Democratic Politics 1 Class X Assignment (2020-21)

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Name I.

Saheli Sarkar 080470
Assignment -1 (POLITICAL SCIENCE Topic- Power Sharing)

1.If the above picture is interpreted in the context of power sharing in Belgium, we can say

(a)In Belgium power was shared equally and thus avoided major conflict →√

( b)The Dutch speaking people got more power as they were a majority

(c)The French speaking people dominated the Dutch in the capital only

(d)There is proportionate representation in order to maintain power balance

2.The above cartoon suggests-

(a)The child is scared of the lion

(b)The Ministers are trying to balance their policies

(c)Less accommodation for the minority Tamils

(d)The Sinhalese Government adopted many majoritarian policies, giving priority to Sinhala
language being one of them →√
3.Define the following : -


Answer: A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same ethnic group,
believe in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of culture or both.
They need not always have the same religion or nationality.


Answer: It means a belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in
whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority, e.g., Sri Lanka
opted for majoritarianism in which majority Sinhalas rule the country.

c)Civil War

Answer: It means a violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that becomes so
intense that it appears like a war.


Answer: Based on prudence, or on careful calculation of gains and losses. Prudential decisions
are usually contrasted with the decisions based purely on moral considerations.

4.What is coalition government ?

Answer: Coalition government is a government formed when no single party secures absolute

majority in the Lok Sabha. In such a situation, two or more parties come together and form
a government.

5. ( Fill in the blank)

Answer: Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union.

6.What were the consequences of power sharing in Belgium and Srilanka ?( Answer in 2

Answer: Belgium accommodated the interests of its two main ethnic groups i.e., Dutch and
French by formulating a power-sharing arrangement that gave both an equal opportunity in the
working of the government. Sri Lanka, on the other hand, took a different stand with respect to
power sharing and the government in Sri Lanka was completely dominated by the majority
Sinhala-speaking population, thereby ignoring the Tamil people.

7.Citing the example of Belgium explain how power can be shared among different social
groups.(Answer should not exceed 5 sentences)

Answer: Belgium accommodated the interests of its two main ethnic groups i.e., Dutch and
French by formulating a power-sharing arrangement that gave both an equal opportunity in the
working of the government. The Belgians realized that the only way of securing the country’s
political stability and unity was by giving both the communities an equal representation in the
government. In this manner, feelings of resentment towards the other community were not
allowed to flourish in Belgium. The power-sharing arrangement in Belgium, although complex,
has been running smoothly over the years.

8.' Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of the political order.'------Jusify.( in
one complete sentence)

Answer: Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of the political order because it
helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.

9.By 1980's several political organizations were formed demanding an independent Tamil
Eelam( state) was formed in northern and eastern parts of India. ( State whether the
statement is True / False)

Answer: False

10.How many times was the constitution of Belgium amended between 1970 and 1993?
( Answer in a complete sentence)

Answer: Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four times so as to work out
an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same country.


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