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Instructor Adam Guild E-mail

Kim Dockstader Address Kdockstader@
Phone Adam 886-9522 Planning Kim G2, R1
Number Kim 886-1500 Time

Course Description

Photography One will include photography composition using digital still camera equipment. Select still photos
will be developed for publication in the Mountain Star and Star Valley Independent.. Class time will be spent
developing artistic, informative photography projects through the use of still digital photo editing. Out of
classroom assignments will include photographing athletic, academic and artistic evens within the school
system. Photography terms and history will also be studied.

1. Creative Expression through Production
2. Aesthetic Perception.
3. Historical and Cultural Context
4. Applications to Life

Performance Standards

1. Creative Expression through Production

9-11 th grade students at the proficient performance level demonstrate acceptable performance. Students
frequently create, perform, exhibit, and respond through a minimum of one art form. Students use a variety of
skills and techniques. They apply concepts and processes to solve problems in the Arts. Students willingly
collaborate in the creative process.

2. Aesthetic Perception
11th grade students at the proficient performance level independently investigate, analyze, and state personal
preferences and the emotional impact of their own or other artistic works. They use correct terminology most of
the time to make references to how aesthetic, organizational, and technical elements and principles contribute to
the ideas communicated by the art form. Students appropriately use new and traditional materials, tools,
techniques, and technologies.

3. Historical and Cultural Context

9-11 th grade students at the proficient performance level correctly classify and discuss specific artistic works
belonging to particular cultures, times, and places. Students effectively analyze and interpret the relationships
between the Arts and history and culture.

4. Applications to Life
9-11 th grade students at the proficient performance level consistently demonstrate appropriate behavior for the
context and style of art presented. Students correctly identify and explain interrelated concepts among the Arts,
other disciplines, and society. Students correctly identify skills used in vocational, cultural, and recreational
opportunities in the Arts.

Units of Study

Units Standards Benchmarks Assessments

Category Photographs 1, 2 Students will be graded
Turn in one photo in each on these photos in three
subject: segments. Six photos are
Sports, Clubs, Informal due every three weeks
School Life, Pets Farm for the first term.
Animals, Hunting,
Houses, Shops & Barns,
Office or School, Fruit,
Vegetables, Drinks, Fast
Food, Mountains/Trees,
Gardens/flowers, Boats or
Planes, Motorcycles/snow
machines or bikes.

Photography Terms 3, 4 Students will learn

definitions photographic terms and
then take a quiz on the

Weekly Assignments Specific assignments

given according to some
of the photography
Themes 1, 2 One theme is due every
Students will choose three three weeks for the first
themes and choose at term of the semester.
least 10 photos for each
theme, and make an
iMovie of theme with
School Category 1, 2 Students will be graded
Photographs on these photos in three
Yearbook photos.Also segments. Six photos are
turn in one photo in each due every three weeks
subject: for the second term.
Art, Math, Science,
Computers/Accting., P.E.,
Custodial, School
Architecture, Music,
English/Drama, Teachers,
Technology, Lunchroom,
Sports/Activities, Brave
Cadettes/Cheer, History,
Weights, Home Ec.,
Kitchen, Bonus

Term Paper
Write a term paper based 3, 4 Turn in 700 word paper
on a famous photographer typed in MLA style.
from history or a specific
term in photography.

Storybook 1, 2 Turn in storyboard.
Tell a story in 20 photos. Early. Present final
Plan story on a storyboard story to class in
This is My Life 1, 2 Present final life story to
Photo Essay. class in slideshow with
Tell about yourself in 20 music.
photos as photo essay.
Make iMovie and add


Instructor E-mail Kdockstader@

Kim Dockstader Address
Phone Kim 886-1500 Planning
Number Time Kim G4, R2

Course Description
Photography One will include photography composition using digital still camera equipment. Select still photos
will be developed for publication in the Mountain Star and Star Valley Independent.. Class time will be spent
developing artistic, informative photography projects through the use of still digital photo editing. Out of
classroom assignments will include photographing athletic, academic and artistic evens within the school
system. Photography terms and history will also be studied.

I____________________________________________________ have read the Photo 1 syllabus and will

support my student ___________________________________________as he /she takes the Photo1 course.

Parent Signature Date

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