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July 23, 2020

Grade 11- St. Hildegard of Bingen
Afternoon Session


1:00 – 1:30 p.m.

1. Celebrating Birthday and Fiestas during Pandemic

Motivational Activity: Let’s Create!

- Create a quote that tells about the importance of celebrating birthday, fiesta, and etc…

Form Question:
 What is the reason behind why you wrote that quotation?
 Why do we celebrate birthday? Fiestas?

Interactive Discussions: You Suggests!

Suggest on how to meaningfully celebrate fiestas and birthday during this pandemic by answering
the questions below. Use the format below in answering the questions.
Grade and Section:
Date of Birth:

Guide Questions:
1. How will you celebrate a birthday and fiestas during this pandemic?
2. In this new normal, what are the guidelines to be considered in celebrating birthdays and
3. Does the class fiesta is still applicable at this time of pandemic? How?
- Formulate a proposal/plan on how to celebrate birthday while observing the COVID- 19
pandemic guidelines.

2. Data Privacy

Motivational Activity: Know Your Privacy!

- 'Wag Magpabiktima-
Process Questions:
 How will you protect your information?
 Is it necessary to share our information? Why?
 How do you use your information?
Interactive Discussions:
- PDF Presentation on Data Privacy

Guide Questions:
 What are the aims of Data Privacy Accountability (DPA)?
 What are the sensitive personal informations that we must not share to anyone?
 Do we need to trust the Personal Information Processor (PIP) to process our personal data?
Practice/Drill/Assessment/Integration: Be Private!
- Access your fb account and try to make some changes of your personal information being
displayed in your account.

3. Criteria and Objectives for the Election of SCC-SBA Officers

Motivational Activity: Nominate Yourself!

If you will nominate yourself to become part of SCC- SBA Officer, what will be your platforms?
Note: Use the format below in doing this activity.
Name : _________________________________
Grade & Section : _________________________________
Desired Position : _________________________________
Platforms : _________________________________
: _________________________________
: _________________________________
: _________________________________

Interactive Discussions:
- Review each slide being presented below of what are the qualifications and criteria in
becoming an SCC- SBA Officer.
Guide Questions:
1. Why do we need to set qualifications
and criteria in choosing aspiring
2. What do you think are the duties and
responsibilities of an officer?
3. Do you think it is essential that we
must consider the academic
performance of a leader? Why?

Practice/Drill/Assessment/Integration: Internal Reflection!

- Assess and reflect yourself if you have all the qualifications in becoming an SCC-SBA Officer.
If not, what can you do to help the school in the implementation of the PVMGOCV.

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