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When we approach the Bible, the spontaneous reaction of idealizing the peo-
ple we find in their stories arises in us. We consider them special and ex-
traordinary beings, endowed with a "I do not know what" that makes them
very different from us. Idealizing them, we take away all the strength they
can have for us. There is no doubt that Moses has, in Egypt there was a
change of power. A new also suffered this process. In our mind is a film Moses, su-
perhuman, bordering on the limits of the divine. However, Moses was like you and
me, flesh and blood. He was a man and from him we can learn, today, how he re-
sponded, in his historical, concrete moment, to the call that God made him.

Before the danger that ran, Moses fled and took refuge in Midian. There he
married, formed a home and made a living. Apparently Moses has regained his
tranquility. During this time pharaoh arrived who hardened, even more, the work-
ing conditions of foreigners. Ever since the poor, when he has lost all human
hopes, only the desperate cry towards God remains. In Him he finds refuge and
consolation. "At least He will listen to us and see our situation." And God,
who continually surprises us, turns out to be near, very close to them.
We think of a quiet God in the height of heaven, but He is much closer to
us than we are. God listens to the complaints of the poor, hears their cries and is
interested in them, because they are their great weakness. In all times, also in
ours, God has been and is next to the weakest and most marginalized. If we
thought of a God who did not worry about them, it would not be the biblical God, it
would be a projection of man. (Exodus 2,13 - 3,17)

In the desert, with no more horizon than the sky, the human being is interro-
gated by the meaning of his life. There he finds the place of purification, of the
knowledge of his attachments, of the sigh for freedom. Moses in the desert appar-
ently lived in tranquility, but the situation that his brothers lived in Egypt
must have given him more than once in his head. Inside it was a flame that
could not be extinguished. As much as he tried to put it aside, again and again it
surfaced in his thoughts. "It is impossible to continue living without giving an an-
swer to this concern that does not let me live," said Moses. And one day decided to
approach this concern to know it deeply and really. And he set out ... And God,
who knows the human heart, sees the intentions of Moses and goes, unsuspected,
to meet him. God never leaves anyone who is on the path of discernment
and sincere search. Before taking the first step, He has already offered his hand
to walk together.
And how does God come to meet
Moses? Calling him by his name. God
knows Moses. He knows his walk, his
past, his desires for a just world, his
struggle for the weak, his disappointment,
his escape and his refuge in Midian.
God has been with Moses, even
though he has not noticed. "If I climb
heaven, there you are, if I lie down in the
abyss, I find you there, if I fly to the edge
of the dawn, if I migrate to the edge of
the sea, there will reach your left." And,
now, he comes to the meeting to take him
to the fullness of what he seeks, to an-
swer the question that does not let him live.
But, perhaps, Moses wanted to swim and store his clothes. His desire to
search was linked to a desire for security. And God does not want medium
terms, or one puts oneself in the search, leaving aside the small securities, or one
deceiving one ends.
If you want to enter the path of God, do it freely and discover yourself,
be undone before the Truth. Even the sandals, which protect your feet from
possible dangers, you have left: TAKE OFF YOUR SANDALS ! God will guide
you through unknown paths.
And the truth is that God is in the mud and sweat. It is where men suf-
fer, cry and carry the burden of injustice. It is found where men are losing the
human face. God says: "I have seen the oppression of my people in
Egypt, I have heard their complaints, I have focused on their sufferings."
Moses takes off his shoes before a God who deals with who is lost, of whom
he is only a number for the system, who suffers the planning programs made from


And God is so in love with men and in particular with the last of the earth,
that he decides to ask Moses for his collaboration. No, God is not crazy!
We are his work and that is why he trusts us. His confidence is so great that
he leaves the responsibility of this world in our hands.
Often, we discharge responsibility for what happens in others. That if gover-
nors, if yes, that if powerful ... And so we continue to live by convincing ourselves
that it is not our task. It's a cheap way to self-justify our little desire to care about
Well, excuses are not valid in the desert, nor are justifications. The only
thing that counts is the willingness to let God do great things in us.
It is true that we are small, but not useless. It is true that when we think
of everything that lies ahead, fear grips us, but, woe to us if we allow ourselves to
be conditioned by this fear!


Moses sets out on faith, trusting in God's promise: "I will be in your mouth
and I will show you what you have to say". Thus, Moses begins with his peo-
ple one of the most exciting liberation stories that humanity has known.
I was not alone! "The Lord spoke with Moses face to face, as a man
talks to a friend”.


1. God presents himself to us by seeing and hearing the oppression of his people.
Do you feel close to those who suffer the most? Do you see the situation in which
they live? Do you listen to their laments? How?
2. Although apparently Moses lived in tranquility, there was something that did not
let him live. What concerns do you have inside? How do you give them an exit?
3. And God leaves the responsibility of this world in
our hands. Do you feel challenged to collaborate with
God in the realization of a more just world? In what
4. The Lord spoke with Moses as a man speaks with a
friend. How is your relationship with God? Do you feel
Oh man, do not rest:
do not stop in your solitary struggle,
go ahead and do not rest ...
The world will darken and you will shed
light on it and dispel its darkness.
Even if life moves away from you, do not rest.
Oh man, do not rest; seeks rest to others.

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