Behavioral Essay Questions

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In each number, there are different choices of questions to choose from. Choose one question which best suit your
work experience. Kindly answer the questions by indicating the specific (actual) work situation, the action you had
taken on that situation and the outcome/result of the action taken. Please note that work situation to be cited
should have been experienced in your current or previous job/s. All answers should be work-related.

I. Planning and Organizing

a) Tell us a time when you had competing priorities. How did you handle it?
b) Tell us a time when you had simultaneous tasks to do at one time, how did you manage? What did you do?

II. Sense of Integrity

a) We may need to bend or break rules sometimes. Recall a situation when you had to do this. What was the result?
b) Describe a work situation where you have showed integrity or honesty.

III. Conflict Management

a) Tell us a time when you were able to successfully deal with another employee when that individual may not have
personally liked you (vice versa).
b) Cite a time when you had to disagree with your boss, co-worker, etc.


IV. Leadership
a) Describe a time when you motivated an unmotivated subordinate to accomplish a task you have given him/her.
b) Describe a time when you spearheaded a project or led a team.

V. Adaptability
a) Tell us a time when you received constructive criticism. What was it? What did you do to improve?

VI. Motivation (kindly answer the following questions candidly)

1) If you could start your career again, what would you do differently?

2) What are your career options do you have at present?

3) What kind of tasks do you feel most confident in doing?

4) What skill/s do you feel you need to develop the most? Why?

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