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Environmental Education -3R Promotion in Schools

Clean School Program

Regional Training for Trainers

Labasa, Fiji
17-21 November, 2014

Nafiza Ali
Asst Health Inspector/ 3R Officer In -Charge
Nadi Town Council
• As the JICA project progressed in Nadi, the importance of
environmental education on waste issues was highly
emphasized in the schools.
• Conducted survey and profiling of the schools on the basis
information about the waste management system in 2009.
• Few practical activities on environmental education , waste
dumped improperly in school compound, practice of burning,
no separation of waste , less or no composting of organic

Jet Set Clean Nadi

• Highlighted the need of improving and enhancing the solid
waste management issues and practices.
• Hence NTC in cooperation with JICA and Ministry of Education
(MOE)commenced on implementing a 3R centric system in
schools under Clean School Program (CSP).
• CSP was introduced in February 2010 with 11 schools (within
Town boundary ) participating to implement 3R activities
through 3 sets of activities:
• Environmental Awareness Activities
• School Composting
• Recycling

• This program has continued with 22 schools participating now.

Jet Set Clean Nadi

To introduce a 3R centric
system to schools

2. Target children in
1. Give opportunities creating awareness on
for schools to start the concept of waste
proper waste minimization at
management schools, home and
p. 4 4

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Guide for Clean School Program
• The Guide was initially
developed in 2009 and has
been amended to reflect
lessons and experiences
during 2010-2011.
• The 3rd edition of the Guide
is now available for schools
in Fiji to use as a reference.

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Teachers’ Workshop 2010
• In cooperation with MOE , teachers and education officials
attended the CSP workshop organized on February 19th ,2010.
• Presented on three divisions including site visits to grasp the
idea for implementing of 3R activities in their schools.

Jet Set Clean Nadi

3R Committee
•Teachers, students & parents
•Women, men, boys & girls
•All ethnic backgrounds

p. 5 7

Jet Set Clean Nadi

PDCA Cycle

• DO

p. 6 8

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Action Plan
Schools are required to submit ‘Action Plan’ to the councils
with the following steps:
1. Discuss and identify the problems about waste issues the
school is currently facing.
2. Set the goals to be achieved
3. Plan the activities to achieve the goals. The plan should
include the activities (What), process (How),person or group
in charge(Who),time frame(When) and cost (How much)
4. Fill in the “Action Plan” sheet.

Key Points
Action Plan should be renewed regularly according to the results and lessons of the
practices carried out ,which is part of “PDCA Cycle”

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Monitoring by NTC
• NTC staff visits schools to check progress and give advice on
implementation of the program when necessary.


Jet Set Clean Nadi

2014 Schedule
March , 2014 Prepare Action Plan for 2014

April, 2014 Action plan submitted by schools to NTC

June- July , 2014 1st monitoring by NTC

September, 2014 2nd monitoring by NTC

5th Year
October, 2014 Entry for the competition

November 2014 Final Judging

November, 2014 Awards ceremony


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Division 1

Environmental Awareness Raising


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Awareness Activities: Examples
• Practice of both side printing or writing.
• Reuse of PET bottles, containers, cardboard
for another purpose.
• Letting students bring their own cups and
plates in school functions.
• Rubbish art & craft.
• Community cleanup activities.
• Nurseries & gardens

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Awareness Activities: Examples
• Classroom activities- learning about waste.
• Outside programs- site visits, social activities
• Speech and poster competition.
• Supporting child on activities for an
environment corner in schools
• “Cleanest class of the week” competition
• Rubbish bin design contest
REDUCE activities
are encouraged!

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 1
Environmental Awareness raising

Environment corner

Reusing bottles for pot plants 15

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 1
Environmental Awareness raising
1 2



Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 1
Environmental Awareness raising

Wall painting for

environmental awareness

Colored PET bottles for fencing


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 1
Environmental Awareness raising

• Plant more flowers


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 1
Environmental Awareness raising

• Use lunch boxes instead of disposable wrappers

• Use reusable cups & plates in the canteen
• Discourage junk food in schools 19

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 1
Environmental Awareness raising

“Reuse” + “Beautification”
• Classroom signage and flower vase 20

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Go ECO Sh op p in g Nadi EcoBags are…
 Made with cut cloth pieces
collected from garment
factories and tailors.
 Environmentally friendly
alternatives to plastic bags
 Made by local women’s groups.
 Fashionable and attractive.
Bring your own bags to shopping
and help us reduce unnecessary
waste. Keep Fiji Beautiful.

A Project of Health Department, Nadi Town Council

In Cooperation with Women’s Department,
Ministry of Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Division 2

School Composting

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 2

School Composting
Collection of organic waste
at classrooms

Timber compost 23

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 2

School Composting

• 3 stage compost Open ground compost Incinerator used as a

compost frame

• Finished compost
Jet Set Clean Nadi
Example of Division 2

School Composting

• Compost can be used for science experiments

- “With compost” vs. “Without compost”

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Division 3

Rubbish Separation & Recycling


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Introducing Recycling in school
• Identify the types of waste discharged in your
• Determine suitable items to be separated
and recycled.
• Prepare separate bins in the classrooms and
raise awareness.
• Locate a storage area for recyclable waste.
• Conduct monitoring.
p. 14~17 27

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 3

Rubbish Separation & Recycling

Clear and Colorful labeling


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 3

Rubbish Separation & Recycling

Labeling for storage area


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Example of Division 3

Rubbish Separation & Recycling

Zero burning

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Implementation / Monitoring , Follow-Up

• Competition among schools help motivate schools

• Judging committee includes representatives from municipalities,
MOE, DOE, JICA, NGOs and local communities.

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Awarding / Follow-up

• Awards and certificates to winning schools

• Certificates to all participating schools
• Presentation by schools and trips to winning schools
– Share the experience and lessons 32

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Improvement in schools (2010)
School A Before After


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Overall Best School (2010)
Andrews Primary School

Jet Set Clean Nadi

• Teachers’ interest, cooperation and
involvement of the whole school.
• Changing mindset of students and teachers
• Sustainability
• Capacity of the municipalities/local authorities
as facilitators.


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Results/ Lessons Learnt
• To implement CSP successfully, it is vital to work closely
and in cooperation with all the relevant organizations
and authorities. One of the success factors for Nadi is
its networking with other ministries. NTC works closely
with Ministry of Education (MOE), Department of
Environment(DOE), JICA and other organizations.
• To encourage schools to take part in the program and
claim ownership ,involve MOE who plays a vital role in
monitoring the schools during their schools visit and

Jet Set Clean Nadi

• 3R is a new concept and changing the mindset of
people is a big challenge therefore continuous
awareness raising programs, trainings, workshops,
monitoring and advice is very important.
• NTC continues with awareness raising programs for
students, teachers and community, trainings,
workshops and Professional Development Sessions
for the teachers.
• Continuous monitoring (1st ,2nd and final judging ) of
the activities is conducted every year and advice
given accordingly for improvement. 37

Jet Set Clean Nadi

Workshop for teachers

• Schools invite NTC staff to present

on the Clean School Program


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Awareness Raising / Training
Awareness raising for Students

Awareness raising for Parents


Jet Set Clean Nadi

• To sustain the 3R practices, it is important to get the
interest , cooperation and involvement of all the
teachers, students , and the whole school.
• Implement incentives to motivate and encourage
• NTC organizes competition every year where all
participating schools are awarded with certificates
and winning schools with other awards/ prizes
during a special award ceremony.


Jet Set Clean Nadi

Thank you
Let’s work together to
promote 3Rs!
Nadi Town Council Health Department
PO Box 241 Nadi, Fiji /

Website (Fiji Department of Environment):
Nadi’s environmental character

Jet Set Clean Nadi

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