Précis Writing or Restatement

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Basic Communication Skills

Online Home Assignment

Name – Awantika Singh

Roll no – B18163

Précis Writing or Restatement

Raghuram Rajan acknowledged that there should be rivalry for ideas. This implies urging challenge
to all position and convention, even while recognizing that the main method of excusing any view is
through observational tests. All thoughts ought to be examined basically, regardless of from
whosoever they originate. He told about Physicist Richard Feynman who found very unfruitful
atmosphere for him at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton because no one asked him
questions; he was constrained to his own views. Even Einstein made his theory by one of his silly
question. So nothing should be barred except for everything ought to be liable to discussion and
steady testing. Protection should be of challenging and acting contrastingly. He also mentioned Raja
Chola, builder of the great Brihadeeswara temple who joined figures of Gods admitting to different
perspectives. Emperor Akbar invited scholars for debate at his court for different views. Thus,
Competition for ideas is necessary for growth of economy.

Title Suggested: Importance of Ideas

Word Count: 130

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