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Gabriel Lambok Sibarani (18)

D-III Pajak 1-02

Kinds Of Social And Culture In Indonesia

The Republic Of Indonesia, with over two hundred and fifty million people is the world’s
fourth most populous country. We Indonesians are generally spiritual and value self-control to
maintain harmony within and between the tangible (human, flora and fauna) and intangible
(God, gods, and spirit) worlds. People must know their place in society which is often
determined by age, role in society, experience, and knowledge. Parents and older people have to
be respected, and consulting them in important matters is highly valued.
Greeting is important in Indonesia. When greeting or walking through people, we Indonesians
slightly bow, put both hands in front of their chest, nod their heads, or shake hands. Hugs are
only done between close friends and kissing is not common. When meeting for the first time, we
shake-hands using our right hand, Indonesians also eating and giving things using the right hand.
Indonesians usually introduce themselves by their complete name, which might not contain a last
name. People call each other using the first name, but add an honorific, such as pak, bu ,mas,
mbak, and so on to show respect.

Indonesia is a country with a rich variety of great and unique culture. Indonesia has the
diversity of different cultures, ranging from the local language, race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs
until the skin color. Until now there are some Indonesian cultures that have been recognized and
authorized as a cultural heritage, among are Batik, Wayang, Keris , Angklung, Saman Dance,
and so on. Although UNESCO has determined that several cultural heritage of Indonesia, there
are many elements that are not responsible for claiming Indonesian culture as their culture. But
Indonesia will take it back.

At the time, modernization, globalization, and technology became a nightmare for our
cultures. That make Indonesian cultures increasingly forgotten by the young generations so we
have to keep the culture sustainable by using local product of Indonesian, learning the traditional
music, dance of Indonesia and so on, to keep the variety of cultures sustainable. That diversity
make me as young generation proud to be Indonesian even with the variety of cultures, people
still able to live together and live peacefully regardless of race, language, and religion. Although
that unity and harmony have begun to diminish, I believe one day Indonesia will going back to
unite, getting better much than before.

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