)
April  2018.  It  was  in  April  2018 concern to CBIC — the pandemic The last time the world experi­ sector  is  in  deep  distress,  with
that  GST  revenues  crossed  the has added to the woes of the gov­ enced simultaneous oil demand the current market situation fur­
magical  ₹1­lakh­crore  mark  — ernment,  as  GST  revenues  are and  supply  shocks,  in  1997­1998, ther  aggravating  an  already  de­
and  the  figure  has  remained  al­ linked to the compensation pay­ the result was a set of mega­mer­ pressed market. 
most the same prior to the pan­ able to State governments. gers  that  created  the  ‘superma­ We are, therefore, seeing high
demic  striking.  Somebody  in If there is one area where GST jors’ of today, with deals such as debt levels, lack of access to fin­
GSTN  should  enquire  why  des­ has delivered, it is e­way bills. On Exxon­Mobil,  BP­Amoco,  and ancing  capital,  and  rapidly  de­
pite a 14 per cent rise in the num­ February 29, 2020, a record 25.19 Total­Fina­Elf. During that period teriorating cash positions, push­
ber  of  active  taxpayers,  GST  rev­ lakh e­way bills were generated. deals  exceeded  $150  billion  a ing companies to seek buyers at
enues  remain  flat.  It  is More  than  70  crore  e­ year, dwarfing the average of be­ distressed prices.
also  clear  that  the way  bills  have  been low  $30  billion in  the  years  pre­
concept  of  casual  tax­ generated till now.  ceding.  The impediments
able  person  has  not The  report  also  has More  recently,  too,  there  is  a There are, however a few strong
found favour with the non­statistical  inform­ clear  trend  towards  major  re­ impediments  that  we  need  to Explore deals The current market has all the bearings of ushering in the next phase of consolidation ISTOCK.
taxpayers — total regis­ ation  in  the  form  of structuring following periods of factor  in,  before  we  can  see  a
trations across the coun­ outreach  initiatives oversupply  —  examples  include surge in M&A activity.  The ideal targets for majors — ternationalising  NOCs  (national Second, actively stress test for
try were only 45.  taken  by  the  CBIC.  They  an­ the Exxon­XTO deal in 2009 and First,  there  is  today  a  unique ones  which  are  viable  at  low oil  companies)  seeking  growth, various  scenarios,  like  a  pro­
Interestingly, there were also a nounced the launch of GST In­ Shell­BG in 2015.  dichotomy  playing  out  in  the prices  but  with  depressed  valu­ particularly  in  R&M  (repair  and longed $30 world, before making
grand total of three non­resident teractive  Technical  Assistant But as oil prices recovered over M&A  markets.  While  asset  valu­ ations  —  are  selective  and  few. maintenance),  but  also  in  need a large bet. 
taxpayers.  Maharashtra,  Uttar (GITA) — a chatbot.  2017­19, deal flow became muted, ations  are  at  their  lowest  since Corporate acquisition, therefore, of  achieving  supply  security  for Being one of the few countries
Pradesh,  Gujarat,  Tamil  Nadu The  chatbot  uses  Artificial  In­ with most deals restricted to the 2009,  with  EV/EBITDA  hovering is likely to be intermittent and fo­ our refineries.  with the intent and pockets to in­
and Karnataka lead the list of act­ telligence and is loaded with pre­ American shale basin consolida­ at 5­6 against the historic average cussed  on  quality  of  assets,  and As a buyer, the next 12 months vest, we should think outside of
ive taxpayers. To add a bit of fizz drafted responses to the queries tion,  targeted  at  scale  and  earn­ of  eight,  the  acquisition  premi­ not  necessarily  the  distressed offer a unique window for India the  box  to  identify  what  would
to  the  data,  GSTN  should  have asked  by  taxpayers  on  common ings growth.  ums  for  the  assets  are  touching producers. Inc  to  acquire  assets  to  both  di­ work best for us in the long term
compared  this  with  the  list  of topics  such  as  payment,  e­way The  year  2019  witnessed  a historic  highs.  There  is  a  strong In  effect,  we  anticipate  M&A versify,  find  replacement  re­ — this could mean not only look­
active  taxpayers  in  the  pre­GST bill, registration, refunds and re­ sharp  drop  in  deal  flow  in  O&G need  for  such  a  disparity  to deals  to  be  cautious  in  the  cur­ serves, but also for us as a coun­ ing  at  asset  or  corporate  deals,
regime.  It  could  be  argued  that turns.  (oil and gas), if one leaves out the settle, with a lowering of acquisi­ rent  environment,  but  a  few try  to  strengthen  our  resource but  also  carve­outs  to  invest  in
the  data  are not  comparable Chatbots,  in  general,  suffer Oxy­Anadarko  outlier,  and  we tion  premiums,  for  any  reason­ transformative deals are likely to security.  All  amidst  a  context  of specific  niche  capabilities,  mar­
since  the  threshold  limits  were from the drawback of not being entered  2020  with  a  quarterly able deal flow to proceed.  happen  in  the  next  12  months. reduced  competition  for  re­ kets, JVs (joint ventures) to bring
different in the two regimes. Yet, able  to  answer  many  questions. deal count that was lowest in last Second,  the  widespread  cor­ That brings into focus the implic­ sources, given the majors’ finan­ in strong long term partners, or
we should remember that these Probably the only advantage that two decades. porate  distress,  while  opening ations for the Indian O&G sector. cial  woes,  and  an  abundance  of other such innovations. 
are  statistics  —  any  number  can GITA has over any GST consultant up  opportunities  for  buyouts, India uniquely qualifies as both a potential  opportunities  at  re­ While the actual flow of deals
be interpreted in any manner.  is that it will not tire and give in Consolidation ahead also  brings  about  some  adverse major  O&G  consuming  market duced prices. may  take  two­to­three  quarters,
to  eccentricities  as  many  con­ The  current  market  conditions, effects. It not only limits the uni­ in  the  long  term  with  over  100 it  is  important  to  prepare  and
Data, data sultants do.  with an overall economic down­ verse of potential buyers but also million  barrels  of  refinery  capa­ Plan ahead have  a  clearly  thought  through
The  Central  Board  of  Indirect GITA  will  answer  only  what  it turn  and  an  amplified  oversup­ raises questions on the quality of city  addition  expected  in  the To achieve this, however, we need strategy  to  double  down  on
Taxes and Customs (CBIC) should has  been  told  to  and,  therefore, ply,  have  therefore  all  the  bear­ assets that are currently floating next 10 years, and also a major oil to  keep  a  few  important  guard­ choice  targets  once  the  time  is
be pleased that the graph on the cannot answer questions such as ings  of  ushering  in  the  next in the market.  importer  for  the  foreseeable  fu­ rails in minds. right.
total  number  of  returns  filed  is ‘When  will  GSTAT  be  estab­ phase of consolidation.  Many of the potentially vulner­ ture,  with  expected  4­6  million First,  there  is  a  need  to  get
climbing  with  some  troughs  in lished?’ or ‘Do you feel GST law is There  are  tell­tale  signs  that able  targets  have  high  debt  and barrels of imports annually over aligned  with  a  $40/barrel  world Mukherjee, is Managing Director and
between. If not for the setback of successful in India?’ both  asset,  as  well  as  corporate, low  operating  costs  —  but  lack the next five years.  when assessing targets. This new Partner, and Fitz is Senior Director,
the  last  few  months,  the  cumu­ deals that may follow. On the as­ sufficient  scale  to  be  attractive We  are,  thus,  both  potential wisdom would be key to identify Center for Energy Impact, at
lative  number  of  returns  could The writer is a chartered accountant set side, there is a strong push to­ targets for serious buyers.  targets for global majors and in­ resilient, long­term bets.  Boston Consulting Group


The rich are All you wanted to know about... BusinessLine

eyeing Covid website,  includes  information
collected  from  various  sources.
Aside from information on taxes
for the purposes of stamp duty is
₹30  lakh  or  more;  and  expenses
in  foreign  currency  through
respond to a demand notice. This
can also serve as a red flag for the
tax officials.
July 21, 2000
safe havens paid  by  you  (advance  tax  instal­
ments) or on your behalf (TDS or
cards,  cheques  or  any  other  in­
strument, worth ₹10 lakh or more Why should I care?
Major I-T swoop on cricket suspects
The match­fixing controversy took a new turn with the
BERBER JIN TCS),  the  form  has  all  details  of in any FY . The department has been collect­ Income­Tax Department launching simultaneous
the  transaction  —  the  type  and ing  information  on  high­value nationwide raids on the premises of leading cricketers,

T he next time the world’s rich
are  forced  into  lockdown,
they  would  like  to  have  an  es­
amount of income, the tax deduc­
ted  and  paid  to  the  exchequer
and  information  about  the
Why is it important?
For  taxpayers,  Form  26AS  serves
as  a  reference  to  file  ITRs.  When
transactions  from  banks  and
other  financial  entities for  long.
These  include  details  on  bank
administrators and bookies suspected of involvement in
the scandal. The search­and­seizure operations, which
began in the morning, covered 84 premises including
cape  ready  to  a  remote  and SLATE source of income. That apart, the you file your return, your income transactions,  sale  or  purchase  of those of cricketers Kapil Dev, Mohammad Azharuddin, Ajay
sunny beach. Or perhaps to New form  also  has  other  information and  tax  payment  details  in  your immovable property, foreign cur­ Jadeja, Nikhil Chopra and Nayan Mongia. Those raided
Zealand,  one  of  the  few  coun­
tries  that  has  eliminated
Covid­19. They are willing to pay
T he  arms  of  the  taxman  are
long, but he is constantly try­
ing to extend his reach so that ill­
including  details  of  other  taxes
paid, refunds and TDS defaults.
In May, the CBDT notified a new
return should be in line with this
The  new  form  also  includes
rency,  cash  payment  for  goods
and services, etc.
Now, all such information will
included Mr. R.C. Rungta, an official of the Board for
Control of Cricket in India (BCCI), and Mr. Jagmohan
Dalmiya, former ICC chairman. 
for the privilege, of course. gotten wealth is not stowed away Form 26AS, which became effect­ other details such as name of the be  uploaded  in  the  new  Form RPL inks pact for $425 m syndicated LC
They can turn to programmes in hidden nooks and corners. It is ive  from  June  1,  2020.  The  new institution  (or  person)  filing  de­ 26AS within  three  months  from Reliance Petroleum Ltd (RPL) today signed an agreement
that  guarantee  citizenship  or with  this  intent  that  the  Income form  asks  for  host  of  details  of tails pertaining to the above­men­ the end of the month it is in pos­ with a consortium of foreign banks for a syndicated letter
residency in exchange for invest­ Tax Department has launched the specified high­value transactions tioned  transactions  with  the  IT session  of  the  Principal  Director of credit facility of $425 millions. Company officials
ment in the host country, using new  Form  26AS,  making  numer­ entered  into  by  the  taxpayer. department,  date  of  transaction, General  Income  Tax  (System),  or confirmed the move but declined to comment on the
specialty firms such as Henley & ous tweaks to the existing one. Ac­ These  include  payments  worth number of parties involved in the any  person  authorised  by  him. interest rates at which the facility has been offered by the
Partners, the world’s biggest cit­ cording to the Revenue, “the new ₹10  lakh  or  more  in  a  financial transaction,  mode  of  payment, With  such  timely  availability  of banks. “We can only say that the funds have been raised at
izenship and residency advisory Form  26AS,  is  the  faceless  hand­ year  (FY),  for  one  or  more  credit etc.  This  information  will  be  of all  this  information,  the  new very fine rates,” an official said. According to the official,
firm.  With  the  persistent  threat holding of the taxpayers to e­file cards  of  a  single  account  holder. immense  use  to  the  taxman  to Form 26AS can help remind about the funds will be used by the company for its import
of  viral  infections  and  sudden their  income  tax  returns  (ITR) Investments  in  bonds  or  deben­ cross­verify  suspicious all  major  financial  transactions (crude oil) requirements. 
lockdowns, the company is help­ quickly and correctly.” But it is ac­ tures or shares, issued by a com­ transactions. while filing the ITR, thereby, pre­ NSDL slashes transaction charges
ing those with deep pockets buy tually much more than that. pany,  exceeding  the  said  monet­ That  apart,  the  new  notified venting any inadvertent conceal­ National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) has reduced its
access to a safe haven. ary  limit  in  any  FY,  must  also  be form shall also have details with ment of income in the ITR. transaction charges by 50 per cent which will come into
For  instance,  you  can  acquire What is it? reported  in  the  new  form.  Simil­ respect to demands raised by the effect from September 1. Currently, NSDL charges two basis
the right to live, work and study Form  26AS  essentially  is  an  an­ arly, if investments in any mutual department  and  other  tax  pro­ The bottomline points on the value of net delivery given by a clearing
in New Zealand if you part with nual consolidated statement that fund  house  exceed  ₹10  lakh  in  a ceedings  involving  the  assessee, Make  the  new  Form  26AS  your member from the CM (clearing member) pool account to
NZ$3  million  ($2  million)  or reflects  the  tax  deducted  or  col­ year,  it  will  now  reflect  in  your compiled at one place. Currently, ready  reckoner  while  filing  your the clearing house and two basis points on the value of net
NZ$10 million, depending on the lected at source, against one Per­ Form 26AS. Other specified trans­ the  details  relating  to  these  de­ ITR. delivery received from the clearing house to the CM pool
type of investor resident visa you manent  Account  Number  (PAN). actions include, purchase or sale mands raised by the department account. As per the new charge structure, the depository
choose.  About  €1.2  million ($1.4 The  form,  which  can  be  down­ of  immovable  property,  where are  available  (on  the  income­tax A weekly column that puts the fun will charge 2 bps for only debits to the client account with
million),  including  a  property loaded  from  the  IT department the transaction value or valuation website)  only  when  you  have  to into learning no charge for the corresponding credit to any account. 
purchase,  will  get  a  married
couple citizenship in Malta.
“They’re  now  realising:  ‘Let’s
actually  get  the  contingency
plan  in  place’”,  said  Dominic easy bl two-way crossword 1661 not so easy
Volek,  Henley’s  head  of  sales, ACROSS DOWN ACROSS DOWN
said of his potential customers.  01. Car control (6)  02. Unfettered (5)  01. Its being depressed by driver to 02. Latin, so upsetting in Old English, is
New inquiries jumped 49 per 08. Come to hear of (5)  03. Put up with (8)  get a firm hold of it (6)  unrestrained (5) 
cent in the first four months of
09. Silly (7)  04. One who entertains (4)  08. Shakespearean king given 03. With patience endure much that is
this  year,  compared  with  the
11. Creature with a shell (8)  05. Wind instrument (5)  direction to secure put up with a tree uprooted (8) 
same  period  in  2019,  according
12. Facial hair (5)  06. Hindu garment (4)  knowledge (5)  04. The old sacrificial victim was an
to  the  company.  There  was  a  22
15. Not knowing where one is (4)  07. At one time (4)  09. The hols, if staggered : entertaining person (4) 
per cent increase in those want­
16. Be a Thespian (3)  10. Pavement game (9)  nothing in that, silly! (7)  05. One instrument is one note ahead of
ing  to  proceed  with  an  applica­
tion for new citizenship or resid­ 17. Strongly advise (4)  12. Account, invoice (4)  11. Slow mover from moorland another (5) 
ency  rights.  The  wealthy  aren’t 19. Cattle, etc, of a farm (5)  13. Manifold (8)  height : toe is broken (8)  06. Garment from India throwing
just  interested  in  Caribbean  is­ 21. Abandoned, ruined (8)  14. Let water in (4)  12. Ursa on the day provides a couture capital by being topless (4) 
lands where they can self­isolate 24. Impedes (7)  18. Pleasantly rounded (5)  spade, say (5)  07. As soon as carbon is seen in the unit
on  sandy  beaches.  They’re  look­ 25. Yawning gulf (5)  20. Made better (5)  15. Didn't know where one stood, (4) 
ing  to  Australia  and  New  Zeal­ 26. Works dough (6)  21. Bob out of the way (4)  so was unsuccessful (4)  10. Dance with some spirit markedly on
and,  countries  that  impressed 22. Study words (4)  16. Tom gets head where heart the pavement (9) 
with their handling of Covid­19. 23. Converse (4)  should be to take part (3)  12. Some old battleaxe one will fondly
Additionally,  people  view  the 17. Strongly move it should be caress (4) 
move  as  a  wealth­management held by our generation (4)  13. Impel changes last month included in
tool  as  much  as  a  way  to  travel 19. Part of the gun one will have in many forms (8) 
visa­free, according to Henley.  SOLUTION: BL Two-way Crossword 1660 store (5)  14. Let secret out, there being a hole in
To  be  sure,  even  the  world’s 21. Half made a widow, deserted the vessel (4) 
wealthiest can’t escape immedi­ ACROSS 01. Dictatorial 08. Tolerant 09. Giro 10. Repel 13. Tows 16. (8)  18. Abruptly opt for the pleasantly fat (5) 
ate quarantines and travel bans. Grip 17. Disc 18. Tend 20. Fresh 24. Nice 25. Clearing 26. Cornerstone 24. How one gets in the way of 20. Dried, salted and made well (5) 
Receiving  second  passports  or DOWN 02. Idle 03. Terse 04. Tinge 05. Ingot 06. Straightens 07. progress of picnic­baskets (7)  21. Water­fowl is nothing to a bat (4) 
residency  rights  takes  time  at Loose change 11. Proof 12. Ledge 14. Omit 15. Sign 19. Drear 21. Ruler 25. Little Charles and Mary 22. Study the loaf with its top removed
least  three  months  for  Carib­ 22. Slant 23. Finn initially split (5)  (4) 
bean  programmes  and  much 26. Works at the Danes, upset 23. Hospital kitchen in which short
longer  for  the  ones  in  the following the weekend (6)  informal address is held (4) 
European Union.  BLOOMBERG

CM .. .... .. .....

China’s hierarchy of nations

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
The ‘new model’ is about getting the US to accept China as an equal
But the Chinese misread the Amer-
ican mood and Obama was cold to the
proposal when Xi brought it up at the

Cross-border narco-terror Sunnylands summit in 2013. The

New Model was all about getting the
US to accept China as an equal which,
Pakistan must be held accountable in turn, would signal an acceptance of

Chinese dominance in the western
HE seizure on Sunday of almost 65 kg of heroin floating in the Ravi MANOJ JOSHI
Pacific. Instead the US began to talk
is yet another reminder of how drugs are pushed from Pakistan DISTINGUISHED FELLOW, OBSERVER about the ‘pivot’, which later became
into India. In June last year, 500 kg of heroin was seized at the RESEARCH FOUNDATION, NEW DELHI
the Indo-Pacific policy.
Attari border check-post. Such large consignments cannot move without Though it spoke of a new model

the involvement of various official agencies in Pakistan, and it has been HE talks on restoring status of major power relations, the Chi-
an open secret that Punjabis in particular, and Indians in general, have quo ante in eastern Ladakh nese were only thinking of the US,
been targeted by the military-intelligence complex across the border. have yet to yield significant and most certainly not India. As a
Pakistan is already on the grey list of the terror financing results. There has reported- large and populous country, we are
watchdog, Financial Action Task Force (FATF). It is just a step ly been disengagement in the Gal- a bit of a conundrum for China.
away from being publicly censured like North Korea and Iran. wan area, but the more serious Pan- Where could we figure in the hier-
FATF has left itself open to criticism by focusing on a narrow inter- gong Tso and Depsang incursions archy? Besides, we have the eco-
pretation of terrorism, and its rather bureaucratic interpretation have yet to be terminated. AMBITIOUS: The ‘New Model of Great Power Relations’ is a kind of code to get the nomic and military potential to
Meanwhile, India must grapple US to accept a sort of a condominium or a ‘group of two’ arrangement. match up to, or even beat China.
of the steps needed for a nation to comply with its requirements
with the consequences of the collapse So, Chinese policy has been con-
that primarily centre on plugging the holes in terror financing,
of the regime that largely maintained centrated on containing India’s rise
along with activities of UN-designated terrorists. peace and tranquility along the Line
The challenge for India is to reduce the asymmetries. As however it can. Formally, Beijing
The narco-terror nexus is an old one. There have been enough
instances when it has been proved that the activities of active terrorist
of Actual Control (LAC) and possibly India’s trendlines start arching upwards, we will get payoffs professes friendship and coopera-
its larger relationship with its huge tion with India, but in practical
groups in Kashmir, and the rest of the country, received money from northern neighbour, China. in the form of better Chinese behaviour on our borders. terms, all it has needed is a Pakistan
the proceeds of the sale of narcotics brought across the border. In fact, Given the asymmetry of the terrain to keep us off balance. Our own pol-
aiding, abetting and pushing drugs into India serve not only to weak- and logistics, we need to ensure that icy of relentless hostility towards
en the border states, where their availability feeds addiction, but also there are no repetitions of the Chi- the Covid crisis. The chaos and ny is a consequence of every country Islamabad, of course, aids this mis-
in opening conduits that are used for smuggling weapons and even nese moves that have taken place in confusion in the US is a perfect accepting its place in a system, which sion. And our incompetence with
sending terrorists across the border. There is a need to resist the ten- the recent months. Stopping them opportunity to be exploited. More is hierarchical. This was perhaps best neighbours like Nepal and Sri Lan-
dency to treat such seizures as merely a law and order issue. Each such from intruding into Indian territory is so because the country is up for put in their White Paper on Asia ka compounds our problem.
attempt is a breach of national security. The non-state and state actors infinitely more preferable, and elections this year and the incum- Pacific Security Cooperation in 2017, As of now, we are only a potential
doable, than trying to uproot them bent President is hitting out blind- which observed that ‘Major coun- equal. China’s economy is nearly
across the border must be identified, and such seizures must be used
from the positions they have occu- ly as he senses he may lose to his tries should treat the strategic inten- five times the size of India’s, and
to demonstrate the nefarious terrorist activities of our western neigh-
pied. This has been the long lesson Democratic challenger. tions of others in an objective and its military much more powerful.
bour. Our diplomats must fully brief FATF and other international fora, the country has learnt since 1951. This could explain their simulta- rational manner… (while) small and They could yet overreach and
and international pressure must be brought to bear on the regime that Meanwhile, the bigger challenge is to neous moves across their periphery medium-sized countries need not, crash, but let’s not depend on that
allows, rather facilitates, narco-terror on this horrific scale. figure out the new trajectory of our — in the South China Sea, with and should not, take sides among and work at some self-help.
relations with China. Japan in the East Sea, raising the big countries.’ In the document, The challenge for Indian policy
First, we should try to figure out eastern Bhutan claim, the crack- China listed four ‘major’ countries is to be able to reduce these asym-
why the Chinese have done what down in Hong Kong and the actions in a hierarchical manner — the US, metries. This is not something a

Not within earshot they did. It could simply be a bit of

Covid-19 opportunism — after all,
China, the first country to be infect-
in eastern Ladakh. This is a perfect
moment for staking out their pri-
macy in Asia. Kurt Campbell and
Russia, India and Japan. Indonesia,
Vietnam, Pakistan, or Australia did
not figure on the list.
friendly Uncle will help us do —
we need to relentlessly grow our
economy, enhance our diplomatic
Haryana cops need to listen to scientific ways ed, has also successfully pulled out of Mira Rapp-Hooper argue that the The first thing that Xi Jinping did performance and be far more

it and has got its economy going foreign policy of restraint intro- when he came to power was to talk of focused. This cannot happen
HE statistics are disquieting. Despite various courts across again. As in the case of the Global duced by Deng Xiaoping is at an a ‘New Model of Great Power Rela- overnight, or even in one prime
Haryana remaining unconvinced by the police contention Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, its end. ‘China is done biding its time’ tions’, a kind of code to get the US to ministerial term. It requires sys-
that they had overheard the accused plotting a dacoity — for power relative to that of the others is the suggestive title to their recent accept a sort of a condominium or a tematic short to medium-term
no one is likely to hatch a conspiracy within earshot of anybody — could grow in the coming period. article in Foreign Affairs. ‘group of two’ (G2) arrangement. planning and effort, beginning
the number of people facing trial in such cases continues to be It could also be a consequence of The Chinese are driven by a sense This proposal began to do the rounds now. As our trendlines start arch-
high, even though the number of cases has seen a downward the astounding abandonment of of history, and they see their domi- in the US following the GFC, with ing upwards, we will get the pay-
trend. In one case brought to the fore through RTI and reported global leadership by the US gener- nance as the natural order of things. people like Zbigniew Brzezinski and offs in the form of better Chinese
in The Tribune, the six accused didn’t even know one another; ally, and more specifically during Their view of the world is that harmo- C Fred Bergsten advocating it. behaviour on our borders.
they were picked up from different places and incredulously
framed for planning the commission of a crime together. That the

The in-between generation

suspects had to undergo trial lasting many months before acquit-
tal evokes repulsion at the ineptness of the cops.
No innocent should have to fall prey to the police’s questionable
philosophy of ‘controlling’ crime that seems to undergird such a qua-
si-legal measure. It only reinforces the common man’s lack of trust Ashok Warrier foisted on his desk when he had not gaining in both comfort and confi- but as with the computer earlier, I
in the force’s ability to catch the real culprits and bring them to book even asked for it! I would often dence. The path to that stage was lit- learnt to cope. The transition to the

through effective prosecution. With only small fry continuing to bear OMPUTERISATION was the notice him giving a look of disgust tered with ‘misadventures’. There iPhone had some bumpy rides in
the brunt of the lathi and the big sharks escaping the police net, it is new mantra in the India of every now and then. While he were occasions when I would have between, and although not exactly
not surprising that the crime rate has not been arrested. the 1990s, and as with all remained in the office, he ensured typed out a big document, deferred fitting into the technological savvy
Haryana would do well to emulate Punjab that has realised the limi- mantras, it was being perceived and that he had nothing to do with it. It saving it for a little later, only to find category, I would like to believe that
tations of the competence of its police force in taking on the criminals. received with a mixture of excite- was his young secretary who would the whole document disappear into I can use most of its features now.
In a credible and creditable step that will bear fruit, it may soon become ment, anxiety, distrust, indiffer- be using it. My colleague once nowhere, when the power would go Nurtured and nourished by the
the first state in the country to invigorate its force by infusing in it plain- ence, and even cynicism, depending refused to ‘hand over’ his ‘pass- off, leaving me holding my head in trappings of an earlier generation,
clothes professionals from fields such as information and digital technol- largely on the age bracket one port’ when all he was being asked my hands. Wisdom dawned, but only goaded largely by necessity, and
belonged to. The younger lot saw in for was the screen ‘password’, after a few such instances. My maybe in a small part by interest
ogy, forensics and accounting to assist the cops in tackling new-age
the advent of computers promise much to the amusement, or possi- midlife crisis of the new millennium too, to be ‘in’ the technological
offenders. Ever since it hired a detective agency to check female foeti-
and progress. The older lot, espe- bly exasperation of the computer was accentuated by the advent of the march led by the millennials of
cide in 2018, the health department has got critical support in conduct- cially those over 50, viewed these technician who had come to address ‘new kid on the technological the day, I find that people like me
ing sting operations on erring doctors. Haryana, too, needs to restructure contraptions, at best, as intrusive an issue with his computer. This block’, the mobile phone. I still are the ‘in-betweens’, who on the
its system and adopt a scientific approach to crime detection, prevention irritants, and at worst, as avoidable exemplified the attitude of most of remember the sturdy Nokia 3310, for one hand continue doing at least
and prosecution. It will empower the cops with the cutting edge needed fads. I remember an elderly col- the ‘baby boomers’. most times nestling in my trouser some things the ‘old’ way, and on
to outwit the planners and plotters of dacoity and other crimes. Catching league of mine sneering at the new It was in 1998 that I started work- pockets, making me jump every the other, constantly strive, even
a criminal in the act can even dilute political influence, if any. Pentium Computer that was being ing on a computer. I had just turned time it would ring, or announce a if tottering often in the process,
set up in his office. He was com- 40. While initially, I did not take to it notification. I don’t think I was a pic- to keep pace with the advance-
plaining why ‘this thing’ was being like fish to water, I slowly started ture of savoir faire with that phone, ments in technology.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
Analysis is the critical starting point of strategic Mincing no words overnight. Undertrials should be let 6G will have to wait terms since the formation of the gov-
thinking. — Kenichi Ohmae Refer to the editorial ‘Welcome can- out following an easy procedure. An Apropos of ‘Mission 6G — time to ernment 18 months ago. For the peo-
dour’ (July 20); it was reassuring to 80-year-old poet-professor-humanist lead’(July 20), top telecom players ple of Rajasthan, where is gover-
learn that the Defence Minister and champion of social justice lan- owe the government Rs 1.47 lakh nance under such circumstances?
admitted to the challenges before guishing in jail without trial should crore towards licence fee, spectrum Such destabilisation of any state gov-
on this day...100 years ago the country, while addressing the make us hang our head in shame. usage charge, interest and penalty, ernment by any means should not be
troops in Ladakh. It is the first time HL SHARMA, AMRITSAR accumulated over the past 14 years. allowed. A fair investigation into the
that a senior functionary has freely They have filed review petitions in the whole affair and phone tapping
expressed his views. At the same Undertrials in jails SC. These telcos, Vodafone, Idea and should be brought in public knowl-
time, he has assured us that no Refer to ‘Decongesting prisons’ Airtel in particular, have threatened to edge. We have a right to know what
power in the world can grab even an (July 20); the Prison Statistics India shut shop and not roll out 5G, in case went wrong and where. The anti-
lahore,wednesday, july 21, 1920
inch from India. We cannot trust report is collated by the National they are not provided relief by the defection law needs a relook to make
Chinese leaders as they believe in Crime Records Bureau. The total Centre. This arm-twisting smacks of a it effective. Transparency should be
Declaration of Rights. grabbing the land of other coun- number of prisons in India conspiracy to close this matter, with a there, if anybody wants to switch
SPEAKING of the declaration of rights, Mr. Sastri asked if they were going to tries, either by hook or by crook. decreased from 1,412 in 2016 to 1,339 few hundred crores of bearer bonds over, let him resign and fight the
make it a sine qua non of co-operation with the Government. The Liberals would SUBHASH C TANEJA, GURUGRAM in 2018. However, the capacity of being issued in favour of the ruling election again, without recourse to
not, he said, oppose the demand for a declaration of rights, but nevertheless he prisons increased from 3,80,876 in party and crores in savings to telecom shortcuts. This whole sordid drama
pointed out that if it were granted, the legislature in India would be unable to take Poor state of justice 2016 to 3,96,223 in 2018. If one looks licensees. It is shameful that the coun- must come to a logical conclusion.
extraordinary steps in emergencies without the express sanction of the Imperial Refer to the editorial ‘Decongesting at the number of undertrials in try is being held to ransom by a few DEVINDER GARG, CHANDIGARH
Government. For our part, we would not make a declaration of rights a sine qua prisons’ (July 20); we needed a pan- prison, these are surprisingly high companies. It is a clear case of quid
non of co-operation, if only because we would not promise to perpetually co- demic to draw our attention towards owing to our long road to justice. pro quo. The country will be a big Stuck in Australia
operate, even if we had the declaration of rights. Co-operation and opposition are, the alarming magnitude of poverty, There was a 10.4% increase in the loser in sectors like agriculture, Will the aviation ministry inform when
in our opinion, to be determined on wholly independent grounds, and would be crumbling public health system, over- number of undertrials during 2016 manufacturing, healthcare and edu- it intends to start flights for India? I
dependent partly upon the nature of the particular policy or measure in respect of crowded prisons, etc. You cannot to 2018. Recently, the number of peo- cation, where 5G was to be used, am a senior citizen who came to Aus-
which we were called upon to co-operate, and partly on the tendency and check the spiralling crime—you have ple who have been detained in pris- because of this dogfight. Let us for- tralia with my wife for three months
character of the general policy of the Government. If, at any time, we had reason a big number of undertrials in prisons ons has increased. Many students, get 6G for a couple of years. with a return ticket of Air India for
to think that the Government were trying to back out of the Proclamation of whose trial goes on at a snail’s pace. academicians and journalists, RAJIV BOOLCHAND JAIN, ZIRAKPUR March-end. Unluckily, we are stuck
August 1917, or that they were deliberately attempting to thwart our progress Political adversaries and the ones rais- among others, are facing serious here due to Covid. Medicines are cost-
towards the goal, we should unhesitatingly declare for a general policy of non-co- ing even genuine voices of dissent are charges because of dissenting view- Quitting party? Recontest ly here and people like me need med-
operation, declaration of rights or no declaration of rights. But while we do not put in jails. But, still, the government points. Poet Varavara Rao has been The Rajasthan imbroglio is no longer ical consultation frequently, and the
wish to confound the two issues, we must express our disappointment at the way doesn’t feel the need to have a match- admitted to a hospital due to health an intra-Congress feud, it is turning supply of medicines has been exhaust-
in which Mr. Sastri referred to this vitally important matter. The Liberals, he said, ing number of prisons. In the name of complications inside prison. Speedy into Congress versus BJP, and why ed, leading to stress. For how long will
would not oppose the declaration of rights. Have we nothing better to expect from decongesting prisons because of the bail procedures can save lives. It not? The BJP found a chance to we remain dependent on our daugh-
a party as patriotic as any other party in the State? Have not even the events of last pandemic, justice secured by the would be a grave injustice if any wrest power from the Congress ter? If we are to live with Covid, why
year convinced the moderate party of the importance of Parliamentary and aggrieved parties after long legal bat- innocent dies in jail. because of the tussle between Gehlot not in India, in our own home?
statutory guarantees for safeguarding India’s elementary rights? Has not the tles should not be reversed or diluted JASPREET SINGH, PATIALA and Pilot. Both are not on talking RC KOHLI, MELBOURNE
Liberal party itself demanded certain guarantees in respect of the declaration and
working of Martial Law, which are a near approach to this declaration of rights? Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

Good field reporting to counter studio hawks

we know about Jeremy Bowen’s made the conflict zone accessible and
reports from Sarajevo which led to the visible from a distance, frontline
exposure of war crimes and the trial of reporting has a greater influence on
Bosnian General Ratko Mladic. the minds of the public than listening
Christina Lamb is another war to studio reports. It can also influence
reporter who has written many books domestic and international policies.
on her experiences. She crossed the Today, TV channels produce talk
Hindukush into Afghanistan with the shows to enhance their TRPs where
Mujahideen who were fighting the they quote reliable sources, unnamed
FORMER DIRECTOR GENERAL, Russians. Later, she saw and wrote sources and senior government
about the West which failed miserably sources, all of whom are unidentifi-
because they could not understand the able. Such reports become question-

ICK Ut’s iconic photograph local dynamics of the country. Many able in their authenticity. The public
of a nine-year-old girl journalists have lost lives in crossfire gets confused. Social media divides
scorched by napalm bomb- and to improvised explosive devices people into pro-and anti-establish-
ing in Vietnam drew the (IEDs) in Afghanistan. In Yemen, ment, nationalist and anti-nationalist
attention of the world to the horrors of reporters have been known to be tor- sections. Any official version starts
war. It also changed the public opinion tured and even used as human shields. raising doubts. On the other hand,
in the United States leading to wide- The story of Indian war correspon- reports from the foreign media, which
spread protests. Seeing death and dep- dents’ role in various conflicts has TECTONIC SHIFT: During the 1999 Kargil War, the nation saw the grit and determination of the Indian soldier first-hand. has better resources and access to
rivation on a daily basis, the American been somewhat different. Information information from the opponent, get
public pressured the government to
withdraw and accept defeat. Such is
about the raiders in 1948 came only
through the refugees. PN Sharma was
The recent skirmish between role in the liberation of Bangladesh.
Unfortunately, during my stint in
(IPKF). There was the intrepid Anita
Pratap and her photographer Sham Tek-
more prominence. This is unhealthy
as it leads to rumour-mongering.
the relevance of war reporting. the first reporter who saw action from Indian and Chinese troops the Kashmir valley from September wani whose reportage and photographs Viewers are left to ‘believe it or not’.
A war correspondent is distinct from the air, took pictures, but crashlanded 1994 to April 1996, I did not meet any brought home to the Indian public the This haze can only be cleared by
a regular journalist as he provides on a tree and was captured but later was an opportunity for the journalist who was willing to move out questionable decision for India to inter- allowing limited access to war
first-hand information from a conflict repatriated. His accounts were known government and the Indian of his comfort zone. Most were housed fere in Sri Lankan affairs. Since the reporters into the conflict zone. When
zone. It is considered the most dan- only after the war when he published in hotels in Srinagar from where they Indian government controlled all infor- will it be possible for us to fly them
gerous form of journalism. The his book. Indian war reporters did not Army to have war reporters wrote biased accounts of the high mation, acts of bravery and sacrifice into such areas and let them develop a
reporter goes into an affected area
with adequate background knowledge
get as many opportunities as their for-
eign counterparts. Not to say that
on the spot after the handedness of the armed forces under
militant pressure. Keen to know the
remained unrecognised.
The 1999 Kargil War saw a major
ground understanding of the border?
The recent skirmish between the
and a determination to get a good sto- there has not been any change since hand-to-hand combat. It security arrangements being made for change. Though Barkha Dutt’s report- Indian and Chinese troops at the Line
ry. Though unarmed, he/she is not then. During the 1971 war, there was yatris, they requested a briefing. The ing from a bunker may have been of Actual Control (LAC) was an oppor-
short on courage and has the ability to a major shift. Foreign correspondents could have prevented TV GOC, Victor Force (RR), asked them to termed as jingoism, it made an impact. tunity for the government and the
take life-threatening risks. Despite
strict restrictions, many are known to
were flown to the action sites. A for-
eign journalist from the New York
anchors from becoming assemble at Anantnag. Sadly, they
were not prepared to go there without
The nation saw the grit and determina-
tion of the Indian soldier first-hand.
Indian Army to have war reporters on
the site after the grim hand-to-hand
seek unauthorised entry, only to be Times appeared on the scene accom- studio strategists, building protection or walk to the cave before Every nation must exercise control combat. It could have prevented TV
intimidated, detained and even tor- panying Lt Gen Sagat Singh, GOC, 4 the Amarnath yatra as they thought over access to the battlefield to pre- anchors from becoming studio strate-
tured. The beheading of Daniel Pearl Corps. He introduced himself as
imaginary scenarios and that it was too big a risk to their lives. vent sensitive information from leak- gists, building imaginary scenarios
by the Al Qaeda and James Foley by ‘Harmitt’. His real identity was dis- discussing them This is not to take away from the fact ing out, particularly during the peri- and discussing them ad nauseam.
the ISIS is still fresh in our minds. covered when he let out the choicest that today, young men and women are od of actual engagement. Free access The war journalists could have then
Marie Colvin was a fearless and gut- Punjabi abuse on confronting ad nauseam. These war at the forefront, capturing the situa- can have negative results. This was presented a clear picture of the inci-
sy woman, who lost one eye while cov-
ering the Sri Lankan civil war and lat-
machine gun fire. We appreciated his
real value only when he flew out
journalists could have tion on their cameras and reporting
live from the scene of action.
the bitter lesson from the Vietnam
War. The US changed its policy there-
dent and the lie of the land.
War reportage is a force multiplier
er met her destiny along with her after the surrender and we saw for- then presented a clear Many young reporters risked life after and was able to create better which can boost the image and might
cameraman in Syria. Both times, these eign magazines full of photos and and limb to reach LTTE positions fac- opinion during the Iraq war. of the military and help in raising the
were unauthorised infiltrations. Then articles lauding the Indian Army’s picture of the incident. ing the Indian Peace-Keeping Force Though modern technology has morale of the Indian public.

Breaking law in the name of law enforcement

HE killing of gangster Vikas First, there was loud public acclaim for The allegation that this killing was
Dubey in a police encounter the killing of the dreaded gangster. done to prevent him from singing and
raises a number of disturbing Many have lauded the police action as exposing influential politicians may not
questions. It spotlights the they feel that the case would have oth- be true. But, indeed, an opportunity for
increasingly important role played by erwise dragged on in the court of law a thorough probe into the criminal-
the bahubalis in some North Indian and the criminal may have got away police-politician nexus was lost. Now, the
states. Dubey was involved in a number scot-free. There was pressure on the UP Government has set up a judicial
of criminal cases and was a dreaded fig- police from the public as well as the commission to inquire into the matter.
ure in Kanpur and neighbouring areas. political masters to take the law in their Hope, it will complete the inquiry and
FORMER DIRECTOR, NATIONAL POLICE ACADEMY However, he had an excellent equation hands and play the role of investigators come out with a credible report early.
with leaders of various political parties as well as executioners. Thirdly, officers, particularly police
and also kept the police in good I recollect an incident when the then leaders, have to remember that when
Political parties need humour. Further inquiry will unravel chief minister of a state reproved me the police take recourse to extra-legal
the reasons why the police and the pow- for my failure to firmly deal with a methods to make up for the deficiencies
bahubalis to raise funds, ers that be turned against him. notorious gang of dacoits by adopting, of law and legal procedures, they are
park unaccounted money During my long career in the police,
I never witnessed or heard of attacks
if necessary, extra-legal methods. With
great difficulty, I could persuade him
trying to remedy the inadequacies they
did not create. They deflect attention to
and bully their opponents. such as the July 2 ambush. Normally, that such illegal methods would prove themselves, away from the negligence
local criminals avoid a confrontation SORDID SAGA: Through extra-legal methods to make up for the deficiency of the law, the to be counter- productive. It may be of others. In a democratic society, order
These criminals, in turn, are with the police. I had the occasion to police only create opportunities for the misuse of authority and victimisation of the innocent. mentioned that the National Police through repression is the worst form of
given a free hand. This is witness stray attacks by smugglers or
the local mafia in order to settle old are against reforms which would looted. The true reason for their
Commission, in its report, firmly dis-
couraged fake encounters as this is not
disorder as it establishes a linkage
between social order and atrocity.
the reason why political scores, but not a planned, all-out diminish their control over the police. hatred and anger against the police the remedy to tackle such situations. Earlier, when the UP CM gave carte
attack of this nature, resulting in the With political patronage cutting across needs a searching probe. What is necessary is to strengthen the blanche to the police to stage encoun-
parties of all hues are death of eight police personnel. party lines, Dubey was having a field The police counter-offensive started law and the legal process. The practice ters to control the spiralling crime,
against reforms which This happened because of an unholy
nexus between the criminals and
day. He had not only amassed a huge
fortune, but also built a dreaded gang
in full swing. Some members of the
gang were apprehended and killed,
of policing to break law in the name of
law enforcement is totally unaccept-
many expressed misgivings that there
will be misuse of authority and innocent
would diminish their political leaders. Taking advantage of which was operating freely and fearless- including his close associate Amar able in a democratic society governed persons belonging to the marginalised
this symbiotic relationship, politically ly. His house had become a storehouse Dubey. Vikas surrendered with a view by the rule of law. It is objectionable sections of society will come to grief.
control over the police. powerful criminals cock a snook at the of illegal arms, including AK-47s. This to saving his life, but that was not to because it will be arbitrary as a process In many state police forces, in such
With political patronage police, snapping the chain of com-
mand and control. The police give
would not have been possible without
the active connivance of the police. As
be. He was killed in an encounter
while seeking to escape from custody.
and random in its effects.
Secondly, it jeopardises further probe
an ambience, there emerge encounter
specialists, lionised because through
cutting across party them a free rein. Neutral law enforce- his linkages with the police had spread However, surrounding facts and cir- into the operations of criminal gangs. extra-legal methods, they deliver the
ment suffers a body blow. at all levels, he was duly informed by cumstances leave little room for doubt Vikas Dubey was directly involved in a goods, but many turn extortionists
lines, Vikas Dubey The truth of the matter is that politi- the police stool pigeon of the impend- that it was a fake encounter and the large number of cases and enjoyed the and enrich themselves by dubious
had a field day. cal parties need bahubalis to raise
funds, park unaccounted money and
ing raid. This facilitated his escape. It
was indeed a blunder on the part of
police had exacted a bloody revenge
and got even with the gangster who
patronage of many political leaders.
Sustained investigation and interroga-
means. David Bayley, an American
police scholar, aptly said that illegality
bully their opponents. The latter, in the DSP to plan this raid on his house had dared to kill policemen. tion would have unearthed his modus in the service of public safety makes
turn, are given a free hand in their at night without adequate prepara- Admittedly, the liquidation of Vikas operandi and nexus with the police and policing a furtive and anxious activity
criminal depredations. This is the rea- tions. Hence, they became easy tar- Dubey by the police highlights some politicians. But, with his death, that and undermines pride, which is the
son why political parties of all hues gets with their weapons also being important issues of law enforcement. window of opportunity is now closed. basis of job satisfaction.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

1 There to be
taken (2,3,5) 6 2 7 5 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2077

8 Take up (5) ■ Shaka Samvat 1942

4 9 3 8
9 Country in Horn of ■ Aashadh Shaka 30 Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy Rainy Foggy
Africa (7)
10 Inspiring wonder (7) ■ Shravan Parvishte 6 CITY MAX MIN
11 Distance to target (5) ■ Hijari 1441 Chandigarh 29 26
12 Dwell permanently (6)
14 Cupboard (6)
7 1 4 5 ■ Shukla Paksha Tithi 1, up to 9:25 pm New Delhi 34 25
17 Mediterranean island (5) ■ Vajra Yoga up to 5:34 pm Amritsar 28 24
19 A sheer dress fabric (7)
21 Mythical one-horn 2 3 8 7 ■ Pushya Nakshatra up to 8:30 pm

■ Moon in Cancer sign.

animal (7)
22 Wet (5) Ludhiana 30 24
23 Deteriorate (2,8) 7 9 5 1 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
Bhiwani 32 26
7 6 1 8 5 2 4 3 9
DOWN Hisar 35 24
2 Gallantry (7)
3 Excel in performance (5) 5 8 6 4 9 4 2 1 6 3 7 5 8 Sirsa
4 Absolute truth (6) 5 3 8 4 9 7 2 6 1
5 Senior naval officer (7) Manali 24 12
6 Beautician’s
establishment (5)
8 9 5 6 2 8 6 5 3 1 9 4 7 Shimla 24 16
7 Don’t get 4 9 7 6 2 8 3 1 5 Srinagar 32 18
excited! (4,2,4)
8 Scarce and in 9 6 1 3 3 1 5 9 7 4 6 8 2
YESTERDAY ’ S SOLUTION demand (2,1,7) 8 7 4 2 1 6 5 9 3
Leh 29 15
2 4 3 8
13 Baseball playing field (7)
Across: 1 Homage, 4 Opaque, 9 Adjourn, 10 Taint, 11 Strut, 12 Exhibit, 13 Downtrodden, 15 Outdoor timepiece (7) 6 2 9 3 8 5 1 7 4
18 Outgrow, 20 Ample, 22 Grief, 23 Crevice, 24 Exhort, 25 Advent. Dehradun 32 24
16 Until a later time (3,3)
Down: 1 Hoarse, 2 Major, 3 Glutton, 5 Pitch, 6 Quibble, 7 Estate, 8 Once or twice, 14 18 Deceitful (5) 1 5 3 7 4 9 8 2 6 Mussoorie 23 17
Ostrich, 15 Dead end, 16 Tongue, 17 Repent, 19 Refer, 21 Pride. 20 Measure round body (5) V. EASY TEMPERATURE IN OC

The ailing economy of Assam

The mind is everything. What you think you
– BUDDHA qualitatively (adding skills to the po-
Recently, it has been reported in etary provision could not be made in
■ Udayan Hazarika tentially viable ones). the media that as much as 4.2 lakhs the current year. This is one reason
The service sector has a profound
of migrant labourers have come back why the current slowdown is expect-

ssam is passing through that investment is prioritized and
a critical period of eco- becomes outcome-oriented. impact on the growth of the State to the State. Some of them have ed to remain in the State for some
nomic destabilization, Employment generation is the economy. This sector contributes as
claimed to be skilled labourers and considerably longer time. The
the impact of which can second area where we are failing. much as 46% (2018) at current pric-
are demanding engagements. They amount recommended by the 15th
Livelihood questions be observed in every sphere of the
economy. This actually is the com-
While planning our expenditure, it
should have been our effort to make
es to the State’s Gross Domestic have come back to the State at a time
Product. But in absence of industrial
when unlocking was in progress and
FC for 2020-21 in terms of devolu-
tion of central taxes (Rs 26,776 crore)
There needs to be a logic to every crucial decision made bined effect of the sharply rising long-term goals to be achieved in the growth, the service sector expan- in many States business activities and revenue deficit grant to the tune
by the administration, particularly during a crisis such as the prices and the resultant increase in employment front. The State Finance sion in an economy is not always awere picking up. They are now sit- of Rs 7,579 crores needs to be care-
Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the decisions on lock- inflation (7.39% as in November Minister has recently noted the mag- good sign, especially when the con-
ting idle at home adding to the fully handled as soon as it is released
downs made by the Kamrup Metro administration seem 2019), growing unemployment and nitude of unemployment at 20 lakhs. tribution comes from the unorgan- strength of the State’s unemployed and budgeted. With the Assembly
more of a knee-jerk reaction to the abnormal increase in the falling labour force participation In our agenda, however, we have no ized sector. Economic activities in our
labour force. There are assurances election round the corner, the Gov-
number of coronavirus infections rather than a response to rates, increase in the magnitude of such specific component from the Government ernment should commit to its re-
revenue expenditure and, finally, the that devotes completely in that all of them will be sponsibility and not spend the amount
any strategy modulated by informed medical scientists’ opin-
ban imposed on all economic activ- this area. We do not have A government perhaps neither provided job cards under on the floating schemes which have
ions. This district has been more or less under lockdown
ities to restrain the aggressive any long-term plan for em- can exhaust its resources in MGNREGA. But that has no sustainable impact on the econo-
since the 25th of March, with a brief relaxation in-between march of Covid-19. A critical analy- ployment generation. For not yet happened. More- my, rather would drive the economy
before lockdown reimposition for two more weeks. Though sis of our spending behaviour will this, we are so far relying the name of a virus which over, many of these mi- like a rudderless boat.
some relaxations, in line with the national policy, had been expose that generally, no principle on the Government of In- requires no application of drugs grant labourers have al- From what have been discussed
made last month, overall restrictions had remained in place is followed in allocation of resourc- dia’s employment genera- ready left for their places above, it can now be inferred well
almost throughout, in particular the imposition of night cur- es amongst various sectors of the tion schemes and missions. for recovery of its patients nor of work while many are that the State is not in a position to
few. Yet, despite this, the number of cases of coronavirus
infections has continued to spike, and the administration’s
economy which impacts adversely
in the spending pattern. An econo-
A State must aim at creat-
ing a skilled manpower re-
can it shut down every time any ingotwo minds whether to
back to work or stay
tide over the deficit situation re-
sulting from various factors includ-
expected response had been to extend the lockdown peri- my with no direction of its spend- serve and make room for business house for each here. Few of them have ing the emergence of Covid-19. To
od for another week till July 19. But the situation in Guwahati ing cannot survive during the criti- their gradual absorption in already engaged in vari- reach the correction path, we need
is becoming grimmer, with the city registering more than cal period. We spend much of our a strategic manner. So far, positive case reported – people ous self-employment time, resources and the aptitude for
500 Covid-19 positive cases for three consecutive days, earnings for unproductive purpos- our effort on the employ- should be made educated and schemes. With this situa- planning to fix a roadmap. Unfortu-
es and it is growing year by year. ment front is confined only tion, till now no clear pic- nately, we neither have resources
to filling up regular vacan- responsible for management of
and 25 fatalities. Meanwhile, not only has normal life been
These expenditures are elastic; the ture has emerged. But the nor have time as the election is
disrupted, but livelihoods in all strata of society have been more we spend, the more we be- cies in the government pay the disease. fact remains that a huge round the corner. Covid-19 has al-
negatively impacted upon. The most tragic victims had been come prone to expand the spend- rolls, without assessing the labour force comprising ready eaten up a major part of our
unskilled daily wage-earners who depend solely on work ing limits. The expenditure on rev- priority aspect of their re- these migrant labourers time and resources. A strategy
demanding physical exertion and, in the backdrop of shut- enue accounts is indicative of such quirement. We all know that public service sector are grossly related to exists today in the State giving rise must be there where we know ex-
down of manufacture and transportation, have gone months expenditure. Of our total budget- employment is always limited and it the fast growing informal sector to the existing market demands but actly where government interven-
without work. ary allocation, the amount spent on cannot solve the growing unemploy- which is vulnerable as there is no without adding anything to the pro- tion in the Covid-19 process is a
Equally sad has been the plight of vendors of perishable revenue account varies between ment problem. For this we need to social or service security for the duction process. must and where people need to
consumption items like vegetables, fish and meat, as also 82% and 89% leaving only a mea- intervene in the areas of the house- employees. Most of them are either The awards of the Finance Com- take care of themselves. A govern-
sellers of street-food and other items. These are the seg- gre percentage for incurring in cre- hold manufacturing sector setting self-employed or casually employed mission have significant bearing in ment perhaps neither can exhaust
ation of assets. In absence of any plans for both short and long terms. who do not have any secured serv- the economic development of the its resources in the name of a virus
ments of urban society who live a hand to mouth existence
planning strategy for economic de- Strategies need to be in place to back ice tenure and they continue their State. The fact that the 15th Finance which requires no application of
and do not possess nest-eggs on which to fall back upon services at the mercy of the employ- Commission is still not ready to an- drugs for recovery of its patients
velopment, today we are forced to up the central schemes such as
during hard times. No doubt the administration is attempt- rely on the annual budget as our MGNREGA, etc., by customizing er. This makes the sector vulnera- nounce its second part of recommen- nor can it shut down every time
ing to help them by providing cash as well as basic food annual plan. It is here that we need the scheme and integrating therein ble and undependable. This is the dations (2021-2024) has tremendous any business house for each posi-
requirements, but feedback suggests that such assistance a strong team of experts to identify the State’s role so as to achieve a far reason why during the lockdown, the impact on the State’s future planning. tive case reported – people should
is not always reaching the most vulnerable. Prolonged shut- the areas exactly where govern- better result both quantitatively (add- service sector emerged as the worst Moreover, due to the late announce- be made educated and responsible
down has badly impacted small businesses and there is gen- ment intervention is necessary, so ing numbers to the fixed targets) and affected sector. ment of the first year’s award, budg- for management of the disease.
uine fear that many of these, saddled as they are with bank
loans, may not be able to withstand further disruption to
normal commercial activities. Another problem associated
with prolonged lockdowns had been the plight of non-coro-
navirus patients since private hospitals were refusing to
Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2020
■ Dr Kulen Chandra Das, Bubul Sarma as the Baghjan gas leak followed by ical and contradicts the very prin- fication. Without the EIA and public
admit them unless they were tested at a government-run the unprecedented fire and illegal coal ciple of sustainability. Fourthly, hearing, the project decision is tanta-
facility for Covid-19. With the administration mandating pri-

nvironment impact assess- the help of two important commit- mining at Dehing Patkai. while taking cognizance of viola- mount to a blatant resource grabbing.
vate hospitals to open up coronavirus testing units, this prob- ment (EIA) is an important tees, namely, the Expert Appraisal There are several points of ob- tions and non-compliances by Besides, we place our serious reser-
lem has been to some extent, though not fully, mitigated. tool in the hands of the Gov- Committee (EAC) at the Centre jections in various pages of the project proponents (PP), the draft vation to the definition of the study
The incomes of professionals, from plumbers, electricians, ernment for minimizing or and the State-level State Environ- draft. Firstly, one of the major draw- is recognizing information provid- area, provision of collection of base-
barbers to even lawyers and some practitioners of medicine mitigating the adverse socio-environ- ment Appraisal Committee (SEAC). backs in preparing an EIA report, ed only by PP, a government au- line data to be collected during the
like optometrists and dentists, have been severely curtailed, mental impact of any upcoming It is to be noted that before obtain- so far, is that the onus of preparing thority, besides getting detected by process of preparing the EIA. It is
projects. The purpose of the assess- ing the much-needed environmen- the EIA falls on the project propo- Appraisal Committee and regula- worth mentioning here that the new
causing them hardship. The irony is that prolonged lock-
ment is to ensure that the decision- tal clearance, a project has to un- nent (PP). In that case, a negative tory authority. draft necessitates the PP to submit
downs have not stemmed the spread of the virus nor have makers consider the environmental dergo a few rigorous steps like report is always unlikely. There- As provided in the Constitution of compliance reports once in a year
contributed to furthering herd immunity, something that the impacts when deciding whether or scoping, preparation of draft EIA, fore, it is suggested that the reput- India, every citizen has a duty to stating that they are adhering to the
administration needs to keep in mind if they are contem- not to proceed with a project. EIA, public consultation and preparation ed academic/research institutes maintain and improve his/her envi- terms and conditions on which the
plating more future lockdowns! thus, is defined as ‘the process of iden- of final EIA. The 1994 notification such as IITs be given the responsi- ronment. Therefore, information permission was granted for the com-
tifying, predicting, evaluating and was later on replaced by a new one bility of conducting EIA. Further, it provided by and complaints about the missioning of the project which was
Stop the mayhem mitigating the biophysical, social and
other relevant effects of develop-
in 2006 which put the onus of clear-
ing projects on the State govern-
is also submitted that the provision
of preparing the EIA should not be
violation and non-compliance lodged
by any Indian citizen should be taken
twice a year in the earlier notifica-
tion of 2006.
The State Government has done well to institute a judicial ment proposals prior to major deci- ment depending on the size/capac- an onus on the PP. Rather, EIA and cognizance of. The rule proposed in Economic growth cannot happen
inquiry into the large-scale illegal coal mining in the Dehing sions being taken and commitment ity of the project. related studies should be the re- the draft goes against the spirit of at the cost of the welfare of the peo-
Patkai range which constitutes the Dehing Patkai Elephant made’. It recommends appropriate The MoEFCC has recently issued sponsibility of the Central or State the fundamental duty of citizens as ple. But, the notification seems to
Reserve and the Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary – the legislative measures, programmes, a draft notification, i.e., EIA Notifica- governments and detached from enshrined in the Constitution. An- compromise with the general peo-
State’s last vestiges of rainforests. Although the illegalities operational procedures to minimize tion 2020, and placed it in public do- the PP. Secondly, it is observed that other important reservation is re- ple’s obtaining clean air, clean water
including rampant rat-hole coal mining as well as the more the adverse impacts. It is basically a main for comments, objections and the provision of B2 categories of garding the views and responses to and many more environmental re-
decision-making tool to decide suggestions of the general public. The projects invalidates the process of be submitted by the public. The new sources. At a time when the global
destructive opencast mining had been going on for years, it
whether the project should be ap- draft notification has brought signifi- scoping, EIA and public consulta- draft notification seeks to reduce the community is desperately confront-
took a series of investigative news reports by The Assam proved or not. cant changes which are in contradic- tion. It is not at all acceptable since time period of submission of obser- ing the climate emergency and vari-
Tribune to compel the Government into some action at long EIA was made mandatory by the tion to its parent legislation, i.e., the a lot of projects, which are known vation, complaints, etc., from 30 to ous climate-related disasters, EIA is
last. The Forest Department had all along been denying Union Ministry of Environment, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. to produce significant amounts of 20 days. It implies, thus, that ade- crucial for fighting against such ad-
these shocking illegalities perpetrated on this biodiversity Forest and Climate Change (MoE- The draft, if approved, has the po- pollution, have been placed under quate time has not been provided to verse impacts. Upon reviewing, how-
treasure trove and more disturbingly, a section from the FCC) by promulgating an EIA noti- tentiality to impact adversely and this category. Thirdly, it is observed the people who would be affected ever, the EIA Notification, 2020
conservation fraternity, too, had been seeking to trivialize fication on January 27, 1994 under make irreparable ecological damage that the new draft has a provision primarily by the commissioning of seems obviously to weaken the fight
the grave issue. It is now abundantly clear that widespread the Environment (Protection) Act, to Assam’s rich biodiversity resourc- of awarding post facto clearance to the project. Moreover, the draft also against climate change. The notifica-
illegal coal mining has been ravaging these precious forests 1986 making environmental clear- es. Panthataru Sangrakshani Asom various projects. Through this pro- nullifies the necessity of any EIA, tion, thus, once approved, shall re-
and wildlife habitats with the various government authori- ance (EC) mandatory for expansion did a rigorous evaluation of the draft, vision the Ministry seeks to legiti- public hearing and scrutiny by the place the earlier notification of 2006
or modernization of any activity or which is called for changes in the con- mize the illegal projects running expert committee in case of a project along with its various amendments
ties, especially the Forest Department and the police choos-
for setting up new projects. The text especially of Assam, at a time without prior environmental clear- covering a land area up to 1,50,000 and would tantamount to fundamen-
ing to look the other way. The developments become all the
Ministry grants environmental when the people of the State are con- ance. This provision of post facto square metres instead of 20,000 tal changes in the environmental reg-
more shocking when one takes into account the fact that a clearance to various projects with fronting environmental crises such clearance is absolutely anti-ecolog- square metres as per the 2006 noti- ulation of our country.
Navaratna PSU like Coal India had also been found guilty of
doing illegally mining in several forests for years. One ex-
pects that the judicial probe will go into the roots of the
murky developments and fix responsibility on the guilty.
Apparently, such illegalities cannot continue for such a long
to the
Flood ravages
migrating to other places within the unfortunate citizens. They too be disturbed and the Brahmaputra Tap water supply
time without bureaucratic and political patronage and hence
the need to probe it beyond the involvement of local-level EDITOR State is risky due to the pandemic
situation prevailing all around the
State? This time, the battle is going
deserve our attention and support.
Six Mile, Guwahati.
river will become muddy. I have
travelled through such tunnels
elsewhere in the world. These go a
Sir, – Your editorial dated July 12,
2020 is very much appreciated and
forest officials. Not just illegal coal mining, rampant deforest- timely, hinting at the possible water
Sir, – As the coronavirus to be tougher than ever before.
ation across the entire range caused by illegal logging and Underwater tunnel minimum of 100 feet below the crisis in the days to come in
continues to make headlines in the Yours etc., DIBYOJYOTI riverbed and there is no scope for
encroachment, especially in the elephant reserve, remains State with an alarming number of
Sir, – This is in response to the Guwahati city. It is not known why
another unaddressed concern. BRAHMA, Cotton University. letter of Dr Hiren Gohain on the such apprehensions. His fear that the Government of Assam has not
cases being reported every day,
Given the urgent need to save our only remaining stretch there is also another serious issue
Pregnant poor women proposed river tunnel project the long raised approach, to prevent accorded top priority for supply of
Sir, – The plight of the reverse below the Brahmaputra (AT, July the tunnel from being flooded, will safe potable piped water to the
of rainforests, both the State Government and the Centre that needs attention – the monsoon
migrants returning to their home 17). I beg to differ with Dr Gohain jeopardize the life of the indigenous citizens of Guwahati, the gateway to
need to have a rethink on its policy of opencast mining in floods that occur every year in
people to an immeasurable extent
Assam. It is an issue that needs no States in the wake of the ongoing on the following points. He has the Northeast. Sufficient funds were
prime wildlife habitats such as Dehing Patkai. The logic that is unfounded, because there would
introduction, as we the people of pandemic has deservedly received stated that the project is undertaken allocated to the water supply
the British had done coal mining in the area for decades due attention. These migrants have because of technological arrogance be no such very long raised project, which started during 2007-
Assam are familiar with this
before it was entrusted to Coal India in 1973 cuts little ice. thus received aids from innumera- of the Government. Such a long embankment kind of thing. Modern 2008 and was supposed to be
problem since ages. In fact, every
This is because the British did underground mining only, year Assam suffers from heavy ble quarters. Such humanitarian underwater project calls for technology will take care of that. completed by 2011. It was extended
leaving the forests intact. And during the British days, con- acts, also the good Samaritans and adoption of sophisticated ultramod- It will be better that the authority till 2011 and further to 2013, 2015
losses both economic as well as
servation was far from a concern in view of our abundant humanitarian due to the unprece- the State governments, deserve to ern technology. It is not called concerned comes up with a public and finally 2016. Later, we came to
forests and thriving wildlife. Still the British cared for for- dented floods that occur in the be applauded. In the wake of the technological arrogance. He has awareness campaign to let the know that the 24x7 water supply
Brahmaputra Valley. This year too huge attention this human tragedy cited the example of the Baghjan oil people know what is going to project will be commissioned by
ests and wildlife which is borne out by the legislations enact-
is no exception. The Assam floods has received, one section of society, well blowout as a case of technologi- happen and where. The State 2020. It is estimated that 70%
ed by them well over a hundred years back. The changing
have an infamous reputation as over which also needs immediate help cal arrogance. Oil well blowout is Government should take the people are suffering from stomach-
situation today vis-a-vis rapid depletion of natural forests initiative. The detailed designs and
the years many people have lost and care, has unfortunately been left inadvertently associated with oil related diseases due to consumption
warrants us to save these invaluable natural assets for our to suffer in silence. I am referring to drilling anywhere in the world. It drawings should not be in public of unhygienic water. The State
their lives, followed by the loss of
own sake. The rainforest ecosystem is responsible for pro- properties and resources of the pregnant women from the happened in Bombay High, in North domain for security reasons. Government should place the
viding us oxygen in great quantity besides releasing abun- livelihoods. Thousands have been extremely poor sections of the Sea, in Russia, in the USA, in the This is a big project and instead completion of the water supply
dant water vapour, creating its own weather in the process. rendered homeless. Now the society. In the absence of even one Gulf and at Rudrasagar in Assam in of taking a caustic stand, we should project in its top priority list. Yours
To destroy those for the sake of extracting coal worth a few concern is that, with the coronavi- filling meal a day for the expectant the 1960s also. As because this risk come forward to be associated with etc., Dr AJOY KUMAR CHAKRA-
thousand crores of rupees is ridiculous to say the least. The rus on the one hand and the floods mothers, forget about a nutritious is there, people will never refrain its implementation. Remaining BARTY, Rukminigaon, Guwahati.
Government must expand the area of the wildlife sanctuary on the other, how will the masses, one, these unfortunate women have from oil exploration. away and bitter will only make us
Articles (within 1000-1100 words) and
especially those who are residing in been fighting a grim battle for Dr Gohain has stated that in the redundant. Yours etc., SANJIB
by a large margin and also free the remaining rainforests Letters to the Editor for publication in
the flooded areas, be able to cope up survival. The Government has to long construction phase of the SABHAPANDIT, Mother Teresa the editorial page may be sent to the
from coal mining at the earliest. with the situation, when shifting or Road, Guwahati.
work for the welfare of these proposed tunnel, the riverbed will email ID:

Outrageous and
Shameful Ordinances to transform
T agriculture sector
he brutality at Jallianwala Bagh in 1919 had
stunned the entire nation. The sheer cal-
lousness and insensitivity of some towards
our iconic martyrs has done the same, again
today. The news of installation of obscene
and objectionable images at iconic Jallianwala Bagh has
rightfully led to widespread outrage and condemnation. KAILASH CHOUDHARY

The portraits of two semi-naked women at the renovated
Gallery inside the Bagh along with national heroes have or a very long time,
not only disrespected the memory and sacrifices of our reforms in agriculture
great martyrs but has also dented the pride of Punjab. The lack of a marketing have been
That such a proposal was actually made and even al- debated, but no deci-
lowed to go through by the Jallianwala Bagh National legal framework sive action had been
Memorial Trust (JWBMT), which none other than the
PM of country heads is insane to say the least. Former
for contracting taken. It required leadership
and political will to unshackle
Punjab BJP chief and current Rajya Sabha member Shwet between farmer the farmers from the vice-like
Malik was tasked with overseeing massive Bagh renova-
tion work undertaken by Archaeological Survey of India
and buyer in India grip of intermediaries who take
away a large slice of farmers’ in-
since February. Malik is also the trustee of JWBMT. The has historically led come by resorting to cartelisation
memorial has been closed since then and is scheduled to
open on July 31. to limited private and unfair arbitrage. Two land-
mark ordinances were recently
Jallianwala Bagh is a historic monument of utmost sector participation promulgated by the President of
significance in India’s freedom struggle and had played
a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of our national in production. India, which have the potential
to fundamentally transform the
consciousness. This disrespect to our national icons This Ordinance agriculture sector and facilitate
is intolerable and should be investigated into to fix
responsibility and punishment to those liable. PM provides a uniform more holistic development of ag-
riculture markets, from farm to
Modi, being head of the Trust, must intervene and framework for fork, furthering the government’s
ensure thorough enquiry to identify how such a monu- vision of doubling farmer income in place, a vibrant ecosystem will tion of the Ordinance the govern- market prices are highly variable,
mental blunder was allowed to take place in the first private investment by 2022. be created for farmers and traders ment of India has announced an but enables them to grow risky
place. A quick, time bound and fair investigation would
only assuage hurt feelings. The Jallianwala Bagh has
in markets, without The aim is to help the farmer creating an unrestricted market Agri Infra Fund of Rs 1 lakh crore. crops and benefit from the upside.
become an entrepreneur rather with 3 key benefits - First, choice The fund will catalyse otherwise Second, access to market intel-
witnessed political oneupmanship by parties to claim challenging a than being subservient to unholy of market, allowing a farmer to sell stagnant investment from coop- ligence and hence higher value
credit for its renovation, especially in recent times.
The families of the martyrs have also been critical of
farmer’s ownership nexus of regulated markets and in any state or national market eratives, FPOs and private sector per acreage. With limited forward
intermediaries. The first of these that offers the best prices. This to facilitate creation of physical linkages, farmers don’t have access
makeover attempts urging preservation of its sanctity rights or right Ordinances, The Farmers’ Produce will limit the high dependence on infrastructure like assaying and to consumer demand trends and
at all costs. How far their feelings and sentiments
have been factored in remains to be seen once the to cultivation - Trade and Commerce (Promotion local traders and enable farmers grading facilities, cold chain etc, hence, are not able to optimize
& Facilitation) Ordinance 2020, to realise the best prices for their allowing farmers to store and sell, crop and varietal mix. This Ordi-
Bagh opens up after renovation, but what has already which will provide provides freedom to farmers to produce, without having to pay and reduce wastage or distress nance will enable stronger linkage
come to light poses serious questions to understanding
and commitment of those looking after the monu- farmers three sell when they want, where they
want and in whichever market
commissions and fees to middle-
men. A competitive marketplace
sales. While the first Ordinance
facilitates better price realisation
with both domestic and export
ment renovation. Punjab has seen tough days and has benefits they want, which was restricted will be created with large number post-harvest, the second Ordi- Third, access to better tech-
earned back peace after losing much. These incidents, by stringent (and variable) APMC of buyers leading to higher price nance, The Farmers (Empower- nology and knowhow for farm
otherwise totally unavoidable, have the potential of regulations. There were previously realisation for farmers. ment and Protection) Agreement management and hence, higher
causing trouble and should be avoided. Our martyrs four key restrictions for farmers - Second, choice of place, allowing on Price Assurance and Farm Ser- yield. As private sector will now
are our collective treasure and pride and should not be location of market (restricted to farmer to sell from any location - vices Ordinance 2020, enables have framework to better integrate
divided by political considerations. People of Punjab the nearest geographic market), including farmgate, storage points market linkages at the sowing with farming practices, they can
are known world over to be overwhelmingly jealous number of buyers (limited to li- like warehouses or silos, private stage, thereby limiting both pro- channel expertise to farmers as
in guarding and cherishing their icons and heroes. Let cenced traders leading to carteliza- mandis or the APMC markets. duction risk and price risk. well as make direct technology
us not vitiate that. tion, restricting competition and With the option to sell at farmgate The lack of a legal framework investments (e.g. geo monitoring

Fast track reducing farmer price realization),

infrastructure availability (due to
or warehouse, farmers can reduce
transportation overheads and im-
for contracting between farmer
and buyer in India has histori-
setups, IoT, etc) driving higher
yield and promoting sustainable

lack of private investment outside prove net realisation in addition to cally led to limited private sector agriculture over long term.
he distance between Delhi to Chandigarh the mandi) and price transparency sidestepping the challenges faced participation in production. This Beyond the benefits, this or-
is 260 kms. It generally takes around (limited visibility of inter-state in current markets. Ordinance provides a uniform dinance also safeguards farmers
four hours by road and a little over three prices, potential for intermediaries Third, choice of timing, allowing framework for private investment by providing clear guidance and
hours by the Shatabdi Express. But if the to gain through arbitrage at the farmer to store produce and sell in markets, without challenging a support to enter into fair trade
claims of National Highway Authority of cost of farmers). post price discovery. Previously, farmer’s ownership rights or right practices, a stringent dispute reso-
India (NHAI) is to be believed, then this time would In addition to these restrictions, farmers would have to transport to cultivation - which will provide lution mechanism, penalties for
be cut short by almost half and people will be able to farmers face multiple operational their produce to the mandi, incur- farmers three benefits. misconduct by buyers, etc.
reach Delhi from Chandigarh in just about two hours challenges including prohibitive ring significant transportation First, risk mitigation and greater Collectively, these reforms will
by road. The National Highways Authority of India transportation costs to the nearest costs. This would result in a need predictability of income. Farmers herald a new dawn for agriculture
(NHAI) is promising this will be a reality by June market, long queues at market and to sell irrespective of prices, in will have the option to enter into in India, transforming farmers
2023 as it has set tight schedules for the completion delays in auction, local mafia raj, order to avoid incurring a reverse agreements with buyers before into vibrant producers, integrated
of Dwarka Expressway and Urban Extension Road etc. Further, the choice of APMC transportation cost. Under the sowing, securing the price for with the national and global econ-
in Delhi, Trans-Haryana and the Delhi-Amritsar- mandi and procurement at MSP, new Ordinance, a farmer can store their sale. Further, they may be omy, who have freedom, choice,
Katra expressways. The new expressways will reduce will continue uninterrupted. and sell, due to choice to market able to enter into agreements that higher price realization for their
the distance between the two points by just 20 km Finally, in order to protect the and place. protect them from harvest losses produce and security of livelihood.
from the existing 260 km to 240 km on the Delhi- interest of farmers, the govern- While historically there has been as well, thereby insuring against
Chandigarh link, but the travel time will actually be ment has mandated an expedi- limited investment in infrastruc- output risk. This provides greater (The writer is Minister of
reduced by almost half. How could this be possible? ent and simple dispute resolution ture along the value chain, in order certainty for farmers in scenarios State for Agriculture & Farmers’
Well, commuters will be able to travel through five process. With the new Ordinance to support smooth implementa- where either the crop output or Welfare)
expressways at a much higher speed. According to
estimates, at a permitted speed of 120 kmph on ex-

Covid-19 in children: Is it time to panic?

pressways, a vehicle will be able to cover 240 km in
just two around hours. There will also be no bottle-
necks on the way and driving will be rather smooth. What are the drugs that
According to Union Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari, commonly cause allergy ? PUJA GUPTA reported from Europe and then the

the web of expressways in many parts of the country US. It seems to be occurring at the
including the Delhi-Mumbai one will transform the to and potential symp- f the estimated 12 million end wave of the epidemic that is 2-4
way people travel on roads. He says this would be just toms people that have tested weeks after peak infection rate is seen
a trailer of the things to come in near future. It would DR. ALKA School and class positive for Covid-19 in the population.
be a good experience for the commuters, according to DOGRA teacher should be globally since the out- Dr Garekar advises parents to
Gadkari. Even NHAI chairman K K Sandhu has said informed about drug break, only 6 percent contact paediatrician if their child
that the completion of the projects will result in seam- # ANTIBIOTICS allergy each child has. are children. Children also make up for has persistent fever, along with a
less connectivity across the region. #PAIN KILLERS An electronic record of less than 3 percent of the hospitalized rash or red eyes or stomach ache/
There will also be proper direction information through a. Penicillin the same should also patients, though hospitalization rate is vomiting. Suspicion of MIS-C should
signage on these roads which will be placed right from a. Ibuprofen be maintained in the higher in children less than five years, be aroused and investigated in sick
Dwarka Expressway, the take-off point from the airport, # Sulfa drugs school. compared to older children. There are children. Typically, the Paediatrician
to guide the commuters till their destinations such as b. Tetracycline Parents should take many reasons speculated as to why fever (more than three days), rash, will rapidly rule out more likely causes
Chandigarh, Amritsar and Katra in Jammu. This will b. Aspirin the doctors help in Covid-19 has had a lesser impact on red eyes, stomach pain and nausea/ like Typhoid, Dengue Fever, Malaria,
guide the commuters to easily find their way. For fast c. Amoxycillin understanding the children. One explanation is that the vomiting, informs Dr Garekar. “Sore etc, she says. “Another mimicker is
travel to reach their ultimate destinations, the com- # Anti- seizure drugs. drug/drugs in a certain virus can’t attach to body linings (e.g. throat and cough/cold is much less ‘Kawasaki Disease’. Kawasaki Disease
muters will need to travel on Dwarka Expressway and # Anti- cancer drugs. class their child may be nasal mucosa) as the receptors are less common. Blood tests show general- affects younger population (less than
a spur from Urban Extension Road to reach the KMP #Anaesthetics. allergic to in children; another is that children are ized inflammation and the heart is 5years of age), here platelet counts
expressway at Bahadurgarh. This will be a 40 km drive. What are the common Parents should protected by antibodies produced by involved in a major way. Here the are high, unlike MIS-C. Also, Heart
Then after covering about 10 km of KMP expressway symptoms of Drug allergy ? consult a doctors if they other viruses they are exposed to, and typical adult finding of bad Pneu- muscle damage is more frequent
they will take the Delhi-Katra expressway for approxi- come across some of these antibodies are protective, points out monia is missing. There may or in MIS-C. Heart involvement can
mately 80 km. Later commuters will be able to take the Skin rashes the common symptoms Dr Swati Garekar, Consultant, Paediatric may not be positive COVID-19 test be picked up by Echocardiography
Trans-Haryana Expressway to reach Ambala which Hives that occur following Cardiology, Fortis Hospital, Mulund. (PCR or the antibody test) and they and certain blood markers of Heart
will lead to Chandigarh. NHAI officials claim that all Itching prescription of a drug Yet another reason is that children may have had close contact with a inflammation. Early diagnosis and
interchanges have been designed to make the travel Fever Any new allergies are staying at home during the pan- COVID-19 patient. The involvement treatment will ensure early recovery
pretty smooth. Thus the new Delhi-Chandigarh road Wheezing should be noted on demic, and hence are less likely to of the heart is the most worrisome” and less chance of long term damage.
may not just be fast but smooth as well and less time Shortness of Runny the child’s medical be exposed to people who may be laments the expert. In short, there is no reason to panic,
consuming as well. nose. record. This should Covid-19 positive, she adds. “The heart muscles could have but parental vigilance is the key,” she
Itchy watery eyes be carried by the India is the second most populous weakened and the coronary artery concludes.
SPIRITUAL WORLD Breath parent during every country in the world and has demo- walls may have been damaged. Spe-
Vomiting doctor visit graphic profile of a young nation with cial intravenous medicines (steroids (Puja Gupta can be contacted at
ain in abdomen. Drug allergies in 26 percent (367million out of 1.4bil- and Immunoglobulins) are required
What are the ways to dermatology come as lion) being children less than 15 years to bring the disease under control.
overcome drugs allergies ? maculopapular rash of age. This could have translated into These medicines are most effective DISCLAIMER : The opinions expressed
,full body involvement huge number of Covid-19 positive when given early in the course of the in the articles published in these
Parents and close in the form of erythro- cases. However, Indian population’s disease.” The peculiar disease affecting columns are the personal opinions of
family members should derma , hair and nail recovery rate from Covid-19 is faster multiple organs in children has been the authors. The facts and opinions
be educated about the breakage , and fixed than most countries, and the death termed ‘Multisystem Inflammatory appearing in the articles do not reflect
drugs their child is al- drug eruptions with rate is much lower too. Syndrome in Children’ (MIS-C), she the views of Bright Punjab Express
lergic to Child should violetious lesion on the There have been several reports says. The World Health Organisa- and Bright Punjab Express does not
be taught about the fixed site with blister- that highlight a peculiar illness tion (WHO) and Centre for Disease assume any responsibility or liability
drug he/she is allergic ing. affecting children these days; in Control (CDC) US, has now given it
for the same.
which, children have had persistent a distinct definition. MIS-C was first
theSUN ON TUESDAY | JULY 21, 2020


What are US and UK trying to hide?

█ BY PATRICK COCKBURN As with Trump’s claim that China is the EU and becomes even more dependent on Quite possibly Russian intelligence in the

ultimately responsible for the lethal debacle of the US. The kowtow to Washington over shape of cybergroup Cozy Bear has devoted
HE new Cold War launched by the West America’s handling of the Covid-19 epidemic, I Huawei is the first of many such humiliations great efforts to stealing secrets from western
against China and Russia is escalating have always thought that Hillary Clinton’s claim that come as an inevitable consequence of academia and pharmaceutical firms seeking to
by the day. In a single week, the Kremlin that she lost the 2016 election because of Brexit. Instead of getting back control of its produce a vaccine against coronavirus. Less
has been unmasked trying to discover Russian interference was absurd. Every history destiny, Britain will be more like Little Red clear is why such information should be secret,
the secrets of Britain’s pursuit of a vaccine of her presidential campaign shows that she lost Riding Hood lost in the global forest and unless these institutions and companies are
against coronavirus and revelations are for obvious self-inflicted reasons such as not menaced by every passing wolf. planning to keep monopoly control over any
promised about covert Russian interference in campaigning enough in key northern states like There may be enough Chinese and Russian vaccine produced, unlike the polio vaccine
British politics. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan – states misbehaviour to justify retaliation, but which the US made available to the world when
made a U-turn on Huawei, announcing that it is that Trump won by a whisker. threat-inflation has the great advantage of developed by American scientists in the 1950s.
to be kicked out of participation in the 5G The explanation for Johnson’s U-turn over diverting attention from the UK government’s The heads and former heads of British
network because it poses a threat to British Huawei is simply explained by his inability to incompetence in coping with the pandemic, a intelligence agencies have been giving solemn
security, though a curiously slow-burning one withstand American pressure as Britain leaves failure only excelled by the US and Brazil. interviews about how UK security is threatened
since they will only be evicted over seven years. by Russian and Chinese machinations. The

Biden leads Trump with four months to go

The White House may put the widely used nature of this threat is never spelled out and
Chinese video app TikTok on a blacklist that intelligence chiefs can always claim that to do so
would prevent Americans from using it. It is Joe Biden continues to lead troubled incumbent Donald Trump in the would compromise confidential information
considering using the 1977 International that must not be disclosed.
Emergency Economic Powers Act in order to run-up to November’s U.S. election, according to the latest poll data I have always had doubts over the exalted
penalise TikTok as “an unusual and POLL AVERAGE: How 2020 campaign compares to 2016, when Donald Trump claims about the excellence of British
extraordinary threat” to US security. President fought against former First Lady, Hillary Clinton intelligence, which has become part of the
Donald Trump says he is considering banning national myth. The saga of the breaking of the
the app in response to the way China handled 2020 election campaign 2016 election campaign German Enigma codes in World War II has
the coronavirus epidemic. Trump Biden Trump Clinton replaced the defeat of the Spanish Armada as a
This is a clue to the prime motive for Trump source of national pride and self-confidence.
to ramp up the Cold War against China, which is 52% Yet I have always wondered about those
his determination to win a second term in the May 27: Covid-19 great British secrets that hostile powers hunger
White House by diverting voters’ attention from deaths reach to learn and must be protected at all costs.
his catastrophic handling of the pandemic. 50 49.0 100,000 British officials I encountered over the years
“Don’t defend Trump – attack China” is the during wars in the Middle East never seemed
advice of a leaked 57-page memo circulated 48 strikingly well-informed, but it was always
among Republican senatorial candidates in 48.7 possible that they were being singularly discreet
April. It suggested that politicians should blame 46.3 or they were outside the loop of those privy to
China for starting the epidemic by allowing the 46 such vital information. Yet when the exhaustive
virus to escape from a laboratory in Wuhan, Chilcott inquiry into British actions during the
lying about it and hoarding medical equipment Iraq War was published in 2016, it concluded
needed to treat the sick. 44 that Britain was poorly informed about almost
A striking feature of the US and British 43.1 everything that was going on in Iraq before and
diplomatic offensive against China is how little after it joined the US-led invasion. On the
criticism or even discussion it has provoked in 42 43.3 Libyan war in 2011, a House of Commons select
any quarter in the US and Britain, even from committee on foreign affairs report concluded
those whose normal knee-jerk reaction is to 40 41.3 that Britain lacked “accurate intelligence” or
denounce anything said or done by Trump or much idea of what was happening.
Johnson. This may be because these critics are 40.1 It is just possible to forget amid the threats
genuinely horrified by undoubted Chinese 38 and counter-threats of the new Cold War – and
oppression of the Uighurs, proposed imposition the intention is certainly that we should forget –
of dictatorial rule in Hong Kong, and assertions Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul that the world is failing to contain a pandemic
of military power in the South China Sea and on LEAD AVERAGE: How Biden’s lead over Trump compares to Clinton’s lead that has killed half a million people. Never has
the Chinese-Indian frontier. Biden (2020) Clinton (2016) global unity of effort been more necessary,
As during the original Cold War in the late whatever differences there may be, and its
1940s and 1950s, critics can be conveniently 12% fragmentation more damaging. “How is it
dismissed as Communist sympathisers or Biden’s lead more 8.6 difficult for humans to unite and fight a
dupes. Unsurprisingly, Democratic presidential stable than Clinton’s common enemy that is killing people
candidate Joe Biden is responding to the 8 indiscriminately?” World Health Organisation
confrontation with China by demanding that 5.7 director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
the US should take an even tougher stance asked, wiping away tears of frustration. “Can’t
towards Beijing, while the Democratic Party 4 we understand that the divisions and the cracks
establishment are ever hopeful that their 2 5.0 between us are an advantage for the virus?”
prolonged campaign to portray Trump as the Note: Data up to July 15 2020/2016 2.7 He got his answer from the Cold War
creature of Vladimir Putin’s Russia will take fire 0 warriors the world over this week, and it was a
and do him serious damage at the polls. Sources: RealClearPolitics Picture: Aaron Kittredge (Pexels) © GRAPHIC NEWS resounding “no”. – The Independent

Just hang up on Macau scammers Crack down on illegal car rental operators
LAST Sunday morning, a rented car crashed there is no cover when private cars are used
A RETIRED bank officer, the latest victim of the able to find victims who have fat bank accounts. into several parked vehicles while making a for hire or reward.
Macau scam, lost a staggering RM168,000 in Are the scammers using “spells” to hypnotise U-turn at a carpark along the popular Jalan Langkawi is a hotbed for illegal car rental
Balik Pulau last week. victims through the phone calls to disclose their Pantai Cenang in Langkawi. It was an accident activities because motor vehicles here are
It is mind boggling how a senior bank officer bank details and to make huge monetary waiting to happen. much cheaper without excise duty.
who knows about frauds can fall for the transactions to unknown accounts? The car was driven by a 35-year-old Unlike other places where customers could
preposterous scam. Many of my friends who have had an disabled tourist who was found to be driving drive off a rented car and never return, the
The modus operandi of the scam was a tried encounter with these fraudsters usually cut off under the influence of alcohol. Although he only way out of the island is via the lone ferry
and tested formula which led to the their call and do not entertain them. had no valid driving licence, the car was terminal.
65-year-old disclosing the password and login Do not engage with them, the moment they rented to him either by an illegal operator or Over the years, I have set up and operated
information of his online bank account to the identify themselves as the court officer or police the staff of a licensed car rental company who five car rental businesses and is fully aware of
fraudsters. officer. had been negligent. the risks in hiring and driving an unlicensed
If they can convince and cheat a bank officer, Just hang up the phone! Langkawi is well known for cheap rental private car. But many people throw caution to
then other people are plain “easy meat” for the The Macau scam needs to be given high cars offered by roadside operators. the winds and sadly, they are facilitated by
scammers. priority by the banks and the police. Although the Car Rental Association of illegal car rental operators and irresponsible
There have been more than a dozen Macau The banks need to be “busy bodies” and call Malaysia had succeeded in getting many staff that rented out cars without proper
scam cases this year. their customers to inquire whenever huge unlicensed car rental operators in Langkawi to documentation.
Kepala Batas in Kedah had the highest transactions are made online. join its association and legitimise their Lack of enforcement has always resulted in
record of losses. The banks should cap the amount of business some time ago, the situation remains illegitimate businesses to thrive while licensed
Every other week, some poor soul was withdrawal for the benefit of the depositor. largely laissez-faire. operators complying with regulations suffer.
ripped off of his hard earned cash by these The police, on the other hand, should Mercifully, the driver did not seriously Government agencies are best rated by the
fraudsters. infiltrate and apprehend the phone scam injure or kill anyone. health of the industry they are supposed to
The losses were staggering, amounting to a syndicate members and a put a stop to such Whenever an unlicensed rented car was regulate, not by their own key performance
few hundred thousands. cheats. seriously damaged when driven by a indicators.
The entire savings of some victims, mostly customer and no other party was involved, a
those recently retired, were lost in the scams. Samuel Yesuiah staff would make a false police report that he YS Chan
It is strange that the syndicate members are Seremban was the driver to make an insurance claim, as Kuala Lumpur



ndia has a 3488 kms long frontier with China

McMahon Line
A treaty had been signed between Russia and
Britain in 1907, accepting Chinese Suzerainty on
Xinjiang and Tibet. A delayed action by a sleep-
ing India was the adoption of the "Forward
Policy" which resulted in the Sino-India War of

espite the pressure of Hindu traditionalists who
formed the right wing of the dominant Congress
I along Xinjiang, Uygur, Zizhiqu and Tibet. Of
this, 1597 kms is in Ladakh, 200 kms in
Himachal Pradesh, 345 kms in Uttrakhand, 220
Tibet. Tibetan rulers were not happy and refused
to endorse the treaty but under pressure and mili-
tary coercion by the British, the terms were
China launched a surprise attack across the
McMahon Line and reached till Rupa Post on the
kms in Sikkim and 1126 kms in Arunachal accepted. foothills of the Himalayas overlooking the River
Party after Independence, Nehru and Dr, B. R. Pradesh. Interestingly, Xinjiang and Tibet regions A tripartite conference was held at Shimla Brahmaputra. This was the point of the Chinese
Ambedkar, argued successfully in favour of a form of are under forcible occupation of China and should (Himachal Pradesh) on 27 April 1914. The British claim and was almost 200 kms into Indian
actually be called China Occupied East Turkestan representative was Sir Henry McMahon, Tibet Territory from Bum la, overrunning garrisons of
composite culture i.e. secularism. In fact after having (COET) and China Occupied Tibet (COT) respec- was represented by Lanchen Shatara and nation- Tawang, Se La and Bomdi la.
tively. The second interesting point is that the alist China by Ivan Chen. The finalised map and Post the 1962 debacle, the Chinese did retreat
witnessed how Muslim communalism had resulted in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was not even proceeding (called the McMahon Line) were but continued to occupy almost 38000 sq kms of
the division of the country into India and Pakistan in born when the boundaries were firmed-in by the signed by Tibet and India on 3 July 1914. This Indian territory that they wanted. Zhau Enlai, in
British and the existing governments of these was done in the absence of a Chinese representa- a polite letter to Nehru christened the new
1947 thus not only dividing India into two parts but also regions on the principle of watershed and crest, tive and was later objected by China. Tibet had boundary as Line of Actual Control (LAC) a
from Karakoram pass in Ladakh to Kibitu in East also wanted Tawang to be its part. In 1937, the loose ad hoc frontier based on the Actual Ground
dividing a civilization, Nehru believed that Indian secu- ArunachaI Pradesh. Shimla Convention was approved by British India Position Line.
larism was vital for integrity of India as a place where all In Ladakh, the border was well defined by the and Survey of India published maps showing Line of Actual Control (Line of No Control)
Dogra Dynasty rulers and was accepted by inde- McMahon Line as the legal International border The LAC runs from Karakoram Pass in the
citizens are equal. Ironically, during Nehru's tenure as pendent India on 26 October, 1947, when between Tibet and India. North West to Chumar camp across River Indus
Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir After the collapse of the Qing dynasty, Tibet on a frontage of approximately 450 kms. There
PM, it was widely used to designate ideological forces signed the Instrument of Accession to join the declared itself as an independent nation in 1915 are a few important features and river junctions
Indian Union. The boundary coincided with the under the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyasto. on the LAC. Firstly, Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO), an
that sought to divide the Indian society along religious "Johnson-Ardagh Line" of British India that had Tawang was occupied in April 1938 by a spe- old camp site and village just below the
lines while keeping the nation intact. The worst came in been accepted by the princely state of Jammu and cial force led by Captain G S Lightfoot. When the Karakoram Pass that has a functional Air strip and
Kashmir and Tibet. force left, the Tibetans again moved into Tawang is now linked with an all weather Class 40 , 255
the 1980s when the Congress Party began opportunis- Johnson Ardagh Line and occupied it till 1951. Post independence, the km long road (DSDBO Road) from Darbuk
British India wanted a clear demarcation line North-Eastern region was called the North East Cantonment. Secondly, Chip Chap River Valley,
tically pandering to one religious community after on Tibet/Xinjiang and Ladakh frontiers as a pre- Frontier Tract (NEFT). A column of 2 Assam that originates from the Karakoram range.
another more overtly thus throwing secularism to tatters caution against expansionist Russia. In 1865, Sir Rifles led by Major Bob Khathing (A Tangkhul Thirdly, Despang Plains where the LAC runs
W.H. Johnson, then Surveyor General of India Naga) liberated Tawang on 20 April 1951 and along a 25 km long open area. Fourthly, the
was deeply damaged as a result. The then prime min- was given the responsibility to carry out the sur- unfurled the Tricolour at Bum la. Thus, McMahon Galwan River that is about 80 km long and orig-
vey in Ladakh. He endorsed that the border of Line became the legal frontier and the region was inates from Samzunglin in Kun Lun mountains
ister Indira Gandhi left no stone unturned in capitalizing Khotan, an ancient Kingdom now a part of renamed North East Frontier Agency (NEFA). and joins the Shyok River. Fifthly, Chang
Xinjiang, was till the Kun Lun mountain range Later, in 1972, it became the Union Territory of Chenmo Valley in the south that touches Gogra
on religious differences adopting blatantly contemptu- and the Karakash valley was within Jammu and Arunachal Pradesh and a full-fledged State of the camp and goes further 3 kms to the east at Hot
ous ways and means. After Mrs Gandhi's death in Kashmir. The boundary of Jammu and Kashmir Indian Union on 20 February 1987. Springs police memorial point; Hot Springs is a
stretched from Sanju Pass in the west to Eastern The situation changed when the communists hot Sulphur spring with temperature of 107
1984, her son Rajiv Gandhi followed his mother's ideol- most edge of Chang Chenmo Valley along Kun came to power in China in October, 1949. At that Degree Fahrenheit even under sub-zero condi-
Lun mountain range. time, India, under Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was tions . Another 6 kms to the East is Kongka La
ogy. This became crystal clear when the Apex Court of The proposal was finally approved by Major aspiring leadership of the Non-Aligned held by India. Sixthly, Pangong Lake where LAC
the nation pronounced a landmark judgement in Shah General John Ardagh, Chief of Military Movement and following a foreign policy of crosses near Finger 8 and approaches Rezang La,
Intelligence at London in 1897. The legal bound- "Peace and Tranquillity" with its neighbours. East of Chusul. Seventhly, Village Demchok, in
Bano case, but his government nullified the said judge- ary between India and East Turkmenistan was India was one of the first countries to recognise Nyoma Tehsil, an old British Military camp site
thus based all along the Kun Lun Range and was Communist China in 1949. Nehru further spon- on the Indus River, also called Demochang.
ment through legislation in the Parliament. Thus the called the "Johnson- Ardagh Line." sored China to the United Nations and helped the Lastly, Chumar Camp, a Border outpost and
In 1893, Hung Ta Chen, a top Chinese official, country get a permanent seat in the Security meeting point located on an elevation of 16700
real spirit if India's traditional secularism got badly provided to the Russians a map marked with fron- Council. The Indian Government signed the feet overlooking Himachal Pradesh.
bruised over decades. However, when the incumbent tiers coinciding with the Johnson-Ardagh Line. Panchsheel Agreement with China. It was based Thus, was created a new border which was not
An Atlas published by the Government of China on five principles of peaceful coexistence. well defined, marked or based on a watershed and
government after taking over reins from the decimated in 1933 showed the Johnson-Ardagh Line as a Accordingly, there was very thin military deploy- continues to create confusion. Despite all agree-
border between Xinjiang and India. Peking ment on the northern frontier by India. ments, the Chinese keep declaring a new claim
Congress, it flagged it as a priority that irrespective of University Atlas also confirmed Aksai Chin as Independent India, post 1947, was absolutely line to irritate India. They carry out illegal activi-
caste creed colour and religious affiliations, all sections part of India. It was thus accepted by all parties as clear that the International Border remained dis- ties in buffer zones in the form of temporary
a frontier. tinctly marked in East as McMahon Line; in intrusions. It has happened several times after the
feel equal and not ignored. The same parties that fos- The Government of India, post independence, Sikkim , Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh as 1962 war. The Chinese were given a bloody nose
fixed the official boundary in the state of Jammu the present line and in Ladakh as the Johnson- in Nathu La and Cho La at Sikkim in 1967. Indian
tered the communal divide for vote bank interests for and Kashmir along the Kun Lun mountain range Ardagh Line. forces further checkmated them at Sumdorong
as defined by Johnson- Ardagh Line. Nehru was shocked when, in August 1950, Chu Valley, Twang in 1986/1987. They were
decades accuse the present dispensation of promoting McCartney McDonald Line Chinese troops annexed Tibet and made it a part stopped at DBO in 2000 and Shubansiri sector in
divisive ideology. It would not be out of context to men- The Chinese, in 1896, on instigation by the of China. The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, Arunachal Pradesh in 2003; again at DBO in
Russians, submitted a map to Mr George signed a 17 point treaty with China in 1951. The 2013.
tion here that the stalwarts of these very parties have McCartney, the British Counsel in Kashgar, that Indian Government recognised Tibet as part of In the present context they attempted an intru-
proposed another boundary line in this region. the People Republic of China. In 1956-57, there sion at Naku La on 6 May 2020, and again at
started issuing unwanted statements on laying foun- The proposal was developed by Sir Claude was an uprising in Tibet by CIA trained guerrillas Patrolling Point 14 in Galwan Valley on 15 June
dation of Ayodhya Ram Mandir likely on August 5, with Mcdonald, British Envoy in China and approved who ambushed PLA convoys. The Chinese where they were forced back in a major clash with
by Lord Elgin, Governor General of India in inducted several divisions and suppressed the Indian forces.
NCP leader Sharad Pawar directing his party cadre to 1899. The boundary line was shifted due South- rebellion. The Dalai Lama escaped in 1959 with India has been trying to defend the points on
West of Johnson Line along Lakstang Mountain his followers to Tawang and settled permanently LAC as marked on a handmade map. sadly, the
stay away from the said foundation laying ceremony. Range. It placed Lingzi Plains in India but Aksai in India. situation is such due to Chinese irascibility that
Chin which was North of Lakstang range was China then contended that Tibet had never the Line of actual Control has become a Line of
Such type of situations arise only because the people shown as part of Tibet. This line was not ratified been a sovereign nation and had no power to exe- No Control. What is definite here is that the
remain mute spectators except of course indulging in by any government, but, CCP, in 1959, proposed cute the treaty with India which created the Indian nation and particularly the Indian Army
to India to consider McCartney Line as the new McMahon Line. It claimed the whole of NEFA as will not allow China to get away with its expan-
debates and discussions on their exploitation by politi- frontier. CCP was ready to drop its claim on South Tibet. In the northern frontier too, Chinese sionist designs. The necessary national resolve
NEFA in return; the then Congress party led forces clandestinely occupied Aksai chin in 1956 and military power to ensure this is available with
cians and just keep blaming the political leaders for it. Government in India did not agree. and made a 185 km long Highway G-219 joining India. The sooner China realises this the better.
Today it needs to be realized by the common Indians
that there is a clarion call for exhibiting greater respon-
sibility and concern for our neighbors, our friends ENCOUNTERING THE LAW AND THE POLITY
across the streets irrespective of religious affiliations One has to proceed beyond criminals. Talking about them is glorifying the lot. Facts behind this so-called encounter
leaving no scope at all to be exploited on communal make one laugh. No self-respecting writer would dignify this episode by picking holes in the charade, the stoppage
lines by the canny politicians. After all, Indians have the of the TV caravan, shifting him into a smaller car which could be tilted, drama of the escape and the shooting.
wisdom and culture of a great civilization to guide them KEKI DARUWALLA Were all police weapons loaded? Was the the story put up, I mean. No self-respecting
revolver of the brave Deputy SP, Devendra writer would dignify this episode by picking
through thick and thin. Let each and every Indian be it f the state is fighting a criminal mafia, a nar- Mishra, loaded? You are going for a murderer holes in the charade, the stoppage of the TV car-
Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs or others rise to the
occasion and defeat all adversaries showing to the
I cotics network, or an illegal financial cartel
out to fleece people, it is at a disadvantage.
The others will bend the law, break it, try all the
with 60 crimes on his record book. If Mishra had
a weapon, why didn’t he fire? Was there any
retaliatory fire from the police party? Why
avan following the arrested gangster Dubey,
shifting him into a smaller car which could be
tilted, drama of the escape and the inevitable
jiggery-pokery at their command, hire contract weren’t the armed police or the PAC (Provincial shooting. The public is also to blame. The police
world the true face of Indian secularism, the essential killers, do everything that law forbids. The state Armed Constabulary) accompanying them? Why must be flooded with congratulatory messages,
must work within the boundaries set by its laws was it left to a Deputy SP? Why didn’t a more well done! This is the way to circumvent our out-
characteristics of which are first and foremost and the Constitution. It cannot break its own laws. senior officer lead the raid? What was the SSP, dated system of justice. The effect on the polity
Indianness besides tolerance, faith and belief in a truly And let us face it, that respect due to the state lies Kanpur, doing? Twiddling his thumbs? This is and on the system of justice, especially in Uttar
in this very fact that it stands by its laws. where leadership has to be shown. Lead your Pradesh, can be imagined. The Special
multi religious society. We need to look outside our little well. Look at men. The Army comes out trumps in such situa- Investigation Team (SIT) announced consists of
the reaction in the US and the rest of the world to tions. The police lag woefully behind. Were an IAS officer and two police officers. One hopes
the knee on George Floyd’s neck! How do we inputs taken from the local intelligence unit, that whitewash is not on the cards. The SIT need-
LETTER TO THE EDITOR react to brutality by our police? Is there a distinct known as the LIU in UP? The SP who planned ed a High Court judge, or a retired one. And, ide-
difference between what the gangsters did and the the raid should be held responsible. There is also ally, men from outside UP, a police officer from
CORRUPT SHOULDN'T GO SCOT FREE way the state answered? A few years before I
joined the IPS in 1958, Justice Mulla of the
the possibility of there being no planning. Just go
and get the fellow, dash it!
the paramilitary to help the SIT. With UP officers
composing the SIT, can one expect a really
Dear Editor, but tentamounts to amnesty to the offi- Allahabad High Court had denounced the police With UP and the UP police, one has to invent impartial outcome?
hrough the medium of your cer for his corrupt practices. As reported as the biggest organised breakers of law. People phrases to fit the action. The first phrase coming What about satellite encounters, five of them?

T esteemed newspaper I would like

to register the concern of common
man on the news resonating in the pub-
in print media, the ill-gotten money has
been invested by the officer in various
projects and businesses in Jammu and as
seem to have forgotten that stricture.
I think July 10 was a sad day for law and
order. It was as sad a day as when forewarned
to mind is (my invention) the Hashimpura syn-
drome, where on May 22, 1987, 42 Muslims
were shot dead by the PAC, taken by truck and
Press reports said that “hours after the Bikru vil-
lage killings (the eight policemen gunned down),
the police had gunned down Vikas Dubey’s
lic domain about a senior IAS officer for such it requires a thorough probe by CBI criminals shot dead eight cops of Chaubepur dumped in canals. Cases were registered only maternal uncle (Prem Prakash Pandey) and his
returning around R 40 lakh which report- by shifting the officer to a silent and police station of Kanpur district on July 3. In after corpses floated up. Most perpetrators stayed associate Atul Dubey.” Was the uncle involved in
edly he has acquired illegally from a unimportant post so that he could not fact, July 10 was sadder. It had wider implica- on in the force, earned promotions, some retired the shooting? The encounter of Kartikey, a close
semi-government organization. So far muster undue influence of his position tions for the polity and system of justice in the with pensions, and some of them died in bed. associate of the main gangster Dubey, was in the
no legal action has been taken against over the investigation. Such big fishes most populous state in India. It was more tragic Amen! May their souls rest in peace. classic mould, a forerunner of the Vikas Dubey
the officer for this act that directly falls are responsible for getting the JK brand- than criminals shooting members of a raiding Criminals rise to a higher status in the bad- encounter. He was being brought to Kanpur. Did
under the purview of corruption laws ed as the most corrupt State now UT in police party dead. lands of Uttar Pradesh. The Raja of Pratapgarh, the car overturn? No, it had a flat tyre. He
and extortion as the said officer would India. Keeping in view the Lt The raid on July 3 leaves many questions. Raghuraj Pratap Singh, better known as Raja snatched a revolver from a sub-inspector and you
have acquired this heavy amount by Governor's determination to eradicate How did the police become sitting ducks? Did Bhaiya, was facing allegations about the murder know how it ended. Revolver-snatching is de
misuse of his official position and defi- corruption, it is hoped that he will set an they carry weapons? They must have. Why was of a Deputy SP, apart from other actions. He rigueur for the ‘encounter’ to follow.
nitely for conferring undue benefit to example for others by acting with iron Vinay Tiwari, station officer of Chaubepur police joined various parties, including those that won To the observer, this sounds like a bad nautan-
himself causing loss to the organization. hand in the present case without suc- station, not included in the raiding party? It turns the polls, and became a minister. There was the ki. How will the young react to this? Lastly, how
The UT administration merely looking cumbing to the lobby of a few corrupt out that he was in cahoots with Vikas Dubey contract killing of our ace badminton star, Syed does one justify the razing of Dubey’s house?
for a probe by the department of person- bureaucrats. ‘Kanpur wala’. Tiwari is in jail now. There are Modi on July 28, 1988. Those who hired the Under what law? You shoot at a police party and
nel and training and thereafter mere Mahadeep Singh Jamwal, reports that he too was beaten up by gangster killer/s went up in politics. bulldozers move into your house. All this, includ-
shifting the officer from UT is nothing Udhampur. Dubey when he went to him to ask him to return But one has to proceed beyond criminals. ing the five other killings, needs to be looked
the cash Dubey had looted from a businessman. Talking about them is glorifying the lot. Facts into. The SIT could well come up short, that is
Please send your valuable responses at This needs verification. behind this so-called encounter make one laugh, my apprehension.
Yogi for enhancing surveillance
as corona cases increase
Editor’s Lucknow, tion to control the spread of

Desk Uttar Pradesh Chief

Minister Yogi Adityanath has
directed officials to scale up
surveillance, follow-up and
the virus.The Chief Minister
said that the database of
COVID-19 patients should
enclose identity proof and
contact tracing in the battle phone numbers of those
against COVID-19. undergoing tests at the In-
The Chief Minister held tegrated Command and
a late-night meeting on Control Centre (ICCC) for
Sunday after the COVID-19 swift tracking. Command

Curse of gold tally in Uttar Pradesh rose to control centres have been
49,247 with the highest set up in every district of the
single-day jump. The death state.The Chief Minister said
toll reached 1,146 after 38 that the ICCC should be well
fatalities were reported in equipped to get back to
A smuggling case raises questions the state. people who test positive for
The total number of dis- the virus.
about abuse of authority in Pinarayi charged cases in the state is Command centres have
government, underlines need for 29,845 so far, according to been proposed not only to
the information given by track new cases, but also
accountability. the state health depart- launch contact tracing, sur-
A gold smuggling case has cast a shadow over ment. veillance and provision of
the Left Democratic Front government in Kerala, The Chief Minister di- ambulances to ferry pa-
which has basked in the spotlight recently for its rected officials to develop tients to COVID hospitals.
remarkable management of the COVID-19 epi- effective plans to control the “All district magistrates
demic. It has cast unflattering light on Chief Min- spread of the coronavirus. and chief medical officers
ister Pinarayi Vijayan’s office, after at least one per- Yogi Adityanath further have been asked to get
son arrested in the smuggling case was found to said that to control the phone numbers and ad-
have close links to the principal secretary to CM, spread of coronavirus, all dresses of those who un-
M Sivasankar. The government has rightly handed The sacred 'Agni Theertham' (Sea) in the holy Rameswaram Island wore a deserted look on the occasion of District Magistrates, police dergo lab tests for the infec-
over the case to central agencies, and suspended 'Aadi Amavasya' amid the Coronavirus lockdown. chiefs, chief medical officers, tion. The state government
Sivasankar, pending investigation. principals of medical col- has decided to accelerate
The case initially drew public attention be- leges and municipal officials rapid antigen testing that
cause 30 kg of gold had been smuggled in in dip- should meet regularly. They yields quick results,” said
lomatic baggage dispatched to the UAE consu-
late in Thiruvananthapuram. As investigations
identified the people who allegedly facilitated the
smuggling, it revealed a chain that appeared to
A ‘healthy’ shift in India’s snacking habit
By IANSlife Bengaluru, Chennai, Bhopal, plan, and a higher awareness pants associated with.
should discuss and evolve
effective and positive ac-
Additional Chief Secretary
Home, Avanish Awasthi.

extend to the UAE consul general’s office at one

end and the CM’s principal secretary at the other.
While investigations are on to trace the benefi-
New Delhi,
While the idea of snack-
Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
amongst them can lead to
the entire family adopting
healthier alternatives. This
Added to that, regular con-
sumption of almonds can
also have a positive impact
Religious activities must go on:
ciaries of the contraband, available information
points to abuse of authority and nepotism at the
highest levels in the government. It appears that
ing encompasses a variety of
foods, a recent survey finds
The survey also high-
lighted that most of the par-
trend of snacking on healthy
foods like almonds is a posi-
on a person’s immunity since
they are high in Vitamin E, VHP chief’s retort to Pawar
that over the past few years, ticipants - vegetarians as well tive change, and I strongly which is known to stimulate New Delhi, country and its life cannot
rules were bent to favour the key accused in the there has been a conscious as non-vegetarians preferred recommend to continue to the body’s defenses, en- be put on a standstill for an
smuggling racket, Swapna Suresh, in a Hitting out at NCP
change in people’s prefer- snacking on homemade eat a handful every day as hance humoral and cell im- supremo Sharad Pawar’s re- indefinite time,” Kumar said,
consultancy job, which allegedly gave her access ences and habits, and a items (53 percent). Addition- they are a source of nutrients mune responses.”The survey pointing out how Unlock 1.0
to higher authorities in government. Photographs marks on the temple con-
stronger inclination is seen ally, preference for healthier such as protein, fiber, iron, showcased that overall 72 struction amid COVID pan- and 2.0 were effected keep-
and mobile call records suggest that Suresh may towards healthier snacking snacking options such as folate, copper, healthy fats percent of the participants ing this in mind.
have leveraged influence in government to fur- demic and Congress leader
items.According to a survey fruits and almonds specifi- etc. and known to be benefi- were aware of the nutrient Digvijaya Singh’s backing to A day earlier, Nationalist
ther her own business interests. The alleged in- conducted by IPSOS, 91 per- cally was also noticed in par- cial for weight management, requirements of the body, Congress Party (NCP) chief
volvement of the CM’s principal secretary has it, the VHP on Monday called
cent of the participants try ticipants within the age band heart health and diabetes participants from their objections “beyond Pawar said:“We always think
unsurprisingly given the case the hue of a politi- and opt for healthier alterna- of 41-50 years. Besides that, management.” Ahmedabad (89 percent), about what should be
cal scandal. comprehension” and said
tives whilst snacking. the survey observed that According to Ritika Delhi (82 percent), C various activities can’t be prioritised. As of now, our
The case has also exposed the excessive The quantitative survey women in India were more Samaddar, Regional Head - Mumbai(78 percent) priority is to help those in-
centralisation of power in the CM’s office and the put off during the health cri-
aimed to identify the snack- worried about nutrition Dietetics, Max Healthcare - showed maximum aware- sis. fected with coronavirus to
nature of decision-making that stems from such ing habits and preferences needs (63 percent) when Delhi,“it’s interesting to note ness and whereas least recover. Some people think
an arrangement. A unique aspect of the Vijayan “... all social, religious,
amongst a group of people compared to men (53 that people across India, in- awareness was seen among and spiritual activities must that coronavirus will go
government has been the apparent whose dietary preferences percent).Commenting on cluding in metro as well as the participants from Kolkata away after the temple is
marginalisation of the political machinery in gov- go on. Shri Ram
were divided into two cat- the survey, Sheela non-metro cities, are slowly (46 percent). Additionally, Janmabhoomi Temple issue constructed.”
ernance in favour of a handful of favoured bureau- egories - ‘vegetarian’ and Krishnaswamy, Nutrition and changing their view of amongst both vegetarian On Saturday, the Shri
crats who are tasked with policy-making and cannot remain on the back
‘non- vegetarian’. Overall, the Wellness Consultant, said: snacking.Whether it’s choos- and non-vegetarians, 59 per- burner. It is only appropriate Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth
implementation. Ironically, a major factor that results indicate that the par- “The fact that a larger per- ing homemade snacks, fruits cent of the participants said Kshetra Trust met to decide
helped the state contain COVID-19, or tackle the that the Prime Minister visit
ticipants across both catego- centage of women have or almonds, the survey high- they worried about their nu- Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, on the date for construction
floods some time ago, has been its much-touted ries prefer to snack on shown an interest in opting lights a trend that most Indi- tritional needs. Madhuri Ruia, of the Ram temple in
decentralisation in governance, which allows perform ‘bhumipujan’ and
healthy and nutritious food for healthier snacks is a good ans are moving towards Pilates Expert and Diet & Nu- the temple construction Ayodhya and had invited
community participation, and of political and items such as almonds and sign, and in the long run, this healthy and mindful snack- trition Consultant, said: “By Prime Minister Narendra
government functionaries at the grass roots, in proceeded,” VHP Interna-
fruits. can help trigger a shift to- ing options which is very switching to more whole- tional Working President Modi to the religious func-
the delivery of public services and goods. The A total of 4,064 SEC A wards leading healthier heartening. Almonds in par- some and nutrient rich tion. The construction was
Centre must also seek the cooperation of the UAE, Alok Kumar said.
men and women, between lifestyles. For many house- ticular make for a good snacks like almonds, many He stressed that since to begin a few months ago,
a friend of India, to fully uncover the smuggling 18 - 50 years were inter- holds in India, women have snack, since they are families have begun their but postponed due to the
racket, and bring all the guilty to book, including the health crisis was here to
viewed across 11 cities in In- complete charge of the ‘crunchy’ and ‘healthy’- both journey towards a healthier stay for a while, other works coronavirus-induced
the big fish dia, namely Delhi, Mumbai, family’s nutrition and meal properties that most partici- lifestyle. lockdown in March.
cannot be put away. “The

All you need to know about migraine

By IANSlife vironmental and genetic plaining the pathophysiol- cal vomiting syndrome. Till differentiation potential of
factors. Migraine tends to ogy of migraines. Some date, there is no definitive mesenchymal cells in our
New Delhi, run in families and is the theories proposed that dila- test to diagnose migraine. body, it is possible to replen-
Headache is a blanket sixth highest cause of days tion and constriction of Diagnosis is based on clini- ish the pool of EPCs, thus
term used to describe pain lost due to disability (ab- blood vessels in the head cal symptoms by process of targeting the core pathol-
on one or both sides of the sence from work) world- caused the pain and associ- elimination of other forms ogy of migraine.With
head and upper part of the wide (WHO statistics). ated symptoms. Thus, treat- of headaches.Conventional changing times and the
neck. According to the WHO, The classical symptoms ments revolved around treatment of migraine in- varying presentation of dis-
every adult experiences of migraine are excruciating, regulating blood flow. How- volves prescription medica- eases, it is essential to un-
headache at some point of throbbing pain on one side ever, it is now known that tions, such as serotonin re- derstand the pathology of
time in life. of the head (most com- migraine is an extremely in- ceptor agonists, tricyclic an- the condition, in order to
The common causes of monly) that can last any- capacitating neurological tidepressants, among oth- formulate more effective
headaches are stress and ers along with drugs to con- therapeutic modalities, and
anxiety, emotional distress, trol associated symptoms not just treat the symptoms.
irregular eating habits, de- such as nausea and vomit- Cell-based therapy is one
hydration, high blood pres- ing (antiemetics). Avoiding such modality that utilizes
sure, hot weather etc, Dr certain foods and triggers the innate healing potential
Pradeep Mahajan, Regen- has also been advised. of the body, and targets the
erative Medicine Researcher, Nonetheless, these rem- underlying molecular
Mumbai told IANSlife. edies only help to reduce mechanisms of diseases,
According to the Inter- the intensity of an episode thereby providing long-
national Classification of of migraine and do not pro- term safe and effective Migrants arrive at the Boiler Wharf in Senglea, Malta, on July 17, 2020. A group of
Headache Disorders, there vide definitive control of the results.(IANSlife can be con- 63 migrants rescued from their stalled boat which was taking in water in Malta's
are more than 150 types of condition. tacted at search and rescue zone, have arrived in Malta, local media Times of Malta reported.
headaches. Headaches are Cell-based therapy is a
called ‘primary’ when there new modality that har-
is no underlying associated
condition and ‘secondary’
when there is an accompa-
nesses the intrinsic healing
potential of the body for
management of various
conditions. In the context of
Covid-19 in children: Is it time to panic?
nying systemic condition. In By Puja Gupta test) and they may have had nition. MIS-C was first re-
primary headaches, the migraine and other head- ber of Covid-19 positive
where between a few hours disorder involving nerve aches, studies have shown cases. However, Indian close contact with a COVID- ported from Europe and
nerves, blood vessels, and New Delhi, 19 patient. The involvement then the US. It seems to be
muscles in the head and to days. Extreme sensitivity pathways and brain chemi- that stem cell and growth population’s recovery rate
to light, sound, smell, and cals. There are different factor activity can target Of the estimated 12 mil- from Covid-19 is faster than of the heart is the most wor- occurring at the end wave of
neck region are strained, lion people that have tested risome” laments the expert. the epidemic that is 2-4
which may be accompanied sometimes even touch are types of migraine, out of neurogenic inflammation, most countries, and the
hallmarks of the condition. which migraine with aura, which is now considered a positive for Covid-19 glo- death rate is much lower “The heart muscles weeks after peak infection
by changes in chemical ac- bally since the outbreak, could have weakened and rate is seen in the popula-
tivity in the brain. Migraine, Other symptoms include vi- migraine without aura (70- key phenomenon in such too.
sual and sensory distur- 90 percent), and chronic mi- conditions. Moreover, there only 6 percent are children. There have been several the coronary artery walls tion.
cluster headache, and ten- Children also make up for may have been damaged. Dr Garekar advises par-
sion headache fall under bances (known as aura), graine are generally en- are reports of decreased reports that highlight a pe-
nausea, vomiting, and dizzi- countered. The other forms endothelial progenitor cell less than 3 percent of the culiar illness affecting chil- Special intravenous medi- ents to contact
this category. hospitalized patients, cines (steroids and Immu- paediatrician if their child
Migraine is a type of pri- ness. Some patients also ex- are menstrual migraine, (EPC) function in patients dren these days; in which,
perience tingling and hemiplegic migraine, mi- with migraine, which may though hospitalization rate children have had persistent noglobulins) are required to has persistent fever, along
mary headache, the cause of is higher in children less bring the disease under with a rash or red eyes or
which is not clearly known; numbness on the face and graine with brainstem aura be associated with circula- fever (more than three days),
extremities.There have (basilar type, rare), associ- tory aberrations. Through than five years, compared to rash, red eyes, stomach pain control.These medicines are stomach ache/ vomiting.
however, studies have sug- older children. There are Suspicion of MIS-C
gested a combination of en- been several theories ex- ated with vertigo, and cycli- the self renewal and multi-
many reasons speculated as should be aroused and
to why Covid-19 has had a investigated in sick chil-
lesser impact on children. dren. Typically, the

A dog’s blood line: Facts you need to know One explanation is that
the virus can’t attach to
body linings (e.g. nasal mu-
Paediatrician will rapidly
rule out more likely
causes like Typhoid, Den-
By Puja Gupta their characteristics from the excess blood from didn’t just become popular; cosa) as the receptors are gue Fever, Malaria, etc,
their ancestors: spraying into their eyes. It it was because of their in- less in children; another is she says.
New Delhi, Boxers was a fast change from be- herit traits and nature. They that children are protected “Another mimicker is
Often pet parents are This breed was refined ing a guard dog to a com- are the most intelligent, de- by antibodies produced by ‘Kawasaki Disease’.
curious to know the blood in Germany. It came into ex- passionate pet in house- voted and versatile animals. other viruses they are ex- Kawasaki Disease affects
line of the pup they bring istence when man was look- holds. This breed provides a foun- posed to, and these anti- younger population (less
home to understand its he- ing for a perfect hunting Great Danes dation of a watch dog, pro- bodies are protective, points than 5years of age), here
reditary characteristics and partner. They thought of Great Danes are also tector and a companion. out Dr Swati Garekar, Con- platelet counts are high,
psychological behaviour. breeding such a breed called gentle giants or as the Given the name itself, this sultant, Paediatric Cardiol- unlike MIS-C. Also, Heart
The bloodline represents which will have a strong Apollo of dogs. Great Danes breed was bred originally in ogy, Fortis Hospital, Mulund. muscle damage is more
ancestral contributions physic and will be able to have been in existence since Germany. The Germans take Yet another reason is frequent in MIS-C. Heart
which are passed down hunt the prey. This breed a long time and are a pure great pride for this breeds that children are staying at involvement can be
through the breeding pro- came into existence in the breed. Their characteristics existence and value. They home during the pandemic, picked up by
cess. A dog’s personality is 1800’s when Bullenbeisser specify that in spite of their make a good rescue squad. and hence are less likely to and nausea/vomiting, in- most effective when given Echocardiography and cer-
highly influenced by their was bred with an English recognised as one of the They are known majorly for be exposed to people who forms Dr Garekar. “Sore early in the course of the tain blood markers of Heart
family genetics. A perfectly bull dog. Bullenbeisser origi- most sweet and affectionate their working ability. may be Covid-19 positive, throat and cough/cold is disease.”The peculiar dis- inflammation. Early diagno-
bred pedigree goes back nated from the Mastiff fam- breeds. They love to play Pugs she adds. India is the second much less common. Blood ease affecting multiple or- sis and treatment will en-
several generations and can ily which were hunters back with children and so make This breed came into ex- most populous country in tests show generalized in- gans in children has been sure early recovery and less
give you exact information then. These breeds, could a perfect dog breed around istence a couple of decades the world and has demo- flammation and the heart is termed‘Multisystem Inflam- chance of long term dam-
about the temperament, chase large preys like deer, kids. Danes can be easily ago and was originated in graphic profile of a young involved in a major way. matory Syndrome in Chil- age. In short, there is no rea-
behaviour, characteristics wild boars etc. Their power trained due to their honest China. They are commonly nation with 26 percent Here the typical adult find- dren’ (MIS-C), she says. The son to panic, but parental
etc. of the breed.Devanshi and strength is impeccable. and compassionate nature also known as Carlin and (367million out of 1.4billion) ing of bad Pneumonia is World Health Organisation vigilance is the key,” she
Shah, Founder, PetKonnect The boxers have a strong and are also known to be Mops. The Pug is one of the being children less than 15 missing. There may or may (WHO) and Centre for Dis- concludes.(Puja Gupta can
talks about five different jaw grip to hold their prey. good human protectors. most adored breed all over years of age. This could have not be positive COVID-19 ease Control (CDC) US, has be contacted at
breeds and how they get Their facial wrinkles prevent German ShepherdsThey the world. translated into huge num- test (PCR or the antibody now given it a distinct defi-—IANS

Coronanomics is difficult to pin down JAIDEEP HARDIKAR

Bumpy ride ahead


s speculated last month, feature showing that nearly half of
the parallel run of
Covid-19 and economic
RENU KOHLI the infections there are untrace-
able. In South Korea and Japan, the BIG
he Cassandras are having a field day. Any-
reopening could be non- source cannot be traced in new in-
one can rummage through a slag heap of linear and far more un- fections but the shares there are far
gloomy macroeconomic numbers and predictable than that in a full-lock- lower, which makes it manageable.
build a seemingly irrefutable argument that the down scenario. Economic develop- Altogether, the developments indi-

ments since then bear this out. As cate that Covid-19 is insurmount- hirty-four is no age to
Indian economy is going through a wringer. Econ- India muddles through the pandem- able at present; it can only be re- die. And when you have
omists and analysts can — and often do — quibble ic rapids, it is clear that Covid-19 strained with constant efforts and a roaring career ahead,
about the steepness of the slide amid growing fore- leads the economy. The higher the there’s no room for complacency. what with all of life’s chal-
casts of a contraction this year. However, some infection outbreaks, the more the Therefore, governments have to be lenges, it’s sad to see a talent
analysts have started to dice up the data different- economy falters is the clear trend on their toes for unforeseeable peri- ending his or her own life. So it
discernible from more than a quar- ods, remain one step ahead of infec- was natural that the untimely
ly and pore over the slivers before throwing up ter of full and partial lockdowns, un- tion outbreaks in order to regain death of the Bollywood star,
some alarming statistical nuggets. Last week, the locking and scattered re-locking. economic strength and cut their Sushant Singh Rajput, who
brokerage, Motilal Oswal, did precisely that when Such wobbles have flattened last losses. committed suicide last month,
it startled the pundits by suggesting that real debt quarter’s upswing this month, caus- evoked consternation in a

growth in the country’s non-government, non-fi- ing expectations of a smooth and here is no visible break- young nation. His story was as
nancial sector had contracted by 2.6 per cent swift rebound upon unlocking to through in coronavirus’s exceptional as that of the crick-
sober down. It is increasingly likely containment in India at this eting genius he aptly portrayed
which, it claimed, was the first contraction in the that the return to economic normal- point. If infection outbreaks extend in film — Mahendra Singh
past two decades. ization will be an uneven, extended longer than or beyond this quarter Dhoni. Even that story could
It is easy to debunk the statistic because the haul in a parallel run of mounting — this seems probable at this point have swayed in any direction if
brokerage has sourced the data on the scheduled infections. The paradox is this: clar- given the fast spatial spread — India it were not for a right chance at
ity emerges amidst increased uncer- could be staring at a deeper down- the right time, unlike that of
commercial banks put out by the Reserve Bank of tainties about supplies and demand turn than imagined less than two Dhoni’s friend with the heli-
India and then mashed it with numbers accessed even as other complexities arising months ago. The rating agency, copter-shot who paled into in-
from 18 non-banking finance companies and 10 out of the peculiarities of the corona ICRA, acknowledged these wobbles significance before blossoming
housing finance companies. After sourcing the shock become visible. How the and revised its GDP growth predic- in the same town with scarce
data on six relevant parameters, the brokerage economy evolves ahead remains up tions for 2020-21 to -9.5 per cent last opportunities.
in the air, as coronanomics proves week; this represents a severe scal- Rajput’s demise however
has made adjustments for headline inflation
difficult to pin down. ing-down from its -5 per cent growth follows a typical arc.
based on the consumer price index before distill- Consider the evolution of India’s (2020-21) visualized a smooth and tain. The US Federal Reserve chair- forecast as recently as May. It is also For different and complex
ing the troubling fact. The methodology may be economic performance from the steep (V-shaped) gradient on re- man recently expressed concern the first institutional forecaster to reasons that are for mental
questionable but the stark picture that it throws full-lockdown April slump. The opening with the underlying as- about the recovery levelling off. incorporate the fallback in econom- health experts to decipher, In-
up is worrying and hard to discredit. months of May and June displayed sumption being that output contrac- But countries that speedily con- ic recovery or, conversely, the rise dian youths in the hinterland,
a steady and remarkable rebound tion will reduce each successive trolled the pandemic have managed in Covid-19 infections. The possibili- heartlands and big cities are
The official numbers are bad enough. Overall upon unlocking with most indica- quarter as the reopening gathers to pull out from contraction zones to ty that other analysts may follow taking their own lives at an
bank credit grew at an annualized 6.1 per cent in tors suggesting economic activity momentum. But the slide back of grow positively within one quarter. suit cannot be ruled out. If so, the alarming rate. See the paradox:
March — slightly higher than the multi-decade roughly regained nearly three- business activities so soon and in re- China, for example, stunned the current consensus forecast of -5 per We are a young nation — near-
low of 5.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2016-17. quarters its pre-Covid or February sponse to rising infections that have world last week by accomplishing cent GDP growth this year may re- ly 42 per cent of our population
Two factors have precipitated the sharp slow- strength. This was borne out by led to unexpected shutdowns scat- a 3.2 per cent GDP growth in April- arrange and converge closer to is below 36 years of age, but sui-
power and fuel demand, mobility in- tered across the country has dented June, an impressive recovery from the -10 per cent region. That would cide is the top reason for deaths
down in bank credit: first, the reluctance of risk- represent a doubling of the antici-
dices of Google (workplace) and these expectations. No longer is it its -6.8 per cent contraction in the among youths in the 15-29 and
averse banks to lend to dodgy borrowers and, sec- Apple (driving), Purchasing Man- possible to be sanguine that the cur- previous quarter (January-March) pated contraction in GDP growth in 15-39 age group, a 2018 Lancet
ond, high leverage ratios that had been built up in agers Index for manufacturing and rent and next (Oct-Dec) quarters’ when Covid-19 was at its peak there. just two months’ time — a useful study said. What’s more, four
non-financial firms during the high growth phase services, growth of industrial out- economic performance will steadily It is well known that China pursued measure of how uncertain and diffi- in 10 young women committing
which they are now scrambling to unwind. The put (April-May) and exports, labour recover and turn positive in Janu- very strict virus containment cult it is to pinpoint the economics of suicide the world over are in
high leverage — represented by an increase in the force participation rates captured ary-March 2021 as commonly pre- policies and measures, which a pandemic. India. Suicide death rates were
by the Centre for Monitoring Indian dicted. Instead, growth outturns continue with focused, selective re- Looking back, when the coron- higher in India than the global
debt-to-equity ratio — has prompted firms to Economy surveys, two-wheeler and could be more insipid — the virus’s laxations. Vietnam, too, grew 0.36 avirus took hold in March, there average in 2016, and most
shelve investment decisions. Fresh borrowings tractor sales, among other indica- run to fresh locations, re-eruptions per cent in the April-June period; was a lot of analysis and attempt to states had rates higher than
are only being made to retire older, high-cost debt. tors. Gaining momentum of GST and intractability in other parts, in- this is commonly attributed to its understand its optimal manage- would be expected for their
A recent working paper of the RBI underscores revenue collections in May-June cluding major cities, increasingly success against the coronavirus ment, the economic fallout and so socio-demographic index level.
the problem. It says power, telecommunication, buttressed these trends; the daily portend a stretched and bumpy ride that, according to The Economist, on. A quarter down the line, some Housewife suicides are explod-
average generation of electronic- ahead. owes to a pushy containment strate- elements have unfolded as expect- ing. Farmer suicides are being
construction and iron and steel sectors saw gross way bills almost touched February- At the heart of this plateauing is gy combined with a determined ed; others are new or entirely unan- written and talked about for
fixed capital formation surge to 51.3 per cent of levels by end-June. the spread and rise in Covid-19 in- trouncing of disruptions in import ticipated. What has endured is how two decades; this writer’s work
GDP between 2003-08 before tumbling to 25 per fections, which have more than supplies. uncertain is the evolution of the in Vidarbha is a testimony.

cent between 2011-19. As the world teeters on the ut in July, the pace has begun tripled over early June. Ascending The samples of positive growth pandemic and with that the eco- Needless to say, the mental
precipice of a deep recession, businesses will shun to slacken as gleaned from infections elicit sporadic shutdowns outcomes within a quarter of the nomic outcomes. What has changed health crisis is urgent and re-
borrowing, fearing that they could default on obli- weekly indicators. The slow- that adversely affect production op- pandemic’s onslaught stand out in a is the bargain between health and quires a national, long-term
down in consumer spending com- erations, supplies and supply sea of severe output contractions the economy, or the lives versus response. Rising suicides form
gations and tip into bankruptcy. India has seen pared to June reported by produc- chains in unlocked areas, pulling elsewhere. They contribute evi- livelihoods trade-off: both are now just one indicator, and their
one of its longest business cycles since the dotcom ers and retailers and a matching de- down the latter. The consequence is dence that a faster, effective sup- placed on even footing or accorded underlying causes are far too
bust. The RBI paper shows that the mean invest- cline in daily average GST e-way an understandable rise in con- pression of the coronavirus is the equal primacy. The underlining complex. Panic attacks, clinical
ment rate did not dip by very much even after the bills generated confirm that lesser sumers’ risk-aversion and lack of path to regaining economic vigour. here is, of course, that there isn’t ex- depression, anxiety, personali-
global financial crisis in 2008. But the post-pan- volumes of goods are being trans- confidence, which, in turn, pulls Despite this, however, there are also actly a choice but to control the ty disorders — the list is long
ported this month. The post-unlock- down spending. examples of countries, such as Aus- virus. Without that, its economics is and agonizing. One person
demic crisis has changed the ball game. It will be a ing recovery appears to be levelling India is not alone in seeing its tralia and Hong Kong, that illus- not merely hard to understand but with a mental health condition
while before the wheels of industry start to turn off. recovery sag so soon. A similar pat- trate that the coronavirus is ex- gets out of hand. can and does destabilize the en-
again. Such an early slip back was not tern has unfolded in the United tremely difficult to stamp out. Re- tire family, as psychiatrists
anticipated. For example, predic- States of America where the coron- eruptions have reversed the unlock- would tell us.
tions of GDP growth for this year avirus is proving intractable to con- ing in these countries, with a new The author is a macroeconomist
THE OTHER SIDE Tip of the iceberg

tudents overcoming great odds to achieve Decision-makers have no clue
success is always heartening. Take, for in- Endangered lives par, along with Prabhat
Patnaik, Devaki Jain, Maja
cator of the condition of
prison infrastructure in
about the scale and gravity of
this issue. The ‘chemical locha’
stance, the student in Ludhiana who scored ■ Sir — It was unfortunate Daruwala and Satish Desh- India. The executive sum- in the mind is further com-
above 90 per cent in the recently declared results to hear that the revolution- pande, had appealed to the mary of prison statistics in pounded by our social and eco-
of the board exams in spite of being differently- ary poet, Varavara Rao, Maharashtra government 2018 showed that the total nomic inequalities. Far too
abled or the daughter of a paddy farmer in a re- tested positive for Covid-19 to place the 11 activists cur- number of national prisons many youths today face a quar-
while being incarcerated rently incarcerated in state decreased from 1,412 in 2016 ter-life crisis at 25 years of age.
mote hamlet in Panaji who scored 94.6 per cent.
and is suffering from other prisons in connection to the to 1,339 in 2018 but the actu- And now the Covid-19 pandem-
The results of board examinations have thrown ailments as well (“Days Elgaar Parishad case under al capacity increased from ic has precipitated an economic
up a number of such shining cases. This kind of after outcry, Varavara posi- house arrest in light of the 3,80,876 to 3,96,223 with a emergency aggravating mental
success is laudable; but does it also expose the fail- tive”, July 17). His family health risks posed by Covid- comparative rise in the health challenges to epidemic
ures in India’s education system? Children living had been requesting his 19. In June, 500 prominent number of prisoners calcu- proportions in the face of her-
in poverty — two-thirds of Indians are economi- release from prison — he personalities had penned an lated at the end of the year. culean challenges that threat-
was arrested in 2018 for his open letter requesting the A significant number of en to wipe out long-cherished
cally poor — face numerous barriers to accessing alleged involvement in the immediate release of acti- these prisoners are under- ambitions.
education; the absence of schools, high drop-out Bhima-Koregaon case — on vists, including Rao, on bail trials — 3,23,537 out of If urban India grapples with
rates and poorly trained teachers are among account of his ill health so on humanitarian grounds 4,66,084 in 2018 — who lan- “liquid modernity” like much
them. Children with disabilities suffer on account that he could be provided because of the countrywide guish in jail for years as a of the world (a term coined by
of the absence of properly trained staff in a nation necessary medical atten- spread of the pandemic. result of the slow pace of Polish sociologist, Zygmunt
tion. In recent years, individ- justice in our country. As Bauman); rural India is sand-

Stop the hate

that has not only made education a fundamental
While it was encourag- uals disagreeing with the per the report, 1,376 women wiched between agrarian and
right but also passed the Rights of Persons with ing to hear that Rao had views of the Bharatiya were undertrial prisoners post-modern worlds.
Disabilities Act, 2016. Students who cannot afford been admitted to J.J. Hospi- Janata Party have been ar- accompanied by 1,590 chil- The aspiring small-town
to buy books or other basic educational amenities tal in Mumbai — he has ■ Sir — The demise of Sushant Singh Rajput has led to a lot rested on charges of sedi- dren. These figures are India is desperate to break free
have to walk — often literally — the extra mile in since been shifted to Nana- of debate on privilege and nepotism in Bollywood. How- tion, steadily encroaching alarming. from stark regional backward-
order to be on a par with their privileged peers. vati Hospital for neurologi- ever, there were instances in which the ire was taken be- upon the people’s right to In recent years, the ness; lack of opportunities;
cal treatment — from Talo- yond limits. One of the people who have been in the line of dissent in a democracy. number of people who have chains of caste-based discrimi-
The success stories of disadvantaged students ja Central Prison, Rao’s im- fire is Rajput’s former partner, Rhea Chakraborty, who re- Unless a nation ensures its been detained in prisons nation; and rigidifying ortho-
rightly make it to the headlines. But each of these prisonment, the denial of vealed that she has received rape and death threats on so- citizens’ right to free speech has exponentially in- doxies all at once.
cases also bares the barriers — poverty, inequali- bail and his subsequent cial media. She has since registered a first information re- and expression, it cannot creased. Many students, ac- Gone are the days when
ty, prejudices — that meritorious students have to hospitalization cannot be port against two unknown people. While the outpouring of call itself a democracy. ademics, poets and journal- nondescript towns played
cross in their path to success. viewed in isolation from his grief is understandable, it is alarming that people are re- ists, among others, are fac- poor country cousins to the big
life-long struggle to advan- sorting to violent threats. Strict laws against cybercrime Jahar Saha, ing serious charges because metros without contestation.
The pandemic has only made a bad situation ce the cause of justice. The must be put in place to counter such behaviour. Calcutta of their dissenting opinions. Small-town ambitions are not
worse. The shift to online education is forsaking 79-year-old activist has In view of the raging pan- matched by the centralization
large segments of students who can neither afford been an indefatigable cham- Ananya Raj, ■ Sir — The report, Prison demic, many eminent indi- of decision-making. This ap-
the technology nor the skills that are required for pion of the poor all his Mumbai Statistics India, collated by viduals had urged the gov- plies to every sphere: from
this new mode of instruction. Significantly, the life. His oeuvre reflects his the National Crime Records ernment to release political technology to politics to
dedicated opposition to the Bureau is a significant indi- prisoners on humanitarian media.
guidelines for protection and safety of persons systems, relations and so- against injustice. It is hoped languishing in jail for more grounds. The fact that Var- At the root of this is also a
with disabilities during Covid-19 do not even take cial conditions that exploit that the government will re- than two years for their al- avara Rao contracted perpetual and difficult socio-
into account their educational needs. Some of the the vulnerable. Rao has lease the people’s poet at the leged involvement in the Covid-19 in prison further economic transition in vogue
other obstacles transcend these structural blind been steadfast in advocat- earliest as a gesture of good- Bhima-Koregaon violence highlights the importance since 1990 — we are relatively
spots. The plight of students from riot-affected ing radical changes in the will. He should be with his in 2018. Rao’s family earlier of releasing them at the ear- better off today than we were
established political and family in this trying time revealed that their last con- liest. We hope for Rao’s back in the 1990s, but with vast
northwest Delhi, many of whom had to sit out the social order. His implica- and have his medical needs versation with him indicat- swift recovery. At this mo- inequalities. It has come with a
exams, is a case in point. Can a handful of success tion in the Elgaar Parishad taken care of. ed that his health condi- ment, speedy bail proce- trade-off: from being a nation of
stories mask India’s failure to make education ac- case and incarceration tions have deteriorated se- dures can save innumer- communicable diseases to one
cessible? have been alleged by many G. David Milton, verely, showing signs of able lives. of non-communicable diseases,
to be a calculated move to Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu delirium and loss of memo- with growing incidence of car-
deny him the opportunity ry. While their repeated ap- Jaspreet Singh, dio-vascular disease, lung ail-

SCRIPSI to raise his voice against

■ Sir — The plea by the wife
and daughters of Varavara
peal to the Maharashtra
and Central governments to
Patiala ments, suicides, or diabetes.
The many Indias competing
Poets and revolutionar- Rao to release the activist release Rao on bail has not ▼ among themselves with the na-
I know not what to call this, nor will I urge that it is a se- ies hold up the mirror to so- from prison was heart- borne fruit, he was shifted tion’s polity unable to fathom
Letters should be sent to:
cret overruling decree, that hurries us on to be the instru- ciety in ways that others breaking to hear. The Hy- to a hospital after having
small-town India’s itch for op-
ments of our own destruction, even though it be before us, are often unable to. Rao’s derabad-based revolution- tested positive for the novel 6 Prafulla Sarkar Street, portunities has explosive con-
patriotism is reflected in ary poet and other eminent coronavirus. Calcutta 700001 sequences. A young nation’s
and that we rush upon it with our eyes open.
his unrelenting struggle rights activists have been Recently, Romila Tha- In danger? aspirations can’t take off from
D. DEFOE only four or, at best, 10 cities.

Theatre of the absurd have given him a long list in answer.

Then he added — as if he’d like to
delay the inevitable — “we need to do a
long evaluation as Vistara is itself on a
Celebration time
Some recent decisions taken by Air India’s board are beyond comprehension long journey”. If I’d been within earshot,
I would have added “unhappy” after
What does that even mean? Who asks India could come up with something so ant situation. That’s why they have “long" and before “journey”. But the
people to go on leave without pay for original and professional! used every trick in the book to deflect larger point is this: If the Tatas were so
five years? The order is asking staffers But the icing on the cake is this: the pain and so far have managed to keen and these responses are not eva-
to give up all the comforts and rights Either way, if 600 obliging employees take a pittance of a cut. sive, what stops him from saying: “I
they’ve taken for granted till kingdom come forward or are grabbed by the Two, employees know that this ship don’t know about others but we’re in.
come — one of the main reasons a job scruff of their necks and thrown out, the is in very bad waters and they need to This seems like such a great buy”.
in the national carrier is so coveted — airline will save — hold your breadth — make hay while the sun shines as it may Whether it is the pending doom and
of their own volition for five years. Who ~10 crore a month. Apparently, the not shine for long. From whatever I hear, insecurity that is pushing the powers- Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his
in their right mind would agree to that? monthly fixed cost of the airline during the pressure on the Tatas to bid and take that-be at the national carrier into these Maharashtra counterpart Uddhav
And what happens at the end of five the pandemic is ~700 crore. It’s losses this headache off the government is incomprehensible moves is not clear but Thackeray are among those who will
years? The pathway for an employee to in 2018-19, a pretty good year, were building up (the deadline for EOI sub- I’d like to end with another recent ins- attend the ground-breaking ceremony
OUT OF THE BLUE find his or her way back into the airline
after half a decade remains ambiguous.
~7,635 crore. This grand scheme —
which will create no end of bad blood
mission is August 31) and recent reports
claimed that the Tatas might be the sole
tance of the management’s inexplicable
actions. In the midst of the pandemic,
for the Ram temple in Ayodhya, to be
performed by Prime Minister Narendra
ANJULI BHARGAVA The management is in fact holding unless employees succumb like a lamb bidder. With the Tata group in all kinds when all airlines are treading with as Modi on August 5. According to the
a gun to the employees’ heads since the to the slaughter -- will save all of Rs 10 of trouble otherwise, one can under- much caution as possible, Air India an- temple trust, laying a 40-kg silver brick

nother scene from the theatre news reports on the matter go on to say crore! In my view, the airline would do stand why its board members give the nounced a new route. All those who are as the foundation stone by Modi will be
of the absurd played out at that if employees do not opt for this vol- well to furlough those who come up most roundabout of responses when desperate to travel now have the option the highlight of the ceremony.
India’s national carrier, Air untary furlough scheme, they would be with this bizarre idea. asked about their interest in the of travelling from Hyderabad’s Sham- Thackeray had visited Ayodhya in March,
India, last week. A recent handpicked by the CMD himself. In Two things appear to be at play national carrier. Last when questioned, shabad airport on a newly introduced his first after becoming chief minister,
order by the management in light of the other words, the management would be here. One, at this time of crisis, the top Vistara chairman Bhasker Bhat told one direct flight that brings you straight to and had stressed that while his party,
Covid crisis asked employees to “volun- forced to take matters in their own com- management wants to minimise its reporter: “Which entity in India will not Dehradun, a route abandoned more the Shiv Sena, had severed ties with the
tarily” go on leave without pay for a petent hands, pick a list of under-per- own discomfort at all cost. The feeling be interested to evaluate buying Air recently by IndiGo (they fly via Delhi). Bharatiya Janata Party, it was
minimum of six months up to two years, formers and ask them to sit at home. It is that pilots and crew who are paid India?”, making it sound like there was For all you know, you might committed to the construction of a
extendable to five years. primarily means a free-for-all situation: more in line with the market reality a list of suitors queueing up. Many in disembark feeling like a Maharaja in grand Ram temple in Ayodhya.
As expected, this left many foxed. “I don’t like you, so off you go”. Only Air should bear the brunt of the unpleas- the aviation sector — and I too — could solitary splendour. According to sources, Nationalist
Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar,
Thackeray’s ally, is backing his visit.
Giant screens have been put up for

Covid casts a new light on steel

devotees to watch the ceremony.
Among over 50 VIPs scheduled to attend
the event are Uttar Pradesh Chief
Minister Adityanath, Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan
Bhagwat, L K Advani, Murali Manohar
Joshi, and Uma Bharti.
With rural India being the only bright spot in the 907.5 916.5 916.5
pandemic, steelmakers are looking beyond DEMAND Madhya Pradesh potboiler
automobile and exports to daily-use products FORECAST MLA K P Singh, a Congressman, was
(In mn tonnes) 101.5 83.3 95.8 spotted at Madhya Pradesh Home
KUNAL BOSE lockdown and its progressive easing Minister Narottam Mishra’s bungalow
emerged from rural India, which bene- n China n India 2019 2020 2021 on Monday morning, triggering all kinds

hat rural India, where two-thi- fited from a good monsoon in 2019 lead- of speculation. Only the day before, the
rds of the population live and ing to record foodgrain production.” That PRODUCTION (In mn tonnes) Congress Legislature Party had held a
which has a share of 46 per cent this community is engaged in using the May May % January- January – % meeting at former chief minister Kamal
of national income, is a poten- extra money with them in building hous- Nath’s residence, where the leaders
2020 2019 change May 2020 May 2019 change
tial big market for steel has always been es and grain storehouses is evidenced by present had agreed they would launch
known. But marketing lethargy and the demand generation for steel and cement China 92.267 88.565 4.2 411.751 403.975 1.9 an agitation against the BJP government
absence of rural market-specific product during the pandemic. This year, too, the India 5.767 9.468 -39.1 35.851 47.543 -24.6 in the state. However, all party MLAs
development have kept the rural per cap- country is having a normal, well distrib- were not there. After the meeting,
source: World Steel Association
ita consumption of steel at a fraction of uted monsoon encouraging farmers to Mishra had sent a bouncer down the
the national average of 76 kg, compared bring in extra land under kharif crops. So pitch. “The Congress doesn't have much
with the world average of 225 kg. expect good rural steel demand to last till A recurring theme in Steel Minister value-added products for use by ultimate India, says not only does steel need more confidence in itself as a party, but likes
The 2017 steel policy says the middle of 2021, assuming Dharmendra Pradhan’s exhortation is consumers will to some extent insulate state-funded infrastructure projects, but to show it has, so that more members
that, as the ground is laid for rabi cultivation will be plen- that steelmakers must “develop low- steel from business cyclicality. Fortunes the industry also requires “the governme- don’t leave the party,” he had said. As
the development of a “glo- tiful too. cost, high quality products suitable for of the metal will, however, continue to be nt making payments on time, even up- proof, he said “even when Kamal Nath
bally competitive industry,” According to Narendran, rural consumption. These could be decided by the performance of the front to expedite work. Backlog of unpaid was the CM, not all MLAs used to attend
the Indian per capita steel “demand generation from highly steel-intensive affordable rural broader economy. Hopefully, rural mar- bills contributes to the freezing of unfin- the meetings”.
use will take a leap to 160 kg this sector in the present try- housing, irrigation pipelines and daily ket among all steel-consuming sectors ished projects.” As the pandemic has ro-
by 2030. What is left unsaid ing times is also aided by gov- use products.” alone standing out in a situation of near bbed the industry of demand, Oommen
is how much of the targeted
steel production of 230 mil-
TAKE ernment spending on rural
infrastructure and affordable
JSW Steel Chairman Sajjan Jindal says
in the same vein: “The only way to
total demand destruction in April and
May will henceforward lead steelmakers
wants steel to be made the material of
choice in all possible areas on grounds of Young versus old
lion tonnes (MT) on a capac- TWO housing.” Steel in the form of increase steel demand is to move into to aggressively promote the metal use “safety, durability and life cycle cost.” Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Jagat
ity base of 300 MT in a dec- ANALYSIS BEHIND pipes and hardware will be people’s households. Steel mills are beyond traditional consumption points. China, which continues to make im- Prakash Nadda on Monday appointed
ade will be consumed in THE HEADLINES required in growing quan- required to promote use of the metal in Job losses caused by the Covid-19 out- pressive economic recovery since late Ladakh’s 34-year-old MP, Jamyang
rural India. tities as the government furniture and household goods and not break forced nearly 30 million migrant February, has this year been a major des- Tsering Namgyal, the party’s UT unit
Who could have thought wants to provide piped water just stay focussed on high profile sectors workers constituting a fifth of urban tination for Indian steel exports. But that chief. But when it came to Gujarat, the
before the Covid pandemic that rural connection to every rural household such as automobile.” labour force to return home braving all has not stopped Oommen from worrying home state of Prime Minister Narendra
India would provide some succour to the under Jal Jeevan Mission by 2024. Popularising steel products the way odds. There is welcome realisation in the about the “enduring threat posed by Chi- Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, the
steel industry, which was allowed to func- Moreover, all steel-based items linked to Jindal has recommended will lead to sub- government that the only way to lure a nese state-subsidised steel imports.” His BJP trusted 65-year-old Lok Sabha MP
tion through the long lockdown but had the rural economy are seeing their con- stitution of wood by steel, which is recy- good number of them to return to cities concern is not to be taken lightly. World C R Patil. He is known to be close to the
to keep capacity use at a historical low as sumption grow. “In the automotive sec- clable, in the making of furniture, doors to give a leg up to economic activity will Steel Association has forecast Chinese PM and replaces 49-year-old Jitu
demand disappeared. In the first full tor, tractor sales are reasonably good and and windows for use in urban, semi- be to give them inexpensive rental dwell- 2020 demand to rise barely 1 per cent to Vaghani. It is to be noted that Vaghani
month of the lockdown in April when motorcycles are doing better than urban centres. ings. At the same time, for the benefit of 916.5 MT and demand next year to rema- was one of the youngest leaders to get
Tata Steel, the country’s largest steel- scooters. The reason being their rural As more such products are developed those who will not risk going back to in static. So as the year advances, China the job in August 2016, after Vijay Rupani
maker on its acquisition of Bhusan Steel connection,” says Narendran. According by major steelmakers using their techni- cities, the government is to implement a is likely to have surpluses that must be became chief minister. Patil is known to
and Usha Martin long products mill, ran to rating agency Crisil, a good monsoon cal and designing skills, benefits will acc- series of rural infrastructure projects, exported. As in the past, India, where mu- be a resourceful politician, and insiders
its blast furnaces at around 50 per cent has proved to be a mitigator of the coro- rue to medium and small enterprises who including housing for the poor. All that ltiple local taxes constituting 12 per cent believe he would be the perfect choice,
capacity, it fell back on exports for over navirus impact on tractor sales. Of its will be assigned to make them. In pio- will translate into demand generation for of production costs rob Indian steel of given that the Gujarat Assembly polls are
80 per cent of production and for the bal- ~82,125-crore turnover, Tata Steel earns neering moves, Tata Steel has developed construction steel. “competitiveness before it leaves the pla- a bit over two years away, and could
ance on the rural market. around 20 per cent revenue by selling a steel-based smart housing solution, Reminding that as much as two-thirds nt,” will be a natural export target for Chi- turn out to be as tricky as the previous
T V Narendran, chief executive officer roofing materials, reinforcing steel for steel windows and doors and water vend- of steel demand originates in infrastruc- na. Oommen says in the circumstances, one in December 2017. Vaghani could be
(CEO) and managing director of Tata individual house builders and farm ing kiosk made of steel, which are finding ture and construction work, Dilip Oom- introduction of the border adjustment inducted into the state cabinet.
Steel, says: “Domestic demand during the equipment in the rural market. increasing acceptability. Introduction of men, CEO of ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel tax will be relief to Indian steel.


Urban equilibrium Banks must

redefine strategy
New twists and turns can be
expected as we navigate the new
normal. In such a set-up, we will
tructure redundant. The answer
probably lies in our thinking. Are we
accepting Covid-19 to be a continual
Every town has to find its own balance declining gradient. It has fallen
from around 43 per cent in 2016
because news reports suggest
that towns that were “unlocked” The recent results of almost all banks
need a nimble human resources
(HR) department, equipped to pivot
fixture on planet Earth? If so, it will
necessitate large-scale idling or
between loss of lives and loss of income to less than 40 per cent in 2019. recently have been brought show a decline in profit, or losses. to fast-changing circumstances. destruction of physical infrastruc-
The average employment rate under a lockdown again. This is This is even before the full impact of At the very top of the HR tree, ture, redesigning our homes to ma-
week of June and then slipped during the first quarter of 2020 true of Bangalore, Pune, Patna Covid-19 is captured. Many bor- there might be clarity on the way ke space for setting up an ideal eco-
for three consecutive weeks. was 39.2 per cent. In April 2020, and Lucknow among others. But rowers must have been affected ad- forward. But how the junior func- system in conjunction with the
Not all of the increase in the rate fell to 27.2 per cent. It in spite of these intermittent versely by the lockdown and it is li- tionaries implement the policies on present practice of work from home.
labour participation could be recovered a bit in May to 29.2 per lockdowns and their relaxations, kely that the non-performing assets ground will make a difference. Will Online classes are convenient,
provided employment. As a cent and then smartly in June to the nature of the lockdown in may go up if the government does the junior HR functionaries be able financially beneficial, bring educa-
result, the unemployment rate 35.9 per cent. recent times has changed. Many not announce any special restruc- to understand and mitigate the pain tion home, teach self-discipline and
inched up to 7.9 per cent from 7.4 The good news is that the types of services have resumed turing scheme. Further the banks of the employees on a shop floor? expose students to a global college.
per cent in the previous week. employment rate has continued with restrictions. For example, have been affected due to the drop Will the pain points at the grassroots At the same time, they are more
But, the unemployment rate was its recovery in July as well. The house help and other services in their non-interest income, result- level be communicated to the top theoretical, create a sense of isola-
still significantly lower than in average employment rate during have restarted in most towns. ing in muted top-line growth. But for corrective action? We have seen tion, cast more responsibility on
it was in all the earlier weeks of the first three weeks of the Several construction sites, the good news is that the banks are lay-offs, frozen salaries, and mas- students and challenge their time-
the lockdown. month was 37.5 per cent. This is factories and offices have start- able to raise fresh capital. Unfortu- sive pay cuts. There is fear and management skills, reduce interac-
MAHESH VYAS The big gain in labour partici- still a long way from the 39.2 per ed operations with thinner nately, part of the new capital will be unease among employees. Will the tion and feedback, make assess-
pation rate and the small in- cent average in the first quarter attendance. Urban lockdown used for cleaning the books and the junior HR officials be trained to ment difficult, and above all create
crease in the unemployment of 2020. The 170 basis point dif- seems to be evolving in every banks will have to run faster to be in handle these emotional issues with myriad health issues like stressed

reliminary labour sta- rate helped in delivering a hand- ference between the two implies town to find its own local equi- the earlier position. compassion? In these troubled vision and back pain. It also leads
tistics for the first three some increase in the employ- that employment is still around librium between loss of lives Pressure on profits, moderate times, if corporates temporarily to information overload and less
weeks of July indicate ment rate. This rose to 38.4 per 18 million short of what it was a and loss of income. The net growth in business, need for higher cease to look at the bottom line, pro- creativity. Let us remind ourselves
a further improvement cent in the week ended July 19. few months ago. result is that slowly employ- capital and reduced credit appetite ductivity and profitability, and con- that student suicides have gone up
in labour conditions in the mo- Finally, it is the employment Nevertheless, an important ment is returning. will be some of the features common centrate on employee welfare, their in India during the pandemic.
nth over last month’s dramatic rate that matters. An increase in takeaway from the weekly labour The employment that is to all banks in the current fiscal year. engagement will increase. The HR As a stopgap arrangement,
turnaround. The labour partici- the labour participation rate can market estimates is that the returning is mostly essential Besides, rating of some banks may manager has a tough task in nego- however, online education can help
pation rate has inched up and be negated with an increase in small decline in the employment services required by Indian also suffer. In the wake of this, there tiating a balanced deal. maintain continuity in curriculum.
the unemployment rate has the unemployment rate. If an rate in the weeks ended June 28 households. Most urban Indian is need for an improved supervision K V Premraj Mumbai Ganga Narayan Rath
declined so far during the mo- increase in the labour participa- and July 5 has been reversed. households cannot function by Reserve Bank of India. Also, if Pa- Hyderabad
nth. The gain hasn’t been as tion rate does not lead to any The employment rate as of July without a retinue of maids, rliament passes the revised Finan- Stopgap arrangement
smooth and as confident as it increase in employment, it only 19, at 38.41 per cent was almost cooks, drivers, cleaners. These cial Sector Development and Regu- Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
was in June. We have worried raises the unemployment rate. at the same level as it was in the and many of their kind have lation (Resolution) Bill, banks would This refers to the opinion column The Editor, Business Standard,Nehru House,
about the June recovery facing Therefore, a mere increase in week ended June 21, which was returned to work. As a result, in have better solvency in absence of ‘Sudden rise of online higher edu- 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
fatigue towards the end of the the labour participation rate is 38.42 per cent. some ways, the lockdown has government support in future. There cation’ by Ajit Balakrishnan (July New Delhi 110 002
month and in early July. But the not a sufficient indicator of pro- The big surprise in the recov- become more bearable for mid- is a scope for consolidation and 20). The strap rightly posits the que- Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
net results seem to be headed gress. Similarly, a low unemploy- ery of the employment rate in dle class urban households. The besides shoring up capital, banks stion whether Covid-19 can perma-
towards consolidating and mak- ment rate is useless at a low July is in urban India. The urban disturbing plight of the hapless need to redefine their strategies. nently transform the method of All letters must have a postal address and
ing further gains in July albeit labour participation rate. This is employment rate in the week migrants does not plague the M Raghuraman Mumbai teaching and render college infras- telephone number
lesser than in June. India’s predicament. ended July 19 was 35.1 per cent. urban vision anymore.
Labour participation picked It suffers low labour partici- This is the highest employment Migrants have returned ho- Tough task ahead
up smartly in the week ended pation and claims a low unem- rate after the great fall in April. me, MGNREGS provides good
July 19. At 41.7 per cent it was ployment rate. This rate had peaked at 34.5 per subsistence jobs, the kharif crop for HR HAMBONE
heads and shoulders above the What matters in the final cent in the week ended June 28. is good. The Nifty 50 yielded 7.5
40.4 per cent recorded during count is the proportion of the It fell in the first week of July per cent returns in June and it This refers to the article ‘Rewriting
the preceding two weeks. Much working-age population that is to 33.2 per cent and remained continues to scale higher in July. the HR playbook’ by Anchita Ghosh
of the ground lost during the last employed. This is measured by thereabouts for another week Quietly, a new equilibrium see- (July 20), which I think is timely.
three weeks has been recovered. the employment rate. before recovering back smartly ms to be setting in. The future of the workplace has
The LPR (labour participation A serious challenge that India to 35.1 per cent. been thrown into a tizzy by the pan-
rate), it may be recalled, had to- faces is that the employment The recovery in the urban The author is managing director & demic. How the future will pan out
uched 42 per cent in the third rate has been on a gradually employment rate is surprising CEO, CMIE is only in the realms of conjecture.


Volume XXVI Number 327
they owned. This is where the bulk of their profits
NEW DELHI | TUESDAY, 21 JULY 2020 were. The sector accounted for almost 42 per cent of
the Nifty, and was thus ripe for a correction. What has
been worrying is the inability of major banks to claw
back their losses, as the markets and economy have
Some local lessons started to normalise.
Investors are getting spooked by the extent of the
Testing and tracing have been critical in containing the pandemic capital issuance in the space. Every major financial
institution is raising equity and the ticket size for

ndia’s Covid-19 aggregate numbers are disturbing, in that the number of each is between ~10,000 crore to ~15,000 crore. What
cases continues to climb steeply, crossing 1.1 million on Monday, setting a do these banks know that we don’t? Is the rise in
new record for the number of new cases in a day of over 40,000. There are credit losses going to be so severe that they all need

Worrying signals
new hotspot states — on Sunday, Andhra Pradesh became the third state, to raise capital at the same time? That too at not the
best prices for most. Some are issuing such deep dis-
after Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, to report over 5,000 new cases in a single day.
counted rights, that they are literally forcing their
Over 20,000 of Andhra Pradesh’s 50,000 cases were reported in just the last week. shareholders to subscribe.
In this context, it is important to learn from those areas that have had some Are the non-performing assets once the moratori-
success in containing the Covid-19 spread and fallout. Kerala’s actions have received
international attention, and for good reason. However, it is worth noting that it
has not completely managed the infection — on Sunday, Kerala too reported its
highest single-day number of new cases so far. These are clustered in
from the markets ums end, expected to surge to such an extent? Rather
than comforting investors, the surge in issuance is
worrying many. There is another associated concern
of the relevance of the numbers being reported. If we
Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam districts, where it is feared that the com- Investors are getting increasingly concerned about continue to have most loans under moratorium, what
is the relevance of the earnings number being
munity spread stage of the pandemic has already begun. It is necessary to learn,
therefore, from what Kerala got right — aggressive contact tracing in the early
the extent of capital issuance in the financial sector reported? How to value a bank, if one does not know
what its asset quality and profitability are truly?

stages of the pandemic, particularly during the first weeks of the lockdown — as s has now been spoken about ad nauseam, another period of mediocre market returns. The markets are saying that we don’t think the
well as what it got wrong. In that category falls, probably, the unwillingness of the investors are worried about the long-term It is now a consensus view that for growth to pick banks will rebound quickly. Their growth and profit-
state government to involve the private sector sufficiently in the management of growth outlook for India. What is India’s true up in India, its financial system needs to be fixed. We ability is unclear and too difficult to model. This has
the pandemic, as well as the failure to ramp up testing capacity, alongside the con- structural growth rate? How quickly and to what level have undergone a series of shocks to all segments. implications for the market’s view on the economic
will growth rebound in FY22, after the pandemic The asset quality review forced the banks to disclose recovery as well. In fact, the markets’ price action is
tact tracing effort. The state also refused to test mild and asymptomatic contacts
shock? Was Indian growth truly overstated as Arvind and provide for all bad assets. Frankly the public sector consistent with a weak economy and the lack of con-
of patients, which meant that imported cases eventually turned into community Subramanian seems to imply? banks (PSBs) never recovered. Then we had the IL&FS fidence in a strong V-shaped recovery. The best per-
spread. Till recently, Ernakulam had a single facility for the gold standard RT-PCR The debate on growth is an important one, and crisis, which effectively wiped out the business model forming sectors year-to-date are Pharma and IT serv-
tests, and there was a significant backlog in the number of samples awaiting testing. depending upon what comes out of this debate, India of non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) and ices, both export-oriented and classic defensives. The
It is clear that even after its positive efforts early in the lockdown, the failure to seems either very attractive or not interesting at all. housing finance companies. No longer able to access worst sectors, besides financials are, real estate, autos
create testing capacity has allowed the creation of hotspots, which threatens to The growth dynamics affect most of our long- term debt markets, their structural funding weaknesses and and capital goods. All domestic cyclicals. Such sectoral
macro variables. Debt sustainability being the most asset liability mismatches came to the fore. After the rotation, is consistent with a lack of confidence in
undo all its good work.
critical. If India does not get back to at least 10-11 per Yes Bank fiasco, the smaller private banks are running future growth prospects.
Another location from which lessons can be drawn is the Dharavi area of cent nominal gross domestic product scared, some have got beaten down The government has done a lot to stabilise the
Mumbai, which was an early hotspot in the city. Its crowded conditions and subpar (GDP) growth, then the country will to below book and have to pay a financial sector and address the risk aversion— from
sanitation meant that rapid and exponential spread was likely. Yet the spread in have real issues in trying to stabilise large risk premium for deposits. huge liquidity infusions to credit guarantees for small
Dharavi appears to have been brought under control, with only 143 current cases, public debt ratios. Unfortunately, the way markets and medium enterprises to targeted longer-term refi-
of a total of almost 2,500 test positives since the beginning of the lockdown. The Similarly, without stronger are behaving, investors seem to have nancing operations. The time has now come to address
suburbs Thane and Kalyan-Dombivli have in fact overtaken central Mumbai as growth, one does not see how the tax given up hope of the financial sector the elephant in the room. The PSB model is clearly
revenues will be in place to permit recovering from the Covid-19 shock not working. Except the State Bank of India, no PSB
the epicentres of the pandemic in Maharashtra. It is fortunate that now other parts
greater public investment and main- anytime soon. Price action does not can raise external capital. Most seem either unable or
of Mumbai and its suburbs are seeking to replicate the Dharavi pattern of volunteer tain fiscal sustainability. Even from indicate that investors believe that unwilling to compete. We need to fundamentally
teams tracing and testing door to door, in some cases — such as Dombivli — using the narrow lens of the stock market, the financials will lead us out of this reform their governance, incentive structures and
the manpower of local corporators. there is a correlation between eco- economic slump. Current valuations improve their competitiveness. The NBFC business
Finally there is Delhi, which appeared to be headed for serious trouble a month nomic growth rates and corporate seem to imply that we are in for an model is broken, it will not come back in a hurry. We
profitability (both growth and level).
AKASH PRAKASH extended period of weakness on cannot have only five or six banks fund our growth
ago but as of recent days has seen a dip in the number of Covid cases. This was the
product of more focused effort on expanding capacity. According to the data avail- Unless we get growth to accelerate both asset quality and earnings for aspirations. The system has to be deeper and stronger.
over the coming years, it is unlikely corporate earnings the vast majority of the financial system. This does not PSBs are important and have to be a part of the solution
able, the city had fewer than 10,000 Covid-care beds on June 14; a month later that
will meet expectations. In the absence of an earnings bode well, for without a recovery in the financials, I do to reviving the economy. They cannot be a permanent
number went up three times. While this sounds good, the fact also is that Delhi is acceleration, the outlook for market returns is bleak. not think the economy can bounce back. fiscal drag on the government.
no longer relying on RT-PCR tests but doing more rapid antigen tests, which often Just take a look at the last five years. Between FY15 This is for the simple reason that the financials Yes, we will have to recapitalise them. However,
fail to pick up cases. Thus, Delhi might need to wait a bit before it declares victory. and FY20, the Nifty delivered a compound annual have been the worst-performing major sector year-to- this time the recap must be accompanied with genuine
But it is clear that testing and tracing are critical in containing the pandemic. growth rate (CAGR) of only 1.7 per cent. This modest date. Most of the major banks are down between 30 reform as to how the banks are run. Privatisation may
number was derived from an earnings CAGR of 2.7 per cent and 45 per cent and all the laggards in the be politically too difficult, but surely we can reform
per cent, dividends of 1.4 per cent and a valuation der- BSE-200 index are financials. There is not one major their governance without privatisation. Markets are

Managing public debt ating of 2.4 per cent (source: Motilal Oswal). Valuations financial stock that is up for the year.
are procyclical and multiples also move up or down One can understand why the financials led the way
with growth rates and confidence in the growth out- in the Covid-related sell-off. The sector was over-
convinced the PSBs have little hope. More broadly,
the markets are negative on the entire financial system.
The government must prove the markets wrong.
India needs structural changes in economic management look. If we don’t see economic growth and earnings owned by foreigners, who did all the selling in the mar-
pick up in the coming years, we are destined for ket meltdown. It was natural that they would sell what The writer is with Amansa Capital

he economic disruption caused by the spread of Covid-19 has increased
budget management difficulties across the world. While the shutdown
caused by the pandemic is affecting revenues, governments need to
spend on containing the virus and support those who have been dis-
placed by the economic disruption. As a result, the budget deficit and public debt
China has blown its historic opportunity
are likely to go up in most countries. According to the International Monetary ntil recently, China was unmistakably trying and dollars — to developing and other economies would be to wait for the US to become weaker.
to be a hegemon in the image of the United facing major capital outflows. One irony of the The obvious answer to the puzzle is Chinese
Fund, global government debt will cross the 100 per cent of gross domestic product
States, increasingly complementing its grow- post-2000 world is that the country most able to President Xi Jinping and the regime that he both rep-
(GDP) mark in the current year, compared with the level of about 83 per cent in ing hard power with soft power. But China seems to provide dollar liquidity is China, owing to its $3 tril- resents and has helped to create. But key elements of
2019. The fiscal deficit will expand in India as well with a significant increase in have missed its opportunity to build a serious rival to, lion-plus in dollar reserves. The People’s Bank of China’s earlier strategy — including the BRI and
debt. According to a new research note by the State Bank of India, higher govern- or even supplant, the existing world economic order China could have extended swap lines to all its devel- reserve-currency status for the renminbi — were Xi’s
ment borrowing in the current fiscal year will push gross debt to 87.6 per cent of fashioned by the US following World War II. oping-world counterparts. own signature gambits. So, what is driving the reversal?
GDP. The collapse in GDP growth will push up the debt-to-GDP ratio by at least 4 All the elements of success seemed to be falling into Regarding trade, China could have offered freer Perhaps China’s leaders once again see the world
percentage points. Consequently, the target of bringing down the debt to 60 per place for China. It launched the Belt and Road Initiative market access to poorer countries ravaged by Covid- through a victim’s lens. As they perceive it, the pow-
(BRI), a transnational infrastructure investment pro- 19. It could also have ramped up production of essen- erful West had kept a weak China in check since the
cent of GDP by 2022-23 will be pushed by about seven years.
gramme intended to define a vision of a China-led, tial medical supplies to fight coronavirus — face early 1800s. Now that the roles are reversed, the
The expansion in the budget deficit due to the pandemic shock is under- post-Bretton Woods world, much as the US Marshall masks, testing kits, protective equipment, and ven- regime believes it is time to correct historical injus-
standable, but what is worrying is that India’s public debt has been steadily rising. Plan did for the post-1945 order. China also aggressively tilators — assuring their high quality and offering tices. With Xi’s aggressive insecurity having replaced
It increased from about 67 per cent of GDP in 2011-12 to 72 per cent in 2019-20. The promoted the renminbi as an international currency, to make them available to any country via the World Deng’s calm confidence, China now places a premium
debt situation should concern Indian policymakers for a variety of reasons. The and persuaded the International Health Organization (WHO) at con- on settling its borders and returning to the glory days
rising debt stock would mean that in the coming years the government would Monetary Fund (IMF) to include it in cessional prices. of the Middle Kingdom.
need to set aside more resources for debt servicing. Further, even this high level the basket of reserve currencies Such generous intervention A darker possibility for the rest of the world is that
underpinning Special Drawing would have shown that China was China not only seeks historical justice, but is also gaz-
of debt doesn’t represent the actual picture. For instance, a recent paper by the
Rights (the IMF’s unit of account) far offering an alternative to US-led insti- ing beyond its borders. It is in the nature of repressive,
Reserve Bank of India noted that guarantees given by state governments could sooner than was justified. tutions. It could have repudiated its autocratic regimes to believe only in the currency of
pose a potential risk to debt sustainability. The Union government also tends to China also sought to take over reputation as a usurious lender while fear and hard power. In this view, Xi is merely reverting
shift liability to public sector enterprises. leadership of international institu- entrenching the BRI. And while offer- to type, following his idol Mao Zedong’s dictum that
In the present circumstances, a number of commentators have argued that tions; it currently heads five. It pushed ing short-term dollar liquidity might political power — both internally and externally —
the government should go for direct monetisation of debt as it would help push to increase its voice in existing bodies have conflicted with China’s longer- grows from the barrel of a gun. So, perhaps China’s
expenditure and growth at a lower cost. And, since demand is depressed, this will such as the World Bank and IMF. And term global aspirations for the ren- recent aggression is not a bug but rather a feature of
not result in higher inflation. The idea sounds reasonable for dealing with a one- where it felt stymied, it established its minbi, the self-restraint this move its strategy for supplanting the US.
own, such as the Asian Infrastructure ARVIND SUBRAMANIAN showed could have engendered a In her book The Guns of August, the American his-
time shock. However, the fundamentals of the Indian economy make this propo- Investment Bank and the New broader confidence in China, thus torian Barbara Tuchman memorably captured the shift
sition risky. For example, the disruption in economic activity has not led to a col- Development Bank. enhancing the renminbi’s prospects. in geopolitical power from the United Kingdom to the
lapse in prices. Inflation remains above the target band of the central bank. Thus, The Covid-19 pandemic offered China an oppor- Instead, China’s recent actions have undermined US during World War I by saying that a strong America
debt monetisation could affect inflationary expectations, which will undo the tunity to cement this strategy of remaking the world its global aims. The geographic range and intensity became an enfeebled UK’s “larder, arsenal, and bank.”
potential benefits and increase macroeconomic risks. economic order on its terms. It’s worth considering of the Chinese regime’s belligerence are now familiar, In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, China could
Further, both the economy and government finances have structural prob- the possibilities. with the ever-growing list of targets including have achieved something similar vis-à-vis the US-led
lems, which cannot be addressed through debt monetisation. The Indian economy For starters, as the world’s largest long-term cred- Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, the South global order by becoming the development bank, cen-
itor to low-income countries, China could have proac- China Sea, the Philippines, Australia, Europe, the US, tral bank, and medical supplier to the world.
was slowing and the debt stock was steadily rising even before the pandemic.
tively and unilaterally declared a moratorium on all and Canada. And instead of being transparent regard- By choosing unprovoked aggression over enlight-
Therefore, while the focus at the moment needs to be on containing the pandemic, debt service owed to it. And it could have gone further. ing the origins of Covid-19, China has persuaded the ened generosity, China has squandered that historic
policymakers would do well to prepare a road map for large structural changes. As Scott Morris and his colleagues at the Center for WHO to connive with its own obfuscation. opportunity and possibly also revealed its true char-
As the economy recovers, the government would need to evaluate what all it can Global Development have shown, China’s lending The puzzle is why China is choosing aggression acter. Soft power, China appears to believe, is for
afford with the given budgetary constraints, and what it needs to do in terms of terms — interest, grace period, and maturity — are over magnanimity, or even over mere inaction. After wimpy democracies. Scorpions sting. The world must
policy changes to attain higher sustainable growth. This might require reversing much more onerous than those offered by the World all, China’s current leaders probably view America as take steps to respond.
some recent policy decisions, such as in the area of trade. In the absence of Bank and its concessional lending arm, the a declining power that will soon organically vacate
International Development Association. China could the hegemonic position that China seeks to occupy. The writer is former chief economic adviser to the government
required policy changes, among other things, debt servicing could become more
simply have promised to eliminate this wedge. If so, just as Deng Xiaoping, the father of China’s of India, a professor at Ashoka University and a non-resident
painful and India may get trapped in lower levels of growth. Furthermore, China could have provided uncon- reforms 40 years ago, advised geopolitical patience senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International
ditional short-term liquidity — in both renminbi until China became stronger, a Dengian strategy today Economics. ©2020Project Syndicate

Driving the private sector spent more than two decades as an

Indian Administrative Service officer and
worked in two public sector undertakings
(including Maruti Udyog), does not
almost an impossibility. Even more
improbable is the idea of bringing about
legal changes to give state-owned
enterprises in a country like India more
manufacturing competitiveness.
One of the most readable chapters is
on human resources, where Mr Bhargava
recounts how he managed workers in
degree appraisal of how the celebrated the company as well as on the shop floor. mince his words in advocating the crucial autonomy. There is, therefore, no Maruti and how the work culture was
company was born and made history. You cannot quarrel with any one of these role the private sector and its alternative to selling public sector changed to build a relationship of trust
Almost a decade later, Mr Bhargava requirements, but may be left wondering industrialists will have to play in undertakings and using the resources between workers and the management.
has authored another book that attempts if something more could be expected improving industrial competitiveness from such transactions to accelerate There are many lessons in management
to present his thoughts on the need for from one of India’s most successful and growth, which in turn should reduce private sector manufacturing and in this section that several of India’s
building a competitive manufacturing managers of a manufacturing company. poverty and deprivation. Policymakers, competitiveness. famous private sector giants could adopt
BOOK REVIEW sector in India and how this can be done. His vast experience as a civil servant including the political leadership and Nehru’s industrial policies were a big in their manufacturing units.
But this is not written like other books by and as Maruti CEO underpins his bureaucracy, must handicap, Mr The broader message that comes
A K BHATTACHARYA management gurus, though the title ( realisation that the challenges of work towards Bhargava notes, through loud and clear from
Getting Competitive: A Practitioner’s achieving manufacturing creating an COMPETITIVE: and the economic Mr Bhargava is that the Japanese way of

n 2010, R C Bhargava wrote his Guide for India) may suggest that. There competitiveness are complex because environment that A Practitioner’s reforms of 1991 working and living is most suited to
memoirs presenting the fascinating are, therefore, no to-do or to-avoid lists. India has a federal governance structure. encourages them. Guide For made some India’s political, economic and social
story of how he led Maruti Udyog Nor are there any case studies. Except More than the Centre, the state Mr Bhargava India progress, but failed environment. Industrial management,
(now Maruti Suzuki) and made it India’s one — predictably called Other governments have a much larger role to picks many holes in to usher in the spirit therefore, should look east and adopt the
shining example of a successful Important Requirements — the play in respect of policies to encourage the way different Author: of competitiveness Japanese way of forging partnerships
manufacturing company that, even after remaining 12 chapters are devoted to manufacturing and industrial activity. governments have R C Bhargava in manufacturing. with workers and other stakeholders.
about four decades, remains the market expanding many of Mr Bhargava’s pet Politicians and bureaucrats must followed a half- Publisher: The United This would be an extremely difficult idea
leader. That book ( The Maruti Story: ideas on how to make manufacturing understand the nuances of competitive hearted approach HarperCollins Progressive to implement in India of today, which
How A Public Sector Company Put India succeed in India. There are, of course, manufacturing that could create a wealth to the need for Alliance has moved towards ostentatious
Price: ~599
On Wheels ) was rich with information no surprises in the requirements he effect for the people. They must become allowing the government did consumption. But for Mr Bhargava the
and perspective on how Maruti Suzuki outlines. The list includes rudimentary facilitators of private-sector industrial ownership of public come out with a prescription for a better future is rapid,
revolutionised India’s automobile recommendations including the need growth, instead of being controllers — a sector enterprises to be passed on to manufacturing policy but beyond competitive industrialisation,
market. Read along with V for strengthening the legal framework, mindset that creates a climate of distrust. private hands to achieve greater making the right noises in 2011, it did not generation of jobs for the youth and the
Krishnamurthy’s At The Helm: A Memoir underlining the importance of long- Unfortunately, Mr Bhargava notes, this is competitiveness, efficiency and wealth follow this through. The Narendra Modi creation of a just and equitable society.
and Jagdish Khattar’s Driven: Memoirs term thinking, working as a team, a mistake that has neither been fully creation. He finds the idea of reforming government, therefore, has an That may well appear utopian at present.
Of A Civil Servant Turned Entrepreneur, focusing on implementation and recognised nor corrected. a public sector undertaking and making opportunity to correct those mistakes by But that is a dream that Mr Bhargava
Mr Bhargava’s memoir completed a 360- ensuring cleanliness and discipline in It is remarkable that the writer, who it competitive and a wealth-creator focusing on policies that enhance wants India to realise.

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