HP-80 MRI Infusion Workstation Brochure Med Captain

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HP-80 MRI & MS-100

Infusion Workstation Introduction



www.medcaptain.com To be captain in the medical device industry

Charlie Tang M.Sc
Deputy Manager of International Marketing Dept.

• Medication Delivery Section

• Management of International Marketing Dept.

© Medcaptain 2019 All rights reserved.

• Infusion in MRI introduction

• HP-80 MRI introduction

• Remote control infusion

• MS-100 introduction

© Medcaptain 2020 All rights reserved.

Infusion in MRI environment
Basics: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner (MRI)

1. Definition
⚫ MRI machines use a powerful magnetic field to produce internal images
of the human body. The magnetic fields are so powerful that hospitals
take great care to ensure no iron-containing metals come near the
machines while they are in use.
⚫ Ferromagnetic items CANNOT be brought into the MR environment: iron,
nickel, cobalt, BB’s, bullets

2. Indication 3. General characteristics:

I. Detect and diagnose heart disease, cerebrovascular ⚫ High Magnet: 30,000 times stronger
accident and vascular disease ⚫ High Utilization: 25 scans/day
II. Detection and diagnosis of organ diseases of thoracic ⚫ High Cost: 140-1200€/scan
cavity and abdominal cavity
III. Diagnose and evaluate and track tumor status and ⚫ Stay inside: 30-45 minutes.
functional disorders ⚫ Imaging time: 20s to 25mins.
IV. Diagnosis of sports-related injuries
V. Detection and diagnosis of reproductive system, beast,
pelvic and bladder disease

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Compatibility Level in MRI environment

MR safe use
Can be used in MR environment without restrictions (no metal

Available in MR environment
Use under restricted conditions, such as maximum magnetic
field strength

MR is not safe
Not suitable for use in MR environment

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Infusion in MRI Environment

Intra operative MRI Room

Case 1: iMRI Case 2: Critical ill patients Case 3: Pediatric

Neurosurgery: • Sedation: Medazolam • Sedation: Propofol

• Brain tumor, Dystonia, Epilepsy, Essential tremor, • Medication: Neuromuscular
Glioma, Neuropsychiatric disorders, Parkinson's
blocking agent
disease, Pediatric brain tumors, Pituitary tumors

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What will happen if we put a standard infusion pump in the
MRI room during examination?

Potential problem 1 – Pump damage

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What will happen if we put an infusion pump in the MRI
room during examination?

Potential problem 2 – Blurry images

Normal Blurry images

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What will happen if we put an infusion pump in the MRI
room during examination?

Potential problem 3 – Danger for patients and staffs caused by accelerated magnetic devices

Peopel was sandwiched Medical device was sucked

Risks of using normal pumps in MRI room

Infusion failure Image failure MRI failure

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HP-80 MRI Infusion WorkStation
Unlimited care in critical moments
HP-80 MRI Infusion Workstation
Unlimited care in critical moments

Flexibility Safety Innovation

HP-80 MRI WorkStation

▪ HP-80 MRI protects the HP pumps against the very

strong permanent magnetic field
▪ HP-80 MRI protects the imaging process against
disturbances caused by the electrical equipment (here
infusion pumps)

Compatibility Level in MRI environment


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AC/Battery Alarm indicator


Tube clamps

Infusion pop-up knob Transparent Windows

Door handle
Stock temporary


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Free combination

• Multiple syringe, mutiple infusion, syringe/infusion pumps based

on clinical requirement
• Max. 4 pumps

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Compatibility with HP PRO series HP-60 PRO


• Support HP-80 station’s function


• Save on money

HP-30 Neo

© Medcaptain 2020 All rights reserved. WorkStation

Continuous infusion

• Reduction in Time Critical Patients

• Reduce risks

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MR Safety
➢ Robust, solid shield avoids artefacts on MRI image, that has
been tested in:
• Siemens 1.5T
• GE 3.0T
• Philips 3.0T
• United Imaging 3.0T
• ……


Without HP-80 MRI Control group With HP-80 MRI

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MR Safety
The MagArmor Detector
• Enables people to position the HP-80 MRI safely and easily.

• Continually Monitoring of Magnetic Flux Density and report an alarm.

• Built-in battery, 15 days duration

Safety position: 20mT range

Conditionally MR safe

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MRI Safety
➢ Advanced design 336mT, no adsorption

• Shielded aluminum housing, no adsorption risk

• IP33, available for each extreme environment

Vs IP22 (other brands)

High ingress protection level

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• MRCIS: Magnetic Resonance Compatible Infusion System based on Faraday cage
• A patente unique in chinese manufacure

• Invention: 201810793418.0 a MRI compatible infusion
system based on Faraday cage real trial
• Stage utility model: 201821137215.8 a MRI compatible
infusion system based on Faraday cage has been

© Medcaptain 2020 All rights reserved.

CE mark ready time: Early July

© Medcaptain 2020 All rights reserved.

MS-100 Infusion Workstation
Background Info
Clinical Relevance
Operating infusion pumps in situations where due to isotopes, space or
infectious risks access to patient is limited

▪ Difficult situation in ICU / OR

− Limited space
− Pumps not easily accessible to operator

▪ Radiology
− in some instances, anaesthesiologists
need to stay in the radiation environment
all the time

▪ MRI examination
− continuous infusion needed
− extra bolus needed

▪ Isolation ward/rooms
− as seen during COVID-19 pandemic
− needed for protection of patient and/or
− infusion operation becomes a risk
The Big Question
If the user is not able to stay close to the pumps.
Can the infusion system be managed from a distance?

How can we
Bridge the Distance & Barriers ?

Infusion Work Station
Bridging the Distance
A Medcaptain Product
▪ Novel, first of its kind in the world!

▪ Invented by Prof.Dr. Struys, Dept. head

anaesthesiology, UMC, Groningen, The Netherlands,
and named in his honour (Michel Struys’s > MS-100).

▪ Researched & Built by Medcaptain

▪ Offers an extra interface to monitor/control the HP

series infusion system

▪ Provides wider application possibilities

▪ Maximum 12 channels compatible

▪ CE marked ! DoC available

MS-100 & HP-80

▪ No HDMI for MS-100 SCU
▪ No RJ45 for MS-100 SCU, instead, it’s been replaced to a special data port.
MS-100 Clinical Application

Intensive Care Unit

Isolation Room

MRI examination
MS-100 Interface

Simple, Efficient, Friendly Versatile, Functional

Special Features
MS-100 with Trolley and Table Stand
Noted advantages / Sales Pitch
▪ Remote operation system for the HP-series of infusion & syringe pumps
▪ Novel: the first and only such system in the world
− remotely operate pumps from distance via a touch screen operated computer
− only one in the world with a CE mark to use in critically ill patients (severe respiratory,
cardiovascular or neurological derangement)

▪ Medcapatain has made a huge technological leap with the Prof. dr. Michel Struys,
department head of the department of the University Medical Center Groningen, The
Netherlands. see also https://www.umcg.nl/EN/Research/InstitutesProgrammes/vapor-

▪ Remote operation of pumps that remain close to the patient in undesirable situations
bridges the distance between patient and operator.
▪ With ongoing COVID pandemic, this new technology allow nurses to operate infusion
pumps from outside the room:
− change of protective gear not required as often
− saves time & resources
− reduce infection risks

▪ Other difficult and high risk situations, such as procedures in proton bunkers, radiology, or
even crowded OR’s would greatly benefit from such this novel system


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