Bacteria.: Microbiology

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Skin and soft tissue ,

musculoskeletal infection,
Catalase +,Coagulase +
respiratory inftn.,bacteremia,
Staphylococcus. ,non motile ,non sporing
UTI,toxic shock syndrome, food
,arranged in cluster.
poisining ,scalded skin
syndrome,necrotizing pneumonia.

Group Astreptoccocus produce both

supperative and non supperative
catalase -,gram + cocci, infection, scarlet fever, skin and soft
arranged in pairs or chains tissue inftn.,bactermia leading to
toxic shok syndrom ,osteomylytis,
meningitis. NON SUPPERATIVE:-
acute rheumatic fever, acute

capsulated gram- diploccoci

Meningococcus with lens shaped.
meningytis, meningococcemeia.

noncapsulated,kidney in both sexes: anorectal ,pharyngeal

shaped,ferment only ,ocular gonorrhea.
glucose, habitat- In male: urethritis. In
genital tract. female: cervicitis, vulvovaginitis

gram - bacilli, aerobes,

UTI, diarrhea, abdominal infection,
fermentglucose, reduce
E.coli pneumonia, meningitits,
nitrate to nitrite. Habitat:
gut of humans.

causetative agent of enteric fever, chills, headache,

Salmonella thyphoid fever. It is cough, myalgia, rashes, iintestinal
antigenically complex. and neurologic manifestation.

initial phase: watery diarrhea with

fever, malaise, anorexia, vomiting .
Phase of dysentry:bloody
is agent of bacillary
mucopurulent stools.
Shigella dysentry,non motile, non
Phase of complication: intestinal,
metabolic, ekiri syndrome.
Post infectious phase: arthritis,
ocular, urethritis.

Curved gram- bacilli ,

Actively motile(single polar
It is toxic mediated (both pf
flagellum) , fermentive ,
Vibrio Choleral V.cholerae O1 & O139 capable of
Stongly aerobic , oxidase
producing cholerae toxin).
+,non sporing & non-

Curved gram- rof that Acute gastritis , peptic ulcer ,

colonize stomach & is chronic atrophic gastritis ,
Helicobacter pylori associated with peptic ulcer autoimmune gastritis , pernicious
disease & gastric anemia , adenocarcinoma of
carcinoula. stomach , non-hodhkin's gastric
Cub shaped , irrehulsry
dtsined gram+ pleomorphic
Respiratory diphtheria , cutaneous
rod thst dhows 2 features:-
Corynebacteria diphtheria , systemic complication:-
clinical letter or cuneiform (V
Polyneuropathy and myocardititis.
or L - Shaped)
,Metachromatic granuls.
very small , highly It causes whooping cough in
fastidious, gram- children , characterised by
Bordetella pertussis coccobacillus , non- paroxymal cough ending in high-
fermenter , belong to family pitched inspiratory sound described
Alcaligenacea. as WHOOP.
very small , highly
fastidious, gram-
Bordetella It cause milder form of whooping
coccobacillus , non-
Parapertussis cough.
fermenter , belong to family

Tuberculosis is clissified as
pulmonary and extrapulmonary
Non-motile , non-sporing ,
forms.PTB:-primary or secondary
non-capsulated , weakly
Mycobacterium type , EPTB:-tuberculous
gram+ , straight or slightly
tuberculosis lymphadenitis , pleural TB , TB of
curved ros-shaped bacteria
upper airway , genitourinary TB ,
, which obligate aerobes.
skeletal TB , CNS TB , pericarditis
TB , TB skin lesion.

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leprosy is chronic granulomatous

disease of humans,causing bony
deformities. Leprosy is classified into
scheme :lepromatous and
mycobacterium is causative agent of
Lepromatous leprosy:is seen when
leprae leprosy.
host resistance is low .it involve
multibacillary disease, skin
lession,nerve lession
tuburoculoid leprosy: it is seen when
host show high degree resistance .

capsulated , non-motile ,
Sudden onset of excruciating pain at
gram+ bacillus , it bears sub-
the effected site , Rapid
Clostridium terminal bulging spores but
development of a foul-smelling thin
Perfringes doesn't produce spores ,
serosan-guineous discharge , Gas
causetic agent of gas
bubbles in the muscle planes.

an obligate anaerobic, gram

+ bacillus with terminal
skeletal muscle spasm and ANS
Clostridium tetani round spore (drum stick
appearance) , is causative
agent of tetanu.

Is anaerobic gram + bacillus

with subterminal spores , is
food poisoning, wound infection to
Clostridium botilinum saprophyte in soil , animal,
infant botulism.
vegetable and sea mud , is
causative agent of botulism.

small non motile gram -

cocobacilli that posses
common characteristics:
they are categorised into 2 groups
are obligate intercellular
Rickettsiae based on clinical manifestation :
organism , not cultivated on
typhus grp, spotted fever grp.
artificial media , transmitted
by arthropod vector such
as ticks , mite , flea or louse

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caused by r.prowazekii,its
vectoris body louse.
Mode of transmission : is acute febrile disease
autoinoculation of organism accompanied by headache, myalgia,
following rubbing of abraded eye discharge and rashes.
skin, By
inhalation of louse feces.

are smallest(150-
350nm)microbe capable of
upper respiratory tract
free living in environment
infection,pneumonia,also include
and self replicating on
mycoplasma neurologic, dermatologic, cardiac,
artificial culture media.
rheumatologic, hematologic
causative agent of atypical
Forms diffuse vacuolated
Psittacosis (Atypical pneumonia) ,
inclusions without glycogen
Transmission-inhalation route-per
matrix , resistant to
Chlamydia birds(parrots0 and poultry(Turkeys
sulfonamide , natural
and ducks) , no man-to-man
pathogen of birds , leaves
the host cell by lysis.
thin , flexible , elongated
spirally coiled helical bacilli ,
classified into 2 classes:
spirochaetaceae and
leptospiracae .Cell wAll
consist of outer membrane,
periplasmic space
containing flagella ,
peptidoglycan layer , inner
cytoplasmic membrane.

1) primary syphillis - primary

chancre , lymphoendopathy
2) secondary syphilis - skin
rashes , condylomata , mucous
slender spirochetes with
fine spirals having pointed patches .
ends . Treponema pallidum 3) latent syphilis - characterised
Treponema pallidium is causative agent of an by absence of clinician
sexually transmitted manifestation of syphilis with
disease syphilis . It’s having positive serological tests for
pale staining property .
4) tertiary syphilis - gummatous
lesions , neurosyphilis ,
cardiovascular syphilis .
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Have size of 6-12 micro
meter length which allows
them to pass through filters
used to steralize . Are fine Mild febrile illness, weil’s disease(
and thin, regularly coiled, hepato - renal hemorrhagic
with hooked ends , are syndrome) .
observed by dark ground or
phase contrast microscope
caused by 3 occur through 4 stages
genomospecues of * early localized infection (
Lyme disease or borrelia , collective erythema migrans)
lyme borreliosis reffered as borrelia * early disseminated infection
burgdorferi . Is * lyme arthritis
transmitted by tick bite .  * post lyme syndrome.

ecurrent episode of fever

and non specific symptoms
following exposure to insect
vector carrying borrelia Recurrent febrile episode, non
species . It is of 2 types : specific symptoms ( abdominal
EPIDEMIC RF- is caused
Relapsing fever pain, vomiting , diarrhoea) ,
by B. Recurrentis and
transmitted by louse . hemorrhage , neurologic
ENDEMIC RF -caused by features .
B. duttoni , B. Hermsii and
B. Turicatae and is
transmitted by ticks .
Human plague occur in 3 forms -
1) bubonic - most common,
transmitted by bite of infected rat
flea .regional ( mainly inguinal )
Is the agent of plague , a
lymph node appears tense ,
systemic zoonosis ,
tender swellings .
transmitted from rodents
2) pneumonic plague - result
by arthropod vector ( rat
from inhalation of bacilli in
Yersinia pestis flea) , is gram - oval
droplets expelled from another
coccobacillus , shows
person . Characterised by fever,
bipolar staining,
headache and respiratory
pleomorphism , non
motile and capsulated .
3) septicaemia plague - massive
involvement of blood vessels
result in hemorrhages in skin
and mucosa.

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Is causative agent of Ulceroglandular tularemia ,

tularemia , primarily a pulmonary tularemia, oro
plague like disease of pharyngeal , oculo glandular
rodents and other tularemia, typhoid like disease,
animals.  agent of bio terrorism.

Is an obligate aerobic,
fastidious, nonsporing ,
non motile, non
Classic triad ( fever with night
capsulated, small gram -
sweats , arthralgia , arthritis,
coccobacillus ,
hepatosplenomegaly) , typhoid
Brucella  responsible for highly
like illness, undulating fever,
contagious febrile illness
musculoskeletal symptoms,
called brucellosis. Has 2
genitourinary infection etc .
types of
lipopolysaccharides (
antigen M and A ) . 
1) cutaneous anthrax- also
called Hide porter’s disease.
Enter through abraded skin,
characterised by malignant
Is causative agent of
pustules. Rarely cause bio
zoonotic disease called
anthrax . They are gram
2) pulmonary anthrax- also
+ , large rectangular rod
called wool sorter’s disease.
arranged in chains , non
Bacillus anthracis  Occur by inhalation of spores ,
motile and capsulated ,
characterised by hemorrhagic
non bulging oval spores .
pneumonia and is most common
Has 2 virulence factors
form to cause bio terrorism.
( anthrax toxin and
3) intestinal anthrax- occurs due
capsule ) . 
to ingestion of spores
contaminated with meat , is
highly fatal and manifested as
bloody diarrhoea.

Mucormycosis. occur via inhaltion of rhinocerebral; pulmonary;

(causative agent of
spores, they require iron cutaneous; gastrointestinal;brain
ocupational and
as growthfactors. diseminated mucormycosis.
domestic mycoses)

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aspergillosis is invasive and pulmonary

allergic disease .they grow
(causative agent of ,cardiac,cerebral,ocular,cutaneo
on decaying plants, occur
ocupational and us aspergillosis,invasive
by inhalation of airborne
domestic mycoses) sinusitis.

are usually found in

environment ,isolated as
common laboratory
contaminants, rarely systemic infection(fever,weight
(causative agent of
associated with human loss,dyspenea,hepatosplenomegaly)
ocupational and
disease. P.marneffei is , skin lesions.
domestic mycoses)
thermally dimorphic fungus
that causes infection in HIV
infected patient.

is a yeast like fungus that

mucosal, cutaneous,
Candida pseudohyphae,candidiasis
(OPPORTUNISTIC is most common disease of
FUNGI) human affecting skin,
mucosa and internal

is the most common infection is acquired by direct

superficial mycoses contact with soil, animals,or
(tenia or ringworm)
affecting skin ,hair,and nail. humans,include skin, nails,hair shaft.

is systemic granulomatous
histoplasmosis ranges from
disease caused by
asymptomatic infection to life
Histoplasmosis dimorphic fungus,
threatening illness seen in people
(systemic/deep histoplasma capsulatum., is
with low include: pulmonary,
mycosis) also called darling's
mucocutaneous , disseminated
disease, is transmitted by
inhalation of spores.

is caused by dimorphic
fungus blastomyces
dermatitidis,is transmitted
by inhlation of conidia ,the
acute pulmonary blastomycosis,
Blastomycosis/chica spores enter alveolar
go disease. macrophase which
converted into yeast phase
, which expresses a 120-
kDa glycoprotein called
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is a unicellular protozoan
The clinical symptoms of
parasite of humans, and
falciparum malaria are produced
the deadliest species of
by the rupture of schizont and
Plasmodium that causes
destruction of erythrocytes. Most
malaria in humans. The
of the patients experience fever ,
Plasmodium parasite is transmitted
chills , headaches, and
falciparum through the bite of a
sweating. Dizziness, malaise,
female Anopheles
muscle pain, abdominal pain,
mosquito and causes the
nausea, vomiting, mild diarrhea,
disease's most
and dry cough are also
dangerous form,
generally associated.
falciparum malaria.
E. histolytica–induced tissue
is an anaerobic parasitic
PAthogenic amoeba damage by three main events:
amoebozoan, part of the
/Entamoeba direct host cell death,
genus Entamoeba,
histolytica inflammation, and parasite
causing amoebiasis.
s a species of It is a human blood parasite
intracellular parasites responsible for visceral
belonging to the genus leishmaniasis or kala-azar, the
Leishmania Leishmania, a group of most severe form of
donovani haemoflagellate leishmaniasis. It infects the
kinetoplastids that cause mononuclear phagocyte system
the disease including spleen, liver and bone
leishmaniasis. marrow.
infectious disease
toxoplasmosis.Toxoplasmosis is
an obligate intracellular
usually spread by eating poorly
parasitic one-celled
Toxoplasma gondii cooked food that contains cysts,
eukaryote (specifically an
exposure to infected cat feces, and
from an infected mother to her baby
during pregnancy.

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the fatal human diseases sleeping

sickness, caused by Trypanosoma
brucei, and Chagas disease, caused
by Trypanosoma cruzi.
In humans T. brucei causes African
trypanosomiasis, or sleeping
sickness. In animals it causes
a genus of kinetoplastids a
animal trypanosomiasis, also called
monophyletic group of
Trypanosoma nagana in cattle and horses.
unicellular parasitic flagellate
Chagas disease undergoes two
phases, which are the acute and the
chronic phase. Symptoms of the
acute phase include swelling, fever,
fatigue, and diarrhea. The chronic
phase causes digestive problems,
constipation, heart failure, and pain
in the abdomen.

an anaerobic, flagellated Trichomoniasis, a sexually

protozoan parasite and the transmitted infection of the urogenital
causative agent of tract, is a common cause of vaginitis
Trichomonas trichomoniasis. It is the in women, while men with this
Vaginalis most common pathogenic infection can display symptoms of
protozoan infection of urethritis. 'Frothy', greenish vaginal
humans in industrialized discharge with a 'musty' malodorous
countries. smell is characteristic.

a genus of ciliates. It The most common ones are

contains the parasitic intermittent diarrhea and constipation
Balantidium species Balantidium coli, the or inflammation of the colon
only known cause of combined with abdominal cramps
balantidiasis. and bloody stools.

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the diarrheal illness known as

giardiasis. Giardia (also known as
Giardia intestinalis, Giardia lamblia,
or Giardia duodenalis) is found on
surfaces or in soil, food, or water
that has been contaminated with
feces (poop) from infected humans
or animals.Giardiasis, popularly
Giardia a microscopic parasite
known as beaver fever, is a
parasitic disease caused by Giardia
duodenalis (also known as G.
lamblia and G. intestinalis).About
10% of those infected have no
symptoms.When symptoms occur
they may include diarrhea,
abdominal pain, and weight loss.

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