During The Last Decades Technology

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Technology Ruins

During the last decades, technology has done nothing but advance, and people, especially
teenagers, have become very accustomed to using it in their everyday lives. Gadgets such as computers,
laptops, tablets, and cell phones have all been created over time to make our lives easier and more

But if we think about it deeply, is technology really helping our lives easier? Just think, what
would happen if your computer, ipad, laptop or cellphone crashed today? What if someone took away
your phone or perhaps you lost it? What would be the effect in you? Those incidents make you
stressed. People nowadays are so obsessed with technology such that losing it would alter their life
negatively. We can’t deny the fact that that we are becoming so dependent with technology. This can
be proved by the fact that most of us cannot go for a minute without looking at our phones. Admit it or
not, when we talk about technology, it’s hard to resist the benefits we derive from it.

Though technology is changing quite faster, people learned to adapt every time it change.
Example are mobile phones, you bought your phone last month, next month there will be newer version
which is even faster and smarter. For some, this change is easy but how about those people who can’t
afford to buy new gadgets every time it has a newer version? Sometimes, a change in technology is not
practical in a way that it bothers us. Sometimes, when you are about to buy a new phone, you will get
confused if you will buy it today or tomorrow, for these may have a new and improved version in the
next few days. You will regret that you bought it, something like that. And it will make you feel sad
about it.

For those who work in an office, think of a day without internet connection. For some, this may
be a good time to wander around because there is no new task. At home, think of a weekend with no
television or cellphone. Actually these items have become a part of our daily lives that is indispensable
and there is no chance of lacking or losing them.

In fact there is a drastic change compared to early years where kids used to spend a lot of time
with each other or parents playing or just sharing stories. Those evening games after school is over,
watching drama or cartoons or playing with friends in the neighborhood are no longer there. Today,
more than 75% of kids or even young adults remain indoors playing computer games or with a
smartphone. Technology has taken all our time. We lost socialization. We even loose our ability to
speak and communicate because we prefer to just send a text message. Also, young people say things
over text or the internet that they would never say to a person’s face resulting to a cyber bullying.

Though technology makes life easier, technology is somewhat dumbing down society. When
sending text or chat messages, we don’t care enough if we type the right speling of a word, as long as
we can read it right and understand the message we are trying to say. We students when we do our
homework depend on computers and calculators, spelling checking, grammar checking for convenience.
When we let technology do our work, we become more and more dependent and eventually cannot
handle life without it.  We lose thinking skills and creativity skills. Isn’t that bothers you? Since people
are letting technology dominate, they are losing skills that are necessary to be good leader.  This is
especially bad that teenagers are so dependent because they are the leaders of tomorrow.

Let’s admit, technology has created amazing tools and resources that make our life easier,
faster, better … and more fun. But please don’t forget the real value of life. Don’t let technology control
our lives. Sometimes, we still need to do things like before when technology was only an idea.
Communication and socialization are still necessary to build a better nation.

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