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TOTAL MARKS: 80 TIME: 2.35 hours
Note: Sections ‘B’ and ‘C’ comprise pages 1-2 and questions therein are to be answered on the separately
provided Answer Book. Use supplementary answer sheet. Write your answers neatly and legibly.
SECTION – B (Marks 40)
Q.2 Answer all questions in about 40 to 50 words each in the light of textbook. (4 × 7 = 28)
i. What lesson do you learn from this simple story?
ii. What is the young seagull afraid of?
iii. In what ways does Joel play the role of an adult?
Why does an alteration in one part of the ecosystem impact other parts of the ecosystem?
iv. What skills must a farmer have to run a farm like the Hollands’?
v. In what way did Mr. Welldon take a broad minded view of Churchill’s Latin?
vi. Why did not Churchill feel himself at any disadvantage as compared to those who learnt Latin and
How does Joel feel about getting out of bed at 11:15 p.m. to feed the lamb? How can you tell?
vii. Why did man start corrupting the environment? What were the reasons?
Q.3 A. Read the following stanza and answer the questions given at the end: (2×3=6)
Each fall the children must endure together
What every child also endures alone:
Learning the alphabet, the integers,
Three dozen bits and pieces of a stuff
So arbitrary, so peremptory,
That worlds invisible and visible.
i. How must children endure?
ii. What do the children learn? Is it easy?
iii. Write two words that rhyme with ‘endure’.
B. Write the theme of the poem “Tears of Nature” in about 50 to 65 words. (6)
SECTION – C (Marks 40)
NOTE: Attempt all questions.
Q.4 Answer any ONE of the following questions in about 60 to 75 words from the play “Damon And Pythias”. (6)
i. What is the theme or central idea of the play?
ii. Which character in the play is the most impressive? Give reasons.
Q.5 A. Use any five of the following phrasal verbs in sentences: (5)
i. Come off ii. Call off iii. Fall out iv. Do away with
v. Look up vi. Bring out vii. Agree to
B. Use the correct form of the verbs in the parenthesis in any five of the following sentences: (5)
i. She (study) now. v. She told me that she (be) happy.
ii. Falsehood never (succeed). vi. He (return) home just now.
iii. Now she (be) my friend while you are not. vii. It was long since I (see) her last.
iv. Yesterday the hall (decorate).
C. Punctuate the following lines/paragraph: (4)
he was floating on it and around him his family was screaming praising him and their beaks were offering him
scraps of dogfish.
Q.6 Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the increasing robbery incidents in your locality asking him to
convey your message to the authorities. (8)
Q.7 Write a paragraph on “Good Manners”. (6)
Translate the following passage into English:

Q.8 Write a dialogue between two friends about clean and green Pakistan. (6)
Write your CV for the job of a Bank Cashier. The post is advertised in a newspaper.

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