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Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: V-Charity Date: __________

Quarter 1
Learning Activity No. 7.1

 COMPOUND SENTENCES are made up of two simple sentences connected by a

coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS:
F – for B - but
A – and O- or
N – nor Y - yet
S - so

 A cause-and-effect relationship describes something that happens and explains why it


The effect tells us what happens. The cause tells us why it happens.
Compound sentences show cause and effect relationship.

Example: Kyle presented his report logically so he got a high rating.

Cause Effect
 COMPLEX SENTENCES are made up of an independent clause and a dependent
clause. The dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction. They may be
used to show cause-and-effect relationship. The words that show this relationship are
after, although, before, because, due to, even though, if, unless, while, when, since, so
that, and that’s why, .

Example: We can’t go to school these days because of COVID-19 pandemic.

Effect Cause

A. Directions: Read and study the two ideas expressed in compound

sentences then underline the cause and circle the effect .

Example: Smoking is bad because

it destroys the lungs.
1. The dog barked at me because she was hungry.

2. Janiyah baked a special cake for it was her mother’s birthday.

3. She didn’t sleep well last night so she feels weak today.

4. We needed some groceries for the week so we went to the supermarket.

5. It was raining so hard outside so I put on my raincoat.

B. Read and study the given complex sentences. Then write the cause and the

1. I bought Dan a present because it was his birthday. .

CAUSE : _________________________________________

EFFECT: _________________________________________

2. Stay home and observe proper hygiene if you want yourself to be safe from

CAUSE: ___________________________________________

EFFECT: __________________________________________

3. Our country will not progress unless our leaders will practice honesty, justice and

CAUSE: ___________________________________________

EFFECT: __________________________________________

4. I didn’t get any sleep because our dog was barking all night long.

CAUSE: ___________________________________________

EFFECT: __________________________________________

5. If you study your lessons well, you will get smarter.

CAUSE: ___________________________________________

EFFECT: __________________________________________

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