Dosist Dosist Dosist Pens Dosist Pen Dosist Pen

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what's up guys it's black dude we just

got over here to dosis and West
Hollywood we're about to check it out
they got a fucking valet guy right here
in front so that's absolutely dope
we're about to cruise in to have this
bitch Parker
what's up guys it's Blake over here from
off bank with another review today we
got the dosis of Rao's and so this
thing's a little bit different what we
normally been reviewing this is not
really a cart but this isn't oil this is
gonna be a slightly fractional dissolute
oil with a co2 extraction process as
well so dose is a really cool company I
was able to run down to their dispensary
they got two of them right now
one of them's really dope I think it
opened on June 6th and that's gonna be
the West Hollywood location that's gonna
be on Third Street they also have a
Venice location on Abbot Kinney I
believe that one opened up on April 10th
also of 2019 that thing's absolutely
dope as well two stories they only have
the white chalky fill and they also
offer just the pen so they carry only
their products there so don't go there
looking for anything else but definitely
go there if you want to look for their
products and if you want to check them
out on weed maps and find out different
dispensaries also in our link below
we're gonna have the addresses of both
of those places so check that shit out
so moving on to the actual company dosis
hasn't been around for a long time
they've only been around since 2016 is
when they were founded by a guy named
Gunnar Winston's dude look super young
he literally looks like he's in his mid
30s or so so I mean to be able to have a
company like that and be able to back it
and run it at that age I mean dude hats
off to you if fucking sweet nice job
dosis is definitely killing it when it
comes to like recognition and just
blowing up in the actual canvas industry
Time magazine wrote an article about
dosis and they were actually saying that
they're one of the best inventions of
2019 that right there is a huge staple
and knowing that they are actually doing
something and they're moving up the
ranks super quick the GQ magazine also
mentioned them letting you know that
this is literally the new cannabis wave
product that could completely replace
THC pills so lots of people don't like
physically smoking some people use
edibles tinctures whatever your process
is go ahead and do it but if you are a
THC person who doesn't like smoking and
you like taking the pills or some other
way of consuming it to feel the actual
physical effects of the THC this is
apparently the new wave that GQ is
saying is going to replace the THC pills
to make you non-smokers smokers
you've also been mentioned in Fast
Company which is a huge program they got
a bunch of different informational
things going on with cannabis and other
lifestyle things going on today
and then lastly they got the big
Innovation Award of 2017 and not to
mention they got number two out of top
50 startup companies a 20-19 based on
the link
and so that website has a bunch of
different companies going around letting
you know who's at the top and you hiring
this that and that so to be able to be
number two and the top 50 of 2019 see
there's so many companies so I mean once
again hats off to you
dosis is doing their thing and do their
blowing up if you want to check out
doses on different social media
platforms check them out on their
Instagram it's gonna be at doses they
got around 71 thousand followers and
they post a really cool content a lot of
it is just product shots but at the same
time there's a bunch of information and
all the captions you can also check them
out their website at doses calm the
website is really sweet they got a bunch
of different informational things about
like drag times let you know the
percentages let you know pretty much a
little bit about each different flavor
there's gonna be six different flavors
gonna be bliss calm aroused sleep relief
and passion so whatever time moved
you're feeling man they got some medical
cannabis to get you there so that's
pretty sweet as far as the lab results
go you can actually enter in this like
14 digit serial number that's gonna be
on the back you enter that under batch
number and then it's gonna send you the
direct lab results that you got for that
strain or for that flavor there's that
actually any strains specifically but if
you look hot it's gonna say like doses
aroused SP 50 and I believe that the 50
just means for the 50 doses that we got
here so I have the actual list right
here which is really cool I printed it
up it's got all the different like
terpene profiles as well let's you know
like the top five I think the tariffs
Aileen and Lin Ahlul are gonna be the
most predominant in this one it's gonna
let you know the total cannabinoid
percentage it's gonna let you know it
passed all these different tests so it's
definitely pretty sweet to actually be
able to print out a legitimate you know
testing document from the actual website
and this is tested by canna safe which I
totally trust so on their website
there's actually a little area where
there's written reviews I don't know if
they're bots if they're real people if
they're people who work for the company
but if they are reviews that are real
they're fuckin hilarious dude okay so
when it comes to the aroused I read a
couple reviews I'll read one off for you
right here this one is by Steve Steve
says this helped my wife feel aroused I
bought an aroused vape wall in Monterey
this last summer and is the only product
that has helped my wife feel aroused in
the task
years man dude Steve figured it out bro
Steve figured it out dude apparently
dude something was closed and I guess
the aroused offend open that up for you
so fuck yeah Steve 15 years man that's a
long stretch bro good for you
I'm gonna read another one for you
really quick this one says it's perfect
for me I am single and use the aroused
pen regularly for general mood
relaxation and sensation
it's the perfect ratio for me thank you
that sounds sexy
I don't know eh why you threw in I'm the
single part but whatever that means
whatever you're doing with this pen
afterwards I know it vibrates after
three seconds when you hit it but shit
so I got the receipt right here I think
the price is coming in at forty four
dollars and eighty cents before tax and
that's gonna be just for the fifty doser
but after tax I came out two fifty three
ninety six so tax is not included in the
price to the pen just so you know let's
open this thing alright so finally I can
move on to the actual unboxing of this
bad boy I'm gonna read off a couple of
things on the front and on the back so
right on the front it's gonna let you
know it's got a ten to one THC CBD ratio
so when I went into doses I said the
first thing I noticed there's no THC
percentages on here she said yeah we
don't like to say that the only way that
we really pride ourselves and what is
higher and what is lower is in the CBD
to THC ratio percentage so I think that
the passion one is the highest one
that's the eleven to one ratio this
one's going to be ten to one so moving
on to the back right here it's gonna let
you know the THC percentage that's an
entirety and it's also gonna let you
know perc dose what you're getting so on
the website they let you know that each
dose so you're gonna get is two point
two five milligrams of THC apparently
but a little bit weird to me on the back
right here it says one point sixty nine
grams per dose so I don't really know
exactly if it's like different tens come
off with different milligram percentages
or something but I just don't really
fully understand the actual like missing
percentages in there so this is only be
one point six nine per dose not the
actual 2.25 so that's one thing you got
to worry about I also notice that
there's a CBD per dose on here and I was
wondering if like so this says it's only
point 15 per dose so if you add those
together it's like 1.8 something and
still not coming out to 2.25 so I guess
if you are smoking these things it's not
actually giving you the full dosage that
you think you're getting right off the
bat you might need to hit it a couple
more times it's got your instructions
here on the back it's gonna say for
single dose inhale for three seconds
until the pen vibrates like I said
earlier each dose is gonna be dosed out
by then you have no control over if you
want to just hit this thing for a really
long time it's just gonna shut off and
vibrate a little bit for you so for a
bunch different cannabis smokers that
might be a big turn-off for me
personally it's a little bit of a
turn-off but at the same time this is
not a cannabis product to get you super
freakin high this is just gonna be a
medically marketed product that's gonna
get you the THC physical properties to
make you feel maybe unsick make you feel
aroused maybe take away some pain a
little bit of nausea some sleeps and
anxiety whatever so moving on to the
ingredients on the back it literally
just says cannabis oil and then it says
terpene blend the arouse formula so just
reading this off the bat you say the
terpene blend which is the arauz formula
you're not really a hundred percent sure
but luckily thanks to Canada safe when
we got the printout right here so now
having this we know that the terpene
blend is going to be primarily caroli
phenol in Oulu and humanly are gonna be
like the three most predominant one as
well as limonene as well so it's gonna
give you a little bit more of kind of
like a citrusy kind of taste as well so
that's what I'm looking for when I smoke
this so let's open this bitch up alright
guys we're finally gonna open this thing
up and smoke it now so I've already read
you all the information I'm gonna pop
the bottom out okay so there is like a
little pull tab thing here but I'm just
so strong man I didn't even need to pull
it just busted that out looks very cool
nice and clean got like a little
instructional manual right here I think
yeah so it lets you know right here it
lets you know if you're a new cannabis
user advocate abyss user or experienced
which one to smoke and what different
times so this was give me three doses
per hour man
I'm looking to like kill the whole pen
by the end of this shoot so I will say
when it comes to packaging do they are
doing it right
it just looks literally nothing like
I've ever purchased before when it comes
to the cannabis cart kind of looks like
a tube of like lipstick or something
which is nice if you push the sides push
the sides and slide up what do we got
here look I got you ready right here
dude it's so hard got it dude alright
the pen is out oh my god man all right
child fucking proof let me tell you okay
so pen looks great finally able to get
it out only minor cuts and bruises to
get it so we were able to get out the
aroused pen all right boom looking good
very small looks almost like the size of
like a tampon applicator or something so
it's got that little California sticker
right there letting you know that there
is THC in this product which is cool you
can't really do too much of a dry head
on this thing because it's already just
like the pull activated but I will just
take a look at this oil quality you can
kind of see it just barely ever so
slightly through this little screen a
little window you got here the color and
the tint of the actual oil looks super
dank it looks really clear it's got a
really nice distillation color to it
it's got a really slight like yellow
punish hue so as far as it's gonna taste
I'm not sure but it looks fucking good
so let's rip it
okay so I literally just ripped it for
the first time I felt the vibrate who
would taste really good
oh okay actually it's a little bit more
smoke production than I was expecting
okay well I'm just gonna rip it again
three times tastes good I will say the
terpene profile is a little bit
different so it's got like a little bit
of that like terrifying well apparently
that's the most active one but I don't
really taste much of like the earthy
kind of aromas and taste that I was
expecting I can definitely taste the
limonene terpene profile coming through
here very very strong it's got a nice
citrusy kind of taste to it kind of
reminds me of like a Jack Herer strain
or like like a sour tangi sort of thing
it tastes really good so I feel like
literally the smoke production I could
be wrong but it feels like it's
literally getting it's like decreasing
after the first rip that I got the first
rip that I got was really fulfilling I
could actually feel in my chest there is
no way that anyone should be coughing
from these things I mean if you are then
and I don't know I mean but the way that
they advertise this is like a new way of
smoking and it completely takes away the
need for pills edibles things like that
so it's super easy to smoke it's like a
very like light clean cold rip there's
just not a bunch of like overpowering
smoke it's not really hot so all in all
I mean it's a pretty good product right
now so minimal smoke production but I
can definitely taste more like a sativa
II type of terpene blend profile for
sure I think this is the ten to one
ratio like I said so I would imagine
that's supposed to be more of an indica
strain coming in at only 79% or like low
80s it's not really too high of a
percentage although I will say the taste
is really good it tastes like I said
like a lot like I can taste the limonene
profile it tastes very citrusy very
tangi easy to smoke very casual it's
nice so I'm gonna say that I probably
hit this thing about 20 times roughly
each one is just a three-second hit
before it vibrates I feel a little bit
of a slight head change though I'm a
little bit faded that's for sure a
little bit Spacey feeling more so kind
of like a light sativa fade not really
so much like you
a rousing stimulating feeling that I was
expecting I do feel like a little bit of
like an uplifting energetic sort of vibe
but at the same time not like
overpowering that's for sure
but all in all I think the aroused pen
is really cool I think it's a dope
product I think they're doing really
well for themselves they're blowing up
obviously as you can tell they have all
the recognition everywhere across the
board for cannabis not only is this just
a canvas product though it really is it
just feels like a like a
medically-induced thing I mean obviously
if you're over the age of 21 you can
walk into your local dispensary over
here in California and just grab one but
I mean even for people under the age of
21 if you don't smoke weed and the
medical properties of this actually do
the effects that you're looking for and
make you feel the way you do I mean shit
I don't know if I'm being allowed to do
this but I would recommend people under
the age of 21 if you're maybe 18 or so
and you can make that decision try these
things out and see if this is literally
something that can help you out I don't
know for sickness for sleep anxiety
nausea whatever because it isn't getting
me super faded but I'm feeling the way
that they want me to feel so as far as
the actual reviews went on their website
and on weed maps you know I guess a lot
of people felt pretty aroused and a
little frisky I guess I mean I don't
really feel that too much just yet but
all in all I think this product is
really sick I think they got a great
thing going on right now they kind of
obviously everything is super regulated
so you don't have to worry about you
know your coil overheating you don't
have to worry about yourself getting too
faded I guess if you just stick to their
guidelines you should be good to go
also once the 50 doses is done it's done
it's disposable I think you can actually
even bring them back to dosis if you
want and they give you credit back for
another product later on so that's also
cool to know another thing about doses
which I didn't really know about which
is insane is every single cannabis
product you've ever purchased before it
can't return that shit dosis is the only
company that I found within 365 days if
you go to any of their two store
locations you can actually bring in a
pen literally even if you're just
feeling like it wasn't for you
apparently they literally refund you
cash that moment within 365 days and you
get your money back and you get a full
return but if I had one question for
dosis I guess I'm gonna ask you guys if
you're seeing this let me know why on
the box it says 1 point 6 9 THC
percentage for each pull and then it
says on your website that you guys
advertise 2.25 so if there's something
missing that I'm not adding up or
calculating right let me know I'd love
to know but that's gonna be my only
question to dosis but as for right now
I'm gonna give this thing a 4
five leaves because I know all the great
things that it's got to offer I know
that the website has a million and one
other things bunch of different other
products that even have little THC pills
which are you know next level so so as
far as dosis goes I think I'm gonna
recommend this to a friend but not my
personal friends I think I'd recommend
this to maybe my mom my mom's friends
maybe my dad my dad's friends people are
literally scared of the amount of THC
that is now in weed these days
for instance my mom literally if I got
her to smoke with me right now dude
she'd probably be high for a week and
not even go to work God knows she'd bmia
she tells me dude I got way too higher
this shit that they put in weed these
days and I think that this is exactly
that I would recommend this to a friend
not my personal friends but two of the
wide variety of other people I think you
guys got some dope shit going on do you
want to check out more about doses go on
their website check out their Instagram
we've maps is pretty extensive as well
the only thing is Leafly they don't
really have anything going on but you
can find doses pretty much in every
dispensary that you're looking for
regardless so definitely check out doses
on a multitude of different platforms if
you want to find more of their products
as for me a blake over here at off-tank
check us out at our YouTube channel or
Instagram and our website aw dang calm
let us know in the comments and reviews
what you want to see me review next now

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