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An-najah National University Name:-

Faculty of Economic Second Semester 2019/2020

Marketing Department Final applied Exam

Principles of marketing 10876111

Q1:- In your opinion , which is better for companies in Palestine to adapt conventional
.distribution channel or VMS ? Why?. (4 points )


Q2:- Your manger asked you to design an effective marketing channel for the
.company . Describe how ? (5 points )


Q3:- You were asked to design an effective marketing communication program .

.Describe briefly the main steps . (5 points )


Q4:- Based on the common methods used to set the total budget for promotion
(advertising ) . Determine :- (6 points)

.?A. The most logical budget setting method ,Why

. ?B. The method which is simple to use , Why

. ?C. The method that is suitable for small businesses , Why

Good Luck

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