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Name of Employee: _ Name of Rater: Oliver B. Talaoc

Position: Principal Position: ASDS
Review Period: May, 2016 - April, 2017 Date of Review: April, 2017
School: _______________________

Instructional Instructional Performs instructional supervision June- 38% 5- 3pts & above increased of NAT6 or 80% & above NAT 6 MPS 5- 100% of K - Grade 6 teachers
supervision performed Leadership to all teachers to achieve learning April 5% 4- 2pts increased of NAT6 or 75% - 79% NAT 6 MPS given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
outcomes at the end of the school year. 3- 1.5 pt. increased of NAT6 4- 80%-99% of k to grade 6 teachers
2- 1pt. increased of NAT6 given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
1- 0.5pt.& below increased of NAT6 3- 60%-79% of k to grade 6 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
2- 40%-59% of K to grade 6 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
1- 39% & below of K to grade 6 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
5% 5- 5pts & above increased of ELLNA result 5- 100% of K - Grade 3 teachers
4- 4pts increased of ELLNA result given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
3- 3pt. increased of ELLNA result 4- 80%-99% of k to grade 3 teachers
2- 2pt. increased of ELLNA result given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
1- 1pt.& below increased of ELLNA result 3- 60%-79% of k to grade 3 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
2- 40%-59% of K to grade 3 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
1- 39% & below of K to grade 3 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
5% 5- 3 points increased from GSA baseline 5- 100% of K to grade 6 teachers
4- 2.5 points increased from GSA baseline given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
3- 2 points increased from GSA baseline. 4- 80%-99% of K to grade 6 teachers
2- 1.5 point increased from GSA baseline. given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
1 - 1 point and below increased from GSA baseline given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
3- 60%-79% of k to grade 6 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
2- 40%-59% of K to grade 6 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance
1- 39% & below of K to grade 6 teachers
given appropriate & timely instructional assistance

Classroom Conducts and submits 100 classroom 10% 5- 100% of the required claassroom observation following STAR model w/ agreement conducted. 5- Classroom observation submitted before due date.

observation observation and monitoring at the end 4- 80-99% of the required classroom observation following STAR model w/ agreement conducted. 4- Classroom observation submitted on due date

& monitoring of the school year. 3- 60-79% of the required classroom observation following STAR model w/ agreement conducted. 3- Classroom observation submitted 1-3 days late

conducted 2- 40-59% of the required classroom observation following STAR model w/ agreement conducted. 2- Classroom observation submitted 4-6 days late
1- 39% & below of the required classroom observation following STAR model w/ agreement
conducted. 1- Classroom observation submitted 7 and above days late

Instructional Performs instructional supervision 5% 5- Collected, analyzed and utilized data to identify and plan 5- Curriculum intervention implemented 5-Curriculum intervention plans

supervision to enhance curriculum implementation needed curriculum interventions. based on apprroved budget. implemented based on scheduled time
performed. within the school year Organizes projects teams to plan and implement curriculum interventions 4- Curriculum intervention implemented 4- Curriculum intervention plans
Recommended localized curriculum (MTB) for instruction exceeded 5% of approved budget implemented 1- 2 weeks after due date.
Organizes appropriate classes to diverse students needs 3-Curriculum intervention implemented 3- Curriculum intervention plans
Adopts ADM & flexible learning options exceeded 10% of approved budget implemented 3-4 weeks afteer due date.
4- 4 of 5 requirements satisfied (with evidences) 2-Curriculum intervention implemented 2- Curriculum intervention plans
3- 3 of 5 requirements satisfied (with evidences) exceeded 15% of approved budget implemented 5-6 weeks after due date.
2- Some requirements satisfied but w/out evidences 1- Curriculum intervention implemented 1- Curriculum intervention plans
1- requirements and reports largely missing exceeded 20% of approved budget implemented 7-8 weeks after due date.
Inspects DLL of teachers 8% 5-100% of the teachers DLL w/ corresponding instructional materials inspected. 5- Teacher's DLL inspected once a week
4-80% to 99% of the teachers DLL with corresponding IM's inspected. 4- Teacher's DLL inspected once in two weeks.
3-60% to 79% of the tchrs DLL w/ corresponding IM's inspected 3- Teacher''s DLL inspected once in three week.
2- 65% to 74% of the teachers DLL with corresponding IM's inspected 2- Teacher's DLL inspected once in four weeks
1-64% % below of the teachers DLL with corresponding IM's inspected. 1- Teacher's DLL inspected once in five weeks

Child Friendly Learning Implements systems for safe and 10% 5- 100% and above accomplishments on the following 5- 5 Systems prepared within 1 month 5-Systems prepared 1 week before implementation
School Systems Environment child friendly school. 5% (supported by evidence such as school policy, reports,information 4- 4 Systems prepared within 1 month 4-Systems prepared during implementation

established materials,advocacy activities, regular meetings, inventory) 3- 3 Systems prepared within 1 month 3-Systems prepared 1 week late
Adhered to CFSS, 2- 2 Systems prepared within 1 month 2-Systems prepared 2 weeks late
Institutionalized Child protection mechanisms& processes 1- 1 System preparedwithin 1 month 1-Systems prepared 3 weeks late
Has clear SDRRM mobilization plans
Practice Solid Waste Mgt.
4- 4 out of 5 mechanisms implemented
3- 3 out of 5 mechanisms implemented
2 - 2 out of 5 mechanisms implemented
1 - 1 out of 5 mechanisms implemented
Physical Improves physical environment 5% 5- 100% of the classrooms' conduciveness improved 5- 1 week before the opening of classes
environment for student learning 4- 80%-99% of the classrooms' conduciveness improved 4- 3 days before the opening of classes.
improved 3- 60%-79% of the classrooms' conduciveness improved 3 2- days before the opening of classes.
2- 40%-59%of the classrooms' conduciveness improved 2- during the opening of classes.
1- 39% & below of the classrooms' conduciveness improved 1- a day after the opening of classes.

INSET & LAC Human Conducts TNA-based in-service 15% 5% 5- Conducted 2 or more INSET's with TD & TCR. 5- Conducted based on implemented & approved budget. 5- Conducted on scheduled date.
conducted Resource trainings and learning action cell 4- Conducted 2 INSET's with TD & TCR. 4-Conducted but exceeded 1-5% of the approved budget. 4- Conducted a day after the scheduled date.
Mgt. & (LAC) to improve instructional 3- Conducted 1 INSET with TD & TCR. 3-Conducted but exceeded 6-10% of the approved budget. 3- Conducted 2 days after the scheduled date
Development competence of teachers 2- Conducted 1 INSET with out TD & TCR. 2-Conducted but exceeded 11-15% of the approved budget. 2- Conducted 3 days after the scheduled date
1- No INSET conducted. 1- Conducted but exceeded 16-20% of the approved budget. 1- No INSET conducted.
5% 5- Conducted 20 LAC sessions during the school year w/ reports 5- Conducted based on implemented & approved budget. 5- Conducted on scheduled date.
4-Conducted 15 LAC sessions during the school year w/ reports 4-Conducted but exceeded 1-5% of the approved budget. 4- Conducted a day after the scheduled date.
3- Conducted 10 LAC sessions during the school year w/ reports 3-Conducted but exceeded 6-10% of the approved budget. 3- Conducted 2 days after the scheduled date
2- Conducted 5 LAC sessions during the school year w/ reports 2-Conducted but exceeded 11-15% of the approved budget. 2- Conducted 3 days after the scheduled date
1- Conducted 3 LAC sessions during the school year w/ reports 1- Conducted but exceeded 16-20% of the approved budget. 1- No LAC session conducted.

Provides assistance to teachrs in the 5% 5- 100% of qualified tchrs. Assisted for ERF/ Step increment / Promotion / Service credits 5- ERF/ STEP INCREMENT/Promotion submitted 4 weeks before the due date.

reclassification of item positions. 4- 80-99% of qualified tchrs. Assisted for ERF/ Step increment / Promotion / Service credits 4- submitted 3 weeks before the due date
3- 60-79%of qualified tchrs. Assisted for ERF/ Step increment / Promotion / Service credits 3- submitted 2 weeks before the due date
2- 40-59% of qualified tchrs. Assisted for ERF/ Step increment / Promotion / Service credits 2- submitted 1 weeks before the due date
1- 39% & below of qualified tchrs. Assisted for ERF/ Step increment / Promotion / Service credits 1- submitted on due date.
School's Parents' Generates support of stakeholders. 5% 5- 5 programs/ projects supported by stakeholders 5- 5 prog/proj. supported 5 days before the implementation
stakeholders Involvement 5% 4- 4 programs/ projects supported by stakeholders 4- 5 prog/proj. supported 4 days before the implementation
partnership & Community 3- 3 programs/ projects supported by stakeholders 3- 5 prog/proj. supported 3 days before the implementation
established Partnership 2- 2 programs/ projects supported by stakeholders 2- 5 prog/proj. supported 2 days before the implementation
1- 1 program/ project supported by stakeholders 1- 5 prog/proj. supported 1 day before the implementation

School Leads in the formulation & implementation 23% 5-100% of plans,programs & projects based on data to improve 5- All programs & projects implemented within target schedule.
Data-based Leadership of School Improvement Plan (SIP) 5% schools performance captured in SIP/AIP implemented with evidences 4 - All programs & projects implemented 1 week after the schedule.
strategic Mgt. & 4-80%-99% of plans,programs & projects based on data to improve schools 3- All programs & projects implemented 2 weeks after the schedule.
planning Operations performance captured in SIP/AIP implemented with evidences 2- All programs & projects implemented 3 weeks after the schedule.
performed 3-60%-79% of plans,programs & projects based on data to improve schools 1- All Programs & projects implemented 4 weeks after the schedule.
perforamce captured in SIP/AIP implemented with evidences
2-40%-59% of plans,programs & projects to improve school performance
captured in SIP/AIP implemented w/ evidences
1-39% & below of plans,programs & projects to improve school performance
captured in SIP/AIP implemented with evidences

Sound school Performs School Leadership 5% 5- 100% of the identified sch prog & operationss performed: enrolment, physical plant & 5- All prog. & operations performed as scheduled
4- All prog. & operations performed 1 day after the scheduled
leadership & Management & Operations facilities, quarterly assessment, brigada eskwela, early reg., health & nut., academiic/ date
3- All prog. & operations performed 2 days after the scheduled
management Functions sports/scouting, sch prog/celebrations, PGO/PTA/ other req. org, campus journalism,) date
2- All prog. & operations performed 3 days after the scheduled
performed 4 - 9 out of 10 prog. & operations Performed date
1- All prog. & operations performed 4 days after the scheduled
3- 8 out of 10 prog & operations performed date
2- 7 out of 10 prog. & operation performed
1- 6 & below prog & operation performed.

Disburses school funds 5% 5- 100% of sch funds & resources disbursed judiciously.. 5- Liquidated before scheduled date
according to existing accounting 4- 80%-99% of sch funds & resources disbursed judiciously 4- Liquidated on the scheduled date
rules & regulations 3- 60% to 79%of sch funds & resources disbursed judiciously. 3- Liquidated 1 week after the scheduled date.
2- 40%-59% of sch funds & resources disbursed judiciously 2- Liquidated 2 weeks after the scheduled date.
1- 39& and below of sch funds & resources disbursed judiciously. 1- Liquidated 3 weeks after the scheduled date
School Improve school performance
performance in the ff. areas: 5- 100% of the target met per indicator
improved Enrolment rate 2.00% 4- 86-99% of the target met per indicator
Promotion rate 2.00% 3- 75%-85% of the target met per indicator
Failure 2.00% 2- 65%-74% of the target met per indicator
Drop-out rate 2.00% 1- 64% & below of the target met per indicator
Technical Facilitates training in Dist./ 4% 5- facilitated 5 trainings in the dist./ 2 in the div. / 1 region
Assistance Division / Regional level 2.0% 4-facilitated 4 trainings / 1 div.
3-facilitated 3 trainings
2-facilitated 2 trainings
1-facilitated 1 training
Acts chair./member of a 2.0% 5- acted as chair/member of 5 working committee
committee in the dist. /div./ 4- acted as chair/member of 4 working committee
region 3- acted as chair/member of 3 working committee
2- acted as chair/member of 2 working committee
1- acted as chair/member of 1 working committee
Research Conducts action research during the year 5% 5% 5- 1 action research/ CI conducted w/ documentation on completion of intervention. 5- Conducted based on plan & approved budget. 5- Completed one month before the end of the rating period.
4- 1 action research / CI submitted and approved by the dist. committee 4-Conducted but exceeded 1-5% of the approved budget. 4- Completed 3 weeks before the end of the rating period
3- 1 action research/ CI on development. 3-Conducted but exceeded 6-10% of the approved budget. 3- Completed 2 weeks before the end of the rating period
2- 1 action research conceptualized 2-Conducted but exceeded 11-15% of the approved budget. 2- Completed 1 week before the end of the rating period
1- No initiative on action research 1- Conducted but exceeded 16-20% of the approved budget. 1- Completed on the rating period.
100% 100%

Ratee: ____________________________ Rater: OLIVER B. TALAOC ED.D. Approved: FELIX ROMY A. TRIAMBULO, CESE
Principal OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent OIC, Schools Division Superintendent

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