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MODEL 4: Life influences


When I was living at my parents’ house, whenever when I was about to make an important
decision, my parents would always be afraid of getting myself hurt by not accomplishing my
goals. It was not because they didn’t trust, it was just because they were very protective.
Because of that, I was afraid of failure or disappointing them. However, over the years, I have
learned to list to the people that loves me, but at the end to make my own decision, so I have
become more determined in the things that I choose for me.

One of the strongest characteristics that I think has influenced and molded my personality is my
religious background. In Peru, the majority is a catholic. Because of that, for example, I have
always considered marriage as something very sacred. I also remember that in my school we
had hours dedicated to catholic religious where we used to learn how to follow God’s teachings
or how to be a “good” person.

My parents have raised me with a lot of values. They have taught me about responsibility,
honesty, empathy and so many other things. In my situation, the birth order has affected the
way I am. I have just one brother, who is younger than me. As the oldest and first child, I was
more spoiled and more protected. I am very stick to the rules, it is difficult for me to adapt to
new situations, I tend to get more nervous and stressed about things. My brother is just the
opposite of me. I didn’t leave my community to go to school, but one thing that really helped
building my personality is that until I was 8 years old, I used to live in my grandmother’s house,
with my parents and other aunts and cousins. I had a very happy childhood and grew up having
love, respect and living every age as I should.

My memories of school, in general, are happy ones. I met there a few of my best friends until
now, I learned new skills and I loved to study. I really enjoyed the whole school process,
studying, exams, readings, art classes. I learned how to play the violin and then discovered this
whole passion for music. I got so into music, that after my hours of school, my parents enrolled
me in piano lessons. I discovered, at school, that I was good at playing instruments, that I loved
reading books, that I loved learning languages. The only thing I didn’t like about my school is
that it was a very catholic one.

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