The Curse of The Crimson Knight - Part I

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The Curse of the Crimson Knight Part I

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Author: Dragonfire
System: War Hammer
Type: Scenario
Category: Fantasy

The PCs attend a noble wedding only to find that the bride to be has fallen victim to a mysterious
disease, when a strange man Doctor Halsing fails to save her the disease leads them into a
confrontation with a foe older than any of them could have imagined.

[ An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Dragonfire 1999 ]

Story Outline: The PCs attend a noble wedding only to find that the bride to be has fallen victim to
a mysterious disease, when a strange man Doctor Halsing fails to save her the disease leads them
into a confrontation with a foe older than any of them could have imagined.

The PCs have been invited to attend the wedding of a local nobleman of Burenburg (Erich) to a local
lady of high standing (Emily), exactly why they have been invited and what their relationship to the
family is is left to the DM to decide (perhaps they are hired to guard the wedding or perhaps they
have performed a service for one of the families in the past).

When the PCs arrive at Erich's house the whole place is in uproar, the characters will be able to
obtain from any of the servants milling about that two days ago Emily fell ill and it doesn't look like
she will make a recovery.


PCs moving into the main hall will note a man standing there, he is clearly not a servant because he
wears leather armour and has two pistols hanging from his belt. His wide brimmed hat will identify
him (to any PC with knowledge of the area) as a Tilean. If the PCs aproach him then he will identify
himself as Ernst a friend of the bride's.

If he is questionned about the disease they he will reveal that he only arrived a day ago and only
knows that the mistress is ill and that Erich and a Doctor Werner are upstairs now battling to save
her life.

Just then a young lanky man with short, black hair rushes into the room, Ernst moves towards him
and says "Doctor Werner what's wrong" The young man replies "Come with me, she needs another
blood transfusion [he looks at the PCs] you should come as well, she may require more strong

The PCs, Werner and Ernst rush into the room, a pale young woman (Emily) lies on the bed her
arms dangling limply at her sides. Sitting by her is a young man with blond hair who is almost as
pale (Erich)

Doctor Werner immediately sits Ernst down and begins the transfusion, as the blood moves along a
thin tube some colour begins to return to Emily's cheeks, but Werner quickly says "Damn! It's not
enough [he gestures to the strongest looking PC] come on man she has need of your blood now, I
just hope it's strong enough"

If the PC agrees then Werner will perform the transfusion and the character will lose a single wound
(regainable through normal methods), more colour comes into the face of Emily and she utters a
small sigh. Werner will say that she is out of dnager for the moment and that she is just sleeping;
Erich will thank Ernst and the PC who gave the blood and ask them to give him a moment alone with

When they leave the room Doctor Werner will turn to the party and admit that he is baffled by the
disease and can see no way of curing it, each time Emily is transfused she requires more blood of a
stronger consistancy, it was lucky that the PC was their or she may have died.

If the PCs don't suggest it then Ernst will become agitated and ask the Doctor if there is anyone else
who may know about the disease. Werner says that his mentor Doctor Tobias Halsing specialises in
obscure diseases and that he will dispatch a rider to contact him at once.

Later in the day the rider returns with the following message...

Dear Werner,
I am intrigued by the details of the case that you have mentioned, it bears a slight resemblance to a
case that I dealt with some time ago on the outskirts of the Empire. Will arrive as soon as possible to
discuss treatment.

One final request: guard Miss Emily, at no point leave her alone for even a second. Though this
request may sound odd, humour an old man.

Yours in faith,
Tobias Halsing (Doctor)

Werner will show the PCs the letter and express his curiosity as to why Emily should require a
guard, even so he agrees to honour his mentor's wish and draws up a rota (including the PCs).

That night the people present take it in turn to watch Emily, first Erich, then Ernst, next Werner and
then the PCs in any order the DM wishes. The following incident occurs during one of the PCs watch

The PC on watch will feel a drowsiness come of him/herself and will not be able to prevent falling
asleep, he is woken by a scream from the bed next to him. At this point a canny PC may notice (Int
-10) that the window has somehow blown open

Emily is writhing around on the bed, howling in agony; at this moment Erich burst through the door
with Ernst, Werner and the other PCs not far behind, Werner rushes to Emilies side and shouts
"Gods!Quickly she needs more blood"

This time it will take the combined blood of everyone present to stabilise her condition. Werner will
ask the PC who was on watch what happened, when the PC explains what happened Erich will
curse him/her for falling asleep until he is calmed down by Ernst.

Werner will suggest conducted an examination on the PC if he/she mentions that he/she couldn't
help falling asleep. If they agree then the examination will show that it is as though the PC was
somehow exposed to a small dose of an unknown drug that had a mild sedative effect. Werner will
be at a loss to explain how a drug could be introduced into the character's bloodstream, but he will
continue the guard rota system and will lock all of the windows and exterior doors of the house.

The next morning there is a knock on the door and an old man with grey hair and a short beard
enters the house, introducing himself as Tobia Halsing. Werner explains the details of the case and
relates last nights incident. Halsing will ask the PC on watch about what happened, if the character
mentions the window being open then Halsing will be interested to know if it was open before the PC
went to sleep (Int -5 to remember that it wasn't)

Halsing will want to se the patient immediately, he will walk around the bed, tut a lot and shake his
head. Then he pulls a smal holy symbol of Sigmar from his cloak and places it on a chain around
Emily's neck, if anyone questions this then he will say that Emily needs "all the help that she can

Halsing will then announce that there is nothing they can do until the next morning.

The next day Emily's condition has improved somewhat and she is able to speak a little, she thanks
the people present for caring for her, kisses Erich and tells him not to worry. Werner is pleased by
the progress but Halsing seems troubled, if anyone asks why then he will say...

"Oh nothing, just a hunch that is all"

...and will refuse to talk on the subject further.

Emily will tell Erich that she is expecting a visit from a friend Wilameana, Halsing will say that she is
strong enough to speak to her, but only for a moment.

5A WILAMEANA: A few minutes later Lady Wilameana arrives for her visit, she is a kindly young
lady who is shocked to hear of her friend's illness and immediately rushes upstairs to see her. The
two talk for a while and then Wilameana leaves the room with tears in her eyes, she insists on
staying the night and will not leave her friend in this time of need. Halsing will smile at the young
woman and say...

"Yes, you should stay, at a time such as this that young lady needs friends"
...Wilameana thanks him for this and thanks the PCs for helping to take care of her friend.

At midday Halsing announces that everyone (except the servants) should meet in the large dining
room so that they can discuss a plan of action.

When the PCs enter everyone is seated at a long table except for Halsing who is standing just
behind Werner with a class of brandy in his hand. If the PCs say nothing then the conversation goes
as follows...

Halsing: We mist think of this disease not as an illness but as a physical attack, that is why our
friends [he gestures to the PCs] should be thanked for helping us guard Lady Emily
Werner: An attack? Why do you say that?
Halsing: I have my reasons, suffice to say that Emily's continued health rests in our hands
Erich: Of course we'll help her damn you, but tell us what is happening to her
Halsing: As yet there are no certainties, only theories and I wouldn't wish to build your hopes up only
to see them crushed
Erich: Yes, of course, I'm sorry doctor
Halsing: No apologies necessary
Ernst: Perhaps you should leave Erich, you look half dead and someone should be with Emily

[Erich nods, gets up and leaves]

Wilameana: Will Emily be alright Doctor Halsing

Halsing: I won't lie to you Madam Wilameana, the outlook is not bright, but if everyone here will do
their best then already her chances are improved
Wilameana: Thank you doctor
Ernst: It's getting late, what should we do
Halsing: Continue to guard Mistress Emily and prey for a speedy recovery
Ernst: Whose turn is it to guard

At this point Halsing will indicate one of the PCs and say that the PC should relieve Erich in five

At this point Emily utters a piercing cry from upstairs, Werner, Halsing, Ernst and Wilameana rush
from the room (hopefully the PCs follow)

As they enter the room the PCs will notice that the window is open and that Erich is slumped across
the bed asleep, Emily is thrashed about wildly in her bed. Halsing immediately shuts the window and
locks it

A PC may (Int -5) notice that the chain Halsing placed around Emily's neck lies in the corner of the
room, is is broken as though it was torn from her neck

Werner will shout that Emily needs another transfusion and will hastily set up his equipment, all of
the people in the room (apart from Wilameana) will be required to donate 1 wounds worth of blood

As the last of the blood enters Emily's body Halsing will say "It is no good, we cannot save her",
Emily gives a final shuddering breath and dies. Erich is escorted in tears from the room by
Wilameana. Ernst consoles Werner by saying that the doctor did all he could and offers to deal with
the funeral arrangements.

Halsing will have noticed that the chain wans't on the girl's neck and will mention it (if the PCs don't
notice and say something first), he will say that this doesn't bode well and will tell the PCs that their
duty may not be over, but he refuses to say more.

The PCs are now ready to play part II of this adventure, the DM shouldn't dwell on the funeral since
some people may find it distasteful. The second part of the adventure takes place the day after the

Beastmen (1 for each PC and NPC)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

3 41 25 3 4 11 30 1 30 29 24 29 24 10
Beastman Champion (1)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

3 51 35 4 4 11 40 1 30 29 24 29 24 10
Knights (6)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

4 35 27 4 3 5 30 1 18 18 18 18 18 -
Stephen Vrell the Crimson Knight (Vampire Knight)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

3 55 54 5 5 22 80 4 63 44 49 44 63 63

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