Genestealer Cult List Komplett

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Genestealer Cult List komplett (vorhandene Modelle)

HQ1 149 pts

Patriarch + 2 Familiars
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Patriarch 8 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 6 10 4+ 125
Familiar 6 3+ - 4 3 1 2 8 6+ x12

Psychic Powers: Smite (WC 5, R18“), Mental Onslaught (WC 6), Mass Hypnosis (WC 7)
Wargear: Montrous Rending Claws (S:U, AP-3, DD3, when 6+ to hit: AP -6 & D3)

HQ2 104 pts

Magus + 2 Familiars
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Magus 6 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 80
Familiar 6 3+ - 4 3 1 2 8 6+ x12

Wargear:Autopistol (R12“, Pistol 1, S3, AP0, D1), Cultists Knife (+1 A), Force Stave (S+2,AP-1,DD3)
Psychic Power: Smite (WC5, R18“), Might from Beyond (WC7), Mind Control (WC7)

HQ3 53 pts
Acolyte Iconward
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Iconwar 6 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 53

Wargear: Autopistol (R12“, Pistol 1,S3,AP0, D1), Rending Claw (S:U, AP-1,D1, when 6+ to wound:
AP-4), Blasting Charge(R6“, GrenadeD6, S3, AP0, D1), with Relic Icon of Cult Ascendant
STD1 113 pts
Acolyte Hybrids (10)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Acolyte 6 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 2 7 5+ x7
Leader 6 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 3 8 5+ 7

Wargear: 1x Heavy Rock Drill (Powerfist) (S:Ux2, AP-3, D1, continous wounds, 17 pts), 1x Bonesword
(Powersword) (S:U, AP-2, D1, 3 pts), 1x Demolition Charge (R6“, GrenadeD6, S8, AP-3, DD3, 5 pts),
8x Handflamer (R6“, PistolD6, S3, AP0, D1, autohit, 8x+1 pts), 1x Cult Icon (10 pts)

STD2 85 pts
Neophyte Hybrids (10)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Neophyte 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ x5
Leader 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 5

Wargear: 2x Grenade Launcher (R24“, Assault D6 oder 1, S3 oder 6, AP0 oder -1, D1 oder D3, 2x3
pts), Power Maul (S:U+2, AP-1, D1, 4 pts), Bolt Pistol (R12“, Pistol 1, S4, AP0, D1, 1 pt), 1x Mining
Laser (R24“, Heavy 1, S9, AP-3, D6, 12 pts), 1x Seismic Cannon (R24“ oder 12“, Heavy 6 oder Heavy
3, S3 oder 6, AP0 oder -1, D 1 oder 2, 12 pts), 5x CCW/Autogun/Autopistol/Blasting Charges

STD3 61 pts
Brood Brother Infantry Squad (10)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Brother 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ x4
Leader 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 4
WeaponTea 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 2 7 5+ -

Wargear: 1x Autocannon (R48“, Heavy2, S7, AP-1, D2, 10 pts), 2x Grenade Launcher (R24“,
AssaultD6/1, S3/6, AP0/-1, D1/D3, 2x3 pts), Leader:Laspistol/Chainsword, Frag Grenade,
6xAutogun/Lasgun, 1x Voxcaster (5 pts)

STD4 66 pts
Brood Brother Infantry Squad (10)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Brother 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ x4
Leader 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 4
WeaponTea 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 2 7 5+ -

Wargear: 1x Missile Launcher (15 pts), 2x Grenade Launcher (6 pts), Leader:Laspistol/Chainsword,

Frag Grenade, 6xAutogun/Lasgun, 1x Voxcaster (5 pts)

STD5 65 pts
Brood Brother Infantry Squad (10)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Brother 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ x4
Leader 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 4
WeaponTea 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 2 7 5+ -

Wargear: 1x Heavy Bolter (8 pts), 2x Flamer (2x6 pts), Leader:Laspistol/Chainsword, Frag Grenade,
6xAutogun/Lasgun, 1x Voxcaster (5 pts)

STD6 58 pts
Neophyte Hybrids (10) (Ganger)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Neophyte 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ x5
Leader 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 5
Wargear: 1x Flamer 6 pts (R8“, AssaultD6, S4, AP0, D1, autohit), 1x Heavy Stubber 2 pts (R36“,
Heavy3, S4, AP0, D1)
STD7 58 pts
Neophyte Hybrids (10) (Ganger)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Neophyte 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ x5
Leader 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 5

Wargear: 2x Heavy Stubber 2 pts (R36“, Heavy3, S4, AP0, D1)

Dedicated Transport (Std) x73 pts

Cult Chimera
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Chimera 12 6+ 4+ 6 7 10 3 7 3+ 60

Wargear: Multilaser(R36“, Heavy 3, S6, AP0, D1, 5 pts), Heavy Bolter (R36“, Heavy 3, S5, AP-1, D1, 8
pts), 2x Lasgun Array (R24“, RF3, S3, AP0, D1, may only be fired when unit embarked)

Elite1 150pts
Aberants (6)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Aberant 6 3+ 6+ 5 4 2 2 7 5+ x16
Hypermorp 6 3+ 6+ 5 4 2 3 7 5+ 16

Wargear: 6x Power Pick (S:Ux2, AP-2, DD3, 6x 9 pts), Rending Claws(+1 A, S:U, AP-1,D1, when
wound roll 6+ AP-4), Hypermorph Tail (S:U, AP-1, D1)

Elite2 225 pts

Genestealer (15)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Genestealer 8 3+ - 4 4 1 3 9 5+ x15

Wargear: Rending Claws (S:U, AP-1, D1, when wound roll 6+ AP-4)
Assault1 50 pts
Cult Armored Sentinel
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Sentinel 8 4+ 4+ 5 6 6 1 7 3+ 30

Wargear; Lascannon (R48“, Heavy1, S9, AP-3, DD6, 20 pts)

Assault2 70 pts
Cult Scout Sentinel x2
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Sentinel 9 4+ 4+ 5 5 6 1 7 4+ x30

Wargear; 2x Multilaser (R36“, Heavy3, S6, AP0, D1, 5 pts)

Assault3 44 pts
Cult Scout Sentinel
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Sentinel 9 4+ 4+ 5 5 6 1 7 4+ x30

Wargear; Heavy Flamer (R8“, Heavy D6, S5, AP-1,D1, 14 pts)

Heavy Support1 180 pts
Cult Leman Russ
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Leman 10 6+ 4+ 7 8 12 3 7 3+ 122

Wargear; Lascannon (Heavy 1, S9, AP-3,DD6, 20 pts), Battlecannon (Heavy D6, S8, AP-2, DD3, 22
pts), 2 Sponson Heavy Bolter (Heavy 3, S5, AP1, D1, 2x 8 pts), Augur Array (5 pts)

Heavy Support2 170 pts

Cult Leman Russ
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Leman 10 6+ 4+ 7 8 12 3 7 3+ 122

Wargear; Exterminator Autocannon (R48“,Heavy4, S7, AP-1, D2, 17 pts), 3x Heavy Bolter (Heavy 3,
S5, AP-1, D1, 8 pts), Dozer Blade 5 pts, Storm Bolter 2 pts (R24“, RF2, S4, AP0, D1)

Heavy Support3 164 pts

Cult Leman Russ
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Leman 10 6+ 4+ 7 8 12 3 7 3+ 122

Wargear; Battlecannon (Heavy D6, S8, AP-2, DD3, 22 pts), Lascannon (Heavy 1, S9, AP-3,DD6, 20

Heavy Support4 84 pts

Brood Brother Heavy Weapon Teams (3)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
WeaponTea 6 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 2 7 5+ 24

Wargear: 3x Lascannon (Heavy 1, S9, AP-3, DD6, 3x 20 pts)

Heavy Support5 120 pts

Goliath Rock Grinder (The Ark)
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pts
Rockgrinde 10 4+ 4+ 6 7 10 6 7 4+ 78

Wargear: Cache of demolition charges (R6“, AssaultD6, S8, AP-3, DD3, 10 pts), Clearance Incinerator
(R12“, Heavy 2D6, S5, AP-1, D1, autohit, 30 pts), Drilldozer Blade, Heavy Stubber (Heavy 3, S4, AP0,
D1, 2 pts)
(Transporting Patriarch or Magus +Familiar or 5 Acolyte Hybrids)

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