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The story of the moth affect Rizal's life by means of he values and love his mother even before

his death.
Rizal is close to his mother, Teodora Alonso Realonda.  

The moth story is about a young and mother moth who are both flying near a candle lamp. The mother
moth advised her child not to fly too close to the lamp as it would burn his wings. The young moth did
not listen, causing his wings to caught on fire and he was burned.

Rizal's mother influenced him in his life. She was his inspiration and he valued everything she had taught
him in life. He obey her lessons by being obedient and remembering her life's lessons.

Study of Poet: Don Marquis


What is the author’s

message?: The author wants the reader to learn that you must always live for
something that makes you happy. If this means that you must work hard for it and fight
for it, it is worth it. Living life easily and not working for anything, and not working to live
for something and living to make yourself happy then, your pretty much wasting your

 Born in Walnut, Illinois on July, 29 1878

 Died December 29, 1927
 He was an author, journalist, and humorist
 The author of 35 books
 He also co-wrote plays
 Experienced a lot of death including 2 wives, 2 kids, his only sibling and mother
and father in his life.

Clean Copy

Literary Device #2

Type: Hyperbole

Where: Mid poem- so we wad all our life up into one little roll
Why: This is a hyperbole because the moth is only rolling himself up into a little roll. He
is exaggerating when he says that he is rolling his entire life up.

From reading this poem, my eyes have been opened to a couple of things. First of all
humans do take the easy way out of things most of the time. We want to be happy and
live a long time but are not willing to work for anything that makes us happy because
that is 'hard work'. We have become so lazy in today's world. How do we expect to get
what we want if we aren't willing to work for it? We stay walking in sad lonely circles
because we are not willing to get up and fight for what makes us happy. Other species
are willing to end their lives to make themselves happy but we can't even stand up from
watching t.v. if it pleases us. I also learned that I sometimes do this. I am also guilty of
not willing to be able to make myself happy because it is 'too much work'. To much
effort. I don't have the time to do that. I usually have some excuse to not do something
that may make my day if it's a lot of work. I wish humans were not this way. I wish we all
had the determination of this moth. This poem has shown me so many new things that
I've never seen before. I am thankful I got to read and analyze this poem.

The Lesson of the Moth :Don Marquis

By: Mahayla Griggs

Annotated Copy

Literary Device #1

Type: Personification

Where: The entire poem

Why: This is personification because you can not actually speak with a moth. They can't
speak English there for saying the moth can speak is personification.


The main 2 moods that this poem made me feel were assured and disappointed. I felt
assured because I know that most of the time I am always trying to get through life
smiling and living for something. I also felt a little bit of disappointment though because I
know that I am not willing to die for what I am trying to live for most of time. I sometimes
struggle to not just walk around the hard situations instead of going through them and
making the most of it.

Authors Purpose & Message:

The author wrote this poem to convince the reader that it is better to live a life for
something that makes you happy even if it is short rather than to live a long life for no
reason.The author wants you to get the message that you should be living for
something. Live for happiness or for love but if you are just on earth trying to take the
easy way around things not working for anything that you love than you are living for
nothing. In a sense, your a waste of space.

Steps and Strategies

 Read the title

 Read author and think what I know about him
 Read poem all the way through
 Think about it's possible meanings
 Annotate and make sense of each line one by one
 Analyze theme and the deep over all meaning of the poem

How did this benefit me?

By following these steps I understood my poem better. By taking the poem line by line I
was able to analyze it and find it's deepest meaning.

Main Idea & Audience:

The poem is about a moth talking to a man about how he would rather live for a short
time and for a beautiful thing than to live for nothing for a long time. The authors
targeted audience was people of all ages who are taking the easy way throughout life
and not trying to live for something. Not living to make something of themselves and
others. And for people who feel like they are worthless, to give them motivation.

The authors attitude through most of the poem is optimistic. The moth is looking on the
bright side of killing himself. The moth is happy to do so because he knows that he is
doing it for a good reason and the reason makes him happy. In other parts of the story
the man talking to the moth has a tone of confusion. He does not understand why the
moth would want to go through all of this trouble just to make himself happy.
This poem is not just about a moth frying himself. It's much deeper than that.
This poem in a symbolic way tells the reader of the different philosophies of
life some animals including humans have. You could live a short live to the
fullest and be happy. Or you could live life safe and have live longer.

The title of this poem by Don Marquis is "The Lesson of the Moth"
because it is a poem about the thoughts of a moth. The word "lesson"
is used here because the moth seems to have a better outlook on life
than the man in the poem and the moth is teaching him how to live.
The structure of the poem enhances it by separating the poem into
sections where new thoughts start. I think that Marquis wanted to get
several points across in his poem and separated the poem into
sections according to those points. One of the major symbols in the
poem is the flame in which the moth is willing to die. It represents the
crazy things that certain people do even if they will cost them their
lives. The man in this story represents all the people who live their
lives very carefully to ensure a long one. The moth symbolizes all the
people who don't. Both the views of the man and the moth are trying
to accomplish the same thing; a better life. The man wishes to live his
life with half of the happiness and live twice as long, while the moth
would rather live its life to the fullest even if it means it will be cut
short. This Poem and Into Thin Air are related in their symbols. The
flame in this poem mirrors Mount Everest, and the moth mirrors John
Krakauer and the other climbers. They risked their lives every second
they were up on the mountain, knowing full well how dangerous it was,
just to be able to get to the top and say that they had accomplished
something. They were willing to risk it all to be part of the "beauty",
just like the moth. From the two texts, I've concluded that there are
two types of people, those willing to take extreme risks, and those who
just aren't. Some people, like the climbers and the moth, are willing to
take risks for the things that they really desire. Other people, like the
people who called mountain climbing crazy and the man in the poem,
feel that life is already too short and want to live very long even if th
Moral lesson of the both stories tells us to always listen to our parents because believe it or not,
our parents know best. And our parents really want their child to be safe and away from any
danger. And we also need to be balanced in everything that we do, in order for us just to stay in
our lines and to avoid any trouble.

One of the major symbols in the poem is the flame in which the moth is willing to die for. It
implies that there are things that certain people are willing to do even if it may cost them their
lives. The cockroach in the poem represents all the people who live their lives very carefully to
ensure a long one. The moth symbolizes all the people who don't.

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