LinuxCommands - OS Lab

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Linux Commands

mkdir -  This command allows the user to create directories,This command can create multiple
directories at once as well as set the permissions for the directories
ls - This command lists directory contents of files and directories

pwd - This command shows the current working directory.

cd - This command is used to change the directory.

rmdir - This command is used to remove the empty directory.

date - This command shows the date and time.

history - This command shows the list of previous executed commands

who am I - This command shows who is logged on to the terminal.

W - This command provides a quick summary of every user logged into a computer, what each
user is currently doing, and what load all the activity is imposing on the computer itself.

who - This command displays a list of users who are currently logged into the computer. The
who command is related to the command w.

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