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Artifact #7: Educational Survey on Technology.

This next artifact demonstrates my ability to collect and survey data, evaluate the data,

and lastly reflect and create a plan for improvement based on the data. This artifact will also

demonstrate my ability to look for feedback from parents, students, and the community through

the use of a survey, to continually learn and develop my teaching practices. For this assignment,

I decided to focus on the use of technology in the classroom since it is now such an important

component of learning. The survey I created was to get feedback from parents/guardians on the

use of an educational app called Seesaw. I was specifically trying to gauge the parents’ interest

in increased use of technology as a means for student response and increased teacher and parent

feedback and communication. The data collected in this survey was essential to be able to know

the effectiveness and interest of the students and parents to increase the use of technology in the

classroom and how comfortable/safe parents felt about the use of technology in the classroom.

This artifact emphasizes the importance of parent and community involvement in creating the

best learning environment for students possible.

This artifact meets several educational standards. It meets INTASC Standard 10:

Leadership and Collaboration, “The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities

to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other

school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the

profession.” Giving this survey to parents and intentionally looking for feedback and means of

improvement is an essential component of being an effective educator. Similarly, this artifact

aligns with the NYS Code of Ethics for Educators, Principle 5, “Educators collaborate with

parents and community, building trust and confidentiality.” This artifact also meets the DOE

Medaille College Claim 3b, of being a caring educator. By taking the time to take the survey and
have parents fill it out, I am showing that I care about student and parents’ feedback and input to

create the best learning experiences for my students. Lastly, this artifact aligns with Standard F

of the CEC standards, “Using evidence, instructional data, research, and professional knowledge

to inform practice.” This survey provides me with data and information from parents to better

inform my practice of technology use in the classroom.

Educational Survey

Thematic Concern

The purpose of this survey is to determine the level of interest in using

more technology in the classroom. Specifically, parents will be asked what

their interest in technology use in the classroom is, and their interest in using

technology as a means for student response and teacher, and parent feedback

and communication. Questions will be framed around the use of a specific app

called Seesaw that will be used to achieve this feedback and communication.

Target Population

The target population is for parents of students that are in elementary school from

Kindergarten to 8th grade.


The use of technology in the classroom can be an important tool for students learning, as

well as an effective means of submitting assignments and receiving feedback from teachers.

Furthermore, it can be an excellent way of improving communication between parents, and

teachers, as well as allowing parents to see what students are doing in the classroom. All of this

can be done through the App called Seesaw. The introduction of Seesaw at the beginning of the
school year can allow effective communication between parents and teachers and allow students

to learn about technology and use it to benefit their learning. Seesaw is an educational app that

an entire school can use for each classroom on a device such as a computer or iPad. Each student

has a portfolio that captures student learning and shows the student’s use of tools and

assignments within the application. Teachers can see all of the students work, provide feedback,

gain insight into each child’s learning and share and give information to parents. Lastly, parents

can see their child’s work and give encouragement for their efforts. Teachers and parents can

easily communicate through Seesaw. In conclusion, using technology in the classroom through

the application of Seesaw, can benefit student learning and help with communication between

parents and teachers.

Survey Questions on Technology/the use of Seesaw

Directions: The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess the interest in the use of technology in

the classroom, specifically through the use of the app Seesaw. Your responses to these questions

will remain anonymous. It is important that your answers are honest and as accurate as possible.

Please circle the number below that describes the extent to which you agree or disagree with

each question. Be sure to only circle one answer for each question.

2 3 4
1 5

Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree

1. I would like to see more
technology use in my child’s
1 2 3
4 5
2. I am interested in the use of the Seesaw app in my child’s classroom?
1 2 3 4 5
3. I would enjoy receiving updates about my child’s behavioral conduct through
1 2 3 4 5
4. I am interested in communication with my child’s teacher through technology?
1 2 3 4 5
5. I would like to learn more about the Seesaw app but I am still okay with the use of this
app in my child’s classroom?
1 2 3 4 5

6. Do you feel that you have a positive relationship with your child’s teacher?
1 2 3 4 5
7. Do you feel that communicating through the Seesaw app would improve communication
with your child’s teacher?
1 2 3 4 5
8. Are you interested in seeing your child’s work through the Seesaw app?
1 2 3 4 5
9. I am concerned about my child’s privacy using the Seesaw app?
1 2 3 4 5
10. I have access to technology at home in order to be able to use the Seesaw app
1 2 3 4 5
11. What are your thoughts about using the Seesaw app as a means of feedback and

communication with your child’s teacher?


12. What is your preferred method of communication? Would you be content with

communicating through the Seesaw app?


13. How quickly do you think teachers should respond to an inquiry about your child, their

progress, or any concerns or questions you may have?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your answers are valuable and
greatly appreciated. This survey will be used to assess the interest and questions
surrounding the use of technology and the app Seesaw in your child’s classroom.

Survey Results

The data collected in these surveys indicate that parents have a positive outlook on

technology use in the classroom and that they have an overall interest in seeing technology

integrated into their child’s classrooms. The results suggest that parents would like to see the use

of the app Seesaw in classrooms and that they would like some more information on this app.

The parents preferred method of communicating was email. However, most parents

stated that they would be okay with communicating through the use of the Seesaw app as well.
When looking at the data from the survey, it was also evident that parents enjoy receiving

updates about their child’s progress and that teachers feel that they have a strong relationship

with their child’s teacher. Parents were also interested in receiving information about their

child’s behavioral conduct through the use of the Seesaw app and in fact that the use of this app

could improve communication between the teacher and the parent.

There was qualitative data collected from the use of open-ended questions for the parents

on the survey. The parents responded positively about the use of technology and specifically the

Seesaw app. The parent’s overall preferred method of communication was email or phone call.

However, the majority of the parents wrote that they would be interested in the use of the Seesaw

app as a method of communication because it allowed both teachers and parents the use of one

platform for communication. Several parents wrote that they would be happy to communicate

with teachers over this app unless it was an emergency or a serious issue that needs to be dealt

with in person or over the phone. Parents also specified that they would like responses to their

inquiries relatively quickly, with most desiring a response within a 24 hour period.

Technology is a vital piece to a child’s learning and can be beneficial to enhancing their

learning in the classroom. Furthermore, technology can improve communication between parents

and teachers and can open up doors to parents being able to see their child’s progress and work

through the use of the Seesaw app. The data on the survey indicated that all parents have access

to technology at home that they can use to be able to see their child’s work and progress through

the Seesaw app. This is important to this survey because the technology would not be as useful if

parents did not have a way to access the Seesaw app, to begin with. Although parents generally

indicated that they have a positive relationship with their child’s teachers, there is is still room

for improvement. The use of technology can help the teacher in taking responsibility for building
rapport with parents and their children, and in making sure there is open communication between

parents and teachers throughout the entire school year.

Question 1 - I would like to see technology use in my child’s classroom: 5, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5,

4: 4.2 (agree)
Question 2 - I am interested in the use of the Seesaw app in my child’s classroom: 5, 5, 3, 4, 5,
5, 4, 4, 5, 4: 4.4 (agree)
Question 3 - I would enjoy receiving updates about my child’s behavioral conduct through
technology: 5, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3: 4.1 (agree)
Question 4 - I am interested in communication with my child’s teacher through technology: 5, 4,
5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4: 4 (agree)
Question 5 - I would like to learn more about the Seesaw app but I am still okay with the use of
this app in my child’s classroom: 5, 5, 5, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 4, 5: 4.2 (agree)
Question 6 - Do you feel that you have a positive relationship with your child’s teacher: 5, 5, 5,
4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 5: 4.3 (agree)
Question 7 - Do you feel that communicating through the Seesaw app would improve
communication with your child’s teacher: 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4, 4: 4 (agree)
Question 8 - Are you interested in seeing your child’s work through the Seesaw app: 5, 5, 5, 5,
4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4: 4.7 (agree)
Question 9 - I am concerned about my child’s privacy using the Seesaw app: 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4,
2, 2: 2.7 (disagree)
Question 10 - I have access to technology at home in order to be able to use the Seesaw app: 5,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5: 5 (strongly agree)

Question 11-
I like the idea
I think that is a great idea
I think that would help my child in your classroom
I am indifferent on the idea
I think it is a great idea to integrate technology into the classroom
I am a supporter of the idea to integrate technology into my child’s classroom
I would like to learn about the Seesaw app but I generally think it is a good idea
I would like an introduction to the Seesaw app but I think integrating technology into the
classroom is a good idea
I am familiar with the Seesaw app and think it is a great idea

Question 12 -
Email is what I am used to, however, if Seesaw is easy to use I am happy to communicate
through that platform as well
Over any type of technology is fine
I would want to learn about Seesaw, but I am fine with using that unless it is urgent or an
Email, but I cam content with Seesaw for most things as well
Email, but using one platform like Seesaw with all the parents and the teacher is fine as well
Seesaw is fine unless there is an emergency
I have used Seesaw before and I am content with that platform as the means of communicating
with my child’s teacher
I am content with using email or Seesaw
Phone call but Seesaw is fine for other things as well

Question 13 -
24 hours
48 hours
24 hours
Within the week
24 hours
48 hours
As soon as possible
24 hours
24 hours
48 hours

Plan for Improvement

According to the results of the survey, parents would like to see more technology

integrated in their child’s classroom. One of the purposes of the survey was also to see whether

parents would be okay with the use of the app Seesaw in order to achieve an increase in

technology use for students and more communication between parents and teachers. Overall, the

use of technology can be improved by using this app in each classroom.

The plan for more technology in each classroom can be improved by giving both

students, teachers, and parents a better introduction of the technology being used in the

classroom. This could mean having a meeting with the staff and parents on how to use the app

Seesaw and what their children will be doing with the app. Furthermore, some parents were also

concerned about their children’s privacy in using this app. This can be addressed in the meeting

in order to improve the quality of the technology being used for learning in the classroom.

Clarification surrounding technology in the classroom is vital in order to improve technology use

for students in the classroom.

Similarly, communication between parents and teachers is vital. Although parents feel

they have a positive relationship with their child’s teachers overall, more technology can

improve this. Parents can see more of their child’s work on a daily basis and receive

encouragement and feedback on their child’s progress in school. However, in order to improve

this plan for more technology in the classroom, it is clear from the survey that there still needs to

be other forms of communication with parents. Ensuring teachers also phone and email parents is

important to this plan of using Seesaw. Parents still expressed that they would like phone calls,

especially for serious matters and of course for emergencies. This would be outlined at the

beginning of the school year and teachers would put this into practice throughout the school year.

Lastly, it is important that communication between parents and teachers about the use of

technology in the classroom remains open. The use of the Seesaw app in classrooms is only

possible through the cooperation between the parents and the teachers. The plan for technology

in the classrooms can be improved through constant updates about the Seesaw app and an outline

to parents of what students will be doing on the Seesaw app overall at the beginning of the

school year.

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