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Management Two second Assignment

16.1 What are the eight key traits associated with


2.Desire to lead
3.Honesty and integrity
6.Job-relevant knowledge
8.Proneness to guilt
16-2. Briefly explain what a managerial grid is.

It is a Matrix contains a set of leadership styles, It consists of two

dimensions, horizontal (Concern for production) and vertical (Concern for people) ,
each dimension ranking from 1 (low) to 9 (high). look at it.

There are 5 major style in grid:

1. impoverished management (1,1 or low concern for production, low concern for
2. task management (9,1 or high concern for production, low concern for people)
3. middle-of-the-road management (5,5 or medium concern for production, medium
concern for people)
4. country club management (1,9 or low concern for production, high concern for
5. team management (9,9 or high concern for production, high concern for people)
16-3. Explain Hersey and Blanchard’s situational
leadership styles and the two key behaviors
associated with it.
• Telling style: Refers a high-task, low-relationship style
wherein the leader gives explicit directions and supervises
work closely. This style is geared toward low maturity followers.
• Selling style: Refers to a high-task, high-relationship style, in
which the leader attempts to sell his ideas to the group by
explaining task directions in a persuasive manner. This, too, is
used with moderate followers. Unlike the previous style, these
followers have the ability but are unwilling to do the job.
• Participating style: A low-task, high-relationship style that
emphasizes shared ideas and decisions. Managers using the
participating style tend to use it with moderate followers who
are not only experienced but with those who aren't as confident
to do the tasks assigned.
• Delegating style: A low-task, low-relationship
style wherein the leader allows the group to take responsibility
for task decisions. This is best used with high maturity

the two key behaviors associated with it.

1. Task behavior
2. Relationship
16-4. What is the purpose of a charismatic
leader’s enthusiasm and self-confidence?

To gain the confidence of his followers, and to prove to them that he is

committed to his work and dedication to the success of the project ,and his
personality and actions influence people to behave in certain ways.

16-5. You are a team leader. What are your daily

priorities for your team?

The priorities is :
• Managing the team’s external boundary
• Facilitating the team process
• Self-Care
• Time Management
• Distribute daily tasks among team members, taking into account the
achievement of general goals, so that members feel accomplished
when achieving the goals assigned to them, which gives them a
positive incentive.
16-6. Can a leader get power from multiple
sources? Discuss.

Yes , he can get power from multiple sources as :

1. Legitimate power : are the same authority , is power you derive from
your formal position or office held in the organization's hierarchy of
authority , Although people in positions of authority are also likely to
have reward and coercive power, legitimate power is broader than the
power to coerce and reward.
2. Coercive power : Followers react to this power out of fear of the
negative results that might occur if they don’t comply , and is conveyed
through fear of losing one’s job, being demoted, receiving a poor
performance review, having prime projects taken away, etc. This power
is gotten through threatening others.
3. Reward power : is the power to give positive rewards. A reward can be
anything a person values such as money, favorable performance
appraisals, promotions, interesting work assignments, friendly
colleagues, and preferred work shifts or sales territories.

It can also be obtained from Personal Power from

1. Expert
2. Referent
16-7. Do you think most managers in real life use
a contingency approach to increase their
leadership effectiveness? Explain.

Yes, because the effective performance of the group depends on the

appropriate congruence between the commander's style and the degree to
which the position allows the leader to control and influence, and that the
specific leadership style will be more effective in different types of
situations, and the choice of the best leadership style depends on the
situation we deal with, and to be a leader Effectively, you need to
understand the different approaches to leadership in order to use the
appropriate approach in your situation, as they are the backbone of

16-8. Do the followers make a difference in

whether a leader is effective? Discuss.

Yes, followers can make a difference in whether a leader is effective. Their ability
to support the leader helps move the organization forward. Likewise, a good
follower should also speak their mind when they see the leadership is not heading
in the right direction. Sometimes the leader may be too caught up in their duties
that they take some things for granted. A good follower keeps the leader in line and
makes sure that they are performing their duties accordingly. In addition, a
follower knows the market well and understands people. This is because most
followers perform tasks that involve a lot of interaction with the public. In this
sense, a follower can advise a leader on recent market trends and help them make
informed decisions. and the follower Readiness have four stages :
• R1: both unable and unwilling
• R2: unable but willing
• R3: able but unwilling
• R4: both able and willing

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