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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7088 (1973): Recommended Practice for Anodizing

Aluminium and its Alloys [MTD 24: Corrosion Protection]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

Is: 7088-1973
(ReMiumed NM )
( Reaffirmed 2006 )
Indian Standard ( Reaffirmed 1999)


(Thid Reprint FEBRUARY 19!74)

UDC 669.71 .891..5

@ Copyright 1974


NEW IMiUfl 1MO02

(h- 5 May 1974


hdian Standard

Metallic Finishes Sectional Committee, SMDC 23

Chairman Represetzting
DR S. RRISHNAMURTHY Indian Telephone Industries Ltd, Bangalore

DR S. N. ANANT NARAYAN International Nickel ( India) 1% Ltd, Bombay
SHRI AHINDRA CHATTERJEE Canning Mitra I-boenix Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. V. K~LKARNI ( Alternate )
SHRI K. BALAKRIS~ANAN Central EIectrocl~en~ical Research Institute ( CSIR),
&RI S. R. NATARAIAN ( A&n&? )
SHRI 11). K. CHATTERJEE Sen-Keleigh Ltd, Asansol
LUCKNOW ( Alfemale )
SQN I,DR hf. C. CHOUDHURY Hindustan Aeronautics Ltcl, Bang&xc
SHRI S. V. K. RAO ( Alternate )
SHRI KANTIL.AL T. DALAL Kobinocr EIec:tro-Gilders, Bombay
SHRI JAYEXDRA F.. DALAL ( Al/trttnre )
SHRI I’. N. GANDHI The Indian Tube Company ( 1953 ) Ltcl, Janxhec!pur
SHRI D. D. BHUPTAXI ( Alternafc )
GENERAL MANAGER, TELECOPY. Director General, Posts and Telegraphs, Sew Delbt
SHRI M. N. KESARI Bbarat Electronics Ltd, Bangalorc
SHRI OK. GURURAJA ( Alternate)
SHRI V. KRISHNAN Directorate General, Ordnance Factories (Ministry
of Dcfence ), Calcutta
SHRI K. D. BOSE ( Al/ernate )
SNRI U. G. K. MENON Ministry of Defencc ( R &. D )
SHRI S. L. N. ACHARYUI.U ( Alternate )
SHRI G. K. MIRCHANDANI Jeewanlal ( 1929) Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI B. K. MURTHY Indian Aluminium Company Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. PANCHPAKASAN T.I. Cycles of India, Madras
SHRI DILIP PAUL Guest, Keen, Williams L.td, Calcutta
SHRI N. M. RAJU Hindustan Motors Ltd, Calcutta
( Continrredon page 2 )

@ Copyright 1974
This publication is protected under
the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 7088 - 1973

( Confinuedfrom puge 1 )
Members Rcprerenting
SHRI M. Y. BORKER (Alternate)
Ministry of Defcncc ( DC1 )
Indian S
SHRI R. K. ROICADE The Premier Automobiles Ltd, Bombay
( Alfernufe )
Arim Metals Industries Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. NANGIA (Afternute)
SHRI N. C. ROY Gcep Flashlight Industries Ltd, Allahabad
SHRIK. A. SIDDIQLR ( Alternate)
SHRX v.K. SAMUEL Trivandrum Rubber Works Ltd, Trivandrum
DR R. C. SHARMA Eveready Flashlight Company, Luckuow 0. FORE
&RI SURESH R. SHAH Grauer and Weil ( India ) Ltd, Bombay
SHRI R. A. SHAH Ronuk Industries Ltd, Bombay
KUMARI MRIDULA A. SHAH( Altemata ) 0.1 This Indian Standard was adoptec
SHRI D. S. TANDON National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ), on 22 November 1973, after the dra
Jamshcdpur Sectional Committee had been app
SHRI S. K. RAY ( Allerncrtc)
Division Council.
SHRI R. K. SRIVASTAVA, Director General, Is1 ( &-&io Mcmbcr)
Deputy Director ( Strut & Met)
0.2 Anodizing of aluminium and ii
applications. In order to obtain gooc
correct procedure is followed. This si
Deputy Director ( Met ), IS1
view to providing guidelines for th
anodic coatings of approved quality ir
Anodized Aluminium Panel, SMDC 23 : PI6 IS : 6057-1970t. Applications of al
processes are ~given in Appendix A f
Convener selection of wrought and cast aluminil
SHRIG. K. MIRCHANDANI Jeewanlal ( 1929 ) Ltd, Calcutta anodic coatings is given in Appendi:
the minimum requirements of plant 2
ing quality anodic coatings. Such :
SHRIV. K. AGRAWAL Hindustan Aluminium Corporation Ltd, Renukoot IS : 2679-1964x.
CHEMBT &. M E,T A L L u R GI s T, Ministry of Railways
PERAMBUR , 0.3 The following publications have 1
SHRIKANTILAL T. DALAL Kohinoor Electra-Gilders, Bombay of this standard:
SHRIP. N. DESAI Excel1 Process Ltd, Bombay
SHRIN. GOPALKRISHNAN Indian Aluminium Company Ltd, Calcutta Anodic oxidation of aluminium
SHRI S. K. KHASNOBIS Hindustan Motors Ltd, Hooghly
( 14 ). Aluminium Federati
SHRI P. S. MANI Dlrector General, Ordnance Factories (Ministry of
Defence ), Calcutta
SHRI R. K. ROKADE The Premier Automobiles Ltd, Bombay Proceedings at the University
DR R. C. SHARMA The Eveready Flashlight Company, Lucknow 195 I. Conference on Ant
SHRIK. M. SRINIVASAN Bharat Electronics Ltd, -Bangalore Development Association, 1
SIXRIC. D. VARQHESE Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Bangalore
DEF - 151 Anodizing of alumi

BALI ( !j I. ) Aluminium and its

Bul. Vol24, No. 3; 1972; I

*Specification for anodic coatings on alun

tSpecification for hard anodic coatings on
2 SRccommendations for equipment for elec

Indian Standard


0.1This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution

on 22 November 1973, after the draft finalized by the Metallic Finishes
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals
Division Council.

0.2 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys is widely used for various
applications. In order to obtain good anodic coating, it is necessary that
correct procedure is followed. This standard has been formulated with a
view to providing guidelines for the processes employed for obtaining
anodic coatings of approved quality in conformity with IS : 1868-1968* and
IS : 6057-1970t. Applications of anodic coatings produced by these
processes are given in Appendix A for general guidance. Guidelines for
selection of wrought and cast aluminium and its alloys for different types of
anodic coatings is given in Appendix B. This standard also recommends
the minimum requirements of plant and equipment necessary for produc-
ing quality anodic coatings. Such requirements are broadly covered by
IS : 2679-1964$.

0.3 The following publications have been consulted during the preparation
of thic standard:

An&c oxidation of aluminium and its alloys. Information Bulletin

( 14 ). Aluminium Federation, London.

Proceedings at the University of Nottingham. September 12 to 14,

1951. Conference on Anodizing Aluminium. The Aluminium
Development Association, London.

DEF - l5 1 Anodizing of aluminium and aluminium alloys.

BALI ( S L ) Aluminium and its alloys for decorative anodizing. ISI

Bd. Vo124, No. 3; 1972; P 101-7.

*Specification for anodic coatings on aluminium (Jksf reuision ).

tSpecification for hard anodic coatings on aluminium. .Y
t&commendations for equipment for electroplating.

IS : 7088 - 1973
should incorporate means for mainta
.parts and should permit adequate c
their interiors.
1.1 This standard covers details of processes generally followed for pro- 3.3 Care should be taken that parts u
ducing anodic coatings on aluminium and its alloys. The following two contact with the tank, stirrer, heating
types of processes are covered in this standard: as this may cause breakdown of the 6
‘Type 1 - Sulphuric or oxalic or chromic acid process - for decorative design should be such that the parts :
or protective purposes or both ( see IS : 186%1968” ), and
T’ypc 2 ---- Hard anodizing process - for hard anodic coatings suitable
for wear resistance and engineering applications ( set! IS : 4.1 Type 1
6057-197OT ). 4.1.l Sulphuric Acid Prwt~sr
1.2 A;mlications of anodic coatings covered in this standard are given in The electrolyte should (
Appcldix A for general guidance. ( see IS : 266--196 I* ) within the rnny
poses, a solution of sulphuric acid wi
I.3 Jntcgral colour coatings, opaque and barrier coatings are not covered
25°C at a current density of 1.5 A/dn
in this standard.
electrolvte should not exceed the ec
2. dURBACE PREPARATION litre and the dissolved aluminium sl
ponding with the sulphuric acid co
2.1 Depending on the finish desired, all parts should be treated before operational temperature of the clcctr
anodizing in accordance with the following processes:
a) Dcgreasing in inhibited alkali or non-ionic detergent or in an !j” I
organic solvent ( see IS : 3194-I 965$ ),
b) Mechanical polishing ( see IS : 3656-l 9686 ), and
c) Brightening through chemical or electrolytic processes.
2.2 For matt and satin fnishes, appropriate processes, such as fluoride etch-
ing or acid etching on appropriate aluminium alloys should be employed.
NOTS - All residues of cleaning material should be removed before anodizing.

3.1 i?or equipment generally required for anodizing, reference may be
made to IS : 2679-196411.
3.2 3ZasPension and Jigging - The work piece should be suspended by
such means that good electrical contact is maintained throughout the
treatment. Any metallic parts of a suspension device which makes con-
tact with the electrolyte should be of aluminium or titanium. 10 t.“I-
Suspension 0 200
devices with spring or screw contacts are recommended. Loosely wired
as practised in electroplatin g should not normally be used. SULPH
Rigid parts which are too small to be held in jigs may be packed in perfo- Fro. 1 MAXIMUM ALUMINI
rated canisters of aluminium or titanium for anodizing- such canisters ACID ELECTROL

*Snecification for anodic coatings on aluminium ( first revision). The electrolyte should b
tSprcification for hard anodic coatings on alum&m. oil or by mechanical means sufficieni
$&de of recommended practice for cleaning of metals prior to electroplating. ~_______... -~-_-
*Specification for sulphuric acid ( rtuisrd).
$Cwle of recommended practice for mechanical polishing of metals for electroplating.
l\Recommendations for equipment for electroplating.

ISI 7088 - 1973

should incorporate means for maintaining electrical contact between the

,parts and should permit adequate circulation of the electrolyte through
their interiors.
3.3 Care should be taken t!rat parts undergoing treatment do not corn& into
contact with the tank, stirrer, heating or cooling pipes, or cathode plates,
as this may cause breakdown of the film and damage to the parts. The jig
design should be such that the parts arc hell cquiclistant from the cathode.

4.1 Type 1
4.1 .l Sulphtuic ‘kid Pr~ccsr The electrolyte should consist of a solution of sulphuric acid

( see IS : 266.1961* ) within the range of 90 to 4W g/l. Vor general pur-
poses, a solution of sulphuric acid wlthin the range of 165flO g/l at 20 to
25°C at a current density of I.5 A/dn? is rczommcnded. Chloride in the
electrolyte should not cxcecd the equivalent of .vYJ g sodium chloride per
litre and the dissolved aluminium should not cxcccd the amount corres-
pondin:g with the sulphuric acid concentration as shown in Fig. 1. The
operatronal temperature of the clcctrolytc should not exceed 25°C.

loo* 500
ACID ELECTROLYTES ( AT 15°C ) The electrolyte should be agitated by air free from ~dust and
oil or by mechanical means sufficient to maintain a uniform temperature
~__.____... ~--~-
*Specification for sulphuric acid (rrrird).

IS : 7088 - 1973

throughout the electrolytic cell. The electrolyte should be kept clean and
free from suspended matter by decantation. ‘The anodic oxidation is pre-
ferably controlled by current density ( normally 1 to I.5 A/dm2 of anode
surface ) but may be controlled by voltage after standardizing voltage for each
alloy at the respective temperature. Where there is no constant current
density and no automatic indicator and controller, it will be a good
practice to standardize voltage with respect to current density, temperature
and concentration of the electrolyte for every different alloy once every
day using a sample panel having 10 percent area of the usual load. The relation of temperature, concentration and voltage for
99.99 percent aluminium and anodizing time and voltage for 99 percent
aluminium and some aluminium alloys is given for guidance in Fig., 2
and Fig. 3 respectively.

I- ul


I 10 20
25°C = The relation between tl

constant current density at const;
electrolyte and temperature for va
Fig. 4.
4.1.2 Oxalic Acid Process
0 10 20 30 40 SO The solution normally t
SULPHURIC ACID, WElGHT PERCENT but oxalic acid up to 10 percent has
performed at 30 to 60 V dc, 40 to i
FOR A CURRENT DENSITY OF 1.2 A/dm* IN A SULPHURIC comparable results. Temperature:
ACID TYPE ELECTROLYTEFOR ALUMINIUM( 99.99% ) densities 1 to SAIdma. The curren
voltage by standardizing suitably fo:
6 agitated vigorously in order that the
be uniform.
a 7088 - 1973

19 7







13 - ._ __ ..
0 10 20 30 LO 50


25°C = ( 165 g/l ) The relation between the film thickness and anodizing time at
constant current density at constant concentration of sulphuric acid
electrolyte and temperature for various alloys is given for guidance in
Fig. 4.
4.1.2 Oxalic Acid PTOCGSJ The solution normally used contains 3 to 4 percent oxalic acid,
but oxalic acid up to 10 percent has been commercially used. Operation is
performed at 30 to 60 V dc, 40 to 60 V ac or a combination of ac and dc.
Alloys containing silicon or manganese require slightly higher voltages for
comparable results. Temperatures are usually 15 to 35°C and current
densities 1 to SA/dm*. The current density is controlled by varying the
voltage by standardizing suitably for each alloy. The solution should be
agitated vigorously in order that the characteristic light straw colour may
be uniform.
IS : 7088 - 1973

4.1.3 Chromic Acid Process Statldard jrocess -T

containing from 25 to 100 g of ch
chromic acid should be not less tl
in the electrolyte should not
chloride per litre. Sulphate ir
equivalent of 0.50 g of sodium su
content should not be allowed to
bc regenerated by the addition
chromium in solution does not el
The operational temperature of 1
of 38 to 42=X.
Current should be so ap
increased in steps of not more th
maintained at 40 V for 20 mir
5 minutes and maintained at !
should be regarded as minima.
The cathode should be of I
in the form of plates. The an
0 20 LO 60 80 100 120 less chromic acid is consumed at
ANODISING TIME IN MINUTES 5 : 1 to 10 : 1 are generally suital
( 15 PERCENT H,SO,, l-2 A/dm2, 0 to 120 MINUTES ) conditions given in ma)
aluminium alloys containing mc The process may yield very thick films if required, but for iron combined. The following i
this purpose sulphuric acid films are normally preferred. Alternating cases:
current may be used to produce films with brass yellow to bronze The temperature of
shades, the deeper colours are obtained on the thicker films. Cathodes 1 25 to 30°C. Bath voltage
of carbon, lead, iron or stainless steel are suitable. The operation than 5 V from 0 to 40 V ir
of oxalic acid anodizing and the control of the composition of the I at 40 V for 30 minutes.
solution (in particular the avoidance of chlorides ) are similar to the
sulphuric acid. The film should be sealed as under 7. This process is
4.2 Type 2 -Hard Anodizio
more expensive both in consumption of chemicals and current than the
sulphuric acid process. 4.2.1 Any suitable electrolyte Mixture of sulphuric and oxalic acid ano_dicing grocess- These solution by volume of sulphuric
processes can be operated at high temperature of 30 to 35°C and therefore the electrolyte shall not exceed 1
require lower extent of refrigeration. Adding of oxalic acid will raise the per litre. It is necessary to mai
cost of electrolyte appreciably. the work and this is normally
NOTE- In order to operate at 30°C, 5 percent by weight of oxalic acid may be
cooled electrolyte over all surfac
added to an electrolyte containing 174 g/l of sulphuric acid. In order to operate
the cell at 35OC, 5 percent by-weight of oxalic acid may be added to an electrolyte
The electrolyte is usually II
containing 106 g/l of sulphuric acid. The voltage will have to be increased in order and +5”C. The cathodes shou
to obtain a current density of 1.5 A/dms. Care should be taken that oxalic acid is conducting material which is
thoroughly stirred until it is completely dissolved. Proper electrical contact to tl

IS : 7088- 1973

4.1.3 Chromic Acid l’roccss Statldard process - The electrolyte shall consist of a sdlution
containing from 25 to 100 g of chromic acid per litre. The purity of the
chromic acid should be riot less than 99.5 percent chromic oxide. Chloride
in the electrolyte should not exceed the equivalent of 0.20 g sodium
chloride per litre. Sulphate in the electrolyte should not exceed the
equivalent of 0.50 g ofsodium sulphate per litre. The free chromic acid
content should not be allowed to fall below 25 ~/l. The electrolyte may
bc regenerated by the addition of chromic acid provided that the total
~chromium in solution does not exceed 100 g/l calculated as chromic oxide.
.I The operational temperature of the electroiyte should be within the range
of 38 to 42°C.
Current should be so applied that the voltage across the bath is
increased in steps of not more than 5 V from 0 to 40 V in the first 10 minutes,
maintained at 40 V for 20 minutes, gradually raised to 50 V in the next
5 minutes and maintained at 50 V for 5 minutes. These time periods
should be regarded as minima.
The cathode should be of mild steel or stainless steel and should be
in the form of plates. The anode-cathode area ratio is not critical, but
-less chrotiic acid is consumed at the higher ratios. Values varying from
5 : 1 to 10 : I are generally suitable. Altematice process .for castings - The temperature and voltage
conditions given in 4.L3.1 may be unsuitable for anodizing castings of
aluminium alloys containins more than 7 percent of copper, nickel and
iron combined. The followmg alternative conditions may be used in such
The temperature of the electrolyte should be in the range
t 25 to 30°C. Bath voltage shall be increased in steps of not more
than 5 T7 from 0 to 40 V in 10 minutes and the voltage maintained
at 40 V for 30 minutes.

4.2 Type 2 -Hard Anodizing Process

4.2.1 Any suitable electrolyte may be used, for example, a 10 percent
solution by volume of sulphuric add in water. The chloride content of
the electrolyte shall not exceed the equivalent of 0.20 g of sodium chloride
per litre. It is necessary to maintain a low temperature at the surface of
the work and this is normally achieved by providing a rapid ilow of the
cooled electrolyte over all surfaces undergoing treatment.
The electrolyte is usually maintained at a temperature between -5°C
and +5”C. The cathodes should consist of lead, carbon or other suitable
conducting material which is substantially insoluble in the electrolyte.
Proper electrical contact to the cathode should be ensured to avoid

IS : 7088 - 1973
in A-l and A-2. Where castino;s
’ burning. Auxiliary cathodes may be necessary for hollow parts or one should be done after the anodizin
having deep recesses to avoid burning. NOTE - Chromic acid process is p!
electrolyte which may be retained in
4.22 The process may be operated with direct current or with a will, however, treat a somewhat wide
combination of direct and alternating currents. The current density in a contents have no marked effect on tl
typical sulphuric acid electrolyte niay vary from about 2.5 to 4.0 A/dma ing elements, notably copper, nickel
ings containing more than a total of
depending on the process employed land the alloy being treated: likewise
cent copper are unsuitable for treat!
the final voltage may vary from about 40 to 120 V depending largely on ing more than 7 percent copper are
the thickness of coating required and the alloy. Although the nominal compositio
anodizing, segregation of the constit
4.2.3 .Conditions of Anodizing - The conditions of anodizing should be operation of the process at the lowe!
chosen by the anodizer to suit the material being treated and the thick- adequate agitation will be importar
ness of coating required. Sample parts of the material should be supplied
4.5 Re-anodizing - Parts whi
to the anodizer for trials.
coating removed before re-trea
4.2.4 Hard anodizing may impair the surface finish. Surfaces to be diu C ). Mechanical methods f
treated should have a finish superior to that required on the finished part, metallic grit. Where only a 1
unless a final smoothing operation is to be employed. In order to obtain original coating on the remamu
sound coating and to reduce possible damage to it, edges of parts should area.
be radiused; a minimum 0.75 mm radius is recommended. NOTE - In all cases, spent electr
4.2.5 Where design considerations permit, parts may be hard anodized 4.6 Recommendation on s
all over. In other circumstances such as those requiring soft and hard Different Purpose Anodic Fi
coatings, non-significant areas may be anodized by any Type 1 processes tion of wrougllt and cast alloys,
( unless required to be left untreated ). This should be done by one ~of the for protective or decorative an0
following methods:
For bright finish alumini
a) Mask the surfaces to be hard anodized with suitable lacquer,
purity are recommended. For
wax, acid resistant ink, etc. Anodize by any of Type 1 processes. may give reasonably bright
Remove the masking from the untreated surfacei:. Apply mask- manganese are not successfully
ing to the treated surfaces. Finally anodize by Type 2 process.
Remove masking. 5. RINSING
b) Anodize whole part by any of Type 1 processes. Mask the area
not to be hard anodized. Strip anodic coating from the unmasked 5.1 Immediately after removal
area. Finally anodize by Type 2 process. Remove the masking. rinsed to remove electrolyte.
c) Mask all except significant areas. Anodize by Type 2 process. 5.2 Parts which have been :
Remove masking. Mask hard anodized areas. Anodize by any should be rinsed thoroughly in
of the Type 1 processes. Remove the masking. counter current stream.
4.3 Anodizing of Assemblies Containing Metals Other Than 5.3 Parts which have been am
Aluminium - Aluminium parts of composite articles containing other for Raw detection, dyeing, pa
metals should preferably be anodized before assembly. Where this is not cold running water. Parts ana
possible, the non-aluminium parts should be masked. which are to be dyed should
4.4 Anodizing of Castings - The suitability of a casting for anodizing, anodized for flaw detection pur
and to some extent the type of process used, depends on the nature of the to avoid removal of the chromi
preparation for bonding or for
then in clean hot water at a te
Normally chromic acid process shall be used but in some cases
sulphuric acid process may be used subject to the requirements given

IS : 7088 - 1973

in A-l and A-2. Where castino;s are to be impregnated to seal pores, it

should be done after the anodizing process has been completed.
NOTE- Chromic acid process is preferred because of the innoruou< nature of any
electrolyte which may be retained in the pores of the casting. Sulphuric acid process
will, however, treat a somewhat wider range of alloys. Silicon. zinc and magnrsium
contents have no marked effect on the suitability for anodizing but certain other alloy-
ing elements, notably copper, nickel and iron, may cause diliiculty. In grneral, cast-
ings containing more than a total of 7 percent of the latter etcmrnt5 or more than 5 per
cent copper are unsuitable for treatment by chromic acid process and castings contain-
ing more than 7 percent copper are unsuitable for treatment by sulphuric acid process.
Although the nominal composition of a casting may make it appear to be suitable for
anodizing, segregation of the constituent may render It unsuitahlr. In borderline casrs,
operation of the process at the lowest permissible temperature and voltage, and use of
adrquate agitation will be important.

4.5 Re-anodizing - Parts which are to be re-anodized have the anodic

coating removed before re-treatment by stripping solution ( see Appen-
diu C ). Mechanical methods for repolishin, v should not involve the use of
metallic grit. Where only a portion of the part is to be re-anodized, the
original coating o,n the remaining surface may IX retained hy masking the
NOTE- In all caqcs, spent electrolytes should hr suitably treated before disposal.

4.6 Recommendation on Selection of Aluminium Alloys for

Different Purpose Anodic Finishes - As a general guide to the Felec-
tion of wrought and cast alloys, Appendix B gives suitability of the alloys
for protective or decorative anodizing.
For bright finish aluminium alloys based on at least 99.7 percent
purity are recommended. For general purposes aluminium 19500 ( IB)
may give reasonably bright finish, but allqys containing silicon and
manganese are not successfully bright anodized.


5.1 Immediately after removal from the anodizing Cell all parts should be
rinsed to remove electrolyte.

5.2 Parts which have been anodized by sulphuric/oxali: acid process

should be rinsed thoroughly in clean cold running water preferably in a
counter current stream.

5.3 Parts which have been anodi7ed by chromic acid process other than
for Raw detection, dyeing, painting or bonding. sho:Jd be rinsed in clean
cold running water. Parts anodized for flaw detection purposes or parts
which are to be dyed should be rinsed in cold water only. For parts
anodized for flaw detection purposes, the rinsing should bc brief in order
to avoid removal of the chromic acid from defects. Parts anodized as a
pv.eparation for bonding or for painting should be rinsed in cold water and
then~in clean shot water at a temperature not exceeding 60°C.

IS : 7085 - 1973

6.1 l):_cinx sho:tld normally be done by immersing the article in the dye form to IS : 1868-1968 *. Also t’
inlmc:!iatcly nftcr I insing and without allowing the parts to dry. Any and fixing bath, (b) dilute n
. ._ .
s!tjtab!c morgamc or proprietary organic dyes may be used for dyeing the carbonate, and (d) colonr chnn
film. Cart 4lollld 1~ taken that the light fastntxs value should be in finally selecting tile dye.
a. c~xclarxc \vitli 1s :I 36%1960’:‘. :lftcr dyring, the parts should be rinsed
in clean c-old I.x:nning jcatcr. 7. SEALING
7.1 Parts anodized by Type 1 PI
6.2 ‘l‘lvo types of cx~lours, namely, those produced from certain inorganic
sealed by immersion in one o
pigments \vhi~~h lose their colour extremely slowly and are virtually as
temperature indicated against e>
pcrmancnt as the anodic coating, and those based on organic dyes which
pro, idc rc~asonablc colour retention over 5 to 10 years, are applied to a) For UtuQed Coatings
anod:c. c:oatin;;s. Slxcessfnl restilts with inorganic pigments depend to a SoLitio0
lxgc cstent upon the cxpcrience of the operator in obtaining colour
matching. \\‘ith the organic dyes laboratory control of the dye bath is an
important factor. I) Demineralized or distilled
6..2.1 LIost of the organic dyestuffs are l!sed in concentration of 0.2 to lvater
10 g/l. ‘l’emperatures recommcndcd arc often 50 to 6O”C, though some 2) Potassium dichromate
dyes may bc used cold. The p1-I value nsaally varies brtivecn 5.5 and 6.5 ( K,Cr,07 )
L:lt in some dyes the range is 3 to 8. A new dye should be prepared or
act orOin~ to the maitufacturer’s directions. losing distilled water, and if Sodium dichromste
necessary corrected to the proper flH vniue. The IT-1 \.alue of various lots (Na,Cr,07.2H,O )
of the same clyc may bc somewhat dinerent. Sodium carbonate Since th? most important controlling factor to observe when ( Na,COa )
using organic: dTcst(Xs is the PH, a pot:*ntiometric PH equipment using I>emineralized or distilled
glass elcctrodcs 1s recomrncndcd for dyi: control. water
3) Potaisiuln dichromate S/&e control 0f ~/ZP d~4’c
- The concentration of the organic
( K,Cr,07 )
dycstuff is best adjusted by means of a calorimeter. If a calorimeter
is not ,l\;ailable, it iq necessary to take a satnple of freshly made dye - say or
10 ml and make it up to 500 ml in a measuring cylinder. A similar sample Sodium dichromate
from the proclllction vat is drawn and made up to’500 ml and the two dyes (Na,Cr,07.‘LH,O)
Demineralized or distilled
arc comparcd. Add water to the freshly prepared dye standard in order to
match colour xvith the production L-at. The original and final volumes water
of the standard are noted. b) For DJrd Anodic. Films
Ori+nal I) Nickel acetate
c______ \-olumc: of.--standard
~_ x specified concentration
Final volume of standard Cobalt acetate
= the actual concentration Boric acid
Demineralized or distilled
Amount of dye required = specified concentration - water
found concentration x number of
2) Lead acetate
litres in dye vat.
I>emincralized or distilled
6.2.2 The dyes should be selected carefully after suitable trial runs in a water
Iaboratory and evaluating the properties of light fastness, which shall con- NOTE- The 1X-3value of the sol1
acid or acetic acid. After scaling, I
*Specification for anodic coatings on aluminium (JirH revision ). \,.ater (e>:cept in case of sealing by t

12 *Specification for anodic coatings OI

IS : 7088 - 1973.

form to IS : 186%1968*. Also the reaction of dyed articles to_: (a) sealing
and fixing bath, (b) d’l1 u t z nitric acid, (c) tartaric acid and sodium
carbonate, and (d) colorrr change on heating, should be obtained before
finally selecting tlke dye.

7.1 Parts anodized by Type 1 processes and other undyed parts should be
sealed bv immersion in one of the fol1owi:i.c solutions for Deriods and
temperature indicated against each:
a) For UMQeil Coatings
Quantity 1

(Minutes) ratur; “C
1) Demineralized or distilled - 6-6.5 20-60 94-98
2) Potassium dichromate 70-1oo;gr1
( KzCr,07 )
or I
Sodium &chromate 70-100 g 1
(Na,Cr,O7.?H,O ) 6-7 2-10 94-98
Sodium carbonate 18g:
( Na,CO, )
Demineralized or distilled 1 litre I
water j
3) Potaisium dichromate 40-60 g
( K,Cr,07 )
Sodium dichwmate 40-60 g 1 5.5-6.5 5-10 94-98
( Na,Cr,07.‘LH,O ) 1
Demincraiizcd or distilled 1 litre I
b) For D_yd Anodic. Films
1) Nickel acetate 5.5gl
Cobalt acetate l*Og I
Boric acid 8.5 g > 6-6.5 15-60 85-95
Demineralized or distilled 1 litre 1
water J
2) Lead acetate 2.5-5 g]
Demineralized or distilled 1 litre t 5.5-6 30-60 95- 100
water J
NOTE - Thr @I value of the solution should he maintained by the addition of boric
acid or acetic acid. After sraling, the parts should he rinsed in clean cold running
\\Tater(except in case of sealing by demineralized or distilled water) and then dried.

*Specification for anodic coatings on aluminium (firsf rCuiJiO# ).

IS I 7088 - 1973
( Claus
( Clauses 0.2 and 1.2 )

A-l. TYPE 1 PROCESSES ,_--_---_
Wrought ( see Ca
A-l.1 Sulphuric or Oxalic Acid Process -These processes are Appendix C c:f IS
normally suitable for general decorative and protective purposes. IS : 737-1965* ) i
processes are capable of yielding a range of coating thicknesses on most
aluminium alloys. It is not, generally, suitable for use on parts contain- Aluminium 19990 ( 1)
ing riveted, lap or folded joints. The coating should be of sufficient 19800 ( 1A )
thickness ( see IS :1868-1968* ) to provide protection against corrosion and 19500 ( 1B)
19000 ( IC )
should be properly sealed.
Aluminium 31000 ( N3 )
A-l.2 Chromic Acid Process -This process yields relatively thin manganese
coatings ( of the order of 2.5 microns ). It is the preferred process for the
treatment of castings of suitable composition ( see 4.4 ) and for providing Aluminium 52000 ( N4 )
magnesium 53000 ( N5)
a bonding surface for plastics and paint materials. The process should be 55000 ( N6 )
stipulated where anodizing is required and one or more of the following 55000 ( N7 )
considerations is paramount: 54300 (. N8 1

Minimizing loss of fatigue strength due to anodizing, 550
b) Treatment of components containing crevices or small blind holes Aluminium- 63400 ( H9 )
from which electrolyte may be difficult to remove, magncsium- 65400 (H19)
silicon 65032 ( H20 )
4 Detection of flaws by subsequent seepage of the yellow electrolyte,
64430 ( H30 )
4 Treatment of material less than 0.25 mm thick.
Aluminium- 22450 (HI 1)
magncsium- 22845 ( H12 )
A-2.1 This process may be used to produce harder and thicker coatings
than are obtained by Typ- 1 procrsses and to provide greater resistance to 24534 ( H14)
abrasion, heat and electrical breakdown. The thickness of coatings are
generally 25 to 75 microns. The treatment may reduce the fatigue
24345 (H15)
strength by about one half. The fatigue strength may largely be restored
by sealing the coating in an aqueous dichromate solution, at the cost of
some loss of abrasion resistance.
*Specification for wrought alumi
general engineering purposes ) (first I
tspecification for aluminium -and
engineering purposes ) ( r&red). ( Sic
__-- $Rating : E - Excellent, V = Ver
dark colours only, and U - Unsuitab
*Specification for anodic~coatings on aluminium (first rcuision).

IS: 7088.1973

( Clauses 0.2 and 4.6)

Group Desi,qnation Major Alloying Suitability Ruling f for

___---h ------ Elementr ----A--‘--
Wrought ( see Cast (see v ( &minal ), Protec- Ano- Brigh;
Appendix C t:f IS:617- Percenl tive dizing Ano-
IS : 737-1965’ ) i959t ) Ano- and dizing
dizing Dyeing

Aluminium 19990 ( 1) Al 9999

19800 ( IA) Al 99.8 ; :
19500 ( 1B) Al 99.5 V
19000 (1C) Al 99 : G

Aluminium 31000 ( N3 ) Mn 1.2 G G M


Aluminium 52000 ( N4 ) Mg 2.2 V

magnesium 53000 ( N5 ) Mrr 3.4 ; V
55000 ( N6 ) ME 5’0 G
57000 ( N7 ) Mg 7.0 $
54300 ( N8 ) Mg 4.4, MnO.75 V v”
5230 ( A5 ) hlg 4.5, Mn 0.50 V V
5500 ( AlO) Mg 10.2 M M

Aluminium- 63400 ( H9 ) Mg O-65, Si 0.50 E V

magnesium- 65400 (Hl9) Mg 0.95, Si 0.95 V
silicon 65032 (HZ0 ) Mg 1.0, Si O-60, V :
Mn 0.50, Cu 0.28
64430 ( H30) Mg O-90, Si O-95, G G
hiIn 0.70

Aluminium- 22450 ( HI 1) Cu 1.5, Si 1.0, G G M

copper- Mg 0.85
magnesium- 22845 ( H12 ) Cu 2.3. Ni 1.0. M M (D) U
Mg’0.90, F;
0.90, Si 0.90
24534 (H14) Cu 4’1, MgO.80, M M 0’) U
Mn O-70, Si
24345 ( H15) Cu 4-3, MgO.50 M M 03 U
Mn 0.75, Si

*Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet and strip (for
general engineering-purposes ) (J;rsr rcwion ) . ( Since revised ) .
TSpe+cation for aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings ( for general
engmeermg purposes ) ( rruiscd ) . ( Since &vised ).

$Rating : E - Excellent, V = Very good, G = Good, M = Moderate, D I Suitable for

dark colours only, and U = Unsuitable.
IS t 7085 - 1973

Group Designntian Nujar Alloyirtz Suik~bili~ RatGzg$ for

,-+---rr_--_-, Elcmmis c__-_.h--_
Wrought ( see Cast (see ( Numinol ), Protcr- Ano- Bright
Appendix C of IS : 617- Percen 1 tivc dizing Ano- APP-END11
IS : 737-1965* ) 1959p ) Ano- and dizing
dizing Dyeing ( Clause 4.5
Aluminium- 43000 (N21 ) Si 5.2 G G (D)
silicon 4300 (Al8)
4600 ( A6 )
Il.5 n”z
G 2;“) u”
4635 ( A9 ) Yi 1 I.5 Mn 0.50 Al u U
Mg 0.40 ’
Aluminium- 4520 ( A2 ) Si 10.2, CIJ 1.6 nr u
silicon- 4420 ( A24) Si 8.5, CL: 3.5 hl U Phosphoric acid ( sp gr 1.75 )
copper 4223 ( A4 or Si 5.0, Cu 3.3 ? G U Chromic acid
A22 ) Mn 0.45
4225 (AK) Si 5.0, Cu 1.2, G U
Used gently boiling
i\Jg 0’50

Alumit:ium- 2447 ( Al ) Cn 7.0, Si 3.0, U U

zinc-copper Zn 3.0
4 Sulphuric acid ( sp gr l-84)
4250 ( A8 ) Si 4.8, AIR 0.55 G G U Chromic acid ( CrOs )
2200 (All ) Cu 4.5, ‘1-i O-18 G M Water
2550 (Al2 ) Ca 9.8. Fe 1.0,
Mg 0.25
hl x&y U
Used cat about 50%
4658 (Al3 ) Si 12.0, Xi 2.5, U U u
Mg 1.2. Cu b) Sulphuric acid ( sp gr 1.84 )
0.90 Potassium fluoride
2285 (A14) Cu 4..0, Ki 2.0, M M CD) U Used at room temperature
Mg 1.4
2148 (A15) Cd 2.2, fji I..:. G G M Sulphuric acid ( sp gr 1.84 ).
Xi 1.2. hfg Hydrofluoric acid, commercial
1.1, Fe 1.1, ‘I‘1
( 50/60 percent HF )
Used at room temperature
NOTE -Digital designations arc adopted from IS : 6051-1370$. NOTIZ- Solutions C-2 (a), (b) and (c) cause g

*Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet and strip (for
general engineering purposes ) (Jirst revision ). ( Since revised ).
$Specification for ahnninium and aluminium alloy ingots ancl castings ( for general
engineering purposes ) ( revised). ( Since revised ). 1,
$Rating : E = Excellent, V = Very good, G = Good, M = Moderate,
D = Suitable for dark colours only, and U = Unsuitable.
@ode i designation of aluminium and its allOyS.

( Clause 4.5 )


Phosphoric acid ( sp gr 1.75 ) 3.5 percent ( v/v)

Chromic acid 2.0 percent ( m/v)
Used gently boiling


a) Sulphuric acid ( sp gr l-84) I5 percent ( v/v)

Chromic acid ( CrOs ) 5 percent (m/v)
Water Remainder
Used at about 50°C
b) Sulphuric acid ( sp gr I.84 ) 10 pcrcent ( v/v)
Potassium fluoride 4 percent ( m/v )
Used at room temperature
c) Sulphuric acid ( sp gr 1.84 ) 10 percent ( v/v)
Hydrofluoric acid, commercial 1 percent ( m/v)
( 50/60 percent HF )
Used at room temperature
NOTE- Solutions C-2 (a), (b) and (c) cause greater attack of the basismetal.


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