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Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.

Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 

A wire of 19980Ω is connected in series with RG. ပညာေရး၀န္ၾကီးဌာန၏ ႐ူပေဗဒ ေမးခြန္း (၃)စံုမွ အခန္းလိုက္ေလ့က်င့္ခန္း အေျဖမ်ား

3. A 220V voltmeter has a resistance of 20k Ω. When it is connected in series with a Chapter 1
resistor across a 200V mains line, what is the resistance of the resistor?
1. A crane is lifting a 500N load with a velocity of 200cms-1. Calculate the power of the
crane in hp.
v=200cms-1=200 10-2ms-1=2ms-1
P=Fv=500 2=100W=  1.3405hp (⸪1hp=746W)
2. When a spring is loaded with 75N the extension of the spring is 6cm. If a load of
10kg is loaded to it, what will be the extension of the spring? (g=10ms-2)
R1=20kΩ=20000Ω, V1=10V, I=? F=75N, x=6cm=6 10-2m,k=?
V1=IR1 By Hooke’s law,
𝑉 10 F=kx
𝐼 5 10 𝐴
𝑅 20000 F 75
V = V1 + V2 k  2
 12.5 102 Nm 1
x 6 10
V2=V – V1
m=10kg, g=10ms-2, x=?
= 200- 10
       F=w=mg=10 10=100N
V2=IR2 F=kx
𝑉 190 𝐹 100
𝑅 38 10 Ω 𝑥 8 10 𝑚 8𝑐𝑚
𝐼 5 10 𝑘 1.25 10
F1=75N, x1=6cm=6 10 m
F2=w=mg=10 10=100N, x2=?
By Hooke’s law,
F= kx
𝑥 𝑥
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
𝑥 𝐹 6 10 100
𝑥 8 10 𝑚 8𝑐𝑚 𝑉 100
𝐹 75 𝑅 𝑅 20 9980Ω
Chapter 2 𝑖 1 10
A wire of 9980Ω is connected in series with RG.
1. Compare the atmospheric pressures and forces acting on a man and a child who are 2. A moving-coil galvanometer of resistance 20 Ω gives a full-scale deflection when
standing side by side. a current of 10mA passes through it. What modification must be made to it so that
Let, Area of a man =A1 it will give a full-scale deflection for (i) a current of 1A and (ii) a potential
Area of a child =A2 difference of 100V? (ပံုဆြဲစရာ မလိုပါ)
The force acting on a man =F1
The force acting on a child =F2
A1>A2 RG =20 Ω,
Atmospheric pressure is the same. i =5mA=5 10-3A
pA1>pA2 I =1A
(c) To use as ammeter, let resistance r is connected in parallel with RG.
The force acting on a man>the force acting on a child

2. The pressure at the height of 1m from the floor is the normal atmospheric pressure
1.01 105 Pa. If the temperature is 0℃, what is the pressure on the floor? (Density of
air = 1.29 kgm-3, g=10ms-2)
P1m =Patm =1.01×105Pa
ρair =1.29kgm-3
g =10ms-2 P1m= Patm  𝑖
Pfloor−Patm=? 𝑟 𝑅
𝐼 𝑖
Pfloor=Patm+ ρair gh 5 10
Pfloor=P1m+ ρair gh 20 100 10 0.1Ω 1 0.005 ≅ 1
1 0.005
=1.01 105+1.29 10 1 Pfloor  A shunt wire of 0.1 Ω is connected in parallel with RG.
10100 12.9 (d) V=100V, R=?
10112.9Pa floor  To use as voltmeter, let resistance R is connect in series with R.
3. The density of the lead block is 11.5gcm-3 and it is floating in mercury of density 13.6
gcm-3. (a) What portion of the lead block is immersed in mercury? (b) What force is
needed to press the block to immerse it totally if the mass of the lead block is 4kg? (c)
Why is the lead block floating in mercury?
𝑉 100
(a) ρ =11.5gcm-3 𝑅 𝑅 20 19980Ω
𝑖 5 10
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
Chapter 12 ρ0 =13.6gcm-3
1. A moving-coil galvanometer of resistance 20 Ω gives a full-scale deflection when ?
a current of 5mA passes through it. What modification must be made to it so that
it will give a full-scale deflection for (i) a current of 1A and (ii) a potential 𝑉 ρ
difference of 100V? (ပံုဆြဲစရာ မလိုပါ) 𝑉 ρ
RG =20 Ω,
i =10mA= 1 10-2A =0.8455=84.55%
I =1A =85%
(a) To use as ammeter, let resistance r is connected in parallel with RG. 85% of lead block is immersed in mercury.
i (b) m=4kg, F⸍=?

I Since the lead block is in equilibrium,

A  r  B 
Upward thrust = needed force +weight of lead
F =Fˊ+w F' 
I-i F 
𝑟 𝑅 =ρ0gV−mg
𝐼 𝑖
1 10 𝑚 F  w 
20 𝜌 𝑔 𝑚𝑔
1 0.005 𝜌
20 10
0.2Ω 1 0.005 ≅ 1 𝑚𝑔 1  
F' w

A shunt wire of 0.2 Ω is connected in parallel with RG. 13.6

4 10 1
(b) V=100V, R=? 2.1
To use as voltmeter, let resistance R is connect in series with R. 11.5
RG  R 84
A  B  C  7.3043𝑁
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
(c) The lead block is floating in mercury because the weight of the lead block is equal 3. If a 60W electric lamp is connected to a 240V mains line, find (i) the current in
the lamp (ii) the resistance of tungsten wire of the lamp (iii) the amount of heat
to the upward thrust of mercury on it.
produced by the filament in 1min.
4. A hydraulic (water power) press consists of 1cm and 5 cm diameter pistons.
What force must be applied on the small piston so that the large piston will be able to P = 60 W
raise 10N load? V = 240V
          din = 1cm , rin =0.5cm=0.5 10-2m (i) I =?
dout = 5cm , rout =2.5cm= 2.5 10-2m P = VI
𝑃 60 1
Fout =10N , Fin =? 𝐼 0.25𝐴
𝑉 240 4
By Pascal’s law,
(ii) R =?
𝑉 240
A A 𝑅 960Ω
𝐼 1/4
(iii) t= 1min = 60s, H=?
𝐹 1
𝜋𝑟 𝐼 𝑅𝑡 960 60 1 960 960
𝐻 4 857.14𝑐𝑎𝑙
0.5 10 𝐽 4.2 16 4.2
2.5 10
Chapter 3

1. Twenty students of skin temperature 33℃ and the body surfaces area 1.5m2 each
are sitting in class-room temperature 25℃. Calculate the heat gain of the class-
room due to convection. (q=1.7 10-3Wm-2K-1)
 T2 =33 ℃
T1 = 29 ℃
T2– T1= 33 – 29 =4℃ or 4K
A = 1.5 20=30m2
q = 1.7 ×10-3Wm-2K-4
H =?
H =qA(T2-T1)
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
𝐻 𝐼 𝑅 =1.7 ×10-3×30 4
𝑡 𝐽 = 20.4 10-3Js-1
In 1s, the amount of heat gain=20.4 10-3J
H I R 1.5 2
1.07𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠 2. An animal of skin surface area 1.5m2 is in a room of temperature 29℃. If the rate
t 𝐽 4.2
of heat loss due to convection is 0.01W, what will be the temperature of the
H 𝐼 𝑅 1.5 4
2.14 𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠 animal’s skin? (Heat convection constant =1.7 10-3Wm-2K-1)
t 𝐽 4.2
H 𝐼 𝑅 1.5 6 T1 = 29 ℃ = 29+273=302k
3.21 𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠
𝑡 𝐽 4.2 A = 1.5m2
2. An electric stove of 1200W is connected to a 240V mains line. (i) Find its q = 1.7 ×10-3Wm-2K-4
resistance. (ii) Find the current flowing through it. (iii) Find the number of H = 0.01W
calories produced in one second by it. (iv)Find the electrical power produced by it T2 =?
when the voltage of mains line drops to 200V. (J=2.42Jcal-1) H =qA(T2-T1)
P =1200W 𝑇 𝑇
V =240V 0.01
(a) R =? 1.7 10 1.5
𝑉 306𝐾 306 273 33℃
𝑉 240
𝑅 48Ω 3. The temperature of the filament is 2500K when the bulb is switched on. The
𝑃 1200
diameter of the filament is 0.1mm and it is made of metal of emissivity 0.35. If
(b) I =? the emissive power is 40W, find the length of the filament.
P =VI  T = 2500K
𝑃 1200 d = 0.1mm=0.1×10-3m=10-4m
𝐼 5𝐴
𝑉 240 e =0.35
H =40W
(c) V =200V (Vသည္ 240Vမွ 200Vသို႕ ေျပာင္းသြား၍ V=IRအရ Iေျပာင္းသြားမည္။ ထို႕ေၾကာင့္ P=VIကို σ =5.685 ×10-8Wm-2K-4
မသံုးႏိုင္ပါ) l =?
P=? H =eσAT4
𝑉 200 H = eσπdlT4
𝑃 833.33𝑊 𝐻
𝑅 48 𝑙
0.35 5.685 10 3.142 10 2500
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
=0.1637m 4

4. The temperature of the filament is 3000K when the bulb is switched on. The
diameter of the filament is 0.1mm and it is made of metal of emissivity 0.3. If the
emissive power is 40W, find the length of the filament.
 T = 3000K
d = 0.1mm=0.1×10-3m=10-4m
e =0.3
H =40W
σ =5.685 ×10-8Wm-2K-4 R1=2 Ω, R2=4 Ω, R3=6 Ω, E=12V, r=1 Ω,
l =? 𝐻
H =eσAT4 𝑡
H = eσπdlT4 R1 and R2 are in series,
𝐻 Rs= R1+R2
𝑙 = 2+4
40 =6 Ω
0.3 5.685 10 3.142 10 3000 Rs and R3 are in parallel,
=0.09215m 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 6 6 6 3
Chapter 4 R=3Ω

𝐸 12 12
1. The wave velocity in the highest frequency violin string is 435 ms-1, and its length 𝐼 3𝐴
l is 0.22m. If a violin player lightly touches the string at a point which is at a 𝑅 𝑟 3 1 4
distance l/4 from one end, a node is formed at that point. What is the lowest
In parallel, V=Vs=V3=9V
frequency that can now be produced by the string?
 v =435ms-1
𝑉 9 3
l =0.22m 𝐼 1.5𝐴
𝑅 6 2
It is fourth harmonic.
𝑉 9
f4 =? 𝐼 1.5𝐴
𝑅 6
For string,
In series, Is=I1=I2=1.5A
2𝑙 Rate of production of heat:
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
E 12 4𝑣
I 3𝐴 𝑓
R r 3 1 2𝑙
The reading of ammeter A is 3A. 4 435
5. A cell having an e.m.f of 1.5V and an internal resistance of 1 Ω is connected to 2
2 0.22
Ω and 3 Ω resistors in series. Find the current in the electric circuit and the
potential difference across the ends of each resistor. =3955Hz

2. Find the first three harmonics which will be formed in a closed organ pipe of
E = 1.5V
length 0.4m. Velocity of sound in air is 340ms-1.
r = 1Ω
 l =0.4m
R1 = 2Ω R2
R2 = 3Ω v =340ms-1
I =?
f1, f2, f3=?
V1 =?
V2 =? For close organ pipe,
R1 and R2 are in series. I
𝑣 340
R =R1 +R2 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑠: 𝑓 212.5𝐻𝑧
= 2+3 4𝑙 4 0.4
= 5Ω 3𝑣
E 1.5 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑠: 𝑓 3𝑓 3 212.5 637.5Hz
E, r 4𝑙
I 0.25A
R r 5 1
𝐹𝑖𝑓𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑠: 𝑓 5 f 5 ×212.5= 1062.5Hz
In series, R1 and R2 have the same current.
I = I1 = I 2
3. A tuning fork is struck and placed over the open end of a resonance tube with
V1 = I1R1=0.25×2=0.5V
adjustable air column. If resonances occur when the air column is 16.2 cm and
V2 = I2R2=0.25×3=0.75V
54.8 cm long, find the velocity of sound from these values. Frequency of tuning
fork is 440Hz.
Chapter 11 f =440Hz

1. Find the rate of production of heat by the 2 Ω, 4 Ω and 6 Ω resistors respectively l1 =16.2cm
in the circuit diagram shown below. [EMF of a battery is 12V and its internal l2 =54.8cm
resistance is 1 ohm].
v =?
𝑙 𝑙
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
λ =2(l2-l1)
3 1 R1
=2 38.6cm
=77.2m 4
=0.772m 1
v =f λ 3
𝑅 3Ω
=440 ×0.772 3 Ω and 12 Ω resistors can be obtained.
=339.68ms-1 4. In the electric circuit shown below, find the reading of the ammeter A when the
switch is (i) open (ii) closed.
Chapter 5
1. When a ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass slab, both reflection and
refraction of light take place. If the angle of incidence of the ray is 40° and the angle
between the reflected ray and the refracted ray is 120°, find the refractive index of a
transparent slab.
i r′

i= 40°, θ=120°, ng=? θ R1=1 Ω, R2=4 Ω, R3=4 Ω,E=12V, r=1Ω

glass (a)When the switch is open, no current flows through the switch.
By the law of reflection, i=i'=40°
R1 and R3 are in series,
r+r' +θ =180° r R=R1+R3=1+4=5Ω
E 12
I 2𝐴
r = 180° - (θ+r' )=180° - (120°+40°)=20° R r 5 1
The reading of ammeter A is 2A.
sin 𝑖 sin 40°
𝑛 1.879
sin 𝑟 sin 20° (b) When the switch is closed, the current flows through the switch.
R2 and R3 are in parallel,
2. A cube of ice of refractive index 1.31 is placed on a glass slab of refractive index 1.6. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
If a ray of light passing from the glass slab to the ice has an angle of incidence of 60°, R 𝑅 𝑅 4 4 4 2
will the ray enter the ice? Draw a ray diagram to illustrate your answer. Rp=2 Ω
Rp and R1 are in series,
R=Rp+R1=2+1=3 Ω
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
2. When the length of a wire is halved and its diameter is doubled, how would the Solution:
resistance of the wire change?  
ni =1.31
𝑙 ng =1.6  
𝑅 𝜌
𝐴 i =60 °
𝑙           ice 
𝜌 ic =?
𝜋𝑑                 glass 
4𝜌𝑙 1 1
∵ 𝐴 𝜋𝑟 𝜋𝑑 𝑛 i  r 
𝜋𝑑 4 sin 𝑖
𝑙1 ,
2 𝑛 1
𝑑1 2𝑑 ,
𝑛 sin 𝑖
𝜋𝑑1 2 𝑛
𝑙 sin 𝑖
4𝜌 𝑛
𝜋 2𝑑 1.31
4𝜌𝑙 1.6
8𝜋𝑑 ic =54 ° 58 ˊ
𝑅 i >ic
The ray will not enter the ice.
Total internal reflection will take place.
3. Which of the following resistances can be obtained by connecting a 4Ω resistor
with a 12 Ω resistor? Explain your answer with an appropriate illustrations and 3. The angle of a glass prism is 60° and the angle of minimum deviation is 39°. Find the
calculations. refractive index of glass.
(i) 1 Ω (ii) 3 Ω (iii) 9 Ω (iv) 12 Ω (v) 16 Ω  A =60 °
Dm =39 °
R1=4 Ω, ng =?
R2= 12 Ω R1 R2
R1 and R2 are in series, sin
𝑛 2
R=R1+R2=4+8=12 Ω 𝐴
R1 and R2 are in parallel, 60 39
1 1 1 sin
𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 sin 30°
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
sin 49.5 𝑄 200
𝑉 20𝑉
sin 30° 𝐶 10
sin 49° 30ˊ 𝑄 200
𝑉 13.33𝑉
sin 30° 𝐶 15
Chapter 10
4. If the refractive index of glass is 1.5 and the angle of prism is 60°, find the angle of
minimum deviation. 1. Show that the equivalent resistance of the resistors in series is equal to the sum of
 ng =1.5 the resistance of the individual resistor.
A =60 °
Dm =?

𝑛 2
60° 𝐷
1.5 2
sin 30° V=IR,
60° 𝐷
sin 1.5 sin 30° In series, currents are in same.

60° 𝐷 I=I1=I2=I3
48° 36′
V1=IR1, V2=IR2, V3=IR3
60°+Dm =97 °12⸍
Dm =97 °12⸍-60 ° In series,
=37 °12⸍
Chapter 6 V=V1+V2+V3

1. An image, which is five times the size of an object, is to be produce by a convex lens
of power +2D on the same side as the object. How far should the object be placed R = R1+ R2+R3
from the lens?
 m =+5 (erect image)
Therefore, the equivalent resistance of the resistors in series is equal to the sum of
P = +2D (convex lens)
the resistance of the individual resistor.
u =?
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
12 100
𝐶 4𝜇𝐹 𝑃
3 𝑓
4. Three capacitors of capacitance 3μF, 10μF and 15μF are connected in series with 𝑓
100V battery. What is the charge and the potential difference on each capacitor? 100

= 50cm (convex lens)

C1 =3μF v = −5u
C2 =10μF
C3 =15μF 1 1 1
Q1, Q2, Q3=? 𝑢 𝑣 𝑓
V1, V2, V3=?
1 1 1
1 1 1 𝑢 5𝑢 𝑓
3 10 15 5 1 1
10 3 2 5𝑢 50
30 u = 40cm
The object is placed 40cm from the convex lens.
2. An image, which is three times the size of an object, is to be produce by a convex lens
Q=CV of power +5D on the other side of the lens with respect to the object. How far should
=2×100 the object be placed from the lens?
=200μC  m = -3 (inverted)
P = +5D (convex lens)
In series, C1, C2 and C3 have the same charge. u =?
𝑄 200 100
𝑉 66.67𝑉 𝑃
𝐶 3 𝑓
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
100 1𝑄
𝑓 𝑊
𝑃 2 𝐶
100 Final energy
5 After pulling apart, the charge Q does not change.
1𝑄 1𝑄 𝑄
= 20cm (convex lens) 𝑊ˊ
𝑣 2 𝐶ˊ 2 𝐶 𝐶
m 2
𝑢 Required work=Wˊ-W
𝑣 𝑄 1𝑄
𝑢 𝐶 2 𝐶
v = 3u 1𝑄
2 𝐶
1 1 1 1 2 10
𝑢 𝑣 𝑓 2 10
4 10
1 1 1
2 10
𝑢 3𝑢 𝑓 2 10 𝐽
3 1 1 There is an attractive electric force between two parallel metal plates. It stores
3𝑢 20 more energy. Therefore, work is required to pull them apart.
3u = 80
u = 26.67cm
3. How can you connect a 6μF capacitor with a 12μF capacitor to get a 4μF?
The object is placed 26.67cm from the convex lens.
C2=12μF C1 C2
Chapter 7 To get a 4μF, ⟛ ⟛ 
When C1 and C2 are in series,
1. A positive charge of 4 10-6C exerts a force of repulsion of 7.2N on a second 1 1 1
charge 25cm away. What is the sign and magnitude of the second charge? (2018- 𝐶 𝐶 𝐶
2019) (ပံုဆြဲစရာ မလို) 1 1
6 12
2 1
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
(ii) V =45V Q1 =+4×10-6C
Q =? F =7.2N Q1 Q2
Q =CV r =0.25m
=4.425×10-11×45 Q2 =?
=199.1×10-11C      0.25m 
1 𝑄𝑄
(iii) W =? 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
2 𝑄
1 9 10 𝑄
199.1 10 45
2 7.2 0.25
4.489×10-8J 9 10 4 10
1.25 10 𝐶 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
Q1 is positive charge and the force has repulsive force. Therefore Q2 is positive
2. A parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance 10μF is given a charge of 20μC and then charge.
disconnected from the circuit. How much work is required to pull apart the plates of
this capacitor to twice their original separation? Give a simple explanation why is 2. Calculate the values of two equal charges if they repel one another with a force
this work needed. 0.2N when situated 50cm apart in vacuum. (2018-2019) (ပံုဆြဲစရာ မလို)

C=10μF=10-5F Q1 =Q2=Q=? Q1 Q2
Q= 20μC=2×10-5C
F =0.2N=2×10-1N
dˊ =2d r =50cm=5×10-1N
Initial capacitance,
𝜀 𝑘𝐴 𝐹
𝑑 Q1
F Q2
𝐹𝑟 F
Final capacitance 9 10
2 10 5 10
𝜀 𝑘𝐴 𝜀 𝑘𝐴 𝐶 9 10      50cm 
𝐶ˊ 50 10 10
𝑑ˊ 2𝑑 2
Initial energy 9 10
5.556 10
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
𝑄 2.357 10 𝐶 Electric potential at B due to Q2
𝑄 𝑄 2.357 10 𝐶 1 𝑄
The two equal charges repel one another so they are either two positive charges or 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
two negative charges.
3. (i) Find the direction and the magnitude of the electric field intensity due to the V1 =-V2
1 𝑄 1 𝑄
carbon nucleus at a point 0.1nm from the nucleus. (ii) Find also the direction and
magnitude of the force on a proton placed at that point. (2018-2019) 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
4 10 9 10
𝑏 𝑏 0.5
Q=+6e=+6×1.6×10-19C 2+4b =9b
=9.6×10-19C Q 1C E 5b =2
r =0.1nm=10-10m b =0.4m (outside the charges, from Q1)
(a) E =? Carbon Away from
 10‐10m Chapter 9
nucleus the nucleus
1 𝑄
𝐸 1. The plates of a parallel-plate capacitor in air are 50cm2 in area and 1mm apart. (i)
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
What is its capacitance? (ii) When the capacitor is connected to a 45V battery, what
9.6 10
9 10 is the charge on either plate? (iii) What is the energy of the capacitor?
86.4 10 NC-1
E is away from the carbon nucleus. Q q F A =50cm2=50×10-4m2
(b) q =+1.6×10 C-19 d =1mm =10-3m
E =86.4×1010NC-1 k =1
Carbon Away from ε0 =8.85 10-12C2N-1m-2
F =?  10‐10m
nucleus the nucleus
F =Eq (i) C =?
=86.4×1010×1.6×10-19 𝜀 𝑘𝐴
=132.4×10-9N 𝐶
F is away from the carbon nucleus. 8.85 10 1 50 10
4. Two charges, +20 10-6 C and +8 10-6 C, are 2m apart. Where is the electric 10
field intensity in their vicinity equal to zero? Is the electric potential zero there? 4.425×10-11F
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 

Q1 Q2
𝐸⃗ 𝐸⃗
⊕ ●  ⊕ 
Q1=+4×10-9C, r1=a m
Q2=-9×10-9C, r2=(0.5-a)m r1 =(2-x)m r2 =x m
Inside the charges, a =?
Electric potential at A due to Q1
1 𝑄
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟 Q1 =+20×10-6C,
Electric potential at A due to Q2 Q2 =+8×10-6C,
1 𝑄 r1= (2-x)m
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟 r2 =x m

x =?
V1+V2=0 Electric field intensity at P due to Q1
V1=-V2 1 𝑄
1 𝑄 1 𝑄 𝐸
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
4 10 9 10 Electric field intensity at P due to Q2
𝑎 0.5 𝑎 1 𝑄
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
2-4a =9a By given,
13a =2
a =0.1538m (inside the charges, from Q1) E =0
E1 =E2
Q1=+4×10-9C, r1=b m
Q2=-9×10-9C, r2=(b+0.5)m 1 𝑄 1 𝑄
b =? 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟 4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
Electric potential at B due to Q1
1 𝑄 20 10 8 10
𝑉 2 𝑥 𝑥
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟
Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics  Mr.Phyo Min Zaw(M.C.Sc)  MCK Education Center  Physics 
5 2 Chapter 8
2 𝑥 𝑥
1. The electric potential difference between two parallel metal plates which are 0.5cm
√5 √2
apart is 0.5×103V. Find the force on a proton between the plates. (e=1.6×10-19C)
2 𝑥 𝑥
2.236 1.414 d =0.5cm=5×10-3m
2 𝑥 𝑥 V =0.5×103V
2.236x=2.828-1.414x q =+1.6×10-19C
3.65x=2.828 F =?
x =0.7748m (from Q2, inside the charges) V =Ed
F =Eq
No, the electric potential is not zero there. 𝑉𝑞
5. How far are two protons if the force each exerts on the other is equal to the weight
of a proton? (g=10ms-2, mass of proton= 1.67×10-27kg, charge of proton= 1.6×10-
19 0.5 10 1.6 10
ပံုဆြဲစရာ မလိုပါ။ 5 10
1.6 10 𝑁
Q1 Q2
Q1 =Q2=+1.6×10 C -19
m =1.67×10 kg
2. How much work is done in moving a charge of +1.6×10-19C from one point to
g =10ms-2
    1m another on the surface of a charged conducting sphere of 200V?
r =?
By given, Electric force between two protons= weight of a proton The surface of a charged conducting sphere is an equipotential surface.
F =w For two points A and B on the surfaces, VA=VB=200V
1 𝑄𝑄 Work done carrying a charge from A to B
4𝜋𝜀 𝑟 WA to B= q(VB- VA)
9 10 𝑄𝑄 = 1.6×10-19( 200 – 200)
𝑟 =0J
9 10 1.6 10 w 
3. Two point charges +4nC and -9nC, are 40cm apart. Find the points of equal electric
1.67 10 10 potential which are on the line joining the two charges.
r =0.3715m

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